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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
l J COLLISION CAISES DAMAGE iCAlSOX PICKED A Collision with a tanker truck! Wallace Canon, son of Mr. and caused minor damage to a Salem , Mrv Wallace P. Carson, 370 Les man's car Wednesday morning, Tbe-SLr has Tmb designated to Salem police reported. Driven read the dan will at a part of wer listed by police as Karl A. commencement exercises at Stan Ritter, 17 D St., and Ronald R. ford University. Commencement Cornelius, Beavertoo, Ore. The ac- is slated Sunday, June 47. cident occurred about : a. m.L . , . Fatrgreund Road and Highland For today a weather oa the coast. Avenue, police said. , ' S1" "191- M- !) rinest garbage disposer now only i VANDALISM REPORTED $89 93 at Judsoos iU N. Com! Rstroom fixture at Stan's adr i )r'v InB vrre onxged by van dals. Manager Stanley Scott told CAVER TO SPEAK j city police early Wednesday mora- Dr. Kenneth Gaver, director of ing. Police said the vandals pulled education and research at the 1 loose sink fittings and soap and State Hospital, will speak at a tissue dispensers. mday noon meeting of the Mar-1 ion County Health Council at the Hotel Marion. Dr. Caver s topic will be "Modern Treatment in Mental Hospitals." Water pumps repaired. Any make. ! Judson s, Th. 3-4141. (adv.)i' ' no'" "Most picnic : i Sunday. June U, at noon in Bush's TWO CARS niuir.rn d.,i, n .j k. Two cars received minor dam- age in a collision about 11:45 a. m. Wednesday at fnttarp anH Hwt Streets. Salem police said. Drivers were listed bv police as Stella G. n'crs i0r miormaiion concern LaChance, 144V, Ferrv St., and tne retirement of 5 income Henry James Lulay, st'avton i bonds, call or see Zilka, Smither t. 1 . iino Dtj. ok Used clothing for all the family may be bought at the Y.W.C.A. Budget Shop. 141 S. Winter. Open Fri. fc Mon. 12 to 4. (adv.) THREE PERMITS ISSUED Building permits were issued Wednesday to. Lee Coburn, to alter Connell C. Ward, to alter a garage&nsightly facjal hair removed at lflO W. Bush St.. $800; and Frank safely, permanently. P r i c e's McElfrcsh, to reroof a garage at 'Beauty Salon. Ph". 3-5859. (Adv.) 1215 Nebraska St. I HUBCAP REPORTED STOLEN Rummage and misc. sale, Thurs.,1 Fn. and Sat. at the Union Gospel Mission Store. 339 Chcmckcta. s (Adv.) Public MUNICIPAL COURT Ted Theodore Dietderich, 2442 Lee St., charged with driving while intoxicated, bail set at $250. CIRCUIT COURT Marjorie Blanchett vs. Robert Blanched: Divorce decreed for plaintiff with custordy of two minor children and $50 a month support. Margaret H. Benson vs. Carl J. Benson: Divorce decreed for de fendant; plaintiff awarded custody of minor child and $o0 a month : support. -Jeanne Hopkins vs. Joseph H. Hopkins: Divorce decreed for plaintiff with custody of four minor children and $75 a month support. I ! McV.ill v. Inhn Hnrv , McNeill: Order modifies decree of divorce to restore plaintiff s former I name of Elva Riggs instead of maiden name of Elva Paulsen. Cleo Patricia Baker vs. William Howard Baker: Complaint for di - vnrr rharffM eniel and inhuman treatment, seeks custody ol two minor children and unborn child, with $fiO support for each. Married at Independence Dec. 6, 1952. Ormand W. Fentress vs. Gwend olyn Lucille Fentress: Complaint for divorce charges cruel and in human treatment and seeks cus tody of one minor child. Married at Medford, May 19. 1947. Manuel Costello vs. Theodore Schindler, Leonard Schindler, Al bert Schindler and Arnold Schind- ler: Complaint seeks judgment of j Brown, 21. 2730 Blossom ir.. trans $18,543.70 allegedly due as damages 1 scriber. as result of fall from house roof. State vs. Johnny Brown: Defend ant continued for arraignment to June 11 after waiving grand jury investigation on charge of obtain ing money by false pretenses, State ex rrl Delia Janet Sims: Defendant adjudged guilty of con tempt and ordered to appear for sentence Oct. 8. State vs. James Kasper: Defend ant sentenced to three years in Oregon State Penitentiary on charge of contributing to the de linquency of a minor. The H e r 1 1 Corporation vs. Charles H. Heltiel. Public Utilities! Commissioner: Complaint seeks! restraining order to prevent PUCl REMEMBER DAD JUNE 17th Give Him An Everlasting Gift! Your Old Watch Is Your?;:," Special Purchase Schick "25" Electric Shaver tt. mm $ip75 New Only 10 N Trtd4 NMMryt Optn Friday t A.M. 9 t M. ' "Tlw Stora TV 5 lb Owlhy Mtrdwmla tt Ik lift rk" II ..... . . . . ., Lemai piaies repaireu wmie jwi wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty. Salem. (Adv.) i CLASS MEETING SET Salem High School s Class of families have been invited to at- tend O0" P"'P Papf Co.. bond i im v w., jut. 4uo virjuu Plug, r II. 3-4106. . (adv.) WOMAN UNDERGOES SURGERY Mrs. Elmer Amundson, 533 Rich mond Ave., expects to return to her home Friday after undergoing surgery at Salem General Hospital on Tuesday. A hubcap valuid at $12 was taken from his 1953 Monday, F.d Johnson, model car 795 Sandy : I Dr., told city police Wednesday. Records from enforcing Oregon Motor Code on operations. PROBATE COURT Estate of John Meredith Ander son, deceased: Order approves final account, discharges admin istrator and declares estate closed. Estate of Alice M. Walker, de ceased: Order admits estate to probate; estate estimated at $9. ,778.16. Estate of Fred B. Stickney, de- ceased : Order sets hearing of final account for July 20 at 130 p. m. Estate of M. A. Dunn, deceased: Order sets hearing of final ac count for July 9 at 9:15 a. m. .. . ..,.. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS '-'"V"1 Wayne Cooper, 25, Hood Rivrr. equipment installer, and 'an'1 Iou'!, It, 24, 947 Center Sl "fPalr clerk- Jonn R'tor Wagers, 18. 483 S. 19ln st s,udfnl' nd iMtn JB R"PP. 18. 746 Mill St., at home. Robert Wayne Bradley. 20, 1798 N. 4th St., service station attend ant, and Mary Carole Bales, 20, 1765 Broadway, receptionist. Leon Franklin Kelly, 21. 1360 Hoi gate St., mechanic, and Marcia Elaine Smith. 19, 2173 N. Front St., cannery worker. Rholin K. Cooley, 20 Silverton, student, and Janice A. Johnson, 16. Portland, student. Leo B. Henry, 25, Albany, ship- P'nK clerk, and Shirley Jean Salem Students , Awarded Degrees SEATTLE. Wash -Three Seattle University students from Salem have received their degrees at the school's commencement exercises. I They are Thomas Colleran, son of Mrs. D. E. Colleran, 740 Cheme keta St., bachelor of education; Robert W. Davis, son of Mrs. Mar garet E. Davis, 1209 N. 38lh St.. bachelor of arts; Wilfred H. Ep ping. son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Epping, 2570 Northgate. bachelor of science in civil engineering. focoo up to wJ TRADE-IN for your Dad's Old Watch f on a new Bulova-Orven Hamilton-Elgin Watehl Other Standard Makes from - $16.95 to . $100.00 Inc. Tax Automatic C19. Lifhtort 1.00 ! .M iptid.l Ti. t.n I Cuff linki 1.95 t 11.50 lHil-Ony iiiif 11.71 Watch armlatt ....15 to 11.95 WIU 014 Inky (hit 14.75 DiMMml-Oiiyx tif; 19.50 DitmMl Mnwtk Ring 51.50 AII prlcti Inc. Ftd. T 'Salem Girl to Attend National 4-H Club Camp Janice Bishop, II, of Salem Is one of four Oregon 4-H club mem bers who leave June 11 for the national 4-H club camp ia Wash ington. D.C. The other three mem bers are Edward W smock. Baker; Dale Martin, Long Creek, and Pa tricia Ann. Wright, Heppoer. . Training sessions ia government and citixenship are scheduled for the visiters ia addition to special visits to places of interest around the Capitol. Salem Firm's Loan Okehed A $20,000 loan to Dutch Maid Food Products, S368 Portland Rd., has been approved by the Portland branch of the Small Business Ad ministration wHnvliv "TOn"7- it was announced L V'"!!0?0' PT'de'!t f corPor,ion. ! h loan wiU be used to purchase new equip- mnt and increase the efficiency of plant operations. The firm, which produces mar- garine under the Dutch Maid' laoei, Degin operations here in January. PAXTON - To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Paxton, Woodburn, a daughter, Wednesday, June 6, at Salem Memorial Hospital JOHNSON - To Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Johnson, Albany, a son, Wednesday June at Salem Memorial Hospital. ZITEK-To Mr. and Mrs. Larry Zitek. 332 Division St., a son, Wed nesday, June t, at Salem Memor ial Hospital. ; KING To Mr. and' Mrs. Larry i King, Independence, a daughter, Wednesday, June (, at Salem Gen eral Hospital. GESNER To Mr. and Mrs. Le- roy Gesner, 220 Cunningham Lane, twins a son and a daughter Wed nesday, June 6, at Salem General Hospital. ROSENBALM-To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenbalm, Dallas, twin daughters, Wednesday, June (, at Salem General Hospital. PITMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Clay Putman, 535 E. Browning St., a daughter, Wednesday, June , at Salem General Hospital. $201 r 1 ' Births j' ' And i,d0f.4v Hoover aCV" Come ith the handy Venflex hoint " Tn ttation- oeu"1 Straight A9 x .tV.1 j Edith Cayle Brews, straight A stadeat threaga three years at Parriih Junior High ScbeeL Junior High Student Posts Perfect Mark Parrish Junior High School presented its top scholarship awards Wednesday to four straight -A students, including Edith Gayle Brown who kept a perfect academic record through out alfS three years in junior high. Edith, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Brown, 370 N. 19th St., will have her name engraved on the school's permanent schol arship plaque as this year's ninth grade winner. The other winners: Seventh grader Warren Heinke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heinkev 1065 N. 22nd St.; eighth traders (tied) Judy Barry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barry, 1493 Hickory St., and Richard Smart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smart, 520 N. 23rd St. Junior high ninth graders re ceived their promotion certifi cates without ceremony at both Paitish and Leslie Junior Highs Wednesday. All public school students made brief return to school to get their report cards. FACILITIES TO UNITE I HOOD RIVER ( - The Hood! River County Chamber of Com merce and the Port of Hood River decided Wednesday to Join admin istrative facilities. They named George D. Bartch to become manager of both organizations. .$30 DOW thene delivers Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Cahill Case The State Supreme Court Wed- aesday beard arguments in the case of Otte CahilL DeLake. wha Is seeking a rehearing of his case involving alleged conversion of pub lic funds. . CahiU was convicted ia the Polk County Circuit Court several months age and the verdict later was affirmed by the State Supreme Court. At the time of alleged conver sion of public funds Cahill was treasurer f the Aelsrott-DtLake Water District in Liacola County. His case was tried ia Polk Coun ty oa a change of venue. Money involved .in the conversion report edly belonged to the water dis trict. Cahill contended he returned the money to the water district Services Friday For Salem Child Funeral services for Karen Sue Thompson. 4. of 424 S. 25th St.. will be held at 4 p.m. Friday at the Virgil T. Golden chapel, the Rev. T. M. Gebhard officiating. Interment will be at Rest Lawn Cemetery. , Karen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Thompson, died Tuesday at a Salem hospital 0 d W CooV' a"1 or . Every Set Doubly Guaranteed By The Manufacturer and . . . Drive-Your-Self Truck Firm Files Suit Over State Order Oregon 'biggest drive-your -ae If truck firm filed a suit against the state Public Utilities Commissioner here Wednesday, seeking a dec lax a- Oil Dealers Planning State Meeting Here Salem Fuel Oil Dealers Associa tion this week it making plans to host the annual state convention of, the Oil Heat Institute, aa or ganization of fuel oil dealers, oa Saturday, June 23. About 100 members and wives are expected to attend the one-day meet at the Marioa Hotel. Tenta tive program plant call for a busi ness session in the morning, panel discussions and election of officer in the afternoon, and a concluding banquet at night. ' Verne M. Boon, president of the Salem croup, will give the wel coming address and E. Burr Mil ler. Salem dealer, will be toast' master at the banquet. Henry AuM of Eugene is slate president. jar 5 K 1. t Yoor Choke ot The."rhre It GROWS tory Judgment to prevent the Pl'C from regulating its operation. Plaintiff ia the suit was the Herti Corporation, a Delaware cor-; rwu-sfU tsvUh Urn u-inrirul fVA oifice, in jCiuJ Target of the Hertj firm was Oregon Motor Transportatioa Code which it claims ia unconsti tutional ia Ha regulation over drive-your-telf vehicles which is its specialty. The code ia admia istered by the PLC. The complaint hied ia Marioa County Circuit Court says the code interfers with the truck rental business and damages the reputa tion of the firm unlawfully. It also claimed the code was discrimina tory and attempts to subject priv ate business ta public regulation. PUC Commissioner Charles Helt iel said Wednesday afternoon that his legal department had not yet received a copy of the Herts com plaint but that it had been antici pated after the firm's protest ever regulations and permits required for truck operations in Oregon. An answer to the complaint will be prepared by the PUC, Heltiel said. Another suit pending ia the courts in part contests the regula tion of truck rental firms. Heltiel added. This suit involves Thornton McDonald and the Public Utilities Commission, be said. i W m ym Ae r t Yellow 'tori Grty Ptorl end GROWS Staff smart, SaTcm, Ore., Thurs., June 7, "36 (Sec I)s Fall Injuries Bring Suit A worker wha say he Buffered permanent injuries ia a faB from ! 7 fM IS SUtDf his employer i' ! County Circuit Court here. Bringing the suit is Manuel Cos tello wha said be was employed by I u r.L! It 1. .I.. roof when the accident occurred, He blamed the four for negligence ia failure ta provide safeguards which would aav prevented his fan Costello said he suffered paia ful and permanent injuries ta his legs and back ia the tumble which be said occurred Jan. It, lies. PICKERS EXCHANGE - Picktn Dhptci1 Diract From FkM ta FioM ' When field k finished andor when pkkers art needed; Phone 2-0737, Salem Ne Charya Just Cstpiitl ly Callinf AIM call as tf ywa have a V-nkk flM er if ywa waal ta U-akh. - v . (Sara pkker ttwn Sev arriaSva nMiity) flvs... YerCkoktr Tfcm Weiisferfvl, ViffvlCiffsl 0 VIRTUE CHROf.lE FAMILY SIZE DINETTE 4;.' Charcoal Ftarl Orttn ftarl WU'sBand. ( Names Ellis Willamette University's band kaa elected Bob Ellis ef Salem as prnS dent. Other officers for the com tag year we: Secretary. Judy Anderson, CaquiDe; property snaa- "" Jona HeioU Buhl Idaho; l'"" BuatWl iSalera. Malcolm Brand, Salem, was elected president of the chair. H ia assisted by vice wresadeat. Mar ilyn Hanthora ef Portland; secre tcry, Myra Friesea at Dallas; and publicity chairman, Char its Mai stars 4 Dallas. : 0 iiM,,.M:l:l:H- iH:iliKM1 WrtW,'-,A andGnOWS STORE HOURS: Daily 9:30 to 6 P.M. Friday & Mondays Noon Till 9 T e. ; , J. ill XT J V , 7 ' I , .- , . tr 1 r i- rtaMwf 455 Court Ph. 4-5502