6-Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, June 9, "58 Mamie Visits Ike Grave First Ladv1 I. J'T Eeen grave Fruity m mm sits In nw seat of While House moutine before Waving executive mention far Walter Reed Hospital Tha President, stricken with abdominal paint eorlier waa lakan to hospital by ambuUnco. (A WirephotoL ' St&rV It Tfilfl WASHINGTON - Prasidantial Sacrelary Jamat Hagarty, (right), briaft " I OIU nawwnan at Whita Heut Friday after aniMuncamant that President Eisenhower had been taken ill. Listening te hit remarks .it Assecated Press Reporter Marvin L Arrowtmith, plaid tie, who wet only reporter present when Hagarty first announced ill ness. (AP Wirophefo) (See Story). .,,, ii-.i n I t i in. n n i i I V: Cttnn Tnlf A OntW MvaiOll I Ure VUin ' becomes Secretary of Interior. ' Presidential Assistant Sherman (APWirephoto). - t BO r .flN 1 .-St iocci It F"iis Show M?9 Tamparotura tipxtad Pnm FnrorrKt Rain ' 'ortl 'w tomorrow In Florida, Wyoming, western Washington, iwuiii rwiCbuai Oregon ind parts f central Plaint and toutherr Plateau. Elsewhere It will be generally fair with clear to partly cloudy skies. It will be cooler In parts of New England, New York, and Ohio and Tennessee Valleys with little change elsewhere. (AP Wire photo Map). ' V - ' . 1 ' X nswvr, w ii v vt im r rvstuwm, p V- .ii i in i l in lam- inn nil WASHINGTON - Fred A. Seaton, former Nebraska sanator and pjwtj,! m,!,,, ti,as oath at White House Friday as he White House Aide Barnard Shanley, right, administers oath as Adams looks on. Seaton succeeds Douglas McKay, resigned. Dwtm frmm -a av. . IVf i Si ) WASHINGTON - A ISL! r ivhuviti n i ii i h mwn leaves the Senate Subway Friday. Ha reserved comment on illness of President Eisen- hewer. (AP WirephotoL 1 - ' U.I. WIATNta tVUAU JI . ... . . iii riT S. 1 Silent v - NO-THEY LIVE ASCUT THREE blocks fix MERE BARNEY COOCLI ic vr o inter wn n l B t ll kjC ucdctu( 1 V i i mnco a rcui cnrvC L PIERRE lviiwtn n r v" www TOR .c-IU ROft HER, OF COURSE MICKEY MOUSk f .XXt'VB to win BUB8LI CCTMTrST.MOKTV 1 l" Ai BUZZ SAWYER 2 GASOUNI ALLEY 6urored to know 1 -Im or t!eiiqrv- 1 Conaratulation. lIHll ANNIE ROONEY RIP KIRBY DICK TRACY f. Jr CAPTAIN BOOMM HAS BEEN ULKIN Ul TWO HOODLUMS ACE AN' WHITEY V PUZILIN6. JESSICA. TUEV WEVER FISH. THEV ) f OVEHTHE WtBSlESS TfiePMONSTO TMg T MAyC MEM SETTIM' MEANEft EVEBV 1 NEVER UUMCH THEIR DINGHY AMD RUN J J Kj&T-JrV A.IRPLAWE WHAT5 60NNA FL VV. DAY, ON ACCOUNT OF BECAUSE THEY ASHORE. ITS AS IF THEY f Q , VD&'W?!. MB MW,K '"y w F ro lNw HAVE TO SIT ABOUND AM J WERE JUST WAITINtf FOP rA4l Ps. UNBACKED AKJ PUT AWAV fYl) ' aNI 8UT THIS 0S6 I CHANGED My ' h FSOV THAT PBE5& I MlSHT HIT, 1 CefH j!Tli mi Flattop reaches the hoof bekjre l TirTTTrTSTTrT m COME 1 WATCH IT? ONE OP OUTANOF 'EM MAS A TOMMY I pUT"EMjN-i CUN. ; I S TbN LEFT AT THIS COONCS.") TmEmRiGmTTOTHC Tl V STATUE. TMf N ClPCLE ) i I TO XXlR LCFT-ANOTT-f t X-THlRO HOUSE r-' l ' I SHORE I SPEAKIN" Of S0CX5- UH-WHAT SZE 00 VE WEAR, COUSIN 7 JUST GOT thbt &CAf OUR TO TWNHTWAT A FtMAU 7 W ll LPT M LOCK U IN UNCA ill MICKEY'S CUOSBT...BB; MUMFS COULD BRlH4TOTHH' ON IXrn.CMANtUVEKS. wba.'S euT..crrrui.TS mrr tm the ftn. aho llf MUll F0M wits tOSSOTOK. By CHESTER GOULD 5r a SiiitvfJ can't tell. But T henW HI be watching the 4 da a 1 cormcial pot on r.'XXsv,.AS A REMINDER NOT '''( jHTO DO ANYThlN6 60 .oV1 FOOLISH AMIS! ITU l M LOOK CUTE WiTH I TkESE REAL ROSES DirrrvVyf DOUBL- ) H Ic J. V TWELVE- AC T :tf I AW Hl til ARt T4 immamnuu wi I 1 L ILILL XWL wm WELL SOES. INTO HE3 f Did ypw j get lines I Lto peak?y R AND FIND THAT .BUSTED Play Safe While You Drive! Keep alert-chew gam Avoid traffic jitters and driving drowtinett. Chew gum whileyou're behind the wheel. Chewing helps relievo ttrain and tension helps keep you feeling froth and alert for tafer driving. Chew any brand of The World at Your Door ly CHIC YOUNO YOUR CXOCCTlONS ) H J BROUGHT ME T , RIGHT EUCK ) !; VtMEREr-r " 'j' FRED lASSWEll BALLS CRREI Z CANT WEAR THEM THINGS! v WAIT DISNEY ly ROY CRANE WlU IN Tin WATiKm. t , ... Ilk, -a;l-- - By KING 7 The narrator doe-; 1.1 i. ii i. I mat. my specially y poumg oap poder dy DARRELl McClURE By ALEX RAYMOND THERE SHE NOW TO 6iTj APARTMENT FLOWER! j EXCLUSIVE FEATURES la It Srt ms te Me Chirln A. Sprain Comts the Diwo Canrat Prtnit SportiliRhtner Al Llfhtntr round Town Jrryma Enill.h Don't Look Now Maxin Burra Our Valley Charlri irtlaai gum you like but chew K while you drive. Nat urally, wo recommend refreshing, deliciout Wrigley'a Spearmint Gum for lively, tatit fying flavor and real chewing enjoyment, akim Each Morning rOrffionG9lutwmw rail J, WaeuM Eli Youth Topics Scheduled At Silverton Churches SILVERTOi Ray Lestrr. srmi-!the spakr at It a.m. Saturday nary student, who is ipendinf the morninf at the Seventh-day Ad- , l summer at his home here, will KUest speaker Sunday at Trinity olferuif will be dedicated to the Lutheran Church. Special music Dorcas Welfare program. Path win be a vocal solo by Miss Eileen ' finders meet Monday night at 7 Thompson of Canby, accompanied o'clock and the Dorcas Society by her sister, Miss Maxine Thomp-, Tuesday afternoon for a relief son. Luther League will meet work gathering. aumay nigra at i.jo Tacatiofli jBioie cnooi wiu go into us sec ond week Monday. There have been SI pupils attending this week. A program is being planned for Friday night, June IS at I o'clock by the Bible school. Parents and friends are invited to attead. Luther League will give a pro gram at Calvary Lutheran Church Sunday night at I p.m. with a pro gram arranged for both young and old. The Rev. Carl C. Berg wiU give a chalk talk. Bible Fel lowship has been set for Wednes day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore. In addition to the morning It ociock services, mere will be a Gospel service Sunday night at 7:30 at the First Baptist Church. A Bible Study class will meet .Wed nesday night at 7:45 at the Wil liam Shackellord home at 807 Bart lett. ' The second in a series of mes sages on the Ten Commandments will be given at First Christian at U a m. Sunday. A fellowship din ner will follow. Following the din ner new officers of the Christian Women's Fellowship will be in stalled by the pastor, the Rev. I. M. Nelson. The second week of the Vacation Bible School will close with a program for the public, j Thursday night at 7:30 and a pic nic for the school on Friday. The official board of the church meets ! Monday nigh at S p m. with Ira Loran as chairman. Vacation Bible School will con-i tinue through the coming week at! Imnianuel Lutheran Church with! a program for the parents Friday morning. New officers who will take over the work at Luther Leacue Sun day night at 7 o ciock are Pat Patton, president: Deanne Sundet, vice president: Janet Larsen. sec - retary, Leif Poverud. treasurer.."!, pas,or ",r lnn"y (-"'",ch. Carole Byberg, pocket Testament i fl,llng thc Psl lefl vacant last Feb- Movement secretary. The Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Nelson and familv will leave Monday fori8 10 M Petersburg. Alaska. Minneapolis, Minn., where the' Bef,re cominf! the Srlidi Rev. Mr. Nelson will attend the a,tcnd thf Rener convention convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Following the convention they will spend some time on vacation at the summer home of the Rev. Mr. Nelson's mother on Lake Vermillion in Northern Minnesota. They plan to return July 12. During their ab sence, services in Immanuel Church will be conducted by Robert Lester and Ray Lester, brothers who are home on vacation from their studies at Luther Theo logical Seminary in St Paul, Minn. Eugene Quade, Molalla will be Salem Church Sets Program, Picnic Event Morning worship will be moved up unr nuur uom u 10 lu a.m. this Sunday at First Congregational , Church because of Children's Day I and an all-church picnic, the Rev- Julian J. Keiser has announced. -The congregation will leave after! worship for the no-host picnic at I Camp Adams. Congregational camp near Molalla. Men's Club of, the church is sponsoring the af-' fair, with Andy Staat as chairman of the cnmmittef on arrangements. The picnic will be held rain or shine, since shelter is available in case of inclement weather. Church School children will go to their classes at the usual 9 30 a m. and will enter the sanctuary in a group at 10 a m., where they will present a special program Thc program will emphasize main fea tures of the children's study of the theme: "God Speaks To t's To day." Infants will be baptized in the service and the Junior Choir will sing. Mcllveiiiia Guest At Morningside The Rev. Ted Mcllvenna will be guest speaker at the Morningside Community Methodist Church at ' 11 o'clock Sunday morning. He spent the past year in a theologi cal school in Edinburgh, Scotland, Next Wednesday evening's serv and was ordained as a Methodist ; ice at First Baptist Church will minister at the conference meet- feature the full -length sound film. ing last week in Portland. A two - weeks Daily Vacation Bible School will open Monday morning at the Morningside Church with classes from 9 - 11:30 for all ages below the intermedi ate level. Mrs. Leland Shinn is superintendent of the School. The local teaching force will be aided the first week by a group of college students, serving under the Board of Education Work Camp of the church. "Crusaders For Christ" Is the theme for the school. St. Mark's Slate Guest Speaker W. W. LaMunyon, a young Theo logical Seminary student, will sup ply the pulpit at St. Mark's Luth eran Church at the 11 a.m. serv ice Sunday. LaMunyon has completed two of the three years of Theological Seminary training required for ordination by the Lutheran Church. He is enrolled in the Pacific Luth eran Theological Seminary, Ber ir!., rvi;r His sermon topic for the Sunday .ervire will he "A Motto fr Christian Living". About thirty of the young people of St. Mark's Luther League, Pas tor and Mrs. Cauble, the League -advisors Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hill- strom, and Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Sat her, are attending their annual retreat at the beach this weekend. belventist Church at Silverton. Th A7eic Pastor SILVERTON The Rev. Alvla L. Selid who will eome to Sil vertoe in earlv July to serve as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church. Pastor Selid Due July 3 At Silverton SILVERTON - James Phillips, president of Trinity Lutheran con gregation has received word that the Rev. and Mrs. Akin L. Selid ana ,noir ,lve cni'dren will arrive I . Sllver,on Tuesday afternoon, IJu,y 3 Thf p'- Mr- Splid is the. "ln me lormer pastor, tne ' Rev-,J A- tutnro and family took . ,.ne r.mgeiicai Lutheran tnurcn ln Minneapolis. Minn. . Rev. Mr. Selid attended public school and high school at Watlnrd City, N. D. He earned his Bache lor of Arts degree from Concordia College. Moorhead, Minn . and his Christian Theology degree from Luther Theologica Paul, Minn. Seminary in St. His first parish was at Drake, N D. w here, he serv ed churches at Drake Balfour'. Rutte ' and Kief. Four years later he wrved three congregations in Enderlin Parish Enderlin. N I) He was there (or seven years. During his pastorate in Enderlin, a building program was launched in whirh the church was completely remodeled and en larged and a Sunday School unit was constructed. He was serving as the president of the North Da kota District Luther League and IS A mpmhlr nf tho Tntnrnolistnnl Luther League Board The Rev. Mr. Selid will conduct his first service in Trinity at Sil verton. July 8. Installation service will be Sunday, July 22, with Dr. H. L. Foss, Pacific District presi dent of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in charge Former Opera Singer Slated Here Sunday Bill Jackson, baritone soloist and former light opera singer, will ap pear in sacred concert nt the First Baptist Church on Sundav evening at 7:30. Jackson, who received his voice training under the noted John Charles Thomas, has sung with the Los Angeles Light Opera Company. After his conversion to Christ, Jackson devoted his voice to the sieging of gospel music and has since traveled to Japan and Korea on singing missions Pulpit message Sunday evening will come from the Rev. William Cross of Eugene, who will speak on the subject, "The Stumbling Block of the Cross " "Scrap and Steel." which depicts the work being done on Skid-Row. The Rev. Ben Owen will speak at the morning worship service on Sunday. His subject will be "When God Sings." Guest Pastor At Hopewell HOPEWELL -The Rev How ard Perry will speak al the Hope well Evangelical I'nited Brethren Church at 11 a m. Sunday. Chil dren's Day and Promotion Day for the Sunday School -vill be observed during the Sunday School hour at 10 a.m. The Western Mennonite Church is sponsoring a daily vacation Bible school from June 11 to June 22 for those 4 to 12 years of age. The Hopewell Seventh Day Advent ist Church is holding its daily vacation Bible school for the same age group beginning Monday from a.m. until 12 noon and closing with a picnic June 21. Mrs. Waldo Maker will be in charge of the kindergar- !'rn dcprtmrnt and Mrs. Harold Davis of the primary department. The Hopewell Missionary Society will hold its( June meeting at the Hopewell El'B Church at 2 p m. Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Pershall it the leader and Mrs. Howard Ste phens and Mrs. Rose Setala art the rtfrtihmant fTHTiilttt