Bloopers in Grammar, Choice Wisecracks Often Missing in Coigressional Record Report -J By ARTHl'R EDSON I conscientiously putting down every AP Nrwsfrslure Writer I word, the final record is far from WASHINGTON W Every morn- verbatim report. - mt while Congress is in session the L many Jodc Congressional Record" comes out!"cla,n " ta a?an- ?,h,s with the practically immortal EnG1,sh usuallv is ',dled UP befor words spoken there the previous," appeaf '"P""'-. day r Then the House has a custom That Is, it contain, most of the lbLl.m.TL.a.y ,.'.'T Irt. .,-)..) I cAit-uu ins iciutuKa lain, ou immortal words. , representative may get the floor ! Sometimes it has less tnan was for a one-minute speech, ask per said, sometimes it has more than mission to revise and extend his I was said, and most of the time it remarks, mumble a few Words, and has almost what was said. ' ! then hand the official reDorter his ' For although Congress has the prefabricated revised remarks, best shorthand men in the business Mail Speeches Home This speech later can be mailed DAILY CROSSWORD 21. Ac Union Denied Review of 'Riot' Verdict home to show the constituents that he is rolling 'em in the aisles in Consress. Often a member has a cautious second thought, and tones down, or deletes, a juicy wisecrack. The newspaper man who reports it ac curately will search in vain the next day for official support. But possibly the strangest habit lis the revision of the permanent WASHINGTON i Two Long-'record, sometimes long after the shoremen's unions Monday were dailv P1"'"' record is printed, denied a Supreme Court review of JSXw a trial in which I hey w ere or- j Homrsirk dered to pay $201,274 damages as Here is Hep. Sidney R. Yates a result of a "pineapple riot'' at ' L-III telling the House: the port of The Dalles, Ore "1 stated, in column 1. 'I must A Jury in VS. District Court confess I was home sick at the in Portland. Ore relumed the lime ' Tne Prinlpr ran ,hf words verdict against the International j"s,'lh('r, so lhal rfads' '' was longshoremen's and Warehouse-, homesick I ask unanimous con men's I'nion and its Local . The 'nt that the Congressional Record award went to Hawaiian Pincap-" c,haW to rea,: 1 was l pie Co., Ltd , a Hawaiian corpo-'1 , . ratjon K Permission granted. ' . , Or here is Sen. Joseph McCar- The pineapple not' occurred hv .jt Wis': "I ask unanimous Sept. a, 1949 when the unions and mnspni that a no.vh t marl iiu. individual longshoremen sought to Wpcks earlier i dealing with the In prevent the unloading of a barge t,.rnational Council of ChrpfJian C.ircn of ninoannlc. Tho inrinVnt f'hnrr.hno h. ..t..;..L.... r.-A. iu fo lnweH a ti-nn ..' ir.ntnnrt.-.iinn ,oi rA Tk i... it is when you re at a movie and 1 r " iinmiii n-iuiu. j ur icduu mi Illy,,, , , irom nawan causefl hv activity reouest is that t wish in mnk ACROSS 1. Donkey 4. Source Of light 7. Percolate 5. An order undersell 10. Chang 11. Foretell 13. Pronounces guilty 13. Greek letter 16. Milknih IT. Sloths IS. Dron 19. Sum up 20. Coal dust 21. Mine entrances 24. Devoutness 25. Belonging to me 26. Cover 27. Chest 28. Writing implement 29. Monetary unit of Latvia 32. Southeast (abbr.) 33. Youthful 35. Rub hard 37. Pacific island 38. Browns In the aun 39. Greedy 40. Man's name 41. Cherished snimal DOWN 1. Volcano of Sicily (var.) 2. Source of being 3. Scatters 4. Long-necked aquatic birds 8. Iong-horn. ed wild ox (. Cut. as a coin's edge (obs.) 7vSluggiahj . Hubbub 10. Associate Chartered Account. ants (abbr.) 12. Card gam 14. Middl 18. Shade of a color It. Devoured 20. A Spanish warrior (Lit.) eumu 1st 22. Straight 23. Writ. . I" fluid 24. Par. asitic ' ' herb 26. Mon etary unit (Bulg.) 28. Short, winded 29. Boundary rAll ' "prrf Yesterday's Answer 3L Bevtrif 33. Roman goddess 34. Part of 30. Land held In a church Independ .36. Necessary t ene (Law) arowboat i ii ii cu . iiiiiri!::: - wM 1 W I wtt. Motorist Given Runaway Team Thrill Treatment OGDKN. I'tah You know how is when you're at a movie and the team of horses is thundering Life Balanced On Hanger, Rubber Band CLEVELAND Little Tina Development Of Missiles Top Worry By EDWIN B. HAAKINSON .WASHINGTON - The biggest worry of the genera! in charge of defending this country . against sift-prise Soviet air attacks Is that intercontinental ballistic missiles will be ready before weapons are perfected to destroy them. Gen. Earle E. Partridge, head of both the Continental Defense Command and the Air Defense Command, offered this personal concern In much-censored secret testimony made public Tuesday by the Senate air power investi gating subcommittee. Partridge said both Soviet and U. S. scientists are confidently working on the ICBM, expected t span thousands of miles of ocean in 30 minutes or less and drop a sudden and devastating nuclear blast on unsuspecting cities or areas. "My point of view Is that the threat of Soviet attack by ICBM is so frightening to me that we just can not afford to put less effort into the defense than we can into the offense," Partridge said. "Personally this seems an al most insoluble problem, but our scientists say it can be done and we should be getting along with it. "We are studying the problem," he continued. "We are making preliminary estimates on what is required in the way of hardware and locations, communications, and anti-missiles and so on, but we still do not have a workable solution." Partridge quickly added, in' an swer to a question, that scientists had worked out a counter-weapon in principle "but it has not yet been translated into any hardware of international and affiliated lo-; some changes in the speech and to ngm 81 you- M lne. lasl mlnu,e ! ramDro na enjoyed a year ot8nd until we can prove out the cal unions in the territory. insert it at a later date." I"11 n"r!es M-oiaic. mm uuc KuiuS "u iieauny nir. anc on either side of the camera. every minute of it to two doctors, Thai's how it was Tuesday fori m,,al hanger and rubber In appealing to the Supreme! As usua'. permission granted. Court the u n i o n s ouestioAed I Curious Results among other things, whether the All this putting in and taking out Robert Haley, of Ogden. He was company's complaint again s t1 naturally leads to some curious re- driving his car along U.S. Highway them stated a case for action tin-. sults- 91 south of Ogden. Heading dcr the secondary boycott provi- pPg Mike Kirwan D-Ohio) and straight for him was a runaway sinns of the Taft-Hartley Act. A L- Wi,ler 'R-Ncb got into a team of horses, pulling a harrow. Th. ;, ih,( ,ih ti,Jhasslc over public power. Kirwan: nat inl,t hi rr Thi. hnrS unions iiable for damages exon-' nPver wan,in8 ,0! split, but they didn't go b. The!P"d band Tina's first breath was a gasp- Heading ' ing one because nature had In flicted her with a caved-in chest, her lungs were squeezed by her chest bones so that they couldn't erated 99 individual longshoremen i ik. i ... .v.. Xnw I..I ,L narrow sniacnt-u uir uuiu ui mi- from damage claims made by the House what went on ! vehicle. The impact jerked the company. In a separate appeal the I j'e , Kirwan ' also made the ' norses round and each smashed company asked the Supreme Sat(.mrnl on ,ne floor of the into the side of Haley'9s car tourt to rcuew this jury artinn that he doubted 'if I wmilil v,.i fr oddly' neither horse was hurt if the high tribunal granted a the wnnH mmino ni rhi Tk.. 1 seriously and the car was not hearing on the union's appeal. vote for a the second comine nf Christ Thic seriously jwas in bad taste and offensive , badlv damaed- was in bad taste and ollensive. and T, r-, , , i i i '" ms crwlt nf d'd delete it from Ikf. Khriishrhrv A(l(lel the permanent record " But there it is. hack in the per manent record again. To Rald-IIeadnl Group MILAN, Italy if - President Eisenhower and Nikila Khrushchev have been named honorary mem-' hers of Italy s Baldheaded Association. PARAGl AY TO GET Ol'TI.ET RIO DE JANEIRO or Brazil Sale of Indian Land Set in West Oregon PORTLAND u? -The Portland , blin carpenter's horse. They offire of the Bureau of Indian "w '"P Affairs has scheduled sales of 18 Then Dr. Ef fieri, took a single Dreaming conunuea to be a chore for Tina until her pediatri-1 cian, Dr. Robert Ostergard of! Warren. Ohio, sent her to Cleve land Clinic. There. Dr. Robert Mercer, chief of the pediatrics department, and chest surgeon Donald Effler, worked out the device which saved her. From an old coat hanger, they fashioned a small bridge resem- uwrn components and figure out a way to make the thing work operation ally, I do not rest very easy." His closed-door testimony was given more than a month ago, April 30 and May 1, and since then he has testified publicly, on May 25, that the newest super sonic Russian , bombers could fly higher and faster than U. S. fighters. has agreed to build a hriHiP nvrr trart. nf Indian land in Western stitch in Tina's chest, looping the i the Parana River eivini. lnrt Jnrnn I thread around her breast bone. President Arhillf Scagni. head ,or'"d Paraguay a highway out- The tracts, ranging in, size from He tied the thread to a rubber of the l.oon-memher organization. Ift to thp sfa. Paraguay will fin-. 40 to 159 acres, arc in Polk, band and connected the band to said that honorary membership ish a road from Asuncion to its Lane. Lincoln. Coos and Yamhill the coat hanger bridge, cards will be sent to the two fnd of the bridge across the river ' counties. I "ne elasticity of the rubber baid leaders , from Brazil s port of Foz Do The property for sale once was kept an upward tension on Tina's Motto of the organization is Iguacu. A highway connects Foz!owned by individual Indians and , breast bone and enabled her chest ba d hearted mm ,f ih urM I)n lunnrii with (hp AtWir iwrt hm hopn he d in trust by tne gov-1 10 oeveiop in a normal manner unite." 'of Paranagua. ' ernment for their heirs. Tina has been home for some Aelin; Cop Role Ended in Arrest NEW YORK ( A truck driver who police say likes to slip into a cop's uniform and bawl out motor ists who double-park was report edly caught in' the act Tuesday. Police arrested Abraham Rubin, 24, a civil defense auxiliary police man, of the Bronx as he berated a driver double-parked on a Bronx street. He was charged with im personating an officer. The 6 fot 1, 220-pound Rubin wore a patrolman's regulation blue uniform and toted a toy gun, whis tle and nightstick, police said. InsiJe'TK Hope's Shorts May Help Style Trends By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD - STARR RE PORT: Anything can happen when a star puts his own money into a movie. So when Bob Hop premiered his latest, "That Cer tain Feeling," he took over the little town of Palm Springs, flew ithe press down in American Air lines' new Royal Coachman and had himself a ball. With the tem perature playing footsie with 100, )Bob decked him- time now. Her pediatrician re ports she's doing "just fine." self out in Ber muda shorts) said his knees need ed transfusions) and premiered the picture in a theater which, for some unaccountable reason, had never heard of air conditioning. Lucy and Desi Arnaz had to sit through the entire picture because they were seated directly in front of Hope, but I was able to sneak out halfway through. 1 didn't sneak, exactly. It was more a case of get outside and breathe or stay inside and die and not from laughing, either. The first half of the picture was very good. I don't know a thing . about the last half. I stayed at the Rossnure aad weat swimming aad sat la the saa aad taped the Hope weald make enough money from the pic lur to be able U afford tt. It was a nice party. Alai aad Sue Ladd were (here, aad m were Groacha Marx aad Charlie Far rell. Charlie Is always there. Lives there, la fart, aad looks It. He looks like aa lndlaa with whit hair. Hope told me he'd be leaving Hollywood June 6 to, emcee the White House Press Photographers' Ball in Washington Jdhe 7. If it's as hot in Washington as it was in Palm Springs, he'd better pack his Bermuda shorts although I understand people are a touch stuffy in Washington and still go about the place in long trousers and tigm collars on the hottest days. Poor male animals. Sheep. I think the clothing Industry should sponsor a aatloa-wide tour of maybe a daxea leadlag TV stars, all men, aad deck them oat la alee Bermuda shorts kd taste ful sport shirts, not U gaudy, aid maybe that will start a sensi ble tread. I doa't generally fed sorry for mea, bat la the summer time my heart bleeds for them. They do a great Job of raaalag the world's affairs, bat when II comes dowa t a simple thing Ilk their wa comfort they'r a pack ' ehlldrea. Maybe Bob Hope can do It all by himself. They took lots of pictures of him in Palm Springs. If enough papers print them (and the caption writers use their heads), maybe the revolution will get under way. That certain feel ing should be a cool one, especial ly around the knees. THE NAME JOHN BARAGRAT may be vaguely familiar to yea. His far weald be Instantly fa miliar, but yea'd Mad tt difflrall lo attach the aame to tt. Yet he's appeared la over Sot TV dramatic shows, living proof that TV Is ao plar for a dramatic actor to go looking for stardom. Baragray is now dolag bis first picture, play lag the heavy la the aew Martla aad Lewis comedy at Paramount, "Pardaers." Maybe that will do it for him. He's long overdue. WHATEVER HAPPENED to Maria Riva? The daughter of Marlene Dietrich, no less, she was being hailed five years ago as a bright young star, one of the few Channel Chuckles By BILL KEANE sr iio 11 1 1 . I Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., June 6, '58 (Sec. II)-13 WEDNESDAY BROADCASTS (tailor's : Tho Italrmaa nkllihoa la food fallk tt yrocroai aad limn u arevidrd a? hoi an TV iUIKm, oat llilm0 th arotraait aro tkaaird without MlflciMi thl Mwtoaotf a iriaoatlkM for U aenrocjr ' ) , WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL ): 11:0 a. m.-NBC Matinee Theatre "The Luck of Amos Currie." starring Charles Ruggles. An old man at home for ages passes tht time making mock bets on th races. t:e p. m-Matinee Theater "Gas House Kids." with Robert Lowery. A group of boys stumble upon a satchel filled with money. I:M p. .-Kraft Theater-'The Night of May a", woman triea to break away from Communist connections. KOIN-TV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL lit 1:M p. m. Armchair Theatre "An Only Son", Richard Crane and Judv Sachor. : p. m.-Studio 57-The bright expectancy of young couple planning marriage is dimmed by a misfortune, In "Out of Sight," starring Virginia Bruce and Douglas Dick. ' lt.H p. m. Showtime in Six "Fame is the Spur": Michael Red grave. KLOR-TV WEDNESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL Wi U:a a. m.-Afternoon Film Festival-'The Lost People" nUrrinf Dennis Price. Mai Zetterling. Richard Attenborough and Siobham McKenna. Refugees from various countries quartered in a German1 theater brought together by a threat of bubonic plague. -. p. m.-Wednesday Night Fights-Bobby Boyd vs. Milo Savage in a 10-round middleweight bout. 7:M p. m. Disneyland-"Where DO The Stories Come From". The hour-long presentation demonstrates that potential story ideas exist everywhere. WEDNESDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. DHF f7: KOIN-TV. VHF ; KLOR. VHF It M:M Mill M:4S ' May I have a glass of dellcloss, richer, creamier, vitamin- a rlrhed Klotx milk" to emerge from TV. So what's she doing today? Commercials on "The Alcoa Hour." I'm sorry but I just don't get it. SPEAKING OF COMMERCIALS' Alaa Ladd's aew TV film series, which be aarrates bat does aot star la, lost a prospective spoasor whea Ladd refused to have aay thing U da with handling the prod act oa the air. Smart stars like Lorretta Young have aa objectioa I associating themselves with th sponsor's product, aad "either do Grouch Marx. Lucille Ball, Jack Webb, Arthur Godfrey, Art Link letter, Jaa Clayton, Mark Stevens, Burns ft Allea, Jack Beany, Ed Sullivan. Jackie Gteasea the list is eadless. The moral: these pet pie have shows on the air, making money. Ladd doesn't. (Copyriirht Gontral FraturM Corp.) TELL MOM THERE'S A AT THE Horseman Double Holster Lionel DOLLS Holster Set Train Set teg. $a00 teg. $450 Reg.$jE00 $8.00 $5.00 C $50.00 & Everything Else on Display in the Store Hobby and Crafts Items Excepted! Horseraces Baseball Big Carpenter Psint-by-Numbers Elec. Game Tool Set Paint Set Reg. $J00 Reg. $Q00 Reg. $00 $8.00 $16.00 O $4.00 & SORRY. NO GREEN STAMPS ON SALE ITEMS No Exchsngos No Refunds All Sale Final 1 63 N. Commercial Ph. 2-1588 These are all trade-ins Rebuilt Modernised Electrofied by Morse Experts with New Electric Parts paras rcaimius ISh Wi m&i an. mm SHEARS TO pnTlvR Buy Now . . . And Get Your Jb&B yZlul3 X. o-..i. with Purchase S GJ GSM 2007 Fairgrounds Rd. OF' I SEVIH6 CENTER Phone 4-7102 KOAC, 550 k.c KOAC (Wedneiday) It a n. Tht Now. and Weather; 111 I J U- u.'Ullv Tor Women; l:41 Suinmrr Story Time; II: The Concert Hall; I2 M T)ie Newt and Weather; IMS f. a. Noon Farm Hour; I: Melody Lane: l:M The Mill on the Flom. 2: MacDonald'i AnthuloRy. IJO Memory Book o( Muilc; 3: Orenon Reporter; 1:15 Munic of the Master.; 4:r Stand By lor Miulc; 4:11 On the Uphent;4:4S New. Commentary; );H Children's Theatre; 3 3 Lon don Forum; :MThe New. and Weather; S IS Social Security; 2. Acros. the Dk; 1:30 The Child Beyond; 7:00 Game Commiaslon Bul letin; 7:IS F.venln Farm Hour; 1:0 Kevhoard Clawin: 1:45 The New. and Weather; 1:0 Musle That Fji durej 1:45 Evenine Meditation.: the Rev Kenenth Baldwin. Flr.t Baptl.t Church; l:-Sisn Off. HOIR 7 KPTV Home Hom Hom Hom KOINp.nonma Pac. IPanoram Pae. IP.norama Pae. IPanorama P. KPTVIcould B You ICould B You IFeathar Nest PToaUMt Nost , KOINVallant Lady Lcvt ot Life " Beareh Tomor. Culdtrn Llfht 9KPTVlDlns Donf Sch. iDlns Don( Sch. IToday In Woat IToday la Weat KOIN Colllnrwood I Be Counted A World Tumi' At World Turn CPTVlToday In Woat IToday In '"at ITtnn. End Tenn. Krnla KOINIjohn Caraoa Joha Carsoa Unklttr pUnkKttor -KLOR! Pub. lntoreot KPTVInbC Mat Thea.lNBC Mat Thaa.lNBC Mat Th.NBC Mat The. KOINjBlf Payoff IBIf Payoff IBob Crothy (Bob Croaby KLORInim Fe.tlvil Film Feitlval IFIIr Fetttval nim ratlvl 1 9 KPTV Data with Ufa Mod. Romancat Queen tor Day Quea for Dap 1- KOINI Brlfhter Bay ISocrot Storm Ed( of Mifht iCdf (4 Klfhl KLOR! Film Futlv.l IFIIm Featlval Film Fetllval Ullm foatlral 1KPTVjoan Davta Joaa Davis Brni Kova Itrnla Kova KOINj Armchair Th. JArmchalr Th. IKOIN Kitchen tKOIM Xltchea KLORI Tht Hussies The -Rutslea IlllnabaUr IBiiabeth 1 9 KPTYIuttlnea Thea. IM.Unea The. IWhal's Cooklnf !What'abwkln( KOINIcarry Moor Carry Moor lArthur Gndfrty Arthur Codfrty KLOR'Lady of HouaelLady of Houte Cltmmir Ctrl (Glamoue Olrl 3 KPTVI Matinee The.. IMatlneo Thoa. N.W. Horn N.W. Homo -KOINArthut eodfrey tArtaur G4If WMk It ich (Strlka tt -KLORj Mid-day Mat Mld-day Mat IMId-day Mat Mld-day Mat I I avr I T Colorama IT (Color .ma 17 Bar IT corral ' I Bar 17 Corral a KOINiMr. Moon IC.rtoon Time IRed Dunning 1ted Ounnlnf r ' KLORlMld-day Mat. IPurpla gag ICtpt. Z-o. ICapt. Z-Ko. ' 5 KPTVI Harper's Jamb. IHarpara Jamb. Newt Central' I News Can trot KOIN'Red Dunning IDoug Idwardt Brav Xagl IBrar Kagl ' KLOR Mickry Mouto IMIckey Mouao iMIcaey Mouao iMIfkey Mout C KPTVI Dateline Eur'p. I Dateline Eur'p.lCoke Time I New Caravta 9 KOINIweathtr-Newi iKaltdotcop ' IKII Carsoa Kit Carves) ' KLOR'nghtt IFJjhhj IFUhtt Branaan 7KPTVlDlrtct Plyht. I Direct. Plyht. ID.d Ka'w BettlDad Ka'wa Best KOINI Arth. Godfrey! Arth. Godfrey! Arth. Godfrey! Arth. Godfrey KLOR Dlineyltnd IDItneyland IDItneyland Dltnyland i t KPTVlKraft Thaat IKraft Theat IKrafl Thoat (Xratt Theat ' KOINlMllllonalr IMlllionalra li ve Secret Tv a Secret , KLORiDunnlngar IDunnlnger IMaaquerade IMaequerad i 9KPTVVour Life lYour Life Mr7D. A. UtTtiT, A7T KOIN Studio 9T IStudlo IT Ttmta Souar (Time Square KLORBf"lt B'nlt tnk Bank i Police Dept. Police Oepi i i ll KPTVlMayor of Twa lMayof of Twa I Tonight ' (Tonight ' IV KOIN-TV Pl.vhou.e :TV PlayhouM iPattl Page IShow. Mi; KLORlNE WS. INtWS Hm. Tar. Thea.lHome Tw. The, IPTVIronlght KVAL TV, VHF 13 FL'GKNK: KVAI.-TV Channel 13 (WHnt.O.v) 2 Ok Stop. Ixiok & i.ll ten; :I5 It t Fun To Reduce: J:3 Feather Your Nest; 3: Mallnee Theatre with Geuiijf Zurco In The Flying Serpent"; 1 15 Modern Ro mance.: 4:3 Guest Hook; 1 tt Bia Roundup; 5:45 Tlie News; 5:5 Sport. Headline.; 5:55 Weather Report: 4e Wild Bill llltkok; :3 Tlie Road to Adventure; 4:43 The Powerland Story: 7 0S I ld Three Lives; 7:3 The Lite of Riley; l et- Kraft TV Playhou.a with "The Nlht of Mav 3. the atory of a woman', effort, to break Communl.t connection.; : Science Fiction Theatre: S 3 Sherlock Holme.; H: Break the Bank; 1S:3S Tomorrow'! Headline.; 1:45 Thl. I. the Life; ll:15--In.pector Mark Saber. WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR TV PHONE ANYTIME 4-3327 Per Servue Calh t Daily. 1410 S HHi Swnd.y tervice frem I ta at. TELEVISION SERVICE CO. it KOINIshow oa ( (Tonlfht IShow oa S IPaul Ford IPaul ford KLOR Howi T'n Tht.Hlm. Twit Tht Hm, Twn. TheiiRom Twn TK WEDNESDAY'S RADIO ' Show KSLM 13N KOCO I4S KOAS 143 KOIN SI BOW tt BEX US FM: Megacycle! KUIW 11.1; KKX St.lj KOWIM " UOL'R M:M 0:15 Hit - 6 HSLM Vail. Farmca.t all Farmcaat Vail rarmcaet New. KUAg rarm New. Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Nook-New S.OIN World Newt IKOIN Klnrk KOIN Klork KOIN Klerk KGW Mu.le World Now Courtety Car ICourteay Cf . KSX News-Ke'p Tm.iKerp Time Keep lime Keen lime .KSLM raot'o 1 KG AS KOIN SOW arx KSLM kKOt'O IKGAS I (LOIN kw KEX KSLM KOCO KGAS KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAS 0KOIN KGW HEX 7 i 9 Hemimwae Rrkf.L Gane Brekf Can New. Tune. Si Time iTunct ft Time ITunet It Time ITune It Tim Brk. Nook Brk Nook KOIN Klock Hradl New Li.ten Lltten New. Keep Time Mm Nook Nook-Newt Gmt News Babbitt Snow ILl.ten Tl.her Report JKeep Time Keep Time Morn. Melodic. Morn. Melodic ITunet at Time ITunet tt Tim Brk Nook Nook-New. Shelley here, Shelley Sera. Li.ten Li.ten 'Keep Time Keep lime Bargain Count's 1KSLM Koro KGAS IKOIN KGW KEX 1KSLM KOCO Kr.K 2 KOIN KGW VACATION Special on MOTOROLA' CAR RADIOS -KSI.M KO( O MKOIN BaMMaaaBjaavaawaiBMa. BJk.W 9 KSLM KOI O KOIN .W KSI.M KOI II KOIN R(.W SIX Only 39.95 I' Model MITCHELL SM.K.S snd SKRVK K Radio & Television 1180 St.te St. Ph. 3-7577 We Give frtf Greeo Stamps 1 2 t 51 KSLM KOCO KCiAg KOIN K(.W kit .KSI.M Ikik (i T KOAK KOIN '(! KKX KSI.M KOt'O h(. ll KOIN M.W Kl X ""kslm" IKIK O Kt.t IKOIN Kl.W Kt X KM M 'mi (i K(. l Ikoin 'KfiW KKX 1 0 T 1RRM SEX Cliff Engle Family Altar Wally . Sports Newt Brk Nook Brk Nvsok Cnnsiim'r NewllVall. News Li.ten Llilen Newi-K'p TlmelKeep rime New. New. Pa.tora Call Newt-Sports 11490 Tune St. II4M Tune SL I4UO Tune St Spidrr-Hlt. Spidrr-H.:. Spider-Hit. Hltt-Newe Wendy Warren Howard Mtlltrlllrlrn Trent Mid-Mora N'wS Ll.lrn j lilen Li.ten Li.ten Brkf.t. Club Brkt.t Club Brkf.t Club Brkfn Clat New. fTello Teat Wingt of Song iWlnga ol Song New.-Sporta 1490 Tun SL H4W Tune 84. Ha Tune St. jmder-Hiti Coffee Time Kelly Wedding IHll.-Nrwt Mra Burton Aunt Mary Mora Drake Aunt Jenny . Weekday Weekday Weekday (Weekday Colf.-K Weat Boa. Uarred My True Story My True Stnry tune Teat Tune Teat iQueen a Day Queen a Day Newt-Sport 140 Tiu St tl4M Tune St 1490 Tun St Dinner Winner Dinner WlnntrSpidrr-HItt rtlta-Newa Road nf Life IMa Perktna IDr Malone IGuldlng Light Nnrdine IDr. Peale To th Ladle To the Ladle Girl Martlet Whl.p hng SO , Geo. Putnam 'Paul Harvey "New. N W Newt Top Trade Vail FarmeaaT" World Nawa Showtime Phowtlme phowttma New. Lunchln MunehlTown Crier Lunch-Newe I New., Weather torn. Cot It Houae Party Hnuae Party Tenner Newt Lawrence W.Ik Pepper Young (Woman In Ha. Art Baker Bin. Conrad IRuat Conrad IFarm Newt "MaFnee Matinee' Rawball I Bate ball '"' New.-Sportt Ladle.' Lane Clarin CalllniiCiarine Calling Lunch Munch Lunchln MunehiLunch. Muncn uncb-Newt Arln Godfrey Arth Godfrey Arth Godfree Arthur C."1frty Happlne.; IWIddrr Brown iCourte.y Car ICourteay Car New. -Conrad Run Conrad Rusi Conrad Htm Lonrad "Ha.eball" IBa.eball 'Batebal! IBaaeball News-Sporta Clarlne Cnllln Clarlne Calling1 Clartne Calling Hat . I'ailor Mat i Parlor Pat'. Parlor Porlnr-Newa Anh liKilrey A n t Gooirry (lood New. Kathy Godfrey McAn. Music MrAn. Music. MrAn. Muala Preacrtption Ncw-Cniir:ul Kun Conrad Rum Conrad Ruaa Conrad Basehall Ha.rball Ballehall iTelloTeai ! Nrw.-.Sportt ( lanne Calling Clarin Calling: Clarjn Calling I'll i I'ailor I'at i Parlor Pat. Parlor Parlor-New. H'i'h Anion Our Gal kund , Take Tnirty Take Thirty ' McAnully Mut.MrAnulty Mutl'Vii-Mi-Anlty Mim-MrAnW New-Conr.d Run. Conr.d Rus. Conrad Rum Conrad F iltnn l,el M"-' 'rifw.v il. re i ..n.wer Sim Have Y-Srmrt VVri Rhvthm We.t Rhythm We.t. Rhythm I'a'l'if . Parlor p.f. Parlor Marlof-New. Ki'xt'ii rwj '' n.,ef Newspa. of Air Newapa. of Atr tomtrsv Car :'o.irlcv Car IMin McAnultv Mu. McAnulty Nrvtii-iiiai'kb rn li.'ti tiiarkhurn Moh Rli.i Kh rn l ob Blackburn Hob A- Ray H"b K Rav Ron K Rv !Btll Bninriaee New. Sport. ns at Sand vines at Stind ong. at Sund. Trallic Jamhr. Tronic Jambr I raltic J.mnr Sign Off p'.d R Murrow l.oc.i New. Tom Harmon Frank Gnat Mu.-MrAn'lty l.or-al New. ,ie Ma.nn Flmer Pelerann News-Rlarkh m'Hh Blarkb rn Bob Blackb rn Bob Blackb'm l.ab Hcatier lV Ttrr News am Have Ne .-Sport. Son., at Sund Sonji at Sund. Songa at Sund. Sport.. New. Lowell Thorna. Atnos n Andy Amo n Andy t'hrt Huniley Sinck Report Dinner Mutic Dinner Music FlKhls ruhls lTlhU iFlghta True Detertlvt True Detective Music iDua-Out Dope Mew.-Sport. thyth At Blue. Rhvih. Si Blue.Rhyth. aV Blue Mrlody Mclcd Bing Ciosby Johnny Dollar .1 Star Xtra Man on Co Old Du.ty Old Du.ty Hill Slem Boh .arred Boh All Kin. IHob Adklnt Hi. rlull ll.i.rhall Ha.rhall iHaaebaU Mr Sports Hnvth -Blue. Rhyth -Bluet Rhyth -Blue Jaik t rwn J.i k Carson FBI FBI Wniid Nes I Min i Fam. Giselle McKen Jl.elle MVKaa, Ad km. Show Arikin. Show Adkins Show Adkina Show Bawiiali Hawhail Baehall Ba.ehaJl ' ws-Sporta Rhvth Blurt Rhvih Blur. Rmyth. It Bhi My Son Jrep Treasury Show Washtn, D. C. iVashtn. D. C (Wrujrho Man (Iroucho Man iDance Time Dance Time Bub Adkins Rob Adkins Jimmy Tidier F.dw, P. Morgan Baseball Baseball New. fws-Spori. Rvthm. Bluet HO Tune St il4M) Tune St A Star Final Javcra Rp It Jaecee Report Good Ien)ag Rrhfld Rep. New. Dani-e Tin Hancel'nd Dance Time Dance land Oanreland Km m mirn KOIN W Music Music iews-a.rtortt iilent New.-Phil Or. Mus Tonlle D.nce Time fDance Tim DaaaVaVeHaaawaaaa1 PaaaBBwCtMawaafcaB Music iMu.le i Mm Tonlte ivfua. Tonlt ganceTUn JieJaaiign