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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1956)
UjSec II) Statesman. Salem, Ore, Tue!, Juno 5, 56 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS J. Public i vehicle 4. Moccasin. liktthoe T. Ordered . CxcU- naUoaef 39. Wicked IL Vnadult era. ted 21 Cut tKin 11. Neuter entrance pronoun I Chief deity 24 muunc (Babyt) tpiketU 4. Father (rata 5. AstrWfertt ti. Laxutw 1 Floor tana coverins; labor.) T. Relfnlnj SI Gran beautr .Shabby UTiUeof respect 13. ChintM boat XI Arturtr 33. Sick workroom 21 And (L.) Z. Heraldic patient . 21 Remainder A chaw of rope - (aaut) tl Of the tide 21 Nocturnal bird , 27. Lonr-drwn apeechea XL Clrl'a name 13. Bone (mat.) UMaltdnnk S3.8Hdeado-n hill on a tied S7. Thin strip of metal, or ' nlllnr In . 21 Mountain (Theataly) 29. Door ,. fastener 40. Top of a mountain 41. City (Pa.) 41. Peru 43.Bevtrr . DOWX l.Carp 14. Born 11 Prepare for publication 25. To about 21 Rented 2inowr it. Choicest rroup . JO. Variant of "Shem" (Bib) ACS H TS3 COLCSC RECEIVED ... Too Late to Classify SMALL t Mm. house, eertty Mrxv, asa. Fh. I-Tsxj after t J p.m. Save teSave money ' For tb Bt Professions Services 4 Tnr4ar's SMtff 11 Palm (Bras.) 31 Sets ST. DiacnmUed (slant) S.Warer lr: li l ii w i i zzzwLzwzzz 3 is Tffi " " 3 ,8 J5 "" " i 7fi 17 WZZZWSJZZt w ll 1 7ACTORY built "Kit" Ahiml. wa, tear-eree, camping trau- e. szia. can 77a after m. TO fi away, pert Persia kit tee. Ph. 4-joaa. DOWNTOWN mice clean fror ran. M e C water, aaa Cm tor. JOURNEYMAN tWrtncUo. ful ly exe, ta HtstallatMa smib nam, wants steady work In Salens ana. 4-Jr sitae 3 am. PAINT sua with motor 111, Jig saw wit motor S2S. uecine lawn mower with 10 ft. of card SO, Acme adjustable draw form, axe. coow $3. Ph. COCKER mala pupa, 1 mo. old. IIS. Ph. 4-2SM- VOLT battery charger A test- er combined, sm. No. iNver Rd. Cherry Ave, Dusehart Chevron Service. PART time handy man. some yard work, small repair Jobs. Must have owa transportation. Ph. S-S47L BRICK and block Work fuar- antaed. Ph. -ssa. CARPCNTIR CONTRACTOR CARPENTER CONTRACTOR framing. remodeling, founda tions, retaining wain, cemem or pumice block. Free eetl mates. J mo. to pay. 3-430. CLOSE IN clean furnished Apt, private bath. 1M 8. Collage. CRANI WORE J DUrm IS najiaasT uivan te mm uous taal s nearing will be held baton the COaliiUn COUNCIL of fcatem, Oregon, at Uis City HsU Mon day, June II, ltot at uis hour of j Ml e clock p. m. to consider the ap- rlicabon of KICHS'IavLu OiL CO--ANY for permission to construct puans lalsnda, a sign and electrolier Boies en property at the southwest corner of South Commercial and Mil pi on streets with Mas than the estab lished M ft. setbach oil South Com snemal Street Tils property s in a C-S Business aone and is described as follows: Beginning st Uia intersection of the . west line of S. Commercial Street, with the south line of Mission St in the city of Salem, Marlon Coun- ty, Oregon; thence south along the west Una at South Commercial St, 127 J feat to the northeast corner of a certain tract of land deecrlb ad ta a dead to William LaRoche and wife recorded March 1, U4t In Vol. M. Pf. Ml, Marlon County Deed records; thence westerly along the north side of said La Jtoehe tract, and parallel with the South Una of Mission St, Ul.t feet; thence north parallel with the - weeterlp Una ol Cirnimercial St., Sl.l feet to the southwest corner of eertaiar tract of land described In a deed ta Lea O. Pass and wife. recorded Aug. U, 1M4 la Vol. llU pg. iw, iaarion county ueea Jlacordsi thanes easterly It feet to the southeast corner of said Page tract en the south line of said Mission St; thence cast along the south Una of Mission St, UI.O . feet ta the Place of beginning. This variance requests permission to modify the established M ft set Back from the center line of South Commercial Street so the proposed pump island may jrojeet I ft. into the South Commercial St. setback sres. All Mrsons desiring to be heard on this application, either for or ' asslnst should appesr st this hear ing In person or by attorney. Written onl actions mav be filed with the City HaiuwiU he atavaaasM nf Ihsa Kmruiriv eTwawais tv waj r. vr., pttfld tt Satan. Oron, Jun 4 ' f ALFRED MUHDTs ' v tit Pity errdr. BBLal lasajlllBlsl SJ asstaj , a, i NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN" (o the public met a public hearing wiu be held before the COMMON COUN CIL of the City of Salem, Oregon, st ths City Hall, Salem, Oregon, on Monday, June II, isse, at ins nour of l:M o'clock fat the evening to con sider the following petition end sp plicatlon of Alfred W. Loucks: Petition to change the tone of the following described premises from an R-l Residential to a C-l Business District: Beginning at a point on the north " line of Pine Street, which point It M feet east of the Southeast corner ' of Murk Ten. Rivervlew Park Ad dltlnn to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon: thence easterly along said north Hne of Pine Street, a distance of ISO M feet, more or less, to the west line of Brosdwy Street; thence north, along the west line of Broadway Street, 10 00 . feel; thence west, parallel with the north line of Pine Street, 1120 feet to a point north o( the place of beginning; thence south 100.00 . feet to the place o( beginning. Application to construct a service Station on the northwest corner of Pihe and Broadway Streets wlh modification of the established set back slong Broadway Street. The es tablished setback from the renter Hne of Broadway Street is .50 ft Aoollcant desires to huild 40 ft from the center Hne of . Broadway along 10 ft of frontsge north Irom ths center nnc or Broadway along 100 ft. of frontage north from the corner of fine street. Thli property It located on the north west corner ol pine ana Broad' way. Petition and application arc on file la the office of the City Recorder ana may Be examined By any inter. Cited person. Any person desiring to Be heard for or egainat ths proposer) reclassi fication of tone or variance of the setback may appear st the hearing either in person or by attorney, and, also, written objections may he filed With the City Recorder. City Hall, Salem, Oregon, by owners of prop erty in the area. Dates at Salem, Oregon, June 4, 151 ALFRED MUNDT. 1 " City Recorder. Statesman, June (. I. 7 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LAY . A WATXJt MAin AlAjnu ru DRIVE, KLARR DRIVE as VIEW DH1VE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that ths Common Council of ths City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its intention to construct Install, and lay a water main six Inches In di ameter In end slong PALI DRIVS from the most nonn erry corner of Lot 14. Tsggart't Addition, to Klarr Drive; end water main two inches in diameter In snd slong KLAnn drivs rrom rsn unve to View Drive, and along VIEW DRIVE from Klarr Drive to La vona Drive, la the City of Salem, Oraeon. In accordance with plans, spaclflea- tiana. ana estimates lor sucn water mains spp roved by the Common Council Msy 14, IsM, and which are now on file snd msy be examined in the office of the city recorder st the city hall, and which shall be deemed a pert of this notice. The cost of laying such water mains In front ef the property here inafter described will be assessed against such property, tne council deeming the same benefited by the laying of such water mslns, to-wit: LjOIS T, S, S, IV, II, IS, W. mnu it, Tsggsrft Subdivision, West Salem Polk Countv. Oregon: and A parcel ol land described st be tnnins at the southwest corner of Lot U, Byrkit't Subdlvliion, Polk County. Oregon tnd running east 100 feet slong the south line of Lets 1J snd 11. Byrkit't Subdivi sion; thsnce southeasterly 43 feet narallel la the east line of View Drive; thence west 100 feet to the Intersection of the couth line of Klsrr Drivs snd ths east line of View Drive: thence northerly along the east line of View Drive 41 feet in th Mini nf heelnnlne. The Common Council will, st 1:30. o'clock p.m. June 11, lM. in tne council chambers of the city nan, hear and consider objections if any there ha to the oroDOsed improve ment, tha size of the Droooaed water main, or to the Inclusion of sny of ssid 'property in the benefited dis trict. . By Order of the Common Council thil mn oay oi mav. iirae. ALFRED MUNDT Citv Recorder June 4. f . I I AM selling my twe Apartment family home, large corner lot, double garage. In walking dis tance of two canneries in busi ness tone, one block to post office A but line, sell reason able. Ph. mil, Hi Tile Rd. BY OWNER: 'i A. near rrult- land, modern 1 bdrm. nse- art. gar., garden, IS.U0. Ph. J-11M. PARTIALLY finished II Taft kit boat, IMS H P. sea King outboard motor, new Sears best boat trailer. I2M com- filete or will sell separately or rsde. Ph. i itH GIBSON tractor, plow, spring. tooth disc, I ft. horse mower. Ph. 1-JII7. 1 WHITEFACf rows A 4 cslvea. MS whiterock laying hens. Ph. 1-3117. SMALL unflniahed 1 bdrm. house to be moved. Plumbed, sheetrock, wire A plvwood floor In. M0. SMO McLeod Lane OWNER TRANSFERRED Will sell spacious I bdrm. home. 1i bauia, for THA appraisal. 1430 N. Mth. FOR SALE or trade. 1 000 lbs. logging horse. 1013 S. lMh. Airport Rd. USED tropical fish tanki A equipment, assorted sixes, su or part chssp. 107 Electric Ave, after 1 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDITOR! Notice la hereby siven that the undertiined hai been appointed exe cutrix of the Eitate of Duncan Mc Lean, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County tilting in Probate, end the It qualified at such executrix; all per sons having claims sgainst ths Es tate of decedent are hereby required to present the tame, duly verified, at required by law, to the under signed, at JJ7 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within tlx montht af ter the data of ths first publication of this notice. Dated In Salem, Oregon, and ftrit published this Sth dsv of June, 194. VU1UA MCL.SVAN, Executrix of the Eitate of Duncan McLean. OSTERMAN A WILLIAMS 327 Oregon Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Eitate First pub., June S. IBM Last pub., Junt 34, 195. j une a, i, iv, so COURT APT. FURN. Near Sa lem Memorial. HI. Ph. 4-3441 days GENERAL Elec. washer, daveno A chair. Ph. -3004 or 1-U18. SMALL tits round osk table. ciuo cnair, tewing cabinet. Li brary diner, antique love-teat misc. snUques, Ph. 3-W31. 1 YK old 14" tUier, make offer. Ph. Sltverton 3-473. GALL II EXPER Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDINS MACMNES Buy as you rent All makes Roea-Typewnters. esc veun Ph. MTU. e.r-r'UAMks , WESTINGHOUSE Weedry Furniture O 474 Sa Cotrl Pb 4-tlll taliDINO CAPITOl Bedding Mattress re novators New anartressee 3-40SS RICK A BLOCS MASON BLOCK A Brick Maioa. also man wmlxer for hire. t-TSST. Is-ton Lorsta mote crane Sa lem Sand A Gravel Cc 3-141 DRY ClAANING SERVICE Foreman's Cleaners A Dyers Fur Storage: Complete Dry Clnlng ft Lndry srv, ireepicx up A Diver, 1070 S Com'l ph 3-4t. 8AH Green Stamps. EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co. Excavsting - Grading Ph. 1-168 FLOOR COVtRING NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Divttion qual ity Installations Linoleum. As phalt A Rubber Tile. Wall tile Free Ettlmttea 4-227 T6 PLACE Ab PHONE 4-6811 GRADING A DOZJNO BULLDOZING A back till. 33.3 per hour. Ph. l-om. DOZING k LEVELING Pa I-W31 D PANTVVU.-B BULLDOTING. Clear's reads, ponds. D-4. D-t carryall V. Hussey Ph 1-314. . BULLDOZING, grading A Land clearing Elma w. utrxer owner A operator. Ph. 3-3741. OMB PLANNING EXPERT home building A re- enodsjing Phone 4-7i7 LAWN MOWER SBARPEN1NO LAWN mower tharpening. low prices, work guar. Ph. 4-S091. LOCKER A ICE CREAM LOCKER meat cut A wrapped. quick troie. 3710 silverton no. PAPERIN 3 a PAINTING EXPERT brush or tpray paint ing. Hi or contract. Ph. 4-39B0 Painting and paper-hangins Free estimates Ph 3-9913 PAINTING EXPERT tpray. brush painting, papor hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms Ph Nelson 3-49J.3-143 ' PAPERING A PAINTING PAINTING k DECORATING Dirt Cheap Price 3-7552 PAINTING: Interior A exterior. Free Est. 4-0094. 4-2834 ROTOVAT1NG CUSTOM Roto vt ting Ford equipment. Fields, lawns, or chards A gardens Ph. 3-SSR A 3-477. ROTO-VATINO ROTOVATING work eve, week ends. J Hatnaway Ph ma, GARDEN A lawn work wanted with rotovator Viiv-ent Krem er 119 Lansing Ave. Ph. 1-310 ROTOVATING Tilling. Howard RotovaUng. gar den cultivating. Itwn prepar. ation by hr. or Job. 3-9S93. SAND A GR A VEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1(23 McGllchnst Crushed quarry rocki and grav el. All sites for roads, dnve wsvs and narking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doimg. shov el and draglinework. 3-9249 SaSmSAND'a-GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sard tnd top oil. 1409 N. Front SI 3-241. v"AliEiSAND ftl.RAVEl CO Crushed A rouno travel Sand A con mix 1 4001 fcgrTiCSERVICE MIKE Septic service lansa cleaned D rootei cleans eeweri drains Phone 3-4 450 Merchandise 4SS House Good for Solo IP you need t sin tie Item sr s complete hoiuenotd el new ar ued lurmture ar epulis wem. Bu now on our easv terms. Woodry a Thrifty Used Furniture 313 So Com ! St Ph. 4-331 1 block So. at Paper MiU 456 Wonted Hows Goods WANTED: to buy old dthes. china, glass. teapots, knrrk knacks. Box N Statesman Journal. "CASH rorfWRNTfURE VALLEY TVK!t CO. Ph 1-7471 WANTED: To'buv old duhes, china. ffU. tespots. knick knacks. White Pox S3, States-mtn-Journal Will call be tween June It A 11 WANTED Used upright deep freetc. Ph. 4-tSi;. FURNITURE Wanted. Courteous aervK-e Ph 3-S TOP CASH "Hill - ruNNI. TUBE, appliances rrt t'SED MFRCHAND1SS MAS! r. S I IBERTY PH 4-SJ7I 450 Merchandise 462 Sports Equipment SPEEDY 14 ft. rua about with fiber gla bottom, reaiote cort trolled HP. Johnaoa ft trailer. CaU S-043 117 Saginaw 46S for . Mite. FOR RENT ee lease ire wsr house space cement floor brick Bide, downtown. In quire B L. Sttff run S-'.S 470 For Sold. Mitx. WALL furnace X3 gal. tank and IS gal stove oil used I year. ' 373. Ph. 4-1234 after 3 3 p.m. PAINT Ts gal PAINT Glen Woodry 103 N. Summer NEW Garbage ran 19 gal. 34 as Glen Woodry 109 N. Summer. 1. t-humer Caloric gas ranie: I Moore space heater lgjiat BTV; Henry Olaen Victor 2-4H97 Netarts. Oregon. GUARANTEED e Need at Once Late model E Appliances Pay cash premium for Hi Grade Electric Rantca Refrieerators I Automatic Wafhera Driers A j Bf:AN i,, for Mlt txixt. Reconditioned automstte waah erj. drvers rsngea A retrigs M 1 A up V EATER APPLIANCE CD. 373 Chemekett St. Isle Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodrv J-9H0 right Now for Pleamrt Reiultal I 457 Radio and TV USED 17" Crosier table model TV. All Channel, only M. Ph. 2-5555. Howard's Roto-Rooter, sewers 438 Buildinq Materials Hmel I septic tanki cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phone 1-7404 or 1-0774 TREE SERVICE De Rosia Tree Service Trees Shrubs. Hedges Insured 1739 N. Liberty St 2-4M1 eve. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4111 TRUCKING HALTING WANTED tohaul "ihort lo' anywhere Ph. 4-S07S. CPHOLST'.RING ITHOLSTERING Pmtesslonal: guar work, free est., pickup, deliver. Ph. 2-4:90 BETTTEIm 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found FOUND: Boy't bike. Identify A pay for ao. iuoo nowara. 314 Transportation WANTED rider to L. A. June 11. Is but tare. Ph. 4-139. 316 Personal WILL trade equity In Salem 1', a. cane oerriet with I bdrm. home for lots, older type home or late model car. Make offer. Ph. Silverton 3-47. GOOSEBERRY pickers wanted. Stanley sneed. fit. I. Box 73. Brooks, located 1 mile N. of Brokt on Hiway M. Ph. 2-3148 after p.m. '4S i TonFord wfthfTat bed also man's bicycle. Shallow well pump wtank ft connec tions. 1 wheel trailer, tome grain ft straw. Ph. l-COM. DRIVING lessons, y50eaehTPh. 4-009. LOVING child care, my home. oaya. neirer. Ph. 3-M14. BY" OWNERrbmThouunr7 llv. rm., din. rm., birch kit.. fireplace, ndwd. firs.. F. A heat, attch. gar., lot (0 x 120 located N. E. Suburban, (9.000 fn. 4-UIW. , TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your bills get you in trouble. If you re nenina in Rayments, ws csn help sou. o security or cosigners need ed. One piece to pay all bills Pay only what you can af ford I (Bonded and Licensed for your protection I) CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem 1-SM4 for information Wanted: Hide-a bed PH. 4-0414 Gassified Index "For four Convenience" 31 Meeting Notlcee 311 Lost snd Found 314 Transportation 31 Personal 311 Stsmpi snd Coins 40V AGRICULTURE 401 Livestock (or Sale 403 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbits 401 Fur Bearing Animals 40 Pelt 409 Sea rood! 410 Seed! tnd Plants 411 Fruit tnd Firm Produce 413 Fertilizer 414 Farm Equipment 423 Auction bales 49U MERCHANDISE 491 Machinery and Tools 491 Wanted Machinery. Tools 454 Sewing Machines 4M House Goodi lor Sale 4M Wanted House Goods 45. Ptdlo tnd Television 49e Bulldlni Materials 4S9 Do It Yourself 410 Musical Instrument! 442 Sports Equipment 4S4 Bicycles 4fi(l Trade Miscellaneous 47 Fuel 194 FORD clb. cpe., II JO. Ph. 4-0370 mornings. WOULD like to ride with party going to Texas or vicinity. Will help drive A thsre ex penaet. Ph. 1-133. USED washers $19 A up. ModC ern Appliance Center. 1141 Sc. Com'L Ph. 4-9399. FLEXICLOGS the Mix -'N-Mstrh plsythoet, only .99. Ph. 4-Ml WEBER Court turn, tnd unfum. apt., elec. heat, range, refrig , laundry facil. 100 S. 13th St. Mgr. 4-9082. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Mrs. R. A Kites, 450 Ridge Dr. Ph. 3-4M. UNPICK N. W. strawberries. Mrs. R. A. Kites, 4980 Rldge Dr. Ph. 3-4319. STEINER'S NURSERY Dahlia bulbs, 9 for 1. plants, flow ering shrubs A trees, dwarf fruit trees, Iris. 31M Market. 3-1944. 300 Personal 312 Loit and Found NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LAY WATER MAIN ALONG VOS- BURG AVENUE AND KENT STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City nflw For Rent. Miscellaneous Balem, uregon, deems it necessary 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous and expedient and hereby declares 1 472 Wanted Miscellaneous Its Intention to construct, Install, and 47l Miscellaneous lay a water main two Inches in dl-iion BUSINESS AND FINANCE ameter in ana along VOSBURG AVENUE and KENT STRUCT, from tne eouthwrst cor ner of Lot . Block .3. Suncrest Helghtt Addition to I point near I Bonnie Way, in the City of Salem, Oregon. in accordance with the plant, speci fications, and estimates for such waier main approved by the Com mon Council May 14. 199. and which I ere now on file and may be ex amined in the office of the citv re corder at the city hall, and which shall be deemed s part of thit notice. The cost of laying such water main LOST: 1 pr. half grown white Geese from Mill Creek. Ph 2-7M8. iTostT rdcocker vicinity-8 Salem Hi . Green Collare Lie no. 7543 Chlldt pet. Ph. 2-733 LOST: 3 stone zircon bracelet set in gold. Downtown area Ph. 2-070. Reward BROWN""lTaftieV"blilfold,"loit"Vf Clearlake last week Daniel A Newberry. Ph. 2-9384. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 208 N Com! 3-4537. PSYCHIC READER MME HAZEL Reveal's all. can help you obtain lie one vou love, and success in all af fairs, special reading 12. 45M Portland Rd. 400 Agriculture 410 Seeds and Plants MULCH Peat with mushroom fertilizer Fine for mulch. Ph. 1-0331. 411 Lawn-Gorden Equip. HUFFY elec. lawn mowen. While they last 129 93. Ph. 1-4373, 19M Wallace Rd. (12 Fruit & Farm Produce U-PICK STRAWBERRIES PH. 3-3003 SPINACH for canning or freez ing. Ph. J-1102. 7 ACRs"hayfor tile rets. 3143 Center. 3-4028. 450 Merchandise 455 House Good for Sale NEW brass firescreens 32193 Glen Woodry 1609 N. Summer. x9 WOOL rug. good cond 15 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Open Fri. night til 9. No down payment load NEWBiTtwerrDaveno sets. 3128! Lovely modern sofa's 3119 50 Save at Salem's lowest over head store. Glen Woodry 1005 N. Summer. 30" elec. range ft deluxe washer, damaged In shipment. Reduced prices, terms. S ft H. Green Stamps. Batdorf's Home ft Auto. 1420 State Ph. Jl-9582 TABLE radio. A-l. 19 9S Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Liberty Open Fri. night 'til 9. No down payment mart COME in and see our complete selection of unfinished furni ture, t-'srd Mdse Mart 270 S Liberty. Open Fri. mghftil 9 Ph. 4-S.17I 431 ACETYLENE outfit complete with tanks. Call 4-7544. UNPICK Northwest-strawbTr" ries Only 1 ml from city lim its. 10c per Ih. Bring your own LIKE new sturiin enuc-hes J44 ."to containers. Field open from 8 : Glen Woodry 18115 N Sumner a m. to 8 pm. K. ft L straw berry Farm. 3795 N River Rd Turn West at Tile - Treat Drive-In. 0 48 ',-ln Birch Plv .. Jfc ft 0 Full I" x 10" K b fednr Ranch Siding ll.snonM 0 48 Hardbnard ... l 90 aht 4x8 Sheetrock . II 40 SM 0 4S 38-in. Servire Plv .I2 33 iht 0 48 1,2-in. Service Plv 1.1 00 sht. 0 4x8 9 -in. Service Plv ....143sht. 0 A" Grade Birch doors 7 70 ea 0 "A" Grade Beech doors . . 34 93 ea. 0 ' A" Grade Mahog doors ft 53 ea Iron Roofing . flu 50 aq 0 Garage Door Hard ware .. -. 113 90 set No charge for cutting Ply wood 0 Free Delivery Credit gladly. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem 1-1500 Ph. 1-192. RUMMAGE Sale at mv home Rosedale Jist. Ph. 2-2234. HOMFI.ITE, light plant. Good condition. Ph. 4-7944. At LEN battery quick charger Ph 2-4.173. 19 Wallace Rd. USED TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER ytle's lire Mart 2.T0S 11. Cnml. Ph. 4-4031 'JOYCE'S Juicy Worms night crawlers ft red wtsrlers. use vending machine. 1559 N. 9th. Open 24 hr BFV'S rummage, everyday. 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300 rYPr.vVRITERS a dd 1 1) f ma chine! rath registers dupli cators, desks, chairs, files sup plies Hnen's 45 Court 1-6773 600 Employment 602 Holt) Wanted WANTED AT Ti IN CORVALUS, OREGON APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman ateyele routes Several routes will be open Appbcante mual be ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion A poly at the Circulation Department of the Statesman, lournai WANTED Handy man A wife to take care of 9 unit court. Free rent. Box 9 Statesman-Journal. 604 Help Wanted, Men WANTED: man with other in come, able to do light main tenance work. Ph. 1-3039. MAN to trench fry Rem Drive-In. 1891 Apply after 7 pm. AIRLINES need men. See our ad under Education. (II. Northwest Air College. potatoes S. 12th FLOORING Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 14310 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Oial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keizer Sand A Gravel Co. RICH TOP SOIL DEL $125 A YARD PH. 4-2463 CEDAR post bean post shed poles all types A berry wire. Pn 4-3081. TOP SOIL Phone 2-1373. 2-M01 RFCAPS 00-16 ft 670-15 l 95 Exch. Lytic s Tire Mart. 472 Wonted, Mite. PROGRESSIVE Southern Oregon business with growing IBM department needs an experi enced tabulating equipment operator who can wire complex boards without diagram. Some experience as a lead man de siahlr. Write Box 84 Statesman-Journal giving details of experience, education, and family status. State your sal ary requirements. EXP. service station attendant, 23 to 33. Inq. 199 S. Coml. BAKERY ROUTE 180 per week to start, for man who can qualify for good house to house route. Blue Cross health and family plan furnished. We prefer married men between 21 and 33 years. Late model 'i ton panel truck, required after training. Ph. 3-5890 or 3-4343 between 3 A 6 pm. only. WANT teveral wood cutters. Apply Capital Fuel Co., 3900 N River Rd. 606 Help Wanted, Lady 600 Employment 60S Pickers Wented START picking June Ttb. 4 A. Northwest berne sa Setter. Bus route Broadway, Hi en. Market, Silverton Rd. Cherry, Snadv Lane A Alder. Mrs. Ken Bobimoa 3-SSM. or 4-3431. STARTING ta pick 4 A. Nona weat berries, ta Xeirer. Moa, June 4th. But route will bo S. Com I , Mission, 8. 23th. Center, Msnon. Broedwav as North River Rd Ph. Mrs. Barstcft 4-3431 or t-4sB3. BERRY pickers wanted starting June 1. Trans, fur. from Pea 4 earners. E. V. Hammer. Phone 3-UO. STRAWBERRY pickers register Joe Lucas, 1-S95. .1 mi. out Orchard Hits. Rd. Good field whs steady picking. WANT Strawberry auckers Marl annc Agalsoff Ate. A Box S3, Crnisan Creek Dr. 4-1041. WANTED Pickers on 1 seres of Northwest irrigated berries. 1 1 miles West on Glen Creek Drive. Walker A Shipler. W. H. k A. P. WILLIAMSON BERRY FARM Start picking June A 13 acres Marshall A N.W. Steady pick ing. 1 mi. E. of Totem Pole. Rt. 2. Box 444. Ph. 4-4074. PICKERS wanted: cleantrri gated berriea. Marshall At Northwests Transportation turn. Gervtis. Dut Ph. 1-314, eves. STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted: start Thursday. Mav 31st. N West berries. 1 blork Weat of Keirer SchL Ph. 1-0457 WANTED, strawberry picker acres of MtrshaUs. 10 ml. north of Salem. Ph. 4-391. WANTED: Strawberry Pickers 43 A. Northwest berries. Cord crop, clean field, trtnt. fur nished. Reg. at 101 S. High St. Ph. 3-9303. Eves 3-314. STRAWBERRY pickers wsnted: Starting about June 3. Brant later. Prey ft Glrod Ph. 4-195 START Picking Fri. June lit. 10 acre clean field eood first year Marshall good picking. P. E. Sanders 3944 VanCleave Rd. f mi. East ' ml. S. Totem Pole. Ph. 4-1354. WANTED Strawberry pickers, starting June 4 Ph. 4-2989. I. Hartman 4190 Brooks Ave ANDRESEN Farm now regis tering strawberry pickers. 14 A. Marthalli. 490 N. Laneat ter. Ph. 4-1943. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted Start picking Sat, June 2. Marshall ft Northwest straw berries Howard Eggiman, Rt. ;, Box 163, Silverton. Ph. 3-4791. STRAWTEBRY pickers wanted for Jarvlt platoon Excellent picking Ph 4-3378 EVERYDAY 1 WANTED several thousand cords of wood all snecies Ph 3-7721 Nuhts 4-5o33 27 ACRES STRAWBERRIES R. M. LIVERLEY FARMS ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 98 S Commercial. 3-210 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sola 1 WF.I L broke Shetland Geld Ingr. Ph. 1-4131. SEE these 19 head of good saddle horses ft kid ponies Must be told thit week. Con sider tny trade. 113 S. 23th, Airport Rd. PROFESSIONAL horaeshoer Lee Hanson. 4-0714 or 4-903 FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also good addle horses Bob Frtnke. 305 N Wtter St Silverton. Ph 3-6134 MUST sell cheap, beautiful sor rel saddlebred gelding, pn. 3-7193 or 3m. Salem Meat Co. locker beef. Custom killing, cuttlny at wrap ping, trailer loaned tree 403 Livestock Wonted CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. 1260 Harmony ur. pn. t-wrei CATTLE buyers 4297 State E I. A H. Snethen, 2-1345, Z-438U. LIVESTOCK buyer Claude Ed wards. Rt 3. BOX B99E. 4-1113 CATTLE, norsea. at your farm E. C. McCandlish. RV 2, 3-61B9 404 Poultry ond Robbiti CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rabbits Wings 3885 State. Ph. 4-SMH FOR SALE another hatch of Capons are ready, limited sup (.!. Weigh I In I lbs. 35c lb I've Ph 3-9863. BABVCH1CKS Ic "ttrtight run. choice of Parmentert. New Hampt , White Rocks and Leg horna Special New Hamp and White Rock pullets 19c Par menter red rooster, 6c VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4424 Salem PASTEURIZED wnole milk. 75c gal. Homogenized. 7c. i gal lon 40c. Cliary Dairy, 2-30J5 CROS1.F.Y refrigerator w (reerer 1189 SO. Used Mdse Mtrt 27u i S. Liberty Open Fri night 'til I 9. No down pavirent mipl l1 lvl fir V C. 50.1100 No ; & b'r RnrlRp timbers A- i$ts p.- M uerl Ihr $15 per M P'rks fM per M 474 Miscellaneous 413 Fertilizer ROTTED Manure bv sack or yd P.nllips Bros Rt. 5. Box 860. Salem. Ph. 4-3081. ROTTED sawdust for mulching. yd. load 115. 4 yds 110. 3 yds I. or 12 s vd or 90c sack at farm. Also Beaver Dam Soil. II tack. I for 15 Phil lips Bros. Rt 5 Box SR0. Sa lem Ph. 4-3M1 FOR SALE. Kenmnre Drl.uxe rlothes dryer, excel cord utd only ' 3 mo, 11.19 Ph 4-30.10. FOR SALE: automatic gas wa ter heater. i (al. Ph 4-onfSfl PFVTAt PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY FMLER Dentist rvnl'nr tile. 1tx."2". ?0c each Adolp Bids State ft Com'l Sts Reject hard bo.ird .VWinn" salim rn j-.uu tl 75 neet ADDING machines cash regit Csed doors SI A no .clary i79 Fairiroundt 1-3.179 All kinds of used windows ft sasn. Low priced ; ALSO j Plun ging (V eirrrtical supplies 476 Fuel 42S Auction Sales OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE 4840 CENTER STREET SALEM 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery & Tools FOR SALE AC model WF trac tor, good cond. Ph. 2-6373 2966 Wallace Rd. HAVE several used wcldera AC A DC. Call 4-7344 454 Sewing Machines E. S. RITTER & CO. I Kn Portland Rd Ph 4-stll 1 ! I Mi. No. nf Salem. Mi N'o. , '. of Totem Pole on H9E i j Open All D.iy Snturday Overhead steel garage doors with hardware l.l'i 50 In italleo 149 30 G.'lvanued eve trough W7C per ft GUARANTEED Reconditioned auto, washrrs. drvers ranges ft refrigs. (.18 18 ft up VEATER APPLIANCE CO 375 Chemeketa St. FRIGIDAIRE elec !'"ringe'.Ben dix Dryer ft chrome table 7 4 chairs. 3310 Sunnyview FOR SALE : Modernlz?d " metal bed. cntl spring, innersonng matt. All fur 5 Ph. 2-0:WB NEW 9x12 tweed ruc.s $28 88 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer 1" 1 EXTRA l.oniti Seal Pos- turepcdic mattress ft rux springs Like new. used 1 r with 20 vear guarantee SI "f Ph. 2-9712 after 6pm eve LEAVING city, selling house New. (resh-m'lled old ft second hold goods. Inc. 6 cu. I! i growth lumber 2x4 tn 2x12 in FriBidaire: Mens leather eolf ' i to 24-foot len"? Delivered hae ft ran Fnehsh rir!,r I prlcel Salem 130 oer thou hoots, size 7 ft 10. Call Wed between 10 ft 5 at 21RS S High. Fawk St enl GOING TO ALASKA Must sacrifice kine. sire hdrm set. Duncan Phyfe dining set Kenmnre elec. stnve . all 1 ea old Miscl. articles 840 S 1.1th Ph 4-1726 OREGON FUEL CO OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST S & H GREEN STAMPS 3-5533 3087 Broadway V A'7 ED several thousand cords o.- wood a'l SDeclea Ph 1-7721 Virhts 4-5633 AIRLINES need women. See our ad under education fll North- west Air College. LOCAL business organization with convenient downtown of- ,','on, ,ftC''n?ronmen,t!, desires' j LiOCatPCl at WeathefB for permanent position the DllsN ' Gn Ollt N servire. of womo h.l. I I'ULO, tjll Ul IV. 25 ft 50. capable of acting in ! general otta-e Capacity, must be a competent stenographer, good appearance, good tele phone voice, able to handle public Hours 130 1o S Mon. dav thru Friday Salary range I2.5U0 to 33.600 depending on qualifications If interested, please give full Information on self, with background ex perience. Box 92, Statesman-Journal GENERAL office work. 23 to 35, ahorthand necessary. Reming ton Rand. 357 N. High. No Ph. calls. River road to Keiz cr, turn left & fol low Island Rd. 3 miles. STRAWBERRYpickers wanted starting Thrus. June 7. North west strawberries Fir Grove Farm. 7093 Wtsaatland Rd Sa lew Ph 4-403. 2nd PICK.iNGitartsWed June' June th. O D. Noren 230 Blossom Dr. Ph. 4-332. U-PICK atrawberriea. MtrshaTla 10c Jb. 3743 Wataon Ave. off Fisher Rd EPPI.NG Ll.'MBER CO. PH 46123 3740 SILVEKT0N RD 5H0.000 t'EEl" Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDl'ST FOR Ml'LCHING Planei Ends Chnice sldb and block mixed 1120 Broad vay Ph. 3-7721 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST ft WOOD 3-8444 i ANDERSON'S slabwood. Ph 1 1-775 or 4-2654 mmmum Ten 1uller -11 Sprinp Special ' Mulrh Sawdust. Fertilizer Block ft Slab Wood West Salem Fuel I.1J5 Edgewater Ph 2-40.11 j ; I : oOO Bus. & Finance WANTED Experienced practi cal nurse for Nursing Home. I 5 da. week Ph. 2-7460 REGISTERED nurse wanted for WANT it rawberrv pickers. 1110 vicrvicw ur. ra. ST R A wER R YpickenT v. a nted" Start about June 7th. Trans- gortatlon furn. R. E Gannon, rchard Helghtt Rd. Ph. 4-4034. Nursing home work 3 da. week. Ph. 27460. COOK: Clean, neat woman able to prepare luncheon A ban quet. 25 to 60 persons at pre sent. 3 times wk. We serve family style, good food, not 1610 Sales Help Wanted uncy. lome !.nori ornfr dusi- 408 Pets In front of the property hereinafter described will be ssaessed tgainat such property, the council deeming the same benefited by the laying of Such water main to-wit: Lots I and , Block 1. Suncrest Heights Addition. Salem, Polk County, Oregon: A parcel of land described tt be ginning at the Southeast corner . of Lot , Block 1, Suncrest Heights Addition, and runlng South M' 31' East along the touth line of Kent Street ltu reei; mence south o M' West 100 feet: thence North M II' West Id feet parallel to the couth line ot Kent Street; thence North ' ' West 10 feet to the - wotnt ol beginning. The Common Council win, st t 30 O'clock p.m. June 11, 1M, tn the rminell Chambers of the elty hall. hear and consider objections. It sny tnarav ha. in ths oroDOsed Imrjeove- ment, the size of the proposed water main, or to the Inclusion of any of said property in me pensum ui. trIM By Order ol ths Common Council Bus 14th OCT oi mav. ivm. mnis mo y ALFRED MUNDT Cite Baonrder " alUMtM 510 Money tn Loan 512 Loans Wn'ed 51 Investment n EMPLOYMENT 603 Help Wanted 604 Help Wanted Man 606 Help Wanted Lady 608 Pickers Wanted 810 Sales Help 611 Woik Wanted. M?n 614 Work Wanted. Lady 613 Situations Wanted 417 Job Information 81 Education 620 Dav of Contract 70U RENTALS 701 Sleepint Rooms. Board 703 W.mted Rooms Boird 705 Apartment! for Rent 708 Duplexes 707 H use for Rent 707-A Furnished 70 Farms for Rent 709 Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Housef 711 Wanted to Rent Aptt lis Business Rental! 71 Resort Rentals 111 Convalescent Homes 70 Moving and S'tortgt 0V REAL ESTATE oi Business Opportunities 05 Business Property 03 Suburban Houses tor 8s le S01 Apli., Courts for Salt to Lots far Sale S10 Farms for Sale (II Exchange Real Estate l Resort Property tit Wanted Real Estate 125 Insurance MO AUTOMOTIVE til Used Can lor Sale 653 Auto Ptrtt snd Repair (94 Trucks, Trstlees tor Sal 858 Motorcycles 60 Auto Miscellaneous S91 Bouts Trailers Over , " 115.000 fS See tesrp Innrnal PART angora rat with 4 lovely kittens to give to gooa nome Ph. 2-5555. AKC reg Boxer pups. 776 5tb St. Stayton. Ph 6024 CUTE cocker puppies. I0 Ph. 4-8:191. YOUR CHOICE 6 Beautiful Cabinet Eleclne Sewing Machines Sold for $200.50 NOW $7377 S SEWING CENTER l.m N. Coml Ph. 3 .1312 9 IT FT. RFFRIG 7 PIECE F.DRM. SET LIKE NEW. PH. 2 0900 575 N. 23rd. V 4x8 Birch. 2 sides 40c 12-2 wire, mil .ii '3c ' a 8 m criimg fms n.175 5 1 0 Money to Loan 0 ( edar shingles :i 00. 5 6 ' r.alv iron rnnf g - CHF.AP .1 tab rn.. prices 0 Nails pei keg-tsis 0 ' cast soil pipe T.ic ft l3 gal pipe 12c V 16e I1.' -25c l',"-3fc NF.W Simmons space savers and 9 500 ai s'eel srp ank 50 and hirlc-a-heds IR ft $229 50' :ioo gal steel scp. tank 39 50 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. ; a 4" black sewer pipe IW'c 11c V I) ". r l.tH D1 L'.'on ones si' it 0 E!dg paper 500 so f 2 35 0 Fibre glas blanket In NFW 7 pi hillwell daveno group i inc. 2 end tihle 2 tatle lamps roffee table $14150 a' Salem s I owest overhead slnrc Clen ' Woodry 1605 N Summer ness. 44 hrs wk. $250 mo. board A rm. $75 mo. deducted. Steady work at least thru Oct. maybe all winter, well equipt kit. Holiday Motel. Box t Taft Ore HOUSEKEEPER w a n t e d in Country home for 2 adults, ft 1 school age child. Ph. 2-6210 Brooks. WANTED experienced waltrees apply in person LeGacies Del ecatessen, 453 Court St WINDOW waitress at Ren s Drive In 1695 S. 12th Apply after 7p m EXPERIENCED wattresr wanted, applv in person Nnpp's Gold en Pheasant. 28 N. Liberty WANTED, woman to live in ft ra:e for convalescent ft do house work Mrs .lohn Soence. Ft 1. llubharC. Ph. 2-OftlO. S25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans l.theriv Ph 4-113 7 PC dinmg Wni.dry 16o5 et $19 50 G Summer WALNUT china cabinet $7.1. t.len Wnodry Ifili.l N. Summer. NF'.W round urought iron dinet tes with 4 rhairs. ext. to go. $89 50 Glen Wnodry 1605 N. Summer NFW rerllncr till hack chairs. only $59 511 at Salem'.s Lowest overhead store Glen Woodry 1605 N. Sunnier. chfap n 0 1x8 plaster board 1140 $160 1 $1 85 0 cn, eg tne. loJ2 10c sq It 1 S'laKc nio.d long Irnet 10c j O Garage door., all sizes ceap Barb wire 80 rd5 $5 !l.V $7 45 I onside white nam t e;' $2 9o HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 608 Pickers Wanted For Cash 0 W strip crystal windows 0 ilx12 kitchen sinks cheap O Toilets W 'seats $28 50 New bath tub complete $63 50 Strictly Cash - U Haul Closed Sundays ft Mondays nan Fairgrounds Rd I Hollywood District I HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED n Investigation Fees Free Parking Lol Call 2-7u:a S:J0 (In. ('. G LONG & SON'S ''"V ATE" MONEY ""lo loan. FOR SALE or trade 15 gal j 455 HuUte Good for Sole ' 1 S complete lim aquarium, with all attach- t lure and ai i-iaci ments 9320 Portland Rd 2-II5S7 ' IKrn R,rn.,ilir , .ri l"1 r ' eriiead S fl'UIT AKC Reg sheltand sheep dos Ipupsl. 41h.i lotll Ave. RE(i. COLLIE PUPS Ph 3 7R7fi CUTF kittens to give awav Ph li-fi!i!8 alter 4 p in Refngeralnr in goi wni king "cdili..c ( ii e 11 an nffei ('.ill 3-.VI28 after fi 160" ' r furri- rr.( a I Sen 's ..( (,len I Mi N K-i?er - Ph 4-051 1 $10 1 puv r.41 11 'l.'i per ni Son'e hlmVr Hack "f i-fl Cl St'cic. S'e- e 121" Parking 11' MAPLE hlirk I.efN er. deluxe spin drv I "' n-.atreses Fcglish blcvcle NOIICF easy v aher pi, I.6IKI4 INI A III Lino $1 51 per r' yd R 1. riMrom Tn 2K0 S Lib-ert i h s HI II S Him: inngs (Urn 4S9 Do It Yourself FOR SAI.K. I' all Kiel Come see afternoons at .1335 ' UNFINISHED furnilii'e II L. Living-ton or call 2 -7!1HI Stiff Furn t,,i 1 r N High mm on Mi''irp nil., isiii'i ITmrn VOtTNG parakeets cages feeds Mickey's W25 S Com I 2753 a-hers $15 ft up Mod ern Appliance I'enicr. 1141 S Commercial Ph. 4-U115.1 BIRD Paradise for "rdt. cages Supplies 3180 Llvingslon I-I842 410 Seed and Plants NEW C, icn NF.W 1.1 H5 MODFfIN bed' WiimiIh 1605 N Siimnirr ''it, ei'.un 1'iilct sc:it .1 iids'in s 27!l N 'urn 1 Unfipi'-hi'd ('hosts. Now .1 Drawers $6 15 5 Dnuer, . 15 No Tllone Orders Plrase I '-I'lx-lt-Gaiajrp Riptlr vnur own - ar Phone !-': I ?.5 N Com l 462 Sport Equipment F.1H SAI f. VI .i-r-er. $:in :: boat si ilh lop 7170 FOR SALE. Brndix Auto, wash ei. deluxe, good cond. Trice $.K- Bendlx auto drser. vised II rs. god cond Price $90 Better prir-e on set See at 1147 N 38lh St. Ph .-l-.ISMI. MIST Fortune heroin savs. . . . -e ,- i.. . - USED refrigerators. $19 25 ft no. in. to stoo (be exoloitin. Red , AI Laue. App . -150 State St. ' INLAID Linn $15? per sq yd speed saboteurs, now the re- 1-3 ONLY Hi-grade chest-a-draw HOGG BROS. 248 Stale St USED daveno s $24 50 $:I4 .in Olrn W'riodrv 1605 N Summer ; ; rt 'W.:'. host. slr"ot new j rA,rf-t t'u ar $145 i:m Nel'ra'ka Avf i 12 FT. ph u""d liMr.e brial Tro-Nrc-Tom Tlni'nb trailer i earl- new f!7.v I'h 2-7R71 Clu-mrkcta St. Ph .1-8841 "OI.ON1AL Investment Co Heal Prnnertv Lo;ms - Cnntrarts Pin!if(i Court 4-2281 PRIVATE monev tn loan 61. 'n'e;p"t Ph 2-0711 LOANS Sll no in 1 1. Mid IKl P. ,v Whsi Yiiti Need Cnp..,iirla'e vnu- mils FlnaT'e throjgri Wll I A'TTTF CREDIT COMrANY 182 S Chmrh St I'h 2 2451 ttr HAVE rash buyer" for real riafc contracts and 2nd mort- gacr s outran ft ( alaba Rea.'ors 477 Court St Phone 2-4113 OAK CREST FARM Heavy 2nd Picking Close in 2'; ml. north of Wal lace Rd Trans furn Please Ph 4-6268. W L Peterson. 2nd yr. Mar shall Heavy picking, trans, furn. Ph2-M8 after4. REG NOW for strawberry pick ing Starting about June 11th. Bians later 3 mi. E. of Lan caster on Sunnyview. Albert Scharer, 4-4017, PICKERS wanted from June 4 on in goose berries, atrawber ries. Rosenherries ft beans, transportation furnished with hi", fam is I mile east ft one in i lo north of Brooks. Ph. 2-6210 COLLEGE Students Teachers Sell Nationally Advertized Electrolux during summer months. Career opportunity for those Interested. Work ll pro fitable, interesting and educa tional. Apply 1079 Broadway Salem or Phone 4-2239 for appointment. FURNITURE DEPT. MANAGER Sales experience In furniture ft floor coverings necessary. Sal ary ft override on dep t. sales Permanent position A oppor tunity for advancement for the right person. Applv in person Montgomery warns. MrMinnville. Ore APPLIANCE Salesman Applv Lees Electric 3380 N Lan caster Dr BUSY season just starling, need 3 boys for adv work $250 moniii See Mr Duncan. Mar lon Hotel Lobby. 3-5 p m NEED 2 YOUNG LADIES IMMEDIATELY Between 21-21 for adv. work $290 month See Mr. Dunca.i. Marion Hotel I.ohbv 3-5 pm YOUNGman 24 tn 35 who Is ambitious ft qualified to erter telling field. College second ing or eqaivalent bus. exn essential Our proposition of fers a lifetime career in an established business. Salary pd during extensive training per iod. Call or write for appoint ment. Ph. 2-3422 National Cah Register Co. 329 Gainet St Salem, Ore. MAN to distribute ft pick up Fuller Brush catalogs $Hi0 weekly comm to start 3-8357 W WJFD strawberry pn-krrs. I Marshall A Northwests, camp- et. welcome Start June 2. M C What ken, Rt 2 Rox 407 I1, mi F ft mi north of I ACE T .icn Pule Ph, 4-1.112. FOR immediate employment. 4O0 mo. guaranteed com ap plv 325 E. Bush. 30 to A NL Onli. 612 Work Wanted, Men STRAWBERRY needed Puking stalled June 1st Clean ftrlds f. dec in JF.RRY ft NIT A ANDRESES 4B45 N Lam aster Ph. 4-1971 512 Loon Wanted for Courteous Ad laker Assistance Phone Ml sponslbihty is yours " Relig ious insanity as worshiping money, mortar complex. Intol erance, bigotery. superstition, injustis etc.. weather etc. may loose a cold war. i, price on many shrubs. Houston's Nur sery Rte . 9. Box Ml Salem. S't ml. So. 4 Corners on 22. left 1 ml. on Culver Rd. PS. Glad to assist with poor thoughts on planting etc. STILL timTtcT plant Chryttnth-' mumt, over 100 newer verities aatilbet, delphiniums, (includ ing bright plnkl Geraniums lypinea Black's 2270 Chemawa Rd. 4-721. BEDDING Plants 40c doz. Pan- ay t 10c et. Hybrid tomatna 20c ea. Vegetable planta 29c dor Silke Greenhouse. Ph. 4-10T. GERANIUMS, fuachaia. tub. be- fonltt ill. Olad bulbs 1 dot. 1. Fuchaia baskets (3 Mer rills Greenhouse, Brooks. ers, $50 ea. fnam rubber sofa $125. Glen Woodry 1603 N Summer. INLAID Lino $1 5 per sq yd R L Elfstrom Co 260 S Lib erty USED Hntpolnt. apt. l7e $79 50 Used Mdse Mart. 270 S Liber ty. Open Fri night 'till 9. No down payment to. a c I Ph. 4-tU71. 1 USED Freezer, like "new. Reg $529 95 now $379 50 Good customer mav assume bal.. lerms. S. ft H. Green Stamps. Batdorf's Home ft Auto. 1420 State St. Plr .1-9582. NEW Swing" "rockers. $24 50 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Slimmer. iisf FRIGIDAIRE AutoT washer $99. Ph. 4-771. -FUSED Aiito'Washerrexcri'iind Reg. 2W95 - now, $43 95. termt. S. ft H. Green stamps Batdorf's Home ft Auto. 1420 State. Ph. 1-992. R L Elfstrom Co 20 S Lib. erty GAS Range, exc cond . water i heater. Ph 4-5123 I NEW Simmons rollaway $12 B8 Glen Woodry 1605 N Summer BEDP.M. set. 2 pi-, sectional elec. appliances. nus-T articles. Ph 3-34:18 or see 3.181 Duncan Ave MODERN used appliances arc cheaper at Salem's lowest overhead store. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer EVFNTFMP nil wall furnace. complete with 110 gal. tank Used 2 yrs. Ph. 4-4657 eve or Sun : 3 H P EVENRirDE Also 10 H APT, range. $25. to 55 Glen p F.vlnrude. Ph. 4-7544. PRIVATE party desires person al loan of $1,800 Excellent charatler references, steady . . ,,, ..,. employment, substantial HOT .' LET S SWIM' monthly payments at '.. Box 15 statesman-journal. S'ATinniina pool complete 12 X27' ONLY $1795 NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 Month To Pay Call .1-6062 j 600 Employment 602 Help Wented OUTBOARD MOTORS Approx 200-ft. tiller rope. .1 h p 5(1 Evlnrude .Vj hp '55 Johnson ft tank. 10 h p 56 Evlnrude .It tank. $882 retail value 105 S, Cottage. Woodrv 1605 N Summer. BE THRIFTY Buy used furni ture ft appliances. THE T H R I F T V WAY on Eay Terms at WOODRYS THRIFTY USED FURN. Ill S. Com l Ph. 4-331 CASH oald lor used guns mod ern and antique Cascade Merc 1230 Broadway 13 II PE7tnr"mleTHMdl.'l)"nry run few his. Ph. 2-123 14 FT "boat VtriilerT lUflTph. 4-316. COMMERCIAL Placement Acency Since 1948 Specialists In Office Placement 491 State i 41 1 Ore Bldg ) 4-3151 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0616 354 N Winter Adjoining Preihvterlan church Free parking In rear Exclu sive listings on all types of employment Ajrain with Harold Lang PH 4-4180 For summer platoon Picking st.awberriei for the Downey Farms. Start soon. Schedule of stops: N Confl.. Center to 17th. 17th ft State. 12th ft S(ate 12'h ft Million. High ft Mission. STRAWBERRY plcken, nortiv northwest Start June . 5 ml. east on Silverton, Salem high way. Rt. 2, Box 918. G. E. Haury. NOW picking gooseberries. Mar shall strawberries June 4. 2'i ml. W. of Brush College itbre. Fred Meyer. Rt. 1, Box 802. Ph. 2-6177. PICKERS wanted at Ltuderback ft Arrells on Lardcn Rd. Strawberries, cherries ft beans. Picking starts June 1st. Ph. 4-1153. BERRY pickers wanted. 18 A. n( Marshalls. Close In near 4 Corners Ph. 4-3575 eve U-l'icK-Strawberries. ml. East Kelzer Sch. Good pick ing. Marshall berritl. A. Coldiby. Ph. 4-8374. landscaoe service, lawn construction, tilling, gen land scape maintenance Ph 2-702.1. PAINTING free estimates rea sonable Ph, 2-9551 eves, "CARPENTER-WORK day r contract 2-1842 or 2-1450 CARPFNTFR work wanted New or remodeling work Have power tools. Ph. 4-1656. IOU S tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2666 NEW building or remodeling, est. free. 4-6340 after 5:30 please. TILLING Howard Rotovttor. Ph. 4-2823 or 2-3539. No calls Sat. please. iAwiTm6wing. power mower. phone 4-2301 EXTRA SPECAL ! ! ! NEED an addition Remodeling? Cabinet Work. Free estimttet. Big discount. Expert work. Work gutrtnteed. Ref. Go envplace. Chts Exllnc, Ph. St-7016. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-339 Slde walkt. pttlot. ret. wall, ga rages, bimti. Free estimttet. HOME building remodeling, house framln--or any line of carpenter wo ph 4-1273 614 Work Wented, Ledy WILL care for children, my home Ph. 2-7740. BABY jltting in my home N. Salem, day or. eve. 2-7112 CHILD care, my home by ex perienced mother. 1340 N. Win ter. Ph. 0K1.