Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 10, '56 (Sec. III27 Ex-Solon on Rod Back as Hqax Dims : : (Edljer'e note: Ai . V. Ret. Douglas R. Slrlngfellaw eaoM Uok forward to highly premlalng na utical? career. Named aw al America's It ulstandlnf jreanf men, . he alia lad beta nannrei" by Ida Freedom Faandaliea and American Legian. Tien, suddenly, ii waa all aver. Here la the star? a( a'ranfessloa (hat racked the country and af what happened ta the man who made M.) Bv FRANK WETZEL OGDEN. Utah - Tears streaming down his lace, R?. Douglas R. Stringfellow faced the television cameras and radio mi- Mai! and plionc orders 1 .;' --''?. -f OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY .15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 f. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS - TV) SAVE Vs TO y2 AND MORE ON "Here are the (acts," he told his audience trom Salt Lake Uty that dramatic night of Oct. 17, lam "I never participated in any se cret behindthclines mission ior Mir anrnrnmpnl 'I never captured Otto Hahn or any other German physicist. Me struggled on through his -v. fiohtino In control his BL-CIM, lift""" emotions, nniu Ifw moments before, Stringfellow had stood as an in ipiration for thousands of Ameri- . oirintie articulate vcter- Ctflio """iu.iv, - . wh had overcome terrible wartime wounds and now was a respected member of the u. a House of Representatives. Rewards of many kinds had .al ien upon the Congressman, then onlv 32. The Rational Junior Chamber of Commerce in 19)4 nd named him one of the country s 10 outstanding young men. He held awards from the Freedom Foundation and the American Le sion He was one of the best paid lecturers on the circuit and gave as manv as 200 talks a year He had bcei. the surprise star of the television program, "This is Your But in October of 1954 the Army Tmes-an unofficial Washington pnhlication said in print what lung had been rumored: That Stringfellow's war record was not ai: he claimed. As late as Oct. 16, Stringfellow, campaigning for reelection, de nied the charge. He called the at tack politically inspired. Very Repentant But suddenly, the next night, the -strange case of Douglas cirinnrMW rrached its climax: "I come before this ri(ilo and tdvisin audience tonWhl a hum ble ror.t'ite .ni-.ri vevy repentant individual. I have m.rie some grievous mistakes lor which I am truly sorrv . I wish before my Heavenly Father that I misjht un do this wrong. I ask your forgive ness and 1 assure you I will spend my lifetime repenting and trying to make amends. . " Several days later Stringfellow withdrew as a candidate for re election. The Utah Republican Tarty chose Dr. Henry Aldous Dixon as a last minute replace ment. Dr. Dixon campaigned and won. Stringfellow dropped from isht. But how now-1 What is a life im nf rencnlance like'' Could Stringfellow without protest ex change his place in the sun for a lifetime nf obscurity"" And his wounds-from a land mine in France were real. He could walk only with the aid of 'canes and a heavy brace on one of his two paralvzed legs. How-still crippled could he support his wife and family? In an interview to discuss his new life. Stringfellow at first was reluctant. He told of closing his affairs in Washington, reluming to Ogden and starting to look for a job. "I went to an old employer," he said, "and they told me: 'Nev er set foot in this place again.' But that's the only kick in the face I ever got." He applied for employment with the federal government, wanting to work for the Information Serv ice, but it didn't work out. "f once was one of the highest paid speakers on the lecture cir cuit. And Ben Franklin, head of the Associated Clubs in the West that's the Knife and Fork Club asked me if 1 wanted to try speak ing again. I did." Talk I.lked F.arly in 1955 he gave his first address since making his confes tinn It was in Detroit's Town Hall. 'Everybody who heard my4 talk liked it," btringtenow saia. "There were two questions at the end. One was 'Where can I get a copy of your speech?' The other was 'When are you going hack into politics?" He made several other speeches that season, then worked for an insurance company between lec tures while his wife helned by selling dinner china But (he strain was too great on his lees and now he is gambling his talks will be a success so he can con tinue in ;that field. "What do I talk about , The title of my speech is 'I Believe ' rt's a hodgepodge of my personal Dhilosophv. I talk on current events, with spiritual overtones It's the same speech I save be ere, with elimination of the war story I never make reference to what happened. "I say! the greatness of Ameri ca is not what we achieved but the way in which it was done." A devout member of the Latter Day Sants (Mormon) Church, he also has given some talks in the church. What were the most important things bolstering his morale after he left Congress? "Well, my wife and her under standing My spiritual back ground. And the goodness of peo ple." Although the summer of 1955 was Nova Scotia's driest in 27 year, anglers reported catching 2,942 sal mon. In 1953, a record year, 8,386 talmon were taken. FAM $10.98-$! 2.98 nylon gowns 0 The brand is famous-thc styles are leaiitiful and the price is a down-right 'give-away.' Ten designs, all in nylon tricot, beautifully trimmed. Not every style in every size but the collection includes white, red, mauve, black, pink, copper, rose, blue in sizes 32-42. OUS BRAND LINGERIE I mi I Ml I $8.98 waltz length gomiiK Two delightful styles from which to choose. A favorite length for glamorous sum mer sleeping. White with red or blue and mauve. Sizes 32 to 39. $5.98 nylon tricot slips 2.99 Three lovely styles from which to choose lacy de signs and tailored White only in sizes 32 to 40. Be wise stock up for (uture needs. $1.98 $22.98 sam ple line lingerie Vi price Two complete sample lines (always the prettiest, most exciting styles) of one of our most famous brands. Include slips, gowns, negligees, petti coats, panties. Sizes 34 only in mostly blue, white, pink; some high colors. $3.98 embossed cotton slips 1.99 Straight cut embossed cotton slip with embroidery trim at top. White only in sizes 32 to 40. Buy several for your sum mertime wardrobe. No-iron fabric. $8.98-$ 10.98 . nylon slips Two richly trimmed nylon tricot styles at wonderful M&F- Days savings! Designs with lace or embroidered bodices. 32-42 in blue, white, pink; red in 32-38. $3.98 rayon bed jackets 1.49 Group of fine rayon crepe bed jackets with demure Peter Pan collars, delicate lace trims. Incomplete sires and colors in group but good choice. $3.98 cotton plisse slips $ 1.49 Lovely to wear in warm sum mer days. Embroidery trim, ruffle at hemline. Sizes in complete; only white. Come down early and find- your size! $5.98 nylon tricot petticoats 2.99 Styled with elastic waist, net trim at hemline, appliqued flower at side. S, M and L in white. Save almost $3 on each . . . lovely graduation gift! $5.98 nylon trleot slips A famous label you'll rec ognize instantlyl Lace bod ice in a cover-bra style, net trim at hemline. White only in sizes 32 to 42. Replenish your lingerie and save! $5.95 nylon tricot slips 2.99 Three styles Grecian, lace trimmed and tailored with applique. White only in won derous nylon. Sizes 32 to 40. Suitable for your own ward robe ... (or gifts. $3.98 'baby doll sets 299 No iron cotton baby-doll gowns (shorty gown with matching pantv). Scooped necklined, novelty trim, S, M, L sizes in choice of pink or blue. Pm shipping cost LINGERIE STREET FLOOR 12.98 waltz length negligees Three styles from which to choose including an all o v e r lace in white; yoke style in aqua, two-layer tri cot in mauve, pink or blue. All in sizes 32-38. $5.98-$8.98 If perfect lingerie 2.99 Group includes nlnn gowns, negligees, baby-doll gowns. Incomplete sizes and colors but wonderful buys if you find your , size and style. Slight irregularities, barely noticeable, $8.98 pleated shorty gowns 5.99 Pleated nylon tricot shorty gown with matching panty. Gown styled with camisole top. Choice of delicate violet, turquoise In Small or Med. to areas outside our tegular truck ii '.ii: -iii'iimiKi:i iumi:r $1.98 nylon trleot briefs A beautiful group ch style bearing a top brand label. Elastic waist, leg with lace and net trim. Sizes 4 to 7 in black, red, while, pink, blue. $3.98-$9.98 bonf- fant petticoats 2.99 Group of nylon net and mar quisette style in tiered and ruffled designs. Assorted col ors in S-M-L sizes. Youll need several for cotton, dresses, skirt). $1.98 cotton petticoats 1.99 Cotton half slip with elastic waist band with smooth front; lace trim at hemline. Sizes 24 to 30 in white only. A delightful summer style cool, fresh. delivery routes, . i M