10-(Sec II) Statesman, Salem, Ore , Sat, June 9, '58 Win By 3-1 Count Over L-R Th lUndl Oilert ot a Dm a Bob Knight ia hit initial local and they downed Um UR outfit t Peters Again Wins in Meet Shoot Ends 2nd Day At Salem Gun Qub (Coat trim artccdiag mm) ut Salea'a Raleigh Welty by 001 target ' 0 o a a a -Woolley, Thursday Clat 0 trophy winner, had to fettle for runnerup Friday. The Drain fartirite'i 173 fell abort of the 173 thot by C. J. Martin of Klimath Fills, '-: Other Claae winnert in th doublet betldet Dudley and Hank Peters were E. N. Willett, of Eu gene who took the Claia B trophy with a M, and R. R. Thomptoa of Carlton, . whoa M topped the Clata C group. "' Gun will begin cracking a t.m. thia morainf witn. a urge field entered ia the Oregon SUte Singlet Championship. Firtt half of the 100-ttrget, , 10-yard event will be runoff thia morning, the event to be completed Sunday, aino tuning at iw. . Feature this afternoon will be the Governor"! Handicap, 100 tar get at 18 to tl yards. Don Petert wat '63 runnerup in both the tingle tad Coveraor'i (Prelim inary) Handicap. - - Clae Chaawpleathip LaaeUaf toe-j ere: , - ' f CLAM AA 1. rtniwlt, Myrtle, Utah. Ut. Dm feter, Sublimity 1M. Welt Usher. Wedrtertmns Mt, 0. Orlkh. RM 111, W. W. rlltaman. Cottar Orave? 1M. t. M - limpeoel, Portland IM, T. Bheperd Itt, 0. Slum. Tillamook IN, F, lolomon. Wlncheetar IM, O. Mil. Hit. RoMbupf IM, A. KerhrM, Pert land 19. C. Bella IM. CprvaUU. t. SckMita, Suien 14. T CLASS A r, Jack Culver. auUwrUn IN. L I. Anderson. Toledo 11, O. Jintrtr. Medfer IK N. Bawd, Klamath nil 1Mb K. OUkeaon. Ronburf IM,1. J arm. It., Condoa, IM, T. aUmpaoa. Ceroeliua. 1H, H. Webber. Win Sprint Itt, M. Hunt Band Itt, ; CLAaa X. Pattern. Uaemh Itt.. at. Ten. terg, eavnon Itt, R. rirmell. Myrtle, Idaha, Ml, T, Ahbtr Port. Und 11. L. Bjrrd, Hobur 1(1. T, Maknm, Alee. IM. W. Nuaom, Quln tr 10, t. Condit, Tillamook 10. 1. Fltmtiurtea, lalem I, .', 'If VLAoa M Dl k DeRernvdl, Roaeburt IM, Xr'tiih V'elty, Aalent IM, Doe On Hon. Salem 11, N. Stemler, Port land IPO. G. Newton; lndeoendenre IM. I. Maea. Newport Itt, A. Guild, HM ltUl CLASS D "I C, J. Martin. Klamath Mil 171, B Wonlley, Drala - ITS, P.. Mclntyre. Medtorai 11.' A. VenNuya, attytoa am, h. Hcnuiitn. noewoura iu. ' Double ' Chtrnetonehta , LMdlng coram: CLASS AA " D. Ortleh, Ken tl. . Dudley, St. Helen M, Jack , Chriatanaea, lUd- CLASS A .'. -, H. Peter. Sublimity M. A. Blum, Tillamook tt. O. Millar:' Drain 3. 0. MlUHaa, RoMburg M. A. P. Miller, Kanae City M. D. Peter, Sublimity tl, A. Solomon, Roaeburg M, I, Simp. on, rortind n, r. aimpaon, hiii. or tL T. Mauaar, The Dalle t. CLASS a t. H. Willett. lufene M, J. Horn. Madtord tl, D. McKay, Seattle tl. P. Malcolm, Corvallii tl. Don Daach, SoatU tl, Ctrl rattbera, Longvlew St. ,. -' CLASS C -' R. R. Thompaon, Carlton II, Do Cannon, Salara It, T. Abai)r, part a Gives Warning! (CmummsI treat freccdiag Page. ..rrUiM, na.MkAe mt kw,l S intu on or ofl the campus to tara their way." . - ; ..... la answer to question, Dr. Allea laid ha definitely did not bellevt in autdghi cah grtnti to athlete, but h added. "Their cost of living thould bo met. That eta be wm mrotif n frants to aid which wt have now and legal work aid (or rwoest Jobs at prevailing wages. But an athlete Just can't carry too big a load; during the competitive aeaton. '; Maybe tao aniwar-la a loan to tee him through the season, and to be paid eft during tha off-tea- eon. - ' . ' . . , Ma! CoMMar Auuqnt Dr. Allen said any code of ath letic Practices "which does not take bita account the legitimate interest of tha alumni and boost er organizations, and which doet not make it possible (or the in stitutions to work constructively . with thea roups ... It not likely to be tuccestful." He expressed the hope that the PCC could turvive. but added that "if tha conference doe commit suicide, thea I would like to tee new conference formed. Let the pretldenti thmelve write a coda that they themtelvet can en force. Garnet thould tba played outsids) the conference only with thota schools playing under the tame eonditiont. . . ; -. - "Tha president and the facul tlet,Mi ha said, "are an tha pot. They thould Ukt th lead In clear ing thingt up." American League Olcaa lot Ml --1 t t Boataa 11 lot Kht I 1 I Koefaa, NewaU IS) and Lollar. Moat lt)i MUM an) WhiU, Dale Ol- ,. ...:.; .:,. , . ' Detroit At 101 MO- T 11 1 Waahlnttoa 600 000 lot- Itt . Heeft anal Bouae: Paecual. Itew, art (I, Clvner It) and FlU-Gcr-aia. v . :-,, Cleveland Itt as Me t II I SNew York tot to oo I 1 Wynn and Mefani Fard, McDarmott (I) and aerra, Howard lei. y tcanaa City t03 tot 08 I t 1 Baltimore - 150 00 tOx t 14 I . Dltmax. Crlmlan Itl. Harrlndon (II. Burttchy ill and Thompaon! FtUca, Browa (1) and Trlandoa. " The Boston Red Sos have five enarhes Jack Bursa. Del Baler raid Schrelber, Davi FerrUt and Softy Tilt 1-bit pltchlnf performance from wttf- appearaac of th teaton last aifnt, - 1 ia their City League toft ball dash I at Phillip Field. The only hit off Knight wat home run by Arroond Carrow ia the fourth Inning, Knight wat alto the game't top hitter, getting two binglet off Gene HlUlker in three timet at bat The Randlea got all three of their runt la the fourth inning wnea Jim Stewart tingled, moved op on Knlght't tingle and scored oa an error. Knight tallied oa a wild pitch and Woody Hall thea made tt three, riding ia aa Clea Joner tlnglt. UR continues to lead the lea gue with a M record. Raadle now hoait a 1-1 mark. la the Caoital League contest of the Bight rirat Christian bett Na tional Guard S-l. scoring all three runt ia the flaal inning. The Guards got two ia the firtt oa a homer by Ray Hodge. Walk, s tacrifict, a patted bD and sin gle by Bob Bates and Ron Rut tell tcored tba three ia the sev enth for the winnert. The Hubbard Towniea art to play Randle Oil ia a doubleheader here tonight, 1 1 a r I a g at T: o'clock. UR ......... 000 IN M l 1 Randle ... 000 MO I I I 0 Hilflker and Wlckert; Kaight and Hal Guards 100 000 0-1 0 Church ....000 000 1-4 4 0 Reavts and Kratar; Farlow and Young. f . Myers' Starting Time is Listed i ROCHESTER, N. Y. IP Here are some of the pairings (or the firtt two day of the Mth National Ooen golf championship at 0k Hill Country Dub in Rochester, N. Y, June 14-11 The firtt day't timet, an eaetera itandard. are lifted first. A-denotet amateur. The field will be reduced to the low at and ties for Saturday's last two rounds: " 7:14 a. m. -(11:00 a. m.)-(A)- Kent Myert, Salem, Ora.; Harold Haddock, Denver, Colo.; Robert L. Wataoo, Ardsley-on-Hudton, N. Y. - 1:1( a. m. -9:40 a. m.-Paul Run"n, La Jolla. California: Jim C. Rii'sell, Walla Wlla, Wash.; Mike Krek, Weirton, w. Va. IM p. m. -(10:21 a. m.)-(A- Edward Ervatti, Royal Oak. Mich.) Walter Koiak. Convent SUtlon, N. J.; Ray Hontberger, seatue, wart. Meadows Entries Portland Meadow. Saturday, pott time, t p.m.! Pint race. ertr. horaa. auraa MM. II ate In trade C, IM yd.. J, Diua music, a. mcuowoii m . Klckapo Klamath. P. Hldlo IM t. Pa lay Irene, L. Knowla Ill t. Okie Twtater. L. Wood IM t. Ceneral Fllnk, J. Boat 1? a Stormy Van. H. Earl IM iLeon, A. Duncan IJ8 O'Neal'a Robin. A. Sherman 10 t. Hobart Koko. R. Ronklna IM M. Chubby' Buck, T. lufelt lit Second nee, ertr. horaa, pun 400. U ae In irade B. SM vardi aaa 1. C. Pj RurrlMne, r. Smother II? I. Kirk Them. J. Boa Hi 1. Nick A. Boo, P. Hldlia 117 4. Redwood Panay In. H. Earl lit ruoaina root, L. unowia 117 Laoy Homer' .Cat, S. McDowell 11.4 ' 120 ' lit Betty Domo, G. Dixon Jo Lahekin, H. Herr uiutnun vs. Mrs. Sidney HOiTman nervey uivaai, uwen miner. Th,lrd race, claim, auraa tsot, t ' and Mra. Walter Tooie vt. Mrs. Reyn-, I 41 Gary Snelf rov. Frank Snel year aids and up. 1100), ana mil. olds Allen; Mrs. Charlea McDevitt trove. Gary Schafer. I, Count Gim. O. Dixon in vs. Mrt. Chester Loe tnd Mrt. L. C. 1 49 Ed Baer. Georte Ttobards 1. Evil Lou. F. Choineckl 110 1. Omar Boa. J. Boa IIS a. count anortie. w. Phillip 107 III ,07 t. Mead, f. Hldlo I. KnUhft Flat. J. Brackan 1. C.una. D. Henehaw t. Hindu Fleet. A. Carmlchael 130 ne 117 . Sky-O-Manso, E. Miller us "'. mcDow.ii . ; m Fourth nce. euim. purse tsoo. t r iai and up,, (ti.oooi, six fur- 7,llwoo Boy . HooWr t. Rock it ma, w. Phinipa bAiLur ll,n..(L'm'n', 't,,.- ?.it "uu oeka. c. aimoms .... 170 Hi UI 130 lie i:0 i, im ta-r's. v. nrniniw I. Valin. F. Smothers . Fifth rae. "Invitational Hdcp.", puree 70t, an mile and ',. I. His Last. O. Henshaw 114 i. Mctwoop, L. Knowla 10 X Stalky, a. Hookin HI 4. Hallo iky. 1. Boat .UI 1, Carllato, O. Ilmonls .. m I. Vain Flower, R. McDowell .114 1, Ean K., A. Sherman 120 I. Contender, G. Dixon 114 Blxth race, claim, ours MOO. 1 year old and up, (MOO I. tlx fur ones. i. Brav's Honor. D. Henifhaw .. . Short Wlt. G. Alroonls 1. Beat Way. W. Phllllos flaur d'Alonr A. Sherman I. R'ster Fran. S. McDowell . . tl ChUne. R Hopkins . 7. Praldid. I. Knnwles S. Pern!' Star, G. Dixon .. . 11s -.111 ...IM . 113 IM Seventh race, alw , purse 1700. year eld and up, "Plater Puree." S' furlontt. I. Ftre Kid. G. Dixon Ill .Dancer Looee. F Imother ...11 J m 1, 1. 1 I a e. 1 uhuu, n. nnpnin, lie 4. Freddie Th Fo. J. B reckons 119 t. Borel W. Phillips ..Ill t. Mr. Boo. B. Roman 115 t. Coldspinnar, I. McDowell ... .120 Klhth 'race, "Invitational Hdcp ourae 1700, on mile, "Tillamook Count Fair." I. Pharton, G. Dixon I. May' Last. J. Protity .... t. rtold Raierve, A. Sharman 4. Run Atom. 1. Boa I. Rommlck Vanehuk. W. Phlllloe. 1 Maraca. O. Simonu , 111 .11s . us .111 .114 .111 1. Bin Mink. P. Hldalto .. lit a Haw Da Lee. D. Henshaw .. tit Ninth raea. an mile, auraa It KM. Tha Thorn aa Loutltt Memorial Haa dice, t year aide and up. 1. Bheba T A. Bherman . Ill I. Mr Boy Bobby, 8. McDowell 111 I. Callfornlan. D. Henshaw III 4. Bandy Law, L. Knowla IO I. Jeromey, P. Hldalfo Itt I. Reottl D., G. Dixon . IM 1, Fulton Boa. W. Phillips Ill Tenth rae. claim. urn tsoo I anoi. l.iiath. yer old- and up, "Wl-nine well Wl-mne well. L 8-lntlv Sinner, L MyV Mn fohn. P. Knowlea ...111 Hldaleo tl t Fort C.unnvbeta. I. Miller II a. Accurate Cueat. a. McDowell 111 l Brifht Costume. R Hopklna .. III t, Mr. Cover Up. J Breckon lit) 1. Great Spirit. H. Here - Ut t Lord Abbey, D. Henshaw ..II4 I. Viet Pearf. F, Bmother 174 It, rtrd Ja, 6. Duo 1'f Going Was Rough for Mr. Wilson r . ..... , i I . v. : -. .' ' . " - - - zr f ' : : ? ' H - .- " r. -- vjl i'-'v i . m at r l X " - 4 t ", v. M I . I , J Tetoraa ttack ear drhrer Aady WUm feaad the geiag rather raagh aa Partlaad Speedway, aa he embed late the fence oa the Berth tarn la hit lis Ford, while Herb Tbara at tipped ay at It ttO-B, a M Chryaler, aad Jaha Sweeaey (71) tea to the infield la hi IKi Old. Bat Wuaea aacaped aakanDed, haa the ear ta lap raaalag thape agala aad will be ameag the pretest far laaigat't tteek car races at Saleat't Hllrwd Bawl, ta wlB Sweeaey. TMrteea Its atedei are niiea tuRtag tealghl'a eatriea by Rea All, Valley Spent sreantier. todr Llacers HAake Debut 'cnAaWMAitr PIGEST RIQSING A MINNOW FOR TROLLING avAer' RUN If 0 UAOaRt SMO THRQU6M CYI OP -A LARM MIBOLa' CVCTLAP Trta U, BACK OMTO LtADtR.TWN RUN KBCDUI THROUGH BAm MOtTTM and our rra vimt. pull liao- W INO OUT BAIT'S VtKT ANP SUP OFF NSEDLR. TIG A HOOK ONTO THS INO OP LEADER A) AND PULL THI HOOra SHANK UP OTTO THS MIAOW'S BODY AS SHOWN (j). Usa A KEEL ON THE faaiWD LINE WITH A WVeL BCTYVEEN IT AND THE LEADER TO PREVENT UNa-Twrrr. trou. bait slowlx Pairings Set For Tourney Pairings for firtt round pity in the Salem Golf Club Women's Miniature Tournament next Wed nesday have been announced. A dozen foursomes will tee off Wed nesday morning. Medalist is Mrs. William Edwards, with a net 77. The pairings: First ftltht: Mrs William Edwards ;va. Mr. Ralph Hamilton and Mrs. unariea iray va. Mra. uien aieven- ' ton; Mrs. Chandler Brown vt MraJ I Kenneth Vollmar and Mrt. Jack Kl- ley vs. Mrt. Tom Hill: Mrs. I. I. Mc-! Berry vs. Mr. Pere Woodcock Second fltfht: Mrs. Woodson Ben find . Vtisioo - ; nett vs. Mrs Ivan Marble Clayboum Dyer vt. Mra. er; Mrt. Robert Cannon vt. Mrs. H A. Simmons and Mrs Kelley Peters vt. Mrt. Kenneth Potta Third flliht: Mrt Mnrrlt Croth ert vt. Mrt. Beth Smith and Mrt. Frank Wtrd vs Mr. Iuena Knkko: Mrt, Clifford fills vt. Mrt. James Van Kuelen and Mra. Millard Pekar vt Mrs. Willi, m Hammond Fourth fltfht: Mrs. Harold Buslrk J 1 & IIS vi Mrs. John Flcklln and Mrt. Rob 110 1 art Hrrrall vs. Mra. Edward Cowan: Mra. Bruce Williams vs. Mrs. William ' Phillip, Sr.. Mrs. Frank Nichols vs Mrs. Richard Chat; Mrs. William Dyer vs. Mrs. Howard Wlcklund and Mrs. Homer Goulet vs. Mrs. Dan Wllea: Mra. Paul Sllke vt. Mrs. Olen Stevens and Mra. Don Toomb vt. Mrt. Jamet McAlvtn. GIBSON MOVES VP MANCHESTER. England I -Althet Gibson of New York con quered Shirley Fry, America's top-rtnklng woman amateur, Fri day and moved into the final round of the Northern Tennis lis, tournament against her old nem JjJ esis, Louise Brough. TheyTl Do It Every 1 yjiyy' .11-, 1 I W '?S KV' I rr r.m-r a 1 Axrs rc tnu r aviua nP W JUST Paux-VM A LrrTLB G4MB OF PASTURE tXrfWl rTl TVlEPI't MOT A - POOL"" I IrW I S THINS TO BE I Im m'omADoc'euM if ift. 1 ' V- THE C4LMEST, MOST KtUXEO O.aS. I S-S . - - : TUatT EVER NlPPEO 4 NEeTVC lan S J?f . ' te m asee rttmm eetr,i . eeaia swew wee-i Lm2mmmSSijiimMtimiMammmmmm i ...... ..V4t i ia aRsaaa apwuinn Fa n hi i. - : Today's r Time$ Today's T Times For Shrine Tourney: Following are the name of thote who are to play in today's portion of the Shrine Benefit golf tourna ment at Salem Golf Club, and their respective tee-off time: Tim Nam W Jimn Mlnty. William Burrell. Glen Wilbur, Charlat Muiaer. 7:00 Robert Kl)y. Ray Howard, Cecil Lanti, Earl Bourland. 7:10 lohn rarr.ll. Otto Albtri, S. W.' Sloan, Paul Carbon. 7 :M Johnny Kolb. Mik Kolb. 7:30 Don Davia, Victor Dill, Cane Vandcneynd. Stu Smith. 7:40 Phil Gould. Ruaull Bon- teala, Harold Hauk. Prad Haaaa. 7:S0 Harvar Lovaall. C. F. Pelke. Georte Wilton, Ray Linton. coo ai (.onen, jack rrankiun. Julea Jacobaon, D. B. Brown. 1:10 Don Thurman. Jack Wlaa. Roy Maltby, Jotaph Klniar l:S0 Jim Allan. George Moorhrad. 140 Bob Hamilton, Ron Hamilton, Fred Rahler. :JO Hrnry Landla. La Gustafaon. Sam Mllr, B. Erirkson. 9:00 Leland Lafom, Wayna Hob- bins. Geo. Oeisheafer. Mai Bexrd. v w-Le mo lectors, wsvne Hon. 1:10 Frank Nichols, Bob Price', Bob Thompaon, Dirk Hendrle :20 I 30 Larry Oalund. Hohart Jack- ton. Georte Scales. Len Hicks. S:46 Bill Harerav, Donald Gill. Elmer Van Den Boa, Leren Lippert. t. 90 Harry Miller. Huih LeFort. lam Busby, Pete Bennlaon. 10:00 Warren Doollttle. Hufh Mor. row. Palmer Sather, W. D, Severeon. 10:10 Slav Tabacchl, Henry Moon, Woody Elllaor. Tennis Larson. 10:20 Ed Burrler. M. D. Hill. 10 30 Clarke Lee, Harry Perlman, A. J. Kin. I:40 Biff Lovett, Jack Lovett, Jack DuLonf. Jack Partin. 11:00 Jo Flcklln. Merritt Truax, t. I. Beckman, Paul Silks, 11:90 Larry Evan. Don Huff, Richard Chase. 12:00 Frank Ward. Med Infram. Floyd Baxter. Pat Miklla. 11:10 H. G. Hohwlesner. Don Hen drle, A. C. Jonea. 11:30 Howard Wlcklund. Millard Pekar, Georte Hoffman, Harry Gut- reon 11:40 Fred Rawlins. Howard 01- sen. Roy Reynolds. Evan Reynold 1150 Lowell rox. Han-v Careen Jr . Ed. O'Reilly. Warren Wheeler. 1:00 Manley Treese, Georte Emlh, Kit Convert, Hobart Price. 1:07 John Goaa. Bill Christine. Lyle Hammack. John Crockett. 1:14 Clyde Prall. Kclley Petert c,.rL.ArJ,prLMt' .wmlm -' B,01 " ,i: -iay t-arson. ut. a. n. mc Keen, Jerry Frel. Levern Eers. 1:39 D. K. Mason. Llnvd Mason .Glenn Cushman. Tom Elliott !,h.:rt;n.W - .r. i 103-A. F. Quirin. Bin wood, ward Moore, Barney Filler. Tide Table TIDEI FOR fAfl ORIGOM iComslled by U. S. Coast and Godetlc Survey. Portland. Oregon! Time Helcht Time Heifht High Waters June ft. Low Waters ft. I 1 :3 p m. II ( 97 m. t 21 p.m. 7 42 a.m. 7 22 p.m. :2fl a m. 20 p.m. . 14 a.m. 4 24 p.m. 10:02 a m. 10:31 pm. 10 52 a.m. 11:51 pm. 11:41 a.m. 1 12 a m. 2 25 pm. 113 am. I ll pm. 107 a m. 4 :00 p m. 3:05 a.m. 4:4 p.m. 4:01 am. 1:3 p m. 1:11 am. I M p.m. 43 a m. 7:11 p.m. 1:10 a.m. I 04 p.m. :il am. S:3.1 p.m. 10 41 a m. 31 p.m. 1 1 1.7 20 11 II -0 II 01 1 09 a m. 12:3 p.m. 1:20 a m. 1:30 p.m. 3 21 am. 2:21 pm. 4 14 a.m. 3 20 pm. -01, 2 2 I Time W yNist rzjuy y N;rAA i.'Arr T the meat NASCAR ltO-mller at ill I . m . 1 UTieet dima At Hollywood of them 1936 models, yetrly Salem debut Hollywood Bowl in make their tonight at the Valley racing program, Time trials (or th event get started at 7:45 o'clock, with racei getting under jWiy tt 1:30. ' Promoter Ron Ail hat gone all out for this one, by bringing in ctrt tnd driven from such points at Yakima, Kennewlck, Longview and Seattle, Wash. Another it John Sweeney, recently from Atlanta. G., who ia now operating in this area in hit 1956 Oldsmobile tt. Maty Nacar .Eatrle Most of the entries drove in the recent NASCAR 100-mile classic in Portland, including second place , .... l- w nner Jonnny v ln Olds 88. Herb Thomas of South Carolina won the NASCAR event and then went on to Eureka and Merced,, Cal., to win malners there. Gordy Haine of Yakima finithed second to Thomas at Eur eka, and Hal Hardesty of Kenne- wick was second at Merced. Both Haines and Hardesty are slated to drive here tonight, according to Ail. Haines in a 19M Dodge D500, Hardesty in a 195 Chevrolet V8. ' Thirteen 195 models are listed among the entries, The oldest bug gies in the meet will be the 1934 Olds piloted by Don Nelson and the 1954 Hudson Hornet driven by.Se. A 'rgv44'46L A.A,declil,; ,imited ,uPP'y old croP 1 - j: . t j . A m . ia An I u J - j . au s j Bob Carroll. N'amerea Driver Art Watts 55 Dodge", Curly Barker 56 Chev.) Bob Keefe 56 Ford! TW. Haeertv IM TVwi.r.1 . ---. Andy jBeal (58 Ford) Lou Sherman 56; Mercury). "Wild Bill" Hyde (56 ' ituc 'JW ftldl FA NjMrre IM nMal Hon Uias , , ta wegre ss yias'. uon Hamilton (5 Muoenaxer tjoiaen Htwk) and Mel Martinelli (56 Hudson) are others listed by Ail. Trophy dash, heat races and mainers follow the time trials. i The card will be climaxed by a 50-lap main, longest race of the 1 local season to date. TRUAX SEEKS GAMES The Truax Oil Clan B lunior b.seb.11 team of Salem i. look - ,ing for competition with junior outfit outside the city. Any tem coach or mtntger intereitetf in games with the Trutx club thould contact either City Bui tell (2-7455) or Arthur Pofvir (4-4828). National League J ; Pittsburgh 000 000 000 021 II 1 000 000 Ofl 00-4 4 0 Fonts; Dtckon and Friend and Srni. New York Milwaukee 014 010 100-7 10 1 000 100 000-1 7 1 Ridiik (41. McCall Worthinftpn, (I) and Waatrum: Crone. Sleater 13). Murff (31, Jnllv 9. Johnson Ui. Phillips 7) and Crandall. Brooklyn 000 101 0014 7 1 Cincinnati 100 020 ll-- 11 0 Koufax, La bine Ol tnd Campanel la; Kllppatein and Bailey. Philadelphia 100 son. 000 I 1 Chlcaio too 100 60--I 7 1 Roberts. J. Mever 141 and LoDats: Kaiser. Valentinettl 14) and Land- nth. By Junmy Hatlo Andy Wilson 58 rordt, Harold!:;"- - IXT KITE HELPS ' NEW YORK l - The unifies fly, back for the third strtlght season to boost ballplayers' bat ting averages, is giving Staa Mu- tial help just when he needs tt. HUtiai, Oil M one Ol nit worn t tn nma in quouiion were gau atarta Inr tha S lunula rardinala ered it i p. m. ytrday: leads the major leagues la tacri- net lues wita nve. aian is nailing iu m wuy ' w """""ilroa riramao iS'L flies counted u timet tt bat, at wt the cut from 1930 to 1954, be would be at J7t. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Aaaoclatad Prea J aaa I BOND AVERAORS mi i it Raila Indui Utll Fn Net chant - A 1 Unch Unch A 1 Friday H.t Mt Ml (3.1 Prev. day .I4.I M t 4 J 7 Waek ae H.t M l M (It Month ao M.f M l M t M l Year aa Mt Ml 111 Ml IM Hlll M l 17 Ml M l 10M Low M l HI M t H I IMS Huh M Ml 100.1 Ml 1MI Low M l M 4 M l S4 I itocb Avaaaaaa IS is utll. D.ro 177.0 IM nit 1ST S 11.1 11. t mi ui 5 1U.I Induit. raili Nat ehang Friday ...... Prev. day .. Week ao . Month ao .. Year ao . 1M Hlth .... 1M Low .... IMS Hlth .. 155 Lew .... D4.1 D31 Dl .. J4 5 .1931 .151 . 2U.I ... K 5 rn .1441 197.1 .M3.I 1371 1410 137 IUI 137.4 mi 1MI 1424 114.1 71.3 711 71 730 7S.1 711 71.1 7S.7 Investment Trusts (Tift. Smlther Co.. Inc.) t Bid Aaked AMIIlated Fund 101 S M Canadian Fund Il.lt M.51 Century Sham Trust .13.11 19.04 Chemical Fund 1 71 It. IS ,Delawar Fund 10.77 11 M Diver, lnvptt. rund I It 10.07 ! Dividend SharM Ml 3 01 : Eaton A- H Bal. Fund 11 01 13 4.1 ! Gas. lnd 1J.J7 19 05 ' GrouD Tobacro 4.18 4.53 Incorp. Investors 141 10.17 Krv Cust. Funds: B-3 10 U Mil B-4 10 91 11.11 K-l M 10.31 S-l 12 04 13 14 S-4 10 01 104 Man. Bond Fund 105 11 Maaa. Invast. Trust 33.71 M.4 Natl. Sec. Itrlei: Income Sr rles Id 1 1 Stock Series I M 03 I Pref. Slock Seriea 172 53 Natl. Div Serial 4 19 9 0 Nail. Growth 97 31 Pioneer Fund 13.41 14 9 Tel. -Eire Fund 11 M i: 35 Value Line Inc Fund 5 95 90 Welllmton Fund 13.31 19 21 Dow Jonea Averages NEW YORK (API Dow-Jone clotlnt stock averatei: Hifh Low Cloaa 30 Indue. 404 447.9 479 1 20 RFt s 164 91 10.11 11 01 1 Utile. 9 77 IS 01 69.21 9 Stock 171.31 HI 13 170.11 Portland Produce PriPTl AND I Riitterfat T.ntoiivr. suhiprt to immediate - - ... change Premiurr. quality, dcliv- ered in Portland, 60-63 lb: first quality ai-ou. seuunu iiuaiiiy m-m. Butter-Wholesale, fob bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 92 score, it's: A grade. 92 score. M'i; B gride 90 score 37; C grade 89 score, 33. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-44 lb; Oregon 3-lb loaf. 434-30. Eggs To wholesalers Candled f.o.b. Portland, A" large, 42-444; A medium, 38-404; A until, 27 294. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, iv. nr . 40-42; 3 cenU medium. 41-43; A medium. I A small. 29-31. Cartons, 2-3 . additional. Eggs To consumers-AA large, J tfl. A le.na CI tM . A A M A 1 1 1 MI " af. .. 1 merlium afw.U A small. 36-41. Live poultry-No. 1 quality, . . n.i i e. Al' ilk. , ,ou- rmuanu njni, n im, n.rtv.- lisht hens. - - iv-18 ai iarm; ncavy nens, io-t at farm: old roosters, 11-12. Turkeys-To producers L i v e weight fryen, 27-28; bredr tur- key hens, eviscerated, 30-31; breeder toms, 39-40. Rabbits-Average to growers- Live white, 35-44 lbs. 23 26 ; 3-6 lbs, 18-21: old colored pelts 4 cents less: old does. 10-14. few higher 1 Fresh killed fryers to retailers. 5S- , 61; cut up. 62-65. Hholetale Dreiied Meat Beef carcasses Steeri, choice. mm. 700 ht nft-.W on- ennd 31 50. . '. T Tl" JTV .i-... 24 0-29 0: utility, 23 00-27 00: can ners and cutters, 21.00-24 00. Beef cuts (choice iteeri) Hind quarter!. 42.00-46.00: rounds 40.00-43.00: full loins, trimmed. 61 00 -87 00: forequarters. 28 00 29.00: chucks. 30.00-32.00: ribs, 42 00-44 .. Pork cuts Loins, choice, t-1 lbs, i3.OO-57.00; shoulderi, It lbs, down, 29 00-33.00; ipareribs, 42.00 44.00; fresh ham. 10-14 lbs. 51.00 53.. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 32.0-38.00; commer cial. 28.00-35.00. Spring lamb Choice-prime. 40 50 lbs. 47.00-5000; good, 45.00 47.00. Lambs Good. 37.0-39.00. Wool Nominal clean basis. U blood, 1 .00-05; H blood, 1.03-08; "i blood. 1.12-18: fine. 1.17-23. Country-dressed Meila, l.o.b. Portland: Beef-Utility cows, 22-24 lb; cut ters, 19-24 lb. Hogs Best lightweight blockers. 24-26 lb; light lean tows, 18-22 lb. Veal Top qualit) lightweights 28-30 lb; rough heavies 20-30 lb. Lambs Top grade springer 38 42 lb: good yearlings, 30-32 lb. Mutton Lightweight ewe and weathers 8-12 lb. Freth Produce Onions Calif. Yellow, med. 4.75-5.00; White. 5.00-23 Potatoes Calif. Long White No. 1-A, 10 oz min, 100 lb, mostly 6 50-7.25, few down to 6 23; No. 2. 4 50-5.00. Hay New Crop No. I green alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. Portland, nominally 55.00-36.00 ton. Ncv crop prices not established. Sleepless? am f AaieJ SfiKht Eat 4 or 2 Tata al bedtime to Mutralia add fate! Western Securities Thee bid and ak Quotation rao raaant price at which, ona or more dealer, member of the National As sociation ot Bacurtty Dealer' Inc., would trado with tha aanaral oublie c,llf fowtr caacad Plywood ' Conaol. Preiiht II It' 14L Iron Fireman Jantaea Inc. Com. 114 U'a -41", .13 Malar Frank 1' u S4 40, 7'. 4', M' Morrlson-Knudaen Ora. -Port Cement J Pae P. A L. Com. Pope A Talbot Portland Gaa A Coke , Port Gen. Xlc. BANKS Bank ot America . 31, Bank ot CalKornU 74 1, Chaae Manhattan 47, Pint NaUonal Sl Pint Nat. City NY J't U. S. NaUonal ...71, Portland Grain PORTLAND UR Coarta ralni, IS -.day thlpment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats. No I. 30 lb white S1.00-S0 Barley, No.2. 43 lb B-W 49.00-30 Corn No.2. E-Y ship t 44 (XMS.OO Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No.l bulk, delivered coast: Soft White . 2.14 Soft White (excluding Rex) . : 2.14 White Club 2.14 Hard Red Winter: Ordinary . 2.14 10 per eent 2.13 11 per cent 2.21 Portland Livestock PORTLAND (AV-(USDA)-CatUe salable for week 3.130: market moderately active; fed tteert tnd heifers ttrong-23-50 higher, in- and cutters 25-instances SO higher; bulls strong; load choice-prime 1.091 lb fed steers 21.50; other choice steers 900-1.160 lot 20.00 21.23 with few early sales 19.50: good steers 11.50-19.50: standard 16.00 - 18 00: utility 12.00 10. 00: choice heifer 19.00-20.40: good grade 17.50-18 .50; standard 14 50 17.0; few utility 11.00-14.50; cows commercial It better 12.00-14 00; utility cows 9.50-12.00 with canners and cutters 7.00-9.50; shelly offer ings down to 3.50; utility bulls 13.50-16.50 with several around 1,300 lb weights to 17. 00; commer cial bulls 14 50-15.50 with light cutter bulla down to 12.00. Ctlves salable for week 700; supply predominately vealeri; market rather ilow; vealert wek 1.00 lower; choice vealert 19.00 21.00, few high choice to 22.00; good-low choice offerings 17.00 19.00; commercial 3.00-16.00; util vealers down to 9.00. Hog salable for week 2.125 .. . . . . , Hv,,.v, uu,v ,,rs trons-25 higher: sows teady; so ed lots U.S. 1-J 180-235 lb ouicnerj io.oih mi wim late sales 19 00 up: mixed lots 1-2-3 butchers 18.30 early. 18.75 late: 3 butchers 18.25. 140-160 lb offerings 17.00-50; few 230-270 3 butchers 17.00; sows 300-500 lbs 12.0-16., few lighter weights 16.50; sows 500-600 lbs down to 10.00. Sheep salagle for week 4.250; bulk of supply spring lambs; spring slaughter lambs opened 50 1.00 higher but failed to carry full advance; closing only about 30 higher but trading active at the uminc: iimiieu supply uia cropir, a r lambs and ewes steady; a 209-head ' 9aleill UllOtatlOnS . consignrnent choicesome prime 83 ) ia ef .at. yntar., . id Washington range springers ; 23.00 Monday; two sizable lots! : Ak.:A AW II. I L a. i .'" 'o-ou 10 range lamo It I miriu.olr 11 rVI tr Ih f.u, M. i-1o T """ . ' f j to 24.23; other choice 70-90 lb springers Z3 Z5-50 witn nigh good- .1 : 1 . .n An . i muiic iuis u.wu.w; luw tooa !. on, 9nnn.rnn .om. fmi.K ----- , lamos aown to u: gooa-cnoice shorn old crop lambs 13.00-16.00: one lot wooled 16.50; good-choice shorn ewes 4.00-5.00; cull-utility ewes 2.00-4 00: few lots medium- good spring feeder Iambs 15.30- 17.00: choice 83 lb feeders 18 00. -.:... . -- K $T0.SID PARKINGI i M FOR OVIR 1,000 CARS ! O 'vt vt5ftW,,,'i summer com Italum-inspired Espresso by Nettleton Now-the imarteit men have holei in their ihoei. Nettleton introduced the Italian-inspired Eiprewo hardly a year ago . . . and now improve upon it by generouily ventilating it for summer. Elaiticized laces and elastic panel 'under the hood' mean you can slip th iho off and on without untying! like all Nettle toni, these Espreisoi take four timet longer to mak than ordinary shoes, and coit a bit mor but it's extrtvagint to piy least Brown, black, maple. Mail and phone orders. Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes MEN'S SHOES STREET FLOOR New York Closing Stocks ' ' Reperted by Merrill Lyncii Pierce, Fanner nd Bean Fllntkot SI Ford Motor M1, O Gen Dynamic ..... t'. Gen Hoc 7', Gen Foods 4V, Gen Motor 411, Gen Tire SI 'a Geo Pae Ply 55', Gillette 4i, Glidden 351, Goodrich 7S Goodyear '. Grace W R 47', Grt No Ry 40", Grt Waat Su IHs Greyhound 11 Guli Oil - 111U R Homeatake M 3S' Int harvcat 94', lnt Nickel Ma Int Paper ...1J1 Johns-Mans 4', Jone A M Itl 43', i a Kalaer Alum 4', Kennocott 111 'a Kara Land 49 L Llbby McN 15?, Lif Myer 17 LOr Glass .. Oi, Lockheed Air - 44 Loew's Inc 21', Lone BeU A 74 , Loriliard 1, M Manavox 3 Marah Field 34, MAM Wood 13', Merck A Co . : SO'!, Mont Chem . 41 Mont Ward 40, Motorola 41, N Natl Bis. ult .. 3, Natl Cash Re 47, Natl Dairv 37', Natl Diatill H Na'l Gypaum 54 Natl Lead s,, Natl Supply 5 NY Central . S, No Am Avl I4, No Pac Ry 17', NW Airlines 19', O Olln Math M', Otia Elev . 41 P Pabco . , Pac G El 90 Pac TAT lli, Pan Am Air 1 Penney J C II Perm Ry 23', Pepsi C"la 13', Phelp-Dode 0 p Al Chem A Dye . ..114 Allied Strs - ', Aiha Cham a', Alcoa 1144 Aluminum Ltd 124 Am Airline 23; Am Can . 4r Am Cyaa M Am Motor Am Stl Fdr 44 Am T T 17 Am Tobacco - T Am Vtecoee 33', Anac Copper 71 Vs Armro SI Armour .. 11 Atcheaon Top . 154' i Avco l n Bendlx A via It Beat rood II , Beth Stl :..144 Boeint Air 7', Borden 1 Borg Warn 43', Bucyrua 43 Burro Addinf 3li C Calif Pack 4 Campb Soup . 3' Can Pac By , 11 Caa J I 11 Catarp Trae 73", Celanea 19 Celotex 41 'i Ortalnteed .... Ches A O Ftv ... Chi M A St P Chi NW R Chi R Is Ry Chrvslir Cities Serv Climax Moly duett Pea Coca Cola Collate Com Credit Comw Fdiaon Cone Edison Container . Cont Can Cont Oil Crane Co Crown Zell Curtisa Wr O Deere A Co Dla Match Rout Air Dow Cham Du P de Ne C East Air Li East Kodak . El Paso Gas tmer Radio ...... It's .... SB's .... It', . . !. .... 37', . ?., .... '4 ... .:. 43 ...11 ... M', .. ' . 0a 4 ... 7 4 ...in . ss ... 4', ... ll'i .... FT'l .... !, . 7 ', .. 102, .... 4', .... .. 4, ... I1. .... 4' ... IP, j Sx Cello Fairchild . Chicago Grain CHICAGO (API Open Cloaa WHEAT Julv 1M-0S lOt's-O Sept. ID',-', 2 11', -11 Dec. 1.12', 2 15-lS's Mar Ill's-, 1 19V1I CORN Julv 152',-', 153',-', Sept. 151'. 15J-.-M I Dec. 1. 31-39', 1 40-40', 'Mar 142 144 OATS Julv 5',-9 5't Sept. ', M't-U Dec. et, , Mar 70', 71', RYC Julv 1 13', 1 14',-s SepL 113', 114't Dec. 1 15,-M', 1 24', -17 Mar. lit 1.30 SOYBEANS Julv 3 11', -10 113-11 'Sept. 1 73-72'i 2 74-74', 'Nov. 1MVS4 2 57',-', 1 J,n 157', 11', -M Mar. 210', l.1'-4 Markets at Glance NEW YORK. June S t API Stocks Lower: merkrl drops on news of President Illness. Bonds Hither: corporatea and tovarnment Improve. Cotton Irretular; quiet trading. CHICAGO: Wheat Hliher: short covering Corn Hlfher: food demand. Oata Mixed: Inter, st lacklnl. Soybean Hlfher: on substantial buylnf. Ho s Steady to M cant lower; top 11100. Cattle Steert nominally steady; top 1171 RLTTtRFAt I an i rrem.um o I tm . aiTOTa j whe!etie Retail 1 IRCI . ' I (Wholesale prices rane from I t0 , tnXt (vtr UT(B prieei Lam a .34 1 Medium A pStxTM C0od H,n, j Lethom Han cJortj r!, owRooe0" Z .30 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. mrirn n mn I K A. tHH IIIV.IV.il U Mill THE STORE j 'A u 'x t etMeaeaTlitny Philco Corp . H' Phil Morri 43 Phil Ptrol 4'4 PllUbury 4 Proc A Gam l Pu Sd P A L 17 Pure Oil - 44 R Radio Corp 41- Rayenier Inc 33's Repub Stl 43', Reynolds Met e"1, Beynolda Tob - 93 Blchfleld O .... T5, Royal Dutch .-. tt' a Safeway Str 12', It Joe Lead . 41', at L Is or Ry St Real Paper ... Scheniry lnd i. Scott paper Sear Boa .. Shall Oil . Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil 5ocony-Mob Sou Cal Idi Sou Pac Ry sou My Scarry Rand Std Brands . Std Oil Cal . Sid Oil lnd ... Std Oil NJ . Stude-Pack Sunray Oil .. Sunshine M . Swift A Co .. Sylvania El . T Texas Cn Texaa Gult -Textron Tide-AS'O Transam 4t ...113'i . 31', . 23', - 4P, .. .', 11 ... U'.i Trans Wo Air Twn Cen Fox U Union Carb US', Union Oil . 57'J Union Pac Ry ..1M', Unl Aircraft AT, Unl Air Line !' Unl' Corp .Mi::. t, Unl Fruit 4', US Plywood 41'i US Rubber 47", US Steel 53', Warner Pic 13 Wash Water P 36', West Air Br 30', Western Air 19' Western Elec M'i Western Union 1' Woolworth 41 Z Zenith 10ti Wheat Leads Grain Advance CHICAGO - Led by wheat, grain futures attained higher prices, in active . dealings on the Board of Trade Friday. Wheat closed 2 to 3 cents higher with the September contrtct showing the greatest advance. Wheat closed 1, to 3', higher, corn H to 14 higher, oats 's lower to S higher, rye unchanged to 1H higher, soybeans to 3 cent! higher and lard 15 to 28 cents a (Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (API-IUSDA4 - Hot 1.000: steady to 50 lower: bulk No I and 3 trades UQt250 lb. butchers II 79-17 2,4: top ll on; most No. 1 and 1 20-300 lb. butchers 1 29-1 75; sows 11.15-19 90. Cattle 1 000: calvea 100: steers and heifer, ateady: eowa steady: bulla steady, vealera steady to hither; stockers and feeders steadv: food ta hifh food 990-1050 lb. steers ll.tfl 19.75; utility and commercial cow 1200-14 00: bulk canners and cut ters 10 50-1:50; bulls 13.75-14 00; ood and choice vealera 10 00-14 no Sheep 300: steadv: food and choice sprint lambs 24OO-27.00; thorn slaufhter ewei 3 50-9 00. Chicago Onions CHICAGO (AIM Onions: Open Hifh Low Close Nov. 'old t 1.40 110 Nov i new l 1 79 1 S3 1 73 1 73 Jtnuarv 1 in lit 105 2 05 February 1 39 2 39 1 2 2 1 Chicago Butler-Eggs CHICAGO IAPI-iUSOAI - Butter I steadv; wholesale selllnt prices un- .h.n... B'l .on- IQ.M H' A 1 M 99-59.25: B 90 96.75-57. 23: C 19 55-5S Efts fully steady: wholesale sell .14 Inf prices unchanged to hlfhrr: .IS minimum (W per cent A extra laraa -io 1 37 i3-M: extras medium 3S-30.S0; .20 , standards 14.75-39.25; checks 31.71 11 1 32 33. ML1 FOR MEN 24.95 2 . M'i . !' M ?0', , 7 3' 9', 72'5 50 'h ', 113', 24'k n' 10 57 " I', . . 14', ; tuckey wea. ' WIM rot IM IVMM 4