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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1956)
3-(Sec III) Statesman. Salem, Ore, Suit, June 10, '56 Mail and phone orders J ( U. S. Missile Tcc Program Minus Deaths 111S TO t P.M. OTH: DAYS f iO AM. TO 1:10 tM. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY - '-jfi- . ) ' ." ' - "'' ' FREE STORE-SIDE PARKINS : FOR OVER 1,000 CARS (Editor's Net! The cry "bird" hu Ukri a m meaalag m Can ' Canaveral IT-, leilt eeatef for th mUw'i blUton Mlar gMd b1mO pragma. Drn'i a tato lb aMckaaki w muni mw w- a which tamerr CM 14 held to key to AaMrfca's snrvival) By VERN BATJGLAND ; AP Avialtoa Kcaartcr ' CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. IH Crssh boati scurry out to dear H shipping from within five mile of th capt Jutting Iran Florida's east central coast. x v ; . - Air iraiiic owni ayw" Beach and Palm Beach it diverted westward. Strangers are neraea ou wis U.000-acre, auxiliary Air Force base. Visiting reporters are es corted to Patrick Air force Base. II miles south of here, and kept indoors. ' ' ' ' No explanations, are given, but word lets around that a ' "bird" . is to be launched. At the Air Force missile test center, (his mar mean , anr one of a variety of missiles ia a strange and deadly; military avlarr. v'v-iCrvV.:.; XestriettoM Tlx hi .A: r Security restrictions are tight but alter the sirens stop and th ten sion eases, too leara that the bird was the North American Navaho a guided missile designed to carry a nuclear warhead from one continent to-another faster than a plan cSn fir. Th Navah (t en of tw inter continental missiles which have been put through theft;' paces at this testing ground for the most destructive birds la the world. Th ether J th Northrop Snark, which nudges but has not yet ex ceeded the T60 M.P.II.. speed of sound. Both lav ranges' up to 1,000 miles. , ' Eailr Arseaat:,"- 'fS M'.ti.l ; ' la addition th cape baa aeea a whole arsenal of shorter range missiles, developed through a pro gram which this year will cost a billion doUars-but who potential valu to th nation can never be measured. " I This test center off th pleasant eoast of Florida has come a long' way sine its first missil a combination of the WAC Corporal and a German V-l rocket wu A as is a from land's. launched by the Air Force an July M. MM. It has expanded almost as swmiy as the number, ranee and complexity of the lantastic weapons it helos to net-feet The birds which ris from Cap t7ftf llfft Canaveral now have a . cItari!JrW5!SJL; track down a rang stretching more than 1.000 miles across the Caribbean. Eventually they will nav a right of way across more than 1,000 mile of ocean, to As cension Island in th South Atlan- 41. ' I I iic ana ccn oeyoaa. Mnatles Observed Rnth Iwra and alt aim tha Awi tange track, claborat Installations have been set up to observe th missiles in flirtt and, collect. data en their performance. Eight island . stations have already been built. , Others are In th planning or build ing stage. ift observation planes ang raoar piCKCi amps 1150 . are tM to check th missil flights Ifera at the launching ite, a 10,-Ono-foot runway lias been built to land those missile, which can b broucht back in ater. tert. runs.' Nearly b an expandins colonv of hangars and othero installations serving manufacturers who1 work in cooperation with'th Ah Fotft Army and Navy. . . Redttoa VlinM - ';-:' Northrop and North American, builders of th Snark and Navaho, each hav two hangars. Another light and one houses the famed missile built by. r and named for, the Redston jl"m senal In Alabama. The Redstone is a ballistic missile, which differs from a guided missile in that its direction is not controlled once it has bee launched. A ballistic mis- sue may speed as high as miles an hour-li or 11 times the speed of sound. Thert ar other hangsrs for , Martin Aircraft, balldsr of the Matador pilotlcs plane, and Boe inl maker of the supersonic guided missile Bomarc. Nearing comple tion is a hangar for the Convair! divlsioa of Gnral Dynamics! Corp., which ha a contract for the I intercontinental ballistic missile At las. The Atlas reportedly is de signed (or a speed of 10.000 M.P.H. and a range of miles. Some comprehension of the al most endless planning which goes into th radio-controlled testing of such missiles If gained from a tour of th test center. , PreeantlM IxpUtoed The tour i conducted by U. Col. Joe Bonner of Kinston, S.C. He is th center's in-flight safety of ficer, and his first step is to ex . plain the basic precautions ob served to keep th missiles from going awry. . The most vital safety device Is simple button marked "destruct" on a board at Bonner's tout it. tion. Pushing the button will blow a win fl a guided missile or cut off the fuel of a winxless balllitle missile. Either will send the "bird" plunging into the Caribbean. - Tor every test. Bonner explains, there is a "countdown" which be gins when everything is set for the launching. This is the actual time schedule leading to the moment of takeoff. It may run from one to six hours-or it may be extended be cause of mappropriat weather or a variety of other reasons. . Carefal Watch Specially equipped planes a a A . ground stations monitor all dec tronic impulse on radi frequen cies which ar to be used for the test, alert for disturbances which might interfere with th missile's guidanc.- " "If w pick up Interference we try I locate it and, n tt I local, shut tt down." says Bonner. "If it is outside the baie w hold back e th launching until th inter ference k off th air rw change frequencies." ' - "v.; ' Television and radi stations, transmitters of ships and airplanes, . 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Casual styles in waist-length designs . . . lined snd unlined . . . wster-repellent snd windproof types . . . group includes slmost every wanted type made. Choice colors; sites 36 to 82. r?. $4,95 Snnforixed denim tlarlis A vacation special! 10-or. vat dyed denim slacks with con tin ., nous waistbands, single needl ' " ." stitehlng and deep pleats. Zip ' per fly, tw swing sid pockets V snd two liwert pockeU. Blue, 1 ; trn,. wheat snd blue; wslst l. sis 29 tn 41 ia various lengths. 1 .y. ; a J t . ' ' I 1 . : fi v 'i . V ' .: i i j. .' . V tt , I J .'.&: ... . . fb'V. J 4.- . ir f-it ,1.. L - V .V" 5 Plu$ shipping cost to arras outside www- m 'VM"w t' ( ' " ; ' ' ' I 1 , ' ' '' t -"""" .a ' . ... jj. W: ,' , ? ;. . , ... j- " ' . ;i " . . e-,JL i rf our regular tnuk delivery routes v ii a; v i liere! ic clothing classic of 5G! MEN'S SUITS CD oDOD Over 500 suits! Includes all wool tropi cals, wool worsteds, miracle blends Dacrons in summer and year-around styles. Tweeds, worsteds, flannels and cheviots ... all from the country's best tailors. Here you'll find suits for work, suits for vacationing, suits for best and dress! We haven't been able to count all the combinations of style and colors . . come in and browse for yourself. We know you'll find your size in a style and color to your liking. Regulars, shorts, longs, stouts. MEN'S CLOTHING-STREET FLOOR reg. $10.95 $15.95 veratlle TERRY ROBES Just the thing to pack for vacationing! for the beach, for the club, for home. Tightly woven terry, long wearing, big and roomy tailored in wrap models with shswl collars. Large pocket snd matching belt. Many colors snd pat terns to choose from. S-M-L-XL. MEN'S CLOTHING STREET FLOOR