-(Sfc I) Statesman, SaJnn, Ore, SatJune958 1 4 i . " lliCdbtHomo in Salem To Add New Wing, Chapel Construction of a aw win and a chapel at Methodist Rome hat bee autaorired by the Methodist Home Corp, t tu anoeunced m Jav. Tne IUb.WI project wilt tachxl a three-floor. ja-by-fJ-foot wing wita II foot room, eight private Two to Seek Salem School Director Post" Two tints will appear ea the ballot foe Salem School Board director at' the June II hoard election; Clerk Cennell Ward an oounced Iridsy. - Completed petitions for enidl- daciea of Harry W. Scott aid Simuel H. Spomer were turned in by filing deadline for the poet at I p.m. Friday. Scott, pretent chairman of the hoard and owner of a Salem bicycle i hop, if eeek inf reelection while Spomer, a city engineering draftsman,' Is making hia first bid for d board position, t .-- .- Spomer. a resident" of West . Salem, Is active in the ML View ' Community Club- - , . ' Voting will he conducted from J to pmi at 17 school district . precincts In Marion and Polk counties to elect the new director fora-five-year tent. Now aw the hoard-with Scott -are Gardner Knapp, at.. E. (Gus) Moore, Ray Cates and, Mrs. ?, H, Brydon. Seatph"Tak QverNew v Cabinet Post Dr. Sherburne Appointed to Education Post EN GENE Dr. J. W. Sber Institution Probt hatha, living room and dispensary ea me west aide el the auildwg at ICS Cratfr St aad aa SOO-eouare. foot chapel with stating (or 10 anlburne. head el the psychology de the mm ud jeartmeat at Oregon State College, , i.j trill be appointed dean at the la- rwi k. L rwJnT viOwvfc wteosioo division of the Ore Octoberby the Oregon Methodist Conference. . , i s ' ? i. Tbe third floor ea the new Man- o.. iw n rj-i..4. SLl JTwS -rn! Sherburne has been employed at laad tamfly. wiU bt h nnHiiished wnc, 183l nwpt lor World AL?"Jwini War II service si an Army major, be Joined ta the present buiMing.! bi Mort The Louise Bunch Memorial from Greenville College, masters Chapel is named in memory of from University of Uichiiaa and Metnoatsi waaer mm newnerg doctor of philosophy from Ohio rive memDers sara rnaay. -we re whs died last fall m a bomb-1 state University, where he taurhti not through with this thing, by a cauae pua crasa near iMnvcr.i psychology for four years before !ng snot vow.. , moving to Corvalus. He alse hss Mrs. L. A. Walworth of Salem been aupcrintendent of achools at New Evidence Of State Graft Said Hinted. tStery aba on oaf ' Possible new evidence far charges of grsft and corruption la stale institutions wis hinted here Friday by es-grsnd Jury members who heard testimony in the esse last March. , The ex-juror group remained close-mouthed on details of their complaints regsrding conduct of the original probe but one of the Manager House Rejects Bill to Free GIs of Foreign Jurisdiction (Story aba aa page 1) ! WASHINGTON UP la aa im portant victory for the administra tion and House leaders, the House Friday voted down S3-3S a mote aimed at treeing American serv icemen abroad from the criminal Jurisdictioa of foreign govern ments. There wss a technical possibil ity of a further vote on the con troversial move by Rep. Bow R Ohio), but the standing vote against was regarded as, in ef- ! feet, final House action. Bow's proposed amendment would hate made it the "sense of Congress" not an absolute re- they are drafted and sent ever- seas where they are subject ta foreign judicial systems that lack basic American safeguards. "You may be arrested by a communist policemaa and tried bv a communist jury." Rep. Gross R Ioa told the House. Rep. Halleck. Ind.. assistant GOP leader, charged the Bow amendment "Would "wreck the whole program" of foreign aid be cause other sovereign govern ments are not going to give us their rights to try persons on their sou. 'Only Right' Rep. Frank E. Smith 'D Miss) decried what he said was the JSWTSTAR GAZEB0 IS mm a MA 8 was elected treasurer at the build ing and endowment committee. la other business at the meeting Thursday at Methodist Home, Mrs. E. A, Boyle, Mrs. W. W. Cbadwick. Mrs. Walter Nystrom, Mrs. Ralph Mercer and Mrs. J. L Bowlln. all of Salem.' and. Mrs. R. 0. Watson of- Portland were elected ta- the corporation. (Picture aa WsrepbeU Fage) WASHINGTON UR - Tred A. Seaton was rwora la as Secretary ' of the Interior at tha White House Friday despite delays and the absence of the two top officials acheduled to participate. President Eisenhowef was un able to attend because of the ill ness that tent him to, Walter Reed Hospital. - ' Chief Justice Warren, wba was supposed to administer tha oath, got tied op in conference at the Supremo Court and couldn't make It.. i 7, '-.;' Seaton, - a former Republican Senator from Nebraska and depu ty Presidential assistant until ha waa sworn In Friday, was admin istered the oath by Bernard M. Shanley, tha President's appoint ment secretary. Ha aucceeda Douglas McKay, who resigned to seek the Repub lic sn nomination to oppose Sen . Mors (D-Oro) ta best fall's eloc- Tho ceremony had bona set for FrWar -morning but war post poned due to Eisenhower's illness J Friday aiternooa as most cabinet members, many members of Con gress and numerous government officials waited In the cabinet - room the ceremony was again de layed a few minutes because of Warren's absence. . Finally, .Shanley administered ,. tne eauu r Sherman Adams, top Presiden tial assistant, congratulated Sea ton and told him "on behali of tha President I welcome you 4nto this debating society."; , ' r. , Seatoa Is newspaper and radio executive and a cattle man.' He hss served la' tho Eisenhower ad- ministration previously, at the Defense Department and at the Whitf House. : X "V". Threats Told By Portland Vice Witness PORTLAND (ft - A woman called ta testify before tha grand jury la its vice inquiry has been threatened with phyiicsl harm. lAlty. Gen. Robert Y. Thornton said Friday. He ordered state po lice to make a fuB inveatigatkm. Thornton, disclosing that the un named woman had been subjected to "threats and Intimidation." said the per ion responsible would be prosecuted, if identified. The witness la one of a number of persona to appear before the June grand Jury, sow ia the midst of its investigation Into newspaper reports that Seattle gamblers had plotted, with portlanden to take over racket and influence law officials. Among those who have testified is James B. Elkunv Identified by The Oregoniao as the source of much of the information used in its series of copyrighted articles on vice. The newspsper said Elklns had a falling out with the plotters and made a number of tape recordings, which be turned ever to The Oregonian. Man Quizzed About Fatal Portland Fire Lane. S. D., and taught summer sessions at Syracuse University, University af Mane and University of Alberta and many extension div ision classes. la Corvallia, he baa bees a mem ber of tho Benton County Chamber of Commerce board af directors and Americaa Red Cross and ia past president of Rotary. He is a member of Americaa Psycholog ical Association, AssociaUoa for the Advancement of Science, Phi Delta Kappa and PT Gamma Mu, and has served on the Governor's Committee on Problems of Aging and tho State Department of Edu cation committee oa tho exception al child. He succeeds Philip G. Hoffman, who becomes desn of faculty at Portland Stat College Sept. 1. the date Sherburne's appointment be comes effective. rfoMgren to Upenrortlarid Restaurant . . . . ' - ". - Ralph S. Nohlgren, owner of Nohlgren'a Restaursnt and oper ator -of Miller's Cafeteria ia Ss lent, said Fridsy the company is plsnning to establish a restau rsnt In Portlsnd. Details such as loestion art not ready 'for announcement except - that the axpansioa will not affect tha operations la Salem, bo said. Meantime articles of incorpor ation for tha newburineis, Nohl xren'i of Portland, wera filed Frt dav with tho 8tato CorDoration - Department Capital stock is list- ad at 30,ouo ano mcorpoxaiors x ' arfftamed. a Nohlgren, his. wife, 'Mrs. Jean H. Nohlgren, and Charles Iw Flnnell. ? : nine Riiiiftt Fatal to Lad PORTLAND ill - Police, contin uing aa Investigation of a fire that destroyed two businesses In down Iowa Portland. May 30, Arrested a It-year-oid dishwasher for ques- tioaiaf Friday.. Police booked George E. Mattes, the third time he had been arrested ia tho case. An element of mystery was add ed Thursday with discovery of a msn's body ia the ruins of the Gilbert Brothers Plumbing Supply Co. This firm and the General Paint Co., with offices in the same building, were destroyed la the blaze. ! ' ' The body was Identified as thst of Ralph R. Cummlngs, 48, who formerly was - a tsxican driver hart The widow said he bad not been working recently. She had no idea why her ausbsnd was la the building. , Firemen and police have ssid there was evidence someone hsd broken; .Into the building,-taken some money and possibly set the fire. Police said Friday they had determined HO in cash and checks had been taken from safe.;.'"'"": - - Judge Named For Arabian Horse Show Prof. Byron H. Good of Michi gaa State University baa been an nounced aa Judge for Oregon's 10th annual All Arabian Horse show scheduled at tha state fair grounds here Juno 21 and 24. Entries for the show close at midnight June 10 and must be postmarked before that date. En tries should be sent to Wells at PO Box 463, Oswego, Ore. Special show receptio committee has scheduled an exhibitor's dinner at 1:30 June 22, the evening before the show. Reservations should be made through Mrs. Alice Skel. Rt. 1, Box 60s, Beaverton, Ore. Show opens with breethag division events at I a.m. June 24 at the fair grounds. Performance divi sions are alated to atari at 7:30 the same evening and again at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 24. More than 200 horses are scheduled to com pete in the show's 33 events, Wells ssid. The show is claasiifed by the AHSA aa a clsis-A show in all divisions. Exhibitors will receive triple points toward annual AHSA high score awards. Tha show is sponsored by the Arabian Horse Breeders associ- atioa of Oregon and the Salem Shrine club of AI Kader Temple. Proceeds go toward the Shrine Crippled Children's b o s p 1 1 s 1 in Portland. Hrubett Rd.. Mrs. Grsce Hamil ton, 623 Highland Ave., and Ed ward McCloud, 1985 Claxter Rd. McCloud wss foremsa of the special grand jury. Satisfartiea ToU Two other members of the jury were Frank K. Dewitt, 760 E. St., end Edward A. Domogalls, 2170 Myrtle Ave. DeWitt has con tinued to indicste he wss satis fied with the findings of the jury while Domogslls ' laid Friday "We couldn't mske heads or tails of it," referring to the testimony, and . d he could see no ressoa for reopening it. Attorney General Robert Thornton Mid. Fridsy night he hsd received a telephone call several weeka ago from one of the jurors whom he did not identify ssking him about the possibility of his office msking sn investigstionr Thornton-said : 1 .1 k. ! . m Ceaipaay'a aew eaaUiaer man- countries jurisdiction over troops """" uf,u, l.V",, lwu afsctariag plant la Salem Is from other nations stationed ta , P cent perfection. If a GI goes J. C Griffin (shave), farmer that country on mW " s fore.gn com- ,iM,l ...aser af the eena- ArtU. Skelved mumty. he said, it is only nght paay's Portland plant ik.t imuImii -i ik. ...i,,n.fBr expressed on the House floor Identified with the group were aeri.lede ! Aertcaa Caa ' aereements which allow foreign ,ht Just bPC"us mM :u ,n4 nrs. nuoy Arvns, wa nose ai., Mrs. Olive A. Samples. Stayton, Mrs. Georgis V. Knepper. 293 mpany Can Co Chief Veteran Firm Official J. G. Griffin, superintendent of the Americsn Can Co. plant now nesting completion in North Sa lem, is sn 11-year veteran with the company with s 1941 degree in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. He joined Canco in Seattle in 1943 and wss employed by the company to San Jose end Oak land. Law., before becomin Last year the House once adopt- J181 the V"' be able to try ed the Row amendment in man datory form by a big majority. But that action waa later shelved. Bow's supporters contended American boys are being deprived of their constitutional rights when g ss- v. .-m k. ..ii v. i j ... sistant manager of the Portland only on the order of the gover nor. He ssid thst one of his deputies had received s esll of of the sime type. No Indlcstiea District Attorney Kenneth Brown said he hsd no indication from any of the jurors thst they were-any way diwstiified with the Investigation end. sdded "if any one hss any additional in formation or evidence, 111 be happy to present it to the present grand jurv or any grand jury." Al M. Richardson. West Sslem drive-in operstor whose charges promoted the original investiga tion by the grand jury, said Fri dsy he hoped tht the probe plant manager. would ne reooened ind conduc ed by the ettorney genersl's of fice. Principal Witness Richardson wss s principal wit ness before the jury, testifying at the beginning of fhe investiga tion into each of the institutions. When the Jury's sction wss com plete he ssid "This report is quite s surprise to me; I thought my testimony - wss well docu mented." At the time Richardson wss a candidate for state treasurer on the Democratic ticket, having, re signed from his orison post to seek the nominstion. Though he ssid he wss in fsvor of reopening the investiga tion and would be willing to testify again. Richardson Indicat ed he wss not involved in the Theatre Time Table rt.SINORg "MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH" 3 15 105 nd 10 M "INSIDE DETROIT": 5 40 ind 30 CAPITOL "THE LAST HUNT": 1:10. 1:05 and 11 -00 "GLORY": MS. 5 SO and 1:15 NORTH SALEM DRIVE IN "ARTISTS. AND MODELS" with Dean Martin and Jerry Lcwli. "BOTTOM OF THE BOTTLE" with Van Jnhnxm. Joseph Cot I'm and Ruth Roman. Show itarti at dusk. HOLLYWOOD "ROSE TATTOO": 1 00 and i 50 "NAT KING COLE STORY": S 23 plant in 1953. A Navy veteran of World War II, he is married and the father of three children. The company plans s dedica tion ceremony and open house at 4h. n.ur CiUm ..-nlant in ffarlv August, when all machine instal-'Pf 1. a f llnra lation is to be completed and full 1 UUll KjULLI 9 production reached. 'Production, however, is expect edf fo "start about July 1 with a modest ceremony marking the first containers to be msdc in the Salem plant. Activities of the 135,000-squsre-foot factory for which ground was him. Majority leader McCormack Mass) shouted it is "disgrace ful" that V. S. servicemen hsve returned home leaving children overseas, "and it is done with the consent end approval of our Army officials." Under the s t at us-of -forces agree ments, which the United States has with msny countries, the home country is allowed jurisic tion over the foreign troops on its soil when they are off base and off duty. 66-?6470t 4 S-10-24 MO Mill vVi-ss-sim H fawtMrAdMyCaWk X Arrardiaa Sta. . To develop messoge Mr Saturday, eeod words corresponding to avflSjeei ot your Zodwc bwth sigrv I m1 11 Mr SI A t Sna. SlGav ) Hat 13 twai S3 Sa 4 luck 14 O S4 C Sf M Sj 41 Tiaatmawa 0 fMi 14 tarf 44 Oa To 37 A tf Cuaanan i 0 Nm IS CMa 4S Stam 5 Piair 34 Sacca 44 a W Swww 40 70 AHamnaat II Tah 41 Ptaownl 71 Cwanan 1 ma 42 ruble 71 Ta II Stan 43 Law 71 acl 14 Na 44 A 74 Acnntaa 1 Outtfoar 45 Humawaan AnnMan 14 Quick 44 IniTr 74 And 17 Mofca 47 Socol 77 Earn, 15 rua as Mnwf 71 Vow I fanra) - 44 Wrfh 74 Sa 20 Sweat 50 Vnulann SO Tha 21 CouhJ 51 Dot SI Asaraam 22 Houn 52 an S2 Chamhaa) 23 Mvw S3 Dot S3 Soxifan) 24 C 54 Gat II to. 25 Cauat 55 Paopla S5 And 24 A 54 Lend Sa A. 27 DuS 57 Vouf S7 Sock 25 Chaana- 54 Surtad SS Con 2S Omm V In S Himtitt 30 Saara 40 And 40 Fnand fGood )Adttir iNeimal" san a oct a Lsrv5 w 4 f-a TT -t v a. hi? oct at no a lAajnuaM NOV OK b4$7-4M9jl OK ".fa a"-':iv g547V.' ag5-S7V? h3-ii-30-ri 67 54 8086 J) Kiddie Rides Open ft Today 2:00 P.M. (( M JM4FalreiudsIdJ. U Ancient Sign A Salem advertising landmark was brushed out of existence Fri-I day by s painting crew. j The Bull Durham sign on the broken Jsn. 4 will be coordinated west side of the Pioneer Club, 356 with production st the Portlsnd State St., wss covered with cream plant under the general supervi- colored paint Friday. The sign, sion of R. K. Frederick, Portland about 50 feet long and 15 feet high occupied a portion of the brick Supplies of tinplate and con- wall facing an alley off State tamers are now being stored in, street. the Salem plant warehouse. The Pioneer Club owner Mike Perd completed plant will have a rated ; said the tobacco advertisment had output capacity of 240 million i bn there about 40 years. containers annuauy. Woodburn Drive-In Eads Sat. "iT(li attars" Plus "Wsmia'i Werir Starts folds "H'lilwiriFiirWNlnor" flue "Ths Marauder." KLAMATH FALLS ID - A ll year-eld boy playing with a rifle with . young friend, trts fatally wounded hero Friday afternoon. Coroner George Adler identified the dead boy as Rudy Jeschke Jr. 'J&tt 'said th4 boy suffered a gaping shoulder wound and was dead by tho time help arrived. Jeschkr had been playing in the basement, at the borne of hia . friend, Donald Smith. 14. Smith's parents -were at work. 'The fatal bullet came from' a J70 rifle which fired accidentally, Adler ssid. The victim was the ami "of Mr. and . Mrs. R n d y J wescnao. , GrangeHolds Closed Meet PENDLETON I - The Oregon State Grange, In the closing dsy of its annual convention, Friday met In closed, Session to consider resolutions-and other grange busi- Reapportionment of tho Legisla ture was the most controversial issue remaining, and there were reports of heated discussion on the question. . The Grange, which last year le vered the Federal plan of reap portionment, this year haa a con troversy on its hands. The federsl plan would give each county one stste senator, Instead of basing the number on population as under the present system. The House would continue to be apportioned according to population. , On Thursday delegates reaf firmed their opposition to a state sales tax. They rejected three resolutions calling for a sales levy to support schools. Youthful Salem Tarzan' Breaks Both Arms in Fall A U-yesr-old Salem boy broke both his arms Friday when he fell from a tree while playing "Tartan," city first aidmen re ported. First aidmen listed the boy ss Jsmes Waltz, 1910 Saginaw St. He also received a laceration on one knee and stomsch abrasions, they ssid. The boy wss swinging from a rope on tree and tumbled down a 2o-foot embankment in his fall, aidmen said. Stolen Money Buys Clothes A 12-year-old Salem girl out fitted herself Thursday with a new dress, shoes snd s wallet at the expense of a neighbor's "piggy bank," city police re ported. Officers ssid the girl entered sn apartment near her home and removed two of three $20 bills stored in a can. With one S20 new action by the former grand ' she purchased the new ensemble. furors. Payrolls in State Set New Record For Past Year Payrolls of firms covered by Oregon s Unemployment Compen sation Law last year were 7 per cent more than the previous all time record set in 1953, the Un employment Compensation Com mission reported Fridsy. The 1953 totsl wss $1,390,065,- 127. It wss 8.7 per cent more then ths 1954 totsl. Average employment of these firms wu 329,624, a gain of 14, 000 over 1954, but not quite up to the level oi iwoi ana isoz. PLYWOOD BOOSTED 1 PORTLAND .11) . -A price In crease of M for Index grsde Doug las fir plywood was announced by majer producers Friday. The boost wu from a two-year low of $71 per .thousand square feet for quarter-inch, '. panels, sanded . oi ca aide. . Neutral Team Shifts Today From Korea SEOUL Utv- The United Nations Command announced it will begin moving neutral-nation inspection teams out of South Korea Satur day. The teams were ordered out Mity 31. Gen. I. D. White, U. S. Far East Army commander, said the 21 members of the four-nation super visory commission will be re moved by U. N. sircraft. The U. N. Command accused the communists of using the ar mistice as a blind for an illegal buildup in North Korea with the help of communist Polish and Czech truce inspectors. Sweden and Switzerland are the other na tions on the supervisory commis sion. The Inspectors will be moved from the three seaports where teems hsve operated. Inchon and Kunsan on the west coast and Pussn on the southeast coast. The other bill she retained. The remaining money was re turned to the neighbor, police said, with the exception of $3 which the girl said she lost. Police reported that her father sgreed to restore the $20. Cottonwoods Every Sat. Night Jack Kizziah And His i New Texas Ramblers Adm. 1.00, tax inc. Stars of KSIM 5:304:00 P. M. PHONI 4-4711 SO Opaa4:4S Ma la Taalayl The Ro$ Tattoo StarrMf iari lancatiar ana1 Aca4aary Award WMniaf Anna flaafftanl Th Nat "King" Col Story Swit ana rail wild Naf "Kma" Cala Starts Tomorrow at Regular Prices! Tha Palitiar Priia Winaar aa tha Scraanl William HaMaa-Kin Natak PICNIC Ca-Starriflf laaalina1 Small Ala David Srian Navilla Sraad Fury at Gunsight Pass MVERTON Drive-In Theatre Ends Sat. "Hoi lelsw Zsrt" Plus "Jehnnv Guitar" Starts Sun. "Sum Slept Hero" Plus "Irtlhsn War Volim," AUMSYIUE PAVILION - SATURDAY NIGHT Western Sfoi 0 Simf O Arfs 1 owe 4147 e&tHt Cuah -fjlnf ft tiers Room I 00 i n ITU.-1 Vrirti ussow ... . . i..h.aTra tOf 4ar sat y NHe t e'Wu HO CHAW MB0H DALLAS MOTOR-VU 0ttt fm 7:00 iKw at riwk intit Tanif M "River of No Return" "Trial" Star! Taiarraw OanaM O'Canaar, MarHya Maaraa lat "There's No Business Like Show Business" Ciaamatcapa ana Calar Saeand Natwa Claudatta Calhart, Sarry SuHiraa "Texas Lady" Swprtwo4) m4 CUr fley Are lr tK KreMstt DANLe . . TONNE! MAN ARRESTED A Salem man waa arrested In the 2300 block of Broadway Street about 10:10 p.m. Friday on a charge of driving while intoxicat ed. city police reported. Police listed him as Max Samuell Du- Mond, 4717 Thonnao Rd. Ball was set at $100. 3 0 Buffalo Meat Possible for River Days Salem residents may celebrate July 4th this year like their pio neer forefathers by dining on roast buffalo. ' " At least that's what the commit tee la charge of the Willamette River Days celebration hopes for ss they scan ths horizons for an available buffalo for tho barbecue to be ataged in connection, with the festival... . There's young buffalo to be had ia North Dakota, according to wont received by the festival offi clala Friday. And if tentative plans work out, locsl group will haul tho animal to Salem by truck. 1 a a! Crystal Gard ens AIR-CONDITIONED! SPRING FLOOR! Adm. 74c DAYTON LEGION HALL Music by LYLE and the WESTERNAIRES Ivory Sst. NigM 9:30 to 12:30 Adas. l.N (Tas lac.) Cent. From 3:151 ...lathe fa. - Z n -V 5 A-j center ' ofihe ; world- North I t Africa! aMPaaaaaaBaa.1 THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH a mmount neruai -Co-Hit- DSfuCI? Cont. From 1 P.M. TAYLOR Qti USTHMtCOLOS -Co-Hit- Woltar Irtnnaa JUfflSCOft Ttchnkkr ANNOUNCING In every community there is o place noted for its fine food! IN THE SANTIAM VALLEY IT'S THE RIVERYIEW CAFE Just 2 blocks south of Mehoma Jet. on Hwy. 22 Re-opened under new management with Chef Del Gaines, formerly of Now York Opera Hso. Assn., featuring tho Finest Foods. GRAND OPENING Sunday, Juno 10th with a Smorgasboard family stylo dinner. Bring the family all you can oat for $1.75. OPEN SUNDAY AT NOON TILL 12 P.M. TUESDAY thru SATURDAY Open 4 P.M. to 3 A.M. Oyer $50,000 Worth of New Cars in Action AT THE LATE MODEL TOCK CM AUTO RACES SAT. JUNE 9 TIME TRIALS 7:45 P.M. HOLLYWOOD BOWL SALEM Ph. 45757 Ph. 45527 7,; f ;iJ:i;rrriMU : aavi 1 hut.Ki.itri:;iTiit).Ttt:itataN Fiesta Dinner Sunday, June 10th Serving Spanhh or Amtrkan ftod 12 Noon to 4 P. M.-Adults, $1.25. Children S0i rtlZIS t INTISTAINMINT IT IHI . . . rHTISNATIONAl SOIK DANCISS Dfln c!lhU4Q Lancaster and IV Stroota Gates Open 6:45-Show at Duskl Ends Tonight "Artists I Models" and "Bottom of the Bottle" STARTS TOMORROW The life story of tho "King" of Swingl STEVE DONNA ALLEN REED "The Benny Goodman Story" -Co-Hit-Story of Gambling on tho River Boalsl LEX PATRICIA BARKER MEDINA "DUEL ON THE MISSISSIPPI" Announcing GRAND OPENING , Saturday, June 9 LAST FRONTIER CLUB Santiam Highway Gates Featuring th Finest in Thick Steaks Pan Fried Chicken and Italian Spaghetti Catering to large psrties snd bsnqucts. Deluxe motel sccommodations. For reservations phono Mill City 5844 Peggy Randall, Mgr. ii