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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1956)
B-(Sk. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, June 9, 56 New Phone Operators at Marquam IuIimii Nfwt twites MOTHER AND DAUGHTER LOOK-ALIKES MARQUAM Mr. and Mrs. Or-1 anaa Ric art the bw tperatorti at tat alarquaa Telephone Ex change. Mrs. Richard Crawford at Brem erton, Wasa.. as Tiaitiiif ker par enta. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pa-1 tjuu. . ... Paid Uhrif left Monday (or Brit bold checks and bright stripes ish Columbia U look after farm I interest there. t .-, ,v Xt Junea BeoUey bom has beta aold and Mr. and Mr. Clif ford Swirtout hart moved to the Harold Smita (arm. . .assMsiiMttsaattssae iQiiifi w if sesswaaassfcMsia OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY K. 1X:1S TO t P. M. I II IOTMll DAYS :J0 A, M. TO 5:30 P. M. II .4 I i . II llsv fl7if V 1 I TOK OV V V . J U flJL A L a' yT i ""irlZl 1 VVi- '--ii. A -'A V wt I sf aaw sat - . .rr?"- M L ' af m M tar- W 'i r, iv W M ? I fX. - 9 ' ' a Hickok Reelected Linf ield College Board Treasurer Itinsssst Urmt tmke '' McMINNVHUE Guy Hickok. Salem, hai been re-elected treas urer and assistant aecretary of the . board of director! of Unfield Re ' aearch Institute oa the -Unfield Cotleca campua. Term of office is tor one year., ' Dr. Harry L Dillin. college pres ident, wis reflected chairman of the board, and Dr. Walter P Dyke wai agaia named director of the institute. Summer Class Work Monday auttnua Newt rrtt McMLNNVILtE First summer opens Monday at 7:40 a.m. Seventy-eight courses art being offered in 13 fields during the two sessions. Thirteen professors will teach. Tot first session ends July SO. The second session runs from July S3 to August 23. Saturday classes will bt held during the second ses sion. A special speech workshop win bt held June .23 to July . Dr. Frederick Pistor la summer school chairman, . . ' -' : j tt.-. . ' Children's Day, Promotion Set At Union vale tXIONVALE - Children's Day and Promotion Sunday will bt ob served at the Unionvale Evangeli cal United Brethren Church Sun day. At the I D.m. service the Ret. n:l :n fl -J 4i. L. el the National AaaociaUoa of Ev- ' angelieals and show films. Family , night was observed at the Union- Vale chuch Wednesday with the annual strawberry and homemade , let cream dessert following the host supper. Bible School Set At Middle Grove -; SUlNiua Mews Snrk . MIDDLE GROVE The Middle Grovt Sunday School will conduct Daily Vacation Bible School June 11 to Junt 22 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p ro. The aessions will be held at the Swegle School instead of the Middle Grovt School due to extensive construction st the school bouse. ' Those attending are urged to go directly to the Swegle School or ' meet at the Middlt Grove School for transportation. The theme w saa hi nuTviitHiiiigj v visa at NEW PASTOR ARRIVES LYONS -The Rev. and Mrs. ' Charles McCarthy moved Into the parsonage Oils week. The Rev. Mr. , Scott as pastor of the Lyons Meth odist Church. Valley Births STAYTON - Ta Mr. and Mrs. jucnarv oaw, nouw I,- oiayiun. daughter, at Santiam Memorial Hospital Junt 7. ' A WHY CE play tfct plait!. B 191 ;t- Fulfill That J Lifelong Ambition ft Ploy tii Plant... ' Enroll In Stent's Grown-Ups' Piano Course " . '- ":: ' - Get FaD Details by i Calling 2-5211 er V VislMag Ottf Stadias ''i at 12SI State St 1 1 f UNO COMMHY 1281 SUtt St. . 1 ''. laleaif OregM ,:. newest playelothes . , . family plan. Mother arid daughter look alike for a summer of fun! 1. Gay stripe short set with red 'kar chiefs. In blackwhite or turquoise white. Mother's, sizes 10-16. $6.98 Big sister's, sizes 7-14. S5.98 Little sister's, sizes 3-6x. $4.98 2. Capri set: solid color tapered pants, bold printed check jacket. Mother's, turquoise, red, black. Sizes 8-16. Big sister's, turquoise or red, sizes 7-14. Little sisttr's, turquoise or red, sizes 3-6x. S8.98 $5.98 $4.98 Mail and phone orders' GIRLS' SHOP-STREET FLOOR I I : !'. : '.iiJ i -1 -t! A'Jt 4 repeat snccess ... flats by .'SS . ,' . V - ' A'VX HOLLYWOOD SKOOTERS Jl YX I Our three success styles ... all with stacked leather heel I T' .f 'A'' IrVI V U'-i'NfK IV V I Soft mat calf or corkette In colors for every summer I ft vI v x W V ; .'I V,V u I 1 Haf. naif- T,0h,r,1 or rav r.rVt I W I I PHIl fetV'MU 2. Three-button shell; white calf; beige, red or apricot I kl 1 V ' L 1 3. Side-knot, stitched collar; black or white calf. I ll ' i mm Mail and phone orders' I tVSj ' V ISV YOUNG MODERN SHOES-STREET FLOOR I ! 1 " ' A 1 I J , - d-r baby's convertible . . . the Peterson V, Pfe " FOLD-A-SIESTA It-o" $22.95 vftS.. new! ballet slipper shoes 66 moods" by Pima An enchanting way to baby your feet . . . a pretty new comple ment to your indoor-outdoor play clothes. Soft, crnshahle kid leath er ballet slippers with elasticied handing . . . thev pack small, tool Two stvles, black or white with ld- 9. N and M widths. -disc platter or fruit trim. Chil i ren s and women's sizes 3!i to Mail and phone orders' CHILDREN'S SHOES STREET FLOOR Famous stroller, sleeper, walker that folds flat in sec onds with an automatic double safety lock feature that eliminates stooping to fold stroller. Light construction; sturdy aluminum frame; Tufflex padding. Includes bas ket, tray, canopy. 3-way adjustable. Moil and phone orders INFANTS'-STREET FLOOR E :!iHM A!hiii((ifiti:ii'iii(i' Meier 4 Frank's Salem, Salem, Oregon Please send me the following: Quantity ! item Color Size ! Total Name ilrett City .. Zone . --.. State Charge C. 0. .0. Remit. Encl. This shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck dtliitry route).