-(Scc. I) Statesman, Salem, West Views Russian Touivas 'Dangerous' Game Played by Tito - Br JOHN M. BIGHTOWEft WASHINGTON (I) President Tits of Yugoslavia, la the view at MX officials, b playinf a very danieraui tame ea his visit to kloscw. la the SUte sod Defense Da- Utah A-Ore Mine Fumes Fatal to Trio , MONROE, UUh IP- Gat fumes tilled three Utah oranium mia ara ia a 100-foot deep mina shaft aear thi central Utah towa Sua- r day. ' ,. ' Tbe dead wara ' identified as Willis X. !tm Smith, S3, Jena - Gilbert GarbaC vA Mtkt - Medietta, 47, all of Tooele, Utah. George Smith. Bill's father, told polka that Saturday Bight ha and tha three .victims set off a blast In tha mina ta loosen soma ore ' they suspected of containing uran ium. Sunday morning, ine eiaer Smith said, the three victims went ta work tha mine whlla ha went to buy soma supplies. : Shortly before noon, tha elder , Smith said be went ta tha mine and was surprised because there was sa activity. " . -. Ha looked down the shaft and saw Garbett lying at the first level, about. feet down. He lowered himself by a rope aad hoist and discovered Garbett was dead, he hauled the body to the top of the shaft oa the rope. -.-Then the elder smith descend ed by rope to tha bottom of the shaft, 100 feet down. There be found Medietta dead and his eon. . Bin, Bear death. 1 tmeDed a trace at gas la the wilne then.- be said, "and knew they must lave been overcome by " ft. - ; 1 was too Ured to kolat Bul ' and Jtike to the top, so I went to tha Monroe power plant (about one mile away) for help. We re bjrned to the mine." By then it was too late. Monroe : police said the death- apparent ly were caused by gu created by tha explosion. STARTSTWAORROVJ MWVHK 11,1 ".:H7ljiaJW ..935 r MARK OF ' Virginia McKCNNA Donald SINOEN - PLUS SIZZ11N0 1 sr Ore., Moo, June 4, "53 psrtments and other government agencies, policy makers are fol lowing Tito's moves and await ing toe outcome of his talks la the capital of Soviet communism before venturing airy final cea- dusions ea precisely what his present posltioa as between East and West really is. But the opinion of most experts withia the government, as indi cated ia cautious private com ment, is that .Tito definitely does not want to break his highly prof itable ties wit the United States, Britain. France and other free countries area though be ia clear ly working for reesUblishmest of cardial relations with Moscow. Twa Ainaa The problem of keeping these two more or less contradictory aims ia balance hi what makes his present diplomacy, ia the view of authorities here, a dangerous game. They think It would be easy, in aa unintended burst of enthasiasm, for a aational leader to "get la toe deep" with tha pott- ciet and purposes of a great pow er which is courting Ala alle giance, even when ho does not consciously intend ta make com mitments. Tito ejuite possibly shocked Westera public opinion with his statement oa arrival la Moscow Saturday that Communist nations would "sever again" bo aa badly spUt op aa they were wbea the Stalinist regime forced him out of the International Communist or ganlunoa ia lata. Friendly Una AdminlstraUoa officials here said that the implications of this statement could easily bo exag gerated. Tito wss expected to adopt a very friendly line, they said, but this does not necessarily mean that. bo la really moving back into the Soviet camp. His private comments to West- era diplomats in Belgrade in re cent weeks were said to have stressed his Intention to be quite friendly with the Soviet govern ment but to avoid any break or lessening of friendship with the Westera powers. - LAST DAT "lerelt Of Mamie Stover aad "Paris Fellies 1M" & vDARGAIM SHOW! Twee. Wed. Thura. IMAU MAU CO-f EATURE - ..ai j- rrom mo mio-fn . toryof JlmVaiw, EXANO WIRETAPPER mm aV . L. k m Farmers Aid Bank-Robber i 'Wmpw' nm J A! rCKGUS FALLS, Mlaau Nelgkaers Teraeai BJeater. left faregreaad. who admitted the I1.1H heiaap M a aau ai lien, miaa. ne leie afneera before be waa freed ea ball that his bills were piling a aad he was desperate ler money. Faraser Meads, deserlbtog him as a "good snaa aad a hard werkefLailrhN la Saturday U help Us seraaaa aad eera 2 High Schools Hold Baccalaureate North Salem Pays Honor To 352 Youths Baccalaureate services for 332 graduating seniors of North Sa lem High were bald In the school auditorium-Sunday evening. De livering' the traditional service was the Rev. Ernest P. Goulder, minister of Jason Lee Memorial Church. The program opened with in vocation by the Rev. Mr. Goul der. Following the prayer the choir, directed by Howard F. Miller, sang "Send Forth Thy Spirit." A scripture reading was followed by tha hymn "Faith of Our Fathers ' snd the anthem -Praise to the Lord" by the choir. "The Slave wRh Two Facta" wss the title of the sermon de signed to inspire the graduates. A . final hymn, " God of Grace and Glory", was sung before the benediction and recessional. Organist wis Alice Rose Jones. Police Radio Call Jumps District LEOMINSTER, Mass. (wPolict Set. Francis Wilis called a cruising car over the station radio during a rain storm Sunday but the an swering voice didn't sound like a Leominster patrolman. "Who are you?" Gillis a.tted. "This is car 1 In Stokes County, North Ca'lina," came the reply. Where you all from? PHONE 44713 20e Opea MS 50e Eads Tomorrow Rery Calhtaa Martha Hyer lEDSUXDOWir Sterling Hayden Alexis Smith IHimSKUUA" SIMMON Drive-In Theatre Snaday Mtaday Toesday "THE COUHTIT 6IRI" Crosby Kelly Btldea plus "Thi IU HOUND US" (1152 Academy Award) Open 7:15 Starts Dusk - STARTS TOMORROW - BRIDE FOR SAJE...Vnl...Vnkm...iJnoAamdf mi JANE CORNEL WILDE OnkmaScoPI? technicolor UTsO mill JOSEPH CAUIU -IXCITINO PAUL tr i k 1 s, Baa ap their tractera wheel to flelda. (AP Wlrephato) Theatre Time Table BLSINOBI THI SEABCHinS": 1:M, 4:10. MO and 10:30 "DOWN LIBERTY ROAD": I 30, S 40 and I AO CAPITOL "THE REVOLT OF MAMIE STOVES": 100. 4:15. T JO and 10:45 "paris tollies or ins": 1:00. S;l and 1 11 NORTH SALSN DBIVB IN "ULYSSES" with Ktrk Douflu and Sllvano Manfano "HELL'S ISLAND" with John Pyn and Mary Murphy HOLLYWOOD "RED SUNDOWN": 1:45, l:J0 and I .It "ETERNAL SEA": 1 15. 7 00 and It it President of Truck Sales, Service Dies Darwin N. Sermon, president o( Truck Sales and Service, 555 N, Front St., died Sunday at his borne. He was tt. A resident of 1011 Lefor Dr., Sermon moved to Salem in 1949. He was bora Aug. 21, 1IM, in Rigby, Idaho. He was a member of the Elks. Survivors include his widow. Sarah E., Salem; a son, Darwin R., Salem; s sister, Mrs. Eliia- beth Peck. Rigby, Idaho; snd one grandchild. Funeral arrangements are in care of the Virgil T. Golden fun eral home. RECORD ORDERS MADE ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. I- The nation's electric industry placed orders with manufacturers for al most five billion dollars worth of new generating equipment during the past IS months, a record for any similar period, leaders of the private power Industry reported, ed. TOOLS TAKEN Frederick Cleveland, 1125 N. 16th St., told city police Sunday that a green tool box containing about $30 worth of hand tools was taken from his car sometime Saturday. hattucJ NOW OPEN MONDAYS Ends Tonight John Wayne "The Sesrchers" And "Down Liberty Road" CO-HIT COUMMKCIVa asL DOUGLAS RUTH ROMAN Neighbor : . r -. ow aa J """Tea aj ' M . eif wheel la treat of the farm home ! South Salem Graduates Hear Reiser Baccalaureate services for the second graduating class of South Salem high school were Sunday evening in Leslie auditorium. The sermon, "How to Live Sig nificantly" was delivered by Dr. Julian Keiser, minister of First Congregational Church. Dr. Brooks H. Moore, minister. First Meth odist Church, gave invocation and benediction. Selections provided by the South Salem High choir included "Broth er James Air" and "Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light." The audience and graduates joined in the hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers." Organ music for the processional and recessional was played by Mrs. Trevor A. Steele. Mrs. Hahn's Rites Tuesday Sulaimaa Ntwi Srrvlct LYONS Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Hahn will be held Tues day at 0 a.m. in Stayton Catholic Church. Mrs. Hahn died Saturday at a local hospital. She was 68. Born in Poliad County. Tex., 'Jan. 12. 1888, Mrs. Hahn had been I a long-time resident of this com munity. . Survivors include a tlaughter, Mrs. Agnes Hybart. Klamath. Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Sophia Hull and Mrs. Ida Berger, both of Victoria, Tex.; six brothers, John Bello, Beaumont, Tex.; Henry Bello, Mission Valley, Tex.; Lewis Bello, Schroeder, , Tex.; Eugene Bello, Texas City. Tex ; Walter and Athonse Bello, both of Vic toria, Tex. Rosary will be held today at 7.30 p m. in the W'eddle funeral home chapel. MOONSHINERS ACTIVE WASHINGTON i-The internal revenue service said Sunday it figures indicate moonshiners have been more active this year, than last. The number of liquor stills seized has jumped sharply upward compared with 1940. Woodburn Drive-In Sunday Monday Tuesday "THE HACK KNIGHT" Alan Ladd plus "PUPl Of THE SOUTH iCIFI(" Virginia Mayo Open 7:15 Start Dusk DALLAS MOTOR-VU Gates open 7:00 show at dusk Jack Hawkins, Joan Collins in "LAND OF THE PHAPOAHS" Cinemascope & Color Second Feature Jane Wyman, Charlton Hrston in "LUCY GALLANT VlstiVision Play area for the kiddies! GATES OPEN :45! SHOW AT DUSK NOW PLAYING The Greatest Romantic Adventare of All Time! Kirk Douglas Silvana Mangano "ULYSSES" IN TECHNICOLOR! CO HIT Brings you the steaming fary of the tropirs! JOHN PAYNE MARY MIRPHY "HELL'S ISLAND" Vista Vision and Color! 4 Wreck Hurts Three Near Sweet Home tahau Ntwi Snrir . SWEET HOME-Three Albany men were injured, one critically. wbea their car failed to negotiate : a turn five miles east of Sweet Home late Saturday night, state police reported. Listed in critical condition was L T. Dollarhide. 74. Dollarhide was taken ta Sweet Home Hospi tal with a fractured skull, a brok en leg, face lacerations and a shoulder injury, police said. Sun day he was transferred to a Eu gene hospital. Others injured in the accident were Murle Clarence Aberson, 45, who received broken ribs and a broken arm. and Alvjn R. Sandow, 37, who received face lacerations and a broken leg, police reported. The car, driven by Aberson. apparently struck a tree after leaving the road, police reports indicated. The accident occurred about 10:30 p.m. Mrs. Allison 71, Succumhs Mrs. Virgie A. Allison, a resi dent of Salem for over 35 years, died Sunday at a Salem hospital. She was 71. Mrs. Allison had resided with her dauKhter, Mrs. Mildred A. Ca laba, 2495 Mountain View Dr., for several years. She was born Dec. 19, 1884, in Isabelle, Mo., antLcame to Salem about 1920. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivor include two daughters. Ur, r.l.k. ! if v;-... b... i ton, Newport; a son, Samuel B., Salem; two sisters, Mrs. M. L. Waring and Mrs. Effie Luehrs. both of Salem; two brothers. El mer Orcutt, Salem, and William C. Orcutt, Molalla; nine grand children and seven great-grandchildren. Announcement of services will be made later by Clough-Barrick funeral home. LUNCH IN COMFORT AIR-CONDITIONED Cherrv Room ! Tomorrow's Complete j SPECIAL LUNCH Turkey Wings, Dutch Oven ! style, Whipped Potatoes, But jtered Beets, Hot Roll, Q i Dessert and Drink. JOy Park Free With Come as You Are OMN MONDAY AND. FRIDAY i. nruci nivc .tn a u tn iuiu ' FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS i v' f-' save 13 1817 RegerM $ilverplated HOLLOWARE Here is your opportunity to save one-third on the lovely "Eternally Yourt" pattern . . . just discontinued. Finest quality sliverplsfe, beautifully designed for your own gracious entertaining, for cherished gifts. reg. $1 15.00 4-piece tea set . . . teapot, coffee pot, creamer, sugar $76.67 reg. $32.50 covered vegetable $21.67 reg. $32.50 well and tree platter -$21.67 reg. $22 50 gravy set $15.00 nl! pricrs pint J0 frdcral tax lnil flnr plwnr prrrr SILVER-SECOND FLOOR reg. S8 t.it. - model 88 LEWYT CLEANER 79.95 AS LOW AS $5 A MONTH NO DOWN PAYMENT Your cleaning made 63"o easier because the cleaner follows you around without effort, the nozzle rolls for easier cleaning Fingertip power dial, fool selection, dirt disposal. Complete with attachments. Liberal trade-in. fllll and phanr orders VACUUM CLEANERS-SECOND FLOOR 'Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regular truck delivery routes. BT w m m Faith Strong Over Russia, Geric Says (Ptrtare oa WarepaeU Page) NEW YORK Iff - Metropolitan Nikolai of Moscow told aa Amer ican audience of Russian Ortho rflx believers here Sunday that the "holy faith of the Russian Orthodox Church shall always be preserved" ia Russia. Russia, he declared, "win al bring the family and ... TONIGHT ' s remi renn I nOIMIIFOd j II 10 ACRES 0 IXCIJINO bV I II MERCHANDISE I II I THE BEST OF SERVICE f KA GREATEST VALUES II M SO MUCH OF EVERYTHING if DOWNTOWN SALEM MERCHANTS OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. it j ways remain Holy Russia." The implication of the remarks of the Soviet church leader was that anti-religious campaigns and teachings of the Communist party and the Soviet government are doomed to fail ia their efforts to destroy Christian faith among So viet citizens. UMUUIL, I I I fU . W,a 1U. I'r'f 4 t - S3 !i1 i J i 7 Jt jf I aw f- One unidentified person tt t buted leaflets outside tbe ch 1 attacking Nikolai and) other 4 ing Russian clergymen as "wil in sheep's clothing." . Metropolitan Nikolai is bers tbe head of aneight-maa dekf .... e a '. lion of Soviet religious leaaers. E. fai fa Lo ba cri vo 1 ifo dei Lo pe; Tu I cei bol th( su gr am Pa 1 ifoi i 1 IIUIIUUMSIOISUUE! I r.