The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1956, Page 11, Image 11

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    Valley News
Statesman TWs Itfviet
Photo Wins National Honor
For St. Joseph Pubtfcatfon
Jesse Ycager J
Retires After
34 Years
IUmu Jrvmt Srvk
DALLAS - A. career at M years
in public atTflly work was culmi
nate thh week with, the retire
ment ef JesraL. Yeager, estimator
for the DaDaj district nf Pacific
Power k Unt Company.
Recognition for Mi many yean
of service. "was given V eager Fri
day it a oompany picnic at Helm-
Program MM
At Mari-Lhm
ftttetttfa Newi Scrvtr
LYdNttrerity students were
graduated from Mari-Linn ele
tnentary scnooL
The program Included:
"Skit" was preMnfed by the
th grade; the fee. Richard
Scott ffve tile invocation and
benediction; JOhnny Vale sank
"May tne Good Lord Bless and
Vmi" arirt "Hnni We !.)v
iek State Tark. Among those at-! in"; Ralph Hurst presented
tending awe Robert E. Sipe of rwfrds for Perfect attendance.
Albaay, nsistant general manager j musie. Sports, citiiens of the
iur racinc; a. uan wosier, tor
vallis district manage, and Harlan
nfT. ANGEL St JosepH Maga
zine won the award for the "best'
use of photograph" ia competition
175 perMtticatt at the contest
by the CathoBe Press
Assoctatioto dwHng rW frana' a con
tention ia Dallas, Tex.
Th wagarine is published by
the Brnfcflrtinea of Mt. Angel Ab
bey. Only ) awards Wert given.
the wtRmng photograph was the
December, 1S5S. cover, "The Night
M the five ef Christmas".
Models for the photognapli were
iftarym and Joseph Sutler, yoong
dausMw and son of Mr. and Mr.
Joseph Sutter of Mount Angel. Tie
photograph was taken and are-'
ceSsed by me $JM stair
EnrlKr In the year the Oregon
Press Women previously presented
the magazine with first award for
Awards Given
year and reading certificates.
Band music was directed by j g'Of l Rurgess James Wright, At SllCriaan
principal, prrscnieu ino class 10
8am Bridges, chairman of the
school board, who gave diplomas
to' Michael Cruson, Melvin Mei-
Rohrbaoajh, Dallas district man'
YeagB'a span of service with
the utility started in 1922 when
he joJoed Mountain States Power
S ,C'a- . aT . R"nnie Spellmeyer, Bill
emp'flyment was in meter read-iNashi Jack -GoodcU Kenneth
aim auuauuiun
wc'A. .
'At was later placed
o the company's merchandising rM.L.' a.
A Ilk.... P.I I "
Volten, Pat Wagner, Berhetla
ana service Kanoff, Irene Turner, Dianne
, . Schwindt, Bonnie Cruson, Ruth
in cnarge , p-im,-. Dee Ann Sexton. Jnanita
service department at Albany. Fol
''jawing eight months with the
firm's Klamath Palls branch In
1(35, he was transferred to Dallas.
His work in merchandhfng con
tinued here until the early WW's
when the program was disbanded.
8lnce then, he has been associated
with the service and engineering
departments. Be became a mem
ber of Pacific Power upon the re
cent merger of the two utilities.
His retirement finds him at home
at 714 Oregon avenue with his
wife, Mabel, and ton, Edwin. An
other son, Donald, also lives in
Wilson, Dominic Qutnter, Harold
Blllington, Roy Billmgton and
Gerald Goschie.
Home Firc
Most Frequent
SUtrunan Newi Vrrvicc
SHERIDAN KTerv Gllson of
the state fire marshal's office
told the Polk-Yamhill Firemen's
Association here that SO per cent
of fires in 1955 were in homes
and that 25 per cent of these
were caused by cigarets and
matches Sixty firemen attended
the meetmg.
Walter Vandervelden, Forest
Grove fire chief, told of Forest
Grove's new system of rural and
city cooperative ownership of fire
station and equipment.
The next mrcting will be in
ItiCtufttt SrrvM
SHtRlOAN - - Thirty-six sen
iors receive Jiptbmas at com
mencement this week. Dr. Harry
Dillon, president of Linfield Col
lege, gave the address, talking on
"A Time for Greatness','.
Awards Were: Cattle B. Reiner
cup to Linda Carlson, leadership
and character for senior girl;
Ruth Field cup to Flora .wilder,
outstanding senior; Allison Fry
cop te Gary Harrison, leadership
Of senior boy; Brace Barker cup
to Larry Bailer, athletic award of
the year, and F.F.A. Scholarship
award te Oregon State College to
Gary Harrison.
Senior activity swards went te
Byron Sneffk, student body presh
dent; Flora Wffder, valedictorian;
Betty Jo EJhVsaluraforian, and
Linda Carlson, declamation.
Albany's 1956
Timber Carnival
Declared Largest
fh Mem "Nieht of the Eve of
Christma., which was reoresent-1 ALBANY The 19M Timber
ed o the cover by the prize- Carnival eeiera-atioa will be the
winning picture. ; largest yet heM. sponsors oertare.
St. Joseph Magazine received is wnoer me leaoersnip w rrw
Valley News Briefs
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., June 7, 08 (Sec.I)-ll
auunua s.nrv. i Mt. AN'GEL A dance in St
WOODBURN - Mrs. Dand Ca- Mary a auditoriam is beiag spaa
vett la a delegate ef Chafter J, sored by, the Senior SoMity: Krl-
Ptff) -Sisterhood, at the atate cae-; Tom w u p m. aiuooy
PHILADELPHIA 1 Clan; help reduce world tensions.
Paalo Lang, a C-year-oId export- Lang. Rotary a etgmh
er Leghorn, Italy, who c American president, takes eiSc
Rotafy In- Jury I, succeeding AX Baker of
the new president of
al a special citation far "best Oat Dei hhm f Albaay. Over tioa of the organrtaban whieh isiM"11 omestra haa heea engaged. ternatMnai, said Tuesday he hopes ' Cleveland. He was elected at C.
nse ef art"a lull-page drawing $3,008 is to be -offered ia prwe being held this week at Lewss andi LY'ONS-Second cUss school dls-ite promote umafrsUDdiaa; af "the 7thf rnnual Rotary contention
at St. Joseph by the nationally- money for world championship curk college Mrs. Cavett. presi-itrict na nwl " l9n ft,ofher fellow's point of view" to 'here Monday.
UIC KIWUI 1U afUUV :"H i .
kBvwH artist, Ptut Groat
k2ln contesU.
dtft. of ttw WwdburB jrtKjp, wit
The eves will begia with the I accompanied by Mrs. John Muir. pin. oa proposed 1,000
giant fireworks.
Army Seeks
Bloodmobile at
Lyons Monday
LYONS The Bloodmobile Unit
from Portland will make its first
whit to Lyons on Monday at the
Mari-Linn school. Committee in
charge is composed of Mrs. Ed
ward Cruson, Mrs. Alex Bodeker,
Mrs. Robert Sen ton, Mrs Nick
Custafson and Mrs. . L. Roye.
Yamhill Girl
Rodeo Queen
For Sheridan
Statrmiia Nei Srrvlr
SHERIDAN Phil Sheridan
Rodeo officials named Miss Car
olyn Laughlin of Yamhill as the
1956 Phil Sheridan Rodeo queen
at the queen's dance held at the
Eagles Hall. 'Mfn Laughlin Is a
student at Yamhill-Carlton high
school and is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Laughlin ot
Aleta Lowfher of Yamhill and
Pat Sheldon of Carlton were
named princesses. All three girls
are students at Yamhill-Carlton
High School. Miss Laughlin and
Miss Lowther are members of
the Yamhill .Trail Riders and
Miss Sheldon Is a member of the
Sheridan Canter Club.
Mrv .Tune Wlt nf RirVrpoll
"Miss Majorette" nf Orepon, gave MoW 1 HX (jt?eSe
a baton twirling exhibition.
One hardworking farmer who
needed a watch dog found a way
to get around paying hit dog tax.
Ha trained a goose to "honk"
when anyone invaded Ms land.
10 Graduated
High School
lUleuaaa Hm aarvw
FALLS CITY Clyde Martin,
state superintendent or second- T" 1 T
ary education, spoke at the Falls 131(18 On 111 VCT
City High School graauaiion cer
Salutatorlan was Darrel Pal
mer and Verjean Ranrore was
valedictorian. The Ree. Claude
Wells was guest minister. The
senior choir, consisting ef Shir
ley Carey, Mardonna Long, Ver
Jen Rancore, Judith Ferguson,
and Darrel Palmer, sang, and
Miss Marjorie Palmer played the
processional and recessional.
' The 10 graduates included Shir
ley Carey, Dean Career, Judith
Ferguson, Naomi Fern, Maryann
King, Mardonna Long, William
McFall, Darrel Palmer, Verjean
Rancore and Wendell Robinson.
Scholarship were won by Ver
jean Rancore and Darrel Palmer.
After the ceremony the grad
uates went to Salem for dinner
at a Chinese restaurant
The next day the entire school
boarded the school bus and went
to DeLake.
mmuIim mi Ik TimhffF frrahml
queen , Monday evewag, Ji'ly 1. MT. ANGEL - Pvt. Fraatts
July I will see the grand parade. jTraager Haa been transferred from
nrriiminarv Incoinl events, waters Fori Lawni ta the fteaadie, 9u
show, and a gram) horse show.
July 4 wHl have the finals in the
lotglnr events, water show, am!
Bank Work
PORTLAND The Corps of En
gineers will call far about 20 bids
(or bank protection projects in
Willamette River basin this month
and next. Col. Jackson Graham,
Portland District engineer, has an
nounced. 1
The work, which will be at SI
locations and cost about $1,000.'
eon, will constat of normal bank
protectiol construction, augmented
by emergency funds for repair or
reconstruction of many revetments
damaged by major floods, he said,
The work will be on the Willam
ette, McKenrie. Middle Fork Wil
lamette, MolaflA, South Santiam,
Sanrlsm, Calapooya, Clackamas,
Coast Fort Willamette and Long
Tom Rivers. The work will in
clude stone and asphalt revet
menrs and drift barriers. Four ot
the projects will be new work.
Francisco for the remnmderof his
time in service. He visited here
with his mother, Mrs. A. G. Treat
er, last week.
ZEN A Children graduating
from the Lincoln School art Mary
Ltnd, Barbara Anderson, Carrol
Johnson, Radger Leap. Larue 11
Miskimina, Donald Walker, Jaaet
Yoder, Kendcll Neiger, and Michall
MT. ANGEL - Mrs. John Stuck
art i Monica Traeger) of Sublimity
underwent major surgery at Good
Samaritan hospital In Portland on
Monday. June 4. and will be hos
pitalized for some time.
WOODBURN - Frank P. Doer
flr, Woodburn school superinten
dent, will attend the eleventh an
nual national conference sponsored
by the National education Associa
tion's commission on teacher edu
cation and professional standards,
at Pacific Lutheran Catlefe at
Parkland, Wn.. June -.
STAYTON Clyde R. Freemen,
pastor of the Christian church el
Stayton. is en route via train W
attend school for 10 days at Wheat
Lon College tn Whenton. 111. During
his absence. Stanley Lyman, son
of the Rev. Harold Lyman of Sa
lem, will fill the pulpit.
bond issne te bwiM. equip and
furhtsh. three classrooms and ak
SHERIDW-A Urge group it
Sheridan Garden Club members
and cueata from Portland. Forest
Grove, Salem, and Ghndaie, Calif..
went en the ctab'a anniaU ramble
They visited On Satan An Ma
ui fl Busn He, Mary
Tarter's on fashiaiwd 'mee garden
and Bkack's canuneretai garden
At hmeheon meeting at Meter
Frank's. Mra. Duaan Ehaas was
installed aa preaMem. Mra. Dalai
Ceeiey aa secretary aad Mm. Alex
Timmreck as traaaurer.
STAYTON - TUemben of the
Young Life Club of Stayton who
will attend a Christian camp in
Colerade. leaving Salem Saturday
for in days, Inciod Pat Hum
phreys, Lovelle Humphreys. 8hir'
leg Kirsch. Kathy WUson. Dale
Horrocks and Shirley Freetmn.
If n trowtHf thHd ate as much
according to his weight as grow
iag bird be would consume three
lambs and a can m n nay.
fUM1) "WllMf flPti ' ta aasp
.).., H .ha mm. MMlM(a
Hk MMklM Itmm aw tw 1 f4
nakiiM Uk. surta with UMttac ipr4
rall, ikfilullr nlruhlM tar
Sin FrancisfB buiin$rain Paul E,
Scphcttj,"hu released me from ycift
Of dependence oo harsh laxatiTts.
"1 never bcUeeed dilicioos biea4
could be such an effeenre Itnmtht
aid, but one week! trial Mrrruicetr
roe. I bavtATsufftfrd a bit of atom
tehittin or diiromfort since... arid
am sincerely grateful fog (hit wonderful new
kind of bread." .
Hsrir wtiy to
r BtWW
JVuro-IZt BrnorJ
- if1
lotad by Idngendorf
... r
uh u ror urw.
Ott IO-UIM MW. 1
Carol Kruse
STAYTON The North Sanfiani
Junior Chamber of CowmeTce hat
selected Miss Carol Krtrse of Rontet
1, Lyons, daoghter ot Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Krose, a its aneen
candidate for the Santiam Bern
Festival. Mfss Kruse was gradu
ated from Stayton High Union
School this year.
They'll Probably
At Vdlwy Hospitals
Nearly 300 at
School Picnic
SUttmaa Newt lirrlrt
LYONS Nearly 300 persons at
tended the annual school picnic
at the school last Sunday. Games
were led by Joe Johnson, Ivan
Smith and Leo Cruson. Fathers
won a softball game from the
sons. Mothers won over the fath
ers In a tug of war.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright
were hosts tn the teachers at a
luncheon at their home June 4.
School closed June 5.
Worry of
Slipping or Irritating?
Don't bs wnumvmea tt mm (im
tMtk (11001111, dropping or wobbling
I when you t, talk or Hugh. Just
i sprinkle t little FACTtXTH on your
pUMi. This pMnmt powder givei
remarkable aenae of added comfort
and security by holding plates mora
flrmly No gummy, gooey, pasty taste
or feeling. It a alkaline (non-acid 1 .
f Get FASTEim at any drag counter
Hurry! Special Vricos
Con t
June 7-8-9
! -
e i - fw ,ff
SUteiman frewt Srlr
Mrs. Erwin Nvquist, Aurora, a
daughter. May 31, at the Silver
ton Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Ernst, St. Paul, a son. June 2, at
the Silverton Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. David Gentry,
Silverton, a son, June 2, at the
Silverton Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Charles San
rlers. Molalla, a son, June 4, at
the Silverton Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 01
aen, Molalla, a son, June 5, at the
Silverton Hospital.
To Mr. anil Mrs. Harold Mitts,
Molalla, a son, June 8, at the Sil
verton Hospital.
DALLAS To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles D. Binning, Independ
ence, a daughter, June 5 at Dal
las Hospital.
Tn Mr and Mrs. Harold M.
Smith. Dallas, a son. June 2 at
Dallas Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Abe Toews
Jr , Dallas, a daughter, June 1
at Bartell Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Thies
sen, Dallas Route 1, a son, June
1 at Bartell Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Loren D.
Reiri. Monmouth, a son, June 1
at Dallas Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mill
er. Dallas, a son, May 31 at Dal
las Hospital.
To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kath
riner. Falls City, a daughter, May
90 at Dallas Hospital.
Anyont Ccm Affora!
ror 'raw estimates CvH
Salem Heating I
Sheet Metal Co.
ll's As Easy As
to open
JUST fill oul the coupon moil to rents.
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YOUR Credit Coupon Book will bt waiting
for you at Grants. The book contains coupons
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Moil m twn Ititi coupe 01 Iht noi. Ion will b noiiliiS
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For luxury comfort otrtdoon . . .
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Somrthine nrw in Summer
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260 N. Liberty St.
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