!Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, June 8, "S6 GOP Chairman Says Primaries Show 'Weakness' of Democrats WASHINGTON - Repuhlkaa' National ChairmM Leonard W. Hall said Tnorsday the new con cluded presidential primaries showed the "internal realuiesses, ! the inconsistencies, the bickering and squabble! that beset the Dem ocrat Party." K said w Republican "need sax any tr rc" about Adlai Stevea aob, front runner hv delegate strength for tht Democratic presi- drotial BominatioB. than baa aJ ready been aaid "by bis own cot league." Sea. Eatei Kefarjver. Kefera to Estes Hall's remarks, prepared for a National Press Club luncheon, ob viously referred to the Tennessee senator's attacks oa Stevenson'! stands sa segregation, old age pen sions, and monopoly, and Kefau ver's contention teat Stevenson OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY IMS TO f P. M, : t OTHER DAYS 30 A. M. TO 1:30 P.M. ITIEiER X fWS-ll repeat success ' our scarf hat i In beautiful patterns or glowing solid colon. The . :- most flattering protection for your hair you can choose.' Washable, just remove the fabric scarf ; from the plastic tun visor,' wash and snap it back prv.v, .--;.' w. v".';-, , , Moll and plume order. Plus thlpping cost to areas f outside our rezulat truck delivery routes. iV HAT 'COUNTER STREET - FLOOR ti a j i m a 'nil,,,,. 7r,nl could not win in November if Dominated. - Hall said that while there was bo real "contest ia the Republican primaries, the results were never theless "highly gratifying ,e because millions of voters volun taribr turned out to express their approval of the Eisenhower Re publican Administration.' He added the primaries had these two other "import ant" re sults: "1. The so-called farm revolt against the Administration failed to materialize and President Eisen hower ran exceptionally well hi the rural areas of Wisconsin, Illi nois. Pennsylvania. Indiana, Neb raska and other states. Raa Stronger 1. The President ran much stronger than we expected in cities and industrial areas which gives us further evidence of the way labor is turning to the Republican Party." Hall said the Democratic prim aries revealed "an apathetic in difference to the principal con tenders." Kef silver's and -Steven son's efforts, he added, failed to rouse any real enthusiasm within their awn party." He said the Democrats have tried to find a real issue against Prince Grace Leave Yacht ' MONTE CARIi) Monaco ( Prior Rainier III- and 'Princess Grace disembarked from their honeymoon yacht Thursday and .rviw4 ff In than tuilace. little noticed by the subjects of this tiny principality. The dock was virtually bare when the launch bringing the nrimt and nrrnre the former Grace Kelly, from their yacht tied up. Their green limousine whined to the palace past a thin line of entering Monacani. They slipped into their private apartment with out giving a hint in support oi rumors that an heir may be on the way. They were married here April 18-19. Plans to Quit Godfrey If S , A ;; v. I i. . - NEW YORK Sieger Frank Parker, shews with Msrion Marlowe, Thnrsdsy was reported planning to quit tne Armor oooirey snow when his contract expires next month. Psrker, it wss said, could have remslned without a contract but would have been subject toTcsll for appearances the .radio-television programs a aonregular basis. (AP Wirephoto). No Passport For Robeson, Court Rules Turkish Parliament Decrees Jail Terms For Publishing Criticism of Government V ACUTV?TiiV (fJk TV IT tv njass. wj a v- v hi a ire v. u. k.l L. Court of AppeaU Thursday up-, w:lPR O" w ""paper, puousn- k.M tlx .1.1. tnn.rfx.nt'. rUnU 1 '"X nrwii. raw of a passport to singer Robeson, who refused to say whether he is or has been a Com munist. The Appellate Court unanimously upheld the ruling ia which I'. S. Dist. Judge Burnita S. Matthews dismissed Robeson's complaint against Secretary of State Dulles. Writing for the court. Judge Ed ward Barrett Prettyman said ' (Pirtwre oa Wtrepawto Page) news which could "curtail the sup-t ruling party. ANKARA Turker i-TurWi I pl.v of Warmer goods, or boost fellow party parliament Thursday adopted aiP". loss of respect tough new press law providing nd confidence toward auth- prison sentences for newsmen and ornies. : f 1 1 L 1 . . PnbUe .Speeches ' That clause also applies to pub lic speeches. ' Another clause provides prison Approval of the measure came two months ago to adoot such a law because of mounting press criticism of his administration Most of the criticism has centered on Turkey's difficult economic situation. One clause provides prison sen knees of one to three years on conviction of "publication of false was slapped by a member when he spoke against the bill. Sonmex said the legislation would "kill press freedom in Turkey." In a move apparently aimed at improving Turkey's economic situ ation, parliament approves another bill providing prison terms of up to 30 years for persons convicted Robeson made no reply to the, 4 11 Jt rVm.jrK.., State Department s request that heiVlllCU 1 TOOllS vaiila - affidavit rnrvrninfl ' Father 67,753 Reich Babies execute an affidavit concerning present or past membership in the Communist Party. Robeson then was told. Pretty- man saic. that ho could have an informal hearing but would he ex pected lo answer questions alxmt past and present membership in the party. He made no reply to this, but instead filed suit con tending the passport regulations violated his constitutional rights. In upholding dismissal of Robe son's suit, the Appellate Court said he "failed to exhaust his admints S Flea StiuH trative remedies." In nonlegal prooaDiy many more. .eumayer language, this means he failed to said. He reported that, of the 67.- Comply With State Department pro- more man ji.uw naa unrn- cedures and thus was not in positi- can fathers. BONN. Germany Allied sol diers in Germany have fathered at least 67.753 illegitimate children sinrp 144 Jnsttr Minister Fritz Neumayer told parliament Wednes-1 reports neir.g aeniea. day. ,Alms la Gag Press This is the number registered, r-., ,:fcl. K,i, , in nar. liament almost immediately after terms for foreign correspondents of hoarding or speculating, who report "baseless or exag- Xlenderes' Democratic Party has gerated news likely to shatter the about 00 deputies in the S40-.tr at prestige or influence of the gov- parliament. About 30 seats are ernment." vacant. The law also, set educational . . standards for newsmen and gives after a stormy all-night session interrupted by fist fights and - -W it nei w tt Wt at r A C thai chamber floor. ,ri fllSII The legislation, which is effective A" V7ltM.ll immediately, was proposed by Premier Adrian Menderes He threatened in a series of speeches the government the right to .sus pend publications (or three months It requires newspapers to publish details of stories in full and without comment with the same prominence as that given the tion to bring suit. with the authorities but there are the first opposition speaker, form I er President Ismet Inonu. took the floor to attack the law. He said the aim is to gag the press and accused Menderes' Democratic Party of wanting to create a PROJECT APPROVED I negotiating the question of how regime of violence and duress." WASHINGTON The House ,nese children will be supported. ; Two opposition deputies were Interior Committee Tuesday ap- Under the occupation. Allied sol-, thrown out of the chamber during riraved a bill to authorize con- diers could not be forced to sup-' the fisticuffs, one for hurling a struction of the 16.339.000 Crooked port their illegitimate children. I brief case from which a River, Ore., reclamation project. Now, w ith West Germany a sover-; dropped. The Senate -has passed a similar i eign nation, they can be sued by j Sabaheddin Sonmez, a journalist proposal. the mothers. i and a member of Menderes' own ALBANY. N Y. UH-What makes a flea tick Dr. Allen H Benton, assistant professor of biologvat Albany State College for Teachers, has been given a three-year grant to study the standards of fleas A flea needs regular transfusions of blood to survive. Dr. Benton says some fleas are born on one animal and never leave that species, during their entire life cycle. Other fleas are promiscu ous. Dr. Benton says he wants to find out what governs the flea's choice of victims whim or wisdom. The West German government! and the three Western powers are negotiating the question of howr revolver I iTT, TUNNEL YIELDS BODIES MANILA (JB Three Filipinos were burrowing for Japanese war time treasure in the town ot kos- arin when their tunnel collapsed. Police recovered the bodies Thurs day. mm1 eeuANe eiNitai IIICTIIC COMPANY OPEN MONDAY AND FRl6AY" 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9;30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. REMEM3ER FATHER'S DAY . . . JUNE 17TH Frank Parker Fails to Get New Contract NEW YORK W-S'nger Frank Parker, one of the last veterans of the Arthur Godfrey shows, Thursday was reported planning to quit the fold when his contract expires next month. Parker, it was said, could nave remained without a contract out would have been subject to call for appearances on the radio-TV programs on a nonregular basis. With no promise of work tor the future, Frank feels he will be better off severing all future ties, the New York Journal-American quoted an unnamed CBS source High Salary Parker, 53, has been with God frey six and a half years, earning between $60,000 and $65,000 a year. The Journal American in its story, written by Jack 0 Brian. commented that it was an unusual turn of affairs for anyone to quit Godfrey voluntarily considering the sensations created in previous years by Godfrey's offhand firing of personnel. "Frank Parker is firing Arthur Godfrey!" said the newspaper It quoted the CBS informant as saying further: "Frank is too much of a pro fessional to just sit around and wait for anyone to summon him to an occasional job on TV. Things Have Changed "The public for years has heard Arthur Godfrey swearing loyalty to Frank, and Frank assuring Ar thur he would never leave hi.s shows, but things simply have changed, mostly on Godfrey's side. "Recently Arthur announced he was dropping all contracts with his performers, from his oldest employe, Janette Davis, to his newest. "Frank feels that is all right considering show business always is in a state of change ... he hasn't even voiced any injured feelings over the situation. Neither Parker nor Godfrey was immediately available for com ment on the newspaper report. New TV,;. SWIVEL ROCKER Imported Italian VALET STAND 29.95 $12.95 Solid steel frame, reversible upholstery, swivels and rocks, ind feels wonderful in any position. Black with charcoal or gold upholstery, copper with cocoa, white with red or turquoise sailcloth. sewsnii iu(i mmmmmmwm?f pi i 1 ii jpw Blond or wslnut finished wood. Holds all Dad's clothes and accessories. iVetr Footed HASSOCK 22.95 Tufted rectangular hsssock with smart ly tapered wooden legs, brsss accents. In ivory, turquoise, olive green. May also be used as a lirepiace Dench. GIFT SHOP-SECOND FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE . 7 PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS V .. i'SJ U K' r J Review Asked of Act to End Indian Supervision wvsHivr.Tnv m r.rn D-Orei introduced amendments! Inursday intended to give Con gress a chance to review plans for ending federal supervision of Oregon's Klamath Indians. The principal change would cre ate a nine-month review period before the secretary of the In terior could act on the appraisal and recommendations now being formulated by management spe cialists for the tribe. Mrs. Green said she feared some individual Indians might in stitute court action to force dis tribution of tribal assets once an appraisal is completed She said the present law appears to au thorize that. She said she was concerned over the future of the valuable timber stand that is the major tribal asset, and the question of what might happen to individual Indians who suddenly come into posses sion of more than $100,000 Cl'NMEN TAKE DIAMONDS NEW YORK - Three uni formed gunmen wearing dark goggles waylaid two employes ofi a gem brokerage firm Wednes-1 day and robbed them of $211,000 in diamonds. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds. Tresses, Abdominal Supports. Plastic Hosierv K.ipert Fitters-Private Fitting Rooms. "Ask Year Doctor" Capital Drug Store 40S State Street Corner of Liberty 9L4f Green Stamps I OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TOP.M.-OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. h 8 rnnn rnuuflLU SAVE UP TO 50 Helena Rubinstein Beauty Pairs 6ET TWO FOR THE MONEY... LIMITED TIME ONLY 4 PAIRS SOLVE SKIN PROBLEMS 2 FOR DRY SKIN Buy "pastilrized" face ciiam special fimoiii all-purpose cleanser snd softener. ..get free SKIN LOTION SPECIAL velvety, soothing lotion for dewy young finish. l Combination Vofwe 2.13 SaYt 29 . . . loth for only I. SO j3 2 FOR COARSE PORES Buy deep cleanser works deeper to unclog pores, helps prevent sur face blemishes... Ret free "herbal'' skin lotion delightfully tingling, tightening pore freshener. 2 Combination Value 2.00 Sor 25 . . . Both for only I SO . r. "mi4 tc. ttm lki 2 FOR AGE LINES Buy "pasteurized nicht cream extra rich moisturizer, smooths dry nessand crepiness...get free "herbal" EXTRAiT-sodening lotion, overcomes flakiness. 3 Combinotion Vofu 275 Sa W i . . . loth for only 1 7$ falttra. 2 FOR BLACKHEADS Buy rfai ty WASHiNt grains rinses out blackheads, cleans out clogged pores. ..get free MEOICATED CREAM, helps heal external blemishes over night. Perfect for teen age skin. A Combinorion Vofu 1.98 So 32 ... loth for only 1.33 3 PAIRS FOR GLAMOUR MAKE-UP 2 FOR RADIANT MAKE-UP Buy silk-tone rotiNDATioN-covers lines. Raws snd shadows with lovely color, lasts all day . . . get free silk screen eace powder made with at omized silk for glowing silken finish. Mi Combinofiwi VoU 2.13 Sov 29H...oth for oafy 1.50 2 FOR MAKING EYES Boy waterproof mascara won't run, smudge or streak even swim ming. ..get free eye cream special . . . helps erase lines, prevent crow's feet Removes Waterproof Mascara. 6 Combination Vafv 2.50 Sot. 50. ..torn for only I 25 I I Helena Rubinstein Beauty Pairs Order Blank 2 FOR FACE AND CHEEKS Buy mini.'TE make-up, foundation and powder in one for fastest make up ever, pearly smooth finish... get free silk-tone liquid souci for a pretty blush that looks so natural. 7 Combination Valv 1 88 Sav 33... 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(Ptau. tit 19 ri.Tn mi DtrSaTii wk tmuj.) TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS f IM&a