Fistic EBraivI ,): Climaxes SabiSrValdma vSaraes lams , Clemente, Ihonias JSoost lues by Long Senators Lose Both Clashes Final Series Game Scheduled Tonight By AL LIGHTNER Statnmia Spnrtu Editor La night's Yakima -Salem Northwest League baseball double header wound up in a fistic brawl at Waters Field, a hot-tempered rouser in which Chuck Essegian, the burly former All-Arfterican football linebacker at Stanford Uni versity tried to tear Yakima's Negro flinger, Charley Drummond, into two parts The fight came about in the ninth inning of the second game, after Yakima had won the opener 2-1, and was leading the nightcap by a 12-4 score. Essegian was at bat with two on and one out. Earlier in the game tfle hard throwing rookie pitcher, owned by Baltimore, came close to Esse- gian's noggin with a pitch, and Chuck let him know about it. The first Drummond pilch to the big outfielder in the ninth sailed over his head, a near miss. Bull-Like Charge Kssegian dropped his bat and charged toward Drummond with pll the viciousness of a mad bull. He had a right hand cocked for war. hut just as he let it fly he slipped and missed the fleeing (Continued page 14, eol. 1) Woodburn '9' Dumps Salem WOODBLRN-i Special) - Wood burn's Legion baseball team down ed Salem's. 5-3, in the opening tilt of the season for both teams here Wednesday nifht. V'ondhiirn c'urkrr .lorry Chap prllp st ruck out 17 n:rn and smacked a triple rnd double in aid his own cause. The Woodlnirfts exploded lor live runs in the third inning and never scored again. For Salem, Kent L a m m e r s cracked a triple and Bob Jantze got two singles in three tries at the plate. Salem -banged out a to tal of nine hits, Woodburn 10. Sa lem used two hurlers. Grant Todd and Bud Chappelle. Jerry Vestal got three hits in four trips for Salem and Schmidt smacked a home run for Wood burn. The Salems scored one run each in the first, third and fifth frames. Swatsmen Compare Hitting Pointers . rV: . ' 1 1 jri : ' in. A f'f. . s" I.- n't 4 11.-1 '' ,- Woodburn (J) h h o 4 A It talrm (!) h h Barnes in 4 1 Franz. J KWIrv.2 4 0 4 Uttr I Vestal s 4 .1 J McCall m l.ammers.l 4 2 1 Schmidt 3 Jante I 3 2 1 Chapelle.p Carda r 4 1 .1 Moore. 1 Reeves .1 4 0 4 Rappee M.L'affrv 1 0 0 Farr.r Russell r .10 3 Pelat7.i C.ent7er.l 1 0 0 Tnridp 1 0 1 Mailer. t 1 0 ! ( happell.t 2 n l Tntali .17 t24 Totals .17 9 25 Totals x-suhstitued for Reeves in 8th ri-substituted for Russell in 9th. f-hatted for Todd in 4th. t-suhstltuted for Todd Salem lol din ooo-;i 9 I Woodburn 005 000 000- 5 10 1 Home runs: Schmidt Three-base h its : Schmidt. Chap pelle. Lammer. Two-base hits: Chappelle. Tiger Streak Cut by Boston Yanks Bounce Bark ; Nats Pound Chisox By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS . Dale Long, Frank Thomas and Roberto Clemente powered Pitta burgh past the Chicago Cubs, 8-2, j Wednesday to retain the Pirates' slim National League lead. And in the American, Boston ended Detroit's winning streak at seven games, 5-4, while first place New York broke iU four-game slump, 10-5,. over Kansas City, the Yan kees hold a 14 -game bulge. Long, whose 16th homer came with a man on in the first, left the game with a pulled leg muscle after a second-inning single. The injury was not considered serious. Reditu Belt Phils Cincinnati stayed within four percentage points of the Btics, belting Philadelphia 7-3 on seventh-inning homers by Frank Rob inson and. Gus Bell that gave un beaten Brooks Lawrence his sev enth victory. St. Louis, four points back of the Redlegs. took (he New York Giants. 3-2, hi 11 in nings. And Brooklyn made it three straight over the faltering Milwaukee Braves, 5-2, as Don Newcombe won his eighth. Cleveland held second in the American with a 5-1 decision over (Contiaied page 14. col. f ) Bobby Boyd Stops Savage CHICAGO I Bobby Boyd of CHICAGO Pltuhurrh Pirates' first baseman Dale Lont. riiht. shows Chlcan Cobs' shortstoo Ernie n'g. no z rmwicweigni con- " - . . . . - . . . .. tanfor foIIiaH Inr lflh nu.uII Banks some points regarding the bat before game Wednesday at Wrigley Kleid. Long is leading , . , 1 the National League in home runs with 15, while Banks is fourth with 12. Pirates won game, 8 2, tnical out game Milo nd Long hit home run. (AP Wirephoto). 'ji S.3 Kf 1 . televised bout at the Chicago Sta- !dium Wednesday msht. Savage had carried the fight to his rangier opponent until the final two rounds when his left hip, injured when he slipped out of the ring in the fourth round, gave way. Savage slipped once in the ninth round and then went down again for an official knockdown. Then, with the 10th and final round only 27 seconds old. Boya landed a sharp right to the head and Sav age buckled to the canvas. Tries t Get t'p He tried to get up, but his left leg seemed to collapse and Ref eree Joey White signaled the end. Boyd weighed 158i and Savage 1594. It was reported Savage, who Gun Tourney Opens Today fl)teiion statesman ' iv ri r 1) HtlHM 4-Day Meet At Salem Club The annual Oregon State Trap- shooting Tournament expected to lure almost 300 marksmen from numerous western states, if the weather is cooperative, opens fire today at the Salem Gun Club. The J ! i SfatP:man Salpm Orp Triiir limp 7 '56 (Sec ID-13 condave- wnich wil1 turn out overbad handed Boyd his last defeat. j t Matesman, Salem, ure., inurs., June f, oo tc. nj i.Km in ,rophieii and another w. Apri 18 195.5suffcrcd , brui5e B.M l II III i 000 plus in cash purses, will con clude Sunday. Many of the participants were over side. All floating rib on his left three officials had Boyd on the club firing lines Wednes- leading on points when the fight day, the meet's official practice ended. Referee Whjte called it for dav I Boyd, 87-83, through nine rounds. Todays shooting, starting at 9!judEe jamcs McManus voted 88- M 10 23 a m., will include the "Salem 100. a 100-target event at 16 yards and the Cherry City Handicap, an other 100-target carding. ThU that elr New Oreeon basketball coach Steve Belko isn't exactly a total "l"" I1!'" Friday. 81, while Judge Harold Marovitz had it 88-83. When Savage tried to get up in the 10th, his manager, Jack Mc Carthy, called for Referee White Steve has another wee tie-in also, prior to going to Idaho, Belko play ed on the same basketball squad with Vie Townsend, who later turned out to be quite a standout under Hobby Hobson at Oregon. 'and on the same football team with the late Buck Berry, who also went on to Oregon In become ! auito a fullback. Steve was a J first-striniier on both sauads at Cor.wton. and we can still see northwkst LRAfiVR him playing end (or the Tartar Yakima Vm Wnu-he 14 24 tftfl footballers and trying to" catch l.ewsin is 12 Spokane 12 2i W4 the fleet Jackie Robinson, the cur F.ugene is 13 .mi salem a 23 .321 , rent Brooklyn Dodgers star who Trl-Clty 19 14 576 h gl Wedneydav results' At Salem 1-6, . ... . . Yakima 2-12; it Lewuton 2-io. Wei- Pasadena JC . . . We ve known tehee 4-9, at Spokane-Tri-City, Belko for many years, and l!. of "ln jO. faithful can rest assured they stranger to the university, inasmuch as he played there for the Idaho ,,n '"nay me icia win nang(to halt the bout, because Savage Vandals during his fine seasons for them in the late 1930s. But away ' laJ&els- 81 lb yas-1 could hardly stand on his left leg. u.'Kn i rnmntnn .limine Pnlieffe ln deciding the Oregon Class ! Championships in AA. A. B, C , lf have a capable coaching gent at the helm of the Webfoot basket- Bad break for Linficld's VERN GILMORE Kspands kids' program and D. Also, the Oregon Doubles j fl W 150 pairi will determine state DCaVCFS Will B and C titlists. The first half of the Oregon State Singles, 100 targets at 16 : I yards, will take place Saturday ! morning and will be followed by j the Governor's Handicap, another 100-target event in the afternoon. The latter is actually the prelimi nary handicap State 'Cap Sunday Sunday's finale will see the sec ond half of the singles champion ship shot off, along with the main event of the four-day meet, the Oregon State Handicap. The cream of Oregon trapshoot- 8th Straight SAN DIEGO. Calif, i Bob Darnell scattered six hits in pitch ing Portland to a 3-2 victory over San Diego Wednesday night for the Beavers' eighth straight Pa cific Coast League win. Both of the San Diego runs were un earned. The win pushed Portland into a virtual tie with Sacramento for third place. Both teams arc eight ers. along with many from Wash-:fmr " ,01 lnf. ington, Idaho. California. Utah Meadows Results N v n 3 -fis standouts for Sparks' champion WU troupe. Sophomore Mull, rhlraro m 26 jM.lrom Sacramento, will go on to Michigan to play in the NCAA finals too Not had lor a soph, eh? . . . Gene lansem s oeoui wun ine Tulsa club of the Texas League last Sunday was a dandy Clarence Moore, leading off the third inning for the Padres, was (Continued page 14, rol. 3) PACIFIC (OAST LEAGl'K W I. Pet W !. Pi t T. AnEls 39 19 fi72 Sn Dedo a 22 .467 seauie si Z4 mw s. r rlsro z. .12 " . ., 1 anH MvaH. .r. Aviuwtiwl I. h.v. srrn to .ki 2 s;w Hoiiwd 24 m am sophomore flash Bill Machamer in not selling to run in me aaia i j ' . '" -: of ,ne Beavers ''wednesdaV.t.TrsanDVn'. "rals at San Diego this weekend The Madras swm.y pm.ea a " Pnrtland .1. at Hnllvwood 4. Vani-ou- leg mUSCIC During practice me Oiner tiay anu una iu linns uic uiK i ver l: at Sacramento 7-fl. uw Arrets 1 onc e mjn nnvc hepn a rca threat in the 400 meters . . . And I 17-y .t sn Franc, 2-4. Seattle , spcakjng o(. ,h( Dean Benson and Dale Hartman have been I 'setting all the hullabaloo about their trip to the San Diego finals.! ntioni. l.FAGtE ,., ! But other Willamette Bearcat sportsters who will definitely he j Pittsgh 25 17 595 Brokyn 23 19 mh amnni; those present are Hun Mull and Kay Myers, lenni.s pidyins C inrntl 26 IS Sfll N St I.oui 27 11 5B7 Mllwke 20 1 6 556 Wednesday rmltv at ("incmnflti v. Philadelphia 3; at Milwaukee ?.. P-rnoklyn 5; at Chir-ago ? PlttshurEh a c, t i v... v.. ..I. 1 n. Hi ci. i."um .,. it i-u., ....... , . IIMIDWIW i U n e a Ml I me K-w '", ; Maxwell. Del Second race, S furlonK. 3 up purae i Vernon. Boston S60O Sidnev Light iMrDnwelli 4 50 , Kuenn Detroit 2 40. ISO Rare Queii' ion iShermanl Berra NY 2 60. 2 70; Bow River iKrowleal 3 40:jskoron NY quinlela 00. time 109 3 I Lollar. Chlrao Third race. 5', (urlongf. 3-year-old ' Goodman. Boaton maidens; ourae S600; Good .ludre I Wert. Cleve iMcDowelli 3.10 2 Ml, 240; Nevada Runnels. Wash. Gal 'Gihonl 32 9(1. 10 50 Errant Gernert. Boston Prinee 'Knowlei 4.10. quiniela 56 Muddv Firat rare. 350 ynrdn. quarter hnrs- nui-Bm ftllW r.1,,.1 I... D..I1I.. S() good ' err I 4 80. 2.811 2.4(1. Kirk Them Major League ffi leaders n.i kn r ih m.irit lUrt I'nrl. llni'h I .nhv to tell him about iBoi J.00. 310: Puddlnit Foot nun mi ".-.- "''"- -'" " 1 . . (Knowleal 2 90; Quinlela HBfl. Time AMERICAN I.EAI.l'E W 1. Pet W 1. P. t N V. 30 17 .63 Detroit 22 22 500 C 'eve 23 19 56 Baltlm. 29 26 .435 Chicago 21 16 5.18 Wi 50 28 417 Bn.ton 22 22 5"0 K City 18 2(1 409 Wednesday 12. Chtcagn land 5: at N S at Bntnn 5. Detroit 4 it Gino bashed six line drives In ine aotioieneaoer, ann was piay ing in the otilfield detensivcly. "The guy looks like he can hit, (Continued page II, rol. 41 22 5"0 K Cltv 18 2(1 409 -rrrj t T Tzr V enatchee, lironcs York in. Kansan Clt.i ' " v Split Doubleheader AMERICAN I.EAGl'E g ah r h pet. 47 177 47 71 4111 35 110 26 42 .382 34 119 111 43 .301 44 164 21 86 359 38 143 30 49 .343 37 124 19 41 .331 36 121 16 39 .322 39 159 30 SI .321 44 156 25 49 .314 43 162 17 49 .302 37 116 17 35 .302 Home runs: Mantle. Nrw York. 21; 15; Baurr. Nrw Stan Anderson Hits Hole-in-One Stan Anderson, South Salem High School student, was a hap py lad yesterday after sinking a hole-in-one at Salem Golf Course's third hole. Stan used a Na. 4 iron in rack ing his startling 190-yard shot into the cup.' He was playing with Jim Roth, and Hugh Hamp ton. Stan's effort is the third hnle in-one hit this year at the course. Others were by Clay Dyer and Pete Anderson, no relation to Stan, vffio is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Anderson, 1035 Cascade Dr. Fourth rare. 5 (urlon?. 3 up. putse Won Te Meddler iKnowlriu 4 20. i.160 2 50 On Your Mark I Dixon I II M nn rt. . r... i cw--. . An LEWISTON, Idaho Wen-1 third and ninth innings as Wen-. qnirU MM: time jroo i atchee and Lewiston split a North-1 "tehee pitcher Chuck LyDeck scat- j tJ,'',, '"m""," , Vi'on. Ten" tered SIX hits. S50 Oata (Phillip! 6 30 3 20; west League double header Wed n 8ecomJ gamc th, Broncs wtl, ,7nl,lnf,rl ,, ,,, nesday night as the Chiefs took pushed across three runs in the ; '' sixth Tee! .v , furionr- 3 up. Pr,e the tight 7-inning opener 4-2 and ! sixth, eighth and ninth innings. ; no. r.a,er Retrd ir.nfordi 7 10 the Broncs rallied to blast out I A double by Gene Klingler and aJJ: 2 "ghtvcwem'S'sn;' a 10-9 victory in the nightcap Shorne run by Howard Keefe. both qiuniei 13 so. time 1 17 3 Wenatchee used the early in-tin the sixth, were the big blow, e '-i"' nings in piling up its winning mar- fr the Broncs. But the winning i sn 190 .130- cad-1'! (Ph'H'oi urn. gin in the opening game. Three tallies came in the final inning on '''' Um' runs came acro-a for the Chiefs an error, a walk and singles by riM, ... ,,.. , :. .1.. . h.r iineK'Keefe. Bruce Mcintosh and Joe Wiekr r im-ini 1 n --wi Aamn Milwaukee . Z : loh. " Fi.Mon Re-. ,t.lli..i . -V) Home run,. I.on. Plttuhurgh 16 Anaerson ana rnn marvirr. sat- - .-r.- choice seriini 3 40 n-- uny,, st Ijiuli. 14. Poat. Cincinnati. nfice and an error, ine otner1 t.acn lenm usea tnree pucners e - i nme rm 13 Bankv Chicago 12: Bell, cmcin- tallv for the winners came in the in the nightcap as Wadswnrth and '"'IL r,";'.lL.3.i,l. B"hln"" Cincinnati 12 .l- J I ..kk ...U hnA rUrlAil thn lira ' ' a.-,-,.. -.ftf.-,-.. 1 HA I RllOH Halted ln BOVrf. St. I.OUIR46 . "I.:;.: u,:.j .:, i'.L. k!l, oe- coll4 hocl. it Sl- (Dlaeo) J); oAnlel. WOtiat. St. tmflt Lewision cuniDinru ambles anu .oiur, uvu. wnv n t)w ,.44? j; Jahlonaki. LlncinnaU U. ixipau walki to register wlo run in, the1 action, 3,751 bandit $3,87j. 'pwudriphu jo. York. 12. Sievrrs. Waahington, 12; Gernert. Boatnn. 10; Maxwell. De troit, in Runs batted in Mantle New York, 52. Berra. New York. 40; Stmpaon, Kansas City. 3; WerU, Cleveland. 34; Lmtiok. waahlnftorj. 34; Sievrri, Washington, 34. NATIONAL LEAGUE I lb r h pet. Long. Pittsburgh 45 164 34 63 .364 Repulskl St I.oull 33 111 22 42 .376 Buyer St Louts 46 184 38 67 .364 Clemente Pittsburgh JS 104 17 37 356 Briltnn. Milwaukee 32 113 19 38 330 Bailey. Cincinnati 36 112 17 37 .330 Moon. St Louis 46 165 32 54 327 Bell. Cincinnati 45 167 31 54 323 Walls Pltt'burgh 41 131 28 42 .321 -14 138 23 44 319 hi h t i i mm CR WE'VE GOT TO CLEAR MERCHANDISE - ALL PRICES CUT! AND THAT'S NO "BULL"! . 9'x9' UMBRELLA TENT AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES SUN CUSSES f 89 This Weekend Only WARNER RADIATOR (LEANER Don't Blow TJi Your Too II GL'AGE AUTOMOTIVE WIRE ttt Foot W Foot -"ICE COLD B&K j FOR EVERYONE B AT G.I. SURPLUS , II FROM STAN'S I iKDHryi-IN ff Thurj. Friday Sot. ) Complttt with Floor, roof (rxj willt. If tlto wotorproof rsi nai. 9wwwn wvi Reg. 39.50 11 FISF AlttlnliBnl FrMM KETS lOf. $1.25 79c ING TACKLE isurtri Slits CHERRY BOBBERS log. (Sc To 70c ntn FLATFISH Ul COINS log. 35c I 80c METAL TACKLE BOX'S i .Comporhnont Troy leg. $025 $4.95 GENUINE FUSH BAITS (DtrodovlU) ' ' " SNELLED HOOKS C la' Package Site 10-1MI Itf. 44c 24c 1 Mt. NYLON TAPERED LEADER 1-2-1-4 lb. Tetl S 22c ' Crluh; TROLLING RUDDERS CAMP YOUTHS . SVIM VESTS its. ntv I!G EOUIPHEtlT - PACK BOARDS UgMMi 77 ; 0 RUBBER ;' v mjithess fULL LENGTH Sf .is Coatt Oward Approvod ADULT LIFl: JACKETS J7. 4v . rusTic Air Mattress t 1 YoorOiuiraritoo ' : tt. Tlrtji Datrti SLEEPING BAG ' Water-rcDeL Cover Rubberltetl Boltoa silts i 16J IkWllllOMNa ' SLEEPING BAG Water-repeL Cow lit Oval. Thnwirt i 17" SJ4JB J POLYCHROME NYLON CASTING LINE lMS-20lb.Tott GIANT OIL PACK FISH EGGS 1 Ol. JAR Reg. 49c 36' I s 19c: I GENi-WINE " 1 1 J M BLAHBETS'JL m iaHI ihvhih u (V n Closeout u 11 sleeping ..:bag;;; Milhut L1mJ Nylra Covor in" JJ7J0 y HIRSCH-WEIS ' J II. WOOl KIDS BAG niu zippn . RCJ. $R3 $7.95 O rih WoofcoM Oar CAMP STOOLS CAMP CHAIRS $ w 123 CLdTHING AND SHOES -fr WE'RE LOADED BUCKET HATS 1.98 1.44 Volut Thi. WMawal Only RIDGEWAY STYLE FATIGUE CAPS Rt9. $ 1.49 1.22 SUMMER DRESS STRAW HATS 1:91 $1 Voluo 1.66 MEN'S AB6YU I0X Z 44',. HARD WEARING SUNTAN PANTS XIPPIt FIT $3.79 $ Value tIPPIt FIT - 288 10 Discount ON ALL SHOES ... BOOTS and HIP BOOTS COTTON HEAVY DL'TY WORK SOX'S Nylon Reinforced 49c Z pr. (ISHION SOLE WORK SOX'S Amy Style J7 Pr. 98c SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Cottona, nylont, prints, plaid, plaint $2.98 $n QSt7 Yalue Eli BLUE BELL COVERALLS K9- 5188 5.95 4 RUGGED Black Jeans 4.2S O ONE ONLY-SURPLUS HEAVY DUTY Rock Island VISE 4i INCH Coil Rtw ,$2950 OPEN SUNDAY f TO 6 - DAILY f TO 9 COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND IN OREGON'S FANCIEST SURPLUS JOINT N. Capitol SUeet 2 ONLY-14 FOOT , Orogon Marino Mfg. PLYWOOD BOATS Complete with Hardware S17J0 Dtwt iric wun naraworv $17950 n