Statesman's HOME in a nor a ma Women . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri, June 8, '56 (Sec. III)-21 To Live in Hawaii - I, i ir f 'J, ' , if Mr. and Mn. Philip H. Robare (Joy Robertson) will make their home in Honolulu after a wedding trip to Erie, Pa., to visit his parent's Mr. and Mrs. Philip Robare. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Salem, and the couple was married May 26 at the First Congregational Church. (Yeager'i Studio). Six Pianos Give Concert On Sunday The Six Piano Ensemble will be presented in a- special pre concert performance 8:00 Sunday June 10 at the Stone Piano Co. The Six Piano Ensemble, under the direction of B. J met Wil liams, is made up of eight cap able Salem music teachers and musicians who interchange places at the keyboards. Members of the J group are Mesdames Dorothy Lee, Frances Palmason, Doris George Hale, Marjorie Muntz, Mary Johnson, Jean Morrison, Marjorie Chumbley, and Miss Mary Jane Mclntee. Their pro gram Sunday evening will be taken from such composers as Arensky, Benjamin, Brahms, and Rimsky Korsakov. j The director, B. James Wil liams, has had remarkable suc cess with his six piano groups which he developed elsewhere. Over the period of eight years he conducted and coached these groups, he concertiied with them in many cities in the northwest. Mr. Williams has had an exten sive musical background, includ ing several sessions at Julliard. This will be an unusual per formance, the players having all been professionally trained in their own right and with large classes of students of their own. James Williams is Musical Edu cational Director at Stone Piano Co invites the interested public attend. Table Settings Win Much Praise JEFFERSON The table set tings at the Jefferson library sil ver tea Wednesday afternoon were judged by Mrs. Ianthe Smith, wo man's editor of the Albany Democrat-Herald. Winning the sweepstakes ribbon was the Ankeny grange Home Economics club with their patriotic table using red cloth, white pot tery, blue napkins with tiny fire crackers at each place and an ar rangement of red roses, blue bach elor buttons and sparklers. Blue ribbons went to the Jeffer son Woman's club entry, Japanese buffet; to the Wedding Ring club's patio buffet, and to the Christian Women's Fellowship banquet en try. World Missions. Red ribbons were won by the Lions Auxiliary's children's party; and by the Jefferson Home Exten sion unit's buffet supper on the patio. Winning white ribbons were the library board's entry, honey moon breakfast, and the Jefferson (Friendly Garden club's breakfast buffet. Miss Addie Libby, retired librar ian who had served the Jefferson library for 20 years, was presented a money corsage from the library board. David and Linda Kihs played several accordion and piano duets, and Terry Bailes entertained with accordion solos. In llhe eve ning. Mrs. Joseph Rowe of Albany played several piano numbers. ELECTRICITY is SAFER! 4; roiTUNi num. IIICTIIC COMPANY Mrs. Leonard New Junior President SIIVERTON Mrs. Charles Leo nard Jr., was installed as presi dent of the Silverton Junior Wom en's Club Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Nick Weiss. Mrs. Leland Morgan was installing officer. Oth ers seated were Mrs. James Lor enzen, first president; Mrs. Thom as Hartley, -secretary; Mrs. Roy Jacobsen, treasurer, and Mrs. Ro bert Haggard, historian. At the close of the ceremony Mrs. Leonard was presented a president's pin, with Mrs. Weiss making the presentation. Mrs. Fred Parkinson and Mrs. Lawrence Crennell were assistant hostesses. This was the final meet ing of the club year. Third Son Born A third son, Jeffry Richard, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Laird of Portland Sunday, June 3. The little boy weighed nine pounds and three ounces. His brothers are Robert, 3. and Jamie, 2, and the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Huston of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Laird of Portland. Miss Tonnirig To Marry Lieutenant The engagement of Miss Anita Anna Touting, daughter of Mrs. Nell Tonning, to Lt JC Robert Janes Miller, ion of James Mil ler of Vancouver, Wash has been announced. The wedding is being planned for early fall. The betrothal news was first revealed Wednesday evening at the, Tonning residence In Salem. The bride-elect it a graduate of Salem High School. She attended Willamette University and is i member of . Delta Gamma soror ity. She is currently employed as a stewardess, with United Air lines, and is stationed in New ark. N. J. Lt. Miller Is a graduate of Wil lamette University and member of Sigma Chi fraternity. He is serving with the Navy on the U.S.S. GiUlgan. - Jefferson Wedding Rites Read June 2 JEFFERSON - A candlelight service in the. Jefferson Methodist Church Saturday, June 2, united in marriage Miss Barbara Louise Blackwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Blackwell, and Earl Cecil Aerni, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aerni of Scio. The Rev. L. E. Swanson, pastor, read the double ring service at I p.m. The bride wore a princess style gown of crystalette with chapel train and trimmed in sequin flow ers. Her illusion veil was held by sequin pillbox. Her flowers were pink rosebuds .and white carna tions. Attending the bride were Miss Janet Adair of Albany, maid of honor, and Mrs. Bill Grice and Mrs. Dean Cobb in ice blue taffeta dresses and carrying spray bou quets of white carnations and blue iris. Attending the bridegroom was Robert Winn. Ushers were Bill Grice. Rodney Hart, Dean Cobb and Dick Reeves. Linda Aerni, sister of the groom was flower girl. Bill Reeves; cou sin of the bride, was ring bearer. Mrs. C. J. Thurston of Scio was organist, accompanying Dick Fors ter of Albany, who sang. A reception was given in the church rooms. Mrs. James Grice of Albany cut the cake. Assisting were Glynda and JoAnn Brown, Beth Robison, Sandra Dawson, Mrs. D. L. Brown and Mrs. Char les M. Smith, Mrs. Rodney Hart, Mrs. Jack Grimes. Mrs. Dale Wat tenbarger and Mrs. Glen Hart, Sharon Epperly of Eugene ; Jefferson Newly-Weds r i . . . . ; y L; ('"-' - s V-':.-. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ray Hughes, who wert married ynday afternoon in the Chapel in the First Christian Church in Salem. The bride is the former Martha Miller, homt economics teacher in Jefferson. Mr. Hughes is manager of the Jefferson Freres Building Supply. (Hal Wynd Photo). Home Economics Teacher Is One of Jine's First Brides JEFFERSON The Chapel in the First Christian church in Salem, decorated with pink peonies and aglow with candlelight, was the scene for the Sunday afternoon, June 3, wedding of Miss Martha Belle Miller, daughter of' Mrs. Myrtle Miller of Gravette, Atk., and Calvin Ray Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hughes of Stayton. The Rev. Clarence Fuqua, associate pastor, read the 2 o'clock double ring service. I . Miss Patricia Nyman of Jetter-jTLree Speakers nn war nrt7anit anti nrrnm i panied Mrs. Gilbert Looney, Jef-j On Club PrOQraiTI AVI Hill, W1IU IJg A LUYB A lire Girl Scout Day Camp to Open Monday About SO Salem girls almost twice as many as last year will be attending the one-week Girl Scout day camp when it opens this Monday at Camp Crestwood, seven miles south of Salem,. Additional leaders are still being sought. Anyone willing to volun teer even a day's assistance is urged to phone Mrs. Clifford Hill, 2-S938, assistant day camp chair man. Registrations for the day camp have been closed because of the lack of additional leaders. Square and folk dancing is be ing featured at the camp this year for the first time. Training sessions for the leaders were con ducted by Mrs. Lloyd Hamlin, day ESA Council Makes Plans Mrs. Deryl Currie's home was tha scene of the first meeting of the recently organized Salem City Council of EpsUon Eigma Alpha International Monday night when the group met to propose an agen da for the coming year. A suggestion was made that the three city chapters sponsor the blood mobile one month during the coming year. Proposals for fund raising projects will be submitted to each chapter to decide by vote. Officers of this new organization will be installed in July. An. informal coffee was sched uled for August 4 at the home of Mrs. Robert Sandstrom. Guests will be members of the city chap ters. Tentative plans were made for a dance February 12. Mrs. Sandstrom, Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, and Miss BiUie Miller vol camp director, with emphasis 0n'"1t-ed to register out of town arts and crafts, how to set udUB108 "uin me ionnwe umci uouncu meeting io oe new In Salem in August. camp, foil and stick cooking in the out-of-doors and a variety of program topics. Included on this year's list tamp icbuui I c . mil. Baa AY m Haines, day camp chairman; Mrs. iVVGCl Ml". AUPrOnC jonn Asquiin,. tout and square dancing director; Mrs. Everett Wood and Mrs. Gilbert Anderson, arts and craft directors; Mrs. R. P. Lankow, registered nurse; Mrs. Harvey Ronne; Mrs. Oliver Hoi comb, Mrs. Ted Rhoades; Mrs. Charles Mills. Mrs. Martin Ward. Mrs. Wray Hutton; Mrs. A. B. Chapman, Mra. Lewis Clark. Mrs. Ted Gordon, Mrs. Pat Avery, Miss bandra Wagner and Mrs. Robert D. Morrow. Although the day camp is filled to capacity, there are many vacancies in the Girl Scout over night camp for lirls 10 veara or older. Eight weekly sessions are being offered at Camp Smith of Miss Reynolds to FOUR CORNERS Mr., and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds announce the be trothal of their daughter. Miss Doris Lavonne Reynolds to Rich ard Emit AuFranc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil F. AuFranc of Four Corners. Miss Reynolds is a graduate of North Salem High school class of 1936. Her fiance is a graduate of South Salem High school class of 1955 and is a student at Linfield College, McMinnville. No dale has been set for the wedding. Creek in the Silver Falls Recrea tional area, from July 1 to Aug. X. Tell Engagement , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walter Loucks have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Rob erta Alice, to Wayne Alvin Thom as, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward EarU Thomas of New berg. Miss Loucks is a graduate this year of Mill City High School. No date has been set for the wedding. ' Miss Morris To Be Queen Miss Barbara Morris, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris will become honored queei of Bethel U.D., Job's Daughters, at a formal installation ceremony Sunday June 17, at the Masonic Temple. Installing officers will be Don na McClune, honored queen; Jane Bell, guide; Margaret Wright, marshal!; Lamona Collins, chap lain; Pat Wbelan, musician; Rom elle Wilson, recorder; Pat Clsg gett, senior custodian, and Pa tricia Perrin, junior custodian. Officers to be installed with Miss Morris are Shirley Beutler, senior princess; Sharon Forrest, Junior princess; Edith Brown, guide, Peggy Lucas, marshall; Marlene Mathers, chaplain; Pa tricia Stevenson, musician; Nancy Tribble, librarian; Nancie Sears, treasurer; Sue Morris, recorder; Barbara Glodt, first messenger; Anne Stevens, second messenger; Sannon Dyer, third messenger; Sara Busick, fourth messenger; Thelma Kilne, fifth messenger; Marilyn Pinson, inner guard, Elaine Standish, outer guard; Sandra Hummel, junior custod ian, Susan Morrison, senior cus todian, Clarice Nelson, lady of lights; Lloydene Hollen and Nancy Grav. Willamette Chapter, Order of DeMolay, will preform the coro nation ceremony. Presiding mast er councilor is Roger Stewart, senior councilor it Willamette Chapter. and "The Lord's Prayer". Given in maris ge by her brother-in-law, Francis E. Sharp of Portland, the bride wore a gown of white crystalette lace and tulle. The low-necked bodice was outlined by lace madallions, and the long fitted sleeves ended at the wrist in a lnadallion point. A pearl tiara held her elbow length veil. The bride carried a nosegay of pink roses tied with matching satin ribbon. Mrs. Garth Fanning of Salem was matron of honor. Miss Wilma Stroebel of Kuna, Ida., and Miss ! Dorothy Casper of Salem were i bridesmaids. All three wore ror going away, the bode wore matching gowns of pink crystal a black dress and coat and pink',tt. njnk hit whit pIiwp. nH accessories and rose corsage. The bridegroom is. employed at the Santiam Oil company here. The bride has worked in the offices of Dr. Gordon Peterson in Albany. Campus Reunion A Family Affair Three generations of Mrs. Keith Powell's family will participate in activities on the University of Ore gon campus this weekend, when Mrs. Powell joins other members of the class of 1906 to celebrate their 30th reunion, her son Chand ler Brown attends 25th anniversary activities for the class of 1931 and her granddaughter Vivienne Brown graduates with the class of 1936. Mrs. Powell will return Sunday, and bring with her two members of her class, Mrs. Lela Goddard Fenton, Portland and Mrs. Ella Dobie Hathaway, Fenton, Fla a week's visit here. shoes, and carried old-fashioned nosegays 'of pink and white. Lighting the candles were Joyce Chilcote and Karen Dunham of Jefferson. Albert Gurgurich of Jefferson was best man for his friend. Ushers were Russell Daulton and Lester Shields, of Jefferson. A reception followed id the church rooms. Serving were Mrs. W. R. Terhune, Mri Hal Reeves, Mrs. Everett Struckmeier and Miss Josephine Getchell. Assist ing were four of Miss Miller's Future Homemakers' girls, Sue Daulton, Anne Wilson, Joan Tur nidge and Carol McDermott. For going away, the bride wore an ensemble in shades of beige. Following a three week's wed ding trip, the couple will be st home in Jefefrson, where the bridegroom is manager of the Freres Building Supply, and the for I bride is home economics teacher in the high school. Mrs. Evangeline McNeill and Miss Dorothy Ball will be the1 special speakers for the Christian ' Women's Club luncheon meeting Tuesday, June 12, at noon at the ' Golden Pheasant restaurant. j Mrs. McNeill is one of the na-1 .. . i a r tf I I lionai worsen iur i.n.i.. ana Miss Ball is a national city work er who will be at the Cannon Beach Bible Conference through out the summer working as a nurse. Both Mrs. McNeill and Miss Ball will sins. Of interest to nfbthers with i school-aoe children will be a j short talk by Kenneth Seipp, Sa- j lem juvenile officer. At H o'clock a pre-prayer serv-' i.. ..Ml . k ml lh. Vint i JV 11,1 MV (- ...I. n-.i -.L L. ..... t .... ' Dapux vnurtn, wncio uce nui- sery is available for pre-school children. For reservations call 4-8929 by Monday noon. Miss Whittaker Tells Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Whittaker of Silverton announce the en gagement of their daughter, Ar dis, to Ray Zweigart, son of the Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Zweigart of Silverton. , The bride-elect attended Se attle Pacific College and is now employed in the law offices of Day and Burt Her fiance Will resume his studies at Oregon College of Education this fall. A September wedding is planned. The Live Vers have scheduled a theater party for Friday evening and to attend a performance of "The Lady's Not for Burning," at the Pentacle Theater. MILLER'S 54TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! R .C A. IRLPOOL To Attend Class Reunion A .group of Salem area resi dents will attend the 25th re-' union of the Class of 1931 at (he University of Oregon Satur day, meeting for luncheon at noon in the Erb Memorial Unloa with Winsor W. Calkins the ' speaker. At the reunion dinner ' Saturday evening at the Eugene Hotel,. Jean Eberhart will be master of ceremonies. Among those attending -win be Mrs. George BsgnalL Walter Beck, Chandler Brown, Mrs. Es till U Brunk, C. J. Hamilton, D. J. Kelley. Dr. Howard Kurtz, Dr. Marian Mayo, Mrs. Carl W. NeW son, Dr. and Mrs. Harold - M. dinger, James J. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hammond, . Kenneth Potts, all of Salem; Aage B. Anderson. Mrs. Glen BriedwtU, Norman Eastman, Mrs. M. J. Schnorenberg, Silverton, snd Fred Calef. Independence. DINE IN COMFORT AIR-CONDITIONED Cherry Room TONIGHTS COMPLETE SPECIAL DINNER Juice or Chowder, Filet of Sole with Tartar Sauee, French fries, buttered carrots, hot rolls, salad, drink, 2S choice of dessert ..... Cease As Tea Art 4 ParkFreo Wit Partaase WHI HIGHEST TRADE-IN OFFER HI TOWN Hurry... Because... Quantity Limited!! I UP TO I Vour old washer will never be worth morel Get your highest trade-in while this offer lasts! BRAND NEW 1956 RCA WHIRLPOOL FULLY AUTOMATIC SUPREME WASHER AND DRYER THE WASHER: Woth.i . . . tevti ever half tht est of loop and hot wottr. Y.u ftt 7 rinses . . .the molt thorough riming action known, actually utti Itsi wottr. All this plus rh. amaiing Guid. lit. control pan.l, 3 l.m ptralur. water s.l.ctien and warranty en trantmiition. THE DRYER: Thr automatic Mttings let you safely dry any fabric. Clothes cm. out 34 fluffier and seft.r than lin. dried. Ultra-Violet g.rmrcidal lamp gives clothes fregronc. Automatic door YOU (AH OWN THIS AMAZING RCA WHIRLPOOL tffXXZXZt"? WA5HER AND DRYER 85 FOR ONLY 4M A WEEK! DOWNSTAIRS APPLIANCE DEPT. HOWARD COE, HIS 2 BROTHERS AND DAD ARE HOLDIN- A BIG "OPERATION 64" AT Mm C 1141 S. COHCIAL PII0IIE 4-9353 IT'S ANOTHER FANTASTIC . . . lijlll ; j MAYTAG WASHERS AND DRYERS MUST BE SOLD IN HOURS 9 A.M. ted3y rTll MidnitsSfifurdsy OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY - 1 .,- . -r" ., . -i " Catch Us Asleep and Well Give You A Brand New Maytag What a sal! The bars art down, tht red tap is cut . . . these washer and dryers must be sold during this 64-hour continuous sale! Catch us early, catch us latt, for tha most fabulous horn laundry values aver offered. Broadcasts Direct From Our Store KSLM ALL NIGHT LONG Thurs. snd Fri. Nights WE'LL DEAL WILD! WE'LL TRADE BIG! r ni ii I tm- rj ill " IH COME IN AND MAKE US AN OFFER FREE BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTER HOWARD COE - BOB COE - CLAIRE COE - ED COE - ROYAL HOLFORD 1141 SOUTH COMMERCIAL PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SOUTH OF OUR STORE FREE DELIVERY - PHONE 4-9353 Free Coffee and Donuts Day or Night THE IEST PLACE TO SHOP . . . AFTER ALL