The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1956, Page 19, Image 19

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    To Honeymoon in Hawaii
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Mrs. Thomas Steeves (Gail Joan Updike) was married Saturday
at All Saints Catholic Church in an afternoon ceremony. Her
parents are Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Updike of Portland and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulson of Salem.
The couple will honeymoon in the Hawaiian Islands and leave
Salem for service in the U. S. Air Force in the fall. (Gladys
Gilbert Photograph).
Thomas Steeves Marries
Miss Updike in Portland
Thomcs Watson Steeves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulson
of Salem, look as his bride Miss Gail Joan Updike in an afternoon
ceremonv at All Saints. Catholic Church in Portland Saturday-, r
9. The ftev. John .!. Walsh officiated.
The new Mrs. Sleeves is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
E. Ipdike of Portland.
The bride's gown was fashion- '
ed with a whit lace bodice and ... . . -short
peplum over a nylon tulle MISS Meyer TO
.Li- ..ilk tr.i UImiJ ' .
pnu i Willi uiu. viuat-
fitting cap of lac was trimmed
with sequins and pearls and her
veil was of illusion, finger-tip
length. Sht carried a nosegay of
Pink daisies made up the bou
quet carried by the maid of hon
or, Miss Maurine Snyder, who
wore a blue eyelet organdy bal
lerina length dress.
Bouquets of white daisies and
blue tulle were held by the
bridesmaids. Miss Vivian Chance
and Miss Beverly Kleist, whose
ballerina dresses were also of
blue eyelet organdy.
Robert Steeves was best man" Ernest Walker, Harold Snook, Le-
for his brother and ushers were, Roy J. Stewart. Warren Shrake.
William Pickett, Earl H. Didwn.'Emil AuFranc. Willard Pederson,
Allen Wood and Loyal Howard. Effie Maye White, Emery Hend
Mrs. Updike wore a mauve cot- rickson. Hardie Phillips, Don
ton brocade dress to her daugh- Wackerbarlh, Dale Jeffries and the
ter's wedding and her corsage Misses Mary Hendrickson. Donna
was of eymbidium orchids. A and Joyce Meyer and Barbara
similar corsage was pinned to the Behm.
graved turquoise shantung sheath
dress worn by the mother of the Silver Bell Circle Ne. '
groom Neighbors of Woodcraft will hold
memorial services for members
At the reception at All Saints wno nave passe() away during the
Hall, Mrs. H. W. Phillips and past ypari Friday, at p.m. at the
Mrs. Joseph Jali cut the cake, i Women's Club House. Refresh
Mrs. Frank E. Battaglia, Mrs. Jo- menta will be served by Mrs. John
seph P. Fairhurst, Mrs. Joseph P. i McCracken. Mrs. Philip Anderegg
Ruhlem and Mrs. Robert B. (och-j an(- Mrs. Mjna Socolofsky.
rane poured. i
Assisting were Mrs. Frank Tur
ner, Mrs. Robert Morgan, and
the Misses Ann Blatchford, Jean
Helgerson, Nanci Bradley and
Delpha Short. Miss Kristin Paul
son, the groom's sister, and Miss
Mary Carol Phillips, a cousin of
the bride, passed the groom's
For going away the bride wore
a beige wool suit with patent lea
ther accessories and eymbidium
Wed on June 20
lyn Alice Meyer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Meyer of Four
Corners and bride-elect of Glenn
Irwin Leighty, son of Mrs. Vernie
Leighty of Central Howell 'district,
whose marriage will be an event
of June 20, at 8 p. m. at the First
Christian Church was feted on
Wednesday with a bridal shower.
Hostess was Mrs. David Behm,
assisting were Mrs. Jess Mcllnay
and Mr. Waldo Miller. Invited
were Mesdames Harvey Meyer,
orchiu corsage. After a two-weeks
honeymoon in the Hawaiian is
lands, the couple will return to
Salem for the remainder of the
They plan to leave for service
with the U. S. Air Force in Oc
tober. Mr. Steeves was commis
sioned as a second lieutenant in
the Air Force at Willamette Uni
v e r s 1 1 y graduation ceremonies
June 3.
Superb Gift for
Father's Day
We recommend this magnificent timepiece ss the finest
water-resistant watch made today! No other watch ran
withstand such grueling tests as those given the
Seamaster. No other so successfully seals out air, dirt
and moisture under all weather and temperature con
ditions! This supremely waler-tight treasure is com
pletely automatic, anti-magnetic, shock-resistant.
Is Imptd itiinlHi itMl, SSS . . . 14K (aid lop,
Ulnlm itnl kKt, tritli iwm item mi, (141,
Meti Includ Mtril tu
Jackson Jewelers
221 North liberty Stroot
Utah Doctor, Bride Fejed After Weddingf01 ' Liv
Two wedding receptions ane lm Salt Last City the evening
after the Mormon nuptial rites in the Salt Lake Temple Tuesday.
June S, and one in Salem on Friday celebrated the nurruge el
Miss Janne Foulger and Dr. Eugene F. Seeaun.
The second gala affair was held ft the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles F. Foulger.
The morning marriage ceremony in the Temple was performed
by President David O. McKay and was preceded by a wedding din
ner the evening before at the Hotel Utah.
The first reception was held at the Manor Heights in Salt Lake
City in a lovely Victorian setting including a circular staircase,
brocade furnishings and crystal chandeliers, overlooking the city
and the Temple.
The bride wort a gown of white imported Chantilly lace with
round scalloped neckline with seed pearl insets and short tea Hoped
sleeves. The bodice was of lace and pleated tulle and a scalloped
lact apron skirt covered line skirts of layers of tulle lined in satin.
The floor-length skirt swept ts the back in a chapel train. A hand
made pearl and Chantilly lace tiara held in place the fingertip veil
edged in lac.
Wearing white lace glovelettes she carried a confection of lace.
ribbon and lilies of the valley around a white orchid corsage center.
Fink for Maid of lienor
Miss Betsy Van Wagoner was maid of honor and wore a gown
of pink Chantilly lace over pink taffeta and white crystaletie fash
ioned like the bride's gown. Her bouquet was of pink Cecile Bruner
roses and white carnations.
The bride's sister, Miss Julie Foulger, was the junior maid ol
honor and wore a dress similar to the matron of honor's over white
In Longview
taffeta. She carried a miniature bouquet ol pink Cecile Bruner
roses and white carnations.
Identical flowers were carried by the bridesmaids, Miss Pa- The wedding of Misi Janet Louise
tricia O'ConneU. Miss Debbie Bukieh, and Mist Loralee Brown. They daughter of Mr. and Mrs
wore dresses of pink Chantilly lace over taffeta nnd their bouquets ' n . - v , . .' w
were like the pnaid of honor s. Each attendant wort pink lace glove- . . "T
lettea and pink pearl and flower hats. Hood River, son of James S
Both the mother of the bride and of the (room wore white I l"V" "
organdy full-length gowns to the wedding.
Doyle Dodge was the best man.
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun.,June 10, 56 (Sec. Il19.
Teea Canteen vil to told at the
YWCA Saturday evening from 7:31
ta II for all junior high boyt and
girls. Boys and girls entenng 7th
(grade in the fall art invited ta
: attend.
Garden Beeeptie Bert ,
The bride and groom greeted their guests nt the Salem recep
tion in the garden of the Foulger borne with Mrs. Bruce Shurtleff
(Patricia Heaty) as their matron of honor nnd with Miss Julie
Foulger and Miss Loralee Brown as the bride's attendants. Mrs.
Shurtleffs gown was identical to that worn by Miss Van Wagoner's
In Salt Lake City.
Bruce Shurtleff tu the usher assisted by Tommj East ham,
junior usher.
For the Salem reception. Mrs. Foulger wort a turauoise lace
with corsage of pink roses and white carnatins tied in gold ribbons.
The mother of the groom was unable ta attend.
The bride's cake,' a white tiered creation with pillars and Salt
Lake Temple decoration, was cut by Mrs. Walter F. Dodge and
Mrs. Priel Pack poured. Assisting were Mrs. Edith Eisebtien, Mis
Twila Johnson and Mis Judy Fortmiller.
For their wedding trip to Carmel, Calif., the bride wore a white
lace sheath dress with coat of pink chiffon and white accessories.
ZENA Mrs. Sam Barker was
honored with a baby shower at
the home of Mrs. James Smart of
Zena on Tuesday, June 5. Guests
included Mrs. Barker's mother
and mother-in-law, Mrs. Joseph
Wichman of Salem and Mrs. Roy
Barker of Zena. Hostesses were
Mrs. Effie Henry, Mrs. Clarence
Merrick, Mrs. Freda Brog. Mrs.
Robert Yungen and Mrs. Smart.
Speer-Dunham Wedding June 2
The Immanuel Baptist Church
was the scene Saturday, June Z,
of the wedding of Miss Lucille Eli
sabeth Speer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John E. Speer, Aumsville, to
Donald S. Dunham, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde M. Dunham. The
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde M. Dunham of Turner.
The Rev. Ralph H. S. Wolverton
officiated at the double-ring cere
mony. Mrs. Margaret Clarkson, sister
of the bride, was her only attend
ant, and Wayne Edward Dunham
was his brother's best man.
A reception nt the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm G. Clarkson
followed the ceremony. The couple
will make their home at 127 N.
Church St.
Mrs. S. Woadsot Hayes of Bur-
lingsme, Calif, is visiting ber par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook.
solemnised at the First .Christian
Church Saturday night by the Rev.
Wayne Greene. Ronald Craven was
soloist and Mrs. James Francis
The bride, entering an the arm
of ber uncle, Ernest W. Peterson,
wore a. gown of white nylon tulle
over satin. The full skirt was en
hanced with imported hand-clipped
lace and there was a long train.
The veil was fingertip length and
f-ftitcrm in Avihl tipft mi nwtiiHt
and pearls. The bouquet was a'
cascade of pink Rapture roses.
Miss Margaret Bolt, gowned in
light blue crystallette and carrying
a nosegay of pink roses and white
sweet peas was maid of honor for
her sister. Miss Mildred Toombs,
attired the same as the maid of
honor, was bridesmaid.
Best man was Charles Cooper,
cousin of the groom and ushers
were Wilbur Watson, Henry Men
tal and Artie Melgaard.
Mrs. Boh wore a navy blue dress
with white accessories and a cor
sage of pink roses nnd stcphanotis.
During the reception which fol
lowed in the church parlors, Mrs.
D. D. McBain, aunt of the bride,
and Mrs. Ellen Schuli. a cousin.
poured, Mrs. E. W. rVersoa and
Mrs. Mane Bertram cut the cake
and Mrs. Donald MerriU. Mrs.
Charles Sauvmin and Mrs. Ralph
Lindahl assisted.
The bride wort a white and peri
winkle sift tress with matching
hnen duster and white accessories
when she and the groom left an
the honymoon trip ta California.
They will live In Longview.
Report! Heard
Ladies Encampment Auxiliary
last Friday evening beard reporta
(ram several member whe at
tended a meeting in Vancouver,
Wash., afflcial via tf the Grand
Matriarch of Washington. A pro
limitary meeting tf aD Oregon
Aaxiliarie was told in Portland
June S hr tbt purpose tf trgania
tng a Grand LEJk. Tbt leaden
Ttoa will bt entertained by Fafla
LE.A. Nt, 4. AH Aaxiliaries will
Jk fast mi 7idwU .
liberty street - court treet
a J .J
Shop Monday 9:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. For Your Father's Day Values
Special Purchase "aggar"
i00 Pure Wool
Flannels Worsteds
Fancy Weaves
Bedford Cord, etc.
Rag. 12.95 ta 14.93
A special purchase of 300 pr. men's
slacks! Colors and styles galorel Sum
mer tones sizes 28 to 42 continuous
walstband-pieated frontl
100 Pure Wools in Choice Tweeds,
Cliecks and 'Splashes' and planned
to sell at 29.50
A special purchase by Roberts! The
season's newest styles and fabrics . . .
regular and long styles in sizes 36 to
44 . . . 2-button spring styles rayon
satin lined popular summer shades.
Save Over $13, Buy the
A combination slack and coat excellent combinations.
Sanforized cottons -print rayons
Short Sleeve Sport Shirts
Htmdrtdt of cool, summer.wtight sport ihirtj to choOM ,
from in this special purchase! New colon, patttmi , ,
all guaranteed waihablt. Buy ill you want for tht coming
vacation staion at savings. S, M, t, XI tizti in this color ,
ful talactlon of cottoni and rayon prints.
Netc Father9 Day Selections
A huge selection of fin broadcloth pafamas In
the gayest stlction of multicolor prints I Famous
name quality-Coat and middy styles All sizes
repeat of a sellout! 3.50 to 7.50
Famous California maker's closeoutl Dress belts in "the supple, ex
pensive leathers: peccarv, ostrich, teal, alligator, cordovans In plain
and exotic designs. All fitted with solid brass buckles. Irregulars.
Open Monday
9:30 a.m. to
9:00 p.m.
I nr i
v G
3.95 to 5.95 Men's Sport Shirts
Famous brand long sleeve sport shirts, assorted colors
in solids and designs-Coftons, rayons, dacrons S-M-L-XL.
Values to 2.50-Men's Neckties
A new selection of silks-rayons-novelties in a large
color assortment-All lined -New patterns.
:omprable to others priced at 119.95. Heavy
luty HP Clinton engine with recoil starter;
idjustable cutting heights.
Reg. 50c-Men's Linen Handkerchiefs
299 l 7
assssssnm W I t A
1 IS I ' )
A wonderful Father's Day ifeml Full sized, white linen
twith hand rolled hem.
Dbl. wheel; trims shrubs, driveways, etc.
"Duro-Tred," guaranteed 15 years.
Reg. $1 pr.-Men's Stretch Sox
100 DiPont Nylon-Solid colon and assorted
patterns-One size fits all
. .
the finest yet
m P,
Reg. $1-AII cotton Argyles with nylon
reinforced heel and toe -Popular, color
ful block patterns -Sizes 10' a to 13.
I -3 ! i 1 " 1
7? '- J .4 i '
Famous shirt maker's first
quality shirts in lustrous,
Sanforized broadcloth. Fan
cy patterns end whites;
styled in regular point col
lars; barrel cuffs. Sizes 14
17; 32-35 sleeve lengths.