The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1956, Page 17, Image 17

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Statesman's HOME -
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(Sec D-Staleemen, Salem, Or, Svndey, June 10, 19M
Not just on ... but several hobbiti cm be found on Mrt, T.W. Creech'i l!it.,The dayt aren't
long enough for Mrt. Creech, who wit a home economic teacher In the Salem tchoott prior .
to her retirement. Cooking it ttill one of her favorite hobbles and she makes dozens of 'birthday ,.
cakes for her, friends and their grandchildren throughout the year.' She is an active church mem-
bar, workt on bazatrt, hospital auxiliary membership drives and rummage Mies. , Nuv.ueecn
is never without her knitting and has been active In the Red Cross for a number of years.
Nearly . . i any dy of N the
week one Can find Dr.
AA. C. -Findley, above, out at
his farm in the Bethel district
riding his horse, Pet. Dr.
Findley, who will be 85 in
August, thinks nothing of
-driving the 15 miles to the
farm and back each day. Once
on his horse Or. Findley lakesgf
off over the hills end the bea
utiful countryside for several . 'r
hours. He attributes his' good
health to the farm and his rid- t
ing. Dr. Findley only retired
a few years ago from active
Golfing . . . is one of the
favorite hobbies for this
twosome, Harry V. Collins and
George Alexander, at the
right, who can be found out
on the fairways of the Salem
Golf Club several times a
week. Since their retirement
the men also enjoy fishing,
gardening end baseball. Mr.
Collins was district manager
of the Pacific Telephone Co.
and Mr Alexander is a former
warden at the state penitentiary.
(All photos by Kennell-Ellis Studio)
the i
gardening ... is one of
many hobbies of Miss
Mabel Robertson, who is pic
tured at the right. She lists
reading first, then comes her
garden and weaving. Soon
after retiring from her posi
tion as dean of girls at Salem
High School, Miss Robertson
traveled extensively. On pur
chasing her Fairmoynt Hill
home she immediately plan
ned her garden with patio,
grape arbor, her favorite ros
es and other flowers . . .
t - ak & -
if l.i w" -
the first few
months of her retirement
from her position at ladd and
Bush Bank, is Miss Nellie
Schwab, above, who already
wonders how she ever fourtd
time for her extra activitiet J
and work too. Miss Schwab is
up jn her reading end knit"
ting. This summer gardening
is her favorite hobby and she
ran be found down on her
knees working in the flower l-;4
Deas nearly every uay.
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Roses . . . is A. I. Lindbeck's hobby and he has shown prize roses in many of Sa
lem's shows. This year he has planted a complete new rose garden as the Lind
becks have moved into a new home on Englewood Avenue. "Mr. Lindbeck, a retired
newspaperman, is president of the Salem Garden Council, past president of the Sa
lem Rose Society and a member of the Salem Men's Garden Club.