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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1956)
Head of Singapore Government Quits By A. L. MCIMTKE SINGAPORE -Divid Marshall resigned n chief minister of Singa pore's Labor Front government Thursday and Lim Yew Hock agreed to attempt to form a new cabinet pledged to continue t a fight for freedom from British colonial rule. The 41-year-old Lim was labor minister in the Marshall govern- ment. Marshall had headed the govern ment since April t, 1955. He re signed because an all-party dele gation he led to London last April (ailed to win independence. The stiff negotiations with British Colonial Secretary Alan Lennox Boyd collapsed because Britain re fused to give up control over se curity forces in this strategic 'is land base at the tip of the Malayan Peninsula. Mastly Thiaete About 76 per cent of the island s Vi million people are Chinese and many of them sympathize with Red China. When the London conference broke down May IS lennox-Boyd declared Britain could not ignore Singapore's importance in defense of the free world "and bearing also in mind the growing menace of Communist subversion." Marshall assailed the breakdown as -a "great victory for Commu nism."' The 50-year-old chief minister, whose Labor Front won 10 of the 25 elected seats in the assembly at the last election, governed by means of a working alliance with the Malayan Chinese Association, and some of the seven members appointed by the British governor, Sir Robert Black. In his letter of resignation to Black, he recalled his promise to the people of Singapore to resign if he did not "achieve political freedom constitutionally and peacefully within the framework of close and friendly relations and cooperation with Britain and the Commonwealth." Lim told newsmen he had agreed to form a new administration on, the condition he is allowed to go back to London for fresh talks on a new constitution. Caretaker Regime "If I take over there will be no change in the setup, because to my mind it is going to be a caretaker drka i freedom i". he said. He said he expected to keep his labor ministry office. The expect- Actor's Wife Wins Divorce LOS ANGELES I- Actor dancer Gene Nelson loved his wife and other women too, a witness testified Thursday, and Mrs. Mir iam Nelson won a divorce. Mrs Sheila MacKae, wife of singer Gordon MacRae, was Mrs Nelson's corroborating witness She broke into tears when asked to testify. "I don't want to say anything bad about anvhody," Mrs. MacRae murmured But when Superior Judge Walter Odemar asked her if Nelson ever boasted about his extra-marital escapades in front of his wife, Mrs. MacRae answered yes. Mrs. Nelson, a choreographer testified that she had to consult a child psychiatrist after Nelson took their 9-year-old son out on dates w ith the other women. She added that his activities with other women, while still profess ing his love for her, caused her to go under a doctor s care for vear. Nelson, sued under his right name of Eugene Berg, agreed to pav'$.150 per month child support and $250 per month alimony. The wife also got title to the couple's Burbank home. They were married in New York Dec. 22, 1942, and have been sepa rated since April, 10, 1953. Egypt Plans Deportation of Two Britons CAIRO, Egypt -Two British school learners have been ordered deported from Egypt on tnc JJroiind they taught the Christian religion to Moslem pupils, a spokesman for the Egvpt General Mission an nounced Thursday. The teachers are Allen East headmaster of a boys school main tained at Ismailia by the mission and Miss Margaret French, head mistress of a girls school run by the mission in Suez. The Egypt General Mission is an interdenominational Protestant or conization with headquarters London. It is supported by contri billions from Britain. Australia. New Zealand, Canada and the I'niled Slates HOOD'S POISON OAK REMEDY A soothing lotion for the re lief of itching due to mild poison ivv or oak or other mi nor irritations. Apply locally 3 or 4 times a day by tapping with cotton. Do not rub. 50 - M SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE 135 N. Commercial Open Daily 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. atioa was that moat minister in the Marshall government will con tinue to serve under Urn. I'nlike Marshall, who is a Well educated lawyer of I r a 4 i and Jewish stock. Lim eomes of a poor family and had little education Bora in Singapore oa Oct. 15. his education was cut short : by the death of his rather and he went to work as a clerk. A Social- ist. he soon became general retary of the clerical union sec-1 and! prudent of the Trade. U....;Clagg Visited U.S. ta 1J52 He has been in the ' legislative council since 1941 and has repre sented Singapore at International Labor Organization I ILO) confer ences in London and New Delhi. He visited the United States in 1952. As a Singapore-born third gener- atlon Chinese, he U likely to be I more acceptable than Marshal to j the four major political parties! ; and various racial groups of the j island. Like Marshall, he is a member of the Labor Front Party. OPEN I FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING GHl Specials for father's Day for th, ideal gift, viiit our Smoka Shop. Choott from our largt ttltction of smo king accaiaoriaa, cipari, cig ara'tat and tobacco. ip.ciil! rag. 10c MAF Cigars Box of 50, S3.89 Fino, mild tobacco.' Rag 5 plaitlc Ruby Tabla lightar $1.98 Dapandabla and decorativt. rag. $5 linad Meerschaum Briar Pipes $2.29 For iwtet imoking plea rtg. $1 popuUr Jan Pocktt Lighten 69 largt fuel cipify. Cover d in Itithnjr. rtg. 12 16-01. tin MAF Tobacco SI. so AAld and tobacco. mallow imoking rag. 5c famoui Echo Cigars tin of 25, 79t Mild Havana tobacco; vac uum packtd to iniurt frtth 6 Policemen in Manila Charged With Thieving MANILA iav-AutkorHiea have ar rested six poticemea accused by a disgruntled Jail inmate at stealing $3W from 4f slot machines im pounded in a local hoosegow, Police said the prisoner com plained he had (ailed to get the share of the loot promised aim. The machines were picked up during a city campaign against gambling. Police records snowed they contained about $e. But tbeun(Jer ci bin goes out of exist- macninrs wnf empty wneo imrs- tigators opened them. Gives Something IOWA CITY, Iowa UB-E. T. An drews, assistant professor of jour nalism at the State University of Iowa, teaches a course on the his tory of mass communications. Talking with his 70 students Wed nesday after the semester ended, Andrew imumI nut Mark m.trh books, each embossed in gold with the words, "hist. mass, comm." "Now don't say you didn't get anything out of this course," he remarked. MONDAY AND FRIDAY .r- t " ' i , fn. 'tr.M'siMSi isa tilt! Gl Education Bill Ends July 25 After Helping Train 7,800,000 Veterans By AXTHUX EDSON AP Newsfeatares Writer WASHINGTON - All aver America graduates are stepping up ta get their diplomas in the windup of the greatest experiment in mass education ever tried in this coun try. Officially the experiment ends at midnight July IS. At that moment the World War II trainini nrnn-am Few government projects have affected so many. In its 11 years 7.M0.000 veterans half of those who served in World War II used their GI training rights. And no one can say exactly now many millions of wives and babies ate off the GI bill while Daddy was learning to be a minis ter or a meatcutter or a teacher or an embalmer. Biff Trilled the total bill, for tuition, equip ment and subsistence, the Veterans i Administration said Thursday, comes to 144 billion dollars. Compared with 1947, when more than one million were in training, the number of World War II vet 12:15 TO 9 P.M.-OTHER FOR' OVER 1;000 CARS brings you a neic and complete SMOKING ACCESSORIES DEPARTMENT featuring the latest in humidification tystems for fresh tobacco at all times. You'll find everything for your smoking pleasure . . . and ail your favorite famous brands. Ronson Windlite Lighters Ronson Windsor Lighters Ronson Triumph Lighters Rcnson Whirlwind Ronson Adonis Ronson Smart Set $20.00 Ronson Table Lighters $8.95, $15.00 Zippo L ghters $3.50, $4.95 Elgin American Lighters $3.50, $4.95 Imported and Domestic Pipes, Kaywoodie, Viking, Falcon, Medico, Meerschaum, Dunhill, Peterson, Yellow Bowl, Kirsten $1.50-$20.00 Bettie Jet Pipe Lighten $6.85, $8.00 Nimrod Pipe Lighters $3.95, $4.95 Tommy Pipe Lighters $3.00 t NSISItK erans still taking training has, dwindled ta a trickle. Some (7.000 were still oa the fist in April. Of these, around JO.OOt were expected ta get a college di ploma. When the. end comes, it's final. Even though a GI is entitled ta more training, and is in the middle of a course, it's all over July 14. Suppose he i taking a pondence course? "? Ora mother VA thinks of every thing. He had better have his les son in the mail so it's postmarked before midnight July IS if he wants Astronomers Probe Mysteries of Mars WASHINGTON UP - Astrono mers studying the face of Mars during the next six months hope to solve many of the mysteries of the only planet in the heavens that shows signs of life. Dr. E C. Slipher, widely-known authority on the planet, will leave the United States in mid June for South Africa, on an ob servation expedition sponsored by the National Geographic Society. DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. ! 1- J 1 I ' .& Meier & $3.95, $4.95 $5.50, $6.95 $7.95, $8.99 .... $.95, $9.50 . $9.95, $10.95 our gilt to fathers . . . FREE CIGARS Meier & Frank's takes pleasure in helping you celebrate "Father's Day"l We will give, with our compliments,, 25 Aurelia Biltmore cigars to new fathers celebrating the blessed event between May 28 and Father's Day, June 17th. Just present hospital or doctor's certificate showing date of the birth. Your friends will enjoy these mild Aurelia Biltmores. In reusable plastic box. Mail and phone orders SMOKE SHOP --STREET FLOOR Tift shipping enst to arras outside our regular truck delivery routes. -Hi AlrtiMtlf illtif tHilAlatiai K graded at government expense. The only exception: Those wna enlisted between Oct. . IMS, and Oct S. 194C under the Voluntary Recruitment Act. have nine years from the end of their enlistment to wind up their training. "Bu they're only a handful,"a VA official said. Don't get the idea the student veteran is disappearing complete ly. The Korean program still is going strong, with 750.000 ia train ing this spring. But for World War II veterans, as good a valedictory as any was supplied by Peter Benton, who "through the generosity of my great country" was graduated this week from Boston University.1 In a letter that Rep. Laurence Curtis (R-Mass) put ia the Con gressional Record. Benton said: "My entire formal education was provided for by the American peo ple through the legislation organ ized and passed by Congress for veterans of the second world war. . . "The purpose of this letfer Is to extend my gratitude to members of Congress for giving so many of us this opportunity." Frank's - Salem Magna Electric Lighter $9.95 leather Cigarette Cases, king-size and regular $2.50-$5.OO Tobacco Pouches, leather, plastic, plaids $I.25-$7.50 Cigar Humidors, solid hand-rubbed walnut $15.00 Pipe Rack and Humidor Combination $3.50-$7.50 Cigars, Havana and domestic tobaccos, of 5'i to 50's Cigarettes, complete variety, regular, carton $1.75 king-size, carton $1.85 filtered, carton $1.95 r" 1 -j ii I vurlllaf I AlOIIUCKANOCa I iA jt lav . I H 1 r y Just Say "Charge It" on Sears Revolving Plan Unconditionally Guaranteed, m W .aSW ..aWw aT M .A 'JM W. Vaaaa Choose from iix handsomer cblori,alt FasMonod-Toilorod bolh shten ond twill ejabardino Men's Searalon dllT 95 pair Reinforced with 21 nylon . . . tests prove It resists four times mere abra sion than any all rayon fabric. Men, think what it meant to have slacks guaranteed unconditionally for one full year. Really fine dress slacks you'll wear for leisure, work, sports or just plain loaf in'. Searalon is a Sears exclusive, a superb blend of nylon, rayon and acetate. MEtf'S LEATHER CASUALS Every Dad deserves these button-soft Cashmere leath er slip-ons. Black or brown. Sizes -7-11. oiyoatmofuy fact' JLrllW Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fit, for that wonderful guy who married mom! BRING NEW FASHION TO HIS LEISURE WARDROBE WITH A COOL PLAY. STYLE Shirt and Slack Set Bright, cotton sport shirt In prints, stripes and checks that contrast with cool tropical rayon slacks. Hand some go-together colors. Belt of the shirt fabric gives a distinctive style touch, Color combinations Include slacks of gray, dark Ventura blue or brown. Shirts in light blue, white, gray and maize. Completely wash able. : Plaid SHIRT JACKETS 85 Virgin Woo!, 15 Nylorwompletely Mach ine Washable. Remov able screw type buttons. i ill Give Dad Gold Bond Slippers they're so nice to come home to Kidskin Romeos June 8, 56 (Sec 19 G(kiOQa0l! TO t One Full Yearl I 4.98 Supple kidskin and elastic side (ores mold these rome os to his foot. They hug it . . . gently, easily. Cushion ed insoles add still more to his comfort! Buy them for him In rich brown! 3-9191 550 N. Capitol ' " t