New York Closing Stocks Bprid by Merrill Lew Prc Fanner and Bean iriintkni 'tut Molar Adml'el Cp It' Al Cham Dye 114' A me Sin o, ;C DfMmm C-ew EW IGm Fooda . Aim 114 Aluminum Ltd ll't iGeti Motors m Airline S'iG Tiro Am Can 44', Geo Psc Ply Am Cvati H .Gillette Am Motor T iGllOden Am Stl Fdr 4H 'Goodrteti j Am T T 1W, I Goodyear Am Tobacco . , to j Grac w R m vikw M Grt No Br wnae: (.odd KiH CM West Arm eo S3, 'GravbnuMl Armour .. II', !Gf Oil . Atcheaoa Top . IS I n Avco ....... ', Ho-eatak. M Band,. Avui II L , ' Best rrxwU u Int Harvest Beth "811 " 14A '"' Nickel Boeing Air Borden Borg Warn . Bucyrut Burro Addinf Calif Pack C ..... Campb Sour ... Can Pae Ry Caa J I Caterp Trac C lanes . Celolex Cerlaintced Chat O Ry .. Chi M A; Si P Chi X Rv Chi R Is Ry .... Chrysler Cities Serv Climax Moly ... Cliiett Fe Coca Cola Colgate Com Credit . . Comw Edison Cnnt Edison . Container Cont Can . Conl Oil Iran Co Crown ZH1 Curtita Wr D Deere A Co .... Dia Match Doug Air Dow Chern Du P da N't .... I tail Atr 1I . .. list Kodak ..... El Paso Gal .... Fmer Radio .... Ex Callo r Fairchtld 12 ., 44 , 3 Int Paper iohnjMans Jontl A M Stl St (aisfr Alum . 'Knnrcotl Kern Land I- Llbby McN Li Mvart . . 45 MS S1J. IP, 7S 1J, LOf Claw Loikhnd 'lotw'i Inc Lon Bell LoriTlaro so. IS". M Maffnavox 1 Marsh Fif'd M St M Wood . Murk At Co 40 . 64 't , Mont Chrm I-' I Mont Waid Motorola 40', .. 44 7i', 47 114 3 ti S3a n 7i, U's lOd's . 4SV, as'a . 7 . Natl Biscuit . N.U rVi Natl Dairt Nail Distill Nail Gypum Nail Laad Natl Supply . NY Central i Nn Am A via Nn Pac Ry NW Airlines Oltn Otis Mslh Elav Pabco Pae G A 14 Pac T At T Pan Am Air Penney J C .. Ptnn Ry Most Grain Futures Rise 17 2S-17 SO, most 290-270 lb 17 00-17JJ CHICAGO - With the excep-'"' ..,,. . . Cattle 28.000; calvaa SOS; steers tion of lard, all futures contracts B hjfh good , JS t0 ended higher on the Board of 'lower; steers averala good and be Trade Monday. j lnw ,',a'1)' ,0 lower; helfera steady . 4W , to JS lower; cows steady to a 25 winy wurai. suuaru u ciijui from the start. Other grains de clined in early trading but later staged a rally to close strong. Wheat closed 1 to 3'a higher, enrn 4 to ' higher, oats ' to l's higher, rye 's to 14 higher, soybeans S to ft higher and lard unchangpd to 28 cents a hun dred pounds lower. Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO lAPl (USDAi Butter teadv; wholesale selling prires unchanged- AA 93 vore 99-99 29; A SS S9-59 23; R 90 96 79-57 25; C SS 55-941 Eggs steady; wholesale selhna rvlces t4 lower to it higher; mini mum (0 per cent A extra large 37 9 3. extras medium 31-36 50 standards 4 75; checks 31J-31. WORK THIS CROSSWORD PUZZLE TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF THIS AUTOMATIC First 10 Correct Answers With Earliest Postmark Will Receive Above Prize. Next 10 Correct Answers Will Receive a $50.00 Gift Certificate. Next 20 Will Receive $30 Toward the Purchase of a MORSE SEWING MACHINE I M I I b I 3 j I II 3 12 6 ACROSS: I. Ctplt It... puii-l O.eJ Mt M $winf Mchiei. t. Mki mochinti ff trt - 10. Wt Mil AAfit Mochif.! is obntt v pfobl 11. Y emm tk Mri (hin your horn. 12. Iwtr) fjHiwtf ) wi by nail. 1J. Ivy m4 ff oty lrmi. 14. ii fu t iw 4n new Mn mchie). 15. Merw mcSifiti or - the wo'ltj ovr. A4Afi rou fNrity todayi 2007 Fairgrounds Id. I NAME J ADDRESS CITY - a Freteat Mcle rVtrt Cola Phelot-Dndga MV fPh'Ico Corp , tv, . ttnprhd Mom . I!', Phil Petrol S4'a iPiltobtfrjr . . 41's Proc A Cam - n; ! 44. i M iPur. OU . . 4?l . 31 , . ', . ', . a m Radio Cora R. Vomer Inc , Bemib Stl , Reynolds MH Reynold! Tob ti t Suf 11 ".irhlieitf O Royal Dutch . I I Ssfeway lira .ie4 -111 ss, it Jo. Lata . t t sr r is,was up eenU to IchcX IX"- k , 8.1 Scort Paper .. S7, Sars Ro . Snell Oil Sinclair Oil Skelly OU -Secony-Mob Sou Sal Edl Sou Pac Ry Sou Ry 30- " t ' U53, si 1,1 7ii 4Mt , SIS US ! - I4a 41', 101', - '. M , 'j i-v, : Sperry Rnd "Std Brands 'i Std Oil Cal ... SJ, Std Oil Ind ... S, Std Oil NJ it', 5tud-Park ... iJ4 Suntay Oil IS1, Sunshine M . . Slft Si Co . Air . A . s . . . 4J 37', .IS', M 3". 41. 43. 41 3S', ' 3S, :i w, Si W'i s, n 3S IS'. M', 44 Sylvanla El . T Texas Co Texas Gull Textron ... Tide-Asao Transam Trans Wo Air Twn Cen Fox V Union Carb Union Oil Union Pac Ry Una Aircraft lint Air Lines Uni Corp I'm Fruit US Plywood . US Rubber US Steel W Warntr Pic Wash Water P Wrst Air Br Western Aif Western Elec Western Union Wootworth E Zenith il 1M4 31's! 241, ST, .177 4, Si's 4.1', . 48 M', 12', 3', 3 . 35' SI J40' II1 H9 S3' IS1! 44 114 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO it lUSDAI Hoes 11 000. mostly 2S lower, sows weak to SO loer, a SO head lot mostly No. I 17 SS; buk No. J and 4 190-140 lb )ower: DuUs .tMdy; vaalers steady; stockcrs ana leedfri strong; a load of prime 1400 lb steer 24 00, prime 1100-14(0 lb 22 7S.23.2S; bulk choice steers JO 7S-11 79: food to low choice rdrs 1 00-20 SO; high choice and prime helfera 21 75-22 23. choice heif ers JO. 50-21 SO utility and commercial cows 11S0-1J50; bulls 14 00-16 25. good and choice vealers Id 00-23 00; choice 400 lb stock steer calves 21.23 'Sheep 1,000, sctinj spring lambs in I dollar higher slaughter sheep i fteady, mnwt good and choice spring I lmbs MOO. cull to low good 21 00-! 23 00. good lo prime SO-110 lh shorn j lambs No. I and 2 pelt 23 00-23.90. j shorn slaughter ewes 3 90-9 90 Chicago Onions CHICAGO Onions Open High Low Cls Nov fold 1 . L.80 Nov I new) 1 S3 1 92 1 SI 1 90 Jan 2 17 2 19 1 12 2 24 DOWN: V Lt tit 4OHttrof M . in your ko tnfl nochint, 1. It it trtit, w ivt y oonty. 4. MV frOfKtp)4tt fueiV Itod ftx yoart on- . I. - ono can olorrf to o4 0 tnn offV. 4. W vt frao iflitrvrtion H Mon fttochmai. 7. Vow "tt tH nfAti at OOCt, if yov . I. Your prut can apply -wr4t your siown poymifll. winnus wiu u Normoi Phone 4-7102 a AGE - - PHONE t MiM Af Stock Market Climbs Slowly NEW YORK The Stock Market enhanced Monday. The rise was hesitant and vohnri e was rncet qispisyea gains ot arouiKi , I poinU at the outside, with a few stocks doina better, while , it set usually amounted te a point at the most The Associate) Press iveraje of IS stocks was up W cents at $17150. On Friday the average close a f en- Tne Industrial component was up $1.10. railroads advanced $1.00, ..J ..t.l.i; ..J u , . aura uiuiuca suica Li ins. There were only 1JH individual Issues traded of which 567 were higher and 137 lower with It new highs for the year and ! new lows. Volume came to 1,500.000 shares, third lowest total of the year. Friday's volume of 1.440, 000 was second lowest. Bottom for I the year was 1,420,000 shares Feb. 11. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Asamlated Press . JUNE 4 BOND AVERAGES 20 It 10 10 Rails Indus I'nl Fan 1 Net C iantt Mon 1X1 ' Prev Dav Week A0 . Month Ao .. 1 Year Ao , inse Huh ... IM Low . I ISJ5 Hleh ; ItSS Low Net chania . ; Friday A l Dl D I unch ... MS MS 94S pno (Ml !MJ 94 3 MS S7 7 S D4 I SMS M S 4 7S M0 Jj S3 si 5S n .... M.J MS OSS 94 S H I 84 9 09 S 100 1 M4 M 0 Unch Ml 4 S S4S S 9S7 M3 A 1 Unch t4 4 Ml M S M I 97 4 -MS M 1 M 0 Ml M i M 4 7 7 1 Mnntn ago I Year ao I Hih IMS Low 19SJ Hih IS) Low . .. M S S4 MS 94 MS - - to S STOCK AVERAGIS 30 indtiil. IS rails A 3 72D Tit 71 9 73.4 13 0 1S2 71 5 77 7 2 " 'A'a Met Changs Mon. 1X1 Prev. Day Weak Ago Month Ago Year Ago .. IMS High .. 19M Low ... 199 High .. 193J Low . Al 1 Al 01 252 S 29 IS 244 0 284 22JS 219 2 244 0 297 8 23.1 140 7 17 117 7 152 2 13S.J 133 I 1290 142 4 1141 14SS Markets at Glance NEW YORK lii Stocks hiftier: modest improvement Bonds lower; trading quiet Cotton Irregular; liquidation and hedging CHICAGO; Wheat-steady; good restins order demand. Corn mixed; trading lacked def inite trend Oatehigher; fairly good demand Rye higher; supported by strength in corn itogf-butchers steady to 23 to 40 cents lower Cattle steers w eak to 75 rents low- Dow Jones Averages NEW YORK Dow lones closing averages: Stocks: High Low Close 90 Indt 4M.S0 479 4 4M.22 20 Ralls JM 2S 104 S4 1S Wl IS Utile S99.1 4940 4.VB3 SS Stocks 173.64 171 00 173 2 5! 'JJo mo mostly choice 1.255 lbs 19.00; !w ! Jlnd ' i sales standard steers 16.OO-17.50; A rntxiium, 31-3 Chicago Grain ! CHICAGO (APi- Open Cloaa WHEAT ' Julv 102-03's 2S3J.-'i Sept 1.0SV I7',-, Dec 2 01', 2 10'2- March 3 OS I Ills CORN: Julv - . 1 49',-', 1 90-49', Sept 1 49-.l 1 80', I Dec I.J7-3S', 1.1'4-39 March 1 41-40', 1 43-', OATS; I July ... M'4-, 49 September 19B, 2 December SS',-68 9', March 70', 71', RYE: September 119', 1 2dJ, : Julv LISV, I l!'s Dec. 1 2P-'a 1 23 March 129 1 2'i SOYBEANS: July 3 00-299 3 03' ,-03 September . ... 2 04-W, 2 72-71", ' November . 2 90-49', 2 SS1,-', 1 Januarv - 2 82,-'2 2 99', March :.Ji 2 S2', Investment Trusts I7.ilks. Smltlier Cn . Inc. I Kid Affiliated Tund dis Canadian Tund 19 20 Century Shares Trust . 23 HI Chemical Fund 17 0.1 Delaware Fund II 07 Diver Invest Fund . 2S Dividend Shares 2.7 Eaton H Bal. Fund 22 OS Gas Ind 13 Croup Tobacco 4 24 Incom Investor 9 9S Kev Cu"l Fund"; R-3 . 19 14 B-4 10 93 K-l 9 S-2 12 27 S-4 10 14 Man Bond Fund S 07 Mass. Invest. Tru5t 34 13 Natl. Sec. Series: Income Series 6 13 Stock Series 8 44 Pre(. Stock S S 73 Natl. Dtv Series ... 4 72 .Natl. Growth 8 07 Pioneer Fund 13 98 Tel. -Elec Fund 11 97 VsIuf Line Inc. Fund , 8 04 Wellington Fund 13 97 Asked 6 99 20 77 29.10 18 il 13 17 10 17 J.IK 23 81 1928 4 S6 10 M 20 90 111 113 10 43 13 40 11 07 8 S4 56 90 , 14 is lJ 81 80 14 -,9 PERCY E. THOM (2590 Sunrise Ave. Phone 4 7062) who, with Dr. Charles A. Howard, represents Equit able in the Salem area. y Msr lejwItabU rvsrsetjtie sayat I I s i-k vw; . i MOMMY CK Ne.V.1 Hmt TM tto Is. S. "It's all In your mind, dtjor! Castor oil really isn't unpleasant ot nil '" Portland Portland Livf stock I PORTLAND UP (USDA battle PORTLAND UP Butterfat -salable 2,300; trade on slaughter, Tentative, subject to Immediate siren onlv modcralive 'active. rhanse Premium Quality, dcliv- jjprice trend uneven but averaging about stady; heifers fairly active. : laa rlv salpc ft ir mor higher M,,.v. . v i ss j oui wier iraue oiuv . CUbeS to wholesalers urade AA, Jjjislow, scattered sales commercial n K0Tt S9i. A gra(ie. 9J score, I and standard grade fully Meadyijji,. g grade 90 score 57; C grade DJibut later grades steady. weak; K scorp s5 ' til ! wjble share .til. in first hands; Cnw.sfTo whoiM,iertorego j "tJ?unfr. 41-46 lb; Oregon Sib loaf, ter steers 950-1.150 lbs 20.00-11 00; ; 43i"M ss':1 good-low choice in same weights! ' ... a TaofLtoso n. load hich ffond-' KgR"-To wholesalers-Candled' - - part load 925 lb weights 20 00; few; other lots high good-choice heifers its s'; lew ncsa gooa l 13 00, with one lot standard 641 i mo J i heifers 15.00: canner and cutter 1" -J cows 6 50-9 SO, most sales 9 00 ?!;Ldown: utility cows 9.50-11.50, but isi s I mostly 1100 down; few commer cial fed cows 12 00-50; one lot standard cows 14.00; scattered head cutter-utility bulls 14.OO-16 00, individual head utility 17.00. Calves salable 250; trade on vealers moderately active to slow, ; unevenly weak-1 00 lowr: spnnk-j ling of choice vealers 20 00-22 00; good-low choice 17 00-19 00: commercial-low good 13.00-16.00; few utility down to 1150. i Hogs salable 1.JO0: trade slow,' trend uneven; e.treme top early 25 higher on butchers but general iess; ld does. 10-14. few higher, market only steady with undertone ; Fre.h killed (ryers to retailers, M wetk; sows about shady; 44 head gt; cut Up, 62-6S. t- i i i.i am 1U. men. t u s. io. l Dwcners m " i mixed lots U.S. No. 1-2 180-235 lbs 19 25-75: mixed No. 2-3 butchers 16.50; few good-choice 6 'b feeder pigs 16.00. Sheep salable 1.200: market active; spring lambs now 50-1.00 kink u.ltlt ,.,AlMktc .rMitirl OA Ihc IHK ICI , Willi "nil u ni mumm ti ivu ..a . ..i A.mnH limits up in sales old crop lambs stcady-rii lb Washington range spring lambs 25.00; high-choice with some prime native spring lambs 98-100 lbs 124.00; good-choice 70-90 lb spring ' en. 22.5O-23.50; few utility-good '20 00-22.00; few lots good old crop i No. 1 lambs 15 00-50; sizable lot good yearlings 14 00: good-choice slaughter ewes 4.00-5.00: cull-ul li lt y 2.00-4.00: lew lots medium-good spring feeder lambs 18 00-1700. Portland Grain PORTLAND Coarse grains. 15 -day shipment, bulk, coast delivery: Oats, Do.2. 38 lb white 58 00 Barley, No.2. 45 lb B-W 49.00-50 Corn, No.2, E Y shipment 70.50 Wheat ibid, to arrive market, basis No I bulk, delivered coast: Soft White Soft White (excluding Rexi 216 2 16 2.16 White CIU0 Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 11 per cent 12 per cent Monday "s ear receipts: 27: barley 25: flour 17; 2 16 223 226 Wheat corn (: oats 2: mill feed 8 BCILD1NGS CRITICIZED HONG KONG m - Red China is cracking down on government officials for wasting money on 1 foolish building projects. The of- ficlal People's Daily says 86 halls 22! built In Peiping and a sanitnnum J'in Northwest China are not being 1 j j used because they are "imprac- I Ileal, i ne paper nin nut ipeciiy what was wrooE with the build- ' ings. "PUTTING has kept mors) than any ether A- Your Equitable representative hcir o manv of his present customers say: "I wish I'd realued yejri ago how much help an EquitaMe svstemstic savings plan would be to me. If I had, I'd be that many more dollars ahead !" The experiences of actual Equitable savers prove that this is the isvings plan that 4ilj utrkj-. Your Equitable man it eager to tell vou more about it. Why not check with him or hll in and mail the coupon below' Do it now, before any more days and dollars slip by! OUITAILI IUIIDINO. rOITlAND 4, OSIOON Please thac I get t"il inlormanon' ahoui rqmrihle mskx I k By TXi MOSSllXJ ' Wf4RAeH'ir- Markets Portland Produce ered In Portland, 60-3 lb; first quality 37-u: secona quality sj-m. Butter-Wholesale, fob bulk Duller mmicsaic, i.u.u uuia i I. I, ,...J 1 1 in 1I. . a large, ; 'i: A small. 17- Egjjs To retailers Grade AA. large, 27-29: A large, 44-46; AA medium. 41-42; A medium. 40-41; A small, 29-31. Cartons, 2-3 cents additional. EggsTo consumers AA large, 54-59; A large, 51-56; AA medium, j 47-52; A medium, 46-51: A small, 36-41. i Live poultry No. 1 quality, fob. Portland-Fryers, 2M lbs, ! 24-24',-, : at farm. 23'i-24; lieht hens, 17-16 at farm; heavy hens, ao-21 at farm: old roosters, 11-12. Turkeys-To producers -Live weignt fryers, 27-28: breeder tur- key hens, eviscerated, 21 breeder toms, 39-40. Rabbit Averaxe lo growers Live white, 3'4-4'j lbs. 23-26; V lbs. 18-21 : old colored nrlls 4 cents ui.l...l. rir....4 Meats Reef carcasses Steers, choice 500-700 s, 32 90-15.00; good, 11.00 34 00; commercial, 29.00- 12.00 27.00: cannrrs and cutters, 21.00 23.50. Beef cuts (choice steers! Hind , quarters. 42.00-46.00; rounds 1900-43.00: lull loins, trimmed, forequarlers, 26.00- 61.00 - 67 00 1 42 00-48.00. I Pork cuts Loins, choice, t-10 I lbs. 50.00-55.00: shoulders, 16 1bs, ! down, 26.00-29.00; spareribs, 19.00- 44 00; fresh hams, 1-14 lbs, 48.00- 52.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all welRhls, 32.44-4S.00; commer cial. 29.00-4(100. Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40 jO lbs, 48 00-3000; good, 45.00 48.00. Umhs-Choice. 4-50 lbs, 41.00 44 00; good. 37.00-42.00. Wool Nominal clean basis, blood, 1.00-05; S blood, 1.03-08; H blood. 1.12-18; -fine. 1.17-23. Country-dressed Meats, f.e.b. Portland: Beef-Cows, utility, 24-26 lb; cutters, 20-22. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 32-34; lough heavies. 20-30. Hogs-Best light blockers, 26-27; lean light sows. 20-23. Lambs Top grade springers. 44-48: good yearlings, 10-35. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 12-14; rough heavies, 8 10. Fresh Produce Onions Ore Danvers. No. 1 med, 2 00-50; Calif. Yellows, med. 3 50-4 M. 1 Pol ?loes Central Ore. Russets, ! No. 1A, 100 lbs. 5 00-75, few 6 50; No. 2, 50 lbs. 1 75-2 10: bales, No. Is. 5-10 lbs. 3 25-50: Klamath Dis trict Russets. No 1A, 6 00-50; ' Idaho Russets, bales, 5-10 lbs. 3.50-4.00; Calif Lonfi Whites, No. , 1A, 100 lbs, 5.50-6.00. few to 6.25. , Hay New Crop No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, fob. Portland.! nominally 35 00-36 00 ton New crop prices not established IT OFF" peoplt) poor on thing 1 I Jri- Shoddy IBC Boxing Blotch on Networks By EYE STARR HOLLYWOOD STARR RE PORT: Money, which someone long time ago tagged as the root of all evil, can be a pretty shod dy commodity. More ipeclfical ly, it can be pretty shod- fr f a even shod dier pattern el behavior, es pecially when it involves two m 1 j e r net- need the in- come from two particular shews like they need a hole in their corporate beads. I am speaking, to stop the bush-beating, of the Wednesday and Friday night fights, seen respectively on ABC and NBC Nor is CBS wearing any halo in the matter for CBS had the Wednesday night fights for some years before ABC took them over. It's not the fights themselves that irritate me, although the odor ot more than one of them has been that ef a dead elgar in an airless room. What Irritates me Is the pliant willingness of both networks to pay obeisance to the International Boxing Club, which "promotes" the 1 fights, and to "James D. N or ris, President, complete witn a still picture ot Mr. N orris as though he were some sacrosanct Buddha or something. One of the networks even has the utter gall te follow this re volting display ef public beet licking with a picture ef a shim mering American flag and the strain ot the "Star Spangled Banner," which is seiMwhat akin te reading the Constitution while standlnf beneath a pic ture ef Messrs. Khrushchev and Bulganin. The International Boxing Club is even now under Investigation, by the government for monop oly practices. And James D. Norris, president, who can most charitably be described as a mil lionaire playboy, has. to put it mildly, been something less than discreet in his association with known tbugs, thieves and downright murderers, many of whom have their fat lingers squarely in the middle of the lucrative boxing pie. It has to be assumed (tor hew ran it be assumed ether wise?) that a network is proud ef whatever it puts on the air. But eaa It follow that ABC and NBC are proud ef their associa tion with the IBC and James D. Norris, president? How can they be? II they are net proud ef It, then they mutt be ashamed ef It. And if they are ashamed ef It, why de they do It? If the answer Is, "Well, If we doa't air the fights somebody else will," it is no answer at all. It Is a weasel answer at best Who forces them te run pic ture of Norris, anyway? Does the IBC force them? How? It's as Interesting a euettioa as It il a deplorable one. The answer should be even more interest ing. Jess Oppenheimer has come up with his first project for NBC, snd it's an ambitious one. The msn who created and pro duced "1 Love Lucy" for five years and moved over to NBC just a few weeks ago, will pro duce a series of ten color films of undetermined length, each to deal with one of the Ten Com mandments. The, episodes will be written, Oppenheimer hopes, by such writers as Ernest Hem ingwsy, J. P. Marquand, Wil liam Faulkner and others of similar stature. And while noth ing is being said at the moment, I happen to know that Jess has at least four other projects on the planning boards, all of which will be announced in the near future. Broadway's newest and big gest smash hit, "My Fair Lady?' Western Securities These bid and aik quotations rep resent prices at which one or mine dealers, members ril the National As sociation nf Security Dealer s Inc., v mild tiade with the ecnera! puhllr at the time th quotations r gath ered at 3 p m esteraay: 1 x Bid Asked ai', w, .ri'j :;s i's ns ll's 13s 22 24 . 13 14'i. 44', 4 n as 2I1, 31', 114', IT, W 1 , XI 241, .14'. 74', 79'. 4IP 4', Sl, J3, 61', S3', 13 71'i Calif -Oregon Power Cascade I'lvwood Consol Freight Iron rireman .l.intzcn. Inc Coin Meier Si Frank Mori ison-Knud.sen Ore -Pol t. ( cmcnl Par P f. I. Com Pope A Talhol Portland Chs K t'oke Porlland (en Kkr RANKS HanV nf Atncrn a H;mk of California Chan Manhattan First National Fimt Nail . ( .ty NY t: S National Salem Quotations iAs nf late yeslerdavl 8LTTFSFAY Premium No 1 i nurrrR Wholesale SI Retail .71 FOGS- iBuylag) rwholei-ale price range Trom 4 'o I rent over, buying price i lane A -..13 Med nun A W Snail 22 PUt'LTRT Colored Hens .- 3K Leghorn Hens -.. .11 Colored Fryers . ..'0 Coloied Roasters 20 Old Rooster!. .11 Zcmo Great For Itchy Sttin Rash Zemi), a donor's formula, oromnili reiievei itching of surface skin rs-hes, i ecjema, prickly hegl, sthlfte loot, .erne stop snatching and aid (aster healing snt clearing. Buy Cxlre Strtnith Zema for stubborn cases. was art at a TV speetacwlar ei befert M epened. CBS helped It aaaee the anew, with the pre vise that the network g4 TV rights U It. AB uvsta Wkia new tt Starrduet: Richard Caffboa It all set to produce his first movie and will do it ia Japan. Title will be "The Japanese Eye," with Dick set as both producer and director . . .- First ia the new "Playhouse SO sstritt for CBS, "The Country Husband" will co-tr Frank Lovejoy and Felicia Fair . . . Interesting title for the June 14 "Climax! It's "Te Scream at Midnight," with young Karen Sharpe set for one of the leading roles. Mariie Millar hat withdraw treat her rote as Jack Webb's girl in "Dragnet" to have a baby. Her busbaad is photeg rapaer Jeha inerea . . , Vhriaa Blalae (wbe eaee did a whole Channel Chuckles By SlU KEANC 1 1 I "Come dowa, eesse dewa, frtta yter Ivory tewer. . ." seasea playing straight ta Plaky Lee!') will de aa NBC tpecteee lar la August . . . live ef the Big Tea football games will be telecast regtoaslly la the fall, with NBC dotal the boners. Short Shots: Both NBC and CBS will cover the Tournament of Roses Parade next Jsn. 1, and undoubtedly In color. NBC will definitely make it a color cast, and CBS will almost have to follow the lead . . . Dinah Shore pens at the Riviera in Las Vegas June 8 which just 12 years ago was better known as O-Day . . . George Gobel has cancelled his Vegas date. Too busy , , , There are more and more rumbles of hanky panky on the big quit shows, but thus far no one has been sble to eome up with docu mentary proof that all it not on the up-and-up . . . Marilyn Erskine takes over for Marga ret Truman Daniel in the June S "Matinee Theater." (Copyright ISM. Caneral Mature Corp ) KOAC, 550 k.c. KOAC (Tuesdayl It H a. .-The news and weather; lt:lt lapecislly lor Women; Ii45 Bummer Story Tim; 1I:N The Concert Hall; Hits Th News and weather; 11:11 p. m Noon Farm Hour: l ee Mel ody Lane: liSt-Ouvet Star; li4S Rtading lor Fun: !: MavDonsld's Antholofy; I:Jt Memory Book ol Music, 1: Orioo PttperUr; )tlt Muaie ol the Mastr, 4:t Pottle Patterns; 4:ISOn tit Upbeat; 4;4 Newt Comrnentary; t:tt Chil dren's Theatre, l it France tl Work; t 00 The newt and wtathtr; Ills Tom Roberts, organist; t:M Musical Walk; l: Evening Farm Hour; I :t Music of Ctacl'oslnva kla: 1:44 Th newt and wealher; i t Musli That SVidures; Evening Meditations; I 4 sign off KVAL TV, VHF 13 CUOKNEi SVAI.-TV. Ckaaael II (Tuesday): lea Slop Imi it Ua ten; a:l It Tun to Beduca; I f Frslher Your Nest: J:tt Matin Theatre with Jenn Parker and Peter Crnnkaun in Adventure at Kitty O'Uav." a murdei mysUiry: US Modern Romancts; 4:M 4 .3) Dlt: S-to Big Foundup: S:4S Th News: J;S Sports Hetdllnca: l;M Weather rleport. t:t The Utile Rascal: III Rohm Monti. Mt Milton Btrl Show. I N Fireside Theatre, starring Aon Tyrell. mile Meyer, Vivi Janits snd Carolyn Jones In "Th Key ", with "Nicli and Utty" a comedy: 1:1 Play wrighls 'M, l;J -Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal: llitt Burns Ai Allen; It :3a Tomorrow's Headlines 10 IS The Gun Corner; II S Pstti P ngs. II IS Special Featurette. a3'i!iinnfn 1 1 i f SEWVICC STATIONS, INC. 1 R. C. A. T. V. SALE 90 Sets to Choose Front All 1A5 Models Mptrl Ownrn. Tins In vour chain e lo put a T V set in each of vnur units at wholesale prices While Tine Quanlitlri Last Sri. Sale Uanlltv Prlre Price t3r' Tsblf Models Ml SS 14 SS 44 31' Consoles '4 H I" us ( on.olei . 114 II 241 SS bmeles 144 IS J44 M Tshle Models ?M H V'l IS I'nnuiles l?l 1 IS lull Poor I'nninles SM It CI SI sets Fully (iuaraalrrd 1 L'l" In II ' 24" 4 J4" 2 II " All F. A SIF ST TFRMS IN SAI.IEM MARR'S 2110 S. Cem'l. St. Ph. 19201 Opes Evenings 'Til I P. M. ax's r 1 1 1 ffym a- lie I jssaJ i Stiff sinsn. Salem. Ore., Tue., June 5, 'S3 (Sec II13 TUESDAY BROADCASTS rraeaae tea I TV ae as aiiM4 i4 St wfaM are eftaf4 te eftaf4 Hawa eaeieanaa Mkss sriif, mmt M Sat SO KtalMl insist TUESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS ll:St a.a NBC Matinee The millie-fUra neks a Dsrepeaa wife, but meets family objections, t:M a-k-totinee Tbeater-"MdBight at Madame TussaudV with James Cart- and Charles Oliver a explorer ia dared U apet4 a nigh ia the chamber ef horrors. ':t pjB.-rsvonte Story -."Out ei DarkneM-A Ceaifederaal selrher hides a wcainded Souther deserter ia his fiancee's bars, KOIN-TT TUESDAY'S HlGHUGIrTS 4CVAKNKL St !: ajtArnchair Theatre"Caalenre Gbcr-Rcgiaald atefr field, Lou Hall and Bruce Lester. S.SS j.-Code JAa actor's teffltrent attitude turns him eat a path ef embenlement, la "Sunset Strip." W:ll m.-Showtime aa Sis. - Tury BeJew" Russd Geleasoa, Maxine Doyle and Sheila Terry. KLOR-TV TtESfMY'S eUGHUGHTS (C1AVN1X 12): U:SS aja-Aftanooa Film FesUvai-."lt'a Not Cricket." starring Basil Radford. Nauton Wayne, Susan Shaw and Maurice Dsjaham. The) story is ef taritisb officers la's stties s:3S - cavatcadr Theatre Peter Graves as Major Hctrie. li faot-aaee ef the 12th anaivertary of D-Day, Cavalcade Theatre presenU the true story of Major Toni Howte. S:ts .s.-KLOR Preseals-Titer and Bill Bishop. The suspenseful story a young doctor whe tucceeda in capturing the mas) who is out ta s ss. - Hotnetowa Theatre Patsy Kelly and Roecoe Karnes. TUESDAY'S KPTV. IWT Pt K01N-TVs IOUR N:M H:1S KPTV gom. stOIWIpanortms Pae. jftiKirtma I "irjwiCmJ'd B eu ,Ceul4 Vou irttUjer Nt ITMth tSatt 9 SOINv.iist Lady tov nf Lif 8earch TomorrjCuldlne Ufht ,irTlDlM Dn "O'M "eh. IToday in W.t r4aj la Wat tJsitiWaw law TAMnlMt lla..usui. w i III Km KOINI KLORI Todsr In Weet ITada In WNtjwriirr Cir 'Johimr ertntt1- J 11 tUU NBC M,t NBC M,t The. INK Mat TI NC Mil, The. V-u' TttM IVHiUn' Tine iBok Crosby B Crtaky -aVLOKInim Fwtlval mint f MJ mhit rWrval fTtrm Festival srwTvi- . ..: 1 " - ff - - JMia mtin lira u. MMnM s. m . BTCilMI. . " "- nv SHf .V rlaj.ter Day IStertl Storm itdi. of Klaht IBdaa ti MlfM -LUtl film rHvl JUm fwUral eun, r4JTl rihn fewtra , . 'JJjjoa Davis Un Dvu Ileal. Kevt ' iCrme kevee , w?AmlAmeM' "f-e- T.:KOIM Kltehea iKOIIt Xlkhet)' LOIt MS. Intan-H fu. Iwtrt fill ta bath TBIwtttti ' KaT1 MattiM Thaws. iMauist T4i lalsilM Theat. Ma'int Theat KLOK Udjr g Houa Udy c JsVTyiMaunsM Th4t IMaUnea KOIN Arthur OodlrsBf rthu Oaiifm Mt-ik. ta bi.s. u " trrnt) .... .. . ....77 w.iaiiiW bsi, iMia-atv KPTVclarama ST KOINI Mr. Moea KLORI MMHUy Mat. KTV Harper's Jamb, tMarptr't rrliui... '1 . wiiiinw uusuni ueus aunsraeHa INsmu Tiim isi. 'iM'eHty el pus iMIekey Mom, mirtey Mswte iMIekey Mmss. S iS!!-; iDiath Shttt iNtwtCaraves tfl nit1 IKaltWase u'Prt n iwlny IMeport Wndup iw.rnat Sma, IWtmtt Stne. ft isrtt ,Uy,f ,Ph" lNv W N.v Us fc.LOS;Wme Pre jWarnT Brn. IWyatt tarv IWntt Kara -V.v. "r"" ""a. irtresldtTht. Iflaywr. SS IPUywr. It KOIN Cod I ICada a it- au.i. .l tni . . . . KlMAMm far PidlScgmfae 'Uywrt tl IPUywr. fllN Teiui Win. . KLOS.KLOR Prea'nla IKLOR Phr'nU) ITh Ftlcon 10 S!ta,",ou, " IPlWheuao KOINIt-H ISual aUt0.1M.W.S rN.S.W8. ITonlght Knin ... thawttm an I'Showtlm KLORlH m'lwr. The.. Hm'twn TUESDAY'S RADIO a sim 3Hcjaw3iLjy oiw we Ka'tte'''fck iitl" 6ISI.M VU rtrmeatt Vail rarmtetT VMUy,lZZil7wrm-mm Ss S? P-W t&a SSLM Nemincw ay "OCO Tuna ' - - - araai tttadllM " Sow Llstea RSX New Llslaa Kp time C1M "ele r.mii7 a-"" luna. , TlmeiTunes a. Se nra noea at.. . OIN Con su mar H Listen Keep Tim noun ILiiteo leTtma str.w RSX SLM Newa 9 Krafl Nawt KOCO Newt-S -ta ll, M. OAS Spider fp.a;r-h.u bpiuer-HiT. -'iw(tor.HTta, 'kZlfiS? W w.ndy Warru Howard uiiue u.YZi Sf."!.. noiif nowar BOW Llita-n Llun . " tVMkteat Cttrb Sraakfaat n.wt IT.llo-T.rt I BOCe News-Sports 14M Tun. St ICadfaa Tlma lAunl Mary IWkday (Bob Cvrl ; KCAS Coffee Tlsna OBOIN Mrs Burton BOW "Weekday SS Kay West l"rS Nert. J.-l'.s. aT-Kf MM Dinn., Wmnet Dlnn.r wTnnW "bph7is SZ.i "V lS w Nofdina If!? sfA"!-'1" 1? ' "' sMTtghS t mm rM.i si.... '7i . m rin"P r'"S Ik SIM t'hron e Air New BOCO World X.wt Showtlma nim nrei uuncnin 2BOIN Noon News BfiW Fcnner New BSX Rusa Conrad I Come Gat BSLM William Mat ROCO News-Sports RRAS Luncn.M'nek ROIN Art Godfrey RfiW Happiness BKX News-Conrsd 1 BSI.M Wlllam Mat KOCO News-Kporta Nl 2S R S 1 RtiAf si s Parlor KOIN A Godfrey n umiirt, ROW McAnul. Muilc McAnul. R(X News-Lontsd BSI.M Wlllam. MaL Wmam Mat tVMlam Mat i'HIiTTmi"" KOI O Newt-Sporta Clarine Calling Clarln Calling Clai in Calllaa KUAt Pat s Parlor Pat t'arlor Pal i Parlor I srlor-New KOIN Alhln-UB kpol Gal Sunday like Thirty Take Thirty KfiW McAnulty Hill MCAOUlty BEX News-Conrad Russ Con I I 4 BSLM f oltnn Lw1 HemlBwav KOCO West. Rhythm iWest Rhythm Wat. Rhythm Wt. Rhythm KOAI Pal s Parlor Pan Harlot KOIN Kirkham New t.ddie rtsher Near of Air News af Air ROW Courtesy Car ICourUty C.r IMus-McAn lty Mui-McAnlty RSX News Hiarab r Hob Blackburn Rob Blackbura Bob Plackbura 5) SI M Bob Si Ray Rob 4 Ray koto News-Sports Songs Sund'n KliAE Trallle Jamnr Irallic jamor (IIM Krl R Murrow Newa KCW Mu-MrAnul INewe KSX ' Blackhn Rob Blackburn Bob Blckb'rn Bob Blackb'rs) RSI..M New rddi. Fisher 6 KOIO Sports-Weather Songs Bung w bongs Sund w. Songs Sund w KOIN norta-News ... well IhomsnArrx s n Andy Amos a Andy K(. Chet Huntlev Slma Henort Dinner Music iDinner Music KIX Boh Blackb rn Bob Blackb'rn Bob Blaekb ra Bob Blackb rw (kSI.M frees Alt Treat Aft. 1 KOCO New s-Sport rtnyt m a KOIN Melody Meiooy emg Crosby John Dollar kctf 3 Star Xtrt IMan on Co IDraan.t Dragnet tx Bill Starn Bob Cantd Adkim Show lAdkmg Show I KSI.M Baseball IRaseball IBasehall IRasehall Koro Newa-Sports Rhytn -Blurt Hhyth -Blue Rhyth.-Blu KOIN jack Carson Jack Carson Suspense Suspense Ki.w World News iOn Mans fi Blog in Round'Blog In Sound KFX Adklni Show . Adkins Show Arlklm Show Alkim Show Bl 1 KSI.M Mixrhall ll.seball KOCO Rhythm Blues Rhythm Blues Rhythm Blue Rhythm Blue KOIHk, Son Jeep Trtaaury Show Campaign to li. N, Report KCW Ring '" Sound Ring. In Sound! Dance Time Dane. Tim lit a.Ikios Show Adkins Snow Jlmmv ridlei tdw P Murfa KSI M Rntchall Iflsseball Inocn Rhythm Blues Rhythm H,,S hiai Final Music A(. hum o news uance KgX New Music 1SILM Dane Party KOCO Nes-Rportl ROIN News-Musle 1ROW nance Tim SIX Dtnceland Nasi I r4 larta IVe smtal T V seaiwas, Ihs sfluw4 ter The American" an A-ertraa ei eecispades with a fugitive Nssi. The Major ef St. La.'' starrirut Bail." starriM Usa Howard murder his fiancee. "My Son. Urn Hero," starrinf TELEVISION VHF I; KLOR. VBT It MtS tHotnt IHotn Pae. IPtwe-ma Pae. IPanerami Pass, Wa iT.m ITenn Insle ' " lUnkKtttr I IPnn. tntenstt HusiClamnir Otrt ICVrnwue- Olf Theat N.W. Ho -. ' " was Mat. IMil-e. Mat IMlde.y Mil ICotorama IT ! Bar It Corral I Bar IT Corral . ICartwn Ttrae IXad IHinsuiuj iltttl DuMUrat IPurplaSaf iCowk Q-MatilTawiwv d.Ua iamb. Nwt CwitrsJ Nwi Cmtrei ' " aswivasi nad ICvlcta Tht Ca-lesd Thaa Ht IFsvsuiU Star. r..,..a. ' . ' 1 " - IBIg Twa ITht Filcosi IT iTonlsht ITenight . . IthawUme ea I (Showtime tat ft. IHometown The. SlomeMs- T. IPiul l ford (Paul I. reetJ e) 1 Thw. H'm'twn Thaa. fmiw. n.-.. I i... v . um SMS 1M. '. ',T,u.MSwTIm TlmtiTuol S T1r,, N.Ce New. ertiS,. ' i lUslan arlinW pt , , 9J" Khs Time A It a. u j. " . . . . - . 'ioiia Morn. MalMiiaa u Tlnht Tmus a. , K. K uiua as I uma .1 ' nn neoa Nook.Rewa lialan ILieUa Keap Tlma Kea nim Psslor'g "Call "" Sargata " Pl at. 1 14BO T 'ewn i-iia-asa mwm aukii7.akf.rt Club Bre.V,,- a lUtten lUslan Wlna'.Tion. wl-.. '1 Irr, Tfn .' ' Tun. i Hollyw't) Cal g HiU-Newa Wora Drakt lAunt jtnn Weeaday Wtakdu isaa T,,.. a, irrua Story Tru tlaer " -' to the Udlaa an. mep. Putman foBTradir (ShuwUmt jfuBarraj "V4I1 rsrmcaaT" IBhowtlm MUIIk,Tnra I rue l.untb-New. It iHsuaa Parly House Parr. Peppor YouruJ 'Woman In Mm. I Ruse Coniad RUM Conrad ram Na Wlilamltat. Wiilam Mat wiTliniMaT" rl!.?' ,clrln CalllnnClarlna Calbag Lunchin Munch Lunrhin MuncroLunrh-New r,jj'r" Art Godfrey Art Godfrey . d5.r Brnwn Courtaty Cr ICourtesy Car Rue Conrad Russ Conrad But Conrae wtliam Mat Wlll.m U Clartna CalUnfClarlna CalllniClarln' Calling Pat s Parlor en Parlor Parlor-New unoo News Kathv rincirrae Music McAnul MualcPreiorlntiAn Husa Conrad 'lusa Conrad Russ Conrae Mus Mus-MrAr'lty Mus-MrAn ItV red Rim Conrq Run Conraaf Mere Answer 4sm Haeo Pat Parim l'arlor.Nw Rob Green Bill Brand's Songs Sund'n ISongs Sund'B rrattit JimM Sign Off Sports R dup Com New lese Mewn timer Potarana Dinner fnnr't sm Hava Muie IDug-Out Dope Blue Hnvthm -Blue Rhvthm-Bluoa Risers!! Bstehl ! Dance Party Dsnce tart Bluei Campui Campu ChtH .Good Evening Good Evening umi luance lima nsnce rim Dancelnd Dtnceland Dance Party Dane Parry iDanc Party St lent Music Mldntta Music Mtdntt Music Mtdnttt Dane Tim Danea Tlma Dane Tlma Dane nd Danceland Dtnceland e)eeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeee