Catty News DSeffo FIRE DAMAGES CAR Fir caused an estimated $50 damage to car belonging to Mar lon R. Brunks, 465 S. 23rd St , about 1:30 pm. Thursday, city firemen laid. The vehicle was parked near State and Cottage streets, firemen reported. Cause of the blaze, which burned a por tion of the back seat, was not known, R. Leninger polishing, buffing plating. 30 yrij. experience. Guar anteed craftsmanship. Ph. office Bel. 2-5828, Res. At 19044. 623 S. E. Salmon Portland, Oregon. (adv.) E. L. Al Byer, former Service Manager for Heiders TV is no longer associated with that firm. Watch for announcement oi his future plans. (adv.) WINDOW BROKEN A circular "porthole" window in a trailer office and tool shop was broken sometime Wednesday night, Oscar Phillips, carpenter foreman tor Bineham Construction compa ny, told city police Thursday. The trailer was parked on the site of Davidson Baking company's new warehouse and office building, 1210 S. 13th St., police said. Automatic water heaters at lower cost. Judson's, 279 N. Com'l. ladv.i Public IKecoril CIRCl IT COl'RT State Highway Commission vs Ben F. Brandon and Phylis Jeanne Brandon: Civil action to condemn and purchase a certain piece of real property for right-of-way purposes. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company vs Jack Darwin Mull and Public Loan Corporation: Civil suit in equity; plaintiff seeks judgment totaling $11,558 based on alleged failure of de fendant Mull to complete pay ments on certain promissory note. Plaintiff also seeks fore closure and sale of a certain piece of real property as well as a judgment setting plaintiff's claim to the property above those nf the defendant Public Loan Company. Helen Nairns Edwards vs Har ry M. Edwards: Plaintiff awarded divorce decree, property stipula tion confirmed. State of Oregon ex rel Delia Janet Sims, formerly Delia Janet Nelson vs Alf E. Nelson: Defen dant adjudged guilty of contempt of court for failure to comply with the terms of a certain di vorce decree and is found S840 delinquent in his payments of which he may either purge him self or appear in court Oct, 8, 1956. for imposition of sentence. Ralph K. Ray vs Barbara Ann Ray: Plaintiff's complaint for divorce alleges cruel and inhu man treatment; seeks restoration of defendant's former name of Barbara Ann Brown Married March 22. 1956, at Stevenson, Wash Rosella Joanne Teisl vs Joseph M. Teisl: Plaintiff's complaint for divorce alleges cruel and in human treatment and seeks cus tody and $40 monthly support for one minor child and confirma tion of a certain property stipu lation. Married Nov. 17, 1954 at Stevenson, Wash. PROBATK COl'RT Estate of Margaret M Bur roughs, deceased: Order approves estate's final account, and directs distribution. Estate of Karl A Chaplrr, de ceased Will admitted to probate, and administratrix and apprais ors appointed M.RR!(.E APPLICATIONS Howard Keith Walt.s. 2(1. rin k. Siherton. and Callie Ann Jacob sen. 19, bank bookkeeper, Scolts Mills Philip Brace Lovelace, 19. Air Force, Monmouth and Karen Marguerite Katter, 18, Indepen dence. Joseph Raymond Lebold, 38, warehouseman. 2025 Myrtle St.. and Bessie Pauline McMorris, 29, voucher clerk. 1935 Broadway St. I,eslie Thomas Beamish, 20. clerk. 575 S. 18th St., and Ber nadine Helen Yost, 19. beauti cian. 2770 Alvardo Terrace. Leon Franklin Kelly. 21. me chanic, 1360 llolgate St., and Mar cia Klaine Smith, 19. cannery worker, 2173 N. Front St. Richard Ned Curry. 18, logger, Sublimity, and Sally Ann Mollet, 15. student, Sublimity. James H. Jennings, 61. railroad em plove. 836 Belmont and Bea trice DcArmond. 58, retired. 451 S. Monmouth St. Arnold John Hoffman. 20, mill worker, 5250 Swegle Rd , and Carolyn Ann Henry, 17, student, Sublimity. Ml MCIPAL COl'RT Gordon Kenneth Tonkin. Camas, W ash., found innocent on a charge of driving while intoxicated. J3 7 rrm MTUCD'C lAV - iimn1 rai Does Dad Need A na mm Kay Woolen Mill Store Saves You Money With lis Factory Discount Plan Men's suits and slacks ran be bought with a liberal discount on already low mill prices if clothing is taken without altera tions. We stock natl I ally advertised brands in 108ri Hool. Check our complete selection of new spring styles. Open All Day Saturday Kay Woolen Mill Store 260 South 12th Across from Willomttto Compui SCOOTER RIDERS CITED Two Salem boys were arrested in the 1700 block of North 24th Street Wednesday afternoon after residents of the area complained that two scooter riders were block ing sidewalks and traveling on lawns, city police said. The boys, age 14 and 15, were cited to muni cipal court, police reported. Are you contemplating re-styling your furs? Consult Ben Wittner at Laetrile's, 1348 Ferry, (adv.) Fur storage at Lachelle's assures your furs the quality care they need in refrigerated vaults. 1348 Ferry. Ph. 3-6814. (adv.) CAR DAMAGED Edwin W. Fisher, 265 S. 19th St., told police Thursday that his car received minor damage when struck by an unknown vehicle. Police said Fisher's car was park ed in the 1100 block of Chemeketa Street. i Choice bedding plants still avail table. Pemberton's Flower. Shop 4 Greenhouses. 1980 S. 12th. 'adv.i I Hl'BCAP STOLEN A hubcap valued at $15 was tak en from her 1954 model car some time Wednesday, Norma E.'Cooke, 585 N. Winter St., told city police Thursday. The vehicle was parked at her apartment, police said. Dental plates repaired wh'ile you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty. Salem. (Adv.) Oregon Pulp & Paper Co . bond holders for information concern ing the retirement of 5rc income bonds, call or see Zilka, Smither fc Co., Inc. 203 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 34106. (adv.) PILOTS MEET TONIGHT Members of the Salem chapter ot Sportsmen Pilots, and their wives and children, will hold a covered-dish dinner at 6: 30 tonight al the home of Lee Everly. t'nsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. P'r i c e's Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-5859. (Adv.) Rummage and misc. sale. Thurs.. Fri. and Sat. at the Cnion Gospel Mission Store. 339 Chemeketa. 'Adv. i State Reports Big Slaughter Of Porcupine A porcupine kill of 12.4fi. animals in critical areas of the Ponderosa pine forests of Eastern and South ern Oregon during 1955 was re ported Thursday by Al Larson, state forestry department otlieial who recently completed a survey coming a major part of Oregon's pine forests. Larson said that despite the kill there is no apparent decrease in the population of the animals that are causing extensive damage in the forest areas This count of the kill. Larson said, is not an accurate lisure since many hunters, forest visitors, stockmen and loggers were re sponsible for an unreported num ber of the pests killed during the year. One of the largest kills was re ported from the Fremont National Forest area where forest officials killed 3.000 of the animals Other kills there totaled 2210 animals. Larson said private timber in terests have been carrying on a program nf extermination and some of these have promoted boun ties. The cost of control has ex ceeded $t 50 per animal killed, Larson said. "These porcupines offer a dis tinct threat to young trees," ac conns to Larson. State Labor Official Plans I Eastern Talk ! Tom Current, assistant commis sioner of Labor, will leave Monday (nr Amherst. Mass . where he will speak .it the Interstate ('(inference on Labor Statistics, scheduled June l:t - l.V Labor Commissioner Norman 0 Nilsen said he is sending Current to Ine conference in accordance with a revived proiam of labor statistics and infermntion which he expects to have in operation late in the summer. Nilsen said one of the first phases of. the. Labor. Rureau's . increased information program will be a com plete digest of laws affecting in dividual employes and employers and unions and associations. The first publication is due off the press by early August. ncn j ihi ,t 3 Dwellings, Warehouse Given Permit Building- permits for three new homes and a warehouse-office building were Issued in Salem Thursday. New dwellings included: Keith Brown, to build a one-story house and garage at 2525 Bolton Terrace, $17,500. Leonard Reimann, to build a one-story house and garage at 1185 Larkspur Lane, 19.000.' Ronald Jones, to-build a one story house and garage at 1179 Larkspur Lane, $9,000. Davidson Baking company filed a permit to build a one-story ware house and office building at 1210 S. 13th St. Cost of the structure will be $19,900, the company said. Contractor is Bingham Construc tion Co. Other permits issued Thursdav included Ray Larsen, to reroof 2 wo-story houses at 567 S Com- meicuii ni , wu, ana s. com mercial St:,-$200, and Rreyman Boice, to wreck a two-storv house 1 at 643 Court St. Gunshot Ends Youth's Life Near Brooks SUI.ftman. N.m Servirr BROOKS Murray Gene Yates, 25, Route 1, Box 56B. Brooks, died at his home late Wednesday night as the result of a gunshot wound, state police reported. Deputv Coroner Charles Ed- wards said the wound was appar- entlv self-inflicted. A 30 30 rifle was'found nearbv. Edwards said. I Yates had written a note and i a will in the kitchen prior to his death. Edwards said State police were called to the scene about 11:35 p.m. Yates Ined with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Laurence M. Yates. Officers said Yates was report edly despondent because of un employment and personal mat ters Yates 'was born in Salem, Oct 31, 1931. Survivors include his parents, a brother Laurence Jr., Roseburg, and a sister. Mrs Jacqueline Be dard. Butte, Mont. ' Services are in care of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home. Natural Gas Rate Hearing Slated Hearing dates on proposed rates io ne cnargea ny tascaae .'aiurai uas Corporation were set tnurs- day by Public Utilities Commis sioner Charles Hv-HettaeL I The hearings will be at 9 a m. jJune 19 at the Baker City Hall, land at 10:30 a m June 20 at. the I Pendleton City Hall. Births Y R I A K - To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yriak. 1420 Strong Road, a son, Thursday. June 7, at Salem Memorial Hospital. LOl'PEN To Mr. and Mrs. David S Louden. 20W) N loth St . a daughter. Thursday. June 7, at Salem (lencral Hospital. 1 TODAY'S LUCKY Master Money NUMBERS 303,444 SU200 424,166 544,787 If vou have a Master Money Rill with any of ahnvr serial nnmhpK nn il. coll win ilesii! nated aVarri if you colled it before '9 IV M. tonight at Center knl Commercial. n money not won todav will be added to tomorrow s corre snnndini! nuard. Lree Master Money Hill given at all loca tions. Winners Must Claim Award At Canter And Commercial By 9 t. M. NO WINNERS YESTERDAY Free Whistle Pops With Gas Purchases MASTER Free Master Money Bill Given At All Stations Buys Firm ,'U L-A Ju LESLIE E. DAVIS Leslie Davis np f J flKCS VVCF Vallev Motors Leslie E. Davis became sole n,ini,i ThAr. t Ik. lll.. M otor Coiny Salem FiXur B7A,,ied,"Bd Agency at 375 Center St. , aboUt thc flst o An announcement by Davis and Peter F. Bennison, who have been'y-i fi 1 co-owners since coming to Salem I J'lrtlf I fill t ml from Tacoma in April of 1954, said! VAJ1IH Ul Bennison was going into business ' O . "I m in California. The two purchased the Valley Motor Company from William L. Phillips and the Paul Wallace estate. ,"V a"' Z , 7 Saterlee would be secretary-treas- mcr of '?e f'rm but ,hat n otner Pfrsonnrf changes are content; P'atd in the immediate future, , U?us ,u's ,bt.nactlv m the, development of Wallace Park and Davis announced that Harvey A in the Downtown Lions Club, thei chamber of commerce and the new car dealers' association. He and his wife and three children reside at 320 Lane Place. in announcing his acquisition. Davis expressed appreciation for j J"? the T"'"8 diy. -b? "the many kindnesses shown me Robprt C,DV" fol"mw , dlslr'ct and my family." and promised of Douglas County. As that "in the years ahead the one S!stant AMo!7,e? Gef"al Roy ami of Valley Motor will be the J??: Por.lland' d'cuss continuance of the Dolicv of honest ! VSelfare Fraud 4nd Nonsupport and efficient service to every cus-J tomcr." Straying Tot Soon Found A three-vear-old bov was the nh- ject of a five-car oolice search Thursday night Ronald Shelton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delores Fay Shelton, wan dered from his aunt's "home late Thursday afternoon, police said. Utlicers were called about 6 p.m. j and a search instigated. I The boy was found by Mrs. t A nr,.f ITAp.,ln I. l , inn LI..L .t ' rifcin-.-t i ui lira in iiif IWU DIOCK On rriiy om-ei. poure reponeo. was returned to his mother. Ronald's parents arrived in Sa lem three days ago from Missouri, po'ice said. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M.-OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Dine in the comfort of our air-conditioned Oregon Room this Friday evening ... DINNER CHOR E OF CRAB OR SHRIMP COCKTAIL, CHILLED TOMATO OR GRAPEFRUIT Jl'ICE SOUP OF THE DAY M1F TOSSED GREEN SALAD, SOUR CREAM DRESSING ENTREE Special Complete Plate Dinner BAKFD VIRGINIA HAM. PINEAPPLE SAUCE $1.25 $1.65 PAN FRIED TENDER CHICKEN, ORANGE SHERBET 1.35 1.75 BAKED CHOICE STEAK, SWISS STYLE 1.00 1.40 FRENCH. FH.1 ED JUMBO GULF SHRIMP, COCKTAIL SAUCE 1.10 1.50 ROAST US CHOICE RIB OF BEEF AU JUS. BAKED POTATO 1.35 1.75 BROILED PRIME NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK 1.60 2.00 BROILED FRENCH LAMB CHOPS, MINTED HEAR . 1.35 1.70 FRESH CRAB OH SHRIMP LOUIS SPECIAL MAF DRESSING 1.25 1.65 REAM FiD WHIPPED OR HAKEH-OREfiON POTATOES - -FRESH BUTTERED ASPARAGUS OR WHOLE KERNEL CORN DESSERT HOME MADE I AKE A LA MODE BEVERAGE COFFEE. TEA. MILK, SANK A, PUSTUM, ICE TEA, ICE COFFEE LITTLE FOLKS DINNER 60c HOT POT ROAST OF BEEF SANDWICH, WHIPPED POTATO, VEGETABLE ASSORTED VEGETABLE PLATE (no spinach) BROILED HAMBURGER (all the trimmings) MILK OR CHOCOLATE MILK FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Forest Units Plan Survey Of Cone Crop A cone crop survey on a state wide basis, including a doien dif ferent species of Oregon's native trees, is now underway. The State Forestry Department, the U. S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management are cooperating in the project. Miles Compton of the State Forestry De partment is in charge. The entire forested area of the state has been divided into 21 sepa rate districts and these have been assigned to the cooperating agen cies. The main species tn be studied Include Douglas fir, hem lock and spruce on the west side and the Ponderosa and lodgepole in Eastern Oregon. Other species will include the true fir and ce dars, Compton said. Compton said indications point to a good crop of Douglas fir cones in the lower elevations such as the Willamette Valley and the original areas. The young cones have al ready formed and can be studied from the ground, Compton said. Final figures en the statewide OllKlV IODIC at J I T f lLaW lUeetlliff Thirteen experts in the field of criminal prosecutions and crime control including city and district attorneys, assistant attorneys gen eral and one judge are slated to appear at the Fourth Annual Dis trict Attorneys' Conference and In stitute in Salem June 28 30. At torney General Robert Y. Thornton announced Thursday. "Oregon Law of Confessions" will es Bradford M. Crittenden, district attorney for San Joaquin County, Stockton, Calif., wilt discuss "Com mon Mistakes in Criminal Prose cutions" Friday. At Saturday's sessions Circuit Judge Arlie G. Walker, Yamhill and Polk counties, will tell how a trial judge looks at the prosecu. tion. Eplcy Rites Set Friday Funeral services for Charles A. Epley, 546 S. 18th St., will be held Friday at 2 p.m. in the i iiowe 1 1-imi wsrns cnanei. ine rtrv. - JJ HeiU'avnp flreenn officiating Inter ment will be at Bclcrcst Mem orial Park. Epley died Wednesday at his home following a heart attack. Hearing to Air Proposed ' West Salem Bus Change Changes in West Salem Bus Co. operations will be given a public hearing by. Salem City Council Monday night during it 7:30 p.m. meeting in City Hall. Proprietor Robert E. Covert has petitioned the Council for these changes: Eliminate nighr runs after 1:45 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs cay and Saturday nights. Raise fare on Monday and Fri State Agency To Acquire U.S. Property The Oregon Highway Commis sion will acquire It acres of land formerly part of the U.S. Veterans Hospital grounds at Roseburg, C: W. Enfield, attorney for the com mission, said Thursday.. Enfeld said that the government had intended to auction the land June 19, but at the commission's request, withdrew it from sale. The highway commission didn't want the land to fall into private hands because that might make it hard for the commission to con trol access to the new route of the Pacific Highway at Roseburg. The commission is acquiring the land under a federal law that pro vides for sale of such property for park Or recreational use at half of the appraised price. Enfield said he has been assured that the tract will be sold to the state for $4,000. He added that the tract .would make an ideal park, since it Is on the North I'mpqua River. Burglar Takes Life Easv During Raid on House LAKELAND, Fla. t Mrs Elta Good came home to find a stranger watching television and cooling himself by her electric fan. When she ordered him to leave, reported police Lt. Grant Harden, he detoured by the kitchen, grabbed up an armful of cans of beer. When he finally did reach the door he 'asked Mrs. Good to help him find a cap he had mis placed in the house. Harden said the man already had helped himself to four eggs and a chicken before Mrs. Good came home. The officer said Woodrow Turn er, 43, Nashville, Tenn., was ar restee1 Thursday on investigation of breaking and entering charges. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep gratitude to our many friends, neighbors arid relatives, for their 'kindness, sympathy and beauti ful floral offerings in our recent bereavement. Mrs. Raymond Watkins and Family Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Watkins and Family day night runs after' t p m. to 20 cents no tokens). Buses would operate until MS pjn. Raise children s fare from pres ent cents to 10 cents days and IS cents nights. Continue bsie aHutt far nf in cents for day operations and the j token rate, but sell tokens only in dollar lots, at eight for $1. I Chance route on past nf river o eliminate some turns. hav-J ing duscs continue on center street from hrid tn Hiph Sirr thn south to State, west to Liberty for the regular bus stop at the Liberty State corner. Reverse and alter slightly the route in West Salem. From bridge, this would crnrpMi vl nit Frio. water, north on Rosemont to 6th. iertn. Huge, Patterson. 7th Streets and Wallace Road to the bridge. C of C to Hear Trucker Talk iiaiispurimiun legislation now penuing in congress will be ex plained to Salem Chamber of Commerce Monday by Herman Sites Portland trucker. He will address the chamber membership luncheon in the Marion Hotel. The chamber this vear is continuing its week I v lun cheons through June 25. Sites is president of Sites Sil ver Wheel Freightliners, and ex panding truck business he has headed 18 years. . . . with the 18.2Cu. Ft., Only 32-in. Wide UPRIGHT FREEZER Love food, hate fuss, lack space? Here's your Cold spot! Porcelain enomel in t e r i o r . Adjustable shelf, Handi-bin; eye-high cold control; care-free defrost drain. 11.2 (. fl. plus Free ImI 5-Year Gwanltt on Popular 1 4.2 Cu. Ft. Coldspot UPRIGHT FREEZER Store weeks of nutritious food in this quality freezer. Handi-bin for bulk; juice rock on door; defrost drain. Porcelain enamel interior. 14.2 Cu. Fl. plus free Beef for Sears Reliable Service Just COLDSPOT CHEST FREEZERS START AS LOW AS COLDSPOT UPRIGHT FREEZERS START AS LOW SaZufacEoft pu&uutfied fri)f Statesman, Salem, Ore., Death Claims L E. Hoyer Laurence Edward Hover, 1010 Oak St., died at his borne Thurs day. He was 57. Rom Oct. It. im. in Battle tree, wwa. Hoyer had been a resident of Salem for the past sev en years. He resided with his mo ther, Mrs. Margaret B. Hoyer, - Ifoyer served with the Air Force during World War II. He had been ill for several years. Survivors include his mother, a sister. Mrs. Leila Ohlsen, Salem, and a brother. Verne B. Hoyer, Cottage Grove, Ore. Funeral services will be held Monday at 130 p m. in the chapel of the Howell-Edwards funeral home. Bonus Deadline Fast Approaching Deadlines are approaching for Korean veterans or their next in kin to apply for bonuses from In diana and South Dakota, Vere A. McCarty, service officer for the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, cautioned Tuesday. The Indiana bonus deadline is June 30 and South Dakota's dead line is July 1. , Application forms for both states are available in Oregon through county veterans' service officen or from the state veterans depart ment in Salem or Portland, 50 lbs. U.S. purchase of any A 399.9S Seoled f reei'n g Unif; 5-Ytar Big m $oo gra Only of Sroien foods'. ., . 349.95 Phono 3 9191 Fri., June 8, 56 (Sec J5 he'll ' June 17 WHEN HE OPENS HIS GIFT. FROM IN TBS CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTEE FREE PARKING 4T GREEN STAMPS OPEN HON. FIX TIL I Good Beef one of these iff v X 1 I I II WW I Al Giant 20 Cu. Ft.Chttt HOME FREEZER irAenvA Uel 4ajJ Jimm lights! Porcelain enamel interior with fast-freeze section, rtody rock. Cold control on top. i',,w 20 (. ft plia fret M ... 4 19.91 hoi Prottclion Hani 15Cu. Ft.Coldspot CHEST FREEZER $110)00 15 Cy. Fl. pirn Frn Ita! ........ 339.9S Convenient inside and out! Porce lain enamel interior has sliding bas kets; cold control is on top, out of children's reach! , .li'ML?'-- Kirfr. 169.95 199.95 3-9191 550 N. Capitol