'Mr. Universe' Files Charges After Bout in Mae West's Dressing Room Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 8, '58 (Sec III)-31 Br WARREN ROGERS JR. WASHINGTON I - "Mr. Uni verse." sporting a shiner and limp ing, Thursday filed assault charges against a fellow muscle man who knocked him out Wednesday night in Mae West's dressing room. Mickey Hargitay, Budapest-born weight lifter who came to the united States tight years ago. filed actress with quite a physique of her own. Miss Mansfield has said she's "that way" about muscular Mick ey "because he's a sincere, sweet lovable guy and not because he has such an outstanding phys ique." Ifcrre Fast Punches Krauser, S3, is a former wres- Municipal court attache Kenneth D. Wood took testimony from just about all present in Miss West's dressing room, including the age less blonde herself and reporters who had been trying to conduct a news conference when the fists flew. Threat? Velce a Asked for her version, Miss West gestured toward Hargitay and, in her familiar throaty voice, replied: "He was standing at the dorway and when he went like that" she threw up a diamond laden hand "Chuck hit hp." At that, "Mr. Universe," watch ing her carefully from behind his dark glasses, snorted. the charges against Churck Krau-!,,r h ho,d V,U'?efJr1J,t ser. Both are members of the 'm'?ht ,f,df be,t0. 'or Mae Wcsl troupe which is making bc tin ou' Mr .J' ,In' M a ni"ht dub appearance in Wash- j ""T deMr'bed ,he jngtrn I three fast punches. V i j j j , T Btn he and Hargitay call Holly- Krauser pleaded self . defense. wood nome His lawyers said they will seek a,., trial by jury when the case comes' , Eiferman. a JO-yearold Phi a up June 28 icelphian. was described as Mr. Miss West, garbed in a pink 1 America" of 19M. duster over full black slacks, sat in demure silence throughout a hearin;: before the charges were filed. She kept silent even when another muscle man in the act, George Kiferman, suggested Krau ser "planted a tremendous hay maker on Mickey's head" because MONTREAL (v Tossing a coin1 Chairman Wade Weaver of the he is in love with Miss West ant or rolling the dice is all in a day's American Society for Quality Con was defending her against abusive , scientific work for researchers in 1 trol. holding its 10th annual con Dice Roll, Toss of Coin All in Day's Work for Researchers language by Hargitay Twa Physique Hargitay, 26. is a weight-lifter with a build that won him the "Mr. Universe" label in a com petition at London last year. He recently has been keen often with Jayne Mansfield, New York stage quality control. vention here, says industry is just One of industry's newest fields, now catching up to what the insur quality control is based on the'nce companies have long known science of probability" and what ever the little woman may think of those poker sessions, there's ap parently a sound mathematical basis for winning or losing. w DEPEND ON YOUR PHARMACIST for Professional Health Services 3 T; Our prescriptions are compounded of finest possible Ingredients at lowest possible price. Come Id bow for vitamins, remedies snd your daily sundry needs. LET US Fill YCUR PRESCRIPTIONS Capital Drug Store 2 Locations te Better Serve. Yo Main Store: 403 State, Corner of Liberty Prescription Shop: 617 Cbemeketa, Griffia Bldg. WE GIVE 2C GREEN STAMPS and practiced." "By applying the principles of quality control, any business enter prise, from farming to steel pro duction, can profit by better pro ducts at lower cost." New Concept He explained that quality control is i new concept of the science of statistics, which centers on the aw of averages. A. Cincinnati delegate, Frank Caplan. said his company, General Electric, often resorts to a roll of the dice to make a decision scien tifically. "For instance," he said, "if we wish to test products from an as sembly line which one machine is producing four parts to another machine's seven, we simply play dice "Every time we roll a four we select a part produced by the first machine. A seven rolled means we select from the faster producing machine. Thus we get a scientific selection because dice don't lie. They work on probabilities." Whim Selections On the subject of applying these scientific procedures at the race track, Caplan said, a little sadly that "quality control men, like all other members of the human species, tend to make race selec tions on the whims of psychology rather than on the principle of probability." More than 1.5o delegates, three qirrlcr rf th'in from the U.S., are attfTH'in? the thrre-sv fin e'lor. J. Y McLure of Fort Worth, Texas, said quality control is the key tr mass production. "Quality control assures the per fection of each manufactured part of the finished product," he said. "I suppose you ceuld say quality control is synonomous with auto mation." - Just a Gesture "It was like a dream," Hargitay told Wood. "If I raised my hand, it was only gesture while I was speaking. "I never had a fight In my life. If I had been looking, I could have held my hands up. Or if Chuck had said, "let's fight," I would have said that we are friends and should not fight." Besides the shiner la his left eye, "Mr. Universe" had a cut on his lower lip and he favored his left leg when he walked away. Krauser also was scathed. He wore mercurochrome over a half-inch cut on one finger. And he pointed to a scratch under his left eye. Kept Gesturing Krauser said Hargitay had "barged into" Miss West's dress ing room to accuse her of having fired him from the act. He said Hargitay kept gesturing and, at one point, flicked a hand across his face. "I believe this man is a publicity seeker," Krauser said. "That's my personal opinion, of course." Eiferman told the hearing he tried to stop the tussle but ac knowledged, "I'm a flop as a peacemaker." In the scuffle. Eiferman said, Hargitay's personal manager, a balding unmuacular lightweight named Ross W. Christina of In dianapolis, was hit on the shoulder and knocked down. After the preliminaries in the court building, Hargitay Went off holding his manager's arm and limping. Krauser, set free on $300 bond, had Miss West on his arm. 1 i ) t ' . fy-A ' ,i fcjtii,,, Sj i in limn i " WASHINGTON Mickey HarglUy, right, "Mr. Universe.- sterta a shiner aa he walks free the MaaJ. elosl Coart building Thursday after flllag asaaolt thanes sgaiast a fellow bbbkIc atsa, Chuck Kraus er, center. Krauser knocked eat HarglUy last Bight during aa altereatien in the dressing room of Mae West, left, at a local alfht clnfe. Betfe aaea are Members of the Mae west treape. (Ar wire photo). , - ; . Tiny Atomic Generators Under Study WASHINGTON UR - The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uli Wednesday It soon wtO embark on a new project aimed at developing small atomic-powered electric gen erator plants for military or civil ian use. AEC said It soon will invite qual ified firms to help design a gas cooled reactor experiment at the national reactor testing station in Idaho. It estimated the project will cost four million dollars over a per iod of several years. The gas-cooled reactor project, the eighth type chosen for develop ment work, "is intended to develop engineering data and experience for design and construction of mili tary package power reactors and mall civilian central station, pow er plants," the AEC announcement said. Union Orders . Assessment to 1 Raise Revenue ; WASHINGTON - The AFle CIO Executive Council Wednes day ordered a cent-per-monU spe cial assessmaat for the next 11 months on its IS mitlioa member to produce aa extra tt.2OO.00O Is revenue. 1 1 George Meany. AFL-C10 presi dent, said the money was needed to meet a deficit caused by the fact that the staffs of both the AFL and CIO were kept intact after the 4 organisations merged six months ago. - Its member unions pay the .FL-CIO four cents per member in regular ner capita due. The assessment means aa additional cent per month, making the total a cickeJ. FINAL CIEAR0UT SPECIALS FROM SEARS GARDEN SHOP r?Ti n no Strike Ends At Hanf ord Atomic Plant RICHLAND, Wash. W - It was back to work Wednesday for con struction workers of three strik ing unions at the Hanford Atomic Works, but only a smattering of the estimated 1,300 workers ac tually returned. Contractors said the full work Uorce probably wouldn't return for several days. Many left the area during the 11-week walkout over "Isolation pay" and travel allow- , aies within the huee federal res ervation. CT'-truction work ha1 cround to a rfand-iill. bu prooV"ti'-1 cn. (innj A'- -" thp r.'i.n nf( hv the -'! ' of t'T- r- c "ir,; Jtrs pJ Ci..--; "Tincers u'n'. F.inio''er! estimated the strike : cost 575.000 man hours. Losses in wages were estimated at $1,610,- 000 The first workers returned Wed nesday pending mediation by the Atomic Energy Commission's la bor relations management panel. Meanwhile, emoloyers agreed to revert to conditions existing on March 21, the day before the walk out. The AEC Danel will meet June 18 at S-okane with renr. sentatives of the unions aM .tN eir'rae'or. The nsnel then ''ill mrke retimn,l"'4,''ioi's and both sides will have 30 days in vich to act oi. them. An attp-ney for the Mcrrison Knudsen Co.. one of the 'arest contretoTi at the project, said the strike - ending agreement wouldn't affec the comrany's lawsuit against the Teamsters and Onereting Knipeers. The firm is suing for 638 500 in damases and $13,000 a dav from Aoril 1. claim ing the unions violated a non strike agreement bv not "makin? full use of grievance machinery" before walking out. sots Reg. 3.92 PETUNIAS ZINNIAS ASTERS MARIGOLDS IJ 0 flat VCQtoblCS tomotoes, cabboge, lettuce, celery, peppers 1 flot Geraniums 3" potted sixe Reg. 39c eo. . . Geraniums 4" potted size Reg. 59c eo. 1 49 McKay Takes Up Campaign Trail Against Morse PORTLAND I - Douglas Mc Kay, after a JH-week rest from the primary campaign, took up the campaign against Sen. Wayne Morse D-Ore) Wednesday. He spoke at a meeting of pro fessional engineers in Portland, then went to Clatskanie for a talk at a Young Republicans' meeting. His primary election opponent, Phil Hitchcock, will go with Mc Kay on campaign organization trips to Corvallis Thursday and Eugene Friday. Hitchcock will fly to Klamath Falls with McKay June 13 to organise a campaign committee for McKay there, and will accompany McKay to a fund- raising dinner in Hood River Countv. June 22. McKay will appear in the Rose Festival parade here Saturday, then so to The Dalles to be grand marshal of the Mid-Columbia Saddle Clubs' parade that evening 4" Doz. Dos. REDS FORM SYMPHONY BERLIN There's going to be a Red China state symphony orchestra with an East German conductor. The newspaper der Neue Weg announced Prof. Wer ner Goessling of Halle has been given the Peiping assignment by the East German Culture Ministry. Rhododendrons is to 21" size. As low os 3 eo. Cornelias os low as 79c 79c 59c Azaleas os low as . Roses as low as ea. ea. C5 SEARSO N. Cphol Ph." 3-9,91 SCHAEFER'S Diuretic Tonic A combination ef approved remedies which influence the Mrtlna af tha kidnrvs. henr useful ia cases where the urine Is scanty, high colored, turbid or unduly concentrated; sess te produce Irritations of the urinary passage!. If svmptoms persist see your Doctor. SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally 7:M a.ss. to I p.ss. Sundays, a. s. te I p. m. liS N. Ceataierclal TROOPS TO WITHDRAW KUALA LUMPUR. Malaya Un official sources report a large part of the British and Common' wealth troops fighting Communist guerrillas in Malaya will be with drawn when their campaign is won. About 29.000 men art in volved. Britain and Malaya will have a mutual defense and aid agreement. Ncuberger Sees Stevenson Win WASHINGTON ID - Adlal Stevenson's victory in '. the Call fornis primary "should assure him of the nomination," Sea. Neuber ger ID-Ore) said Wednesday.. Neuberger, who favors Steves son, added that "Gov. Stevensoa certainly has demonstrated, under the most difficult circumstances, that be hu the capacity to wla rotes at the polls in face-to-facf campaigning among the people la all parti of the country." 1 241 N. LIBERTY - SHOP MONDAY AND FRIDAY NITES TIL 9 n i Ladies and Misses Cotton Blouses Cannon Bath Towels Sinforiiti white and Mild hi cum, )2 3t. leg. SI value .... 22x44, pink, TDw, Mm m wns Upholstery Squares Real ejuolity material, val, tt $Ut yd". Tat ft DELICIOUS COOKIES 50 lbs. of assorted kinds and flavors FRESH ORANGE SLICES The delicious candy for all events STAMPED PILLOW CASES ' All ready far your personal mhroldery touch A DM-IES ond Brejser Scarfs Viir Nvl'n to i-Hd orot'et'oi' as well ss beauty CROCHET COTTON m Stock iin l '" Onllr Da'' 'ov "'- Ball lbs 100 for $100 L 'or 49 Pilose Plain colors and floral prinU $T OT 8les 411 CLOSEOUT 77 ONLY LADIES BLOUSES 1.98-4.98 Volues Nylon-Docion-Cotton Plisse i3t MAIN FLOOR CfiOft JUOUYds. Assorted Materials bottont-lordar FriMri-litm-GiRfkm During Dollar Days Only 2nd Flor s GIRL'S JEANS, Twill, boxer style, sizes 2-8, Reg. 89c value 66' LADIES EXTRA SIZE PANTIES. Whit or $100 I pink, Buy several pair at this prict . . 4 P'r BOYS SPORT SHIRTS short sleeves, colorfost prints, son forized, 4-8, Reg. 79c 2 ,01 BOY'S SUMMER PUY SUITS Nyloniied, shrink resisront, o shirt and pants, 4-8. 2 ... $1 00 CLOSEOUT UDIES BOUFFANT Pink-Blue-Broken Sizes Reg. 1.98 Value $100 MAIN FLOOR WINDOW DRAPES. Gold printed florols, QQC each Danel 27x87. rea. $1.59 vali . . OO CHILDREN'S SUN. DRESSES. Good assort- QOf ment of solids and prints, sizes l-6x J O , INFANTS TRAINING PANTS Nylonized, absorbent combed cotton, postel OQc colors, sizes 2-6 T-4 Pir OO FLORAL HEAD SQUARES """" - -For ladies or Misses, silk or rayon, $ 00 ipeclol value . . ... .J for I PLASTIC WASTE IASKET Will not rust, leak or break, $100 pink, yellow, green or blue .... I PLASTIC IATH MAT 17x25. Dink, yellow, green or CTc blu, Reg. 98c M MEN'S ARGYLE HOSE Wash fast, slight irreg. 102-13, 59c value 3 pair 1 00 lit GIRL'S POPUN FANCY PANTS Asorfed High Colors Capri Style Reg. 1.59 Volue 100 MAIN FLOOR Si