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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1956)
Korea Post Offices Also Bun Phone, Bank and Customs Service - - : J : 4 '' i u 7 ' J .s ' . t I: .4 ,. . - . ;;r"; I- 1 ... J r - Inrne mtt Ktrtat ptttal workers eaaaat read EifUsk ar ajgr ether forelga Uaraage, addresses m tarelga mall earning lit Ktrea mast k re-wrtttea. Tat two mta aad wamca setwa above art re writing Eaglita-addretard eavelopet Int the Ktreaa laafaafe, aa they eaa at later IsaaeVd ay Mtar aerten and carriers. Pictures teai U Salem ay Clifftrs Girt. Salem aotaler aa tf b) Ktrea. A atlm states at tat Karcaa Ptttal eartket la Uat each iacamiag: artifa-autk4 package la ay Karcaa eastern officials far kpectloa aid Uxiag. Scene abtve ekows afflriala la ika Seaat afflct opealag packages, alermiajaf Ue tahst at etaleau ay wnal fteau can aa lka Kartaa ktt aa4 tkea taxkM ttw rvcehrpr acctrdtagly. Plctarea acal ta Salem atttal eaiaityc Lawtta V. ay Ma aaa, CUIfari. aa Amy hi Karta. Clrad 17 Killed as Floor Falls MADRID, Spaia tfu. Sevmtwa wtddinf picsts were killed Friday light whoa a dance floor collapsed in a two story building. Thirty persons, including the bride and fraorA, were ktjarcaV About m aersaaa rt daacinf at a party after the vtddiaf cere mtnr m Madrid Tetuaa dxrtnrt. Tbt Oaar saddeaty cared ax ariaa kf dtwa the rest al tbt kaikfiac. Raaraa wtrten ttof thrauihaaa fht aibt ta mater aedka. Tart eoMDlta atiU aad the arm arauM tack other hi tbt aaotiaa at tat daace wbes tkeir kadara wart foaad. Statrsnud, Stlem. Ore.. Suru June 10, '56 (Sec ( Infant Weighs Under 3 Pounds t ' GRANTS PASS ID-A full-term Thunday to Mr. and Mrs. Jeddylt child weifhiag oaty hr pauads 15 J. Manyan, ClradaJt. Tke kakyj ounces was ban at Jwephint: i named Hrlee Mant, waa rport4 i General Hoapitat -at 3:31 a.m.ldoiaf wall Friday aftanooa. . , f COMTROUID HMT FRYPAN A2 wamAT HAUB Only Caver Extra You limply set iht dial and yoa (Cl CONTROLLED HEAT for perfect cooking aad frying: rt iuln. The easy-w-ite FryCiuidt givet you the recommended fry ing temperature. Completely eliminates gutitwork. New square shape makes it ideal for bacon.tggs, pa ncaket.ctc. Water staled element makes il possible to immerse iheermre pan to water up to tbt dial for tasy washing. Plug into any outlet use any place yo wish. Hal bake lift legs. Any Sunbeam Appliance No Money Down... Pay Only 1.00 Wk. We Give SVH Greea Staatpt Opea Moa. A Frl. I'ntU I P.M. MASTER Canter and Commercial Each Korea Mailman Serves Area of 1,400 Homes Twice Daily By CONRAD PRANGE Staff Writer, The Statesmaa . Post offices in Korea combine the proper functions of an American-type postal system with tie phone and telegraph services, bank- Briton Warns Of Scientific Push by Reds CARDIFF. Wales I -Leftwlng Laborite Aneurin Bevan told 6,000 Welsh miners Saturday tha Russia is going to launch "the most ex traordinary invasion the world has ever known." "It will not be an invasion of the Red Army," he said, "but an invasion oi scientists, technicians, educationalists and professors of all kinds," Bevan said this invasion of the rest of the world would take place within the next few years, and he called on the West to make a real pace with the U S S R. "I believe that there exists at this moment and will exist for some time to come the biggest single chance of establishing peace with-the Soviet Union that has ever existed in our lifetime," he said. Of the United States Bevan said: 'The United States of America achieved material power without getting the necessary wisdom to use it, and we have accepted a leadership from her which has re sulted in ruining Great Britain, taken us in false directions and resulted in inflation of our currency at home." SWINDLE SWINDLES PHOENIX, Aril. - Dewey Swindle was sent to prison Friday for the fourth time for issuing bo gus checks. iiig business and customer service. 1 Whether Koreat. mail camera have much trouble with unletter ed dogs is not known. But many of their other problems differ rad ically from those of their American brother-in-service. For one thing each of the 3.436 postal workers in South Korea is. by American standards, vastly overworked and underpaid. 1 The 56 letter carriers in Seuol for instance receive a wage of 5, 000 hwan (about $6.25) a month. Plus about 30 pounds of rice. Each delivers twice daily to an area which includes 1.400 houses near ly three times the average Salem city route. Word Frtaa Keren Although patterned after the American system, the Koreaa pos tal services has some unique fac ets, according to Clifford Girod, Salem serviceman in Korea with the Army security system. Young Girod is the husband of Ann Girod and son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawton V. Girod. His father is a l.Vyear postal veteran and is sup erintendent at the Klngwood branch ! post office in Salem. The son re cently sent his father a complete pictorial run-down of the Korean postal service. "One of the strange things about the system here," be wrote, "U that both, incoming and outgoing foreign parcel post is opened for inspection by authorities." Items Taxed Packages coming into Korea are opened and a tax placed on each item. This tax must be paid for by the patron -when be picks up his parcel. Outgoing packagea art opened to aee if the contents correspond to Army, Air Force To Hike Regular Officer Numbers WASHINGTON I - The House Armed Services Committee Fri day approved a bill to let the Ar my and Air Force bring their pro portion of regular officers to about half those on active duty. Secretary of Defense Wilson had told the committee in a letter that the Air Force now has only 17 per cent regulars, the Army only 26 per cent. The remaining offi cer billets are held by reservists. The Navy already is close to the one-half mark. SOVET LINER DOCKS ATHENS. Greece W-The Soviet liner Pobeda with 431 Russian tourists aboard has docked at the Greek port of Piraeus. It was the first of four cruises the Pobec'a plans this summer under the new Soviet foreign tour policy. The liner will continue its cruise to morrov with stops scheduled at Naples, Le Havre. Rotterdam and Stockholm. Again We Are Offering . . . Our Vacation Package THE - l0V your po t(t vocation and del -V;i. tygt-J all in . . . will sove your popart toch day you ore away on your iliver them to you when you return ife'llA jr'"l i t "afaaia !L...TWNr; vTr'f'sT5&..' "7, iJ ONE PACKAGE Just clip this coupon and bring it in: eoo tttttttttoetaaaottto aaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaeaj ; f Please .-rt. rtronnn Afifoemm while I'm Kr viiiiutio jjjiuuj'iiimi save my sway and ! CREDIT MY CARRIER FOR MY VACATION PACKAGE: ! I will be gone from to (Signed) Address OR If you are going anvwhere that has mail facilities, fill out the coupon below and send it in, or call 46811 (ask (or "cir- ' . JL culation") and we will mail your Capital Journal to you Wiy Just pay in in ottice wnen yuu return. 2j 1: pw oaoaaoaatoaofatottotaaatoaaatataoaMaanaw)taaaaaajaaoatatooataaae, ; riease man my to me while Tra oa my vaeation. : From ta (Signed) Mall to I will pay la the office oa my retura. CEMENT DONATED MANILA - With the ruins of Manila Cathedral as a backdrop. Japan turned over a donation of 3,600 bap of cement this week for reconstruction tf Catholic churches in the Philippines. In all 84.000 bags wiU be delivered. The cathedral and other churches were. damaged In the fighting at the end of World War U. the customer's claim. They are then re-wrapped and sent on their way. Addrtaaea Rewriitea And because few Korean letter carriers can read English, a crew of "writers" are kept busy at post offices daily transposing foreign language addresses on a mountain of incoming mail into the Korean script. Most, of the postal building in Seoul are of modern design on the outside and are furnished rath er crudely, but adequately, on the inside. Money order clerks use the abacus, an ancient counting bead instrument, to add up sums. Operate Ttlepbtaea Another function of Korean post offices ia operating public tele phones. Each office has a phone and to use it a patron must first purchase a ticket. This entitles him to talk to anyone in Seoul for three minutes for three cents. An out-of-city call costs 62 cents. ' Korean also may establish and maintain a savings account at any post office. They deposit or with draw their savings in banklike manner. Like their American counterparts Korean offices also handle money orders, both regular, and telegraph. And In Korea the stamp which cor responds in function to the United States three-center, costs, four cents. Three Oregon Papers Honored LOUISVILLE. Ky. (It Awards went to three Oregon papers in the 1956 better newspaper contest sponsored by the National Editor ial Assn. The Hillsboro Argus was first in classified advertising in the 0' er 4,000 circulation division. The Sutherlin Hill was third among newspapers with lest thaa 2,000 circulation for a special is sue. The Rogue River-Medford Times was tint in the best news story division for newspapers .under 2, 000 circulation. The winning story was written by Maxwell L. Thayer. Ycu Art Invited to Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished wth the warmth and menait nest of early American maple at its best Where you may shop at your leisure with free decorating help, if desired. Our "Charm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 7Coart Ph. I M11 opea Moa. rrt m a w To please Dad on his day... in a big, wonderful way! i aUWX S I FLORSHEIM SHOES for Father's Day . . . Sunday, June 17 Young dads, old dads, new dads, grandads papas of all ages and tirtiit prefer Florsheim shoes. And for good reason. Flornlieim Otialit v means longer wear, finer fit and nmifort, too. Give him the surest falher-pleaaer of all a pair of Florsheim shoes. from 18w JUL, lvl)J Salem's Own Store If fvl Since 1890 Harriman Denies Roosevelt Sure Of Delegate Job NEW YORK ttw-Tka New York Timet said Satardar Go. AvwreB Harrirnaa and Tammaay Leader Carmine DeSapia kavt aasared Fraaklia D. Rooter Jr. ke would be aamed a New York drtrtate-at-large ta the Democratic Natiaaal Convention. Harriman denied the report. He said it had "no basis ia fact" New York papers reported Thurs day that the late President's ton might be left off the delegate fist because bit law firm is tiaaul for Dictator Rafael TraJUW of the Dorniniraa Repubbe. The Timet said Harrirnaa tete pboned Roosevelt yesterday aad toM aim there was aa troth la ta report ke would ke omitted. "That is not correct," said Har rirnaa. "I dost know where theoo rumors get started." ' RooseveR aad DeSapia eould aol be reached for cornmeaL I w DiriNDONYOUS for iWuional tl!:)i Sarvkwt A winning combination It your iocH, our pharmacf. end tkt wondort of mt4kel icionct. (mm 1 M Ca M Us fa. Ivory Drwa Ntwtl Capital Dreg Stcro S Laetiitat la Batter Strvo To Mala Start; 4a tUaaa, Caraer of Ukirty Protcriptita tkotv 17 CWattketa, Grtffta Bids. W1GIYK f WEEN ITAXrt , t t . r 1 -1 (M) a tVMVsaiwtwif - X .r TLmtmat "aBaasassw' iMsosf ."r sotatsatai only Scars could bring you Charrnodc girdle at theso low prices! , 1, t move or bend with easel Charmode side-zip Nu-Back all-in-one was 11.98 Your figurt is so smooth under Sommtr ' i ' ' fashions in this whitt nylon alMreona. T Slldinfl Nu-Back roovtt witri yoi,1tf yog STOOp Or Dona Wira. trow, reyiwn 1 leno tlastie sido psntls and qotm giva eomfortabla control. Sim 33-dd. for a nsrrowor wsistlina Charmode "hi-waist" side zipper panty wai 4.98 3?. Charmode shapes fathtortable flgur for you with nylon taffeta, nylon leno elastic and tiny bones at top front and back. Hi-waisted to give narrower look. White. Sizes 2542. one size fits every womon! Charmode 2-way stretch panty or girdle was 2.98 One size fits all heights, all hip figure types, sizes 34 to 40 inch. Helanca nylon and elastic molds to your figure, never rides up, always super soft. In frosty white. WW i 1 1 i : mm.vm 'i. Charmode hi-waister for smooth midriff The shape now it the sheath and this waist nipping girdle helps you thieve this narrow look. White rayon nd cotton, leno elastic. Coiled wire bonding. 27-34, 36, 38. was 5.98 Charmode garter belt in nylon taffeta wail. 50 H20 Dainty embroidery on nylo mist side front panels. Scalloped nei edge t l r I . i i i 1. oorrom. cmut dks, nooa. a closing. White. Sizes 24-32. U Just Say, "Charge W on Stars Revolving Charge ci jtouA, money mc6 w s Phone 3-9191 550 N. Capitol