2i-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salern, Ore.. FrL, June 8, 'jTwO Named Associates In ne Firm Business. News Eabson Reporter' v Election Years Fail To Affect Economy " NimcA m associates la tbt James L Payne architectural firm Thursday were Frederick K. Kruse, an em ploye iia c 1850 and draft ; inf. department 1 chief tbt lilt two yean, and Daie A 1 1 1 t Fltta, who jalaed the V I company a year , 4w- MiMl a kaU aio. 37 Li KniM ii I rraoertrk Braaa native of North Bend, a graduate of the Univer sity of Oregon, a three-year Navy veteran ef By BOCSB B ARSON o J' f Cepngight-195-Publishers Financial Bureau, Incorporated' BABSON PARK, Mau.-I have ben atudyinf the record of busi aeas aod the stock market ia election years since the turn of the century. Is there a definite pattern which ve can use to find out where we stand at the present time historically? Caa we use this knowledge to estimate what conditions we should expect for WW? ;.J' :" NO' DRASTIC CHANCES' ' . ': '''' '' 'Fourteen elections have come and font since I graduated from the Massachusetts Institute ot Tecnnoiogy. im out come of the elections-whetber the victor, was Demo cratic or Republican, whether the result was a surprise or cut-and-dried, whether wa were at war or at peace seemed to make little difference. Po litical parties spend millions of dollars to arouse the voters to the tremendous consequences of failing to vote the right way. Yet the spending habits of the people have continued undisturbed by the' turmoil, v , , - Conseouentlv. it seems useless to get too excited about election years. Political activity does not ,Dd ,j0 , unjVfrIity 0f appear to cause any drastic changes in the economy, j Oregon graduate in architecture, New York Closing Stocks Reported by " VnrtH Tytirn Plarra, fanner trt Besna ' '" " A Admiral Corn .... Al Cham 4 Dya. Alllto airs Allla Cham Alcoa Aluminum Ua Am Airunas Am laa Am Craa Am Motors Am 8U Tar Am T Si T Am Tobacco Am Vtacoaa Anae Cappar Armca ... -Armaur - Alchaaoo Ten AVCB .. - lB'l HI. ', 11' ... t0', , , . ' 17'. 7S, M4 Fllntkote Ford Motor a Can Dynamic! Can Elac Gen Foodi Can Motors Gn Tlra - Gao Pac Ply ... Gillatla Glidden .. Goodrich ......... Goodyrar Grace W R ... . Crt No Hv r.rl Wait Sua lOravfound ! Gull Oil H Homaataka M - 1 World Wsr II. I X and has keen! closely connect- f w 1 ed with theft I ry i supervision Salem Memor ial Hospital and Willamette Un iversity build-... ings as well as .. churches and, state construe- tion. He resides " at 2980 Peck Ave. Fitch, who was born in Hills- Bendlx A via . II Baal Pooda ... SLH Bath atl- MMfc Botlnf Air S2t fta.arn , Bars Wara 44 Buryrua , 4i Burra Adding JS, C Call! Pack 4S1 Campto aouo . Caa Paa My Jl, ' IS'. IS'a 43 iki'i 0', !'. 13'. ., SI S4", 44'. served with the Army for three years in the U, S. and Europe; was employed as an architect in If Business has been good, it tends to continue good. Spotty business continues to be spotty. The nation's economy seems to disregard nniitira. It deoends. instead, uoon fundamentals such as the Im patience of people to buy merchandise, the willingness of Industrial- B,rDirli Calif., and Salem isis to expand their plants, the eagerness of bankers to loan money. joining the Payne firm. As a result, I forecast that the volume pusiness wansweo ,n(j presently is in charge of work year win shew no substantial cnange, eiiner up or own, irora ikw levels. J WILL THE BOOM CONTINUE? ' Most si my friends who work for a living tell me they "never had It so good." Reports from the rest of the MS million population tell the tame story, plenty of work at good wages. Even the farmers wba have seea their gross Uke decline still make fairly substantial . tax payments to Uncle Sam. How much longer can these good times keep npT Wbea will Newton's Law of Action and Reaction catch up with this decade of high prosperity? I forecast that there will be ae collapse of the aation'a economy this year. Much publicity baa been given to the soa!led "built-in stsbUiers,M-SociAl security, public works, and read-biulding. Stimu lators of business, such sa "no-money -down" selling and defense work, are said to be the answer to any anticipated letdown in business. All these stimulants will work for a while. They caa provide the accessary push to keep the nation's economy rolling along in high gear through WW tf the Washington managers find they are needed! They, however, cannot be successful la rolling- back a tide of Reae tlon permanently. . SHOULD EXCnTNO MARKETS BE EXPECTED? Careful scrutiny of the stock market during the past 14 election years reveals ae standard pattera. Election of Republican "trust buster" Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, and ot Taft in 1MB occurred in years ef strong bull markets. Harding, a Republican, in 1920 saw a weak market; while Cooiidge m U24 enjoyed rising stock prices. Hoover, perhaps the best economist of all. also saw rising prices, but subsequently witnessed a great collapse. Franklin Roosevelt's elec tion years showed mixed trends. Truman in 1918. saw no definite stockmarket trend. The situation in general appears to be: Since the nation's businessmen and investors prefer conservative thinking ia Washington, we are more likely to see expanding business snd a more buoyant stock market when the Republicans are in office but this is not always true. n As long as President Eisenhower's health continues to improve, and provided there is no radical change in the international situa tioa, t caa se no serious threat to business or the stock market during 195t. But I cannot visualize a new boom this year on top " of the long-extended period of prosperity we have already had. I forecast that we may well aee one or two breaks in the msrket, Imerruptod by a series of equally sharp rallies. Certain groups ot securities may even reach new high levels while other groups may decline to new lows. Election Jean, however, offer no sure clue to business prospects or stock market profits. on the Siiverton junior Hign School, North Howell Elementsry snd Baxter Hall. He resides at 2M Shoreline Dr. Stock Market Creeps Higher NEW YORK m A creeping advance took the stock market Up another notch Thursday to a new recovery high.: The market reached a low point In a three-week reaction a week ago Monday, and since then It has been going up oa relatively light volume. The Associated Press average of 0 stocks waa up $1.30 at tlM OO, the best level of the current re covery. The industrial component added ll.M, rails were up $1.40. and utilities gained 30 cent. There were only 1.11$ individual issues traded, second lowest total of the year. Plus signs had a bet ter than two-to-one edge top up and 284 down. Seventeen stocks hit new highs for the year and 17 touched new lows. Volume wss 1,630,000 shares as compared with 1,460,000 shares traded in Wednesday s lower mar ket, . Caa raa :aaa Jl Tatare Traa . Crlanraa Olotax . . ;ruinlad .. Cnet r o Ry Chi M 8! P Cnl NW nv ... Chi R la Ky Chryalar Cltita Barv ... Cltmaii Mely . Cluctt Paa ... Coca Cola . im", Cslfate . .. tsi, Com Credit 4', Comw Ediaon 41 Cona Ediaoa 4' i Container "' voni tan an1, Cont Oil , 117', Crane Co ill-. Crown ZcH ,. Sl'i Curttaa Wr 32', D Daere St Co V', Ola Match as-', Oou Air ;.', Dow Cham aa Du P de Ne sue a bat Air LI , 47 Eait Kodak 7', El Paao Gaa 4f, Emer Radio ai. Ex Cello an, falrchlld 11 I Int Harveat Int Mckal Int Paper 1 Johna-Mana Jonea Skill. K Kaieer Alum -. Kennecott Kara Land L Llbby McN Us Myeri . LOP Claud Lockheed Air ... Loew'a Inc Lon BaU A Lorillard . N Mafnavox Marah rteld M a M Wood Merck Si Co ..... Mont Chem .. .... Mont Ward Motorola N Natl Blacull Natl Caah R .. Natl Dairy Natl Dlitill Natl Gypaum Natl Lead Natl Supply NY Central No Am Avia No Pac Ry .... NW Alrllnn Olln Math Otla Elcv . P Patx-o Pac G & El Pac T a T Pan Am Air .- Penney J, C Penn Ry Pepal Cola Pheipe-Dodsa , i ,-- SH't S5 ..... K S7 .... 47 '4 ..... 3S'i 77 7H .... 4'i .... 41 H ..... Jl ..... IS'i ...us', .. aai u 133 ! .. 49 - 44', : 44 . i . n .. v, .. 4S-'k . r .. - i'f . J7 ', . 34', . .14 . 31 . 41 'i . 42'; Phllcd Corp .. Phil Morrla - Phil Petrol Plllibury Proc Si Gam .... Pus Sd P ai L . Pura Oil a Radio Corp Hayonler lnc ... Repub Stl Reynolds Met . Reynold! Tob Richfield O ...... Royal Dutch S Safeway Sin si Joe Laa .. St L St Hf Ry . St Heaia Paper . Scheniry Ind ... Scott Paper Heart Roe Shall oil Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil Sucony-Mob .. ... Sou Cal Kdl 43k as ...100'i ssia . 4 43', .... as5,. ... 44', .... 70 .... S.1a ..... 77 .... - SJ'i .... 44', JS'l 41 '.a IS', 87 .... 30 HO', .... ..- Sl an, Sou Pac By Su Sou Ry Spcrrv Rand Sid Brandt Std Oil Cal - Sid Oil Ind Rid O.l NJ Stucle-Pack .. Suiirav Oil ...' Sunshine M Swift It Co Sylvania El , T Taxaa Co Texja G' lf Textron Tide-Auro Tranam .114 . St . 41 .101', . !W . 87', . . 4S . tu m . 31 Portland Produce PORTLAND UD - Butterfat -Tentatrv e, subject to- immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered ia Portland, M43 lb; first Quality $7-60; second quality $2-$$. ' Butter-Wholesale, ' fob bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade' AA, K score, hM: A grade. tZ score, StVs; B grade $0 score $7; C grade $9 score, SS. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-4$ lb; Oregon S-lb loaf, 43'i-50. Eggs To wholesalers Candled f o b. Portland. A Urge, 4i-44'4: A medium, JS-40'i; A small, 27 W. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 47-49; A large. 44-46: AA medium, 41-43; A medium, 40-42; A small, 29-31. Cartons. 2-3 cents additional. Esjgs To consumers AA large, $4-59; A large, 51-56; AA medium, 47-52; A medium, 46-51; A small. 36-41. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryers 2'i- lbs, 23-24; at farm 22'j-23'i; light hens, 17- 11 at farm: heavy hens, farm: olr1 roosters. 11-12. Turkeys To producers L i v e weight fryers, 27-2: bredr tur key hens, eviscerated, 3031; Markets at Glance NEW YORK (AP-Stocks-Hiiher; Usht tradinf. Bonds Mixed; govern menta im prove. , Cotton 0,ulet, hedflnf. CHICAGO: Wheat Hlfhar: rallied at eloaa. Corn Mixed; atranf ui from wheat rally. Oate Mixed; followed corn. Soybean Miner; atrone, buylnf. Hoaa Butchers JS to so cents lower: top 111 . Cattle Bteera steady to IS cents lower; top S2S.1S. SJ Tianam 'a z Trana Wo Aln ,- 11 M,, Tv.cn Can Ton .... WJi 47',!' v 3S i Union Carb 11 24 I'nion Oil SA I'nion Pac Ry an'l ' I'm Aircraft S8 : Dm Air Linea 37 Unl Coip S 1 Vni f ruit 3S ItlH Plvwood . 15 ! IIS, Rubber . IS Steel . S4 w 4-'' ,i- ti. mi. Waah Water P t 37 Weal Air Br 31 Western Atr Western EJee 54 Writern Union 10 Woolwortlt 4S 42i breeder toms, 39-40. Rabbits Average to grow'" Live white, 3-4'i lbs, 23 26; 5-6 lbs, 18-21 ; old colored pelts 4 rents less; old does, 10-14, few higher. 58- s 50 4.1 i; u Zenith 111' 5S', I KVach ItIIIaI IrvArm tn rAtnilnrc 01 ; Cllt lip, OJ-O.1. Wholesale Dresaed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice 500-700 lbs, 32.00-35.00: good, 31.00 34.00; standard. 29 00 - 32 0; cows, 24.00-29.00; utility. 23.00 27.00; canners and cutters, 21.00 23 50. Beef cuts choice steers) Hind quarters. 42.00-46.00; rounds 39.00-43.00; full loins, trimmed, (1.00 67.00; forequarters, 26 00-42.0tM6.00. Pork cuts Loins, choice, $-19 lbs, 52 00-58 00: shoulders. 1$ lbs, down, 29.00-33.00: spareribs, 40.00 40.00; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs, 48 a- S2... Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, $2.44-45.00; commer cial, 2800-40.00. Spring lamb-Cholce-prime, 40 $0 lbs, 48 00-50 00; good, 4$ 00 4800. Lambs-Choice, 4-50 lbs, 4100 44 00; good, $7.00-42 00. Wool Nominal clean basis, i blood, 1.00-0S; H blood, 1.03-08; blood, 1.12-18: fine, 1.17-23. Cauntry-dressed Meata. f k 18-19 at i Partlaad: Beef-l'tilily cows, 22-24 lb; cut ters, 19-24 lb. Hogs Best lightweight blockers, 24-26 lb; light lean sows, 18-22 lb. Veal-Top quality lightweights 28-30 lb; rough heavies 20-30 lb. Lambs Top grade springers 3a 42 lb: good yearlings, 30-32 lb. . Mutton Lightweight ewes and weathers $-12 lb. Fresh Predur Onions Ore. Danvers, No 1 med, 200-50; Calif. Yellows, med. 3 50-4.00. Potatoes-Calif. Long Whites No. 1-A. 10 or min, 100 lb. mnstlv few down to 6.2S; No. 2, Portland Livestock' W4W4$j&eajewj ;-yy.itxy "4K-)tjct iy, ii PORTLAND (IWUSDA)-Cattle salable 20$; market moderately active, steady; load high choice 1,014 lb fed steers 21.25; load 1.110 lbs 21.00; load, and few lots 1,000 1,070 lb average choice steers 20 50; few food steers 19.00; heif ers scarce; few utility offerings 11 00-14.00; canner - cutter cows 7.00-9 50: shells down to $.00: util ity 11.00 12.00; few commercial cows 12.00-5; utility buUs 15 5 16 50 with late above 1,(00 lbs 17.00. Calves salable 75; moderately active, about steady; few choice vealers 19.00 - 21.00; good 17.00 19.00; cull calves, vealers dowa to 9.00. Hogs salable 200; No. 1 lots scarce; market moderately active, steady; few early sales No. 1-2 10-235 lb butchers 19 00-25; No. 1 lots Wednesday 19.50: mixed lots No. 1-3 butchers 18.75; No. 3 grades down to 18.25; few 300-500 lb sows 12.00-15.50. Sheep salable 300: market mod erately active, about steady: few lots choice spring lambs 2325-50; high good-choice lambs 22. 50-2.1. Oft; few cull-choice shorn ewes 2.00-500. Portland Grain $.50-7.25, 4.30-5.00. Hay-New Crop No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland nominally 35.00-36.00 ton. New crop prices not established. PORTLAND W - Coarse grains, 15-day shipment, bulk, coast deliver-. Oats No, 2, 38 lb white 58.00 50. Corn No. 2, E. Y. shipment 70.50. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.14; Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2.14: White Club 2.14. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2 14: 10 per cent 215: 11 per cent 2.21; 12 per cent 2.24. Car receipts: Wheat 19; barley 20; flour 11: corn 9: mill feed 1. CHICKS GET TO TURKS NEW YORK Ut A shipment f $5,000 baby chicks left by plana Tuesday night for Turkish farm ers. The chicks, some only six hours old, are the gift of, the Heifer Project" Committee, com posed of various protestant de nominations. (mam Pay Less has the Revlon solution to your $64,000 BEAUTY PROBLEMS CHCOSE YOUR GLAMOROUS REVLON BEAUTY AIDS FROM PAY LESS DRUG WHERE STOCKS ARE ALWAYS COMPLETE. )i'i'..U WHW.i.l H i 1 1 Western Securities ,'Tbass WO and ask quotations rap rtaant prkaa at which ana ar mora craalara, awmbara of tha National Ai aociaUoa at aaevrity Oaslar's be, would trade with tha gaaarsl aublic at wis ttma tha auotaUon wars gath are at I a. at. yastarday: - "'''' ' - ',- Bid Aakad Callf.-Ortfon owar S4 Caaeada Plywood .UV, Conaol. rraisht . 15',, IT, Iron riramaa ' 14', Jantaan Inc. Com. '' J4', Main a Frank H, Ifl Momaon-Knuaaaii , , ,L ', Ora.-Port. Camant Paa. t. It L. Com. , . Pope h Talbot Portland Caa Ji Coka... Part Can. Be .ii .)'. S'-n- BANKS Bank of America Bank a4 California Chaaa Manhattaa rirat National Plrat Nat City NY e)4 U. 8. NaUonal IS . 4!l 40, w; SO", S9, Sit", 11',. Investment Trusts (ZHKa, Bmlthaf Co.. Inc.) Bid Aikad Affiliated Fund S OS s SI Canadian Fund ll.M jnsj Cantury Sharea Truat.J3.4e MIS Chamlcal Fund ...11.11 1 91 Delawara Fund 10 97 12 07 Oivar. Invaat. rund -. 1 31 10 21 Dividand Sharaa 3. SO 3 07 Eaton Si H. Bal. Fund S IS 13 71 Gaa. Ind 14.07 1S.3S Group Tobacco 4.16 4.S7 lneorp. Inveatort 1.(3 10.41 Kar Cuat. Funds: B-l M.IT S0.02 B-4 10M ll.M K-i : s.ss 1043 S-3 , 11 1 13.41 a-4 10 M 1123 Man. Bond Fund l S IIU Mm. lnveit. Truit 34 34 31.1) Natl. 8ac. Sarin: Income Sarlaa S It 1 13 Stock Sarta, 147 2 Praf. Stock 8. 171 I M Natl. Div. Sarin 4 74 S 10 Natl. Growth (II (SS Pioneer Fund 13 S3 14 02 Tal.-Elec. Fund .....II SO 124 Value Line Inc. Fund . 4 04 ( so Wellington Fund 13 13 14.SS Stocks and Bonds Compiled by Tha Aiaoclated Praal . June I BOND AVBBA&BS 24 10 10 10 Raila InduiUtil F(n Net chanfa ..Unch Unch AJ Unch Thursday M l M S MS S3 1 Prav. day M l M S M l S3 1 Week a0 ... . M S M l M S S4.S Month ago .... M S M l M l M l Year ao ..... M S M l SI i S3 7 ISM High M3 7 1 MS Ml ISM Low . M S S9 S M l S3 1 IMS High Ml MS 100.1 MS IMS Low Ml Ml Ml M 0 STOCK AVBMAGBS 30 IS IS lndunt. raili util. . A'l S AI4 A 3 293 S 292 2 . 290 a 290 S 213.5 'Touctand-filow Net change Thuraday Prav. day . Week ago . Month ago Month ago Year ago 220 2 IMS High .... I7J I 1M Low 214 0 ISM High .. ... .297 S IMS Low 203 I 141 0 130 I 140 1 1402 152 2 135 S 1S I 1290 142 4 1141 Dow Jonrs Averages NEW YORK (API - Dow-Jonei doting averagei: Stock! High Low Clone 30 lndua 45.20 400.14 402.99 20 Ralia 1ft 30 104.99 15 7 7 15 IHll, MM 09M MM 13 Stock! 173. M 172 M 173.11 LIQUID MAKEUP LOOKS Natural FEELS Natural 1 9 and attvahy "Saawty-Traatt" I ! Yaw aa yaa wear h aacavaa Wi aaada in ' "lenelnV. YaH lava "Taaak and Glew"-', waa darfully diffareM. Uanded wltk Unalrta. kattai far yew akia riian laaaliaa Mulf. Good for Dry, Oily, Normal skin $ 25 $1 75 -Try it Today I and I Hut Tea firtt really new lia tkk Idea in 17 year, Yaal Ireetwe tkata aaavtffvl aaw catet fee yeare and tava anay far all yea re place ia tha tipttkfc . thade f yaw chaka 1 vtwama case i a d ktkl fram 1.75 lipftkki 90c bright new COLOR (or faded fabrics at your fingertips! S&12 0L Sm MESSURIZEO CAN VWSAAArV RENEWS COLOR BEAUTY OF FADED. SOILED, DINGY FABRICS AT THE TOUCH OF YOUR FINGER IA1 upholstery eloirv a 1V-o)t.pk. (mskot 1 2U BBaaasaea SOSA CASfvas niaMrtvai 4 AWMBiai BtAPSSM' 14 Decorator Colors for Radiant Beauty fmtrold Grttn Dtrt Cray - Shtrwooi Grttn Royal tlvt Hack Maroon Tan Silnr Cray Vigtwoo4 Bfvo Rio Ruif frown Ytllow Dusty Roso CAI SMTMIOI CONVBTtml TOO .ad tOCl Of OMW MM CoaipWO Applicalioa Kit ttatwythinf yovMid.. NOT A PAINT, TINT, DYE WON'T STIFFEN TEXTURE SUN, WATER, WEAR RESISTANT REVION SUN BATH ; TANNING LOTION 1 A beauty treatment while yae tan, I New yea tan tan (a fold wHhewt I I pealing. I ! B FOR NORMALI fO MHiL M i SKIN I TIVI IXIN ST X $1.25 I $1.50 y ffaflfft LANOLITE ! 'LOVE-PAT' - The freat new tempact aialiavf that won't gat arange, wan't atreak ar cake tpecial blend ef wl aretted aawdar with akia teftenina Unalite that 0 S cling, lengar can't apill jawalen ceaipact ef tar V tene theH fane, with geld detif a S-fathien thadat. The aaray thai ana, yew nightly pin-vpe utt pia ar . m . f I ''.' Jna tpray-yaw L. nay ana . f$4;'a'Si aw twke aa tang Econ. nOO Siza L tm Taa mm SSET? wtif (iititM n tmat .1 "1 , ewe Mca waaxsiHtj Tint pin, sprst curls stty I MEDICATED SIUCARE Hand lotion Mladkatad with new trl Permel. SWcara aretacti aa k Kaak. aaftana yaw aaada and reeteaee ifceai la nWlr aatwal aeewry. Now at Pay Loss $l25 Only I Th Df CUawv Infl ItWrd HlilaW thaH Zftm kvt iruttltn Uivn lit hi fJtwy frtth M nvtr Wlr Try H ten if M. 125 I 7 tStR?n I 4 I Only F- X N IVv: ; iia J EXPERT I't. ' ' fJr CONSULTATION N I ''-'---r J Avallablo at all f timss on your particular f VVjit kaauty ossontials with J f tlrzJ I ffflty- I I no obligation at I j rMaati T I Y i f I Pay loss Drug J .... .. . -v S ORATION '64' WaaSdsawaw UttHtWti NOW IN PROGRESS CARPET ROLL-END AND REMNANT AO, us All First Quality Carpet From Our Best Selling Rolls -Just Look at These Values M 1 1 I C- - - "S' j ' "At; :-M: .... ' j Sica and Douription 12xl9' fj" Hsvy pry Wilton 12 x16 Tweed style, nylon snd rayon 12 X131 5" Green heavy weight Wilton 12 x1 1' 5" Beige background tweed ... 12'xlf 9" Sea ipray pattera in all wool 12 x12' Cocna colored heavy all wool . 12 x12' 8" All wool wheat pattern . 12 x8' Green tweed style nylon snd rsyon 12 x6' Sandalwood frieze, Wilton, green . 12 x13 Cotton tweed carpet 9x11 Multi-colored Early American style 9 x12' Green All Wool Tweed 9 x18' 8' Random texture Wilton, Green 12 x5' 8'' Gold tweed all wool pile . 12'x7' 5'' Sandalwood frieze, rubberized back Was 33800 $2i200 $24300 $13500 $23900 $32qoo $20867 $107oo 6300 . $6995 $9345 M3200 M9800 $8350 $3900 Now $199 $16900 $199 sjgoo $21900 $14900 $129 $900 $3900 $3900 $900 $2900 $129 $3900 $6400 SALE PRICES ON SHORT ROLLS Siia Description 12 x30' All wool loop pile Wilton carved leaf pattern, grey Reg. Prica Per sq. yd. Sale Prica per. sq. yd. 9 x43' Tweed pattern Axminister with beige back ground wool and rayon 12'x26' 7" Nylon and Rayon pile. Beautiful Plowed Earth color in a random hi and low loop weave 12x'70' All wool tweed. Beautiful blending of beige and turquoise rolors 12 x37' All wool loop pile Wilton carved leaf pattern, green .. 12'x36' Random texture loop pile velvet. Wool and rayon blend. An excellent carpet value. Cloud grey color . 12'x45' Long wearing nylon and durlon heavy weight plush pile carpet. Sandalwood, beige color $95 $993 $8$ $595 $99$ $895 $119$ $9" s,o $695 sio" $795 FREE PARKING FREE DELIVERY Brinsj tha Kids Alone, PH. 3-9148 lILLAkTTTI TALUTS LEADING MUm i HOW HJIKCHrK SALEM - OREGON CITY J FA8SPMY. BAf, BRUSH! irnni, in" a a - m . m Ueacoiof ba-rrya I ' 'l&S&SJ trf, aVapena. f iaa L TV . 0avw taiaa, rJfS US. , ' -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai ana aw tsasvs 260 STATE ST. ffm iaa aiii 1 1 H r?..vr'aif',scoas? aa. jw.w -am-a - - ' ......... .. V.r- toros j