The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1956, Page 33, Image 33

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Yakima Makes
Series Sweep
Tempers Again Flare;
Cowdell Turned Looae
Statesman Sports Editor
The outcome of the game itself
was familiar, as the town Sena
tors dropped another Northwest
League baseball outing to the
Yakima Bears last night, this one
a series-sweeping 6-0 at Waters
Field. But the fistic-spiced ex
tracurricular was again present in
the series finale, just as it was
near the finish of Wednesday
night's doubleheader.''
Last night's tiphraval tame in
the second jnnin: when Andy
ine ueari ueorge arnica me, i
slugging Yakima outfielding vet-! !
eran Herman Lewis with a pitch,
one that plunked solidly into
Lewis' shoulder. ' '
Andy Was Iteady
The Negro star, who hit two
home runs and drove in eight
runs in Wednesday's second
game, started for the mound, bat
in hand. The 20") pound Salem
flinucr dropped his k!ove and
challenged, "Come on, and bring
yo;ir bat."
Lewis advanced only a couple
of cautious steps before stopping.
By then players of both benches
were up and at 'em, but no blows
were struck. Lewis went to first
base only to run into more mis
ery, for awaiting him there was
Chuck Essegian, the Solon right
(Continued page 34, col. 1)
Beaver Win
Streak Ends
held off a late Portland rally in
the eighth inning to edge the
Beavers, 8-7, in a Pacific Coast
League series final Thursday
night. The win ended Portland's
victory streak of eight games.
The Beavers won the series, three
games to one. i
Portland jumped into a quick '
two-run lead in the opening inning !
on three hits, including Lloyd
Merriman's double, and a sacri
fice fly.
San Diego came buck in the
second with one run and then add
ed three more in the third on
Dick Sisler's homer with two men
on base.
In the fourth, Ebba St. Claire
led off with a double and Harry
Elliott followed with a home run
over the right field fence. Singles
by Clarence Moore and Al Feder
off sandwiched around a sacrifice
produced another run.
Dick Fiedler, who relieved Rene
Vaides, Portland starter, in the
fourth, walked Padre pitcher
Mesa with the bases loaded in the
fifth to force in what proved to
be the deciding run.
Bob Borkowski singled home,
Dick Young in the sev
then the Beavers added four
more tallies in the eighth. Ed
Mickelson's homer and pinchhit
(Contlnued on Page 34, Col. 5)
Mason Stars
In Golf Meet
SEATTLE I A team of
Washington professionals turned
back a contingent from Oregon
Thursday to win, 12-6, the first an-'of
nual competition for the Greater
Seattle perpetual golf trophv.
A pair of Oregonians. .Joe Mozel,
Portland, and Bunny Mason. Sal-
em, recovered a bit of glory for
the visitors, getting 3-under-par
69s for the day's best rounds. The
event will be played each year
as a prelude to the Washington
Scores: 'Nassau system
Ray Honsberger, Seattle, defeat
ed Larry Lamberger. Portland. 3-0.
Mason defeated Charley Cong-
Hnn Tflrnma 1.0
Mozel defeated Dick Haskell.1
Seattle 2'7-'2
Gord'y Richards, Seattle, defeat-
ed Ron Caperna. Astoria. 3-0
John Hoetmer. Seattle, defeated
Bobby Litton, Portland, 3 0
Bill Welch, Kennewick. defeated
Bill Walton, Pendleton, 2'i-j.
Giants' Exhibition
Win Led hv Mays
runs by Willie Mays and one by
Daryl Spencer boosted the New
York Giants to a 6-4 exhibition i
victory over the Minneapolis
Millers Thursday night before
21.832 in the new Minneapolis
PI(iomint;t(in stadium.
New York Nl
OilO 202 011- 6 12 0
010 000 300 - 4 ., '
Monziint. Margonen 5 and
Kail. Marfan '.V. Wcstruin 8 1 ;
Corwin. Mrahs '6'. Konil-nwki
((!'. Melliere '9 and Jenkins.
Fishing Outlook Bleak
Fishing onllonk aver the stale is
rather bleak this weekend, ilh
storms and generally adverse wea-
ther keeping the fish well hidden.
Trout fishing Is slow along the
it. 1 C I ft-LI. I.
""""""'' " ""'" "
good in lakes between Aslnria and
u c w i. i.i. rj
Seaside. Surf fishing Is lair. Good
rlam tides this
weekend. Trout
a n 1 1 ng Tillamnnk-Nesturra-Sal-mon
river area Is poor. Salmon
trolling Tillamook bay Is slowing,
but fish are still coming In. Bass
re biting at Lake Lytic. Good
catches of perch and sea bass at
Jetties and In bays. Trout angling 1 ' " ran sterlhead are erotsiog Win
expected to be fair on the Clacks-1 SOUTHWEST Unstable wea- Chester dam, bet catches have
mas. Shad reported to be scarce In ther and water conditions have been made. j
the Sanfly sad Willamette rivers. generally resulted Is poor trout (Ces'd oi Ptge X, eol. 1.) 1
rading as Senators lose 6-0 fliix
Former Salem
Curt Jantze, left, former Salem prep baseball star who today completes his first yesr at Oregon State
College as a freshman, tries on St Louis Cardinals uniform after signing with the major league
club Thursday. At right is Tony Governor, Cards stout who signed Jantie. Curt will join his
brother Phil with the Ardmore, Okla., farm club next week. Phil ws signed by Governor last year.
(See story below).
Curt Jantze Signs With Cardinals
Sublimity Man Among Top Shooters
Peters Victor
In Salem '100'
Lawrence Jones Sr., of Condon,
Don Peters of Sublimity and Dan
Orlich of . Reno walked off with top
first-day honors in the annual Ore -
Mate irapsnooung iuurna -
. u S'ment yesterday at the Salem Gun
,enth and " "l J"slc,uJ' ol
Jones, snooting irom yaras Tn-City 19 1 .376
in the Cherry City Handicap, hit ! Thursday reaults: At Salem 0. Yak-25-s.raight
in a shoot-off with Mike 'ToTUcU
Vunkrr of Forest Grove to win the j at spokane-Trl-city, resulti on page
trophy. The two were tied with 95 one of news section,
out of 100 birds each. Ipacihc coast leagi'S
Harrv I'atton of Portland also wi. p.t WLPct.
recorded a 95 but lost by default LosAn 39 20 sbi SnDeso 32 .475
, ' , ,1, ' ,j. Seattle .18 24 .613 SnFran 27 33 .4a0
when he was not on the grounds Sarr., M ..,44 Hivwod 232 .448
for the shoot -oil.
Combined Title
The combined Class AA and A
title in the Salem "100'' went to
Peters who also scored a perfect NATI0NAi 1 s-ague
' 25 to win a shoot-off. At the end ' w l Pet' w l Pet.
100 targets, Peters was tied at cincmn 27 la tw Brklyn M .MS
99 with Gordon Miller, All-Ameri- ,,1 mis ss? Chicago ism is
can from Drain, Forrest Solomon Miiwauk 21 u 5S8 Phiiad 1527 357
of Winchester and the ;ritA,r ?:
George Jantzcr of Medford. I Brooklyn i: at Chicago.', Pitisburgh
Top shooting of the day was done 2. only games schedulfd.
by Orlich, a former professional j ME(,ICAN BAGt
football star, with a perfect 100, w l Prt w 1. Pet
, which wpn him the out - of - state nj n .Detroit 2223 m
, trophy in the first event. Ichicago 2218 550 wshTn 2029 ,40s
A shoot -off also was required in
Iho Ha R nf thr. "100" a Frnipi
Patton of Lacomb, Dave Wallace
of Portland and Joe Sayre of Rose-
UUlf, wvir iirnuiuimu m,., ......
of . Pattnn won with 25-straight.
Konert rinneii. cuiaesac. loano.
was ,nD out-of -stater with a 93
X Stemler of Portland won
lhe "ass C with a 96 and Donna
Woollt,y- th' formrfr 'rt handicap
champion from Dram, ook Class
,u """
80 Shooters on Hand
Approximately 0 shooters were
on hand for the first day of the
big tourney with entrants regis
tered from half - a - dozen western
states The number is expected to
more than double by tomorrow and
noarlv lAfl nrohahlv U'ill hp tfninC
for the big prize money on Satur-
h s,,n,in
Torlav's morning feature will be
thi' Oregon Class Championship.
200 lfi-yan; targets. One hundred
dollars added prize money plus
Irnnhies for hit'h and out-of-state
will be awarded.
Following the Class Champion-
ihip; the shooters will turn to the
rtmihle. Thp Orpuon Douh es
Championship will be combined
with II-" class doubles.
Over V, ooo in cah prizes and
(Continued page 34, col. 4)
Mosl streams In the central Wil-
"" But "
Salmon anglers are taking aa oc
casional spring chlnook at Staytan
and Lebanon. Marlon lake has been
a good producer. Stream conditions ,
, ' . . u., ...
n southern end of the Willamette
.. r
'' V " " "
normal, ana iisnin in icrnrraii.T
fair. Lookout Point, Dexter, and
Doren. reservoirs are producing
fair catches of small trout. Clear
lake should be good for weekend.
""'"" c -
to Fight
Prep Whiz Tries New 'Uni'
' vobthwest ueagi'I
i WLPct.
W L Pet
Yikimi ai .714 WMtch. 14 m .388
kwiton Spokane mi .384
11 24 J14
Portlnd 31 28 .525 Vnrouvr 19 44 .390
Thursday results: At San Dlo B.
Portland 7: at Hollywood fc-S. Van
couver 2-2; at Sacramento 8, Lot An
,eles 2; at San Francisco 1, Seattle 3
1 Boston 2322 .suk. city is 27 .400
Thursday results: At wasnmgion
S Chicaio 7: at Ba timore 5. Cleve
land 2; at New York . Kansas City
1; at Boston , Detroit 5 (10 in
nings). Praia, Muggins
Set in NCAA Meet
At Ohio State U.
EUGENE UP- - Bob Prall and
Chuck Huggins of Salem will be
among the six players the Uni
versity of Oregon will send to
the NCAA golf tournament at
Ohio State University, June 24
30. ' Art Abrahamson of Everett,
, T . n ! j
Norquist of Portland and
Bick of Coos Bay are the other
Coach Sid Million said he
would invite the NCAA to hold a
future tournament at Eugene.
Te Charleston Senators an-
nounced Wednesday the condition-
al purchase of Jim Robertson, 28-
year-old catcher, from Seattle of
the Pacific Coast League.
Over State
catches throughout most of the
,!r"m, lB ,th "P?" and mldl
I'mpqna river drainage. Best
catches are being made In lakes
and reservoirs principally on bait.
Water conditions are not satisfac
tory for fishing In the fly area of
the North Umpqua. Salmoa fishing
Is slow throughout the river. Fair
catches of small fish have bees
taken from the fdleyld Park area.
Tk. !',., I- ..W l.klJ
qna Is clearing and falling so fish
ing may Improve If the weather
becomes settled. A few summer
Ex-Prep Star
Joins Brother
Statesman Sports Editor
Curt Jantze, the 19-year-old ex-
Salem High and American Legion
Junior baseball star who today
completes his first year at Ore
gon State College, has signed with
the St. Louis Cardinals, following
m the footsteps of his brother Phil,
who turned professional in the
Cardinals system a year ago.
In fact, the younger of the two
baseball playing sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Jantze, Salem Rt.
5, Box 357, will join his brother
(Continued page SS, col. 4)
Give Dad a
Gift for
His Car
A. T. R.
DC 10 AC
l AC currtnl
la DC.
Many UMl
ft Etocttic Skr.-
n. ale
Na maf alarinf In rha eVIvar'i aar ta
'ar arat riden an hacr the radio. Emily
liilal!aa In any aar. Comptate kit eo-
"t -p, - mimi top u ''y rM
C '"S "; IpaoVaf, nm-
mariana at c'tluna
l chrome (tllla !lh
fUctttJ tcrttn, 15
fttt f orL-.,
oVrcktt tnil
iiX svt Y0U" c eT a
lost milat, tin and f J
drlviaff pleosurt. B 1 , 1
tifht, mrr ttau, f'l , I
with a Hull Auto. I i m
wbUa Composa, Wj
I Far Haaaa ar a I
I ..; I I
I ttj la : " e liamt. I
Young Rave
In Bis Chance
Odds Favor Former
Olympic Champion
NEW YORK i - Floyd Patter
son, 21-year-old former Olympic
champion, is a 2-1 favorite to pass
his most imnnrtant test Friday
night by taming Tommy -iHurri- L
cane) Jackson in a 12-round heav-
yweight elimination bout at Mad-i
ison Square Garden.
The winner ot this match, to I
be beamed across the nation on
radio and television NBC. at,
6 p. m. Pacific Standard Time
probably will advance to a Sep-
tember match with Archie Moore, i
the light heavyweight king, for j
me neavyweigni xme recently va-
cated by Rocky Marciano.
Although boxing purists quake
at the Hurricane's flapoing un
orthodox tactics and belittle his
ability, "the Animal" is rated No.
2 in the division in the latest ring
ratings. Patterson, virtually un
tested against big league opposi
tion, is listed fourth in the class.
(Continued page Si, col. t)
Benson, Dale
Romp Tonidit
SAN DIEGO The National
Assn. of Intercollegiate Athletics,
composed of approximately 400
member colleges and institutions
throughout the nation, opens two
days of competition here Friday
in track and field events and ten
nis and golf.
Among the track entrants are '
Dean Renson and Dale Hartman
of Willamette University, Salem.
Ore. Both have arrived here and
are wnrkin nut.
Ron'on will take pnrt in the hip.h
barr'ers and is the defending
NAIA champion in this event. His
best time of 1956, 14.1, is one of
the fastest marks recorded in the
event this year in college compe
tition. He is favored to win in the
event here.
Hartman, sophomore from Red
mond, Ore., will take part in the
880 and has a best time this year
of 1:57.2. Both Benson and Hart
man must qualify in Friday night's
preliminaries in order to romp in
the Saturday night finals.
Others in the tourney from the
Northwest are Loren Michelson,
Jin Boutin and Clarence Duke of
Lewis and Clark College in Port
land, Ore.; Portland University's
Jim Senko and "Moose" Vander
wettering, and Bill Machamer of
Linfield College.
of dogs killed at least 16 deer near
here. Two of the dogs, spotted as
they were attacking a deer, were
shot by two men hunting foxes
from a plane.
' DRILL w!gKr slrlfl tf III
fewer tni capoclty. tnt
:-i:k. 16001PM.
A rtllabtt, prcitlr
mm intrwiwit lh:
lh many umM pur
p4Ml n Ihs) t4.
comb, Hn'l, Cin hlr ui
itfptirflt ptcttfltt Ur rtfitrttM
tmi4t mmpt clfr
tti, tc. cnpi 1 70
.Mitfe tiw I9
Just Psychological
r.i'EPE to coach stars
ria. wt An uuepe,
football coach at Vanderbilt Uni -
versitv. will coach the South 1
squad , ,h(, shrine-s all.atar
game jn tne orange Bowl Christ-
ma, ni?ht jt was announced
Arrived!" Wf' ..
f .1 ' f, ". "t-r,M-'-r:-W-::';tf??V; ' ; mm
' m " -v t' : )
. J v .... . i-w-ZV
Redlegs Take Lead
In NL; Pirates Fall
a...i.ii p. st. wHt
Cincinnati' robust Redlegs
edged into the National League
lead with an eighth-inning rally
that swept a four-game aeries
Ted Belittles
Shift on Mantle
BOSTON t - Ted Williams, I
an authority on baseball shifts
said Thursday Hew Yort'i MIck'
ey Mantle may be hurt psychok
'ca"y 'Mlt lnrw' , by Lou
Boudreau t new defense.
fi.,nuyf jm surprised it
hasn't been done earlier." Ted
Williams the Boston Red Sox
luK8'r who first faced shift
in the summer of 194 when Boud-
(Contlnued as Page IS, Col. 1)
v' i
.t .. pi
nn n
r ...
T ? -:: -: ". v . '. :'. -S : sip I
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri.,
from Philadelphia S-S Thursday
iwnue ine ruisourgn rirawi .
I dropped to third as the Chicago
ibo made off with the rubber
game in their three-game set H
Cincinnati, for the first time in
12 year in tint place thi late
in the season, used Smoky Bur
gess' fourth homer to lead off
the three-run eighth. The victor?
also ' provided 13-percentage-point
edge ever the idle runnerup
St. Louis Cardinals. . '
Bob Buhl beat Brooklyn for the
third time thi season as the Mil-
waukee Braves ended a three-
,am i.n, .trak and funked
.i,. rvvt vinnin
string 4-t 111 the only other NL J
game scneauiea.
In the American. Bob Turley
four-hit Kansas City while Yogi
Berra smacked his fourth homer
in four games and Hank Bauer
powered his 13th tor a -t New
York victory. It put the Yankees
m games ahead of second place
Cleveland, dumped by Baltimore
S-2. The Indians open a threev
aadtvS VltlWob ! faWsSailv
Penney's scoops the
Modern trend
with narrow
brim and tele
scope crown.
Mar a t h o n ft
fashioned I n
charcoal and
medium tones.
Golden Tone
Oxfords for Men...
Pennev's low price, top qual
it version of new summer
color and stvle . . Composi
tion soles and heels for miles
and miles of wear. In the
new golden tone.
June 6, 08 (Sec. IV)-33
fme stay at Yankee SUcBurn
r rn-y.
KfckeJ Mantle, top AL hitter.
cracked two hit la four triea for
the Yank. "
Chicago third place White Sox
beat Washington 7-4 and Boston
(Coatiaaed tfe M. ML S)
Bailey Sick, ,
Stops Drills
EUGENE t- Juia Bailey
NCAA mile champion, is suffering
i ruin ma auergj similar u nay.
fever and has not orkH it
since Monday. University of Ort
on track coach Bill Bowermaa
said Thursday.
Ballet, who recently raa the
nile in leaa thaa four minutes. Is
favored to via the IJOtMneter
event at the June 15-U NCAA
meet at Berkeley, Califs if he
recovers. s
qualirflwM for cool Dohtnwsiatop
wear, terrific shape and press rorsrV
tion ., ? r
full unge of medium to no, soma dork
In gray, blue ond brown
Now of Pennoy'sl The Summer's most
popular suit tor comfort and good
grooming . . . yours at Hugo saving,
whilo this special purchase lasts! Smart
2-button Gantry 9 styling, with all tha
quality features regularly found In Pan
nay's Gantry Tropicals. Sizes 36 to 46
regular . . . also in shorts and longs.
I to
B to D