Britain Tells Of Wartime Spy for Soviet ' By EDDY CILMORE LONDON (IV The Foreign Office revealed Thursday a British court tn tbe World War U period sen tenced Capt John Herbert King to years in prison for giving sec reta to the Soviet Union in Sep tember 1939. Ha wu freed after the war. ':. A Foreign Office apokeaman laid Xing had been convicted en evi dence relayed from the United Stales. King wai retired Army officer working in the communication sect loot of the Foreign Office, The Foreign Office statement followed testimony given to U.S. ' Senate Investigating Committee that Britain executed a Soviet spy la tna Tower or London in 1939. Questioned about King's present whereabouts, tbe spokesman said . "As far as I know he is still - alive." -' . Uvtag in Britain ' Asked if King is living In Bri- , tain, the spokesman said: . "I believe so." The spokesman said King had been working in a department that dealt with secret codes and highly - confidential information and that i ae had passed these oa to the Russians. He refused to go into details , about the evidence sent to London i from tbe United States. Asked If a former Soviet intelligence officer, Gen. Walter Krivitsky, was in- , volved in the evidence, he replied Tea, the assumption is correct that Gen. Krivitsky'a evidence helped convict King." Evidence Ttmrn UJ. ' The spokesmaa said a consider able amount of evidence was re ceived from the United States which "might have involved" a British diplomat.' '' '. Asked if the diplomat be re ferred to wu Donald MacLean or Guy Burgess turncoat Britons now in Moscow, he said: "You may assume that it wu one of them." He emphuized the information pointing to a British diplomat u , a spy it "not precise enough at the time to identify him." "However, it was enough to make you wondei about him." ' Isaac Don Levine, a Waldorf, Md.. author, testified at a Senate Internal Security subcommittee hearing that he got the story of; the execution from Gen. Walter, , Kriviuky. former chief of the So viet. Secret Police in Western i ' Europe, before he was found shot to death in a Washington Hotel in! .. ;'. "!..' . ' ' Krivitsky. he laid,' told him , Britain quietly, executed a man named King, one el two Briton 1 allegedly recruited as Sevitt agents. Levine laid he thought from Krivitsky' description the - other agent wu Donald MacLean, . turncoat British diplomat now in the Soviet Union. SAIEM, OREGON I HE 3. Skipper nor EMEMBEM "V .. ffa tmmmm Hop" i' i i m m STORE HOURS: Mondays & Fridays 9:30 A.M. to 9 pjl Other Days 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. For Your Shopping Convenience . . . Parents Gted For Lack of GiildCare ST. LOUIS tfl-The president of the American Red Cross uys par ents who are "unwilling to under go the discipline of making a home and bringing up children" are probably a major cause of the nation's present youth problems. Ellsworth Bunker, tbe organiza tion's president, spoke Wednesday . on the last day of, it three-day national convention' attended by nearly S,0M delegates. He criti cized "absentee parent" a the , chief cause of Juvenile delinquency. .Bunker, a resident of New York and Putney. VL, said the "average nrban family" remains in ooe lo cation only a little mora than two years. . " A "What effect does this have on children who are thus prevented from putting down any real roots in school,' church f and commu nity?" he uked. Because of "high pressure sales manihip," Bunker declared, the concept e( saving and thrift hu been almost forgotten and a large part of our population now lives with its income committed for yean in the future. ' He Mid the Red Cross should ex tend its first aid and safety in straction activities because of the current do-it-yourself boom, which be uid wu responsible for 600, 000 accidents last year. "About 13.000 amateur carpen ter! smashed their thumb last year." Bunker said, "and 57,000 people banged themselves up rllmMnff imiiul thai awm owi. H QUAKES REPORTED MEXICO CITY ufl Two strong earth shocks were felt in Mexico City Wednesday. No damage wu reported, ' ICHAIFirS RHEUMATIC REMEDY "FOR THE RELIEF OF RHEUMATISM, L U M AGO, SCIATICA ana) GOUT. Oae teaspeenlul followed by full glass af water before meals. Relieving stiffaet sad swelling to the joints or . cles whea af rheunatlc ar goa ty erigJa. x.mici 150 SCIIAEFER'S DRUGSTORE Onea Daily VM a.aa. to I p a. BBBdavs, t to I .. lii N. Cotnaierdal DOUBLE ' fV -I CHECKED! L ! r VK-wn-K -wak wwsisa Tg-aV em T in A arw iv T m T V TT A "m WT f 6 I'KININbI7S TUWINLliAl? 1 UIibHAMS - CHECKED FOR FASHION AND VALUE! J.. . 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Small, medium, large, extra large. Long sleeves. MAIN FLOOR I Li THE ORIGINAL NO-IRON COTTON! COOL, COLORFUL PRINTED PLISSE! These thrifty Penney sport shirts were "Wnh 'n' Wear" before they even thought up the ex pression. Light, cool, comfortable . . . and bril liantly colored too! So here they are again by popular demandl A new up-to-date crop of vat dyed prints, specially treated to minimize shrink age. Absolutely no ironing neededl MAIN FLOOR 1 49 I small, medium, large extra large r. h 4 "V. ;. J t- I , TOP DRESS STYLING IN PENNEY DENIM JSLACKS Yes, It's Penney's sturdy, prac tical ID-ounce Sanforiiedt den im .. . washes and wean beau tifully. Now get it with Penney's fine dress features . . . saddle stitching and all. Faded blue, other shade. MAIN FLOOR 3 49 site 29 to 42 Men's Crepe Sole Washable Deck Shoes Siie 64 to 12 Made of heay, air-cooled duck with smooth crepe soles, cush ion insoles, cork platforms. Washable. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Rfllliili . 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Wrinkle-resistant, crease-r e t a i n i n g, repels many stains. MAIN FLOOR 6 90 sizes 29 to 42 Men's Cotton Broadcloth Pajamas 200 ssa $ixM A, B, C, D Penney's value priced broadcloth pajamas for meal Really full cut over Penney's own patterns. Brand newp rint In slipover and button front models. Sanforiiedt. MAIN FLOOR mm Men's Luxury Cotton 'N' Silk Sport Shirts 3 00 Sizes S, M, I, XI Luxury buy for men! Penney's eottea and silk sport shirts! Now get the season's most stylish blend, in an outstanding (election of stripes and plaids, and backed with custom shop tailoring. MAIN FLOOR S-il . .. .... -1 1 1. ,. ' I . in Men's Cool Cotton Mesh Sport Shirts 00 I Size S, M, L Terrific Penney buy! Men' cool, comfortable meh (port ihirts! Fine combed cotton throughout mercerized and vat-dyed. Sanfor zedr, fully machine washable. Won't shrink more than 1 MAIN FLOOR V eiiiiasaBBeasssi iMen's Combed Cotton "T.V." Handkerchiefs 4 $1 Penney'( "T. 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