Forecasters ' Exhibit Explains Why It Rains on Golf Weekends By ARTHlTt ED80N WASHINGTON - The Weath cr Bureau opened an exhibit Wcd- npsflav ta fthnui haw. mftme tuacintf you on to the golf course with the promise of a fair weekend, it'guring out what the weather it comes up rain when you're farth est from the clubhouse. It isn't easy. For the exhibit at .the Com merce Department proves that fi Northwest Rivers Recede Riif Vinilinnra Mmntninnsl up to calls for increasingly com plex instruments. A ceitometer tells how high those clouds are, a hygrothermo graplf " records " the - temperature and relative humidity., a micro barograph puts down the barome tric pressures, and a radar an tenna tells where it's raining, and approximately how much, up to. 200 miles away. BlMde Near Radar But wait a minute. Why Is that hlnnH fwrrhMt In frAnt nt thd By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I was sare on high ground, but 1 radar? The lower Columbia River began thousands of acres of river-side I "A sure sign a photographer is reecding Wednesday from its crest I farms were flooded. The slow I comjng," a wise guy said of nearly 12 feet above flood level ! recession of the river is expected And 0nce again the Weather Bu at Vancouver, Wash. i to continue the remainder of the reau nad forecast right on the ine nvefajyaroppea a lemn or a , I button Jury Hears Recordings in Vice Probe Cemetery for Home Costs Voting Right Prime Minister Of Pakistan Said Ready to Resign Statesman-, Salem, Ore,, Thurs., June 7, '58 (Sec. Nazi Agent's Execution in Britain Told name was King and that King 11940, after hit defection to was one of two Britishers serving the Soviet aeoret police, lie said he learned about the two from Cen. Walter Krivitsky. Krivitsky, former chief 'of the Soviet secret police in Western Europe, was found shot to death WASHINGTON I Investiga tors were told Wednesday that In 1939 British authorities quietly ex ecuted in the Tower of London a " KARACHI. Pakistan ( - Pakis tan newspapers reported Wednes- NEW YORK I A bearded day that Prime Minister Chaudhri hahitno nf ih Rnviprv. who savi Mohammed All soon will resicn on Saviet scent found working in the PORTLAND I The first of a he lives in a cemetery because account of his health. They said code room of the Imperial Coun large inimber of recordings turned . "it cheaper" learned Tuesday he! Finance Minister Syed Amjad Ali cil. over to authorities were heard , needs more permanent address would replace him. I iMac Don Lev ine of Waldorf, Wednesday By the grand jury to vote in an election. j Mohammed AU suffered a serious ' Md., an author, said the agent s 1 in a Washington hotel on Feb. 10. Investigating newspaper charges! $habbily-dressed man, about heart attack in 1953 and is resting) . , : : that Seattle gamblers had tried to irA v tram .iohi w iu. ri .lioht i. . . . ... - " set up rackets here. tdiiferent polling places. Finally he tacks. He was to have flown to ! LI. IN. HeCdVCS 1 iireat Ot DO 111 1) ciduuiaic Kvuriiv mruurrs , marrhMl ntn !h tal attornev I rnmmmnn rh n for v it I lat 5fner ji.''"""! Saturday but postponed his trip. Amjad Ali, former ambassador e in- preceded playing of the record ings. Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Thorn ton cleared press, television and radio representatives from rooms adjoining the jury room in the state office building. State Poheel jcncei (or instance? demanded his rights, Ua tuaa lit4 tkal ooef ain fiipmal, iti h romnlirrf with in or-S to the l'nited Stte- uit th Prime dor to vote. What was his resi- UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. -A maivrtelephoned the United Na tions that Cypriot resistance work ers olanned to olaco a bomb in minister's Moslem League Party to ; the U. N. building Wednesday. join the new Republican party. The The security guard was doubled foot at Vancouver whore the city r.. 11.. : j - . .nv hlHMd. mhrhW ?lace" c,m ,he Republicans have 2S members in; to cover all entrances and inspect The investigation was ordered Li" cemMery nMr the national assembly while the parcels of visits. This meant continuing vigilance Th'nYhihi inrlnrfM Gov. Blmo Smith after The ... .. V ' . . Moslem League, once Pakistan's Two guards were put on each for maintenance crews manning wcatner station and checking ! Oregonian pubUshed a series of ; i LJ"JJ?, wv " the vot overwhelmingly dominant group, entrance to the grounds. Even the dikes holdingack the high over details was ,j copyrighted article, detailing what Xdded i has been cut to 10. packages carried by school chil- water from the Vacouver-Port-; .;,. rhri. n Jw,nt. i.ut said were attempts by Seattle, ' lp iana area io ine ocean, iw miles i hro l ih. ,ni. .kk. eamDlers lo plot control 01 racneis . ..-..B. i- - , "Kwn wsalhor man Inr it am lllliui livc law cuiui h iiktiii aay. Three dikes gave way last. Adlai Pictures Harriman as Top Opponent en n.repho.. Page. ! ue and the river dropped slightly. had re pte rf tnemom By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS .Inder J5 Feel , . 1: " ! . J . T.t . , . 1 , . . . tors, a wind vane and a rain dren visiting the U. N. as tourists were inspected. EX-SENATOR DIES WASHINGTON ( ; Hiram Bingham, former Republican sen ator from Connecticut and chair man of the .Truman administra tion's Loyalty Review Board, died Wednesday at the ago of M after long illness. ' 1940. west, Levine testified at a Senate tern si security subcommiUet hearing that Krivitsky, before toil death, had told him In confidence that he knew ot two Britishera who had been recruited as Soviet agents. " ' .i One of these. Lev Ine said, wa King. He uid he thinks, from ui description Krivitsky gave hiant that the other one wu DonalS MacLean, turncoat . British diplo mat who went to Russia. r, fAST RELIEF lor Muscle Pain w TAiun m week to the pressure of the river, VMr, e-hirk uiH "nniv .ioht officials but all other dikes are holding. men have bfen witn tn bureau ' Anion the witnesses called were Streams also were dropping in longer These young bucks com-iJamM B E'Kins. named as the British Columbia and it appeared pajn when they start out at $3 source of much of The Oregonian's mm me piuvmvc imu wuii 119 QQQ a ,.ear :n wnen j started "uormaiion. ana naymunu r. , battle with high water. A crest, ; w ot $30 a month and liked it " .Clark, the man Elkins said he ' expected to sweep down the Cruit Mlram(lll ' ' hired to make a number of tape ; iooirnay mver, laueu 10 maierai-, ' uhen l 1 ... I I J 1 ...I .L Aoiai Mevenson Sflia wcancr- i" maim, m-re ine iouienay gaUf,e he added "Better fore day he nw regards Gov. Averrll curves across the border and be- casts tojayi gure they're better Hnrriman of New York as "the comes the Kootenai, the river lMu Mter And' also have strongest contender still between stood at 34 feet Wednesday night, i gucn tnings as fivf.dav and 39. him and the Democratic presidcn- the first time in two weeks the dav forocasts Sever dreamed of level has dropped under S3 fect.'c f.h ,hinos 4, vrar a He uses the farmer to illustrate began about all you recordings. Airy. vjen. 1 nurnion lauru in another assistant Wednseday to take part in the investigation. He is Fred A. Miller, former district attorney of Clackamas County, tial nomination Bnt, Stevenson said, he feels No new flooding was reported that his California triumph Tues- th('r(' an(l ,hf r'vpr is dropping dav over Sen. Estes Kefauvvr steadily. The remainder of the of Tennessee 'virtually assures" Army's heavy equipment will be him of the nomination. n,nvfd ollt Thursday. tj;-u :j : Pnliliriant oener.nllv nrptH u vausinR ... . .... - . f'at Stevenson was wav out in concern in the stretch between front now. but some of his aides said they were expecting and pre- Clatsakanic and Astoria. Ore., where the tides affect the river. th change in public attitude. "When I started in this busi ness, no farmer paid any atten tion lo what we v ere doing. Didn't care. They figured they knew more about weather than we did. "Well, the farmer still thinks he knows more than we do. But now Nine to Get Cash Awards At Chemawa Incentive awards totaling $950 will be awarded to nine staff paring for a possible alliance be- WaterJs Phed over the lower he doube cnrcks us eacn day on members at Chemawa Indian acnoui rriuy ai mi a. Nell Brannon, school principal. tween Kefauver and Harriman. Kefauver himself said he would carry on his own campaign, de spite consecutive primary losses in Alaska, the District of Colum bia. Oregon, Florida and California. Late returns from showed, in 21.746 of 24,160 pre cincts: Columbia River Highway at high TV or radio iiur. anu 1 umu wiiniil l. leei of the top of a dike at Clatskanic. Road Opea With the exception of the inter mittent closure of the lower Co lumbia River Highway, all high wave in th .rna arc nnon In California (rav ,p The Bonneville Administration said the flood apparently would not keep the Northwest's general- cut into generating capacity. Wheelchair Stevenson 1,041.303 Kefauver 626.030 Stevenson was gathering better than 61 per cent of the Demo cratic vote. California's was the last pri mary of the Democratic cam paign. National convention dele-' gates still to be selected will, 'fnlll chosen by conventions and state I Clllll JL Uft committees Some politicians, such as Sen. F.llender iD-La. said Kefauver has been effectively removed from contention and Stevenson is "in" for the nomination to run against President Eisenhower next November. Boating Club Reorganizes Reorganization of the growing ing plants from filling power ,aaiem ooai nuo weanesuay loads, although the high water has!n'8ht saw the naming of a fleet Senate Confirms Postmasterships WASHINGTON I - The Senate has confirmed these nominations for Oregon (postmasterships: Is W. Heise, Adams: John G. Watts, Beavercreek: Francis L. Norton, Blachly, and Nel L. Mor fitt. Astoria. Rep. Norblad R Ore has rec ommended the appointment of Mrs. Clara Lane an acting post master at Wheeler, Ore. She would fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Mrs. Bennie B. Nunn. commander and division of the some 70 members into crews, it was announced Robert Hullette. i Albert Brant was named to the fleet commander's post. It will be his job to coordinate efforts 'between approximately half a dozen crews, each of which will be headed by a captain. Hullette explained that each crew is to get specific assign ments within the club's pro gram. Brant has conducted 1 course in boating safety for the organi zation, which has made safety on the Willamette River one of its chief promotions. The course in boating safety will continue for two more months and is open to the public. More than 50 members attend ed the Wednesday night meeting at the clubhouse behind Salem Adm. Joy, Ex-UN. Negotiator, Dies SAN DIEGO, Calif. UP - Adm. Charles Turner Joy, former chief I'nited Nations negotiator at the Korean War trure talks at Pan munjom, died Wednesday of leu kemia at the naval hospital here. He was 61. His widow said Joy had been suffering from the disease for the past four years. He was admitted to the hospital Tuesday. Joy graduated from the Naval Academy in 1916 and returned to become its superintendent in 1952 and 1953. PSCStudent PORTLAND David Inger son, 26, who didn't go to high school, tops the 'honors list in the first graduating class at Portland State College. He will get his Bachelor of Science degree Sunday, seated in a wheelchair pushed by a class mate. A victim of cerebral palsy, he speaks with extreme difficulty. He cannot walk. All of his college papers were turned in typewritten, five words . minute, because he Mgmonal Hf"P"al cannot guide a pencil to write. He , dictated his examination answers ROYALTY INVITED to his mother, with whom he com municates with greater facility DAMASCl'S 1 - Syrian Presi than with others I ('('nl Shukri Kowatly has invited His four-year course was com- 1 aul ""a Wue, rreuerma pleted in four years and his grade !nf Greece to make a state visit, point average-with 4 0 as straight , s-vrla ls n"ar neighbor of Bnt A was 3 81. 'sn Cyprus where islanders of Hi. mother Mr Frnest Tnier- of Greek origin are embroiled in son, said Dave had been privately a battle for independence and un tutored and when he wanted to wlt" Greece enter Portland Mate we were naturally concerned that the hustle and bustle of a public institution would get him down." It didn't, though, and Brock Dixon, member of the faculty of the college which the last Legis lature raised from two-year status. said the students helped make this possible. announced Wednesday Receiving awards will be: William B. Showalter, depart ment head for vocational sub jects and maintenance, and Miss Velma L. Ackles, secretary to the principal, $200 each, for superior performance based on volume of work, quality, work habits, atti tude and ability. George A. Williams Sr., school engineer, $200. for time spent in operating a 35 mm projector each weekend during the past 10 by Commodore ; years. Charles Holmes, junior high school teacher, $100 for serving as Chemawa Boy Scout leader for the past three years. Mrs. Rosetta Johnston, home economics teacher, $50 for sus tained superior work in the field of girl placement. Mayme C. Tedlock, assistant girl's guidance, $50 for unusual leadership work in girls' dormitory. Mrs. Helen Castillo, instructor aide in the Navajo program, $50 for serving as a full-time teaoher of over-age first year students for the period August 1-Novem- ber 9, Oscar Multine, instructor aide in the Navajo program, $50 for maintaining a full teaching load of non-English speaking students from August through January Emmanuel Hudson, guidance department head, $50 for work on the 76th Chemawa birthday cele bration in February, 1956. Jori.Sr. Slt proplla. cl " krik. Mil m limn m Jori.Jr. fmtm, twn mot, m m cm iro a Muomn mr m A blue whale, when the food supply is good, can put on 300 pounds of weight a day. EdptalitJCktr ITCHY ECZEMA Zemo antiseptic promptly relieves itching of surface eczema and skin rashes. It stops scratching and ids faster healing. Buy Extra Strength Zemo for stubborn cases. zemo THE JARI JR. NOW 18500 FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION 236 N. Commercial 141 Alico Avenue. Opon Friday Nights Til 9 n 'ON THE YEAR-AHEAD CAR NOW! OWN A BIG NEW CHRYSLER WINDSOR V-8 Test drive it now and choose from ihe widest selection of the year! ALL STYLES... All COLORS... IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Salem Automobile Co. Inc. 0435 N. Com'l. St.o 3-4117 PIP ' t- J J DELUXE I) I (jr " Gri) I rr) i-.x'"."' Now, it the 1mUc of tfco UrMit tir Dows 00000 ovlooo 041 aMi Alro ojdhjf oa asort nw oars thao oaf oobor W fcpor-dtshioai bj Goodyoar. h kmmm Cord Body lot ovtro osfa wwftsmi mi ox prioot aavl SAVII Jsfl.Oai iMaMMtaVdCkcajE sd r-yl ti ossa czfr 6.40 15 134.10 $U.Q o40U . HOJ 670 1 3 36.1 3 U.9 1 470 ll " 2X)S ' 'A 7.10 15 39.63 7.10 s II XUS 7.60 s 13 43.43 1M 7M 1 15 UJS .Q3 .00 15 48.35 100 15 MM Jl.f 1.30 13 50.10 7Q j.a0 li 44L40 j l.iO More poopfo rid 9 on Goodyoar tire then erfeny cthcrfklnd mm. Up to 12 Kkrtlas To (Pay $1500 (ASH GIVEN DURING JUNE! FREE Whistle Pops With Every Gasoline Purchase THIS WEEK ONLY SEE OUR FULL PAGE AD FOR DETAILS CENTER & COMMERCIAL COURT & CAPITOL KEIZER DISTRICT MARION & LIBERTY CENTER & LIBERTY GREEN STAMPS With Every Purchase -a .. "t r ". UJ 1 : y 'ml . , . ; ,. '. ,-:.;-... v ! '.- a4 - , -It ' .:. tik t 0 Si f V v1 I ' '?.! :V- ' - ;. -4 -; .' rr, ' nil " t - lit. Iff