-(Sc& I) Statesman, Salem, Ore Suit, Juna 10, "50 IHearihgs Set mrj'orce Asks fay Mike to On Columbia EqltLpof.Skilled'A irmen WASHINGTON 1 - Air Fore leaders havt asked Congress for "a radical change" in pay to bait losses of thouiandi of young offi cer .pilots and lulled airmen technicians. -, . ' The propoMl wis made public Saturday in the releaM of closed door testimony by Lt. Gen. Em fnett (Rosy) O'Donnell Jr, deputy , chief of the air staff for personnel, by the Senate air power invest, gating subcommittee. ' . ; t 0n of the major reasons for nr losses la the high pressure competition offered by a booming civilian economy," said the for mer flying general of World War tl and Korea. . .' " O'Donnell and ether Air Force manpower experts reported a loss to civilian life of nearly one mil lion trained airmen and officers since IMS. - ' ' , Estimating minimum training costs for an airman at $2,S00, O'DoaneQ Mid training costs alone for replacements have amounted to Hi billion dollars, "and that is a conservative figure." "We believe that a radical change IS needed In the present across-the-board pay structure. ha said without spelling out de tails, r"' - O'Donnell said a boost In pay and re-enlistment bonuses the past two years "has enticed the people Its 'Fun to t.iV-.. f i.' . Eat Qui Binner With Whlpt Potatoes and 'Special' Gravy, Sour Cream Cols Slaw, Hot Soli and i flC Butter ,.--.- - " ins Kim vasn Dressing. Craakerry v Sane. Sew Cream Cole flaw, whipped r eta tees and Glblet Crsry, nr. Hot Ron litter. HA Special Parties, Larse or SmsJL Calltrvll ..for lafermstiesw. Chinese reed te Take Oni 18M4 H. Cessssercial St. Open I sua. to t sjb -' SatwdaySa.nt. la the soft core areas. Hs re- fererd to these airmen la supply, transportation, food and similar He said shortaies continue the "bard core" of radar, elec tronics, armament and jet aircraft maintenance. O'Donnell rejected senators' suKcestions that the Air Force employ more civilian technicians, saying they now have some wo,' 000 civilians compared with 730,' one airmen. About one-third of the Air Force must be overseas all the time, be taid. and civilians work a 40-hour week. "Yon get a 40-hour Air Force and you have lot nothing," be said. in Salem Store I 11-year-old locked In the Salem Meier ff .MrMrtrt-trtTwTVSi!?) ".SO 11 if Capitol Shopping Cantor 11 ! u ... .i Fiesta Dinner Sunday, June 10th -- Jmlsj Spanish tf Amrkm Fm4 .. . 12 Noon Is) 4 F. fcUAJuhs, $1.23. ChadrM 50 , nan MtlRTAMMINT ST THS , nvmpunoNAi rout dancssj Uncaster and V Streets - boy was found Frank store about 10:48 p. m. Saturday, dry police reported. Police said the boy. whose home was listed as Cornelius. Ore.. wss discovered by building superin tendent Ritchie Turner. He had apparently been in the locked store since S:10 p.m., they said. Officers said Turner saw the youth flit by a door of the store as be was making a routine check. Police found the Ud under a table. The boy said that be had wan dered around the store during the evening and bad slept a little. Although hs bad observed watch men in the building, be did not ask them for release because be was afraid, be told, police. The youth was turned over to Marion County juvenile authori ties. , - ' Cn Saturday we serve Swiss Sleek The prke-juot seventy five -. - On Sunday Ham ojr Turkey, friends. Wiifc trimming" ninety -live, i ...... (a square meal- square) deal) Ti::SAiisi!o?morssrJ" ' ,' ' , Portland Road at North dty limits - Per Orders w G - Phene 3-4791 : " SU1CDAY DINNER SALADS GALORE ' " with BAKED VEAL CUTLET . " ' and ?- ;- - POT ROAST OF BEEF . Served Sfnergaaberd Style " !- To help yourself toi ! 30 Salads and relishes Choice of hot entree .' ; with all mwfixin'i . Coffee by nSeSlUx-Full dtokt of Detsevf ( , AltCONOITlONH) isNif Cktck Btaerhr DW ...... BInmc flsV NtsS e llUlf : Jl ...... (OsisrlO) NDlrwV Id e .n (Under (0) Tettfcrl... ....... . .Wd ..99s) ...44 ..44 $2.44 7 449 Stat Street : e.i ' ' m.- an m sJ iWWiTleWftlw Resignation of Ike's Brother Said Personal UNIVERSITY PARK, Ps. - Dr. Milton Eisenhower has sub mitted for "personal reasons" his resignation as president of Penn sylvania State University. He said his decision to resign was not prompted by the illness of his brothev, the President Dr. Eisenhower's letter of resig nation was disclosed Friday night after he flew to Washington, to visit the President at the Army's Walter fv9Q HOkWIUuV ' In a letter te the University Board of Directors Dr. Eisenhower said be decided to resign more than a month ago. White House press secretary James Hagerty said in Washington that the Presi dent had knowtt si UK decision for four te six weeks. ' University officials said the resig nation bad not been accepted and that they would .attempt to per suade Dr. Eisenhower to retain the presidency. . "Absolutely so consideration has been given to successor . the university said. Eisenhower, who is M, has been president of the university almost six years. He asked that the resignation become effective by Dec. 31. Dr. Eisenhower said he did not intend to enter government serv ice and that he would decide his future plans sfter a brief vacation in July. He came to the university after serving as president of Kansas State College at Manhattan, Kan. His wife, Helen, died two years ago at University Park. Developm ent PORTLAND IT) Hearings on the Army Engineers' review of Columbia River development plans wilt open July t at Missoula. Mont.. Brig. Gen. Louis H. Foots said Saturday. Meetings win then be held en the next four successive days at Spokane, Lewiston, Boise and Portland. ' ' The purpose, Cen. Foote said. Is to get views on bow the Engi neers' 1941 report-known gener ally as the Ml Report-should be modified. "For example," he said, "alter nate storage to replace that which was proposed originally but is no longer feasible" must be sought. This presumably included refer ence to Hells Canyon which was listed in the 308 Report as offer ing 2,600,000 acre-feet of flood con trol storage but now is carried at 1,500,000 because the high Hells Canyon Dam was not authorised by Congress. The 1,500,000 figure comes from combining the poten tial storage of Brownlee Dam, proposed st Hells Canyon by Ida- he Power Co., and Pleasant Valley Dam, proposed for farther downstream. A bill providing federal con struction of a Hells Canyon Dam now Is In committee in Congress. The present outlook, the an nouncement by Foote said, sug gests that only SO per cent of the storage expected under the SOS Report is going to be attained. And so the review Is going to look both into other possible sites snd into improving the lower river diking system. Foote said the hearings have been scheduled . "In the early stages of the review" so the most feasible and acceptable plans win be available in working out the revisions. In addition to studying the ef fective flood control plan, Foote said, the. review of the 308 Report has these objectives: investigate need for Inland navigation im provements; investigate future power needs and study feasibility a combined steam-hydro gen erating system; study effects of potential development of the Co lumbia River in Canada; and con sider such related problems as Irrigation, pollution abatement. fish and wildlife and recreation. While looking into power devel opment, the possibility of nuclear power generation will be consid ered "as extensively as available information" permits, the general said. Diaper Special Off on J Country BREMERTON OB - An l-car deluxe train, the "Diaper Special" carrying 308 wives and children of officers ana? men of the carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt, rolled out Theatre Time Table , BLSINOSt "MAN WHO KNIW TOO MUCH"! :M. S 41. 10 31 INSIDB DETROIT '-l JS, I:1S, 1:10, CAPITOL . ' 10 M "LAST HUNT"-J:11, 7:04. "CLORY"4-l:SS, 5:21, 1:14 MOBTSJ SALEM DMVB IN "BENNT GOODMAN STORY" Strvf Alton, Donna Rrd " DUEL ON THE MISSISSIPPI" Lra Barker, Pat Medina Shaw start! at duak BOLLYWOOD "PICNIC" 1:13, S M. t 37, 10:17 "FURY AT GUNSIGHT PASS" -1:4S, SO, 00 , Threat to Ike Brings Arrest HARTFORD, Conn. Grv-An un employed male nurse was held in $5,000 bail Saturday on charges of writing threatening letters to Pres ident Eisenhower because he was unable to get treatment for a Wilson Silent on Bikini Operation HONOLULU W - Defense Sec retary Wilson arrived here Satur day from the Bikini nuclear test ing grounds en route back to Washington. He will leave for the mainland at a.m. Sunday. Wilson said he wu not advised as to details of President Eisen hower's Illness, and would "rather not say" what he had seen at Bikini. injury at a veterans hospital. Charles R. Hoye, 51, was arrest ed Thursday by Secret Service ag ents snd Postal inspectors after a threatening .postcard in an enve lope addressed to the President was found in bis locker. Three previous threatening let ters, postmarked June 4, S and , were the basis for the investiga tion. Police said the reference to s foot injury was their only clue snd led to Hoye's arrest. Hoye said in a statement to po lice that he slipped on ice in Chel sea, Mass., last March, Injuring his right foot snd head. He said the foot was placed in a cast at Boston City Hospital but did not heal properly. of this shipyard city Saturday on a cross-country trek to Florida. The wives, watching screaming children racing up and down the aisles, think it would be easier to change places with their bus- bands. All the husbands have to do Is ride the big ship on a 13,000-mile, 2-months voyage around Cape Horn to Mayport, Fla., near Jack' sonville, "I'm not looking forward to this trip not with a tiny baby In small quarters," said Mrs. Albert Roundtree of Monroe. La., wife of a Navy steward. "But I want to be with my husband The Navy went an out so the 84 wives snd 124 children could be with their husbands and fathers in Florida where the FDR will be based. Diapers Leaded It obtained from the Northern Pacific 18 cars and loaded them down with diapers, baby foods. toys and even decorated some of the cars. One car wu set aside for pets-dogs, cats, parakeets. Another was turned into a recrea tion car with special movies for all ages. The mothers hsve s special laundry room, a necessity on -day, 3500 mUe trip. The Navy sent along a qualified nurse, a doctor, two Wave corpsmen to help and .the railroad assigned Miss GeraMine Yanla, Minneapo lis, a stewardess nurse, to go I Aionff 'oo'iNavy Band Philomath Woman Hurt in Wreck A Philomath woman a laceration on one knee when her car slid into a ditch on 99E near the North Salem Drive-In about 8:2$ p.m. Saturday, Willamette Ambulance Service reported. At tendants listed her as Mrs. Doro thy Nash, Box 483, Philomath. She was taken to Salem General hospi tal for examination and treatment. I Before the train was loaded as it tlooa on a dock alongside a number "of warships, the Navy came down to help the wives and children get aboard. A Navy band played. Capt. John T. Hayward, skipper of the FDR, made ,a speech. There was noise and con fusion but few tears. A 2-months separation Isn't long in the life of a Navy wife. Navy League chapters, service club volunteers and chambers of commerce will welcome the trsv elers at various stops. The dogs and cats win be taken out and exercised at least once a day. Fresh milk snd other food will be put aboard. The special win go straight through to Jacksonville via Spo kane. .Missoula sod Billings, Mont. St. Paul, St. Louis, Evansville. Ind., and CHnttanooga, Tenn. It is scheduled to arrive in Jackson- received viUe at :1S a. m. (EST) June 13. TOT, 3, KILLED BY CAR MYRTLE POINT W - An auto mobile struck and killed Peggy Lee Laub, 3 Friday afternoon at Bandon. She died in a hospital be re shortly sfter she wss struck while dashing across Highway 101 in Bandon. UNITARIAN MINISTER DIES PORTLAND I Dr. William G. Eliot Jr.. minister of the First Unitarian Church here for-many years, died Friday night at the age of 89. He retired from active church service in 1994 but main tained his duties as pastor emeritus. Research shows hens produce most eggs when temperatures are between 55 and 70 degrees. UM DUK AT MEET PORTLAND UP) - The 94th assembly of the National Educa tion Assn. will bring an estimated 10,000 members of the teaching profession here July 1-8. 5ILVERT0.N Drive-In Thegfre Sunday Monday Tuesday "kus Slept Hen" Dick Powell Pins "iBnMlrstWiWeriVslUal" , R. Taylor 8. Granger Open 7:15 Start Dusk S0 PHONI 20l Cm. 1:4S NfjrW PfeTyiwfj PICNIC Ca-Starrinf iaaalwa' Saaul Knrie 1vm a Punk and tot wM taw Unit Sa Sara t aaa W Ca-futwa -" DtvM Iriaa-NavWa BraM Fury at Gunsight Pass Mo llMVM8) ks pplcsM flW ffcsnl BTiilaSoaw bVIm " - rwttfmWr rnt9 OT EffOBSBfOB, asnrw POLICE CAR DAMAGED A collision in the 100 block of South Commercial about 9:25 p.m. Saturday caused minor damage to a patrol car, city police reported. Drivers were listed as Olie Lee Godwin, Oakridge, Ore., and Rich ard Carl Plank. 2455 Helm St. New Police Car Put Into Service 'With a Bang' SPRINGFIELD, Mo. I - Of ficer Coy Tindle put a new police ear into service with a bang Sat urday. Tindle, answering his first radio call in the new car, pressed his microphone button and wham I An explosion in the car's trunk, followed by flash fire, ruined the venicie, Although stunned, Tindle es caped serious injury. Officers said gasoline fumes, apparently collected in the trunk, were ignited by a spark from the radio transmitter housed there. Salem Singer Wins Audition In Hollywood PORTLAND A young Salem singer won KPTV's "Search for Talent" contest Saturday night and wul receive a free trip to Hollywood plus an audition with the National Broadcaslng Com pany. Vera Each. 1580 Sunrise Ave., Salem, topped four other contest ants with his rendition of "Night snd Day. Each, an employee of the state unemployment commission In Sa lem. wiU also receive a paid en gagement at Amato's Supper Club in Portland. The 28-year-old Salem man has made many singing appearances la the Salem area for programs and weddings. If the Hollywood sudltions prove successful he plans to make singing his career, his mother, Mrs. Harry Esch, said Saturday night The "Search for Talent" show pitted the winners of five monthly contests against each other. Esch won the Portland region contest earlier this year. . The Hollywood trip will be paid for y RCA Victor. Esch attended Salem High School and Oregon College of Ed ucation at Monmouth. He lives with his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Harry Esch. His father is em ployed by the state highway department. Lithium metal. is the lightest known pDDIEl?iDK 2 P.M. Saf. and Sun. B 2234 Fairgrounds Rd. I Scientists to Hold'Regional Conference SEATTLE (II - Some 1.500 sci entists from the Pacific Coast win gather here Monday for a S-day meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Assn. for the Ad vancement of Science. Three internationally prominent scholars will speak at three eve ning meetings which will be open to the public. First to appear win be Dr. Walt er r. Whitman, president or the American Institute for Chemical Engineers snd a member of the faculty at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was secretary general of last fan's "Atoms for Peace" conference at Geneva and will discuss the import of that program Monday. Dr. Robert., B. Brode of the Uni versity of California, president of the association's western division, will be the Tuesday night speak er. His topic: "The Boundaries of Science.'! Wednesday's address, covering the "Adaptive Coloration in Animals, will be given by Dr. Nikolaas Tinbergen of Oxford University. Northwest Couple Embafti on Annual Alaskan Fishing Trip ANACORTES, Wash. W - The Bodners and their ciearet-chew mg dog are off on their annual four-month stint to Alaska to make a year's living. Hunting or prospecting? No. It's their 20th trip to the storm-tossed Gulf of Alaska for salmon in their 40-foot double-ender fishing boat. To Bess Bodner, who already has something of a coastwide reputation, the life is satisfying. "We wouldn't trade it for the governor's mansion," she said be- Father Dies, Tot Born in Auto Crash SAN ANTONIO. Tex. (aV-Death came to a San Antonio father and life began for his Infant daughter at the samff instant in tne smasneo wreckage of an automobile early Saturday. Police said Mrs. Carmen Amnio, 25. apparently gave birth to the child as she was tossed through the air by the impact of a col lision which killed her husband, Esilios, 34, shortly before 2 a.m. Mrs. Alonzo wu badly Injured and hours after the crash hadn't been told that her husband was killed snd her daughter born. Police expressed belief that Alon- so, a scnool custodian, was runn ing his wife to s hospital for the birth of the child. Two other daughters were being cared for by neighbors. Monro's car and a trucktrailer collided at a busy intersection. The truck driver, Marnie Horna- day, said he saw Alonzo's car ap proaching at a high rate of speed but didn t stop because the green signal light wu in his favor. Hornaday Mid the truck crashed against the car door next to which Alonxd Was seated. The impact catapulted Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo from the opposite door snd Mrs. Alonxo wu flung into a gutter. When she landed, her daughter had, seen corn. Mrs. Alonxo suffered fractured ribs and shock and remained un conscious for severs! hours? The newborn child wu reported in serious condition. fore they sailed for the North re cently. "I guess we'll go on fish ing until we're no longer able to crawl aboard the boat VWs may not have a lot of what the world might consider wealth. "But I've always had enough food in the galley. We don't have to work too long to make enough to carry us over four months at the most We've never bees completely skunked." Many years age she and he husband, Andy, started with a 30 footer. Now the 40-looter is big enough. They always have cam era along. Have they had thrills? "Yes, indeed. So far as I know we're two of the very few who ever have seen S pink baby whale alongside its mother," Mrs. Bod ner ssid. High Retard Mrs. Bodner is held in high re gard by other fishermen on the Anacortes waterfront As one put it: 'She can swing a paintbrush with the best of them. If neces sary, sne can puncn cotton ana oakum into a loose seam. She can run out lines, bait hooks, ice down fish, shoot the weather. You name it I'll venture Bess Bodner can do It." There's one punle, however. It's how their four-legged pet, Patsy, can swallow so much ci- garet tobacco and still keep her ' sea legs. Loss of New Boat Reported An eight-and-one-half foot flat bottom boat wu taken from his home sometime Saturday after noon, Kelly Colouer, 2195 State St., told Salem police. The boat was tied to a fence in his yard, Colouer said, with the stern resting in Mill Creek. He noticed the loss about 8 p.m., po lice uid. Value of the boat wu placed at $60. Police said Colouer had Just fin ished building the boat and had placed it in the creek to test for leaks. n n n-r o;roi IsT L j tnuiiic maucj 0(3U C2HAfwl 1272 Stat Strttt We Feature High Quality lew Prices Iveryday '2 Gallon, 80c 2 for $1.49 AO Flavors for Tear Favor - Also Diabetics From Dessert Special Orders For AH1- Occasions Phone 2-8288 Wccdburn Drive-In Sunday Monday Tuesday ... In Cinemascope Tl.fwpfakWssraV C, Kelly D. Dalley Plus Hw Minsdsn" D. Duryea K. Wyaa Open 7:W Starts Dusk DALLAS M0T02-YU Gates open 7:84, anew at dusk. Donald O'Cenner Marilyn Monroe In "nan no misinos m show vamr Cinemascope and color Second Feature Claudette Colbert Barry Sullivan In TOWUM" Superecepe and color r Continuous From 1 P.M. on1: it J J Plus Margaret O'Brien GLORY tvCVrVrtV, I Yor M IWaawaessrlsettyist fi V ANNOUNCING " ' 1' In trtry communrfy there fs j 1 noted for in lint fwWt, . IN THI SANTIAM VALUY ITS THI RIVERVIEW CAFE 'Just 1 sleeks sevtb f Manama Jet. Hwy. 22 ' - .'. He eponsw amaW new mnfement with ; t Chef Del Geines, formerly e)f New Yrk . '.' ' ' ' Opera Hse. Assn., featuring tks ,.; Fintst Fods. ,. ; , , .. GRAND OPENING .TECHNICOLOR SimM b, ALFRED HITCHCOCK MtaMOUNT HCTUt Sunder, Jwh 1 Of n with Smoraisbeart! family sryta alinner. . - .M ... tmm WM WIV www aw - ' femlhr srvis sUniter. Irlnn the femirr CtEM SUNDAY AT NOON TILL 12 TM. -h TUI29AY tttni SATU1DAY Open 4 PJA. te S AM. 1 1 f 1 " 111 r-ii i I'tV . .. tu .iv-l Ull IliUIVJ.! I P--C. U III 1 1 wwi vpwn w.iw .m.- J H V-.-- X ' J I STARTS TONIGHT gl si .. N . Mill 11 . ' - MM I I mat mm w . . m -t . m 0 mm a w ! ff 1 no Hre srery or me Ring wt swing AII I itt STEVE DONNA M U - ALLEN REED 1 K 1 'Tha Bennv Goodman Storv" 8 U M V aVbavm SHIS m n i m mum m ww.n aajiaii aa i aw ... u r i ll Kiver neer isamnwnej Bxciretnefin n I 1 , Jw a V 1 1)1 lev DATDiriA aWA-" ft Iff r.r.v. HI ma ""i w. a ak.ww. iiPMitu MM't a rm in i IB aaviiv m ft i nr. a n u uti a-a ' II ff --r,r..,-r. , ) "DUEL ON THE MISSISSIPPI" I ) OVERI HELD 0 W1:...' lv 6-aC' ,V " C' y n-red could t i A v T.I upi on imernanonai timetable for murder! . THE MAN WHO KNEW i TOO MUCH Plus: The Take-Over Guys Move Inl JS Bdimd-tftt-Scenes Story... Ilnnr 77 r-i ----? I A T.b-JliL.uJu' Due to'Piiblic Response We repeat for a Limited time this' . . . WI WILL PAY YOU FOR ANY GOLD RING- REGARDLESS Of AGE OR CONDITION LAW n. TOWMD THI aUtCHASI Of ANY TROSO DIAMOND WEDDING RING JilmmHmihmMntuprL ek. llarisliaawsei rJ mm "&t(r IwSm raw saa. tllajaaNti 17 IX T II Old- Jewtlry as Down Paymtnt sri r yf f ft 1 59 uss as5g ISSS 2SaMrU (est $64 50 8112se less 25-Sh-! le-87M 139" less 23-SrS HmAtfiM.Amf 5 Own modern, beewtW fui, diamond wedding ring ...at a price within the reach of every pocket, look around me kowso...check your jewelry pox.. .we'll take signet rings, birrtwtooe rings, clou rings...any gold ring and deduct a fwU $25 from the amasingly lew sale price of the best noma brand in diamond wedding rings. We have a tremendous selection of styles and shapes to suit every budget and taste from (tess $-S Trwde-tn) For the June Bride J Jewelers sine 192 STORI OPEN Til t. M. FRIDAY n 5-' Salesi'i Own Credit Jewelers snd Optidsns e 4 yajiyaaawuaiia jB"j , ll-'V't .ujrram-aa j-. ) s 3r ' - - - ' ' ' ' -r .; '