The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1956, Page 21, Image 21

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    Red-Haired Bride Married
In Setting of White Flowers
In a setting of all white flowers and eaadlellgnt. Miss Alice Carol
Svlnth became the bride of David Paul Doeriuea at the Calvary Bap
tist Oiurth Friday, June 1
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jens T. Svinth and the
groom is the soa of Mrs. Sarah Duerksea of Salem and Bea F. Doerk-
sen of Gresham. ' " '
Dr. Charles Durdea performed i t I f tt
the eight o'clock nuptial ceremony Lh 00 WICK LOttee,
'he organisfpD'GiKk1 Luncheon Planned
a . i. a Chadwick Chapter. Order of
The bride wore a gown of hand- itaiUn SUr duD grving
clipped imported Uce over Mtin , , i,,. . tw. ul
with long jleevesa sweetheart j, Tfmple TlmdlT JuM
I I ,. ,; " ""!12. The public is invited to at
the back of the skirt into a short tend Cofffe wi wrved (rom
chapel train. The from cJ the s;rt i0:00 t0 j,:30 d ,uncB
was in tiers of pleated nylon tulle. frnm ,,.n . 1so .
A bandeau of lace with sequin , mernt to be given. Those
...... .wn m n wishing to may stay and play
bride s red-eold hair with a finger-L,. h. u Jk
tipvefl of illusion net She carried pederwn ind Mri. Emery Wood
.rUu,u...,mc 0iulc. are ec-rhairmen.
Miss Michelle Kdwards, the maid
of honor, carried a daisy rosette A A Ursnesr
with while satin streamers. She wlIC nwiiwr
and the bridesmaids. Miss Diane f
Burkland and Miss Barbara Frei- DUDrVISOrS
tag of Yakima, wore daisy gar-.
lands in their hair and street j Special educational supervisors
length princess style dresses of for the Salem school district and
aqua crystalette. i officers and committee chairmen
Miss Jo Anne Doerksen, the ' the Bush School Mothers Club
groom s sister, was the junior at-1 honored at a coffee Thursday
tendint i morning at the home of Bush
R. m. ... i. twi, i S1 Principal and Mrs. Walter
brother of t groom, "d ushers Thf visors Miss
were Charles Peter of Do"!. I Qrctchen Kreamcr. music consult
Calif.. and James Brown of Sa-. ,. Mjsg Mlrjorif Chesteri ,ib.
lem- rarian: Miss Margaret MCDcvitt,
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. 1 ,rt. Mr, Grace Wolgamott. phvsi
Svinth wore navy lace over tatfeta ca education: Miss Constance
with while accessories and white Weinrmn. audio-visual aids, and
orchids. The groom s mother wore rs- Kmma Wasson. school lun
powder blue lace over lafieta with cnrs
white accessories and while or
At the reception in the church j -
parlors, Mrs. Leslie White of San
Jose poured coffee and Mrs. Ken
neth Graber served punch, The
bride's aunt, Mrs. Lou Greenwood
of Corvallis cut the cake. Mrs.
Gary Jones had charge of the gifts
and Miss Susan Gleckler passed
the guest book. Assisting were
Miss Sharon Greenwood, Miss Je-
! Mrs. Sidney Schlesineer is pres
i ident of the Mothers Club.
ington beaches, the bride wore a
navy silk sheath with white silk
picture hat, white accessories and
a white linen coat. The couple will
be at home at 3159 Center Street
after June 19.
Mr. Doerksen attended Salem
schools and was graduated in mil-
ir orinrntinfl at Willamette tlni-
annine Graber, Misses Lorraine . versity ,his montn, His wife also
iiu Anne oagiey, ana misses i ,ttended Salem schools and WU
Shirley and Gail Blush, j hmette University, and is em-
For their wedding trip to Wash-1 ployed by Moore Business Forms.
v T llinericaiiS in JPartd
F ,! , f;-f ..-' .
jk J knd
'r J , '
U, :h M
Vacancies in
Girl ScoutV
Camp Remain
Vacancies remain In all eight
weekly sessions of the Smith Joytt Hill el Oswego and Miss
Creek Girl Scout cantp this sum-;Anlle Mitchell of Portland, who
mer. Camp Director Mra. T. A.;wili t.,iB & ,terfront director.
Miss saner Kra-. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sim., June? 10, "56 (Sec.
of Mr. and Mrs. Sjuney Kronu-r, - , - -
m epccod home eany i ' mmxmii$tJMlitoiTii "u m iHTiWi
ircm her college in Florida where
she was recently elected president
of Libra, academic honorary. She
will be a lifeguard at Leslie pool
this summer..
McMinn of Corvallis announces.
Additional information a a d
Tba camp, which will b open I . . . . u-
from July 1 to August 20. u ln.f), rom cir
U Sliver Falla recreational areaf)flder inm lh cir
and la open to all girls, age 10 to 0fice at 444 Center street
17, whether or not they are Girl (
Scouts. !
Registration is limited to 4t
girls each week. Younger girls
will live in the Sleepy Hollow!
sectioa of the camp and the older
girls in tha hilltop section. One
two-week session is offered, from
July 73 tS Aug. S, although one-
week registrations are also being
accepted for this period.
Room remains in the camp for
approximately 160 girls. Registra
tions have already been received
from girls throughout the Santi
am area in Toledo, Newport,
Wecoma, Albany, Corvallis, Stay
ton, Silverton, Lebanon, and Sa
lem. Camp activities include horse
back riding, archery, crafts,
swimming, evening campfires,
and many games and athletic con
tests. Three leaders who attended
camp last year as counselors-in-training
under the direction of
Oregon State College and who
have lust graduated from OSC
will again be at camp to assist
Mrs. McMinn. They are Miss Sy
bil Westenhouse of Scio, Miss
( You buy a Spinet
jt Organ . . .
S Hava You
Heard And
Come in this week and choose
"HIS" gift from our outstanding
collection! Father will be pleased
to receive anyone of the wonder-
I ful gifts we have in our store.
American fashion design was viewed with much intartst In tht world capital of high faihion
when 40 ensembles made from patterns produced by well-known American patternmaker
were presented in twice-daily "Do-lt-Yourself" fashion showi in the U.S.A. Pavilion at the
Paris International Trade Fair recently. Shown, heie is a short dance dress end a full-skirted
jacket ensemble, of the type that American housewives whip up and wear themselves with
as much style assuTance as the Parisian designer models.
P. S. You'll be happier
with a Baldwin!
Rentals and lessons
51 Court .
i.s -
, v I
swdTv x&WSBgiSKS39N&Stf2Ll
Choose from our interesting selection
sf Greeting Crds.
Executive k.ard of Gamma f"LlrL Cprvira
Gamma Chapter of Epsilon Sigma VnUrCn JCrvifcC
Alpha will meet Monday with Mrs. i . CmmsIa
Raymond Housley on Del mar UnlTC V.OUpiC,
Drive. ii A...
in Mumviuv
p lx- i
f' m.A J . i J .y.. v,4iiJiiJl.a.JA, A .MK. AUhHki -.iiij.Ml Suasiiwitfc .. 9
Vigll T. Golden
Serving Salem and
Vicinity as Funeral
Directors for 25 Years
Convenient I o a 1 1 e n-S. Commercial
Street on a bus line direct route to cemeteries-no
cress traffic te hinder servi
ces Salem's most modern funeral home
with seating capacity for 300. Services
within your means, always.
Virgil T. Golden Co.
.1 'it i
Grace S. Golden
A service held Saturday June I
In the Bethel Baptist Church,
Aumsville, united in marriage Miss
Sallv Anne Klein, daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Elmer A. Klein, all of
Aumsville. and David Z. Heint. aon
of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heinz of
Salem. The Rev. Robert Luther
rend the wedding vows at I o clock
Mrs. Leonard Hays sang, and
Mrs. Harold Dutton played the
nrrnn. Candleliihters were Miss
Linda Magee and Miss Mildred ter and son-in-law home this
Members of Barbara Frietchle
Tent of Salem who will attend the
Uth annual convention of the Ore
gon department. Daughters of Un
ion "Veterans, in Albany June 12,
13 and 14, are Mesdames Joseph
Bach, department senior vice pres
ident; A. W. McCoy, department
musician; Russell Langiord, tent
president; . E. Bergman, past
department president, .and Mes
dames Jack Simkins. J. Ulrich,
Mary Hilborn, F. M. Peyton. H. A.
Gwynn, Luella Inman, and Miss
Adona Cochran, delegates.
Mr. and Mrs. James Uardle are
expecting their sons and daugh-
II I W. 01 U
60S S. Commercial St.
The floor-length bridal gown was
of pink embroidered organdy and
tulle, fashioned with a scoop neck
line and tiered skirt. She carried
a white Bible with white roses.
Mrs. Harold Youngberry.- sister
of the bride was maid of honor.
She and the bridesmaids were
gowned in pink and white striped
gowns fashioned with scalloped
necklines and carrying nosegays of
pink and white daisies. Mrs. Robert'
Luther, Mrs. JuUe Heinz, sister
the groom, Miss Loretta Hansely
were maids of honor.
Linda and Ann Youngberg. nieces
of the bride, Todd Heini, the
groom's nephew, and David Luther
were flower girls and ring bearers.
. Donald. A. Helm Jr., was his
brother's best man, and John Gil
more, Ken Rawlings, and Glenn
Klein were ushers.
Mrs. Klein wore a turquoise
pongee sheath dress with white ac
cessories and a white carnation
corsage. Mrs. Heini was attired
in rose boucle lace with white ac
cessories and corsage.
At the reception Miss Lucy Lenz,
I 'Mrs. Jack Lindeman. Mrs. Sher-
4C , . 1. . I U.M.
f$,iman Bosiraci, sums oi ure unue,
i poured, Mrs. Arnold Jarvis and
VJ Mrs. Martin Gehlen, also aunts,
cut the cake and assisting were
Mrs. Kd Holmauist. Mrs. R. Pope,
Mrs. O. Bruce, and Mrs. D. Ma
Phone 4-2257 ' gee . ,
Mrs Heinz' eoinc awav dress
m-wirwf'V'1" of pink with which he W0rt
aS3L& I white and pink accessories.
week from college. Mr. and Mrs.
Max L. Morris are arriving from
Western Washington College and
Mrs. Morris, the former Carol
Hardie, received her diploma
from Oregon State College this
week. The sons, David and Jim,
have been attending Oregon State
College and David recently won
the Air Force ROTC s distin
guished air cadet award there.
Mr. ana" Mrs. Verny Scoll are
spending the week in Portland at
tending the Eastern Star convention.
for his day, Sunday June 17
A Hondsome Easy Chair
... a gift that FATHER will use ond enjoy
every day ... a welcome gift of yeor-around
comfort. Whether it's on upholstered (ond,
remember, in the fabric of your choice) or a
distinctive, beautiful leather choir, it will be
o smart addition to your home and a delight
to father.
Other Gift Suggestions . . .
... a decorative smoking stand to make his
hours of relaxation really comfortoble ... a
lamp for his chair, a desk or game table. But,
come see for yourself the fashions in furniture
CAIInM klMja
ly Invitotion . . .
Grand Rapids
Henry Meyer
Furniture & Interiors
vs. Say "Chaw ff"
Conviriienf Jtrmt
9 P.M.
(Athr' mm Wlow)
Medical science is rapid
ly conquering many of the
killers that have plagued
mankind. Small Pox, Ty
phoid, Diphtheria, Ma
laria, and now even Polio
ore being controlled.
Your age should be mea
sured, not by your years,
but by how well you hove
taken, care of yourself.
Your temperament should
be better because you
know that your health can
be better if you consult
your Physician frequently
and follow his advice. We
carry the medicines that
will help you keep young.
4-3336150 S. Liberty St.
3-9123310 Court St.
3-31572440 Gear St.
Pick up your prescription if
shopping near us, or let us
deliver at 12:30 and 4:00 daily
without extra charge. A great
many people entrust us with
the responsibility of filling
their prescriptions. May we
compound yours?
' Remrmber: At 150 South
Liberty street we are pre
pared to supply your Drug
Store needs 24 hours a day.
Night and day.
We are open at this address
daily from : A.M. until
11:00 P.M. At any ether time
you need us just dial 4-3336 or
Sunday" hours are 12:00 until
2:00 and 6:0.0 until 9:00 P.M
We are pleased to be able to
give this 24 hour service to
the people of ur community
tptrttt at mm
Medical Center Branch
2440 Oresr Phone 3 3157
Salem, Oregon
Court and Commercial
Phone 3-0123
150 South Liberty St. .
Phone 4 3336
'OMlttiM ky Try tmui 1 SOS-
1SS4. Cpyrifhl 1SSS (10W1)
it: w
- - ;-
an h i - ' r ..jr '.'.
arc summer -s t$h& V f
sheer delight r y I
( 1:1:
vyi Wife 'Sh I
irv f r-Km ;. 7 A
t lm i On Sears M '
Siies 14H to IV
and 12 to 20.
The sheer rayon dress
. . . defined in ex
quisite floral prints
that Summer loves.
buttons add sparkle
to a wonderful
color assortment.
Hand washable, too.
m to 2 i
12 to 20
'SaSijacSbH puatajt&utM jta mMtf tad' StiVRS 550 N. Capitol 3-9191