Statesman. Salem. Ore, FrL, Jane 8. 56 (Sec. llt U.S. Juggles Tariffs With 21 Countries WASHINGTON III The SUte Department anBouaced Tbortday a large lumber of Uriff reductions obtained and panted by the United State In bargaining with XI other countries. Tbey art the product of four months of aegoUationa at Geneva and the department said "free- 04 ikitMrrfLi6 IjyMr i ID ill PlTI(ca! world trade ia general will be bet ter off for their having takea place." None of the Uriff reductions ranted by the United States apply to imports from Communist na tions. Tariff concessions granted by the United States included: Scotch whisky, vermouth, certain chemicals, aluminum, steel bars and tubes, automobiles and parts, airplanes and parts, unsweetened chocolate, oriental-type cigarette leaf tobacco, smoked sardines, sheet and plate glass, calculating machines, wrapping paper, carpets and rugs, fish oils, woven silk fab rics, piano accordions and synthet ic rubber. Other Ceacesstoas Other countries granted conces sions on American goods including: Citrus fruit and products, animal tallow and lard, beer, shrimp, oy sters, plastic resins, antibiotics, in secticides, photograph film, syn thetic textile f a b r i e s. machine tools, various iron and steel prod acts, tobacco and tobacco products, heavy machinery, refrigerating nd air conditioning equipment, of fice machinery, motor vehicles, airplanes, electrical equipment, canned fruits and vegetables and petroleum products. Foreign imports on which the United States gave concessions amounted to 677 million dollars in 1954; other indirect cuts brought this total to 811 million dollars. No Estimate The United States obtained di rect concessions on American ex ports valued at 400 million dollars in 1954; there was no estimate of Indirect benefits. The United States tariff cuts were limited to 15 per cent of ex isting rates, and the reductions must be no more than S per cent a year in tht next three years. Cuts granted by other countries on American goods ranged from a few percentage points to 100 per cent. With few exceptions, the depart ment said, the cuts obtained by the United States will take effect all at once within the next few months. In terms of trade coverage, the largest negotiations the United States carried on at Geneva were with the United Kingdom. Next came Canada. Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany and Benelux Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Other participating countries were Australia, Austria, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Re public, Finland, France, Haiti, Ja pan. Norway, Peru, Sweden and Turkey. Appointment Given to Cain By President WASHINGTON W - President Eisenhower has given an appoint ment for Thursday to Harry P Cain, member of the Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB) and frequent critic of the admin istration's loyalty - security pro gram. Press Secretary James C. Hag erty said the appointment for 3:30 p. m. was made at the request of Cain, former Republican sena tor from Washington. Eisenhower was told at a news conference two weeks ago that Cain tied complained that he was unable to get his views regarding the President. Asked at that time whether he would see Cain, Eisenhower re plied with a crisp "yes." Cain said recently he did not expect reappointment to the SACB in view of his criticism of the loyalty - security program. His term expires in August. He also has expressed the opin ion that men around Eisenhower were keeping the president in the dark as to the actual workings of the program. He could not be reached Wed nesday night for comment on his appointment with Eisenhower. Grace, Prince Return Home MONTE CARLO. Monaco Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace sailed home from their honeymoon Wednesday night. The captain of the royal yacht said the prince and princess are feeling fine, but that the princess had been bothered by seasickness during rough seas in the Medi terranean. The rnyal couple expected to disembark in the morning. They were married here April 18-19. Bulpaniii Quoted As Foreseeing No War Possibility LONDON I Premier Nikolai Bulganin was quoted by the Mos cow radio Wednesday as saying there is nowhere a possibility of war breaking out and Russia is cutting her armed forces for that reason. Rulganin made the statement Saturday in an interview with a rming correspondent for the Mex ico City newspaper Excelsior. The radio quoted him as saying: "Nobody wants war. In Europe, Britain will notstart a war, the Irenes 'noVant ie onxnt tnalr tt v O SLEEPS 3 et , titm dwh et wwr fiasrf'w . f ' 1 t i v Ike (Mdtef Mdi U UdMmM Km 'JV " ; V . ,f "? - X SOB s : m f v m Twd Ja4vh4 mwJww tabls Iama with iHrfchlwf ArM'Wty fotttctav fltwv Um h unit wrMBhf kwa wrti tvt fpifM All IMV9 Ml taM. All IUm ni Ktwd Ml M Vffftnt) rhmv ptoiMt lfM tfl n w5 .ta. Uaa aB aaaM aVatuU L JWtW MMaffi W1' W ww WryaT B" . f ivAa i n L . i 7 lY 1 " aarfitl Ani WfMfhr IrM awtukM, I I 0 O W&ttfQ plMtfc fM .- 1 -.1 I 0 . lj ..... i" .t.- r- y, .u. U " c.u " 0 V9W .in"" CrlY - 9x12 ROOIVI SIZE This it free given only with this group and onrf this time. This beautiful shag rug adds the perfect finishing touch to your matchless new living room ensemble. Gorgeous color tones of grey, while, chartreuse, light green, dark green, yellow, gold, or blue, are available in this 'ovely rug to handsomely background your choice of color in the luxurious sofa and chair set at Hamilton's. 1956 Tempo Groupl OPEN FRIDAY HAMILTON 230 CHEMERETA FREE PARKING i w !l - n w NIGHT 'TIL 9 P. M. FURNITURE SALEM. OREGON ON OUR LOT WHILE YOU SHOP OUR v - : PAY JUST $3.50 A WEEK! SAVES YOU A FULL $150 Talc all its beauty into your living. Take all its useful nets into your home. Go back to the room scene Look at what you see-then see it-so much more glorious in true life than the picture can show. r-rTf' Hamilton's 1956 Tempo Group, like nothing else ever has, takes the pages right out of the decorators' book and right out of the high priced custom order bracket. The two major pieces alone-sofa and chair-could easily cost as much as the total price of the full 14-pieco group -and better yet, SLEEPS 31 Here's the way to thrift, to savings, to a remarkable, htart-thrilling way to live and way to look that every style-conscious home-maker wants. CHOICE .f MODERN TEXTURED WOOL FRIEZE or METALLIC TWEED COVERS! FRIEZE: Forest Green . . . Lipstick Red . . . Charcoal Grey . . . Turquoise . . . Ice Pink . . . Rose Beige . . . Cocoa Brown . . Copper . . TWEED: Brown w White . . . Turquoise . . . Coral . . . Gold CO. o . . . Beige . . . Pink . . . STORE (I1CUI9 V U I 111.' k mwnw I