I) Statesman, Salem, Ore. Fri., June 8, 53 Climb by Million Over PJation, Sec. Weeks Reports tf rrma r. ckeex . WAi'lwroN (II Secretary cl CornT.ecre Weeks Thursday an noenced a one-miilioB-Job- increase la emr ferment and a twe-bUlion- dollar prospective rise h tba rata of phot expansion, ai brignteners m the "spottr Misuses scene. Weeks told i aewi confarcBca fee ttifl axpacta "softness" fes tha ouarter etarUai July L followed by a kaet-onarter rlM ta ratea at production. Tha eonntnr kant yet Beted tha business cycle, he eteonred. addini la a prepared statement: "TTkA mi a aaiiF laMT.aiiriar-'WT aw Uk Crowd Sees We ... .--( luveriiays Princesses .' (Mery alee aa pate U Royal c a 1 1 far lalem'a first July Willamette Rim Days Festival wis paraded publicly for tha flnt time Thursday night and there wis general agreement among the crowd that if kwka and personality count for anything, the festival already ia a success. , Secrecy surrounding selection of ight state employes as princesses carried right aa ta aero hoar at "Bntefling" ceremonies at tha Ho tel Marios, Aa representatives of various civic groups draw from Mayor Bobert White names of girls to be sponsored, tha princess Initials ware called out the then appear mA at tide door, madtcd and garbed in crimson velvet robe a carry ever from the court of the old Salem Cherry Festival : ; First Nasae That was tha cue for announcer Dave Boss ta give her name) for the first time ta the public ear. The mask came off and applause was heavy from friends and well wishers as tack while-gowned, amiling princess was escorted aver tha stage. Each princess then was crowned with sailor-like bat com plete wtth festival loeigBuV--j Battle lines akeaoy are being drswa la tha Ucket-seUiaf race which decides which girl becomes ejnees of "River Days." Not only sponsoring groups but each candi date's particular state department ta expected to engage la the rivsl rv to mt respective eolor-bearers oa tha throne. Tickets will admit ta aA pageant events- J i Mais Fsatarea - The oneon, whoever aha may be' wlB rule aver a festival featuring boat racbur and ether water ants, street parade, fireworks and a probable barbecue. Oregon State Employes Association la sponsor of the ever-sli lestivsl with Exec utive Secretary James Daniels as general chairman. The Salem Boat Club, beaded by Bobert HuHette, has been highly active m festival planning and win sponsor aa over land cruise an June II and a down river cruise oa June n and 21 Elmer Barf, president of the Sa lem Chamber of Commerce, urged community support of tba coming festival at tha Thursday night af fair. -: Mirer White, who presided at tba program, said "Salem has badly Beaded a festival of this type." Ha also asked support m making It a big success. Three of the royal court are married and two of them are ma . then. ; Mrs. Shirley Sonderman, SI, has been married ta Raymond Bonder- mas soma three years, has ae children-yet She is a native of Texas and one at nor com bobues Is boating. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Atkinson, also nvas m gaiem. . Shirley's V 4". US pounds and has messurementa of Is-B-M, Married I Tears Mrs. Joans Ertsgaard, IS, hu beea married six years to her hus band, Duana, and they have a five-year-eld boy. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Green, reside here. Dark-brown Hatred Joans, ia a graduate of Salem schools and says her hobby ia "putting my hus band through law school" She's I' W, Ul pounds and other mea- Mrs. Donna Eshlemas and her husband, Howard, have been man and wife for about three years and ban two emeu boys. Her mother Mrs. Gladys Pearson Uvea at 1M W. Nobb Hin St. Donna la a native of Salem and calls dancing her mala hobby. She la a. f, M pounds and other figures are 14- 11-M. -. Neva Seems, 11, Is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MUo Seems, 779 Milton SL. and is a native of Kan- ' sas. She likes dancing and says there's a steady boy friend. Neva la r. 1". 1M ixaindi and M-K-M. Fat Balaoth, SI, one of the two blondes ia the court, la daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halseth, IM , S. Sttn SU Pat la a naUve of Salem and her hobbiea are cook ing, dandng and sewing. She is I', r, W pounds and St-SMa. Jackie Hayes, U, the other blonde princess, la daughter of J. A. Hare. SOtt Virginia SL She's alas a native of Salem and attend ed Sacred Heart Acamedy. Dane- Ing, swimming and tennis are among her hobbies. Jackie'a atan ucs art w, n , uo potmaa ana S4-M-JS. Minnie Neuhardt, U, la daughter of EmU Neuhardt, I7S N. Capitol St.. and bails from South Dakota. Minnie calls sports her hobby. She Is r. r. 100 pounds and B-B-H. . Ronna Hardmaa, II, ia daughter at R. L. Hardmaa, Independence She was born at Ontario, Ore., and bar particular likes are bowling and playing the plana. She has s steady boy friend. Ronna b T, tal business therefore was not un expected.. Nevertheless wa never have beea an a higher level than .The 'President's goal of a 100-bmioo-dollar economy .about lift is considerably closer than when he first made bis historic and challenging statement (ia Janu ary 15 . : 'No Peattctaa Tba secretary grinned at a re porter's Ouestioa whether tha busi ness keattatioa wU Impair Repub lican chances ia the November election. "I'm aa economist, not a politician," he said, but added: "Business will not let dowa enough to hurt Republican pros pects, IH tell yoa that." Weeks reported that: 1. Employment rose from S4 million in April ta million ia May, a record for May and "close to the all time record high set last August at 16 million." The detailed monthly report from the commerce and labor departments is duo Friday. But Weeks said it win also show that unemployment in May was about the same as April's SJM.OOs. "despite layoffs la auto production." Increased Sneaeisg J. Industry has reported plans (or steadily increased spending on new plant and equipment through the July-September quarter. By thea It win have reached a record rate of $36,700,000,000 annually, as against $32,100,000.00 ia the first quarter and a scheduled rate of $34,100,00000 in the current quar ter. I'-- 1. These developments, coupled with Wednesday's announcement that the personal income of Amer icans reached a record $317,10, 008,000 annual rate in April, up $1,000,000,000 from March, can be accepted. Weeks said, ss evidence of "the inherent health of the eco nomy." 4. Recent Federal Reserve Board operations expanding the loadable money supply of banks have beea "btlpfur in easing the credit sqoeexe of which Weeks complained a fortnight age, though the board baa not altered its general antMsflatiosary, tight money policy. , Jury Hears Recordings in Vice Probe PORTLAND 11) The Multno mah County grand Jury, investi gating charges of vice and corrup tion in Portland, Thursday spent most of the dsy Bstinlng to tape recordings., The recordings were supplied by The Oregonisa which touched off the vice probe with a series of copyrighted srticles charging that Seattle underworld figures sttemt ed to set up a vice syndicate ia Portland. The Oregonisa said It received the recordings from James B. Elklns. Portland nightclub hacker, and Raymond F. Clark, EDtins' employe. The newspaper printed a num ber of articles which it reported were trsnscriptions of the tape. It identified the speaker ss prin cipals in its vice accusations. Police Still Lack Report on Wreck State police bad received no re port Thursday eight on aa ac cident which reportedly injured four la Oregon Wednesday. A catt from Sea Diego triggered phono and radio inquiries Wednes day. Mrs. Jos Hartsfleld. San Diego, told police she had received can- describing . the- accident from a relative returning to Cal ifornia from Spokane, Wash. The relative neglected to tea bar where the accident occurred and bow serious tba injuries were, aba told police. Morse Asks School Fund WASHINGTON Sen. Morse (D Ore) Thursday introduced a bill authoriting a billion dollars a year in aid to education to meet a critical situation in the na tion's schools. The money would go to the states without strings, to be used for elementary and secondary schools. The authorization would run indefinitely. Morse said be feared that with out "some prodigious new effort by the states," they would not bo able to keep pace with the XI per cent incresss in achool-age popu lation expected by 195, much leas raise standards. Danger Eases As Columbia Continues Fall ' PORTLAND III The flooding Columbia River continued its slow faS Thursday. Dike patrols were maintained, but the danger eaaed along the whole length of the river. Ia the headwaters and along the lower reaches the river was re ceding, but there was one slight bulge moving downstream from British Columbia into Eastern Washington. That crest win reach Trinidad. Wash Friday, sending the river up six-tenths of n foot there. . It win not cause a rise ia the lower Columbia, however for the Snake River and other tributaries are falling and the lower river channel win bande the water. The lower Columbia ia expected to drop a tenth of a foot a day until Monday, when it win begin falling two-tenths a day. In the tidal areas of the lower river the Columbia River High way oa the Oregon shore contin ued to be blocked at high tide times. Officials said this inter mittent blockage between Clat akanie and Astoria win continue for another week because of un usually high tides. Seepsge from a dike at Van couver, Wash., allowed water to cover about half the Pearson Air park there and pumping started when water neared the Lewis and Clark Highway. Engineers said they were blocking the leaks, and expected to keep the highway open. Charred Ruin Yields Body PORTLAND ( The charred body of a man, believed to be that of Ralph R. Cummings, 46, was found Thursday in the burned ruins of the Gilbert Brothers Plumbing Supply Co. The building was destroyed by fire Msy 10. Identification of the body was made from papers found in a wallet. Theatre Time Table LSINOBE -MAW WHO KNEW TOO MUCH": 7:01 tni 1S 4S. -INSIDE DITHOtT": IA CAFROt. "LAST HUNT": 7 .OS tmi IS M. "GLOBVl l it. Monra sabm dbivb rx ABTOTS AND MODELS" with Dnn Kirtia and J wry Lwta. "BOTTOM Or THE BOTTLI with Vaa JabaM and Jowph Ctta OIXTWOOS "0I TATTOO": T-SS and I B -NAT KINO COLE BTOBY": in, Army to Cut 'Dead Wood' From Reserve Personnel Ike Receives Bulganin Note WASHINGTON III President Eisenhower received a thick new letter from Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin Thursday, reportedly making fresh proposals on dis armament. The letter was delivered to Sec retary of State Dulles by Ambas sador Georgi N. Zarubin. Zambia declined to say any thing about the nature of the mes sage. He recalled to reporters that there had been a series of ex changes between Eisenhowr and Bulganin since they met at the Geneva summit conference last July. He said he thought contents of the new message would be made public "very soon. REPEAT PERFORMANCE BALTIMORE ill Wslter S. Keys, 73, was fined $25 Thursday on a drunkenness charge after be ing arrested tor what police rec ords showed wu the 236th time since 193. STEWART WINS OSCAR RENO, Nev, III Lanky James Stewart Thursday was declared the winner for the aeeoM time of Reno's anaual Oscar of the horse operss the Silver Spurs award for his periormance la "The Man from LarsmM. Woodburn Drive-In Wed.-Thnr.-FrL.SsL la Cinemascope irvn of mo imnr R. Mltchasa-M. Mearee Mas "wwun WORLD" Clifton Webb OPEN V.U Starts Dnsk IPHoni 4-I7M audi Umnw Baft liamm Aaai Migaial Tht Ros Tattoo Jdwatj aVfltya nMnWwwtf SwnWtwfalfy Oa B lam hiaiii Tht Nat King Colo Story twine ") M wkfc MM "Kiaa" Cab Svary latareav 1 ta 4 tM. n WmIu Saatul Mot Siovx City Su aTO49tTPJbOp OtStdJ AoveB (wfassBO)tf On Hour of Cartoons WASHINGTON p The Army announced plaaa Thursday to streamline Its ready reserve dur ing the It months beginning July 1 by disc harming 473,000 reservists and transferring another 900,000 to the standby reserve. The Army added that the action is designed to terminate the mili tary service liability of World War II and Korean veterans and to eliminate unnecessary personnel. The screening win leave ia the ready reserve only those who arc fit and possess needed qualifica tions, and who win be available for immediate duty ia case of aa emergency. The ready reserve composed of those who would be called to active duty ia aa emergency de clared either by the President or Congress now has strength of 1.805.000, not including the 407,000 in the national guard. The standby reserve, with a present strength of 8,300, is made up of those liable for active duty only in event of war, or in an emergency declared by Congress. Most of those who will be dis charged from the ready reserve, the Army added, are reservists with service prior to June 19, 1951. Priority tor transfer to the stand by reserve win be given those who served in Korea any time bteween June 20, 1950, and July V, 1953. Young men who have volun teered for the ready reserve and who have no prior service will not be included is the weeding-out program. And, the unMuncement said, ready reservists now at tached to organised units who wish to continue their military duty, also will be retained. Girl in Shorts Stops Traffic, Scatters Coins IONIA. Mich, ill - Two police men, emptying parking meters Thursday, ibifted the collect ioa bag and coins spilled into the street As bystanders guffawed, police chief Jerry Krywanski and officer Vines Marlon chased dowa the Mattered money. They, had ta call a third officer to direct afaia St. traffic while they moved parked cars and dug nickels and pennies out of a sewer. How'd it happen? The red faced pair admitted they'd gotten ab sorbed watching a pretty girl in shorts walk by. One estimate is that Z7.S50.O0O Americans play some kind of mu sical instrument Dallas Motor-Vu Omm apaa 7 .00, aSaw W. MarOya Maaraa, lakwt Mfethaai ia "RIVER OP NO RETURN" Cimaiiiltl 4 Calar v Olma Farrf, Daratay MiOvira la "TRIAL" ' ' Toxhofkol PUy Am for K Ers:Md Cup -:- . "... i , LUCwCli MEAT 12-c.nce Cans Vanilla ess a Nabiico WAELTlC Urge iVylaasjaWfltt YUd CawttsMKfr! STARTS TONIGHT! JsssssssjnssnBsjnsjnajnnsnBBjsJsnBB w - 111 M l jr aTBIII IL, ,ll i ,,n.TnU ESssM Hrf So j ANNOUNCING yz? -li-la YgffllM uke U--tSJSitSfl - IM THI SANTIAM VALLIT IT'S THI Ml n .rH..-, SSSSSf , 11 . " I M! -JOHNNY GUITAR- li RIVERVIEW CAFE ill' "" Dow. Jerry f I jl Jast 2 Mocks south of Mahnmn Jet. on Hwy. 22 . Perathy MaUnn (III Kw-wponod" nndor new monogoment with t M-V I H Ifll Shirley MacLaino l Chf Del Coliiws, formerly of Now York III wC 1 1 lUl ll I II If raA . , . . ft I Opera Hso. Assn., feartirinf the I - C I "kl II I I'V 'ArtlltiAMod.il' J 111 Finos Foods. xmC0 U VI L- J GRAND OPENING VW (FMWKW )t2H, e I SviHltyJun 10tk with Smorgosbonrd I L lUJ ll I VV- iC IIU II llOTTOM Of THI lOTTlf I family stylo dinner. Irine the fomily 111 Ve VJ Kj U VI J UUU U I -Plus- )) III all yon can tat for $1.75. Ill IUrh)MKarnfval (( l OPEN SUNDAY AT NOON TILL 12 P.M. Ill a a a-a r-s S PI n I I H Me j TUESDAY thrW SATURDAY Opon 4 P.M. to 3 A.M. ; jLJj jj- J amt I I I lib si ftKC 71'' V Chaw of $f? ' toe... and lha -ej Sport oret O'BRIEN Early-Bird SPECIALS 10: A.M. to 12: A.M. SAT. ONLY DILL PICKLES oL 25c She ALKA-SELTZER I 89t 1 U&ISUGAR 95c STEWING HENS 3 99c Frrsa lench Tko Dtfles Frisk Ean CARROTS 10' CAULIFLOWER 10 Sveel Corn 4- 2i' RADISHES & ONIONS lBfrTl ... 3 bunches . . . BANANAS 1 ONLY u vy LETTUCE Head ao r 1 1 1 V JAMES STEWART DORIS DAY i ;" r ssnw iA, "18 W 4 WONDERFUL TOGETHER, IN DAN6ER TOGETHER! in Iht i term cooler of political inlriguo frencfr North Africa! ir, d i jl ! Ww tWSsd islor af . TECNNIC&LOR STARTS TODAY! wp Iww9 MOlrwV ! SutpePfBwt) ALFRED HITCHCOCK i -CO-HIT- ' 1,1 -- by the colorful . . . of SAlErJl J3to f S ...on the parking lot at im mmWJl and CO. ... don't forget to get your tickets now for the Sixth Annual Salem Shrine Club Golf Tourna ment and Barbeque, Saturday and Sunday June 9th and 10th. YOU MAY WIN A 1956 FORD! ro bo ewerded Sunday ofternoon 4 p.m. ALL PROCEEDS OF THE TICKET SALES ARE FOR THE BENEFIT OF CRIPPLED CHILDREN OF THE SHRINERS HOSPITAL IN PORTLAND. Always Plenty ol Free Parking! KIGHT OWL SPECIALS . 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday Only Giant Rinso Blue 49c White Star Tuna 25c Pineapple Juice - 19c Fresh Tomatoes 29c BACON ST 2. .25c Swltt'i SJkss BEEF STEAK SALE ROUND SWISS li GROUND ROUND RIB and SIRLOIN , 39c T BONE ,43c Bacon Sqares J9' Ja-i I I 0. !. Nisptctw SiMktd U.S. iRipectsd RIKG BOLOGNA POLISH SAUSAGE . . each Slewing Hens , Y Swill's Bacon Ends . . . lb. 15c We Reserve the Right to Limit No Sales to Dealers Prices Good Through Thursday mug Renter Portland Road SAIIM Edgeweter WEST SALEM Lb. 414 . 1M potmos and P-S447.