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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1956)
4 "V '6-iSec I )Statesman, Salera, Ore; Frt- June 8, Ift Tortuous Climb Up ML Hood Leaves Writer Wondering Why People Do It (EAUr'i Kate: Eatk ar kaa tfrt ai sua-at apart Ik wannlfc oat) tWart of IkHr Hvtef nam to cihak ML Hee4. Tko feat has Bat tkaaa vba Sara imr trigs It salfM kaea a twriM la atart M tkry lata tt's "Jaat aaatker trfeasaal walk la ikt eaaatryT At kaat Stateaauui rraartt Cat Jiiana waa awariaisl kea ka ciimM Ik aaaaatala so a da ad fraaa nrottlaf araaad kli : svs oeat. Tail la Ika stary at kit Brat M cBaik.ll Br CALVIN D. JOHNSON Staff Writer. Tka Stateaaua . Success m a mounUla caa bo a Mirvmnui atnifele. A lifUme caa be spent roadW talking, ami listening to Kirrinf first nand accounts about mount 111 climbinf and why people But the only vay to approach the full meaning of the "sport" it u Start dimbtng. Last Sundax this writer! km felt urte to "aeally know" moun- Uinterinf waa satisfied through an exhaustivo trek op ML Hood, which showed him what it's like, but Dot whv people do it The climb was made with mem- ben af The Chemeketana-Salem s biking and climbing club. Tea FUrf. CUaib ' . SUteea people 'started the climb. Tea finished K. Tbey ranged la age from II to W, refecting a broad cross-section af Salem, from high schooler to BTsndma ace. Willis Caldwell, veteran climber and ranking member of The Che meketans and - Portland's Maia- mas, led the pack. Bringing up the important tail - end position was Frances McCarter, Chemeketan biking chairman. - Most of the others were either beginners or just beyond that stage.- . ' j Aaaal I . They set out for the moonlit ll.MMoot summit from Timber line Lodge about 1 a.m. Sunday. The long line filed forward, each with a long handed ice axe used cane-fashion to help support the weight of . back packs, climbing boots, cramp-ons, extra "clothing, anow cossles. water or fruit juice. food for two meals, ropes, and other necessary nd unnecessary paraphernalia. The setting was Idyllic. The air trim and clear, with just enough irons to keep body temperature normal. Underfoot the snow was ped for the rest of the climbers to finally reach the ridge that led to retura from the summit. 1 to an area knowa as the "hot Two of the group headed back, rocks." This was a small snow- The 11 remaining started up the! free section of the mountainside steep face, most of which could be touched by extending as arm forward. Salaaar Oaaes AH things considered, K was aa aseaTlable accomplishment from which sulphur gases seeped out to further, nauseate the already giddy climber Cold and wet. hings raw from the exersioa and irritated by the fumes, sick of the never ending ' 1 0 ,t Mll.l p. I. I III,, i,,n ,.1, , ,, (. fog, with eyes and face stinging from the driving wind and 'mow pellets, most of the desperate band tank behind one of the hot rock boulders wishing never to rise again, and silently pledging to strike the word mountain from their vocabulary. Via aad Smw After a few encouraging phrases about "job well done?." "worst part over with," and "only a few more feet." three of the five were brain washed into continuing, with two remaining behind in the company of clicking teeth and shuddering frames to await the descent. The wind-whipped snow was now mov ing along a horizontal plane. Nature's final obstacle to the summit was a sheer snowy wall about 90 miles straight up and calkd "The Chute," which un doubtedly "jtot named because of its similarity to the thing people dump laundry into. Caal Miaa Step One thing is certain, if a climber missed a step an The Chute, he would 'certainly come out in the wash ... at the base of Hood. Actually, The .Chute is only a matter of a few hundred yards. But every foothold had to be kicked into ice and snow, making the trail breaker's job all the harder. It seemed hardly more than three days before the rope-linked team struggled onto the spine-like summit ridge that tops The Chute. But they did. and with a feeling of indefinable accomplishment. Indefinable," because no one could see what was accomplished. Head far Lodge By walking a few feet along the ridge the climbers would have been on Hood's highest point. But there was no better view from the top most few feet than from where they were, so the leader called a halt to the day's climb. Within a few minutes all were headed for Laeklag a beat eqaal parts lHat. proapeeUr aad space cadet. aan-1 the lodge. Ulster Cal Jekasoa, Stateimaa reporter, leigas fatigae as ae pases I The climb had taken nine hours, with asach af tka eaotpmeal that aceompaaied kirn aa a meat climk j Three muscle - weary hours later of Mt. Haad. (SUtesmaa Paata) I they straggled into Timberline. Ballots Top 60 Per Cent In Calif ornia , SAN FRANCISCO I - Almost complete unofficial ftatfet-Thtirs- dav thawed 1 J ner cent of Cali- weU packed and easy to walk on. I and Democrats voted in last Tues- Vtoonliiht made flashlights just so much extra baggage. Off In the distance Hood's dark hulk blocked patch of stars. Everything point- ed to perfect climbing conditions, . someone said. . , . . Gasping far Air Caldwell set conservative pace -across tho- gently rising expanse that stretched from-the lodge to Hood's steeper portions. But oei pite the slowness, the gentle slope, and the short but frequent "breath ers," several were gulping and gasping before two hours passed. And by the time there was light enough to distinguish details among the forested bills and valleys be low, some or the romance nfl Vanished and the bold adventure was taking on overtones of a day In the salt mines. Forbodlng clouds could be seen forming in the west. About that time two of the high schoolers threw in the towel (or wss it the ice ax?) and headed for the lodge. Onn la Attltnla ' It Wasn't long before strange1 WNDON isv-Bntam s common change in attitude began to lake '5" place-the primary objective be-i" 'fdder, thls came the periodic pauses, while AH third-class travel on Hood, which was only inches day's important primary Republicans made the best showing with a turn out of tt.i per cent. The Democratic lgure was SO per cent. . President Eisenhower running unopposed, was the top individual vote getter on the Republican bal lot with 1J7S.508 votes from 23.556 of the State's M.tao precincts. , Adlai Stevenson led the Demo crats With 1.113,126 votes from 23,942 precincts. Stevenson's mar gin over Sen. Kefauver (O-Tenn) for delegates to, the Democratic national convention was within a few votes of topping 450,000. Ke fauver 's total was 663,180. Third Class' Abolished on British Trains closer, was relegated to a secon dary position. Somewhere around a.m. the The railways narrowed the tra ditional range of class distinction here to provide a new second-class dark, ominous clouds that had been form of travel slongside the more brewing over the const dropped on Hood like blanket.: They were pushed east by a bard, wet wind. , and visibility was cut to about SO feeL Cameras, too, became just so much extra baggage. Racing forward at about IS paces per minute, a snowless patch of boulders snd gravel was found where climbers downed s hurried luxurious, more expensive first class,., The change was merely a mat ter of paper and paint work. The old third-class signs were painted out and given new labels. There have been no second-class com partments on British trains since World War II. The price of a ticket for the Brith newsnapers aijreed today it all frit a lot better. Seventy-three per cent of t h e United States has been mapped by the Geological Survey. breakfast, put on additional sweat- IM.W second-class passenger is the ers and strapped metal '.spiked ' in the olrt third-class. But cramp-ons to dock soles. . From here on the romantic rem nants vanished. Nothing was visi ble but snow, fog, snd the other person's back pack. Wind break ers were pulled tight, shutting out the cold and keeping in the sweat. And, as they say in mountaineer ing books, each step became a 1 planned event. At Base of Wall Another endless trudge brought the group to the base of a steep, snow covered wall that dis appeared upward into the fog. Here climbers roped themselves to gether' while Caldwell reminded each that beyond this point they would not be permitted to return to the lodge unescorted, but would have to wait wherever they. drop- ui)r tavrmrrc ennna C '-'SE UPICT STOMACH A (aciomows'icm) ONUKM icfiffAPfK! rem UN uniiai jTtf ucrtK oaAirrf CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE AND HERB CO. NEW LOCATION SO. nth AND LESLIE 1195 LESLIE OFFICE HOURS Twos, and Sat. Only 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Phono 2-1130 8. B. FONG, HERBIST HELP YOUR KIDNEYS 11 poorly functioning Kid- neyr snd Bladder make yon suffer tress Getting Up Nights, Nervousness. Rhes sastlc Pains. Stiffness. Bura- ing, Smarting, Itching, or Acldit try SchaeiVs Kidney and Byi" Dills we. 60c SCHAEFER'S DRUGSTORE Open Daily. TM SJBUtat sjjb. Smdays, t a. as. to S p. na. 115 NORTH COMMERCIAL Tea Break Cut For U. N. Group Shocks British UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. I French delegate Robert Bargues gavt the British a shocker Thurs day. He proposed that the 14-nation: trusteeship council do away with its traditional 4 p. m. tea break. Barques said that by starting on time and speeding up work the council could adjourn at S IS in stead of 6 p. m. Syria's Rank Asha. the council president, said he would delay a decision until the council had time to think it over. SALEM HnCWTS WATT CTSTHTCT Nottca ai IMe-Sl Buatrt Maatiiuj In aceordanr wffli 1h provtfons f tha "Loral Budfrt Law" OHS WM to SS441S). Botira tt tierrfcr siren that th budrM cmnintttaa at Balaia Height Walar District. Mirioa County. Ortroa. In compliance with uid liar, prepared ana. adopted mi June I lM. the budget cellmates foe Selem Heif nu Water Dutrtct. Marloa County. Oregon, (or tha ensuing fiscal year July 1. INS to June 3. 1957. as set forth In the accompanying schedules. AH persons are hereby notified that aa Friday tha SWh day of June, 1S3. at las im. ta Salem. Oregon, said budget estimstes may be discussed srith the Board at Commissioners, tha levying board tor Salem Heights Water District, Oregon, and anr person subject to the proposed tax levy ar tax levies will be heard la tavor ot ar agsinst said proposed tax levy sr tax ames sr any part thereof. The outstanding Indebtedness of Salens Heights Water District Salem, Oregon, at June L 1SSS, was as follows: Nature af Osllistiea, Serial General Obligstion Bonds. J, Coupon ... . - . 3'. Coupon Nature of Obligstion Amount Serial Revenue ObligsUon Bonds, 1 , due 11 OOT 0 annually oa January Artaal foe Fiscal Year 1-I-S4 ta S-M-U 1 4 mo 00 uiMsa M.044 13 new 1, IMi ta Kit . Artaal for rtsra! Year 1-l-St to S-1S-S4 t s.soaoa II J9SJS j.n is 43.174 73 S3.t0t OS Artaal for Fiscal Year 1-I-S3 to -)S-U 4 WUt M 4.13 S3 103 4M 4 17.744 54 V-I-SS to Aetna! fee First Mas Months S3 SO0 00 S3.M7I7 4.74 It t-J-M Budget for Trsr 4 00 40. act na 14.M4.00 Aaiaant I I ani M . II1S.0OS 0S f 173.B44 IS S32JCS3 ISO. 710.00 EXPENDITURES Eitimalfd T-1-3S to S-3S-37 Oficer or Deportment General Fundi '...,. Personal Semrei - . S Maintenance snd Operations 49.3. 7 Cspital Oullav TSX 4S Budget Deficit - ... Total-Cenersl Fund . ISS.IMJ1 ivm rzr?i yyxttd I 1 ll"i,ril I at flliilti'Jil l"J'J II Sil va i i .w iBwaj I CZTj, r,, REt 35 II Istsrlaelin, wsthsrt 17" 3bXuU w 0OWN 10c Wl Sr- ) fif 7x35 S REG. 50.00 H.ra- c.isd i.M. ( ataaaaak aP at tBJ'V'J"-' ( O C U t, " W J 50 widi rng vltion. WL' Jhw J V NO MONEY DOWH 7x50 .,....... i6. io.oo .aSsv Basaaa a X V s S p 4J I S I I 5750 alifasi. Oasr M aataad aaa PAY OHLY 50c WEEK USE WEISFIELDS SIMPLIFIED CREDIT YOU SET THE TERMS Opea Friaey r ;taSr 305 N.Liberty St., Salem Schoofor's RECTAJ. OINTMENT Soothos, lubricates, Astrinfiont Contsins Chaulmootjra Oil, Witch Hasol, Kaolin Relieves fain Shrinks Hemorrhoids SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily 7:11 s at. to I Sundava, 9 ta I pjsu 135 N. Commercial I l.tnooe j litis li.Jisoe S4Ti9o7a I 1.000 01 I 1.0.TJ 80 "M43.J10.33"" 3 000 00 l.ono tm 4. 37174 I 1.37174 fill.41S.a I 1.900 M .. 1OCS0 I 3.043 M S33.1SS.03" 3.000 00 I S.B30 00 "SS7.S30M Debt Fund Bond Principal Retirement Note Retirement Interest - Total Debt Fund Total Expenditure! I 3 000 00 3 s.T na I t.stfi no I'M Ml 21 333 OS 1.000 00 SM.S31 as I 1.338 43 tn.tso ts S24.83t.31 II .SSI 31 1.041 71 111 113.31 I 1.380 48 HI 73 17 10 030 14 120.000 00 33 33 94 3 1WSV1 1178 S0 II I 1.944 04 re u RECEIPTS 133.804 0) S23.0O8 0I c,trr Fund nM M Water Sales - '???! H ITS S s' ' Bod, ..IIS 9 310 00 Nrw Service. New Unci & Hyrdant Asements I47J10I4 XS0.310 00 Other I I 224 M 17.120 Oil Total Genersl Fund Debt Fund -Total 153.435 83 130 00 Total Receipts s : " ' Sumtiuiv of Estimalcd Expenditure Receipts and T..X Levies riscal vear i-o-5. 155.000 00 34 7M 21 5.200 00 194 904 21 194.994 31 1954-37 Tax Lcv Calculation Total Estimated Expenditures Total Estimated Expenditures. Reserve and Transfers Amount Necessary to Balance the Budget Add Estimated Amount of ISSt-57 taxes that will not he received 6-30-57 .. Total of All funds f H4 994 1' I 194 994 21 94 994 21 none none Oneral , r'und IHR.IK4 21 VIB.1S4 21 .-.. .184 21 nrkt I'lind fi :n no IS.R.K) 00 lv:io M none none Fiscal Year 1955-19 Fiscsl Year 1954-I9J3 . Fiscsl Year 1951-1954 . ! Details mav be examined at the office of the i District. 3721 S Commercial Street. Salem I Oregon. Levies Prior Years I 7.713 IS 7.612 R4 1.IW8 08 " Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 1st day of June. 195 A W. MeKillnp, Chstrmsn, Hudget Committee. D. F. DeCew. Secretsry. Budget Committee. June S. Genuine Homarl Class-lined Eleclric Yaler Heaters OWES GUARANTEED 10 YEARS! i mt IN ALL SEARS HISTORY r iiMAirf pi I j s u 1 1 L ! : I MM 1 !! i i ' 1 I J I III I . F T fi Li - ' 'J J I I m it.assssassssisssssssssssssieirt. o Deluxe 40-gal. Glass linid o Free Delivery o Don't wait! Buy today! EVERY WATER HEATER REDUCED! 8 I R I M Automaiic Gas Water Heater stC-Gl1. G'M tmwJ Trs IEC. 97 95 7700 last formed al liu fuses ts Kssvy steal . . . will nev er rust ar corroos. Iitkes ky isira 10-yter guaianteal Insulated tank retains Ktat. Automatic thermostat, tiftty allot, f inotr lip conlrol. Winn tnamel riruh. AG, aoproved. 1; ;rr: J I I ; '. a ,.v I ft ;- . .' - i t " n ft' ' I1! U&ffl : w -ra, vunuii Uf-a. U.a. f uoier nenier i. 1 . Homrt !tetric Modtl ICC. 79.95 5900 Hvily 9lvnixtfJ tank, with gutranttt. 3-tn. IHborglta) imutiiion Yp ht in. Stttl jacktf hm wriiTt bakfd-on tnirntj, in iih. Concealed water and electric conne cttoni. 2 tSeit Kff tlemenn, auomafir ihermoiTatal Electric Hot Water Heater 40-Gsl. 0 in lined Tsnao REG. 157.95 13900 Table tea motie. , , , Hr height m itvve er ilniw Civet eii.a work area ie) kitchen. Claw lined tank won't ruit or corrode . fuarantetd 10 yean. Auto malic thermoatat. Double) element ht weir faab U I aoproveff. He't 550 N. Capitol 3-9191 'J V' las a la i a,aa a