J i (ec. II) Statesman, Salem; Ore., Thurs., June 7, '58 j: ;: Celt rGood Luck and Go Get 'Em' t'-Lavir..!!: r;:crt ''"Xrsoa. tr;!and - fivered LavamiiB poured S M la the irtch Weu.iJay ta wla the jTTth Epsom Derby la a driving tainstorm la fiv rrinet ks ate end Anight victory tN fptat Lu-ee-vetr-eid cussw. Judge etUed lor a Bnotefrtph to determin ft winner Between Lavindia and another riwaca- bred coll. MoaUvaL wned ly Safe B. Strassburg er, Norrif- fcwn. Pa., pwbttatMr who at Mm Frinee. plh victory HMrita wai a tag, Anna neck, with Irish-bred Hoi. alar another tw iHigths away la trrtrd place ia the field of 17 Com, Uvindia ii ivned by, the 17- year-old perfum miker, Flam Wertheimer. beat knowa ta Amer Icaat for nil boric, Epinerd, who raced ta three tpecial interna tioo al events at Belmont Park, Aque duct and Latonia. ICy, la 1K4. Attendance easily topped 158,000, and Included : memberi ; of the royal family beaded by Queen H other Elizabeth and.Pmc llariaret. - t Lavandi waa ridden by Rae Johnstone, Australian ttckey wha wo the derty wn My Lart to 1941 and then lit 1930 aareiy mppea the American celt Prim Simon. Fight Livens : Senator Tilts - (Cent, fro pmedlai pei pitcher. If be. had connected with that baymaher.it'a a certainty that Drummond' tenure Id the fame would have bee , Chuck tried to eattb the lorler . again, but agaiai Hipped.. Ha fi nally nailed him wlta a flying . tackle, but by then pliyeri of both Benches were in the mess 'and prevented Iseeglin frota landing any sUeabli wiUop. . Other Cet ta It Some of the ether player earn close to blow also. Bob EasUrbrook grabbed one of the Yak athlete and fan him quite I Elp, eed Aady Wge was tee tiring verbal mayhem at both Herman Reich lltd Herman Lewis, Bears ovUielders. ' Tl . .. I. tltll. ilmikl thai had LI.aJ ..(.! Ii th UtW I DIUVIft MU tV , V ,,v . ., . loo leader, and .the last place i wriKin etiiaiiiyivisiK ivbwt PORTLAND Se Bay Coach Ted OfdaU, lett, ot WUlaaNtte'a Bear cats a be petl all two bepetaU en a van Airnaea Mainneer Wcdaeaday ca rente to ft Mega end ta weeatad NAIA track aad field Aula. Half-miler Dale Hartmia, the Mph frca Rediaead Is gdetared'la ceater, Whie Wg hardier Deaa Beaaca. the sealer from Bead Is at right Bentoa Is NAIA defeating chaaap la karfles. Preiiaas far thaj week's aaeet are ta be ma off Pitaay algat, ftaaU Satarday alghC (Jehi Ertckiea photo). Arcliio Claims Heavy Title After Triumph LONDON ItVLicht Heavyweight Champion Archie Moore, his mustache and goatee freshly trimmed, claimed the vacant heavy weight throne again Wednesday, then donned a top hat and swallow UU morning coat and miked it up with the swells at the Epsom Derby, The way M-yvar-eM Archie are s - KnlOfll. Eaieglin wu ejected from the tame, . IB the first Inning of the mix Esaesiaa. bluted one of Drusa tMtad't attchaa for a tremaadwa bom ran, aver the top ot the felshoo'i ad atoa the eeorabeard. ' H drov In two run and wu vel t sort airtheratttlv clout than the on hit over the asme board last week by tugen'l Bob Giuthler. Chuck wins a wit at clothe from the Bishop firm for hi hint v. The wallop was ft littl avaiL however, a Yakima had stored five unearned run ia the first Inning, on two infield error. Lewis Has Great Night , Outfielder UwH did ilugslni It this mis ilse, but atrictly with bis bat. All ha did wis get five hits ia five trips. Including two hem rum and a tfoub!, and drov ia tight Of the Yakima rung. It wu the finest batting Mhibltlon displayed here In year, and than just wasn't any eootalning ta veteran Nigr .- Eirterbrook hemered in the wild ane ilao, in the eighth with an on and thta drove in two more runs otf Drummond ia w ninth with a basta-loaded single. AH this could al com close to mitching Lewis' individual effort, however Met Krause wa thumbed from the nix ttt the third Inning when bas mp Walt Knight called aim tut at first bate on a play that probably everyone other - than Knight figured Krause hid beat. CewdeH Baiters -- Mario ctwdett started far the Solon but was the unfortunate vic tim at the five aneamed runt. Ron Kinl took ever and did a good lob for ether than facing Lewis. Bill Walsh finished up in sharp style. Issuing ta nna and twa ait ta .Itt toning. ' Tb epeaer was kicked away for nnlucky Ad Satalich in the sixth mnlni when Hal Swansoa and Krauat committed errors that yielded th winning run. The prom inent Mr, Lewis had Singled hi a run it th first, after laUllch had Issued hi nly base a balls of the Came, and Roy Nixon's sacrifice fly drivt acres the winner after the two boots in the sixth. Salem scored la th first en singln by Jack Dunt atd Essegitn, fotlod by a doubl steal worked by Krause, who had hit into a force play, and EsaeguM. The series come ta a close h night at eight o'clock, and George, himself auite a footbatt player In his day at Willamette U, will be an the hill for th seething lena- tors. Rocky Marciano nominated mc a kla loaical sueeosser.' Manager Chancy Johnston, na turally, ia in futt agreement with hla ancient fiahter's views that Arthi is tn rightful hair to th thron because Moore knocked dwa Marciano before he himself at knocked aut in th . ninth round last September. , Mlgbl Make' Pefiartr ' Johnston laid, too, that Archie might make a "heavyweight title defense" against towering James J, Parker of Toroato la Canada next month Instead of meeting the winner of Friday night' Nw York Floyd Patterson Tommy (Hurricane) Jackson B-rounder In September, , "Atd I mean neivyweigiit championship," said Johnston, "tot light heavyweight champion ship, Archie's the heavyweight champ . now that Marciano is gone." ' Parker Not Dated Parker is not listed among the CMttnders by either the Ameri can National Boxing Assn. or by Ring Magazine. Johnston Is a master of maneu ver and most boxing men here wer of the opinion that the man ager was getting in position to demand a fatter percentage of the gat receipts for a showdown fight with th Jackson Patterson win ner,'- 50-kp Mainer To Cap Races Stock Car to Make first Bowl Showing Saturday Bight's Hollywood Bowl eute racing program, featuring th late-model stock cart, win be climaxed by tht longest tingle race at the 18 aeaaoa ta datt, a lo-lapper. This waa announced Wednesday by Raa AO, Valley Sports promoter ta charge at rac ing at the klg saucer at Portland road. - : Th meet will mark th first appearance at, th stocks hi Salem this aeaton. Tim trials win Mart at T: p.m., with trophy dash, heat romps and main events to follow. Ad also told Wednesday that a lumber of can that were In the recent NASCAR loo-mller at Port land Speedway will be her Satur day night. They include those driven by Johnny Kieper, who fin ished second to Herb Thomas of South Carolina, Gordy Haines, who led that race much of the way before tire trouble knocked him ut. Hal Hardesty. Art Watts. Royce Haggerty, Andy Wilson, Harold Beal, Lou Sherman and others. Ail win 'have the complete list of driver and their cars by to morrow. He report that 13 of the 1936 models will be m th running here. We n have well ever tso.ooo worth of new racing equipment on the track tor what should bt the biggest and beet stock car race ever offered here," Ail added. The oldest cars in the race will be 19M Olds driven by Donnie Nelson and a 1934 Hudson Hornet driven by Bob Carroll. All others will be either 193 er IMS models. Round Robin Pros Ready NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. - The 16-man Round Robin profes sional golf tournament the only one of its kind returns to the old Wykagyi Course Thursday aft er a three-year stand on Long Is land. Besides providing New York area golf faas with their only ma jor pr event each year, the Round Robin offers the limited field a rugged tuneup test for the National Open at Rochester, N. V Do It Every Time TWEVTTH 4UVfVS SOU4S TO VERM 11 TO SOLVI THEIR OTOCfi PSCSUMS-Ut SEEMS HEj (0LW4V5 OM TMt fMU-U4StfT rXNC UfcMNITtTl-y fcX&USTTVB H4TERUL . By Jimmy Hatlo 1 V ' .-' v 1 LOOK BUfcr-WWfc I I invnunimnu )r I ,.i.irt(ni L l bt avtPvnany ansa A V POX, BISDOMW L wwokv; 1 cejtlsi.li IfB-? PVMtJC iwawatt-xwaw'J a a -tap of jr::-. trs 1 JS&'iSI "Bp) 5 wvrwrNMuROf-f Sockol Yd Lint Scores fswi .. OM o-l J ll I ! rrsa oos ni sol o 1 1 .Slnl1tt and OrtMa; Otttni an !spi Cama: am VMM. w as est Sos-4 i l Srhkllwk, KeniieCy () and OrM tjtawnmr. Croa at ana hwwbi t Vancouver nJi.: ) M I 1 1 f uii.utt( 101 MO OOx 4 1 I (Duron. aarcy it) a Uar- an) ana f Hwt im (t lnnln;l i i,4x.i. Ik nno lw 1 IB ! mr4U. rode til. 1 .nh- k Jon. rithtr 11), Mroiln kl t), Ownhraa. t' MI BriU '. Bowm fml . - k . fif.'Sfiattl ! Tfhotpe ai Ttm. Suaka Owe Flrrt Oame: Taklmt (I) Salem (I) that shot WilMHi.l loon Dunn m S 1 2 0 Wilcox. 113 5 Szrkuli.I I 0 1 0 Mnrer.i 1 o o 0 P Raw.2 l 1 4 s UwU.r 110 0 Erln,2 lilt Hixon.l I I tl ( S.lrb,l lilt nnnJ ill) Webotr.i till Nral.e S 1 1 0 Swiun.3 2 0 0 1 Mtrkact I I I 1 Korpl e till tck till tleh. till Klnf.x 10 0 0 WUma.d 110 Touts M S 21 11 Totals II 111 10 Grounded out: Koepf n 7th. Struck out: Satiltrh in 7th Yakima 100 Ml 01 I 3 Salem IO CM 1 I 3 Lett an bawi: Yakima 4; Salm I Errors: Rennet. WllcM, Webatrr. Mikacich. Swanaoit, Krauw. Buna batted in: Lewi), Mann. tacrlllct: Kaakulk, Swanton. Mnr- cl.. Nlion my). Stole ban: EMtgian. Krinif Double ptayi: SwinMm to Krauiie t taattrbnmk. Rnenkar tn Wllrox U Ninon. Eaaterbrook Umaasistrd). Time: 1:10 Untslntt: Knight and Ktllay. Second Cama: YakllM til) laltm () b h o a bHoa Wllrot.l 8 10 1 Dunn.m Sill Morci.m till Szakula.l 4 0 10 Wil.onJ 111! Krauw.2 1011 Naal.c I1SS Raesin.r 3216 Reii'h.l lOOl Kutrbrk.l 4 2 10 0 Lwta,r list wibatr i 4111 Nixon. 1 4 10 BwnanJ 4012 Mikarh.l till Earl.r I I 9 Beavers Win 8th Straight (Cent, from preceding page) sat oa shortstop Jack LittreU's error and raced to third on pitcher Dav Hoskini' . single. Moor came home on an infield tut. Hoskini held the Beavers score less until the sixth, when they pushed over their three runs. Tom Saffell and Louis Marque singled and then first baseman Ed MickeS soa doubled, scoring both runners. After two were out, Sam Calder one singled to left, scoring Mick elson. The Padres got their second unearned run in the eighth. Al Federoff hit in his loth straight game. Dick Young failed to touch second base when Llttrel! threw to him after fielding Floyd Robin son's grounder and all hands were safe. Dick Sister then singled In Federoff. In other PCL games Wednesday. Hollywood beat Vancouver -l; Sacramento lost a doubleheader to Los Angeles, 17-7 and 5-0; and San Francisco split with Seattle,! winning 4-1 and losing J-l. ' Partita Baa Btato (2) ab h a o ab h a a Rifrellef 1 I I IVdnrf.l 111 Marian.rf S 0 1 0 Robin rf 4 0 10 Marqi.lf 4 2 5 0 Usher.rf 4 0 10 Mlklm.l 3 I 10 0 Siiler.l 4 113 Baxet.3 2 0 0 1 Kazak 3 4 0 1 2 Young.2 3 I S 1 St Clr.f 4 2 11 Cldrne.c 4 110 Elliott. K 4 111) l.itrell.M 4 I I t Mnore.sa 3 0 13 Ornell.p 4 I S t a-Rapp 100 Hii.kns p 3 111 b-Mrsn 10 10 ratal! 33 7 27 12 Totali M 6 27 10 l-Pomd runner tot Moor In Sth. b-struck out for Hosklns In 9th Portland 0110 003 0OO3 San Diaso Mil 008 eio-l B Baxa, Younf, Urtrell. S gaf fell RBI ftoblnon. Mii-helton 2 CaMerone, Malar. SB-MiTkclaon. DP Young. Llttfell and Mickelaon. ltt -tartlan S; San Dteto S. BB, off Hoskini 4. Darren 1 SO, bv-Hoknl 1. Darnell 1. HO Hoikins 7 in 9: Darnell 8 In B. R-ER-Hoakins 3. 3 Darnell 3-4 W -Darnell t-S 1 Hoaklm 1-3. ( Orr, MuUrt and Ashford. A-D75. T 1 . Cascade Wins; Keizer Victor Cascade Meats skunked Prison Officers, 14. aad Ktiaer Electric defeated Western Paper, M, ia a pair of CapiUl League aoftball games last light at Phillips Field. Cascade got 10 hits in running up It one-sided victory. Big hitters tor the winners wer Harold Busby and Hank Juran with a pair of triples. Hank Ercolini af Cascade ilammed a bases loaded aomer ia the fifth inning Cal Bonney and Lee Gustafson Joined forces to limit the Prison outfit to one hit. that given ap ky Benney in the fourth frame, though h wasn't responsible. A high pop Ry dropped unfended ia front f home plate when the Cascade in field got its signals mixed up. Keizer put together 11 hits to tew up its victory. Rodney Roe threw thret-hit ball for the victors a his mates scored six runs in the first inning, two ta the fourth and one ta the fifth. Western Paper scored one ia the second inning, two in the fifth and in the sixth. Losing hurler was Bob Reeves. Big blow of the game was Morris Y., next week. The pros'ptay for ,w 5 lnpre ,or RmCT In inf J1J.O00 pot. The eat Ira gat," 'T. ' . . J , ! receipts go to chartties. ' 7n'K"'v ,, ?wl , i Sam .Wart wh k. won th. fH ba team will play a; Round Robin four times, includii' Jrncte amc at 7 f .m at Ptul the past two years, puts himself i "ld ,t.n tn Salem M"- in about Hit same class. He main- """ weu-nown arc. gins taina his outtiM is off and he m. At I. National Guard wiU doeaa't have a ehanc. imeet MF in a Capital League go. The Round Robin I unique Wi that the best score doesn't neces sarily win. Each player matches his score against those of throe then en each round and the troopings change so they ill come face-to-face once before the event ends. "Plus" points are awarded for each stroke by which a player beats one of the others and "mi nus" points assessed in reverse. Albert of 49crs Has Grea t Hopes For Earl Morrall sam mfasrjtONKb Frank ie Albeit at th prtfMtiort al Saa Franclxpi Oers km great hopes tor MicMgaa State' All America ajuarterback Earl Mor rill, but be het ctmntmg on him too much for the coming Drawn. "Some linemen can move in the first year, but learning tN signal system tnd past patterns takes tfme-Htnress Mom II la a superman," said Albert en hit r e t a r a from Mtcnigta State where be signed the field fewer if of last seasea'r Spartaa toot-' bill team. :. ' "AH our eggs art ia Y. A. Tiitle't basket for last, be add ed. -1 1.. . wtL Ltt KM C LEAGLERS TO DRILL Dickson's C League Baseball team will practice tonight at 6 p.m. at Liberty School, Coach Bob Kimble announced Wednesday. It will be the second practice for the team. Boys living in an area bounded by Hansen Avenue and nth, and between the ages of t ana i arc eligible for th team. Cascade .... 415 25-11 10 S Officers . 800 00- l 8 Gustation, Bonney (3) and Bus by; Hackett and Lucas. Keizer 600 210 11 S Western 010 021-4 ) 7 Roe and Peckham; Reeves and Brown. Tide Table Trnrs ron rrr. orkgon (Compiled bv U. S Coa and Geodetic Survey. Portland. Oregon) Tim Height Htfh Wstera June 7 II :W a.m. 10:51 p.m. I 12 49 p.m. 11:31 pm. 1:31 pm. ft. 4 7 73 4 9 71 11 :M aJB. 1:81 sun. 71 1.1 Time Height Low Watera ft 1.21 am. 4 44 pm. 13 a.m. 1:39 o.m. 4 57 a m. 2SJ p.m. 7:42 a.m. T 11 BM. NATIONAL LlAGVt Prilladetvhii at Ctnolnnatl-Haddi (3-21 v. rowlT (4-Sl. Brooklyn at Mtlwaake Enkim l-5i va. Buhl 14-J). Ptttbur)!h at Chicaio race i4-2i vj. Rush 1 4-2). Only game scheduled. AMERICAN I tAtilK Chicago at Washington Donovan iS-ll vi. Stone il-li. Il-ll r Wynn li-tv v Wight i2-Si .Karam City at New Yort -Kelinw (1-1 1 va. Tiirley iJ-2). Detroit at Bolton Lary 14-5) vs Sullivan (3-3i. Pirates Keep Eilge In National Qiase (Cent, from preceding' pige) Baltirnore while Dw Chicago Vhlte Sox were walloped 12-7 at Wash ington. Tboma. shifted from the out field tt third base, J it nway for flw Pirates, smacking hli lith hofiwr with twa an la the fifth, Clemente, who M a homer among bis four hits in four trips, now has a string of seven cos- drove in two runs for the A's. Clevdand scored two in th fourth on two waits and threw singles, ' then added three in the fifth with the help of double by Al Smith atd Al Rosen. Art Hout temaa, leaving vrith a aorc shouK derxtn the sixth, and Hay Nar leski bad a joint shirtout until th Birds scored on a walk and an error "with two out in the ninth. The Senators put the White Sox cutive hits ami a en-game ,way1wW Ax in iht gtfk kit streak. Ronnie Klme won his fifth, wa&irtg one, with a six-hit ts. ftettre tt ta IMter Horiog and Carlos Paula had third-inning aomer among the Nats' II aits. Minnie Minoao wa taken to the hospital for tarty winy nnioneuik,r n l VWffl Wins Belmont Th Phils' Sta "Milter bad re-, after beinc struck on the arm bv tired 1 men la order and led H ; Washington starter Bob VJBcsler. before anerimati touched off th -Connie Grob won in relief. seven-Inning blast. Rotltwon's 13th; homer came with two on: Bell'a.inria lift 1 'e-JBold Ruler ant rtKefer Johnny Antonell drov la the winner I naii who had tied a two-out run in tne ninth. 35111s Kinder won in relief.' Foster CasM NEW YORK - Undefeated tlemnn, replacing Hnk Thomp-'Sold Ruler, a sensational dark son who was beaned. Closed Gi-i 3-year-old colt from the Wheat ant scoring with Nomer off ky Stable, won his fifth consecu starter Tom Poholsky In Vhe sixth. ; tive race Wednesday when he Thompson suffered i sevfre eon- gped down the Widener straight euatina. He was wearint a plas- course to win the 80th runninv tic helmet. lof the Juvenile Stakes at Belmont The Dodgers made it kourPark. straight and came within tight The flashy son of Nasrullah points of th fourth-place Braves Wise Diseo showed all the ouali while handing Gene Conley Ms -ties -of a champion as he collared second defeat. Duke SMder horn-. vawinu nairan wun Reiser Sets Army Record COMPTON. Calif -Ken Reiser, a twiner University af Oreann track, star, set a new ill- Army record Wednesday for ttt ertd tn the Dodger first, and aton trtan an eighth of a mile re- i Hank Aaron s two-run norrfer m "" ms feat was trtvwhadowed. , fh Rrnnk, wtt nn. eri'ort to win by a length. the 90-rri4eT per- in the Hvinl and amrwt the ctiarh-; An odds-on favorite of the crowd by ttte B-rrie4er per-: In the Hvinl and amrwt the rtinrh formanc af Tom Courtney of tbojer In tb fifth on i b!t-bdrd -.af Afifl. the Wheatley entry paid Fnytack as Sammy WhSe smacked his tecond two-run aitt- 1st Army, a former Pordham ace. Courtney ran the fastest am meter race In the nation this year as the tvrn-day Army meet eaded. Hi itpM tt.M 1. a rii..f. u. h ik. ak. if t af the game. Torn Brewer won " v o vvmpM his eigtttb, but xtM tke De Reiser's time in the stwule deck's relief in a two-run Detroit f n was set ia'isa by f arrea TLti walk by Randy Jackson. W sz.io aru az.io. king Hairan . . .... ... -a a. A tn j a A am n Ta..i Beehw broke up a Mil tic mta : murnw . a.w. n.Ui inrea rutia in th .Ichlh off Paul r rned $21,K) and boosted hn Dnrtchr af the Snd Armv Reiser was the NCAA twfrmOe champ for Oregon ia MS. Joost Turns 40, Rapped -IV "I I SAN FRANCISCO - This is how life began at 4 for San Fran cisco Seals Manager Eddie Joxrft: 1. His team lost 5-t to Seattle in 11 innings Tuesday after hold ing a four-run lead through six. 2. Later he learned Leslie O'Connor, PCL president had sus pended him five days for a boef -1 with umnire Mel Steiner in the 2 1 1 second game of last Sunday's doo 2.1 1 blp header Coach Glenn Wright "13 1 will Ka artinfr n-mnftffm- rrirouffri next auirnay. It wasn't a happy 40th birthday for Joost. Handle Oil Wins Corvallis Game CMcc . ... 30S71M 010- 7 111 Washington , 012 330 00x-12 13 1 Staley. rhnvedl 1.1). Conattrfra (51, KTarttn 131 and .Mossr Wjesle' Grol (I I, Chakalea (85 and Berberet. Cleiveland . WW !:! 0OO-S 7 1 Baltimore . 000 M0 0011 I 1 Hoirtteman. Narleskj iSi and Av. rill: Johmon. Blown (9) and Trl- ndoa. Kanaas City : 113 OBJ- I IS 1 New York 305 100 01 10 12 0 Uaaorda, Harringtton 13), Crlmian (li, Burtachy ill, Gorman- (SI and Thompaon; Grim, Byrne O) and Barn. Detroit . Ml O01 002-4 10 1 CauWe was the win-1 aiainst the A's special defensive ,;, .", rang'efiucker for St. Marks. shift. Vic Power, with 4-for-5. firewer. ttfiork' mi and wwra. ST. MARX'S WINS TITUS St. Maitn Utheraa defeated Highland friends H-ta at dinger Field Thursday night In third game of t two out of three game playoff ror tne junior church League soft' nan tnie w hit a grounder that somehow got lost inside third baseman Billy Klaus' shirt. Yogi Bern's 15th homer and Bi9 Skewroa's second helped the Tanks along although the A' out bit 'em u-tl. Bob Grim won his third with Tommy Byrne tn re lief. Mickey Mantle singled in the ftrst for Ms only hit he fanned and flier! out in his two at bats earnings to tttitm American League (Cent, from preceding psge) Luby was Informed, "but when do we play him afield the man to put Tanselli either at Short of third, give him plenty j four hits in going the route 01 won ana i nim none . . . CORVALLIS-'Specinli- Ranrlle Oil defeated Norcds BuiMers of Corvallis here Wednesday night. 1-1, in eight innings. Winning t ,,),,. nitokn Dnh VnM mal.loH Km) Mrs. Cereii Tops Oak Knoll ikU VO-OSC Grid Came to Be Televued Folks already wearying about their Oregoa-Oregon State foot ball lame tickets far aext Naveniaer'i mix at CoreillW ran relax, at least a little. That aae ht ta be carried a the reflmif televtslta hookup for the Saturday games earing the srasrn. and will be plavcd right saaack la tht middle af year Hvtag room . . . Speaking af the OSC footballers, their iprhtf practice roster lists three aapirants from what wa Ute ta call rar area. There hi Jeta Clarke. Ike aaakv end tram Central HI of Manmoeth. Kadepeadeaee, Larry Chamberlain, fuUback from Sheridan High and Bug Randall, the rtrM center fram Estacada. ' North Salem High's Terry Salisbury Isal Rated an the roster because af hli hwliKibllity. but exoccti ta make thlncs ap lafTiririrtiy to try for an end berth when Tammy Prethre calls the Revos forth ia September . . . Aad la hwklag ever the Bearer raster, we note ta less thai 21 aaatraats tram California, three from Hawaii, aae from Texas, aae Ira Washington, one from Mon tana and the rest (IS) from ear ewi state. Wonder if that will bring about a PCC Investigation? . . . Randle got its first run in the fifth inning when Woody Hall sin gled and Wally Cnruh tripled. In the eighth, L'nruh singled and lat er scored on a single by Dick Nor ton. Don Bassett and Ihmih gwt two hits apiece for the victors. Noreds scored its only ran in the second inning. Randle 000 m l-2 7 Noreds lit 00 90-1 4 Knight and Hall; Buettgenbaeh and N. Gufledge. What . : ',' ji ii 'c Part of . . . I tLjfa t I, " 4 NWL Line Scores Flnt game: it innings) 1 Wenatchee . 101 om a4 5 1 Lewiston 001 1-2 .1 Lynrr and Lundtiert; Waflsworth and Donahue. Second game: Wenatchee 300 40 200- S 10 1 LriM-tcm (101 003 033 1 II 2 The narrow margin between winning a ball game and losing n'VJh11 rfane?'?' s' one was never more obvious than the other night when the Waters ; wadswoAh Isi and" Donaiwi and Field residents blew that wful 17-t thing to the Yakima Bears inia , 10 uuungg. Mel Krause, relieving for Jerry Cade, had a 10-9 lead in Mr. John Gcren topped Oak the ninth, with two out, nobody on base and a 3-2 count on rookie Knoll ladies' play yesterday at the Nick Mikacich His next pitch was called a ball, even though Krause course by taking both low net and and catcher Harv Koepf both figured it could have been called a low gross honors She shot a 42. strike. That would have ended things then and there, with Salem and St. Mrs. Al Cleveland was second In low gross and Mrs. Art May second in low net with a 46. Meanwhile, next Wednesday the ladies will -start their spring handi- orumd.p iiii Cowai.a oo i cap tourney and today will travel w.7Vs VI lht f Countrr c,ub u wumi x o o i Ply ladies there. winning' 10 1 A Wee Margin Can Mean an Awful Lot Kvrn later an hi the same htaiat. after Krause had walked twt. he had a rwa-trtrike canal aa Erwayne Wttrex whei he again naned a BhVk ttateward that brought a howl fram oa. lookers whei tt was called a baR. Wllrax evtalaally doubled ta tie the ueare, that bringing about the nightmarish leth inning. FREE ESTIMATES On Floor Covermgi . NORMS-WALKER PACT COMPANT 111 Front Pnone 4Z27I total 3110 21 1 Total! 34 1 17 10 Walked: Eaiegtan In 91 h YiHimt mt mi mo ii ti t Balam M ON Wa- til Winning pitcher: Drummond (1-0): Inainc pitcher, Cowdtll (l-ll, Pttehar ip at ha rt r to bl Drummond I 34 ?, I I I I Cowdall "j I I I I I I King I M I 1 I 4 4 Walut I'i nil I I I I Hit tty nitcner: wuion By King. Wllana ky Wolah. Mft on aoaaot TMima I. naieea 10 trrant WeOater, Swanaaa, Nllon, Warraa WltaMi, Home mm; tamilan. trail (tt. gafrbfanli. ' Twahae hi tat tauli. Naal, Rum Butte hv Lewn a, Mlkarlch I, Eaaogtaa a, taitorhrook 4. Dffiefelt pllya: Dunn to Kmuae. Warrati tn tari ta tatarbroet. . ,Tlmt: 1:58. Vmplraai K alley an Xnilht, tjttaaaca Ht, INttional League (11 inntnfi) New York . 010 001 000 001 I 1 St. Louia m DOS lot 011 1 0 Cktfnoi, MrCall III, Wllhelm 110) AntneiatU (111 and Kail, Waatrum It), PnhoMty, Ksnatanty (71, Kinder (ti an BarnU Philadelphia lot) oot OO03 1 1 Clnetnnaa . M 000 41x 7 1 1 8. Miller B. Millet and Lpata; Lawrence, maman (ll, and Bailey Pltubunfh t03 040 asa-l It 6 Chicago . 000 300 eso I 4 1 mine an Patten: Mlnner. Valen- nnottl. (4, jema ii, Davla (ll and Landrltn. Bimkiya ... 1 lot oin iJoi 1 1 Milwaukee mo one aawwt i u Canity, Mhnaoa (1), tloatar ) tnd met, cranaau ftt So when you see the athletes squawking over railed pitches, even though they might seem so insignificant at the time they're called, i yon now know why they complain. The width of an inch can mean ' the difference between winning and losing a ball game ... ! oat nawi at tkte week pat RaeH forth when Vera Gil more, ' chief af the ctty'i Summer recreational program tor me play- I graaadt, told that aa oipaaded haaebafl plan for the small fry had aeon cooled ap. There wtft be aa leas thaa nine fields for the kkli la play aa, aad this meant at least nine learns tor bora from 7 la I yean at ace. aad nine more far thoar fram I la 11. Farther mare, all play wfll be ander the itnteryhilaa af earn patent play greuada aepartiweat men, Johnny Dirk, Tom Warrea ta Laa DeLoretto, Add this new setup to the already formed Junior Baseball League's (IS teams) and the Capital Pott Legion wilfit, ind you auiekly get the idea (hat Salem is doing wonderful Job for its btsebiB minded boys during the Summer months. , Wi ttl t think of another thing w'd Ilk U set sncw-beJl any mora rapidly . . WMi rcmembcr DAD .Arrow Shirt AND REMEMBER THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IS FOUND AT "THE ARItOW STORE" ALEX JONES Jtot at Hinh 3 Current Earnings Goes for. . . SA VINGS? Are you getting your fair share of the money you earn? Or do you pay every body else ... the butcher, the baker, the electric-light maker . . . and fail te keep a cut of your paycheck for yourself? Start now to make sure you do get your share . . . save before you spend. First thing every payday, deposit a part of your earnings wittt SALEM FEDERAL . . . get the habit of saving regularly, and see how fast your money grows. SAVE BY JUNE EARN FROM THE 1st SALEM FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION OpjMisite the Courthouse at 560 State Mamltar: Flri levlrtft and loan Imrurinc CoraertHort