Change in County Leadership Studied by Both Demos, GOP By THOMAS G. WRIGHT JR, Stafr Writer, The 8iatesmaa Leadership of both the Demo cratic ant Republican party ma chincry in Marion County is prob ably headed lor some changes at organizational meetings later this month. Sidney Schlesinger, chairman of the Marion County Republican Cen tral Committee for the past two years, announced Saturday he is not a candidate to succeed him self. Despite minor criticism of his working policies among some party members, most party leaders have Military Roundup 2 Valley Par Men ticipate in Field Training been urging him to continue in the post. Question Mark Schlesinger's successor, if he sticks by his decision to step down, was a question mark with names of James Hatfield, Conrad Paulsen, Leonard Rowan and Mrs. Edna Stacey among those mentioned for the post. Hatfield is past state pres ident of the Young Republicans. Rowan is past president of the Marion County Republican Club end Mrs. Stacey is present county vice chairman. Scheduled for reelection as chair- j man nl the Democratic Central Committee is S. W. Uohn) Horn, 17vim.-lk Jwt .f Qut,.m ,,ntnt uihn h knM 1 J 1 1 1 I II I I V III I 1 1 I I I I IHa nnst iinr Iflii Runnrtc inHi. I cated that Mrs. Marguerite Berg, also of Salem, might succeed Mrs. Irma Lindquist of Aurora as vice chairman, vice chairman, secre tary, treasurer, congressional com mitteeman and committeewoman and a five-member congressional nominating committee. Alternates to the chairman and vice chairman will also be selected. Present top Republican office holders besides Schlesinger and Mrs. Stacey are Mrs. Nan Dewey, secretary, and Elmer Smith, treas urer. Serving now with Horn and Mrs. Linquist are Miss Ruth Skin ner, secretary, and Glen Sorenson, treasurer. Succumbs Handicapped ii ma LuiutuiM 01 iwuia us vite , g- 9 chairman for the Democrats. Mrs. I-.1VP11 I lAAfit Lindquist,, long active in p a r t y VFI T " uuusl AY politics in Marion County, says she 1 will not be a candidate. ' I The competence and depends- ' Active Leader bility of handicapped workers in ! I Mrs. Berg was vice chairman of business and industry was praised the Stevenson for President Com- by Gov. Klmo Smith who spoke I mittee for the May Primary write- Saturday night in Portland at the Hohenfcls. Germaoy Two Sa- 'n campaign and has been active! national convention of Chin-up lorn area men are currently par- in leadership of Democrat! c , Clubs. ticipating in field training exer-womens' ctivities and in thej "More and more" people in busi-' cises with units of the 6th Infantry Manon Polk Democratic Club, j qess are realizing that employ-j RfJimpnt hlr Th. unit i nor. She Was an Unsuccessful Candidate men! of nhvuirallv hanriiramuiri. mally stationed in Berlin. ' I'01! Firsl Congressional District j workprs is just pain smart busi. Smith said. "A well-trained . 1 jl . - i i- n . : i TV,.... nrn Tit T E CU: I ullCKnir HI I lie fcunivi aiiK no ' npac iii.t an- i il. .jumtra r. ociiiru-,,: , r -n.: k.. ' ' . v .. son of Mrs. Theresa n. ... j V -"-?" , handicapped worker, placed on the Nelson. Route 1. Silverton. Ore . "" "n "crnale 10 Jan- richt job. not only can compete lor. 19 Silvcrton, and Pfc. Joseph J Ligatich, whose wife. Kdna, lives at 6K N. 20th St.. Salem, Ore. E. Bauer, Portland. Exact date for Republican com i in the employment market but results have .shown that he may be a better worker and is less j mittee meeting has not been dc- Schiedlcr is a combat demolition 1 who says he is waiting word from suec' ' absenteeism," he added specialist in the 1st Battalion Head Iroiinlv Clerk Henrv Mattson on i,mi,h sald problems of handl- quarters Company of the regiment i certification of new precinct com-:caPP(1 Persons arc receiving in-. He entered the Army in October. ' mitteemen which make up the creasing attention of the govern-! l!ir,4. and completed basic training : county organization. Mattson said!ment' ftt organizations and at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Sehied-j Friday he added another clerk to j individuals. More than a sixth oil Irr arrived in Europe in March,) his staff to speed the canvass of, 'he population is handicapped to1 9"'- votes and hoped to have forms in ; some degree, Smith said. j Lieatirh is a cook in the regi-,the mail to election winners late The governor reported that Ore-! ment's Company A. He entered the this week. -I Ron has beencooperating with fed-j Army in November, 1954. and com- j Law Cited eral agencies- for years in voca- pleted basic training at Fort Ord 1 Law requires the county chair- tionaf rehabilitation, with 6,500 Calif. Lieatirh arrived in Europe man to call the committee meeting cases already comoleted and 3.- in April. 1955. Fort Polk. La. Second Lt. Robert J. Moore, son of Mrs. Mable Moore, 245 S. Cottage St., Salem, Ore , recently participated in Armed Forces Day demonstrations with the 1st Armored Division's Combat Aviation Company at Fort Polk, La, An Army aviator in the com pany. Moore entered the Army in January of this year. He was last within 45 days after the Primary, 900 presently being processed by election. To give the clerk s office the state division of vocational re- as much time as possible to com- i habituation, plete the certification, Schlesinger said he would probably set the meeting the last weekend of June. The deadline is July 2. The Democrats are scheduled to hold their organization election RUSSIA SEEKS TOl'RISTS NEW DELHI W - The Rus sians are drumming up tourist business in India. Mercury Trav els, an Indian tourist agency, has 3 Saturday afternoon. June 30 in eon junction with a Democratic Club ! entered an agreement wun iniour-no-host dinner at the VFW Hall ist, the Soviet travel agency, and in Salem. Several of the party's is advertising a 47-day or short- stationed at Fort Rucker, Ala. He candidates (or state and district er tour of Russia and Europe. is a 1954 graduate of Montana offices are expected to speak. i lntourist will pay part of the cost. State University. County Officers The Russians also promise that , . ... " .1 Both parties will elect a county Soviet tourists will visit India. Reiverlndge, Canada Alfred' . - : : Gilman, Stayton, Ore., has been assigned for duty at one of the isolated radar sites of the air de fense system in northwest Canada fpr a one year tour. Gilman was formerly stationed at Portland In ternational Airport Travis AFR. Calif.- Gerald Wright, son of" Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wright, 445 Hickory St.-, Salem, Ore., has been promoted to'nirman first class. Wright has keen in the Air Force two years. tamp Hale, Col. Pfc. Gerald A. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton D. Smith, Route 4. Salem, Ore., is currently serving as an oil and lubricant specialist with thej 5022nd Area Service unit at Camp Hale, Colo. Smith, formerly em-i ployed byt the Liberty Packing 1 1 Canniqg Company, entered the1 Army in May, 1953. I Eighth Army, Korea Pfc. Robert A. Johnston, son of Mrs. I Irene R. Johnston, 691 N. Church j St., Salem, Ore., is serving as a clerk typist with the Eighth Army in Korea. Johnston, who attended Salem High School, entered the' Army in May, 1954. j Japan Maj. Jean HollsleinJ formerly of Salem and now aide-de-camp to Gen. L. L. Lemnitzer, will leave Japan July 13 for a 30- day leave. He is expected to ar rive in Salem July 23. Following completion of his leave, he will be stationed in Washington. D. C, with the Department of the Army. PRATl'M Fred de Vries, who died Friday at the age of Is, was widely known for hit Sun day School work. A Pratum resident 54 years and member , of Pratum Methodist Church, he attended world Sunday! School conferences in Norway and Mexico as well as Califor- i nia, taught Bible classes at Hill-, j rrest School for 18 years and , frequently distributed flowers i an religious tracts at (he State Tuberculosis Tospital. r 11,000 Drivers Found Guilty j During May j More than 11,000 motor vehicle! drivers were convicted of violating ; the Oregon traffic laws in May, State Traffic Safety Division of ficials reported. They said 751 driver licenses were suspended, including 327 for driving while intoxicated. This charge calls for mandatory license suspension under state law. 751 suspensions and another 13 were ordered by the secretary of state whose office has discretion ary authority to suspend for cause. Seventy - one licenses w e'r e "lifted" from driven whose records indicated they were acci dent or violation repeaters. Services Set': For Victim of Road Crash tuttiaun Nrwi Srvkt INDEPENDENCE Funeral services for Frank H. Scott, Sweet Home millworker who died Friday in i Salem hospital, will be held it 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Smith Krueger home here, the Rev. Warren Vasey, Sweet Home, officiating. Scott was critically Inlurnl In a one-car accident near Detroit, Ore., on May 10.' Born Dec. 29. IBM in Hirrah Okla., Scott moved to Bandon, Ore., in 1923. He has been resident of Sweet Home for the past three years. Survivors include a son, Ho mer Scott, Bandon; two daugh ters, Mrs. Norma Perry and Mrs. Nadda Hill, both of Bandon; two brothers, William and Clarence acott, both of Redmond, Ore.: 1 and 11 grandchildren. .j In, . ...Ml 1. a ..'I,. iiiicimeiu win De at itiiitop cemetery. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 10, '56 (Sec. I)-3, India Said Seeking Red Airline Fleet i 1 NEW DELHI, India UV-Officialj Aviation sources here said di.i sources said Saturday the Indian 'cussions centered on the immedi .nnm.. i. ..i,.iin. ! delivery of six Ilyushin trans- ly" with Russia for the purchase P0"' . ... ..! tt.j.-i.r. .. -i- sense oi a iieei 01 aovici uyusnin-n air liners for Hs nationalized internal Four Ollt nf fit iwinU nn lh island of Cyprus have Greek an-' cestry. I airlines. Two Russian aviation experts have arrived in New Delhi for dis cussions with the Indian Ministry of Communications and the govern ment owned Indian Airlines Corp. Soviet Deputy Premier Aitastas Mikoyan last March proposed the sale of Russian aircraft while he was on a trade promotion tour of Asia. He told Indian government and airlines officials the Soviets were in a position to supply twin-engine Ilyushin transports immediately at bargain prices '. , , ' RICE ARRIVES MANILA A shipment or 1,604 metric tons of Portuguese rice arrived Friday aboard the freighter Ak-outin as part of the rice-for-sugar barter deal negoti ated in March. It calls for 12,000 tons of rice for the same tonnage in sugar. t which carry up to 32 pas sengers each. The informants said Indian of ficials, while not ready to close the deal, were "favorably 'mpressed" with the Russian offers. One report said the Russians were .willing to furnish the trans ports at about $210,000 dollars each, which aviation sources here said was practically "a giveaway price." ACCIDENT TOLL HIGH I TOKYO I - Automobile acci dents in Japan last year killed (.374 and injured 7,501 in 93.981 mishaps. It's a new record. Police said the previous high was in 1954 when (,374 were killed and 73,390 injured In 93.169 accidents. FLEET ADDS TRAWLE1 , , ' OTTAWA OB .-4 Canada is add ing a new 167-foot trawler to 1U fishery research fleet in the north west Atlantic. It will carry fira scientist who will work in spa cial laboratories to study popula tion densities of various specier ot Dsn. ROME VISIT PLANNED BONN Ui - Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Foreign Minister Heinrica von Brtntano will pay an official state visit to Roma July 2-4. PICKERS EXCHANGE Pickers Dispatched Direct From Field to Field When field is finished indor when pickers are needed: Phone 2-0737, Salem No Charge Just Cooperate by Calling Also call as If yea have a U pitk field or if yan want to U pick, (Save pickers time Save berries Save money) Lttton W. Howtll Donald Waggontr Charlts Edwards .V T .... ' iMIMnssM. .. "!,.. - - f MK- PEP:'; 'The same loving cart afterwords -as you gavi before" Most convenient off-street parking for funerals, throe entrances , , KM ur capacity. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME 545 N. Capitol Street ACROSS FROM SIAIS Phone 14672 mm nnritT't&FD 2M Thanks To SITS A HAPPY MAN I Ho has enrolled in Stone Fiano Co.'s "Grown-Up's Piano Course" Und Is fulfilling a lifelong desire to play the pianol Call 2-5281 vi,it our studios at 1280 Stats St. and join in the fun. Stone PIANO COMPANY Pcrdon tho 'confusion ! WE'RE REMODELING UstifVilii rii't jiinirm i mi limn' aii t itjisonKfi'i m 1 1 r i im sf -ff nti isMi j , n'nif.eW Tmt-irih n -idt- -- " , ' - - :-..n.--.w. , tt.g i DOWNSTAIRS STORE CLEARANCE ! ! ! 180 PAIR WOMEN'S BETTER FIATS AND SANDALS ... Now only 2.88 40 PAIR WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BETTER CASUALS . . . Save 1.88 250 PAIR WOMEN'S BETTER HEELS AND CASUALS . . . Only 3.88 38 ONLY WOMEN'S BETTER UNIFORMS . . . Cottons-Nylons-Dacrons ... $2 fe $7 43 ONLY WOMEN'S CRACKED ICE COTTON DUSTERS . . . Now Only $3 32 ONLY 27"x48" COTTON LOOP RUGS . . Assorted colors 1.99 453 YARDS 48" PRINT AND PLAIN DRAPERY YARDAGE 66C yd- 82 ONLY 2'x6 BAMBOO BLINDS . . . Complete with Hardware 44 1 MAIN FLOOR SUPER VALUES ! ! ! 120 ONLY 100 NYLON STOLLES ... Now reduced to 1.66 48 ONLY WOMEN'S BETTER HANDBAGS. . . Assorted styles 1.77 120 ONLY WOMEN'S EMBOSSED COTTON SLIPS . . . Sizes 32 to 40 2.00 120 ONLY WOMEN'S 2-PIECE COTTON PLI5SE SHORT PJ.S 1.44 600 PIECES SNAP-IT BEADS . . . Make your own 2 for $1 144 ONLY WOMEN'S EMBOSSED COTTON HALF SLIPS . . . Now 1.00 131 ONLY MEN'S RAYON AND COTTON SPORT SHIRTS . . . Long Sleeves 2.00 30 ONLY MEN'S BETTER POLO SHIRTS . . Mow Reduced to 1.50 11 ONLY MEN'S COTTON ROBES . . . Save . . . Now only 3.66 52 ONLY MEN'S BETTER DRESS SHIRTS... Slightly soiled 2.00 36 ONLY MEN'S BETTER JACKETS . . . Assorted Styles - 6.00 86 ONLY LARGE SIZE GARMENT BAGS . . . Now only .--1.33 1440 ONLY MEN'S COTTON BANDANA HANDKERCHIEFS ... Now 10 for $1 33 PAIR MEN'S NYLON BLEND AND ALL WOOL WHIPCORD PANTS . . . Save 6.00 121 ONLY BOY'S BETTER POLO SHIRTS . .. Gavenos and Casinos 1.50 143 ONLY BOY'S COTTON TWILL PANTS . . . Broken Sizes 2.22 37 ONLY BOY'S BETTER JACKETS . . . Bron sizes . . . Now $4 -and $5 MEZZANINE CLEARANCE SAVINGS ! ! ! 19 ONLY 72"x90" BLEND BLANKETS . . .Now reduced to 6.00 28 ONLY COTTON CHENILLE BEDSPREADS . . . Twin and full size $5 76 ONLY FOAM LATEX PILLOWS . . . White zipper cover . . . Now $3 72 ONLY 54"x54" BELGIAN LINEN PRINTED CLOTHS 2.50 6000 ONLY FAMOUS NAME WASH CLOTHS . . . Large size 8 'or $1 3500 YARDS BETTER PIECE GOODS, Ginghams, Regulated cottons, others 50 yd 1250 YARDS FAMOUS NAME GINGHAM AND PONGEE PRINTS ... Now .-.77 Yd. 2750 YARDS FLANNEL SUITING, Dacron Leno Dots . . . Save Now 1.44 yd. SECOND FLOOR CLEARANCE FEATURES ! ! 67 ONLY TODDLER'S COTTON CRAWl-ABOUTS . . . Now Only $1 180 ONLY INFANTS PLASTIC COATED NYLON PANTIES . . . Save 3 for $1 80 ONLY TODDLERS COTTON DRESSES . . . Now Reduced to $1 3 ONLY BABY BUGGIES REDUCED . . . Collapsible frame $12 74 ONLY GIRL'S COTTON SKIRTS . . . Only ... 3 to 6x 1.88 . . . 7 to 14 . . . 2.88 42 ONLY WOMEN'S COTTON KNIT "T" SHIRT DRESSES . . Only - 2.88 34 ONLY SUB-TEEN COTTON DRESSES . . . Now Reduced 4.88 18 ONLY GIRL'S BETTER COTTON DRESSES . . . 3 to 6x ... $2 ... 7 'to 14 ... $3 62 ONLY GIRL'S NYLON DRESSES REDUCED . . . 3 to 6x . . . 2.99 ... 7 to 14 3.99 144 ONLY WOMEN'S SANFORIZED COTTON SLEEVELESS BLOUSES 88 L ;1 V:' SALEM, OREGON I HE W 1 R H'l'inJ ' OPEN MONDAY NITE TIL 9 P. M. EMEMBER KIPPEE 1 unn rth?,,?i 11 w . - - ' ' ' Urn 0 -4s HI LATEST IN BROADCLQTH SPLINTER COTTON Take Dan River'i newest efiect f fine cotton, and .Penury's new saOQ flair style no-sram collar, and W Jij 4 ; i man, yuu ve oi me imuuinrai x I soort shirt in town. Lone sleev- ei.' new hidden pocket, remov- sites small able collar utavi. Sanfdnzrdt. medinm, lar(r, MAIN FLOOR eitra large ': jWjt t m a a 4 t f f - ;?. J m 'V V Men's Washable Permalon Gab Slacks . . 6 90 Siioa 20 to 42 Rayon! Acetate!" Nylon! Dae. ron(9! A great blend in Pen ney i sneen ganaraine areas ilacks. Has extra durability, press retention, wrinkle resist ance and repels many stains. Complete with belt! MAIN FLOOR RICH WOOL FLANNELS ... RICHLY TAILORED! Resilient, soft-draping all wools ... an aaatnally fins combina tion of fabric and feaney qua lity tailoring ... at a Penney price which consistenly defies comparison. In 3 shades of gray, other wanted colors. MAIN FLOOR 9 90 sites 29 to 42 Feature! Men's Better Novelty Tyje Jackets 6 00 Many different styles and fab rics to pick from . . . Some reversible . . . Most are wrinkle and rain repellent... Several colors to choose from . . . Broken sizes . . . MAIN FLOOR For Dad: Towncraft Gift Ties 1 49 New weaves . . . new patterns In Dtrronfy ties by Penney i T.wncraftlc. Some really strik ing new effects in the fabric preferred by so many men for its lasting well-groomed looks. MAIN' FLOOR I iii Awiim Jn 4k Special Feature! Wbile Cotton Dress Shirts 900 Sites H'l to 17 220 count combed Sanforized broadcloth with 2 ply collrs and cuffs Tspcred fit design. Regular collar. Compare . . . anywhere' , MAIN FLOOR Men's Fine leather Romeo Slippers 4 98 Sites to 12 E to EEE Penncv's fine leather romeo gift slippers for men of elk finished cowhide. Composition soles and rubber heels for in doors outdoors Elastic side gores for smooth fit. Ssni-ti-ed. DOWNSTAIRS STORE nJr..,v f rj tlr ii a..i!...-,a ..A Melius Crepe Sole Washable Deck Shoes 4 49 Siaea fa to 11 Made of heavy, air-cooled duck with smooth crepe soles, cush ion insoles, cork platforms. Washable. 60WNSTAIRS STORE a.