850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 832 Used Can For Sol 852 Uwd Cort For Sole 152 Um Cart For Sola IS2 Uiotf Can For Sol . 132 UtW Con For Sol.152 UmoI Cart For Solo 132 UmJ Cart For S.US52 UtJ C.n For Sal C50 Automotive 850 Automotive !4-(SecII) Statanan, Salem, Ore. June 9, "56 e52VtJ Cart For Sal BUY A I Quality Used NEW i NEW . NEW 1954 NASH Amb. custom 4-dr. Sedan. Fully equipped, driven only 1.500 miles. Savt over $1,000 on tbl car this week only. , i , , , , .... i i,'. 1354 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 2-dr. Very clean. Only $1395.01 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook ttret, overdrive, looks like new. Only f 1095.00. 1951 CHEVROLET Bel-Air tdr. Sedan. RtK, beautiful tu tone color, Really clean throughout. A real buy at $1145. 1951 FORD tt ton 4 pickup. Very food. $595. . CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH ' "BETWEEN THE BRIDGES" SALEM. OREGON ..2650 PORTLAND : ROAD '56 FORD FAIRLANE VIC. Loaded . . . including Cont Kit. FAIRLANE FORDOR - CUSTOM FORDOR - 1-PASS. COUNTRY SEDAN ; PARKLANE . All Fully Equipped '53 CUST. MERC.'2-D00R Radio, heater, overdrive, w. '5J CUST, FORD FORDOR' 55 FORD VICTORIA ........ '52 CHEVROLET FORDOR Radio and heater. '49 OLDS "W 4 DOOR Radio, heater, hydramatle. . '51 STUDEBAKER FORD VANETTE. ....... COME OUT AND SEE - Virg Pade . . John Slanchik . Warren Hocker tin 3650 PORTLAND era e m um TIIININ I II. n 7JJl I ILL OLDSMOBILE . Hardtop. Just like new It fully equipped with power eteerins. power brakea, hy dramatic. 54 MERCURY - Station wafon, mer-o-mat-le, power eteerins. power - brakea, white wall Urea, one el the cleaneit it moat beauUiul can la town. KIM 54 FORD l-door, I-tone blue, clean ai can be. Thla la V-I ' with overdrive. fllM 52 FORD V- . Country aedan. Thla car li In excellent condition & fully equipped with over drive. This li the four-door three aaater. 12 MERCURY " LUWTom e-aoor. I nil re a TU- Vine model In perfeqt ahape with overdrive, radio li heater. ..... -.. UM CENTER AND LIBERTY mm ilie 1955 PACKARD CLIPPER LOCALtT OWNED AND HAS HAD THI BFST Of CARf, LOW MILEAGE AND FULLY EQUIPPED. HERE I QUAUTY AND PRESTIGE. . FOR ONLY $2395 152 N. HIGH It POrTTIAC I dr. adn. Silver Streak S, radio, heater, hydra., very cleea a exe. anad. Pt-4-M7I after t Me. 152 Ui.d Can for Sab ling a Treat itomoDi Car Now . . . Suburban. One local owner Mr. Sedan. R It H, white wall jiomoDii PHONE 3-4117 : SAVE fl c I J) I I I !E Fully Equipped Good Condition m RD. 4-0535 III INE PH. 44931 inn 52 FORD V-8 Country Squire. Thii hard to find l-passenger aedan li just like new, radte It heat er & overdrive. I12M '53 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. Here'i one that can't he found anywhere elae. Immaculate condition, owned by a college proles or. took care of It like hla wife. Radio It heater. JUM 49 BU1CK Station wafon. You can load all the family In thla rig. Built (or the outdoor type. 14.000 worth of ear when new. Radio St heater, auto, drive Real alick. WM "51 MERCURY Slick looking dark blua fin ish, tet off by while wall tlret, good looking red plaid aeat coven, thii Ta a lewel. Radio A heater at overdrive, anus '51 OLDSMOBILE 98 Beat looking car for the money In town. Big ear luxury at a low price. Lo cally owned It serviced, guaranteed thla one for thouundi of mllea. Radio ii heater, hydramatle. t9ft - SALEM liters 1S4T CHEV. PleeU.ne. Radioa. heater, recent overhaul, new tlrea. life-guard tubal. I2M. by wner. Pa, V4sot K ' raiE 53 CHEV. V- STA. WGN. Radio, heater, powergllde. 55 CHEV. 8 CYL, ST. WON. Radio, healer, powergllde. 55 CHEV. BEL AIR HDTP. Loaded with equipment 55 CHEV. BEL AIR TUD. tt'i ;uat Ilk new. 55 CHEV. "210" 4 DR. 1 owner, radio, healer, pow er leering, and power brakes. 55 CHEV. BEL AIR 4 DR. ! Gold eolor. radio, heater. powtrfUde, V-g motor. i sun 2 LOTS Center & High S3 Chev. Station Wgn SIMS 14 Chev. 4 Or. Wagon ... 13 R . H. ti Powergllde. St Ford Fairlane . $1995 Club; thia la a terrific buv. M Chev. Dlx. 2 Dr 13M S3 Chev. Bel-Air 2 Dr. . .. 105 Black, w. w. tlrea. D. I. M Chev. V-I Bel-Air 3195 Less tnan 1.00Q miles, equip- M ford ord Wagon V-I I169S hV. H.. O. D. Like new. U Buick Special -Dr t?N Thla la extra nice. M Ford Ranch Win. I2 Overdrive. 1.0M actual mllea. ttjont y-t 8dn. .. .UM Dandy, green St Ivory. - - - SI Chev. Dlx. 4-Dr lines Very popular model. ( Willys Sta. Wen S299 uvBranvi. uooo. netn. SI Chev. 4-Dr, Extra S8S WEST SHI 8 VI BEFORE BUYING. COMPLETE SATISFACTION, LOW RATE BANK TERlftg. EVES. 4-S490 MSB'S 1395 EDGEWATER THOU SHALT 1956 PONTIAC Star Striking Sandalwood and Sun maicning nylon and leather interior 131 H P. engine with 4 barrel carb. dual exhauat, new STRATA-FLITE hydra, power ateertng, power brakea. radio heater, beck-up litea, wind ehleld waahera, and many other cuatom PONTIAC extrai. and only 4.400 mllea. 100 ont year warranty on parte and la Dor. special vua weekend $3195 I q 1 f n f in f fo 660 N. Liberty DULY ALL NEW 1956 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Four-Door Sedan $2652 Midnight blue and white Bportone paint, matching black and white Interior of pylon ac vlnvrx. Hy-FIre 117 H. P. V-I en gine, puih button powerfllte drive, search finder radio heat er, directional aignale, back-up lighta, white aide wall Good year tlrea. Thla car haa 1.000 mllea and may be purchaied for MM down and IM.93 per month. L 554 N. Liberty 154 Truttti, Trail, for solo 51 FORD DUAL DRIVE Big engine, air brakei. 50 0 M.C. DUAL DRIVE Short logger, repainted and overhauled. '51 CHEV. CABOVER Dual drive, a fine lumber or farm rig. '48 STUDEBAKER In fine hape.rall new tlrea 51 DODGE 4-TON PICKUP Cheap. ypite TRUCKS! TRUCKS! Several Used H-Ton I.H. Demonstrators Before You Buy Be sure and See the International Trucks and Pickups All Trucks Built to Save You THE BIG MONEY! CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION 2255 SILVERTON RD. ' PHONE 2-4123 FOR SALE All metal alngle hone trailer, like new. llnko - axle. 10XCJI rubber. Cheap. Ph. a-4wi. '41 MERCURY motor. 4-loajTor aee at Davta Oil Co. on Fair grounds Rd. BUS FOR SALE 21 PASSENGER; GOOD. PH. 4-5280 t FORD la ton cab chassis, U4" wheel base. 1 ap'd rear end. 131 x 10 rubber. Pr. 4-M31, IOM Hulary. 13 DODGE tfc to pick-up cua tom cab, heater, original paint fat on your terms, toel Au burn Rd. " ill AT 55 FORD RANCH WAGON V-a. like new. 55 FORD VICTORIA HDTP. Radio, heater, fordomaUe, white wall Urea. 55 FORD FAIRLANE SPORT CPE. Jet black, white wall tlret, radio, heater, lordomatle. 55 FORD CUSTOML. V- Radio, heater, overdrive. 54 FORD RANCH WAGON Really aharp It fully equip ped. 52 FORD CUSTOML. TUD. A dandy with radio, heater, lordomatle. Union & High 30 Chev. Sdn. 4 Dr SW Power glide, very I 'SO Chev. 4-Dr. Dandy . . MM '4e Naih 4 Dr I1M 'SI Buick Hardlop WM Radto. heater It dyna . aharp. 80 Oldi. "88'' 4 Dr 1633 R . H. it Hydra. 'JO Chev. I Dr. Dlx. H h. Sharp, 4) pontine Sdn. Good 10 Chev. Dlx. 4-Dr. IMS M Chev. Dlx. 4-Dr W9S 'M Plymouth Clb. Cpe. i rord Clb. cpe 95 Radio, heater, overdrive. V-I 41 Chev. I-Dr. Sdn. 1)0 ' Ford ,, ton Pickup 29i 31 Chev.- Sdn, New Tlrea , 50 a Ford V-i Sdn ti!4 ' Chev. Aero Sdn 7S '40 Chev. Cpe 135 si unev. . ion nicnun - ansa Dlx. cab. LIBERAL DISCOUNT EVES. 1-458? NOT STEAL? Chief Catalina Sedan Belae evt.rlor wiih heauillnl uniy Pill b Phone 2-4113 Phone 4-3492 l54Trucki, Troil. or solo rati SSL T '51 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Dual drive, ihort logger. '50 I. F. ISO Slmrt dual drive for dump body, completely recondi tioned. 44 DODGE TRI CK With flat hed. 53 G M.C. YTON PICKl'P Big rubber, low mileage. 1931 CHEV. flatbed pickup. 41 motor. Ph. 3-3440. 1045 N. Uth TWO-Wheel utility trailer. I-M.13. Ph. 14I CHEV. pickup, 111 W. Ma drona. 1-3741. 141 FORD panel delivery, 1123 or trede. 1-43M. FOR SALE or trade for trailer houee. 1153 Studebaker pick up ST. 4 speed trans . over load apga., heavy duty tlrea. overhead rack. Ph. 4-5033. 1953 STVDE. truck. I speed axel, flatbed, all for 5994, terms. auto Portland ltd, FLATBED with grain box. llTa ft. Call im. sii fen ONE Mini. iKc IIS Mo Safes Premium Cars At 54 FORD V-I 2 dr. Sdn. Illtt Heater, mareon finish, aharp, white wall tlrea. 54 CHEV. BEL-AIR 1-Dr $1399 Radio, heater, while walli, tutone finish, very sharp. 54 BUICK RIVIERA $2099 Hardtop cpe., tutone fin Uh. white walla, radio, heater, dynaflow, a beau tiful car In top condition. 54 CADILLAC '62' Sdn. $3199 One owner, like new in and out. tutone finish, full pow er, radio, heater, hydramat le drive. 52 MERCURY MONTEREY HARDTOP Hardtop, leather Interior, radio. heater, automatic drive, tutone finish. . '53 CHEV. BEL-AIR HARDTOP Radio, healer, power elide. I u lone finish, sharp Other Makes and Models to Choose From SEE US FIRST OR LAST For the Best Deal Nothing down on tpproved credit OPEN EVE S TILL 9 P.M. Ph. 1-iaoi 404 No. Church 41 CAD. Conv. excellent cond Will take trade. Ph. 3-9713. 53 CHEVROLET $825' 4 door. '.S3 CHEV. BEL AIR $1125 ?-door, low mileage. '47 FRASER . 4-door, good transportation '54 CHEV. PICKUP DE LUXE $1095 '56 MORRIS'MINOR ....$1565 Station wagon. ATTENTION: '32 HUPM0BILE SDN. . $350 "Seeing Is Believing On Every Car" British Car Sales im tt. Capitol Ph. t-mi '52 CHEV. Sdn., excellent cond 4M Rose. Ph. 3-M74. '55 DODGE V-8 ROYAL LANCER THIS BEAUTIFUL CAR HAS THE POPULAR 3 - TONE PAINT. THAT EASY OPER ATING POWER FLITE TRANS. PLUS RADIO, HAND HEATER, FOR YOUR DRIV ING PLEASURE. SOLEX CLASS AND TURN SIGNALS, WHITE WALL TIRES. THIS CAR HAS HAD ONE LOCAL OWNER AND FOR THE MONEY IT CAN'T BE BEAT. $2295 MOTORS UNION k HIGH, PH. 2-2460 $1.00 BUYS A 1939 CHEV. YES I SAID ONE DOLLAR COME IN AND SEE IT ALSO WE WILL HAVE A CAR FOR 100 EVERY SATURDAY. DRAWING AT 1 P.M. EVERY SATURDAY. YOU PAY NO MONEY TIL AFTER YOUR NAME IS DRAWN. THEN AND ONLY THEN YOU PAY ONE DOLLAR. 53 PLYMOUTH 2 dr. ..$895 Clean car 54 CHEV. Bel-Air 4 d. $1695 Station wagon, with power glide 53 CHEV. Pckp. 4 ton $995 Deluxe cab. 52 CMC Pckp. H ton $794 oood rig. 51 BUICK Riviera Cpe. $845 ALSO 51 CHEV. FLEETLINE 4-DR Radio. Heater. White Walls. 42 CORNBINDER. i, ton pick up, slightly edgv 1540 4B FORD CONVERT ??? Radio heater, spot lights, real sad car. 51 HENRY 1 127t Good work car. NO MONEY DOWN NEEDED ON ANY OF THESE CARS THE DOLLAR LOT AUTO SALES 3024 So. Commercial Ph. 4-9334 Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Uaed Can Commercial It Chemeketa Ph 4-171 1 1BS0 MERCURY. overdrlveTliew aeat covers. 3 tone, white walls. Alao IOM Buick Special 4-dr . straight transmission, very nice. Must aell one thla week. 1431 M. 4th. Ph. 4-4453. PRICES . I Sill Including One Yea 1 1950 DODGE FORDOR 1951 PONTIAC CATALINA COUPE 1955 FORD CROWN VICTORIA Loaded with extras. 1950 CHEVROLET HARDTOP . 1952 MERCURY MONT. 4-DR. 1955 FORD FAIRLANE Buy With Confidence LES DAVIS' 1 Lb Lb 3-3147 Quality . We Welcome Our New Neighbor 51 MERC. CLB. CPE. M5 Radio, heater, overdrive. New Paint. 50 MERC. CLB. CPE 3595 Radio, heater It overdrive 50 FORD 4 DOOR 3495 Radio, heater. New paint. SO STUDE. STARLIGHT CPE. . ... i Heater A overdrive. 50 PLY. CLB CPE 45 Heater. 51 KAISER 4 DOOR 1295 47 CHEV. 4 DOOR . 1195 41 CHEV. 1155 '50 OLDS. M SEDANETTE 3495 Radio, heater, hydramatir. "The Workingman's Friend" Open tin I no 1245 Broadway Ph. 2-7372 NOTICE OF SALE FOR USED EQUIPMENT AND SCRAP MATERIALS AT SALEM, BEND. AND COQUILLE JUNE 12, 1956 The Oregon State Highway used car. several trucks, load ers, graders and other used equipment and scrap materials located at the Highway De- Sartment Equipment Plant at alem; also used tires located at Cnqullle: and a trailer house located at Bend. Sealed bids for the purchase of all or any one piece of this used equipment and fox all or any elasa of the scrap mate rials will be received by the State Highway Commission In Room 133. State Highway Rulldlng, Salem. Oregon, un til HI, pm.. Tuesday June 12. tM. at which time the bids will he publicly opened and read Proposal forms and full Infor mation may be obtained In Room 231. State Highway Building. Salem. Oregon, and at the Sealm, Coqullle, and Bend Equipment Planta. -LIS DAVIS UHIHGEU SPECIALS! Les Davis, in announcing his becoming; sole owner of VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY offers these ANNOUNCEMENT SPECIALS for this weekend Any 1956 Executive Car Announcement Special Discount Of $600- rnai From Satisfactory Service To Help You Is if Guaranteed AT 1255 BROADWAY M CHEV. BEL AIR ????? 4 dr., radio & heater, power glide. Big engine. '55 CHEV. VII. 210 11795 4 door. '52 PONT. CHIEFTAIN I I 195 4 dr.. radio, heater, hydra 51 FORD CLB. CPE. 595 Radio, heater. 51 FORD 2 DR. . 3 495 Radio, tt heater. Overdrive '50 FORD CLB. CPE I 495 Radio, heat'rr & i verdrlve '51STUDE. LANDCRUISER I 495 4 dr . auto trans., radio & heater. "Sec Clean Cut Clint k Savin Sirtes" 1255 Broadwav Ph. 2-BIOS la II Low In $195 47 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4 door. BUICK SPECIAL 4 DR wm a mm col $2595 '56 FORD V-8 6 PASS. STA. WAGON Ford-o-matic, heater, tint ed glass, windshield wash ers, back-up lighta, 2-tone paint. SALEM'S USED CAR HDQ. 671 S, 12TH 'II HUDSON Cmdr.. heater, hdro. dr, cond. Ph. 2-7130, CP irantee! Former Anne. Price Special Was Price .$.495 . $398 . 995 883 . 495 415 . 995 900 . 2695 2466 . 745 655 . 1295 1187 . 2295 1997 Liberty at Center Is Our Pledge Our Privilege. Used Cars We Welcome Our New Neighbor 1953 CHEV. 4 DR. SDN., tu-tune green, only 36.000 one owner miles (95 1953 CHEV. BEL-AIR. 2 DR.. radio, heater, tu-tone. Low mileage, very clean U5 1952 PONTIAC I CATALINA. immaculate 'neide out. fullv equipped with radio, heater it hydramatle. Locally owned 31165 1955 PONTIAC STATION WAG ON, fully equipped. Onlv 13.000 one owner miles (2395 19S2 CHEV. CLUB CPE., rsdio A heater. 1 owner, low mile age, beautiful black finish with whitewalls 3 MS 1952 FORD 't TON PICKUP. 4 speed deluxe cab. radio A healer. Like new I MS WESTERN MOTORS 1283 Broadway Ph. 3-9221 Cost $245 '50 FORD V-8 DLX. 2 DR. '49 FORD V-8 CUST. 4 DR. 48 CHEV. DLX. 2 DR. '56 CHEVROLET V-8 6- PASS. S1ATION WAGON. Power glide, heater. E-Z-Eye glass. 2-tone paint. PHONE 2-9881 lb Oft radio ISM MERCURY MonUlalre hard IAO0. Exc. I top. loaded waeeeasoelea. Muet 1 eell due to tUnesa. Ph. I-lflL 11 Your Was Come In AND STOP THAT BULGING EXPENSE ACCOUNT BY DRIVING AWAY IN ONI OF THUS SAFETY TXITEB USED CARS. LOOK! LOOK! 1956 Ford Crown Victoria Beautiful raven black and white. Driven only 1 MM miles, full power, a beauty to benold. Save MOO by driving thai one away for I3.993. . 1955 Olds 88 Holiday ecnarioi Bed stick transmission, new wnua anoei. lisaa as a pin. A steal at 2.1S. 1954 Olds 88 4-Door Attractive Jonull Yellow equipped. 11,950. 1954 Plymouth Belvedere 4-Door Radio, heater, auto, transmission, new rubber, real sharp. Only 17.009 mllea. 1,3. 1952 Olds Super 2-Door Sedan name, nearer, nyaramaue yours for only 11,141. 1951 Mercury 4-Door Radio, heater, overdrive, clean as i hound s tooth. WlB trade at low price of t"9S. REMEMBER If it comes from Loder's . . . . . . IT'S GOOD. 461 N. High "THE LOT ARE A HABIT WITH OUR SI HOW TO KEEP THEM SMILING, TOO. IT'S A MATTER Of GOOD MERCHANDISE. GOOD SERVICE, AND THE DE SIRE TO PLEASE. WE ENJOY YOUR SATISFACTION. '55 BUICK Century niviera four door, tops variable pitch dynaflow. 11,605 mllea. 55 BUICK Super Riviera Cpe 2895 Power steering, power braks r.7.1, radio, heater, vari able pitch dynaflow, etc. We fold new and serviced regularly. 55 BUICK Special Riviera Cpe 2595 Lovely black and wnue witn dynanow. radio, neater, EZ1. Wa aold new and serviced, only 11,720 miles. 56 CHEVROLET Bel Almost new aedan, V-I, 54 MERCURY Hard power rearing, overarive, tor trim, one owner. U BUICK Super Sedan .1495 '52 OLDSMOBILE st SEDAN 1095 '51 FORD V-I Two Door . S95 52 DODGE Coronet Sedan . 795 OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER CHEMEKETA AT COMMERCIAL IS, IE HAVE MOW Mod Used 0 100 one year warranty on many miles you drive or '55 Chevrolet Bel-Air Radio, heater, powergllde, '55 Chevrolet 210 2 Dr. $1795 V-I, radio, heater, white '54 Chevrolet Bel-Air Radio, heater, white walla. '54 Chevrolet Bel-Air Jet black beauty, radio, heater, white walls, etc. '54 Chevrolet 210 2-Door .$1295 Radio, heater It white walls, etc LESS EXPENSIVE GOODWILL GUARANTEED CARS '54 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $895 '52 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN, DELUXE SEDAN 1795 '52 STUDE. V-8. CLUB COUPE S95 51 CHRYSLER WINDSOR DELUXE SEDAN $695 '50 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE SEDAN $595 '51 NASH AMBASSADOR $495 '51 HUDSON PACEMAKER $495 '49 OLDS. U SEDAN $345 '49 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE SEDAN $295 '51 KAISER SEDAN $275 49 MERCURY SEDAN $175 47 FORD SEDAN I OPEN FRIDAY EVES. TILL 9 P.M. YOU CAN'T BEAT 660 No. Liberty '41 OLDS. II club coupe, but. hydra., radio, heater, white walls, mtr. recently o'hauled, good cond. Mi Catterlln Ave. Ph. 4-1134. 34 VICTORIA Fordomatlc. low mileage, exc. cond., coral black. Before I 30 or after 4:30 ph. 4-1147. TIM i Coupe Sedan and (Hawaiian) Bronre. fuH power steering, iwe-ione paint, Sedan Ph. 2-7973 WITH A LOT" CUSTOMERS ... WE KNOW Sedan 2895 in performance 231 horsepower, leader in styling, wa aold new, Air .2195 light freen, one local owner. Top 1895 radio, neater, attractive inter '52 FORD V-I Club Coupe 69S '51 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedan 5N 591 295 '51 FORD V-I Sedan ... 49 BUICK Super Sedan (21 '49 BUICK Super Sedanet It! (c PHONE 4-5711 parti it Labor, No matter how where you are. $1895 white walls, etc. walls, etc. $1695 $1395 Ph. 2-4113 ISM PONTIAC 1 dr. adn. silver I, radio, heater, hydro, very clean at exc. cond. Ph. 4-3071 after I pm 11 FORD Custom adn., heater, radio, auto, trans , clock, turn signals, aV back-up lights For quick sale 1433- Ph. 1-1074, isot N. I to. i In rs