ENGINEERS CALLED TO DUTY Gilbert Groff, Salem consulting engineer, has been called to tem porary active duty as an engineer officer of the Public Health Service Commissioned Reserve, Groff is taking an advanced training course for sanitary engineer reserve of ficers at the Robert A. Taft En gineering Center at Cincinnati, 0., scheduled from June 4 to 17. Rummage and misc. sale. Thurs., fil and Sat. at the Union Gospel MUgjon Store. 339 Chemeketa. i Adv.) nartwell Electric closed June 4-11. 1833 Park Ave. (adv.) DRIVER RELEASED Clyde Earl Hammett, 122S Lan caster Drive, was released after posting $50 bail Tuesday follow ing his arrest by state police on Highway 99E on a charge of driving while intoxicated. A dis trict court hearing will be held. Fur storage at Laetrile's assures your furs the quality care they need in refrigerated vaults. 1348 Ferry. Ph. 3-6814. adv.) Damage Suits Settled for $36,000 Total A $36,000 settlement out of court resulted Tuesday in two suits based on a traffic accident being dropped shortly before the cases were to be heard by a jury. How ever, no court order officially dis missing the suits has yet been signed. More than $40,000 damages had been sought. Defendants in both suits were named as H Dickey and Francis .Inhnson. Aladean Hopkins, Sweet Home, and Lelah Hopkins. Marco la. were co-plaintiffs in one suit, and Lelah Hopkins the sole plain tiff in the other. Involved was a Sept. 4. 1955, head-on collision that resulted in the death of Lelah Hopkins' hus band. Am'brose, and Injury of the two wortjen passengers The acci dent occurred on North Santiam Highway three miles south of Mar ion Forks. Johnson was the driver of the other car which was owned by Dickey Widow Seeks $20,000 for Road Death The widow of a Silverton man killed Oct 18. 1955, when the car in which he was a passenger hit a bridge railing sued the driver and cousin of the dead man Tues day for $20,000 Filing the suit was Mrs. Cfcira Wasson, Silverton. against Lee Wasson. The complaint alleged negligence and recklessness on Lee Wasson's part when the car he was driving struck the Little Puuding River bridge about six miles north east of Salem on Silverton Road. Mrs Wassnn's former husband. Orrin. was killed instantly in the accident The widow is asking $10,000 for lieinK deprived of her husband's financial support. $8.17 to. cover luneral expenses; and $9,163 gen eral damages. PUERTO RICO TOPIC "Puerto Rico Today" will be sub ject of talk by Roy R. Hewitt, Salem attorney, at the Thursday meeting of the Salem Health Study Group at the Women's Club build ing. Hewitt sod his wife recently visited Puerto Rico. Modernize your bath with Duratlle, Metal Wall Tile. 1249 S. Com'l. ph. 4-5292 (Adv.) STEWART TO TALK I State Tax Commissioner Samuel B. Stewart is scheduled speaker at the Salem Lions Club's Thursday noon meeting at the Hotel Marion. Stewart's topic will be "The Prop erty Tax Problem." I Notice For a roof that never needs re placing or for Revolutionary new asphalt shingles see Mathis Bros. 2061 State. Ph. 4-6831. (Adv.) HIBCAP THEFT REPORTED I Theft of four hubcaps from a car parked in the 300 block N. Liberty , St. Saturday night was reported to police by William Robb. 934 Sagi naw St. Value was estimated at $10. Are you contemplating re-styling your furs? Consult Ben Wrttner at Lachellc's, 1348 Ferry. tadv.) KNIFE SLASH REPORTED A 14 year-old Salem boy with an arm cut requiring three stitches told police he was slashed with a switchblade knife in an argument with another 14-year-old boy Mon day. No charges were brought? Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 N. Liberty, Salem. (Adv.)' PIR.SE LOSS REPORTED Theft of a purse containing a check for $.11.80 from a car park ed in the 100 block South High St. was reported to police Tuesday afternoon by Dora Johnson, Jeffer son Route 1. France the hair stylist now at the Beauty Nook , ph. 3-6631. Eve appointments also. ILLEGAL DEHORNING Rodney Kitchen, 1880 Kansas St., told police a horn was stolen from his Model A Ford Monday night in the Ml filock an ferry St. Value was estimated at $.1 50. Oregon Pulp & Paper Co., bond holders for information concern ing the retirement of 5r- income bonds, call or see Zilka, Smither & Co , Inc. 203 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 3-4106. (adv.) I'nsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. P r i c e's Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-")839. (Adv.i Before you buy new laundry equip ment, see the new Blackstone the automatic washer which practical ly never needs to be serviced. Jud son'i, 279 N. Com'l. (Adv.) Police Thanked' By Crash Driver A Salem man who thanked police for arresting him was fined $250 Tuesday in Municipal Court on pleading guilty to driving while intoxicated. " , John West Jr., 603 Tryon Ave,! charged Monday night after, a minor accident involving a parked car, told police he was grateful that they stopped him before he had a serious accident, police said. The car sideswiped in the 700 block Broadway Street while police were fnllnwinff Wftct vn racrlstfinwl Ia! W. Clair Tucker, 1445 Pearl St, tbey said. Better Beans Shifts Planting To Willamette 14 Air Cadets Commissioned At WU Rites Fourteen senior cadets at Wil lamette University have received their commissions as second lieu tenants in the Air Force Reserve. They graduated Sunday. Soon to be stationed with the Air Force are David Kvale, Jim Rabe and Tom Stceves of Salem; Pete Harvey, Donald Nims and Robert Zoelch of Portland; Duane Eakin, Powell Butte; William Freeman, Oregon City; James Gilliland, Bend; Gerald Kangas, Clatskanie; Jerry McCallister, Milton Free water; Robert Miller, Pendleton; Douglas Wall, Seattle; and David Townscnd, Burlingame, Calif. Receiving their commissions upon completion of summer camp training are Frank Lamb of Salem: Dale Gustafson of Harrisburg; and Walter Dauber of Yakima. Two Salem sophomores were selected for membership in Arnold Air Society, ROTC honorary on the Willamette campus. Gerald Aekerson and George Gray were among the seven cadets chosen for high academic standing and leadership capabilities into the organization. Other new members are William Jackson and Bill Weaver of Portland; Tom Head of The Dalles; Chuck McClure of Reaverton; and Jack Fowler of Sultan, Wash. Express Rale Boost Okehed i Births i in iL I ROSE To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rose, 3480 Kelton St . a son, Tuesday, June 5, at Salem Gen eral Hospital. Rl'SSELL- To Mr. and Mrs. I.eland Russell. 1777 N. Church St . a son, Tuesday. June 5, at Salem General Hospital. McAllister To Mr. and Mrs. Claude McAllister, F.stacada, a daughter. Tuesday, June 5, at Salem (ienrral Hospital. ! Authorization for Railway Ex press Agency to boost its express rates in Oregon 7 per cent was granted by an order issued Tues-j day from Public I'tilitics Com mission Charles H. Heltzel. I Railway Express has already been charging the extra fare on its "betw eon-states express since April 20, following permission granted to the company on a national basis by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion. When the intrastate, or local, increases will actually take effect is up to Railway Express. The Sa lem office said it had received no ndiration Tuesday when the new rates would be used. Based on 1955 revenue in Oregon the 7 per cent increase would only bring in .some $8,679 extra an nually on intrastate shipments the Pl'C order said Tuesday. Railway Express officials explained that most of their business was inter state, "The proposed increases.'' read the PLC order, "arc necessary to offset increases in the cost of oper ation. The total increased cost, primarily labor, for Oregon in 1955 was $87,767." By LILLIE U MADSEN Farm Editor, The Statesman Because the Willamette Valley seems to nrodiir Iwttw r n beans, Kclly-Farquhar Co., is moving its Dean plantings here from the Puyallup Valleyv "Everyone mnv not iffrs wirti me," Fred L, Halvarton, Oregon manager for the company, said Tuesday, "but in my opinion beans are better here." Halvarson gave a second reason, too, for the move. Having the beans here will level off the peak, fill in the season between t h e huge strawberry pack and the fall or late summer packs. This, is the first year this company will put up beans at its Salem plant. Both bush and Blue Lakes are being planted in a "moderate acreage." Crop Looks Good 4 Halvarson, like managers, and fieldmen of other Salem bfan pro cessing plants, said that the plant ings are "looking very good". They are somewhat advancel over a year ago, when growth was ex tremely slow. Indications are for a good crop, although a "lot can happen between stringing the : plants and picking the beans,"; Walter Leth, ficldman for Blue Lake, said Tuesday. I Blue Lake has made a substan-j tial cut in acreage planted this! year, but the percentage of the i cut wasn't available Tuesday as "all acreage planted hadn't beenj figured yet". Small increases were made ln; both corn i and beet plantings by j Blue Lake Packers. Carrot plant-; ing is about the same and "look ing awfully good", Leth said. j Plantings Dowa L. J. Lance of California Packing Corp. reported bean plantings be- i ing held about the same as a year ; ago, and growth as "very good". I l'p at Stayton, the Stayton Can-j ning Company is making about a! 10 per cent reduction in bean planting, according to I. E. Par-( berry, fieldman. However, this is! in Blue Lake variety. An addition! this year for the first time, is aj 60-acre, planting of wax bean)! fpr the cooperative. This Is an experi- j ment. Parberry admitted, but add ed they look good. j George Paulus, general manager j of Paulus Bros., said that his; plant was making a reduction of, about 13 per cent in its bean' acreage. Fist Swinger Fineid in Court A Salem man was fined $25 for striking a clerk who refused to let him into the rooming area of the V.MCA. Stephen Martin Jurovsky, 991 Mill St., pleaded guilty Tuesday in Municipal Court to a charge of assault and battery brought by Glenn Witxel, 1190 Oak St. Jurov sky was arrested Monday night on a Municipal Court John Doe warrant. Wttzel told police he was struck in the face when he moved to prevent Jurovsky' from entering the rooming area Sunday night. He Still Needs Water To Coot With Gas . VALPARAISO. Ind. (INS1 I hit rnnkin for Hn tint wasn't A motel, operator near Valparaiso happy. He was drilling for found enough natural gas to do ! water. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., June 6, '58 (Sec. I)-5 About 150,000 U. S. people are employed in atomic energy plants. The average American uses over 600 lead pencils In his lifetime. Anthropology Student Papers Published at WU The department of sociology at Willamette University this week published a collection of papers written by the students of the gen eral anthropology class. Including such readings as the Relationship Between Modern Man and His Subhuman Ancestors and Process of Radiation rn Evolution, the volume includes an introduc tion by Dr. John. A. Rademaker, chairman of the department. 41 A a THE OPENING OF OUR BRAND NEW FASHION MODELING EVERY WEDNESDAY Lunch in Comfort Air-Conditioned CHERRY j ROOM j Today's Complete i SPECIAL LUNCH Tomatoes and Macaroni and ', Chopped Beef en casserole, Tossed Green Salad. Choice of ( Dressing, Hot Roll, Q ! Drink and Dessert. ' ' JC s M Park Free j I J With Kj&a PurchMe j faft Come As , mm REMOVES DIRT ON THE SPOT! ' l j ; ' i ' ' USY AS OUSTING t Fingermarks on I SOIl-OFf IS SIAOT TO USI SIGHT V Jffijl door? and wall, art rw problem t I FROM THI SOTTLI. Removes dirt in- iMaJ 1TA alt now that Soil-off is here! I stantly, th modern "wipe eoy"wiy. SjT g V V HfJ r-oawaus jfk off mli 1 Vim AINTIO WOODWORK I 4) If If jf3 Bg i . -zjf VINITIAN SUNOS f TtIaIstf,Tr WINDOW SILLS i VtJLL'iLLi3 AND MAMIS ".yrM &4 There's nothing else like Soil-off, the modern liquid cleaner, for cleaning painted surfaces, appli ances, Venetian blinds! Use this modern miracle cleaner and skip the bother of dripping buckets. Stop dipping hands in old-fashioned, harsh solu tions that often cause rough, red hands. Just pour Soil-off on a cloth and wipe dirt off. There's never a trace of dull film or streaking with Soil-off . . . never a scratch or gritty coating. Soil-off leaves everything it touches sparkling clean-instantly I Nothing else can do it like Soil-off because it wa3 developed by a woman . . . someone who really understands your need for this special purpose cleaner 1 You'll bless the day you twitch to Soil-off I THI MOOIRN TODAY'S LUCKY Alaster Hloney NUMBERS 300,616 WW oo 46712 593,786 If you have a Master Monev Bin with any of above serial numbers on it, you win dealt. nated award if yon collect it before P. M. tonight at Center and Commercial. Any money not won today will be aaaea to tomorrow s corre sponding award. Free Master Money Bill given at all Iocs tions. Winners Must Claim Award At Center And Commercial By 9 P. M. $25 GEORGE VEAL Rr. 2, Box 182M Salem, Ore. FRUIT 9a mm Mil. ET CM v Owned and Operated by J. R. Bishop Here's an old fashioned produce center . . . Every item is Guaranteed . . . Farm Fresh. No pre-packaged stale Fruits and Vegetables. Shafter White "A" Size v " 1 Potatoes m Crisp-Large Fancy Lettuce w Solid-White-Large III Cauliflower Head Golden Ripe Fancy Bananas Dozen Radishes Green Onions 3 . w 10 c Free Balloons With Gas Purchases MASTER n.ii:i'ina.-imi,i.'L-ffii.'r.r Free Master Mcnev Bill Given At All Stations Crisp Tender Stalks CELERY ta ilverton Bead Fruif and Vegetable mum Open Daily 9:00 A,M. to 8:00 P.M. Closed Mondoy 3510 SILVERTON ROAD PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. THRU SUNDAY il LOVELY HOMES ARE LOVELIER--WHEN INSPIRED WITH TRADITIONAL MAPLE. SALEM'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE MAPLE SHOP offers you a cdmplete selection of fine Quality Eastern Furniture at Remarkably Low Prices, during our Spring Housecleqning. STOCK REDUCTION SALE! EVERY ITEM IN STORE REDUCED - - - UP TO 50 OFF . and remember COMPARE THESE when we tell you "it's Maple", we mean an ''Eastern Hardwood." SAMPLE PRICES - - - AND DON'T FORGET "EVERYTHING'S REDUCED!' IQ095 Simmons Armless 1 1Q9S ; 1 ' ' Hid a Bed Creen tweed - ' 'Q95 Wing Back Provincial K()95 Hid a Bed Beige - ' 1 1095 f oam Kubber Mattress 0095 ;; and Box Springs. Floor Sample 19(195 T. V. Swivel ( hair )095 Brown and (inld Tweed IT095 ())95 1 7 Brown Provincial ( hair Nl . J l.iuht Brow n Tweed Sofa - 1 ' ' Solid Maple Items 1395 40"x60" TABLE. EXT. 96" 11 25 Gifts for the JUNE BRIDE! 139 48" ROUND TABLE. EX. 84" 1 12 j S?eLcPRoU!n!!.to 1M HP conu 1A95 I 6.95 Milk Glass Hurricane ,195 ur rrxuivi ih Ump Hobnai, or decorated . . . 29M I "IS Extra Special Lamp Values 'J095 'omh Bi ass-Maple Milk (ilass ' Table l amps Riilfled Shades I 095 Hrass or Milk (Ilass Table Lamps ' Red - (Ireen - White Drum Shades ) 95 r'loor Lamps Comb Brass and Maple. Ruffled Shades sWf I 795 2695 SOLID MAPLE CHAIRS. 3795 COBBLERS BENCH 2750 STEP TABLE . , . . 21 6950 DEACON'S BENCH .... 5495 12950 CORNER DESK . . . 105 10950 6-DRAWER CHEST . . . 8500 3295 29" BAT? STOOL - 15" BACK 1995 2599S DRESSER - MIRROR BED For Ranch Type Home Set 199w LAMP SHADES Wc DISCOUNT 1 ALL PICTURES Wc DISCOUNT 695 All brass and copper plsquts reduced. 7 Pc Bavarian Chins ( ake Set. Hand dec. All Bavarian & English China Red. Milk Class Bud Vase O Hie Selection of Milk (.lavs 198 Spoon Hack for 18 Spoons . x Trivet Wall Scone 13$ I Stinfllrl Smoky Black Iron Trivets Decorated Trivets Copper and Brass Miniatures, . 90 00 A Lew Half Priee Items 1"(95 Plain Brown I.oi.nce ( hair, ' " T Cushion Low Hack 4).50 Channel Back Armless Rocker " Red (irav Tweed Top Quality 750 42" Round Table Solid Birch, ' except for Formica Center 9S Small Oval Red Maple Coffee Table. 2 Only 15125 CO ls COLONIAL FURNITURE Vt ia. Ltmmmtd " WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Plenty of Free Parking Space Open Monday & Friday tvenings to V p. m. IN THE CANDAIARIA SHOPPING DISTRICT Free Deliveries Special Orders WAY TO CUAN V