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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
13-(Sec. I) Statesman,' Salern, Ore., Thuix, June 7. 06 THU.1SDAY BROADCASTS . riief't Tlx ttalmu eHikee feed ttn t peaem r4 ne ee nroel ar no e T sssiieaa, ka keeataea ertun t. p,.trmt r. ciiuirt vnkMi iseejrkatieas Uls wstitear MM tt mtwtiaii tmt im actwacy herein.) ' THURSDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KMT THtESDATS HIGHLIGHTS (Channel 17) t - i!:N wfc-NBC Matinee Tbeatcr-'Tijht the Whole WorkT- jprl and u adopted boy rebel ajainrf the lather', strict and nar row belief.- ' ' l.m j-MatiDe Theartr-"Quert of Btirlesque with Evelyn Ankers and Cvttoa Younf. Burlesque performers are upset by a murder backstage. ' "v l:N Mfe-Ford Theater, with Charlea Coburm and Fay Roktea ia lit. Kagto and the Baby Sitter." . , KORt-TV THURSDAY'S HIGHUCHTS (ChaaaeJ : I:N pm-Armchair Theatre "It Happened la Pawnshop"! Eddie Brackea and Terry Moore. 1:11 pjav-1 Search for Adventure presents scenes of submarine Ufa ia the world beneath the sea, la "The Skin Diver." ll:S sa Six "HoDwwoed Bara Dance." with Ernest Tubb, Lort Talbot, and Helen Boyce. A hillbilly band tours the country to raise money la rebuild a church. . KLOsVTY THURSDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (Channel It): " U:N aJN-Afteraoon Film FetivaU"Curtaln Up." starrlnl Rob ert Morley, Margaret Rutherford. Kay Kendall and Joan Rice. A com edy ia which temperaments clash backstage as. a repertory company struggles with a bad play. l:Jt pjt. AS Star Theater "A season for Love." starring Ida Lupins and Howard Duff ia a leader drama of a respectable but lonely fill who married the town drunk, and succeeds in re-making him. . i lf:M pjBV-Hometowa Theater "A Study in Scarlet," starring Rfgiaald Owea aa Sherlock Holmes. THURSDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, L'HF 17: KOIN-TV, VHF I; KLOR. VHF It HOUR SS:S M:4S 71 KTV Hotne Warn Home Home KOIN! Panorama Pae. panorama Pae, Panorama Pae. IPanorama Pac, f, KPTTIcmiM Be You ICould Be You I Feather Nut IFeather Nett i gKOINlVoHurt Ladr lLevo of Lovl IBearch Tomor.lOuldlni LIM J' WVDtol Doef aMMDiof Does eh.lToday In WeetToday In West 'a.UI.flCelliiifwooa fBe Counted At World TrwIAt World T'mi Inside TV Hollywood Seamy Side Not Unusua By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD - STARR RE PORT: I have always beea in the pro-Hollywood corner, believing the tows ta be worst than any other and better than most But, like every town, it ass its ridicu lous side, a v e a its seamy side. Hollywood, em- phsucsiiy. is not " the PoDvanna city it's made out to be in the fsa masaxines. And nobody knows this better than a certain fan msgsiine writer. Some years sgo, when she was even younger and prettier than she r Channel Chuckles By BILL KEAN'E 19 11 KPTVj Today tn WttUTodey In Wett!Tenn. Cralo ITenn. Irnle COIN Joha Canon Uoho Cum ILlnkletter ILlnkletter KJ.ORI -;). - -- Pub. Interett KPTV I NBC Hat tsVlKBCJItat, Th. NBC Mat The, NBC Mtt. Tht. KOIN1 VWUb' TtfM IVtoltla Tim I Bob Crosby I Bob Croiby aUi)Rrtlffl reottval'irilm Tertlvol irilm rorttvt' irilm festival j7sCTV1 Data with LUMod. lfcent neat I Queen for DoylQuooa for Day ioKOIXlBrlthter Day lateral alarm Idfa of Nl(htEds of NIsM ! KLOKinim forttvl irnm Faatretl IFilm Fertlval IFItm Fottletl rKPTVljo.. Davie Uoaa Davis Irnio Xovae limit Xovae KOIN! Armch. Tboa. lArmefc, Thta. IKOIN Kltehea IKOIN Kllchra e KLOR Pub. Intorwt IPub. Intortrt lllliabtth lllfaabtth fPTVlaUttDos ThMtlMaUaasTba. PWatlnes ThaatlMatliM Thtat f K0IN1 Garry Moors lOarrf Moore lArth. Oodfray lArth. Godfrey C KXORiUily of HonttlUdy of HouttlGUmour Girl G)imour Girl KPTTlifatiBoa ThoaLIXiUaae TboattN. W. Homo IN. W. Homo KOINlArth. Godfrey lArth. Godfrty iStrlke It Rich IStrtko II Rieb KLOR1 Mid-Day Mat Mld-Day Mat Mld-Day Mat Mld-Day Mat rKPTTlcolorama ST Colorama XI Bar Corral Bar tl Corral KOTNlMr. Moon Cartoon Time Rtd Dunnlnt IRd Dunnlof " KLORI Mtd-Day Mat I Purple Rate Cbwboy G-mtnlCowboy C-mta rKPTVI Harper's JamblHtrptr't JamblNnrt Central N.wi Central . .. K0IN1ad Duanlnf Douf KdwardilSrt Pmtoa iSst. Pmtoa V KXORiMMiey Monao iMItbey Moute iMttkty Moute iMlckty Mouto is today, this fan magazine writer had a luncheon interview with ane of radio's biggest stars, a man who later became equally impor tant in TV and who has long en joyed" most favorable publicity about his wonderful wife snd child- KPTT1 Headlines - Headlines Dinah Shore I Newt Caravaa KOINIWeatnar. NewtKaleldoaeopa 1 Adventure (Adventure KLORlJunfle Jln (Junfte Jtra ILone Manser Lone Ranfer 5 BVFTV met Tone Lite IBet You Ule IDnanati IDnnui ; KOINlBob Caaa'aaa Bo Ctua'as Hmowee ai Brnikbovrer of St'ta VI fB . . .. . ... .. . auiTB itda Bop ino muw: sxop we aiueie fKPTV HaR of Itan Ran at Stan I yard Theater iFord TbMter KOIXIsheweset rnllhower of Srn4 Star' PlayhtJS Star Flayha. KLORlatar Tonlfht tar Tonleht IDown You Gojpow You Co tKPTVlLmi Tkoatar Laa Theater Laa Tbeatar ILux Theater KOTVjHtway Patrol IHlway Patrol Confldential (Confidential KLORiDr.Hudaon IDr.Hudaon (All Star Thta.All-Star Thee. KPTTigherl Holmes (SherL Holme) ITonlchl ITonlfht KOINjitaa Called XIMaa CaUed XIArth. Murray lArth. Murray RXOR.HEWJ. NI.WR Hom.fwn The.Hmtow The. ITBA j KPTVItbA (TBA t (TBA RUilShowHaieaal IShewtlme ea I r! KXOR'Hnmefwn The-IHomefwa The Homfwn The.iHomefwn The. THURSDAY'S RADIO i-KSIJI IM KOCO MM ROAR MIS ROM ITS ROW tit RIX 1IM SHI : Msylea ROIW 101 1; R1X WJ; ROW 1M.1 HOUR 6 SILM Vai rarmeaat SOAS Farm Km BOIN World News SOW Muate SIS Keeprimo a:u Val Farmcaat Brk. Nook IKOIN KlorS World News keep rtnie 4:M M:iS 1 Val Farmraal Ntwi Brk. Nook Nook-Newt KOIN Klork KOIN Klork Courtny Car ICourteiy Car Krep I line Keep fimt KSLM Pemlnfwa Brrak Cant Break. Ganr Nwi aoco Tunet Si Tlmt minea St Time ITunet St Tlma ITunn A, Time SGAB Brk Nook Mrs, Nook Brk. nook Nook-Ntwi ROM KOINKJocS Headttnee frank Goat Harry Babbitt RCW LuUa - ; Luten LliUn fuhr Report HI' Newt Keep Time Keep Time Bob Haien 8RSLM rbffSnjle ramlle Altar Haven of Beit Raven ol Beet ROCO WaUyt S peril Tunet St Tlmt ITunei At TimelTunw tt Time SOAI Brk Nook Bik. nook ,i Nook A Newt SOIN Contumer S et Dtvt VaUle Shelley Ser nd helly Sere. SGW Uiten ILliten HJittn ILiitrn RtR Keep Time Keep Time Keep Time Kfp Time 9 6 SSLM Newt Newt Pontor'iCall KOCO Newt-Sports KM Tune St I MM Tunc St SOAR Spider-Hita Spider-Mitt Spidrr-Hiti UIN Wenee wurea Howara Miller Hr enlrent RAW LUten Lltten Lliten BSX Brk in Club rklt. Club BrkfuClub KSLM Newt TflloTett KOCO Newe-Sportt - I4M Tune St ROAI Becktence Mat Coffee Time ROIN Mra. Burtoa Aunt Mary KGW Weekday wnkitev KSX Coffee-K W eat Bob Garred Burfaln C'nt 1490 Tune St. Hits-News Midmorn Newi ILliten Brkltt Club WinfiofSnnf Wine of Sent 1490 Time lM Tune St Kelly Wedrftnf Hiti-Newi INorah Drake Aunt Jenny Tune Teat Werkdav IMy True Blory t)uren or Day el O.SLM Tune Teat I KOCO Ntwa-SporK HMI Tune at 14MI Tun St -. BO AC Dinner tfvmnef Dinner Winner Snlder-Hiti KOIN Road of Ufa Ma Perklnt iDr. Malone 1 K(iW Nordine Dr. Peale I I n the i.auirt P KIX Girl Marnea WhUp'rlni SU ,Cfn. Putnam 2 Weedav Mv True Story Queen for Day 14M Tune St Hil-Nr'i Guidinf Llfht Tn Ihr Ladiet Paul Harvey ViII'y Pirmcait iShowtime Lnrhin Newt Houie Party Woman in Hat. farm Newi Mttlnee Matinee Matinee ROCO Newa-Bporta ' Ladlei' Line ICIarlne Call'ni Citrine Call'nf ROAR tuneha Mncha bunenn Mnchn Lum-hn Mnrhn Lunch n Newt ROIN Godfrey Tlma Oodfrtv Time .".odf'ev T me r.ndlre Time ROW Happlnoaa Wldder Brown Courtetv Car ICourteiy Car KSX Newt, Conrad Rutt Conrad Rum Conrao RuuConraa KSLM Newt ROCO World News ROAB Neon Newt KOIN Noon Newt ROW 'ennet Newe KBX Rutt Conrad KSLM Matinee rwt Top Trade! Showtime Showtime Lunchn Mnchn Town Crier Come Get 11 tnie I'ar'jr fjiwrence Wtlk'Pepper Younf I Run Conrad I Rum Conrad ja,ILM Matinee VI KOCO Newa-Sporta 3 (Matinee Newt Matinee Clarine Calllnf Clanne Calllne Clarine C.lllne KOAB Pat't Parlor Pat't Parlor Pefi Parlor Parlnr-Newi KOIN Godfrey lime Ondfrev lime Oood Newt Kathy Codfrey auw Mua. MCAnunyimua. mcnnuny mua. mcAnulTvil.ntpnini KSX Newi. Conrad Rim Conrad RuwConrad Rum Conrad KSLM Matinee Wlllam. Mat William Mat .Tello Teat KOCO Newt-8portl Clarine CaU'nfi Clarine Call'nf ICIarlne Call'nf aunt rata rarior rata rartor rait rarinr Karlor-Newi KOIN Rulh Aantun Our Gal Sund i ike Thirty Take Thine KGW Mut McAnultyMut't Mui-MrAnlty KX Newt, Conrad Ruat Conrad Rum Conrad Rum Conrad 4 KSLM Pulton l-ewla KOCO Newa-Sporta KOAB Pat I Parlor KOIN ..Art Kirkium , KGW Courtety Car e KKX Bob Bleekourn Mob Blackburn Hmlnyway i' -r a a -m Htvet Wttt Rhythm iWeit. Rhythm I Weat. Rhythm Pat a Parlor Pelt Parlor Parlor-Newt Kddie Fliher Newipaper Ntwmaner ICourteiy Car Itfui-McAn'lty Mui-McAn I 'it Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn "Bob tt Ray I Rill Brundlie" sonfi Sund n KSLM Bob At Rav Bob Jc Ray KOCO Newk-Soorti Bonn Sund'n ISnnei Sun n KOAB rraffit Jan.b'r Tralne JamDr Traffic Jamb'r Sun Oft ai'in ca it. murrow Newt lomnarmon Irani Gom ROW Mui-MrAn'Hy Local Newt leae Maann rimer Petertmi REX Boh Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackb'rn I Bob Black b'rn m naLiw i.inriei neater -""lernncr ninner tw. .sam naeei fi. 4OC0 Newt-Sportt Sonfi at Bund.lSonfa at Sund. iSonji at Sund. . jy boin aporta-r ianinf u.ywrll inomaa ftnuu n va Amo-. n Ano KGW Chet Huntlev Stock Benort Dinner Muilc I Dinner Mmlr REX Bob Blackburn iBob Blackburn i Bob Blackburn Bub Blackburn aarStLM iieteciive n-tecuve muik Duf-outDope 7 sc0 Newt-Sports Rhyth. BlueflRhyth. St BhiatlRhyth. e Blue! , f KOIN Melody Melody Binf Croaby Johnny Dollar f KGW I Star JCtra Man to Go Adventure Adventure .REX BUI Stern IBob Garred (Bob AdklnaJBob Adklnt publican. Todarr, with Dore Schary In charge, it is Just as staunchly Democratic. Wonder where that leaves George Murphy. who has been at MUM almost as many years as Schary is old snd who has always been one of Holly wood's leading Republicans? In teresting situation. IIERE'S AN iaterestlag insight la a maa'a character. C. B. De Mule la 7S years aM. Hla Para maaat bass, Adelpb Zakar, la 11. Aad DeMUIee after aa ataorlatlea at mare thaa SS years, still calls him "Mr. Zakar." . EDWARD R. MURROW, who carries the kind of prestige in the broadcasting world that Winston Churchill carries in politics, has his lights tti high (or his first "Person to Person" show of the 1956-57 season, scheduled for Sept. 14. If he csa bring it off. snd he's the only one who could, his guests that nigtit will be the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. A pretty tough brace of subjects to cover in just IS minutrs! SlARRDt'STt Look far Dorii Day la do a picture with Deaa Martia aad Jerry Lewis. Aad look far Martia aad lewis ta be dolag more aad more pictures aad lest and Iras TV. Thai far, they are scheduled for ealy four TV shows ant seatoa . . . Footnote ta a recent eolaraa: ABC has renewed the Wrdacstaay sight fights for aa alher year, templet with all due credit ta Jamei D. Nerrli, presi dent . . . I'ader lis new ewner iki.p Warner Brothers Is curtail- lag Us TV (lira production, will concentrate). ,. a a I y aa "Warner Brothers Preseats. James Egan, who won $32,000 on Tne sm.ouo question, ap parently absorbed s lot of Hal March's technique in the process. He's now 'a quizmaster himself on s local show in West Hartford. Conn. . . . ABC is planning a special hour-long film show, a one shot, based on the life of the late James Dean . . . "Mama's" sum mer replacement on CBS will be reruns of NBC's Loretta Young show (episodes in which Loretta does not appear, naturally); with Gene Raymond acting as host rn. 'rnme falL "Mama" will be re- At luncheon, the star was all -i,., n-rmanentlv tv a new film charm and chatter He was cour- j,,, .-Wc$t PolI1 stur). teous, attentive and full of infor mation. After luncheon, accom-i SHORT SHOTS: First "See It panird by a network .press agent. New" of next teasoa. art for Oct. Ihcy went back to the star's office 11. will be Daaay Kaye't film of to pick up tome pictures. The kit earVd tow lor the V a 1 1 1 a Nat Wat Internatieaal Chilrfree i Enaerfewcy Find . . . Bob Hoc mea t da hla June II taatf4ke teaaaa "Chevy Shew.' Nobody will da It. la fact, far the tawaaar has sewed oart. Thaw win be filled by a repeat ad "The Twitted Crete. filmed eWrwraeotarr aa AaMf Hit- . aad this Is Eva Starr's desk. She's ear TV critic." MOMMY tf THI MOSSLEXS Got the Infirmo oil set up ior eajenrrver wnrntion? press agent, a wise man not neces sarily gives ta believing all the publicity be created, was caught oft guard in the anteroom of the office: and before he realized what had happened, the star and the pretty young writer were in the inner office and the press agent wss in the outer office, with the ter . . . The Jaae tJ "Praatareri door between the two closed. Showcase" speetaealar aa BC Happy Birthday." will have Bettv Approximately three mlaales later the date flew opea aad the writer cane rsthiag oart, flattered. dlthe-'eled aad mad as -a wet hen. Oh!" she cried, aa the verge ef tears. "That aaity eld maa! aerer want la tee Field la the lead whea M thoaid be Imogeae Csea. iCopvrlfM 19M General eaturea Corp ) himag",": 'Oldest Trace "Three times around the desk I ' , , and out." muttered the press I If jliT1 r Oil lit I agent, who had been through this,v,A . Wlllltl sort of thing before. ! j in uermanv Today the young writer still works in Hollywood, the press agent has turned producer arid the star is still a star, still basking in the reflected publicity glory of his blameless family life and still, no doubt, chasing around his desk fn joyful pursuit of some pretty young thing. HAMBURG, Germany i.f - A German archeologist claimed We nesday that he has discovered the oldest traces of man. Dr. Alfred Rust said he has un- jiuveicu xfi iidiiu-inaut . nauu.-Mwifr ; tools which he estimates are one New tell me, honestly. Didn't million years old in a gravel pit in much the same thing happea In Communist East Germany. your Iowa lait week, aad the week i The archeologist said that there before that, and the week before ' has been no previous evidence that that? Sore it did. Be It Hollywood j man lived much more than 500.000 or Hohokui, human nature is the 'years ago. same the world aver. That It hap- Dr. Rust, who is connected with peas to have tti bad side si well , the Schlcswig-Holstein State Mu- Ms food li aa fault af wood's. Now li H? Holly- A MOVIE STUDIO'S politics ap parently depends on who heads up production. In the days of I. B. Mayer, MGM was staunchly Re- KOAC S50 k.c. seum at Schleswig, told reporters the tools were unearthed near MeininRcn. 10 miles from the West German border. The excavations were made in cooperation with the Kast German Museum of Ancient History in Weimar, Dr. Rust said. Dr. Rust said that the discovery indicates that man inhabited North ern Kurope between two and five KOAC (Thuridivl: ll:M am Th New and U.lhi- la:I4 F. pcclally lor Women. It:tt-Summer million years ago Story Time, Il:es-The Concert Hall- He said that it took a lonB time 17' ao Tk. M..... .h ur....r ' p.m. Noon farm Hour: 1:011 Melo dy Lane; l:M-Hedlo Bookihelf; 2:M MacDonald s Antholoitv: 2:31 Memory Book of Music: 3:tt Oregon Reporter; 1:IS Muiic of the Matteri: 4 H Holland Festival; 4:15 On the Upbeat; 4:4 -New Commentary; IttChlldreni Theater; S:J The Problem Clinic: l et The Newi and Weather: S:l Dinner Muiic; S:4J Martin Chuzrlewit: 7 - IS Evenini Farm Hour; !: BBC Theater 9:t0 - Music That F.ndure. S:4S Evening Meditations Rev hcnnetn Baldwin, Kirnl Baptut Church; 10:00 Sun oil. KVAL TV, VHF 13 rn.KSE: KVAL-TV, Channel 13, (Thuraday) 2 4 p.m. Stop, took A Listen; 2:1S It's Fun to Reduce, 2:J Featner Your neit. : Matinee Theater with Kobert Lowery in "Caa House Kids " 4:IJ Modern Roman res; 4:ia A M Date; J:ar.Bi Round up; J:4S The News. J:M Sports Headlines; 5:M Weather Report; l:N Annie Oakley; :3W'eitern Mar shal: ?: You Bel Your Life!; 7:31 -Draenet: l et-The Man Called X: l:3t Ford TV Theater with Charles I'oburn and Fav Holden in "Mr. Ksjle tnd the Baby Sitter"; S:ot Uux Video Theater with "She Mar ried Her Boss." sti-rinf Jan Ster ling: l:ta Amoa 'N' Andy; lt:3 10:3a Tomorrows Headlines: li:4J Pattie Page Sings; ll:0S-Texai Ratlin'. for such primitive people to devel op the tools. nCORHS Betwcei Ties Toauirklv rt4iv andr mov soft conm bntwwn toM, ump th sptv cul Soft Corn Biie Dr. Hrholi's .tnopariB. KSLM Baaeban KO 'O Newt-S porta KCH) Jack Canon GW World Newt KIX Adklnt Shew a KSLM Baaeball . D KOCO rJews-ftportt f KOIN Son Jeep fi KOW convr ration ! KK Bob Adklnt fi! I Baaeball Baaeball IBateball Rbyth.-Bluea Rhylh.-Bluea Khyth.-Bhaea ' Jack Carton list Precinct 21at Precinct " t, Man FamllyiJane Pickens 1 I Jane Plckent iAdklnt Show lAdklnt Show Adklnt Show Baaeball Bateholl IBateball T" iRhythra Bluei Rhythm BluoS I Rhythm Blues ITreatury DepL ILeadlng Ouet. Leading Ques, ' CoaveraatMHi Dance Time I Dance Tlma Bob Adklnt Jimmy fidler Ed P Motion KSLM Mutle Music IVfustc (Music KOCO Newi-Bnorti , Rhythm Bluet Iflhythm-Bluei iRhythm-Bluet BOIN Star final nunt g-flsn a Good Evening iGood evening oa Rich field recti Dance Time Dance rime Dance nme , KBK Newa ;i Dance rimo Dance Time Dance Tlma aj kslm Mid-alto MtL iMld-itita Hal. Mid-alta SfeL Mio-niie attt, j wucq newa-aports sow I KIX Dtneo Time 4aacTlaaa Silent Mutle Danes Tlma Danco Tlano IMuaSs " Daawa Tlma , Danoa Tlnva 'Mutie1' iPanco Tlma Danoa Tlata :' nn '"t:.'i:: f ttWVICC ITATIONS. INC V WW k SS aaU k mini 3 HA VACATION 'Special en MOTOROLA CM RADIOS FPC Grants Extension on Start of Dam EPHfcATA, Wash. ( -The Federal Power Commission has granted a 2-year extension on the deadline for starting construction of Priest Rapids Dam, the secre tary of the Grant County Public Utility District said Wednesday. The new FPC order extends to July 1, 1958, the required date for starting the tiM.OOO-kilowatt pro ject on the Columbia River, said William Sohempp. The PUD asked (or the exten sion when it appeared construc tion could not be started by the original deadline of Jule 1, 1956, Schempp said. Merritt-Chapman and Scott Corp of New York submitted the low bid of $9 1. 071.625 for construction Japan Invited to U.N. Gathering UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. I" The Asian-African group In the United Nations decided Wednes day to invite Japan to attend its meetings on sn informsl basis. Japan is not a member of the H.N. but has interests in matters the group discusses privately. of the dam. The firm has noti fied the PUD that the construction contract is expected to be award ed formally when arrangements are completed for sale of revenue bonds to finance the project. Nat Washington, attorney for the PUD, said construction was still expected to start by July 25 of this year. The FPC order left open the starting date for the Wanapum Dam, a second structure planned by the PUD near Priest Rapids. Contract f or v Atom Power Plant Signed WASHINGTON tft-Thd Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Wednesday announced the signing of a contract with the Yankee Atomic Electric Co. of Boston to assist the company in development and operation of large Kale power plant in Rowe, Mass. The contract ia the first to be concluded, under AEC's power demonstration reactor program. The aim of that program is to bring private resources Into the development of engineering infor mation on nuclear power reactors and, AEC said, "to advance the time when nuclear power comes economically feasible." Yankee will bear construction costs estimated at 34tt million dol lars. Of an additional S million dollars needed for research and development, the commission will perform up to 1 million dollars worth in its own facilities and un derwrite up to 4 millions in pri vate facilities. Under the contract Yankee will build and operate a pressurized. light water cooled and moderated reactor and generating equipment with a minimum capacity of 13V 000 kilowatts. Actor Breaks Collar Bone MONTE CARLO. Monaco Lfl Film star Mischa Auer is in a hospital with a broken collar bone. He stepped up to lead the band Tuesday night in a night club and got a big round of applause. When he left the bandstand he missed a step down to the dance floor and feu. yf iWktAVJl K?JM7-41-di 1&52-60-77 MAY S3 wis MM S3 AA.V8 AAV Ss AlAVU rM1.14.7-J0l STAR GAZER? 0 By UAI I. fQliAN M To Acvy Gse H Accoedief to re Stan. To develop mastogs for. Thursday, rood vvoeds CorrespondiriQ to fssarabsrs Of your iMKtc rxrm igr I 2 I mpi am ICtt 4 U $ Nee 4 Monte 7 No) I On Carta 10 'tun II Vtssantea 11 Slam II Ytu-w 14 Imsttaj 1 Apt I Talent 17 Vou'S II IS le 21 Met 22 Yon 23 Vat 24 At 25 Toot 2 Kea 27 Wi 24 Knew 2 oaultt 30 CeuM Jl latse 12 13 Tnos 14 Fa K (sate) M Ta 37 Not 34 Ire 19 CewUJ 0 at 41 AoViteblt 42 Domttat 41 S 44 Wo 45 DtttMl 40 O 47 St 4S Todoe 4 Woriunl 50 Oto 51 Optmam 52 Slvht 53 m 54 Tt ii Sat 54 EHem 57 Feitnciai S4 Tea 5 Flea SO Acs) 41 O 42 O 1 4 Vest 05 Tooot 06 Con 47 Because tcoeno OCT Q& f1f-J0 J9-47-74 VS 49 Be 70 71 t 72 71 Only 74 Helpni 75 VyhtJ 7 Ana 77 atatM 71 SarartN 7 Vow BO It 11 CA 12 Senoua 13 tooccused IS SO Out 17 tn 14 torn 19 Monet 90 DtmtnS Coo4 ASttt Neatal7 sen a ocf 3fr34.5Jv1 wuarnaaM NOV 21. a i- 7-4j.ia4i ro-Ti-Ti 'j DIC 21 MN.2S i-lJ-lo-Bafl ?73o-aO-tJ MN It Fa it J. 5-4-1 '0 041-44.54- Scientists Urged To Return Home By Red Chinese HONG KONG - Vice Pre mier Kuo - Xlo-jo of Red China Wednesday urged Chinese scien tists, engineers and students liv ing abroad to return home. He mentioned those in the United States. "We need scientific and tech nical personnel numbering mil lions." Kuo said in an appeal broadcast by Peiping Radio. MsMs UatssrcUs t Itching Shin? Relief beyond beUe (or tery. hchfaw Im tattoo, with apeciaily taedicmtej Rreind the ointment ritk sa laaolia. Soothea tad oilt tender tHa detire to tcratch thaa tide hraliai Portland Firm Low On BPA Tower Steel PORTLAND -5crew Machine Products. Inc., Portland, sub mitted the low bid of 405.50 Monday for tower steel to be used at several Bonneville Administra tion line locations. The towers sre for the 72-mile Alveny-Reston line. 25 miles of the Oregon City-Chemawa line, and for two switchyard lines at The Dalles. There were four other bidders. Mil TOP SPf ED "On e Spot" i H RatW tor Heasiibwra) H I Mr10ei I ((Gv See Grants Easy-Care Casuals designed to make Dad 'King' for a Cool Summei 2.98 IWWi PHaiB SP6B J Only $49.93 . Custom Far Mast Cars MITCHELL RADIO and TELEVISION Sales and Service 1880 Store St. Ph. 3-7577 We'Glv .W Green Stamps Fathr$ Dtry u 1 F-, J Sunday. Jut 17th A ' ----- r , , jff V; V - V& J ' NW! Sase a big 65c over our regular U prr o - J ' ti yf tt this famous fabrir sport shirt! The colorful plaids art .V''tTnHk. V- If I - woven in, slay bright through countless washings and -'fiilrX 't 1L .j Jt wraring'. The tailoring i; expert featuring full cut for Vn sS?'' J ' action comfort, popular Italian Roll Collar. S-M-L ,' 'V,'1' ; ' ''V '! P - Shop NOV uith Grant, hvmly Crni.t Coupon- Sa,; - " ( '4" , money down Take month to pay out of ineom a .-Ju - Ssimieasisaniiiwn r l"""' T jaJusf. Ibok'arGrdts, huge )moth. - ' f 9 sport:shi 'Dan River Wash 'n Wear Dries quickly, little or no ironing J Cool, Crisp Linen-Weave Popular Summer fabrie for cool comfort.- J Qg 'Dan River Rakashan Washable Resist! soil, sheds wrinkles. J Og Washable Viscose Rayon Guaranteed tn s e h i n e washable. S-M-L. 'Dan River Gina Cloth Popular flre wesve in Ml hades. M'sshalile. liwtitoA 3i toe tt MDMiia-es raws ont sta 260 N. LIBERTY ST.