Bibles to Replace Textbooks This Week as Vacation Schools Begin Bible and Home Lutheran's Topic ' Vacation Church School will be conducted at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church from June 11 to June 22. Hour will be from 9 to 11 a. m. Enrollment will include chil dren who, the past year were in the first grade through the sixth. Pastor 0. W. Ebright i director of the school and instructori will include Mesdames Wes LeMun von, Robert Norris, George Nuss, Ritchie M. Turner. K. M. Cor rigan, Arthur Jenson, Gorden Bo cock, Leland Gundersen, 0. W. Ebright and Miss Sue Rasmus sen. . , Rev. Ebright announces that through the summer months there will be two worship serv ices on Sunday at Good Shep herd Lutheran Church, one at 8:30 a.m. and-the other at 11 a m. Church school is t : m. and the Youth . Group meeU at 6 p. m. OuidrenVDay To Open School ... i i. Children's Day wiU " . , I served this Sunday at the First Fvansplica United uiemrr.. Church, Marion and Streets. A sDecial 10 a.m. program follow Sunday School. "The King's Adventurelann is theme of the Vacation Bible School at the church beginning June 11. I i i'l r 1 1 mi tie it i'i 1 iTi i ri Many Pupils Cited for Work In Bible Schools at Dallas Mateuwa. Kws servke i Elliot, Bonnie Classen and Judy DALLAS - Many of the 63 stu- Guy. denU enrolled in the three schools Fifth grade - Randal Fnesen, of the Dallas week-day Bible pro- j Jimmy Reifschieder. Irvine Staats, tram hav won honors for class Beverly Wickstrom, James Weibe, work. 'Brenda Blewiet, Kenneth Hooge. The foDowinf from the Lyle and.Darlene Frewea. Terry Sue Ed Tent Revival statcsman' Sam re-Sat- J""e 9 (Sec K Morrison schools received illus trated copies of the Gospel of Mat thew and honor certificates: Second (traders Betsy Zerhune, Martha Friesen. Betty Fortner, Clara Luke. Anita Schwager, Ag nes Boeckel, Ann Starbuck. Bev erly Lindschied. Sharon Hilder- brsrtd, Carol Newfeldt, Tommy Flemmint Beverly Peters, Anglea Trick, Karl Schilling, Sandra, Brandt, Linda Tytinger, Cleve Ro per. Sylvia Dornhecker. Jeannettei Villwock, Barbara Bailey and Jane Clarke. . Third grade Beverly Braden. Bonnie Richards. Cheryl Hilts, Sybil Yeo. Faith Bulkhelder, Thresa Goertzen, Gilbert Woods, Bill Ott. Jean Wlebe. Frank Vrell, Sandra Workentine. Bonnie Willis, Sally Jantzen, Donna Hansen and Carolyn Friesen. Fourth grade Michele Patter son. Billy Sherman, Linda Wait, Karen Esau, Beverly Zerhung, Bea trice Schafer, Carolyn Bunger, Kay wards and Diana Thwnson. Honored from Orchard School were John Rupp, Dan Sue Hepp ner. and Richard Hart. Mrs. Goldia I. Ferguson is teach er for the Bible schools. r ,i iu. l kt. --I. .1 laM IIiimI A Ik. Ik., lit .kllMB attending the school Is shows above listening U Mrs. Keaaeta Keyte tell a Bible story. Most other va- Salt LrCPK cation Bible schools are seneeuiea is eegia aen wees or smb. ounrirann rnoioi Summer will Fifty Altering Brooks1 School RunnKS An averace attend ance of 50 pupils attended the va- IvailCellSt Slated cation Bible scchool at the Brooks T , Assembly of God Church during ; At friends thurph the first week's schedule, accord- j Sunday evening s e r v i c e s for ing to Mrs. Robert Swope, school Soutn Sacm Friends Church' will director. j be given this week by the Hershel Pupils will present a program j Thornburg family of southern Tcx- at 7:30 p m. sunaay v i" as who are on ineir way 10 ror 80 Salem Baptists Set Trip to Seattle Meet Between 70 and 80 members of convention has been held on the Salem's Calvary Baptist Church West coast in more than 30 years, will attend portions of the week- Official-delegates from Xalvary long American Baptist Convention Baptist Church will be Mr. and June 17 22, in Seattle, church off i-' Mrs. E. A. Johnston, Rev. L. H. cials announced this week. Handle. Mrs. Lee Wiens, Mrs. Len This is the first time the national Edwards, Mrs. William Reagan, . and Mrs Willma Wright, all of Sa lem. William Jackson, Salem, will Mission Head Slates Visit Here Junfi 13 Special Program At Salt Creek Baptist Church Young Pastor Sets Sermon OnYouthT opic SALT CREEK -A Children's Day program will be held at the Salt Creek Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Grade school and high school graduates also will be recognized. After the service Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graunke will be honored on their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr HrAlinLjIa Citnilau CkAl ... Dr. Ralnh T. Davis internal inn- r- . . wrimenaem 01 in nepinnpr np. ji : :tt , a. genera, secretary of the Africa ! partmen, land Gr.unk, is a tchcri & S asdon Guest preacher at the 11 o'clock sen ice at Knight Memorial Con gregational Church Sunday morn ing will be Kieth Wright, a mem ber of the church studying for the ministry, who has just finished his first year of training at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. His sermon subject will be "For I Am Only a Yoath". A reception for Wright and for Jtwo years service with the Air Fo-ce in Japan, will be held in the Fireplace Room immediately following the morning service. All friends of these tw young men are cordially invited to attend. The Sunday School will present a Children's Day program In the assembly room of the new base ment of Ihe church at 9:45 a.m., under the direction of Miss Mary Eyre, Sunday School superinten dent. All parents and friends are urged to attend. Ernie Ferguson win lead the Feature Set For 2nd Week The city-wide union Salvation Healing Revival Sunday enters into its second week in the large gospel tent located at 192S Lana Ave., one block east of Portland Road. The affair continues through June 24. ; Nationally known Evangelist R W. Culpepper is featured at the re vival, which is sponsored by the Salem Pentecostal Ministers Fel lowship representing 22 full gospel churches in the Salem area. Rev. Culpepper recently con ducted successful city-wide revi vals in Los Angeles, Milwaukee. Wise.; and Watsonville, Calif. Eight persons comprise the evangelistic party. Special healing services are con ducted nightly, starting at "7:30 p.m. except Sunday when special afternoon services " will be con ducted st J p.m. Sponsors emphasize that the pub lic is invited to the services, which are non-denominational and non-sectarian. Group Slates Final Service The Marion County Holiness As sociation will conduct its conclud ing service for the summer, Tues day night, June 12, at the South Salem Friends Church. There win be s day services, due te Dairy Vacation Bible School in progress la the area. Rev. Paul Barraett, of the Highland mends Church, will be the speaker. The service is epea la the public' - - SPECIAL SERVICES! Friday Saturdar-unday fr4y mi kNrfey 7M Ma. tmtf KM AV ami TM ML ' Thornburg Evangelistic Fcnily fA WJ IBAla IA sbmhia sdLM LAAnA h - M - tl 1 riese wm iv mi Sjwv isjrTwee sjwvrw wwvss rar ssmsjysjssBvisj sra UiiiqutAtnisfrf Woiic-rfwing$ ilowsfci Public Cerdistly Invttesl South Salem Friends Church . Sewth C4nmrdal St. at Washlfigten be featured soloist at the conven tion Sunday night, June 17. Calvary's former minister. Rev. Omar Barth, will be present at a special 1 p.m. Calvary Dinner for Salem visitors Sunday, June 17 at Seattle's Norselander restaurant. church. Christ Lutheran llihle StiiuS Set The annual Vacation Bible School at Christ Lutheran Church will open Monday at 9 a m. and continue for two weeks. Monday through Friday. The course for the two-week session will be "The Bible and the Home", with activity and classes for ages four through the sixth grade. Episcopalian Start June 18 mosa for evangelistic work. Mr. Thornburg, with the Four Flats quartet, made a three months' tour of the Orient last fall and is returning to Formosa as a result of this work. Chalk talks and special music are included in the Sunday niht service.. First Baptist Church Sets Guest Pastor Inland Mission, will be guest speak- j in the adult department er at the Bethel Baptist Church at 7:30 f .m. Wednesday, June 13. He also will show films of work in Africa. Dr. Davis was a missionary in East and Central Africa for many years, doing pioneer work In the Belgian Congo and French Equa torial Africa. He also was station superintendent and legal represen tative for the mission in the Congo. Dr. Davis was elected to the posi tion of general secretary in 1941 and in 1955 was named fo the im portant position of international general secretary, highest admin isirative office in the missri. nana, lor wnicn mey win pro-; . . . c . . i . i , puum. is toruiaii; due. many original instrument., Qtl" vnt Present plans promise a worth- ?k , W..Z1JZ1 o V.i at the Calvary Baptist Church this Sunday morning. The Rev. Schlegel is en route to the Am erican Baptist Convention which convenes In Seattle June 15. At 7 p. m. Sunday the com mencement program for the Va cation Bible School will be pre sented. The Beginners, Primary Mission Street Evangelism Ends Mission Street United Brethren Church will conclude its "Every Member Evangelism Crusade" this weekend with Mrs. Scott Clark of Newberg as evangelist for the ladies' group. She will speak Sat urday evening and at both the morning and evening services on Sunday. Daily Vacation Bible School wiW, besin Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs: R. V. Kilmer will The public is cordially invited to!be tnp director - The school will meet Mondays thru Fridays for the film strip, "Our Protestant Heritage". Young people of Junior High, Senior High and College ages j are welcome. Trisha Perrin is president of this group. SALEM TRUTH CENTER 114 COURT MMtphyaicil lttfrt Ymilh Sim4y Ickot Stmly DiMnHln CIkmi Prtysr HmIms CIMm Metaphyseal library Snt (Hoa fk. -SM V 34010 The sessions are planned for 912 a m. Monday through Friday, June 11-22. Baptist School Runs 2nd Week Children from the ace of four ,he SafPm ejfihls Baptl.;t church ?nd Junior age children will all throueh the sixth Krade are in vited to attend annual Daily Va cation Church School beginning June 18 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church at South Liberty and Myers streets. School will be under direction of the Rev. Willis M Rosenthal, curate of the church, and will be held daily from 9 15 to 11:30 a m , Monday through Friday, ending June 29. Central Lutheran To Start Mondav Double Services Slated at Church Double services for Sunday morning worship will begin at the First Christian Church Sundav morning and continue throughout the summer. The added service will begin at 8 30 In the morning. ine regular 10:45 service and the iwo weens, ine concluding pro gram will be given on Sunday evening, June 24. REVIVALS TO START Faith Tabernacle will begin a series of revival meetings tonight at 7:45 with speaking by Chaplain Coats of Los Angeles. The Rev. Mr. Coats has been a missionary in Japan since his discharge from the Armed Services. Foursquare Church 490 -N. 19th St. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 6:45 p. m. Youth Service 10:30 a. m Morning Worship Peter's Restoration" 7:30 p. m. "The School of God" Special Evangelistic Service Rev. Roy E. Worthington A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU luc fl'IO uinnhm ...III k. :,ii; I - ' their Vdav session featuring the 17 JftPVh rTu? "The King's Adventure-1 tL" ci IT i.6". V.'V' I - - . UA.. n I .. J M. in n n t Vi 1 1 i-attb f h r fin ft h T imcHav June 19. Sessions begin each day nemi' lne R,ngs Aavemure-j This Sunday's sermon will be by at 9 a.m. for ages three years . . . .in . Wayne Green, "That Nothing Be through the thud grade. ! .nesday evening, a spec.a foowed . , Classes are being held in the m'd-'k n " rTmir NI Barth at 7:30 by "The Morc Ellen' Salem Heights Community Hall, h,ch t"e Rev. Omar N. Barth Way... Church, will bring the message The Lutheran Churches of Salem WELCOME YOU ST. MARK'S (I). L C.) 141 North Church Service tl:M a. as. Sundav School 1:11 1. sa. John L. Canble, Paster ST. JOHN'S (L.C. Ms. Syi.) lftk and lourt sta. Service 11:3k a. n. Sunday School t:15 a. as. H. W. Cross, Puter GRAl'K (E. I C.) 13M Sunnwiew Avenue Service S:M s. n. Sunday School 10:15 a. m. Lowell Holte. Paster GOOD SHEPHERD (U. L. C.) 37Z0 South Commercial Service 11 a. m Sunday School MS a. a. a W. Ebright, O. D., Paster FAITH (U. t, C.) 450.1 North River Road Services ft:3 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sundst School 1.45 a. m Wsrren W Pechmaa. Pfstor t HRISI (A L C.) SUte at 18th Street Services S:3f a. n. and 11 a. m. Sunday School, 1:45 a. m. T. M. Gebhsrd, Pastor CENTRAL U P. C.) North Capitol at Gatnea Services M t. as. and 1:30 p. m. 8unda School 1:45 a. a Hsrsld GrlndaL pastor ' 4l f- , Salem's Singing Church First Church of tha tlazsrens Center at Thlrteeath 45 Sunday khoel 10:50 Mornlnt VttiMp Tncaaagiag Ckrlai" ' :30 Youth HtMMT , 7:30 IvanffollsHe Service -Better Tha Sacrifice" ' Rev. Duane E. Muth, Pastor' . - The PubUela Invited . .' Ik- tmpn.. . - , 40 pf' -f" i BILL JACKSON who tings la sacred concert Sunday at 7:30 pn. At First Baptist Church WORSHIP THt LORD ON SUNDAY t45 m. -Attend growing Sunday School , ' a. m. j "When God Slagc -" -', - Rev. Bea Owea r . 7 JO p. m. Sacred Concert ky , BILL JACKSON BaritoM trained hy : Jaha Charles Thensat . AND REV. WM. CROSS of Eageat : tpeaklag oa "8tambling . . Block of tha Cms" See "Scrap and Steel fulU eagth aeand atovli film oa WEDNESDAY at 7:1 fM. ""Slarloa aadlUberty $ at V i .iTt i.'W 0 'I and tn the new cnurcn Dunning i icon t ;u... T, I u ,,J . u'i s7.,w u ih. 8nd fonduct baptismal service. Mrs. Hershel rnckey is Ihe p-., nB,.i, .Jcm.H ih. general superintendent of school. The school display pro gram in the Community Hall building will close the school 'June 19. it.. Th' Rcv Barth assumed the pas me , , . ... t, i D.nti.i Church of Paterson, New Jersey on May 1. First EUB Bible School Scheduler! "The King's Adventureland" will be the theme of annual Va cation Bible School of the First Church Buys School Bus The Sunday School of the First F.vangrlical United Brethren Children from three years old through junior confirmation age are invited to attend the annual Central Lutheran Bible School, beginning Monday at the Church at Capitol and Gaines Streets. Teachers for the two-weeks' I I - 'M - Vn..n.nn Dill, SCnOOl Will lie .urs ,iwnnu nur, i c. . Mrs. Katie Ervin. Mrs. Thorvald Is1""' Ericksnn. Mrs. Josephine Hough-! Transportation will be provid- om and Pastor Harald Grindal. r" " sc lal e , l"u'1 to Sunday School and Church serv ru-,. u,iih ih MnnHav office. Mrs. Maxine Hilfiker will . through Fridav instruction will; direct the school, which begins he Mrs Robert Haynes and Miss 1 Monday at 9:30 a m. and contin ues inrounn June it Evangelical United Brethren Church has recently purcnasea a Church at Marion and Summer forty-five passenger bus to help solve the transportation promem (or many children and adults who are now having difficulty getting FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHF.MEKETA and WINTER "Builders of the Church" By Dr. Poling Two Services: 9:45 and 11 a.m. , KOCO 10:00 a.m. WELCOME TO EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Market and Park Ave. Assembly of God L. A. Larson, Pastor S IS a in Comf lo a friendly Sunday Srhool 11:00 a m Insplrlnn mnrnlni worship irrvlcr 7:30 p. m Evangelistic Rally with N I). Davidson Superintendent of the Orrton Aaaembllei el Cod d) DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Menday thru Friday : a.m. te 12:00 neon A 4-11 Caatei Handicraft Slnilni Bible Storlei For Infornullon rail S-701I No mid-week aervlrei. we are co-ope ratlnt with the I'nlon Tent Revival at ISZS Lana Ave. Marilyn Barnes. Classes will be from 9 tn 11:30 Free Method 1st Schedule Told Vacation Bible School begins at 9 o'clock Monday morninc at the Free Methodist Church, Mar ket at Winter Street, under the direction of Mrs. M. C. Miller. A corps of teachers has been planning for several weeks for the occasion. The school will con tinue through June 21 with a public program to be presented on the closing evening. First Presbyterian Classes Start Monday ices. The bus will also be used by the Youth Fellowship for their trips to Conferences and other out- infis. A Children's Day Program will be presented Sunday morning by the Sunday School at 10 am. At the Worship Service at 10:50 a m. the pastor, A. G. Jamieson will speak on a Children's Day theme, "The Carpenter's Son". . The evening sermon topic, The Annual Vacation Church School opens Monday at 9 a m. for young sters at the First Presbyterian Church in Salem. The two-weeks school will look (Kingdom of God is Near You at everyday problems through Bible stories in the junior classes; primary youngsters of first, sec ond and third grades will study about Bible shepherds. Children four to six will be in the kinder garten classes E North ltd mi Oaimn lev. R. K. latthelor, Sattor WELCOME TO MS a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL II a m. WORSHIP "Ha ShouM Have Gel Sanctified" 7:30 p.m. CLIMAX RALLY "DUMBER THAN TH1 DONKEY" Meet a Friend at THE FRIENDLY CHURCH vv REVIVAL With Evangelist vie TT . ininivn Continues! Meetings every night except Monday and Saturday 7:45 Bible Study 10:0011:00 A.M. Dallas Assembly of God Leland F. Morse, Pastor Calvary Chapel Full Gospel 1143 N. Liberty G. G. Hflllgoss Psitor 9:45 Sunday Srhool 11:00 Morning Worship Specisl Speaker L B. Wels from California' 7.00 Young People's Service 7:45-Sunday Night Evangelistic Service No mid-week services. We are cooperating with the Union Tent Revival at 1929 Lana Avenue. Phone 2-7071 Everyone Welcome rtrf Sotwf Through Iff At long last Turn Homtwari vVhen, at journey's end, a spirit finds its eternal home, it is proper that the funeral service should reflect ell the beauty of this transition, all the solace of this truth. Obfnmt e Mi-wy IViih, HitdhloltitryNfi 20S S. Church at Ferry .UUUOME' 24-Hr. PlMHMi 3-fUf Advenlists Set 3-Level School Poors will open Monday at 9 a. m. lor hoys ana Kins oi pre- Yacalion School Opens LYONS - The Catholic Re ligious Vacation School began Tuesday for a two-weeks' session. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily, in the Catholic Community Hall. The Lyons Community Methodist Church Vacation school, primary, and junior age ooi oegin July , instead levels, at the Salem Seventh-day ;f Ju"' H previously an Adventist Church at N. Summer j nounccd. St. at Hood. The daily proqram will be un der the direction of trained per ; sonnel, and will include various "crafts, music experiences, stories, nature study and games. Of special interest to the pre schoolers will be, the rhythm FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town the Tall White Spire 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. HIGHLIGHTS ANNUAL CONFERENCE Ervin W. Potter Elmer J. Church Brooks H. Moore Sreekt H. Meere, Minister ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL S. Liberty aV High st Myers - SUNDAY SERVICES -7:30 Holy Communion 9:30 Family Service 11:00 Matins and Sermon Mission, V. F. W. Hall 630 Hood Street Family Service, 9:30 A. M. Kev. Geo. H. Swift, Rector Beginning Today Continuing Through the Summer First Christian Church Marion & Cottage Identical Morning Worship Services 8:30 and 10:45 Sermon: "That Nothing Be Lost 9:45 Church School Hour 7:30 Evening Worship Hour Sermon: "The More Excellent Way ji "MMIMIH THt SAISATH DAY" SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH NORTH IUMMIR AT HOOD ST. Services en Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Preaching 11:00 a.m. Youth Meeting 4:00 p.m. MINISTU ILD. H. A. PICKHAM A Mest Cereisl Welceme Awaits Ye If 1 ' Children's Day Program 10:00 A.M. Sunday School Classes 9:30 A.M. Adventure Land V.B.S. June 1 1 to 24 Monday thru Friday 9 to U A.M. Transportation provided, call the Church office 3-7413 Sunday Services 10:50 A.M. "The Carpenter's Son" 7:30 P.M. "The Kingdom of God Is Near You" First Evangelical United Brethren Church Corner of Marion and Summer A. G. Jamieson, Minister ORASl!.il ttElTffQMSS SEE GOD MOVE IN A DIFFERENT WAY Saturday-8:00 P.M. -With Rev. L. C. Coats-Max Wyatt-Paul Cannon Beginning-REVIVAL With Chaplain Coats Young Former loptist Missionary t Chaplain Every Night Next Week (Except Monday) All Churches Invited Sundey School 9:45 Sun, Morning Worship 11 A.M. FAITH TABERNACLE N. 5th & Gaines :2 CHURCHES INVITE YOU To One of Salem's Greatest Spiritual Moves r T .. t f: -Alti Scores have been saved, healed, filled with the Holy Ghost, and delivered in this mighty salvation healing reyival. UNDER THE Tent Is loeated at 1925 Lana Areaae, eae bleck east of Portland Road la Salem, Oresoa mm Heofed Healti Heated Heoferf Rev. R. W. Culpepper Tent is htattd lor your comfort HEAR R. IV. CULPEPPER Saturday Afternoon 2:30 SPECIAL: Healing services for all out of town visitors. Sunday Afternoon 2:30 GREAT MIRACLE RALLY" Saturday 7:30 Great Holy Ghost Rally Hundreds Have Been Filled in These Services Special: 2:30 P. M. Service Tuesday Through Sunday and Nightly at 7:30 I! Arlene' ene e 1J ipenierinf entecettal Cliwikea lJy awMtraf ane! eifhl-Oee, aenks Mlf ne'er (la ler.1 Id. 1 30 tM. Oen'l mix Ait re4 "Mal. laity." arbt Hw 4 aWkMi. .. y Snnnanrerf bv Salem Penterrrtial Minntert fllovhtp. v C. H. Sfhahero. Chairmen,