'Big Story9 WriteiyPal Win Freedom Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri, June 8, "58 (Sec. 17 HOUSTON, Tw. - A San An tonio sports writer and boxing promoter charged with robberjr by firearms in connection with $250, 00 "big itory" burglary here were freed by the Harris County Grand Jury Wednesday. They were Dan Cook. San An tonio newspaperman, and Jimmie Parks who were charged after tell ing police they took $3,055 from two Houston men while trying to solve -the unreported burglary so that Cook could write "big story." Grand jury Foreman James E. Holt said "the grand jury does not condone the action of these men. However, based on the evidence presented, we have no-billed them, which action is self explanatory." The grand jury also no-billed Ar thur Eckert. San Antonio auto deal er, who had been charged in the April 22 burglary of oxer $250,000 In cash and securities from a safe in the home of Paul Danny, Hous ton bakery owner. K Action Takei The grand jury took no action in the cases of two former convicts. K. R. Hamlett of Houston and Har vey Marley of San Antonio, who police say. have admitted the Den ny burglary Both have been charged with the crime. Cook and Parks appeared at the office of Police Chief Jack Heard April 2fi and turned over the $3,055 they said they took from Hamlett and his former employer, Jimmy Hicks, the day before. Heard, at that time, said their recital of hnw they came here In solve a major ourglary lor a big story was fantastic. I Police have said that Kicks had no connection with the Denny bur glary. Tivjuy Race Horse Kckert. who was arrested April Jf . told officers he had sold a Cad illac automobile to Hamlett a few days after the Denny burglary and that Hamlett also had left about $5,000 with him to buy a race, horse. Hamlett was arrested April 21 when the safe takej from the Den ny home was found in a ditch west of Houston. Officers hae now received or traced about $120,000 in cash. Ham lett and Marley have admitted bnrrrtng about $1.10.000 in bonds taken from the safe. Conk was suspended with pay by the San Antonio Express pending the action of the grand jury. An announcement on Cook's status was to be made today by Ed Ray. executive editor of the San Antonio Express and News y ! ' XL" n i - t.vjy U n c u u - " ' vy-" -:-'T y ' "- f 9 ' YOU'LL FIND FURNITURE YOU NEED! AT LOW PRICES YOU L1KEICREDITTERMSTO FIT YOUR BUDGET1 I b i 13 00 Down i; i t Ji Si s i mum Wrought Iron Magazine Rack with any furniture purchase made during ' this Gigantic Sale! Sofabed & Rocker Modern styled Sofabed and pillow beck rocker, targe bedding ttorego compartment, modfi tflpej'r cover. Stmt it in htivy fritie covers m ax -ha- $139.88 Killer's Eves Give Vision To Two Men eyes of a murderer have gnen light to two men. William Wallare, 60. of Ocean Falls, B. C. and Arthur Weeds. .12. of ancouver, now look through corneal tissue from the tyes of 24 year-old Robert Graham, i Graham was hanged at Oakalla ! prison May 22 for the murder in a street brawl last August of 21-yrar-old William Holrrwin He be queathed his eyes to aid the blind . Doctors disclosed that the tissue removed from his eyes a short time after the hanging was trans planted to the eyes of Wallace and Weeds within 24 hours of the execution. Bandages were removed from the eyes of both men Wednesday. Both could see. Mrs Weeds said: "I've been watching Arthur's eyesicht fail for five years "Three months ago he could no longer sre my fare," she said. "Today he saw me as clear as I saw him. - "He sat up in bed counting the windows of the building ouMde We were both almost crying with joy " i Wallace told doctors he could see things that he had not seen since 191U. Both men will soon be released from the hospital Doctors said they now have "normal short sighted vision" and in three months it might prove better with the use of glasses. Weeds, who was out of work be cause of his failing eyesight, said he is looking forward to returning to work. 1 irtiiy tt i I il I. C 1 179? Down i Modem Sofabed I s Modern massive styled drop-back sofabed and matching chair. Double spring construe tion with rubberized hair padding. Upholstered in heavy frieze cover In beige, red, turquoise, sage green and mint green. Modern blonde tapered brass tipped leg. 19.00 DOWN Davenport & Chair 9 wy hnd titd colpring bait ftvertible pnng filled CUlh.oni iturdy COnilfuCtion, jacqufd frteit covtri. m Reg. 79.95 Jet Steel Dinette Set 1040i4l tl monk ptntm plrtt bi chwce.1, ydlow, r pink. Madam blk t ttMt f (filth with nwtthint chcirt, totntity. Dew .' " - '--i-i, m 2-Pc. Sectional Foam late cushiont over no sag base con it ruction. Mode rn mtlic twed upholitffy in rtd or green. Bloncl tapered bran tipped legs. 174!! Down iedroom Suite Special Plajtic topped bedroom suite in the new nutmeg finish-dust protected drawer-Double dresser with tilting mirror end bookcase headboardbed. ' - Matching Plastic Topped Chest 59.88 Night Stand . . 23.88 UNFINISHED CHEST Clear pine 24 inches wide I drawer UNFINISHED BOOKCASE HEADBOARD IK f r.l Bill, fvH ill. wrf 6 FT PICNIC TABLE AND BENCH SET , METAL SHELLBACK LAWN CHAIRS "G LAWN SWING 7-Pc Chrome Dinette Set Giant 4 ft, l.bl in pmI dtfri ffi Vn, rtd Of y.llow. 4 n.ndlt b.ck feeni Utt 95" Down 14.88 iff Tj (J D0WN ch.lrl. 4 drawer. Seaton to Take Office Today WASHINGTON 1 -Fred A Seaton will be sworn in as secre tary of the interior Friday morn ing in President Einenhower's of fice, the White House said Thurs day Chief Justice Warren will ad minister the oath Seaton. a former Nebraska Sen ator, was a deputy Presidential assistant when President Elsen hower nominated him to succeed Secretary Douglas McKay. The Senate confirmed the nomination Wednesday. McKay resigned to seek the Re publican nomination to oppose Sen. Morse (D-Ore) in next fall's elections. Range Management m ' t? Ijlllt rlSIlN jlinrY I Enioy fo.m l.t.x comfort on thit mod.rn I A (1RANDK The Pacific' ' Blond., tpfr.d bran 1ippd l.gi Northwest section of thtyierican "d "P1""' '-gr,n StK-iety of Range Management! -b,'9- will inspect -mne ranges in tnis area June 19-20. Stock ranches of the Grande Ronde Valley will be visited, along with the Starkey experimental range. It will be the seventh an nual summer field tour by the froup. ' l I 4I I RIG. mam . 17.88 .12.88 . 19.88 .... 5.88 39 88 green ttripd nvei covered... WeWW 13 93 RECLINER CHAIR cembinetien pnH and elh upholetered brwnr reei r red 0M eKiee f red gren yeltow. Sofa & Chair OCCASIONAL ROCKERS frieie and Upeifry covert blond end welnwf wood trim PLATFORM ROCKER heavy frioio covore with foem Utos cinkioni welnvt wood him . 5-PC. CHROME DINETTE SET red 1040 m. table openi to 41 lnKot plaitk eovorod cKeirt I:4,, 5-PC. DELUXE CHROME DINETTE SET Ch.rtr.VM -. bt p.dd. fh.lra IJ.M 7-PC. WROUGHT IRON DINETTE SET Wud(r.in plntll t.kl. 1p r..in or bl.ck w.lnut 7-PC. JET STEEL DINETTE SET t ft. table with daluvo foam latei cbeire ...... 29 95 COT SIZE R0LLAWAY BED with meHrest ideal for tftat extra bad 195 30 INCH TRIO BED wrfk 2 martrewoe makot bunk, trundle or twin kedi template 3-PC. BEDROOM SET rubbed Seafoam finih Cheet full site panel bod and night itand 2- PC BEDROOM SET lait.ru in.pl. dr.mr with mirrw mi Ml ill. i.kmot no.dlww bJ 3- PC. BEDROOM SET Walnut flnhh d.uM. dtntw with tilting mirror tabinot k..dbo.rrJ and nit. Hand mo a or rrrrini.iAi rucijn atTV. JtVIIWIlMklMf ,,.11, ,.FtrT fc, ,.,, LAWS0N STYLED DIVAN BED TcmbrOn 130 oil mettreti tool bluo frioio floor temple PROVINCIAL STYLE DAVENPORT AND CHAIR tmmM , ,.,... 42x14 dropUaf ontontion table lighted china cabinet and 4 tpring fillad chain in nlid oak conttrwetton in walnut finitb plettic toppod table re IMI TO Ml 8-PC. DINING ROOM SET Down & ww?ximiWyMMaM:imw 0)00 PM 25.88 49.88 . 39.88 59.88" 99.88 109.88 . 24.88 . 66.88 89.88 94.88 129.88 169.88 199.88 299.88 299 95 Dining Room 6-Pc. Set limod oak dining room t.t includ.l t.bla- 6 chaira and buft.t. R.gul.r prkt on thi. Mt will bt 60.00 mort. 1992 Down 3)2 Coil Mattress Pink and Charcoal Tick n HatMity Homo MarrrMM. and lax Iprlnai t ci.l pwf that. Mvwaj. 311 .oil mmt. tpring auMroM wtHi thkli tiaal and tortM f.k itaddhif. Matikntf koa aprkif ha til c.ila. Ml 14 II aath pi... 29? twit) I Foam Latex Mattrots nd Box Springs 6 mth fo"i Uffi ma"ret with 10 inch taew .(iluts'd bo ipfing. Cofipare wt'h 4; i imh Toarn t!e mttrM telling fo ..p to 1 49 50. Out 6 irv.h lull me tt trill tor onl 119 8S 99 550 III CAPITOL -39191 88 $.t Twin Six