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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1956)
lS-(Sec. II) Statesman; Salem, Ore, Frt, June 8, fl ONE SOLID WEEK OF GREAT VALUES DURING THE ft r i M t 4 , - I V - 'I A Frozen potato patties make delicious topping for thii Shepards Pit. If a easy to fix and quite ' handsome to look at. The meat for the pie ma be either leftover beef roast or any other left '.: ever cooked meat. ' ' : . Potatoes Top Meat Pio-for 5, Flavor There will be days' vbea 70a are looking for new ideas to drtti a canerolct especially front left ever, lometlmei there's the pro blem of what ia de with Sunday's roast- Ob .Monday It's good Jut sliced and served cold. By Tues day It begins U look a little dreary. Happily, with aa assist from some ef ear wonderful qukk-froiM pro ducts, we can bow serve up left evert with test, tree with (Unxwr. ; from a test kitchen cones a suggestion for a delicious .Shep herba' Fie. A familiar favorite Jt is but this sew vertioe cats pre paration time to a matter of mis ates. For the traditional topping ef potato, ea our Sbephcrbs' Pie ve .turn te a handy package of quick frozen potato patties. With four portions le each PKkage, they come seuoned, aU ready for browning, as short order. After you've sauted them gently to a golden hue, following package directions, tat them neatly 00 your casserole mixture a few minutes hi the evei and your dish Is rttdy II yon list vegetables la your Ihepherbt' Pic, and . many do, here's another nudge la the right . direction. Frnen peaa and carrota cook quickly and team wen la this BEEP tf funding Bib Boast , Meeu Pot Roaita Stew Meat . Ground Beef Liver (sliced) Heart : PORK Roasts Chop! j;. Spartribl ...... Perk sausage Refrigerator Storage Chart Refrigerator Temperature X to P. MEAT (Loosely Covered) Limit of Days for Maximum Quality CURED AND SMOKED MEATS Hams, Picnics i Whole or Half SUcet ............. Bacon 5 to 8 days S to 5 daya 8 to t days 2 days 2 days 2 days 2 days S to I days 3 days 3 days 2 to 3 days 7 days 3 days 5 to 7 days Drled Beef 10 to II days 5 to 7 days t to 7 days . Yew' might like te try ether Shepberba' Pie variations. Chuck and other inexpensive cuts, ground through the food chopper, and sauted quickly, makes a substan tial and economical meal-ln-one dish. Consider a pound ef ground fresh mest when you re serving four.. . v'aeshafae1 Pie-'vvr-i. S cups diced or grpund cooked ' meat . ! W ft , ,4 cup tomate ketchup , I teaspoon salt , , teaspoon pepper " - teaspoon eregano ilk) ox. pkg. frosen pen and carrots - 'fti tx . fraea' potato patties ' Blend diced or ground meat with tomato ketchup and seasonings. Add peas and carrota which have Men cooked louowing package directions and blend well. Place mixture la beat proof casserole. Quickly browa. potato patties ia Skillet following package directions and arrange en top of meat mix ture. Place, uncovered, ia mode late even (350 P.) IS JO minutes or until mixture la heated through. Serve 1 -,.4 Franks Make a Quick Main Dish . Corned Beef Tongue ....... LAMB Rossta Cbopo Heart . Liver (sliced) VEAL Roasts Chops Liver (sliced) ........... Sweetbreads (cooked) COOKED MEATS , Home-cooked Mests ..... HainacPkmlc...... Pranks . Meats Loaves (sliced) 5 days 3 days 1 days 2 days I to 6 days 4 days 3 days 3 dsys 4 days Add Sparkle To Vegetables With Sauces Spring meals will take on new seat and sparkle if you pep up those old standby vegetable! ia fresh new dress. Potatoes, carrota, onions, cabbage, and other old faithfuls are always available, and by preparing these old standbys ia different ways your meals will take ea added freshness and flavor. Wa have three dairy ideaa for converting old vegetables atandbys into new spring fsvorites. There is no magic about it just the generous use of rich milk, golden butter and mellow cheese and those dull-tasting vegetable are transformed into new family treats. If your family likes tomatoes. and the ones you hsva been buying have been disappointing for salads, try serving Broiled Tomatoes with your favorite broiled dinner. A lit tle beat ia a wonderful thing for a uoorly -ripened tomato. Vegetable Medley Bake combines potatoes, onions, sad peaa In a delicious casserole dish. Crispy Carrot Cakea will make carrot lovers out of the moswhardhearted carrot hater. These go good with broiled chops and a salad. Broiled Temataes 3 medium tomatoes, halved salt and pepper t cup buttered crumbs tt cup grated Cheddar cheese Season each tomato half with aalt and pepper. Blend crumbs and cheese and spnnkie on eacn tomato half. Broil 8 to 10 minutes under low heat. Serves 3. Vegetable Medley Bake 3 lbs. small new potatoes, cooked and peeled 1 bunch, greer onions, chopped 3 cups new pen or 1 package frozen peas 2 cups thin cream sauce Vi cup grated Cheddar cheese Cook potatoes until tender with jackets on. Peel. Cook onions and peas together until tender. Make cream sauce using 3 Tbsp. each butter and flour and 2 cups milk. Arrange vegetables in buttered 2 qt. baking dish. Add cream sauce. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake at 350 deg. F., for 20 minutes. Serves 6 to 1. Criapy Carrvt Cakes t large carrots Vt cup minced onion 3 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk Vi teaspoon salt . teaspoon pepper 1 egg Dry bread crumbs Butter for frying Cook carrota and onions in salted 7 days ater until tender. Drain and mash' Luncheon Meats (sliced) . Bologna Loaves (unsiiced) 4 te 3 daya 3 to 4 days 3 days 4 to ( days pry and Semi-dry Sausage (uncut) 2 to 3 weeks Liver Sausage (sliced) ;T Liver Sauaage (uncut) ... POULTRY , " Chicken (drawn, whole) ... 'Chickens (eut-op) Turkeys (drawn) Ducklings (drawn, whole) Cooked Poultry 3 to 3 days S to ( days 3 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 3 to 4 daya Melt butter, add flour, blending, then stir in milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until very thick. Mix with carrots. Cool. Shape into pat ties snd chill several hours. Roll in bresd crumbs, then in egg dilut ed with water, then in crumbs. Fry slowly in butter on, both sides. Makes 3 cakes. 1 Pranks, joined by kidney beans make a fast dish when given this treatment s EAKBECCED FRANKS AND J; ( SIDNEY BEANS . 1 pound franka,. cut Into. K-inch f pieces ; 1 medium onion, sliced ; 3) tablespoons butter or merger- - toe.,,: ,.., ... t, S tablespoons flour v t-ox. can tomato sauet tteup bouillon it cups cooked red kidney beans 1 tablespoon brown sugar , 1 tablespoon vinegar , 3 teaspoons WorcestersMrt sauce I teaspoon chill powder :;, " 1 teaspooa salt ,v . .r v -.- Pan-fry onions In butter in large skillet. Add flour. Stir to combiner Add tomate sauce and bouQlao, .Bring to a boil. Add beans, brown sugar, vinegar. Wor- ' cestershh-f sauce.- end seasonings. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add franks and, continue, simmering for minutes. Serve hot Serves 4 or I. Idsas Given for Dairy Foods Use When the small fry have a party en the docket, let deviled aambos be the menu feature. To fill six rolls, combine contents family size deviled ham with two hard-cooked eggs, H iup grated carrot, 14 cup chopped pickle and a tablespoon or two of mayonnaise. Cut roll In half and spread with generous layer ef deviled com bination." Something warm to drink at bedtime soothes the wsy to sleep. Tonight, how about making that hot beverage soup? A comforting cup of soup is a fine way to ease the day a tension, aid the digestion Try - smooth, savory cream of chicken. Who doesn't love French toast? Morning, mid-day or midnight. it's a delightful snack that seems to satisfy everybody a sweet tooth. II you want to make thia tasty tidbit a top favorite at your house. de this: add a tablespoon of molssses to your egg batter before dipping the bread slices. The re sults are rewarding a sunny golden color and delectable flavor that will charm every gourmet the family. Molasses French toast Is the most. WHAT BEEFT Many cooks favor ground chuck for hamburgers. But some kitchen experts like to hsve round steak ground with a little suet for meat patties. H there's a weight-watcher your family you can have lean round steak ground without the ad ditional fat. COOK'S AID Stewed tomatoes, now available in cans, can be put to many uses in the kitchen. They make a quick sauce, with ground beef added, for spaghetti. They are delicious. turned into a gravy, for chicken. They complement fish Iilleta or fish steaks. As extra seasoning for the tomatoes add Worcestershire sauce, minced garlic, dried crushed thyme or basil, chilv powder or ciirry powder. These added seas onings counteract the sweetness of the tomatoes. MIXED DRINK Ever mix grapefruit juice (un sweetened) with apricot nectar? J ', ' ,. Enjoy the Extra Gaadaeea of the Nerthwest'i Very Own Braaa MARGAR1NSL4 Produced in SoJim HOFFMAN'S MEATS ii the tomatoes. II I 0 J J) "MAID your J j ( I Phone 3-5563 150 N. COMMERCIAL We Feature U.S. Government Groded end Inspected Meet Leon Tender BEEF M))( ROAST J)V GROUND 7(0)c BEEF ZU U Mb. He Fresh Cut up Pen Reedy prtifprtr 2 Ay., Ea. r LeonMeaty Pork SPARE 2)E, RIBS J 5) COUKTRY STTU Pork Sausage o. Arl J Boston Butts SD6AR (USD SMOKED M VALUES GALORE - AL OVER THE STORE 1940 MISSION ST. PLUS FREE, OVER $ PH. 2-7661 m)tEHT JJ SALE ' ipw -r r Many ether styles end models to choose from. Worth of FREE Groceries at Nameless with the purchase of Nearly ANY Refrigerator or Deep Freeze from Salem's MONTGOMERY WARD'S BENEFIT SALE ON CARNATION MILK'S c WIENER IN A ILANKET f COKES at T3 '.''' t fS ALL PROCEEDS GO TO BOY SCOUT TROOP No. 10 FRIDAY-SATURDAY 10 p.m. to 6 p.m. Cottage Slice or Crush Flat Tins Pineapple Van Camp Lg. No. 2 Tin PORK 'H BEAMS Seaside 303 UNAS Cottage 303 Cut GREEN BEAMS Cottage 303 CORN Ov Cream or Whole Kernel I I Cottage 303 MUSTARD lL 6REEHS QV TINS Cottage 303 PEAS BUY ALL Collage 303 ' SPIHACH OK MIX . 'EM Cottage VA Tomatoes Cottage 46-oz. Pineapple JUjCE Cottage 46-oz. TOMATO JUICE Cottage 46-oz. Grapefruit JUKE s TINS Carnation Tall Tin CAN MILK 449' LIMIT Pillsbury's PANCAKE FL0URSALE 8-lb. Bag W Red RADISHES GREEN ONIONS iulutton SALE THIS WEEK Solid Sno White Cauliflower Lb! Celifernie White Shorter NEW SPUDS HO Lbs. 4-lb. Bag A button STOT I i Fa nr m.) MUTTON pPpv Munon Crisp, Fresh CELERY Lb. BuyAII One Kind or mix em up Cottage 303 Sliced Beets 1 2 99' Sunshine Crackers 2 Lb. Box 45c Leon, Tender I Pon-Reedy RIB STEAK FRYERS2iM. IC lb. Fine Testinf T-Bone Steak All Lean Round Steak 0)c El tdJ U Lb. Shoulder ROAST (0)c U.S. Govt'. Inspected FRANKS Pounds 7