Zi-jSec II) Statesman. Salem. Ore. FA, June 8; '58 Polio No Handicap for This Shooter Attlwuh UUkm - rU of to rMa7nsrea ta the Orefea Mtma at the ism aai earded aa Via tat "Seleas IW aM aaeuer n see aerry uij naa 4 eas" danaf Taanfar'a antnav The Imr caallaaca today aai eeaclades Baaday. (Jeaa trick aaata.) - Yank , v - j Forecast - f ANDWKIt, titfyni - Se ai U. 1 women, their practice finished over the hills 01 windy Prince't links, figured Thunday they would wia two foursomes and at least three tingles in Curtis Cup play. " Yakima Takes 6-0 Victory. (Ceatlawtd treat aate U) fielder who Bad charged Negro vitcher Charley Drummond of the Bears in Wednesday's embroglio, after Drummond bad come close to hitting Chuck in the head with a pitch. Eaaeglaa Calls Hlnj WVt Essegian "celled Lewis, hut 1 got no response, cnurk Bad to ne phystcauy resrrauiea rrom wnacs tni the luy.He vas that angry. Players were bumping and shov ing about during this melee also, - but there were no reel blows. Manager Hub Kittle of the Bears probably got the worst of it all, for be tried to get between Esse gisn and Lewis, and Ronnie King of the Salems physically elbowed Kittle to one side. No one was ejected from the rhubarb, and bo "Incidents" fol lowed it But those who had come to the park to see another brawl weren't disappointed. The game itself was a hurling gem for four innings between George and rookie righthander Arlie Downs. Then, as it has so often this miserable campaign, the roof came down to conk the staggering Salems. Scratchy Hits George hadn't yielded a hit He walked Hera Reich to start the fifth, and the next two swing en got aboard oa scratch Infield bits to fill the sacks. Nick atiki eich drove in a run with a sacri fice fly and Elwayne Wiliox got another across with the third in field "bleeder" of the inning. There it stayed as Downs mas - tertully whipped the Solons with bis fast serves. He wound up with a five-hitter, and four of the Ave were of the scratch varl aty. He fanned five, walked only Salem got runners as lar as third base twice, and to second three times. But no batting punch was available. AMeraMa la Debat George departed for a pinch bitter in the eighth snd Arlie Alderman, the 19-year-old from Prineville, who was earlier re leased by Yakima, took over. The kid was touched for the final four runs ia the ninth, when two seemingly always present Salem errors, along with three base hits and a couple of walks produced for the Brains. . Aldermaa became eligible last night when Lefty Marion Cow dell, who hunt looked at aU like the flinger be was last season, was cut loose by the Salems. Hell probably book on with Yakima, as Kittle has no southpaw hurler. George gave but five hits in . his eight innings, but the three scrstcheroos of the fifth killed him. The Salems made two boots behind him also, but he came out o! ocen, with the help of three double plays ia the first three ' huts. Notes: Laky tried Jlas War . rea at third base la this one, ka. the rookie had a bad alghl, saskiag twe errors sad going M at the dish . . . Usap Wslt Kalfht, who was given a rough lisse of it Wedaeadsy by play- ere sad fans, didat shew ap bet night and Paul Kelley hsd to recrait twe plsyers, and then Dea Vaadervert to call 'ess oa the bases . . . The Sea aters new hit the read, epealag a fear-gaaae series at TrKJty pelts. Mi We ef Cell Beach, State TrarthMilmf Tmer at tte - : . rs Links Win Those five triumphs Friday and Saturday would be enough to give America a M victory over the British Isles la the ninth Curtis Cup competition. Britain has won only once and that was four years ago at Muir field, the windiest court in Scot land. This year the competition is In the windiest corner of Eng land, i ". , "We know about the wind now and all of us think we will take the cud home again," Barbara Mid. At noon Thursday the Amer ican! had decided to stop an fur ther practice and to relax. Pat Lesser of Seattle, the Amer ican amateur champion, was one of the most optimistic of the sev- en-glrl team, She thought M would be the margin. , - The prince's course s .id to have more meanness packed into the square foot than Alcatras runs along the edge of the beach overlooking the Thames Estuary. The wind blows hard about 360 davs out of the year. The first U. 8. pair on Friday oa the par 35-37-71 course will be Miss Lesser awl Margaret (Wiini Smith of St. Clair. Mich. Their opposition in the Scotch foursome be Mrs, George Valentine of Scot land, the best woman golfer in Britain, and Philomena Garvey of Dublin, who gets oa the team be cause it is a "British Isles" team and not a "British team." Major League Leaders AMERICAN LIAOOI G AH H HPrt. Mantle. N. Y. 49 HI 9 71 .403 MaxeelL Detroit M 113 17 43 JS1 Vernon, Boa ton SS 1S4 SS 41 J7S Kuenn, oetroii ain a hjm Barn. H. Y. SS 14S S3 SI .391 Courtney. Waih; S3 16 14 34 J4 Stow ran, N. Y. SS 12S IS 43 J3S Lollar, Chicago 37 133 M 4 .339 Goodman. Boatoa 39 19S 30 91 .331 WerU. Cleveland 4S lt SB si .319 Home runa: Mantle. New York. 11 Bern. New York. IS; Bauer, New York. 13; Steven, Waahlngton. 13; Gernert, Boaton, IS. Runa batted In: Mantle. New York. SI; Berre, New York, 41; Simpaon, Kanaaa City, 34: Blevere, Waahlng ton. 3ft: warn. Cleveland, m: Bauer, New York, 34; Lemon, Waahlngton, 34. NATIONAL LIAGUI G AB R HPrt. Long. Pittsburgh 41 1S9 34 S3 .MS Repulakl, St. L. 33 111 S3 43 .373 Boyer, St. L. 4S 1B4 33 S7 JS4 Clemente. Pltttbh. 34 107 17 3S JM Bailey, Clnclnn M 1)2 17 37 .330 Moon, St. L. 4S IRS . S3 94 .337 Walla, Pittsburgh 41 1.19 33 44 .324 Bell, Cincinnati 4 173 33 99 JM Bruton. Milwaukee 33 119 19 3S .319 Aaron, Milwaukee 37 141 3 49 311 Home rum: Long, Pittsburgh. IS; Dover St. Louis. 14; Poat, Clnctn natl, 13; Banks, Chicago, 12; Robin son, Cincinnati. 12 Hunt batted In: Hover, si. Louis, 41; Long. Pittsburgh. 43; Mualal, St. Louis, M: Jablonaki, Cincinnati. 39; Banka. Chicago, 30; Lopata, Philadel phia, SS. tonight. They'll be back aeit Wednesday, to play the Drain Blwk Soi here . . . Same ol' Stuff: m (9) Salem B HOA B HO A Wilcox 1 1 S I Dunn 4 S S 9 Morel .m I 1 S S SiekuU S NlxonJ 4 9 3 9 Uwlsj I I S S RelckJ ISIS Rentier,! ISIS Neal.e lilt MlkichJ Slit Downs, lilt Krauae 4 Eaegian S Estrbrok 4 Webster S Warren 4 Koapf 1 George.p 1 Klngji 1 Airman I 111 ToUls 39 9 27 J Totals 31 S 27 17 x Struck out for George In Sth. Yakima 006 02 004 S S 9 Salem IP ab h rm so br MM IMA M A Downs 9 31 9 0 9 2 George 9 26 9 2 2 4 2 Alderman 1 4 3 4 1 9 1 HP Lewis by George. WP Dnwn LB Y3, 87. Err.: Warrens. Webster. Dunn. Two-BH Feaeglan Koepf. RBI Mlkactrh 3, Downs 3. Moraci. Sacrifice: Mlkaclrh IF), Downs (F), Ren ner. Double Playei Krauaa to Eaiterbrook S, George to Easter brook. Time: 1:39. Umpire Kelly, King .Young and Vaadervort At tendance: 97 X, CuDDe - - " . . . . r T j 'O . wm hi the thick ef the ooeoiaf Sakaa Gaa Cash. Hei . a all-year AlUAmerk Dsn Orlich, above, 1-5, 22- peaader from Bene, Nev, who smashed 1H straight targets to win eat-of -state honors ia the Thursday "Salem ISO" fea ture of the Trspsheotlng Tourn aaeat here. He was aa All Aarericaa footballer at the V. of Nevada aad thea played for the Green Bay Pscker pros fress IMS to 1S5& Redlegs Take National Lead (Coatiaaed from page 31) handed Detroit a second straight defeat, after the Tigers had won seven in a row, 6-5 in 10 Innings. Joe Nuxhall, fourth of five Red leg pitchers, won his second in three days with t scoreless eighth. The Phils scored three in the first off starter Hal Jeffcoat, then took a 5-1 lead in the fifth. Reliefer Bob Miller wa the loser as the Phils fell into last place. Eddie Miksis homered, tripled snd hsd two singles for the Cubs. who popped out of the cellar. ur.H -i i j .. wan Moryn also homered as the Cubs collected 11 hits to beat El- rn r. u,k h.A f. f . .u .. ,w, , live. Bob Rush won his fifth, fan-1 ning seven in a six -hitter. Roberto Clemente's successive hit streak was stopped at seven, but he hit In his eighth straight game with an RBI single. Dale Long, the Pirates' powermsn, was held to an unsuccessful pinch-hit role by the pulled leg muscle he injured Wednesday. Huskies Add Diamond Chief SEATTLE III Dale Parker, 31-year-old baseball coach at Se attle Pacific College the past four veari. ia taking over those duties 4 '--. ! "J1. University of Washington. Parker s appointment" was an nounced Thursday by George Briggs, Husky athletic "director. He also will join the physical edu cation teaching staff when he starts his new Job this fall. Parker succeeds Joe Budnlck, who served as this year's acting coach la a less-than-successful ,. f t. : ' ' A . ' ik . x . a 1 J ;i li X 0 : VJ 1956 Car Models Numerous For the Initial Stock Racing Program at Bowl Saturday VaJDey Sporti Promoter Ron AH Thunday announced the field of cart and driven for Saturday night's lint stock car racinc pro tram at Hollywood Bowl, and added that 13 cars of the new 19S( vintage would be included. There will also be some IKS models and Peters Victor In Salem 4100' (Coatiaaed troas page U) trophies valued at $3,000 are being offered in the four-day shoot. ' Salem "100" results: CLASS AA-A Wm. Mtadowi, Portland ft: Glen Park. Eitacadi SO: K. M. Condit. TtUamook Si: O. Mlllln. RoMburf m: neiaoa nta, k. ram h; h. Shlrtcllft, Sr, Myrtl Crl ST; Brur nniMll. CuldtMC. Idaho M: T. A. Shtpard, Ophtl S4: Gw. Blum, Ttllamook S7; Paler SchmlU, Eurrn M: Foreit Solomon, Wlnchnter 99. W.. I. rtih.r, Wcdderburm M: W. W. Hllcman. CotU Grovt S7; H. H. Pttcn, Sublimity 99; L. Jonei, Sr., Condon SS: Don Pctore. Sublimity SD; Harry Patton, Portland SI ; Geo. Jnt- tT, Medford M: L. Andcraon, Tol- tto OS; Dan Orllch. Reno, Nv. 100: Gordon Millar, Drain .99; Bob IlKf, Indcpcndanca SI. CLASS B Walt Nuium. Qulncy 90: Guy Chamneaa, Redmond ST; John Mauld ln(, CotUe Grova SS: V, V. Ha(e dorn. MyrUa Point S: G. Hull. Sa lem Si: C. G. Hlltlbrand. Salem 91: G. L. MrCully. Gold Reach W: Jark Coons. Taft M: R. L. FlnneU, Culde aac 9S: D. Wallare. Portland 9S; Clar anca Jastad. Suaam SS; Tad Aibahr, Portland 94. I. P. Patton. Laromb 96: Harold Wooley, Drain SI; Joe Saver, Rose- burg SS: "W. 1, Welnert, Tolefo 91; Ertue Maea. Newport m; w. u Wade. Newport SS: Pat Hoaan. Weit- t sa: Garner Brack, wauna S: Cane Bowman, Weitport SS. CLASS C P. J. Barton. Bay City SS: John Glaaer, Tanfent SS: W. J. Waike. Iufene S9: B. Slmonaon, Salem 91; Mike Younker, foreat Grove 94: R. Johnaon. Venlta 93; R. Welty. Salem 17; N. V. Stemler, Portland M; J. D. Wolf. Gold Beach S9; G. E. Newton, Independence 91; K. D. Coomler, Brooki S3; Dr. B. J. Allan, Lot An. aa 94: C. I. Knepper. Portland tt; Wanda Blum. TUlamook M: Dr. A. Guild. Salem 99. CLASS D R. Melntyre. Medord 79: Donna Woolley. Drain M: D. O. NebersaU. Albany 79. Leading Scares In Cherry City Hudkap: (Handicap la pareacheili. L. Jonea, Sr. 4 21 1 99. Mike Yunker, (19) 99. H. Patton, Hl 95 N. Stem, ler, 1X01 94. D. Orlich 1 25) 94, H Woolley (II) 94, H. Wke (20) 94. D. Cannon (201 93. J. Fttzmaurtce 131) 93. E. Pattnn 21 1 S3, .R. John aon (20) 93, N. Reed 30 ) 93. G. Park (20) 93. Washington Open Today ' SEATTLE W A new cham pion will collect the title and the hardware this week when the Northwest's leading pros and am ateurs trudge the tree-lined and hilly Rainier Country Club layout in 1956 Washington State Open Golf tournament. Bud, Ward, the 1955 champion, has switched his base of opera tions to California and will not defend. Moving into the role of co-favorites will be Joe Greer of Yakima snd the vetersn Charley Congdon of Tacoma. Dick Yost, Pacific Northwest amateur titlist, and Erv Parent, state amateur king, top s strong list of hopeful amateurs. Firing starts with IS holes Fri- j , l ... e , , dsy. another It follows Saturday , snd 36 holes Sunday will wind up the battle. Meadows Results Track slow. first race. 150 yards, quarter hors es, puree, MflO Fancy Lahekin I Herri 1I O0, 10 70. 9 90: General Fllnk (Boagl M. 4 10; Patsv Irene Sherman) 1.10; qulniella 990 0. time Second race. 390 yards. auarter!r i in i i-i n.FRv.li 7.4 horsea. purse MOO Billy Scoot Ror- ick (Sherman) 1.70, 4 10. 3.20: Rebob (Boat) 4 410: Beautv Hobbler quinieila 19S0. , , . u.kkl.. I Zollinger) 1.70; time :1I 9. Third race. S'i furlongs. 4 up, purse MOO Red Cherokee I McDow ell) 3940. 14.90. 9.10; Ludier (ZolUng er) 6 30. 3 00: Jewel Offering i Simon isl 1.90. qulniella 1116. time 1:09-39. Fourth race. 9 furlongs. 3 up, purse WOO Our Judy (Dixon) 37, 9.70, 90; Twlnbrook (Glfford) 6 00, 3 SO; Aspen (Sherman) 19 30, qulniella 939.90, ume l:ua-ja. Fifth race, I furlonas, 3 up. purse SSO0 Art's Psrmet (Henshaw) 9.90, 4.70. 40: Aldan (Dixon) 3.30, 3.40; Frank Welles (McDowell) 9.30, quln iella 920.10, time 1:14-49. Slxtn race. furlongs. 3 up. purse 9600 Bull Oaks (Zollinger) 9.10, 9.60, 110; Stepping Jewel iSlmonls) 33.40, 9 00: Sonoma Sickle (Sherman) 3.90, qulniella 9192 90. time 1:13-39 Seventh rnce. 6 furlnnii. 3 up. ?urae IMO-Royal Trip i McDowell) 40. 2 70. 2 60: Life Time (Cho)nackl) 190, 2 30: Fetchinwm iKnowles) 3 60 qulniella ID 40, time 1:14-15 Eight race, 1-116 miles, purse MOO , -Thrifty (McDoweiii s.io. ti. 2.W: i-ora Anney inrnsnawi .i.zu, j.H); Jul- in b. i Zollinger) 2 20; quinieila 990, time m Ninth race, one mile, pure 1800 prty choice iHldalgm 13.70, 4 60. 4 10; Vicky Jo (Zollinger! 2 60 2.90; Above Freeilng (Simnnis) 940; quin ieila 16 90, time 1 42 .1 Attendance-3J69: handle-1 102 798 LOOK... SAVE '272.50 WE NEED ROOM! 18' IURCHCRAFT CRUISER. Irond new 1957 model with cupboards, berths and steering controls. Rest quality cruiser in Salem. (Not made of ordinary ply wood but of plastic covered material) $1485.00 1956-30 HP JOHNSON outboard motor. Lone shaft. Used 5 times . 497-00 1956 TEE-NEE TRAILER. 12" wheels, with winch and "9 290.00 Total Valua Take the Lot for Only $1 99950 Easy Terms, of Course SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 ChemeWote two 1954s. the oldest cars in tne meet Leading the pack will be Johnny Kieper of Portland in his 1934 Olds mobile tt, in which he finished second to South Carolina's Herb Thomas in the recent NASCAR 100-miler in Portland, and Hal Hardest? of Kennewick, Wash., in his 19S6 Chevrolet in which he finished second to Thomas in a Merced, Cal., race earlier in the week. Also, Gordy Haines of Yakima. driving a 1936 Dodge D500, who led much of the Portland NASCAR event until tire trouble forced a costly pit stop, will be here In the same csr, sccording to AO. Others listed by Ail include Art Watts (1956 Dodge Curly Bar ker (1956 Chevrolet VS, Bob Kee-, fe (1938 Ford Vt). Royce Hagger ty (195 Dodge D500 Bob Carroll j (1954 Hudson Hornet), Andy Wil son (1950 Ford V8. Harold Besl (1950 Ford V, Louie Shermsn i (1950 Mercury). "Wild Bill" Hyde ! (1950 Olds SR). John Sweeney 195 : Olds Ml), Ed Negre (1955 Olds 88). , Don Hamilton (1950 Studebaker Golden Hawk). Mel Martinelli (1956 Hudson) and Don Nelson (1954 Olds). "This will unquestionably be the 1 biggest stock car race we've had st Salem because of so many new cars," Ail added Thursday. "There will be well over $50,000 worth of racing equipment in action." The Saturday program, first for the stocks here this year, opens with time trials at 7:45 p.m. i Trophy dash, heat races and main I events follow. The final race will! be the longest of the season to date, a 50-lapper. Beaver Win Streak Ends (CenUaeed tram page 33) ter Bill Werle's two-run double did the damage. - - Borkowski then lined an appar ent double Into right centerfield. Bob Usher made a fine, catch of the line drive and threw to second to double off Bob Darnell, running lor Werle. and end the scoring. In other PCL action Thursday, Seattle downed San Francisco 3-1, with lanky Bud Podbielan, Seattle hurler, yielding but seven hits; Hollywood took a doubleheader from Vancouver, 9-2 and 6-2; and Steve Bilko smacked his 24th borne run of the season for the Los An geles Angels, but the latter went down to defeat, t-2, to the Sacra mento Solons as Jake Crawford and Nippy Jones pasted homers. Portland (1) B HO A Saffell.cl 9 2 0 0 (I) San Ditto B HO A rdrof,2b Rbnsn,rf Usher.rf Sisler.lb Kzakjb StClalr.c Elllott.lf Moore. ss Mesa.p Mrimn.rt 4 2 0 Marqt.lf 4 0 4 Mklsn.lb 4 1 10 Baxes.3b 3 1 1 Yung,2b 4 Cldern.c 3 Lltrell.ss 3 Bsnki.H 0 Valdes.p 1 Herera.p 0 r''" p ' 1 0 I) fl 0 0 0 Brki.rf 2 Wribel.p 0 b-Werlr 1 c-Drnell 0 Shore p 0 d-Llnt 1 Totals 39 13 24 IS Totals 39 13 27 3 a sine ea ror riea er in (in. DoJbied for uttreii m sth. a Singled for Fiedler in 7th c Ran for Werle In Sth d Lined out for Shore In Sth. Portland 300 000 140 1 San Diego 013 310 OOx - 9 E Valdes, Fteldler. sr Marques. SB Ka7k KB1 Marquez, Young. Sisler 3, Elliott 2. Federoff. Mesa, Mickelson. Borkowski, Calderone, Werle 2. 2BMerrtman. Werle. St. Claire HR Slsler. Elliott. Mickel son. DP Lottrell. Young and Mickel son; Young. Littrell and Mickelson: Littrell and Mickelson: Usher and Moore. Left Portland 9. San Diego 10. BB-Valdes 1. Mesa 1 Fiedler 4. Waibel 1. SO Mesa 5 Fiedler I. Short 1. HO Valdes 7 In 3 plus. Mesa 12 in 7 1-3, Fiedler 4 in 3. Wai bel 2 in 1 2-3. Shore 0 In 1-3. Her Mesa 7-7, Fiedier 1-1, Wabel 0-0, shore 0-0. Herrera 0-0. W Mesa 4-9. ' - .... - ... . ..... L valdes a-2. u Muisn, Aanioro and Orr. A 1330. T-2 20. Fathers Day JUNE, 7 Sit US FOR Gift Suggestions $2,272.00 Phone 39303 M&F Plasters Guardsmen in Meier and Frank'! downed Na tional Guard, 1M, last night In a Capital League Softball go at Phil lips Field. MfcF racked up 11 hits in pound ing out victory. Carl BartruH was the winning pitcher, giving up six hits. Losing hurler was Bob Ree ves. The Guardsmen had a bad night, committing nine errors, snd did not play up to their usual form. Leading M&F at the plate, each with a home run and three hits in four tries, were Ron Magree and Sonny Carson. M4F scored two runs in the first ( 7 tin VM! Tl Hit S70-1S 7.10-15 7.0-i3 6,00-16 Lt ' ,y StCONO TIM ONIY iU iOJj' iTS7 t77 StCONO Tlt ONIY 12.00 13.30 14.53 10 25 rn'.T'-S J. ' "J - 1st Dekiaa Tabaleu Slocawag SfCOND TW ONLY 9.9? 1 2.1 2 11.30 - Xrx. - SECOND TIH ONIY IIsT iZal U.30 - CAR OWNERS-ELIMINATE YOUR PARKING PROBLEM! DRIVE INTO WARDS SERVICE STA TION AT TRADE & HIGH-HAVE YOUR TIRES MOUNTED BY FAST, EFFICIENT AND COURT EOUS SERVICE MEN, WHILE YOU WAIT. SHOP WARDS TIRE STORE MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. inning, three la the second and a mammoth 11 in the third frame. MAT added twe more in the fourth to wind up its scoring for the night. In the third. Bob Sappeniield of MAP and Carl Bartruff of the same team smacked homers. The Guardsmen scored two runs Swim Record Notched at 12 BEVERLY HILLS. Calif. OrV Al Rackin has reason to be proud of his 12-year-old son Johnny. The lad set a new national 100-yard freestyle record. He was timed in 0:56.6. ,70-15 4J0 A Mounted free with modorn oquipmartt. BfffiBfUS in the third, as Tom Olson bit a home run with one on and added twe more in the fifth to end their scoring. The game was splattered with extra-base blows, MAP picking up eight, the Guardsmen one. In tonight's action. National "Not only did Johnny set the record," says papa AI. "but I've noticed that George Breen of New York Cortland Teachers College, NCAA champion, swam the 440 in 7:30 four years ago. V,ard,Roe,.RoyonTb. - Ok. ....ofiQinol equ'P Word. - 15 Uockvol .buyUlVtr. Vrvnef liner mo. - - blowout to turnina Plws Excise hi, 2 trade-in tires. Plot Excite tax. Sotitfacrion OuaranleeeJ Norlan-wWa Wards WINTER KING STANDARD equals batteries costing up to $6.00 more... INSTALLED FREE 8 88 p)ut your barf ery m h-ode 1 00 amp. hr. copacity, plenty of storting power, reserve power for accessory operation. Plottie. separators, 45 heavy-duty plates, rubber cate. Satitfacrlon Ouaranteed Softball Ruartt will meet first Christian! at 7 in a Capital League contest,! and at 1:30 Handle Oil will meet! UR in a City League meet. Bob ; Knight, who recently led the Ran-f dies to victory over Noredi Build h. ml PiMnlli. 'Mill IMMM fnS-f . , - . . l. : - r .1 f ine lust ume uua aeaaon u sauem, en the mound for Handle. The game should be a dandy, featuring the two powers of Salem Softball Randle Is still seeking its: first wia over Lfcft, which has de- feated the OQ cuties twice. MAP J12)xx-1IH J Guard 002 - I Bartruff and Klassen; Reeves and Krater. ? TRADE AND HIGH PHONE 3-4201 .yP - . 1 J Hr Of Tube,eM TtebtJess Tir for 22A5 ciol ji0w-ov- mere MWN ON