The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1956, Page 9, Image 9

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    fe. M
Thin pair of baseball veterans, Manager Hub Kittle. Ml, and Hermaa Retch, rail inte Waters Field ta
ught lor the first time this season with their Yakima Bears. Kittle has the Yaks leading the North
west League, and will play the SeaaUrs is a fear -game series here. Game time lealght Is I a'eleck.
Senators Face Yaks Here
Eugene Tilts
Bow to Rains
Slalrnmaa .Sports Editor
Having gained no worse than a
1-1 tie in their abbreviated series
at Kugene. the town Senators re
turn to Waters Field tonight to
open a four-game Northwest Lea
gue tand with the Yakima Bears,
the outfit that is loading the loop.
Sunday's two games at Kugene
were rained out. which was a dis
appointment to I'ncle Hugh Luby's
llock, for it was feeling mighty
frisky after the 8-0 shellacking
handed the fcms Saturday night
ny Big Ad" Satafich. The Salems
uhatked on old nemesis, Lefty
Rerlyn Hodges in that one. and
were primed to elaborate on things
Ahead of Eugenes
As it is, the Senators now stand
3 2 up on Eugene in five games
played this season. And that's
good, in view of the way things
went between the arch-rivals a
season ago.
Tonihl's frav wont give the
Salems their first opportunity to
md ol Mcr Huh Kiltie's front
n tl. ( i 1
running Dears, me iwi ("j"J
Innr Dampc Hiirinc enrin? training .
iii California, and Yakima copped ,
all lour Later in a road series at
Yakima the Bears won three
games by scores of 5-1, 3 2 and
Killlr has a solid out 1 it . loadifl
with Cleveland Indian farmhands
and such capable holdovers as
Pitcher Dick Nouns, Outfielder
Herm Lewis and First baseman
outfielder Herman Reich.
Cade to Pitch
Manager Hugh l.uhy of the Sen
ators expects to lead olf tonight
with Lefty Jerry Cade, owner ol
a 3-4 record Kittle s mound choice
nas not been announced, but he
can start just about anyone on
the club since Yakima has been j
idle with a by the last three days. I
This should have all flingers on
the club ready to go.
All four games of the series are
lo start at p m. The Senators
hit the road again Friday night,
moving to Tri-City for a weekend
stand with the Braves. Following
the games at Tri-City, the Salems
have a three-day bye but expect
tn play a home-and-home series
with Manager Roy Helser's Drain
Black Sox during that period.
National League
First cair.e.
N,u Yre k H02 f10" 100 J II) 2
Cincinnati 112 m 20- 7 Hi n
An'nnelll. W'llhelm 7 and Kalh
Klirpstfin and Ballrv
Srcnnri (amr
Nr Vol k Wl 11" 201 ) f) ll
Cini inniiu toti (loo mj J :i 4 1
Worthlnptnn, f'.ilssnin i9i Mcfitll
Id. and Kalt. LaPalmr. Black iSi,
frfrman i9i and Bilf
First game: 1
Tit,,iaHi,,h,a nofl mil nno 1 s n ,
Si Louis OHO 010 10--2 S :i I
Roberta and Lopata. Dickson and
Second game:
Philadelphia 200 It: 003-9 15 0
t. i.oiiij . 101 OOO 0103 9 3
Haddix and Semlnlck: McDanlel.
Ja. kson 161. 1'oholsky ill and S-nilh.
First game
Piltshureh 100 002 0003 I 3
M:l auk-e 00O 100 OOO - I 7 1
Face. King ifi ar.rl Foile Shrpard
Crone. Johnson .7i. Murlf ii
and Crandall
Second game
reishurgh 010 (100 200- -3 0
v. I...,,... nit ion no- 4 10 2
Law McMahon ,5,. King t7, and There will be another girls soft-s-e-iard.
Kravm ij.. Buhl and hall practice tonight at
n r' ; Field at fi 30 p m. All girls inter-
r.iooktvn ion 101 inn-4 t esled are urged tn attend. Sue
Chicago inn nno n:xv-j s o
Koufax 1 ahine isi anrt lampanei
1. Meyer, ValentinetU HI and Chiti.
They Make Initial Visit
Why is it that the majority of western fly fishermen will fish con
stantly with a dry fly on the curfjee of the water for trout which
feed approximately 90 per cent of the time on underwater life? It
i t ally doesn't make sense to fish 100 per cent of the time on top of the
water to catch only 10 per cent of the feeding fish.
The western fly man is passing up the wet flies, nymphs, and
streamers which, in the long run
inn ' i.hV An
second to tho
Dm lUrft the dry is the most productive rather than the easiest.
Line Drag More of Problem on Wet Fly
d ( f0i yourself in believing
i. 1 1.. 1. ...k mnr ,.l
" . ....
fishing than it is wlin we. ny iisning. ne can see mr rum 01 imr
j - - jH fi ..j ii
o( lhe wet fly or nymph and we are
for the fish not taking the fly is
In most cases, a wet fly or nvmph should be cast and handled in
much the same way you would cast and handle a dry fly. Make
your cast up-stream with plenty of slack line so that the wet fly will
(Cont. page 10, eol. II
Fading Dodgers Get
Vote of Confidence
CHICAGO i - The Brooklyn
Dodgers were given a vote of con
(ideme by (leneral Manager Buz
zy Bavasi, w ho
Brooklyn Sunday.
flew in
American Leaptie
First j.nn4? .
Del roii
Nw YuiK
HiM-ft ..nd Wit
,tnt ' Ri ("nleiM."
ruMi in r.nn A Q f)
mil him imio :i i
mm mump-
'1 lit lev
and Hnwat d
Spi-nnd caitir 1 10 inning.-'
S 2:i tl l o
r.mmrk F'lvtark 171. Aher h i
and llour: l.aren. Morgan (Si and
First g.m:f.
(-hlraiin 113 202 120 -II 17 I
Baltimore .. IKMI OOO OIIO -0 7 .1
I)(-noan and I.nllai. P a I i r a.
S. hmlU liti Domri and Tn.m
dnn. Seronrl Rinlie
fhiraan H" IH2 I''"! S 2 ft
llalnmoir 2110 O'tO-- 2 i 2
WtNnn anrt Mo.- Kormeles, Wight
il'i. Pi own '7i nnd Smith
Fust fatre ' 10 innlngsl
K.111S.1S Ciiv 100 noo nsn 1 7 in :i
Bnvton KI1 tvi- 000 n s 11 I
Ultmar. Burtsehv i7i. Kellner 'Si
Thompt.n NIon. Suler ..
sht mou nn.i.
Kansas City at
Same. rain.
Cleveland 000 002 1 10 0O4-I 1.1 1 !
Wnshlngton 000 103 Ooo 0004 10 1 ,
Vynn. Narlenkl isi, Mcl.lah ( II 1
nd Hegan: Paicual. Chakalcs ifti
First game (12 Inningji:
and Berberet, Flti Oerld i7i.
Second game-
rivUnH nonnin noo-1 S3
Washington 000 400 :i0--7 10 2
Mossl. Houttrman i4t. Dalev i.t
and Avenli: Grigg- and Berberet.
Girls lo I'rartiee
Mrm,rl(, and Verj Hunl
I coaches.
'...-iS'tV '?v
f lA. fc
will produce
i JL- " -."5 I
much larger fish than will the dry fly. It may be
that it is because the dry fly is the easiest of all
il. H,... in nmn.Tlv . But it that is the rea-
western anahfs thoose the nvmoh'
dry fly when the nymph is the most
difficult to fish properly.
Many outdoor authors write in such mystifying
terms about dry fly fishing with its many drag
problems it is a wonder any of ns use the
dry fly at all. We immediately get the impression
that the dry llyjs the toughest of all the imitations
to use. When we catch fish on the dry fly but
do not catch them on the wet fly. then we figure
thai drag effects only the dry
nrnhlpm iin wet flv and nvmoh
... ... .l. ... 1 -i 11
U' rarlv the hlffdea draf
ready to assume that the reason
due to some other reason.
"We are going to sink or swim
with our world championship
club," said Bavasi. "We still think
it's the best in the National
League. There will be no trades
unless someone is silly enough to
make us the kind of a proposition
we can't refuse.
"There is nothing wrong that a
lew hits won't cure and 1 think
some of the boys may snap out of
, when water Aston neners
them my message:
the block
no one is on
'-Thoir wives are caihnftjhem
up with all the trade rumors they
r(,a() jn (hp papprs an) they are
pressing loo hard Things will
have to gel very had before we
break up this club "
I'CL Line Scores
F.i t gii r
Sea::lf 001 till 10ft 4 10 2
HnlluiK.d 000 OOO 1001 5 1
Kiacciiid and Ortetg. Radon. Do
noso ill, Hawyer ifli and Hall.
S.C, nd game 8 lnningl ;
Seattle . 010 000 03-4 7 1 1
llollvwood 001 000 01-2 7 0
Pndhielan and Aylward; Wade and
First game:
000 000 002-2 0
S.m D.ego 03O 000 40' -7 1.1 0
Bacyewikl, Duren (71 and Neal:
Kerrigan, Herrera 181 and Astroth.
1st game (7 Innings
100 000 0-1-7-1
000 000 0 - 0 3 1
Alexander and Calderone;
dnne and Bakh
First game:
1 os A ngel. s
Snn FianciM-n
Piercttl. Bauer
noo mo 400 S li 1
oeo 110 100 :t 1 n
(7i. Anderson '"i
and Tappe: Casale. (irha
rSi and Si-
Second game
I.os Anseles 000 103 01)4 - II 2
San Francisco ooo noi .'ton-4
1 J
Drntt. Anderson '7' F"dge id.
Thoene i9i and Hannar- R W
I Smith. Slack li. Crba S and Sul-
Firates Fop
4" 41 4"
To Be Tested
By Patterson
Light heavyweight champion
Archie Moore defends his crown
against Trinidad's Yolande Ponv
pcy in London Tuesday night and
Tommy (Hurricane) Jackson op
poses Floyd Patterson in New
York Friday night. The outcome
of the two fights could lead to a
bout for the vacant heavyweight
title in September.
Unless the 39-year-old Moore
weakens himself too much by
making the 175-pound limit, he
figures to flatten Pompey, 27, ear
ly in their 15-round 'out at llar
ringay Arena.
An upset defeat would cost the
ancient gladiator not only his title
but a place in the eliminations to
decide a successor to retired
Rocky Marciano. Moore's record
is 128-20-5. Pompey's record is 31-2-2.
Patterson. 21. beaten only by
Joey Maxim and winner of his
last 16, is a 2-1 favorite over the
24-year-old Jackson, an unorth-
(font. page 10, eol. 2) j
Out of Danger
Henry Armstrong, only man in
boxing history to hold three world
titles simultaneously, was report
ed out of danger Sunday following
a convulsive seizure. 1
Armstrong. 43, was stricken at I
his home Saturday night and tak
en to Los Angeles County General
His physician, who declined the
..en nf his name cairi thp nttnrlc
apparently followed a digestive
disorder. '
"There is no indication of brain
or nervous system damage," he
added. "In other words. Arm
strong is not punch drunk."
The former triple champion's
condition improved enough for
him to receive visitors, including
his wife.
The fighter-turned-minister will
undergo several days of medical
tests which doctors hope will pin
point the disorder.
Armstrong -h eld the feather
weight, lightweight and welter
weight titles at tbe same time for
i several months in 1938. Boxing's
' only other triple-crown holder was
Bob Fitzsimmons who held the
middle ; weight, light heavyweight
j and heavyweight titles, but not at
the same time.
Armstrong has been a minister
in the Los Angeles Negro com
munity since 1951.
Lincoln Wins
Baseball Title
Portland defeated
- Lincoln of
Medford 5-1
i Saturday nisht to win the Oreenn
, - - "
imp ','.
Pitcher Mickev Lolich struck
out 18 Medford bailers and save !
up three hits.
Lincoln opened the first inning,010 nanQS "miliar o rnuiips
with four runs and added another F'6'0" goers.
in the third, taking five hits off,
Medford right-hander Duane
Mcdford's lone run came in lhe
final inning Gordon Owslev
walked and Larry Perkins hit a
long single Owsley scored on the
nlav when the throw in went inln
the stands.
Vale defeated Seaside 5 3 in a
12-innlng game for the A-2 chain-1
pionship and Glide edged Sisters
2-1 in lhe class B final.
Medford 000 000 1-1 3 4
Lincoln 401 OIK) x-5 5 2
Sides and McLaughlin; Lolich
and Lenrhilsky.
('orvellc lakes
Sports Car Hare
Slaley drove a I95."i Chev
rolet Corvette non-slop through
200 laps to win an international
sports car race on Martinsville's
half-mile asphalt speedway Sun
day The 2n-year-old North Wilkes
born, N.C., driver completed the
dislanre in one hour
40 minutes '
and 32 seconds without a pit
His clo.-est pursuers. Ralph
Ligunri n a Corvette, and IVe
Wee Jones in a Kord Thunder
bird, each made one pit stop and
still managed lo finish less Ihan
a lap behind the leader
Senators Swat:
1 l'p to date
h 2li lib hi
rlii pet
10 34 S
2 329
Willi.ims ...
S. ai. on
V arrcn
I 13
It 311 1
I iBll
1 HP
12 I' 2"
( nrEc
A Id' rman
( nip
! fl
i 7
i 1
I 3
W alsh
0 0
Braves' Logan Safe at Home
i - -
! ....
: ' v' A 'V-
MILW AITCEE Johnny Ugaa of
after Henry Aaron s liner to
header with Pittsburgh. Pirate
wide throw from outfield. Plate
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., June 4, '56 (Sec. II)-9
Staudinger, Epping
Win Bowling Tourney
Rich Staudinger and Jerome "Jeep" Epping won the Statesman
Capitol Alleys doubles elimination tourney yesterday at the alleys
with a whopping 2516 score. The team survived three rounds of com
petition which ended Sunday, to gain the crown.
Softball Action
On Tap Tonite
Softball action returns to Salem wjth handicap,
tonight with four teams going toj PriKent0 sht (he highest indi
the post in a Capital League idua, scrgU,h xon wjn ,134
doubleheader at Phi lips Field. in sjx , veslerday He as0
Meeting at 7 p.m. w.U be West-ijad ,hc hj h , sj , SCQre
em Paper Converting Co. and of 257
First Christian; at g p.m., Keizer j
Klectric will tangle with National
Tuesday night starting at 7 at
Lift will renew its
with Randle Oil ia City League
cor.iDet tion
western Taper is a pew team '
and untested so far this year.
First Christian, Keizer and the
ituara, nowever, consist ot many
Doing the hurling tonight for!
Keizer will be Dean Kuebler, and
Louis Pcskfiam will catch his '
tosses. Rodney Loe and Roger
vsoleolt are expected to supply
the Keizer punch at the plate,
Kither Howard Walker or Sandv
Pnltnr will vinrt on th mnnnri
for lhe Guardsmen, with Thurman
Crater catchine. Tim Olson will
be ready and waiting to supply ,
toe neuvy MicniHg. ,
The Christians will start either
... . ... . ,
Mdon arlow or John Brown as
pitchers, with Dick Bates behind
the nl'Ue
H ;
The Tuesday night duel between
Randle and 1.4 K should be a '
dandv. I.4M won the opener last ;
Kridav night, 4 1. and Handle will 1
be ltMiking for its first win of
the young season.
Major League
W Leaders
C. AB R HPit
M..nlle. N V
4S us
34 103
32 III
12 174
3.V 112
(li I. Id
4.S m 411
2S 41 .1711
17 10 ..ISO
r2 3Sfi
1 S 3 I3'l
21. (" :i:ts
17 in 122
111 SI IJl
.Maxwell Drlioit
Wrnon. Boston
Kurnn Detroit
I... liar. Chn.i;o
li. 1 1.1 V
Sl"-.s-..n N Y ID 121
('l ,'!! n -on t't 1 VI
w.-t :.h 11 in
(,. i ni : 1 !:. -:..n ' us
Hn era. hn .igo .14 112
Hump in. Man'ie Nr
Ifi 117
l ml
:i4 :uii
rk 2(1.
pu Y
H ri ... Ni- Y 111 k. 11
R ou r
i York K' Sieeis Wa.tiuig'on
I (irrnert Bo-ton. In. Maxwell.
troit, III
Runs baited in M.inlle. New York.
.VI. Berra New York. 37 Simpson.
' K.msns Ciiv .t.'i. 1.1-iiiun Washington.
34. Sievers Washington. 34
t: AB R II Pet I
l.ouis in loo
illlB'l 42 l.SH
2u mi .'!
;i2 M :i57
11 is :i4.t
11 m
n :i4 ?m
n 7b v1
2'i 52 Jim
hn'gh. 15
s' '
f mem-
I,,m 1
11, si r SI I miiis 4.1 171
Hi si r. :
Hrulnn Mihv.'iikee :" Inf.
Aaron Mil-., mtrr .11 1 3i
Wall P.'l.l.urg-. t1 121
Bail, v ( no inn ill 11 U'2
Bell Cincinnati Z lit
Saim S' I ouis u 1 1 7
A hli un Phil i W ! I
Home runs long P;tl
BallKs. i ...c.. I? Bole,
12 Bell (incinni'i II P
nati II JahlonsHi ( incinnall,
P.n. ha"nl in I'-rg po.l
It B.nO S- Inc. 41 Mil"
I o .7' .lahl-inski. Cincinna
Banks. Chicago. 27.
In, Out of
Title Tuesday
tbe Milwaukee Bram slides InU
eenterfield in tbe fourth inning of
catcher Henry Foiles had to move
umpire Vic Delmore follows the
Second were Cliff Mason and
Tony Prudente, with 2395; third.
Bob White and Gene Braucht, with
2364; and fourth, Dale Bastian and
; Benn Valdei, with 2320.
! The tourney started four weeks
ago. and attracted 50 contestants.
jThe Stauduiger-KppIng duo racked
ud "their score of 2516 in 12 fames
But Rich and "Jeep" shot the
most scratch as a team and won
thp hnnrliran In nnil rinwn hnn..r
Firit place to (he two wa5 wortn
Procpss of being engraved with
their names
northhkst i.eagi'E
w l Pit
w i. Pet
Yakima 21 10
l.ew slon 17 II
" - - in 1.1
fl-77 to i7
.607 W'n'H-h 13 22 371
..Mil Salem 1 1 I'll .155
Trt-City 17 14 .5-18
.,. at"' 'i..m-
at l.riston-Tn-oty ram
p(1(lc . .... ..
w , Pr, w , p,.,
' A" ' S Dies 2S2 t-n
Sfattle :i5 2:l 81 i.l S Fran 26 JO 4M
saeram 2:.i sm liivwnd 21 32 ..i
Portland 227 Vam-r is. is .121
Sunday's results: At Sarramrnlo
0-3. Pnrlland 1-5; at Hollywood 1-2
Seattle 4-4. at s.m Diego 7-2 Van-
A'nJ,Vi,.:, s,n r"mwn 3"4-
amurk-ax ir.uvr.
, , w ''''' , w '
Nw Vlk 29 IS K44 Drtnn! 21 :i i(KI
Chicago 20 l(i siw Bltifte 2021 4s
Clrvlnd 22 10 537 K Cttv 17 2S 4II.V
; Boston il 21 500 W'htn IS 27 4(n
Sundays results: A' Baltunoie 0-2
Ctilc.igo 12-0, at Washington 4-7.
Cleveland S-l; at Boston Ii Kansas
City 7 i?nd game postponed
at New Ynrk 3-4. Detroit 6-7
W 1. Ti t W I Pet
I Nfllwauk 20 13 sosniktcn 20 11 .113
1 Plttshig li Ifi 0O N Yrk 17 21 4CS
Cint inn 2.118 M! phllad IV 21 WS
SI l.ou 24 19 .Vig Chicago 13 2.1 342
Sund.'.i s insults' At Chicago 3.
Brnokl-n (. at SI Louis 2-3 Phil-
arlelpha 1-9. al Milwaukee
Pltthurg'i 1-3, t Cincinnati
New Y.nk 7-1
Bauer Wins
Women's Golf
PITTSHntCH i,ri - Marlene
Bauer, lillle Asheville i. C.) pro.
nut nn a d:i77litii' exhihitinn on
'ma' n,r"' "''''s un(';,y ,o ''n"
ish with a 72 hole total of 2M and
wj first prize in th4Tt7,50t Chur-
chill Valley Women's Invitational
golf tournament by five strokes
l!''"'r ',',l'r posting a two
over par .n on Iter first nine holes,
came home in a line one under
par .13 lor a :i on the par 3fi 34 70
r , ...
B.u'm-yara waterioggen course
She used only 12 putts on the linal
nine as she picked up lirsl prize
of 11.350.
ssssaSsssssssaaT ' ' '"" "'' ""-v
to Tie Score
r&f,U fSflBevos Sweep
' V;i r , ilDoubleheader
. -.'if
home plate ta tie the score at 11
the first game of Sunday s double-
to his Irft to ratrh Bill Yirdoa'i
play. (AP Wirephoto).
Ferrari Wins
Belgian Prix
ain's Peter Collins, driving a Fer
rari, won the 360-mile Belgian'
Hrunrt Priv infiav aTli fr.tnl.
f 1 c r
running Juan Manuel Fangio of
Argentina was forced to abandon
his car about two-thirds through
the race
Collins spun the 3 laps in Im
hours snd about 40 minutes in the!rvl MarliB Tom sfeU and Mar-
average speed ot in 1 miles an!
hour to win by less than a lap
from Paul Frere of Belgium, also
in a Ferrari.
Fangio, holder of the world ti
tle and the heavy favorite on the
basis of pre-race trials, was
speeding along with a comfortable
lead until his Ferrari developed
clutch trouble and finally forced
him out or the race during lhe Mth
Littler Solid
In Golf Lead
DALLAS. Tex. I- Imperturb
able Gene Littler, the noted front
runner from California, moved into
Texas International Open Sunday
with n .1-iirvfor-nAr S7 that nnvi.
him 197 for 54 holes.
Genial Gene broke out nf a lie
with ttnlwln n Virrn7n I ho Am
gentine golf star as the swarthy
man from the south limned in
even par to make his total 200
three strokes off the pace.
Tall Cary Middlecoff of Dallas,
another strong front runner when
he gets there, eased in with a 61
for 199 and second place
TKoU .i.rlt ih I,.
...... .'u. : ui.r;.. ... .:"
u". u" iifd.ii ii iuik'v - win-
ner from Singing Hills, Cajif . audi second ,im:
He Vin-nzn nrnli.cKii.n:.! ui lhe 'Portland (SI (1) Saeraaefrto
Mexico City Country Club, tied at
i:i0 Littler grabbed the
the first nine and held it down the
' stretch without trouble.
Western Am (Jolf
Tourney Won by
Mason Hutlolph
NASIIVII.I.K, Tenn 11 - Ma
son Kudolph, '22 year-old CTarks
ville. Tenn . shotinaker. won lhe
western amateur golf cham
pionship here Friday in a bril
liant fi and 4 decision over an-
other fennessean. Jack I'arne
of Nashville
A one iindcr-par 71 on lhe
morning round over the Belle
Meade Country Club course was
good enough lo give Rudolph a
2 up edge I'arnell look a 73
Rudolph played the 32 holes
one stroke under par and I'ar
nell weii six over regulation for
! the route
I'lldiilph sin reeds Kdtlle Mer
lins of Meridian, Miss . who won
1 'he tournament last year al
Rockfurd. Ill Merrins tried but
failed this year to quality (or
match piny
At Last, Dodder
(Yts U) 1st iSV
; (UK (.0 n Rrnoklvn pitch
er Sandy Knufai (trurk out 12
straight limes In National lea
gue competition last aeasnn.
Sunday in his lirsl Ift.i4 lime al
hat against the ( hleagn Cubs
and pilrhrr Ruw Meer. the
honos pitcher Irnm t lathuah
alked nngfnur straight pilches.
It was die first time Sandy
I reached a base In league play.
NL Pinnacle
Yankees Drop Doubleheader
To Detroit; Braves Regain
Short-Lived Pittsburgh Spot
Pittsburgh popped in and out of first place in the National Leagj
race Sunday by splitting a double-header
J k.J 1 J I--J I 1
... iiou ii-Kdim-u i iie irau oj six prTceniage poims oy ine uma ine unat
.v ' ' j'tut was made.
uj' Thp Amoricn League tightened up with the New York Yankeet
dropping i doubleheader to Detroit, which left their leed 4' game
Portland' Streak
Hits Five in Row
SACRAMENTO. Calif. uFi -The
Portland Beavers, pushing ahead
or. their longest winning streak of
the season, made it five in a row
and four straight over Sacramco -
to Sunday night as they won a
Pacific Coast Uague doublehead-
er 1-0 and 5-3
Bob Alexander bested Gene
Bearden in the opening duel, per-
milting Sacramento only (hw
singles. Not a Solon reached third
The only run came when Luis
Marques led off the first inning
.nH tu.mi.4 hi. twA k J
and bombed his third homer of
the season over the left field wall.
Fine Fielding Plays
Jack Littrell, who made twa
fine fielding plays in the opener,
gifted Sacramento with its first
run in the nightcap. In the second
inning he muffed Jake Crawford's
grounder. Ferris Fain , followed
with a single, Nippy Jones sacri
ficed, and Harry Bright hoisted
sacrifice fly.
The Beavers went ahead witfi
two in the fourth as Lloyd Merri
man and Luis Marques singled to
left and Ed Mickelson walked to
fill the bags with no outs. Jim
Baxes singled to deep short, scor
ing Merrlman. An! Marques
scored as Littrell was forcing
Baxes at second.
Twa More la (Ik
' ))...! I J J . 11
1 """u auuru iwo in ine
jhih ,,... 1. ,im i. ij
eighth on two errors in riiht field
by Fain, singles ! MerrW,jy. double defeat In Ch'caw
and Marquez, and a sacrifice fly knock off the last-place Cubs 4-1
y Mickelson. when Clem Lablne'a relief work
JTI ,ngL? ,n..t! B'nlh !"' bonui southpaw Sandy
Kv PnrtlnnH'a fnltla nltnkot Har.
quel scored for the Beavers.
In the ninth, when the Solons
scored two. Martin gave his eighth
walk to Felix Mantilla and served
singles to Jack Tobln and George
Risley. Dick Fiedler came out of
the bullpen to retire the side.
In other PCL action Sunday, San
Diego split with Vancouver, the
Padres winning 7-2 and losing 3-2
Spa."le'& by hom" b? Milt
, w v
Bobby Balcena, dropped the Holly
wood' Stars twite. 41 and 4-1. ,
At San Francisco, fans flooded
the field with cushions in protest
ing a decision in the final frame
of a doubleheader won by the An
gels, 5-3 and 1-4.
Port land
Mrqurr l 4 2 3 0 Mntila.i
Brkmki.r 4 1 STohln l
Mrkltn 1 J 1 S 0 Rlilrv S SIS
n . a " ' J . . .
! Mrimn'm s o s tBairh.r
Littrell. t
1114 PrlddyJ t t t 4
3 9 11 Rrden.p 1 0 I
-Bright I a 0
Total! K 7 21 I Ttll 14 I tl II
a Fouled out (or Bearden in 7th. i
Portland a IM SOS II
Sacramento POO 000 S j
E Littrell. V. Jnnea. RBI-Mar-
quez HR Marquez. n Calderone,
Aasinikl. DP-Ri.lfv. Prlddjf ant) V.
Jonrn: Prlddv. Mantilla . and V.
Jone Left Portland 7, Sacramento
7 BB Alexander 4, Bearden I. SO
Rrardrn Z HO Alexander J tn 7,
i nrmuru . ... . p-.n niH.wi
lO-oi. Hfaroen ii-ii. w-Aiexnor
. LR'?",'".,-4'."-yta-
uuanr. f'tieKouoaa. i i ;aj.
sff.ll n. I 1 nMntllai 4 1 : II
lead on:Mriman r 4 2 2 0 Tuhln.l 4 2 2 01
Meaner 14 3 10 Ritlev.3 12 14 3 Oil 4 0 3 0
Baxr .l 4 13 0 Fain. I 3 12 0
-Young 2 4 0 9 1V Jon 1 442
l.lltrell.l 4 0 0 2 Bright e .1 0 S 0
Bottler c 4 0 3 0 Prlddv.2 0 0 2 1
Martin p 4 1 II 2 i-Stre .21011
Fledler.p 0 0 0 0 Biivrr.p 4 0 2 1
Totals 39 I 27 12 Total! 32 1 27 10
a- H.m lor I'rlddy In fith.
Portland 000 MIW !
.Sacramento 010 .000 mil-.1
F l.ittiell Risley Fain 1 3 1 . .SI reef
er MBl-Btlglll. Hlslrv. Fain Baxet,
I Ittrcll M-trque (2i. Mickelson S
V .lonrs SF Bright. Mlrkelaon DP
- Baxes, Young and Mickelson Left
Portland S. Sacramento 12 BB
Marque I Bover !, SO Martin 2
Hover 7 HO-Martin 7 In plul.
Fiedler 0 In I. Bover in 9 R-F.B
Martin 12-21. Fiedler i-0i, Bover
lS-4i W- Martin i2-ll I, Bover i4
33 r Pelekoudas. Yuhase and Du
arle T -2 35 A-3.1M.
e Btst of Service a Wide Assortments
e 10 Acres of Exciting Merchandise
with Milwaukee Braves who
. t .t ... ..
over the runnerup Chicago Whitt
Sox. The da iiblc victory raq
the Tigers' streak to six and boost
ed them into fourth place tia
with Boston at the .101 mark.
For about two and a half hours.
Pittsburgh rested in first place for
the first time since June U. IMS
on the strength ol a 1-1 edge otr
Milwaukee in the first game of
doubleheader. In '48 they wera
tied with the Boston Braves. Thla
victory gave them 2t-percentaga
P'" ' and a m game lead
ln U " 1' columns,
, P'reeplage Variant
! However, when Milwaukee took
lhe aecond game 4-J. the Bravea
rf8aind the perwrtage point lead
j although still trailing by a half
" 0B-,0,t flun- Th
d!fIerc, ta fames played tJS by
Mi waukee, 40 by Pittatwrgh) per-
,m"; ?
The Pirates, who fought off a
"jn'l!.inn'? ""T J",U"
J "Vn " .f
N0" Kln coming lo the rescue
of Roy Face, almost pulled out
the second game. They had twa
men on and two out in the ninth
when Gene Freese grounded out
to end the game.
Cincinnati clung to third place
by splitting two with New York.
The Redlegs look the opener 7-J
with Frank Robinson and Ray
Jablonski each hitting two-rut
homers. Hank Thompson drove ia
one run and scored another In tha
Giants' winning spurt in the sev
enth Inning of the second f am
for a 4-3 margin. ,
Haddli Winner
Harvey Haddix, an old St. Louia
Cardinal, pitched Philadelphia ta
a 1-1 victory aver his old mate
in the second game after Murr
Dickson, an ex-Phil, pitched St.
Louis to a 1-1 triumph in the op
ener. The even b'eak Ht tha
" "
rirrii In fm.rth nlre
caJT0 J1 lnu" Piccf.
Rnwa-iva v. t.i,,
Koutax In the ninth,
Detroit took New York twice, t
3, chasing Whitey Ford for the
tCoai. page 11. Cel. 1) .
Today's Pitchers
CWv.Und at Waahlaiton Intfhtr-
Clrcu U- VS. Rtnuts U-Xl. .
Chlciso it BilUmort (nlihl)
nrr i-t) vs. rsrrsraN (14),
BmoklVM SI MlhnnikM lnlM
Maslle (0-SI Vi. Hurdelt (4-J).
ma."Vmi mi iuia. iaikiL tr
undle 1 1-1 1 vi. SflMll lS.Il.
Philadelphl al ClnctnnaU (nlfht)
Rosovin 1-I) vs. Fowktr (J-.
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