-I n li fj :1 it I-- 5 t: i i! ,:. t- It t : 14-(Scc. II) Statesman, Salem,. Ore., Mom., June 4, '56 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Moist ' 0. Question 1. Cavalry ft. Viper . Frighten suddenly 7. Variety of sword 10. Not fresh ' 11. Each - fy l". Grow white 14. Source f meter ' 15. EhflMOf primary .' . color II. Ant vJO. Warp yarn . , S3. People of England -JT. Slljhtef t 29. Rlfht-hand pate SO.Appeaie II. AfflrmaUve rote . S3. Choicest (Troup . IJ.Bakinr chamber ' IS. Entitle , 41 Kind of bay window 44. Claw 45. Grievous ' 40. Sacred pictures (Gr.Ch.) 47. Negative . votes 4$. Let It stand (print) DOWN J. Mans nickname 1 A brother of Cain S. Blackbird (Eur.) 4. Lever cabbage .Vehicle with runners I. Stitch 11. Larue worm 17. Material IS. Manganese (sym.) 18. Wading bird 20. Lofty mountain 21. Chief deity (Babyl.) 22. Cry of a sheep Pair, Mother Found Slain ROCXWOOD, Tenn. Wl Bodies nf man. his wife and her mcth- ZZzrr.Zr.T ZZZZiZT, ZTa the victims apparently had been"1- in,PllM PUce of ,n' called from their home one by one nd hacked to death with an ax. Stat troopers found the bodies In aome woods behind the vic tims' home in the nearby Eurkea community. The three apparently Vere killed Tuesday,,' A three-state search was launched Immediately for David Franklin Simpson, 49, a farmer and half brother of one of the victims. . Roane County Sheriff Marvin Dunccipmr samuncu uw victims as Lawrence Walker, about 30, his wife, 24, and her mother, Mrs. Willie Mae Davis, 49. They were buried in separate graves, about three feet apart. Police found a bloody shirt, blood-stained over alls, and a bloody ax nearby. Simpson, who Is Mrs. Davis' half-brother, was last seen hitch hiking near Chattanooga, Police said, and was "apparently en route to Florida." The Mate High way Patrol said a warrant has been Issued charging Simpson with murder. MJDGeT FALLS, sTX BURT LONGTON. Kan. UV-Six per sons were injured Saturday when the Elk River bridge near here on U. 5. 160 collapsed, dropping two cars crossing at the time 40 feet to the riverbed. Salem Obituaries Charlst . Caaaseell At a local hospital, June 3, lata resident ol 2010 Nebraska St. Sur vived by wife, Elaine M . Salem; daughters. Mrs. Sharon Woodall. Sa lem; Mrs. Nola R. Haueen, Salem; Mrs. Jean Turner, Las Vegas, Nev.; brother, Oliver Campbell, Reseda, Calif.; sister. Mrs. Thelds Hart. Whit tier, Calif.; three grandsons. Serv Ives will be held Tuesday. June . at 1-30 p.m. in Chapel of the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home, the Rev. George Swift officiating. Ritualistic services by Alniworlh M s s o n I c I.odge No. Ml. Interment Belcrest Memorial Park. , Mrs. Kathleen M. Csplaa I Late resident of 2333 D street. Sa- lem, at s local hospitsl May 31. , Survived by a dsughter, Mrs. Chris tine Medtnger of Salem and a son. John D. Caplan of Detroit. Mich Four grandchildren also survive Services will be held Monday. June 4 at 1:30 p.m. In the Chapel oi the Cknigh-Bsrrlck Funeral home with Dr. Paul Newton Poling officiating. Interment, Belcrest Memorial Park. Batry Curtis Bradley Hammack At a local hospital. May 31. In fant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammack of Salem, also survived by sister, Debra Hammack; broth er, Gregrey Hammack, both of Sa lem: grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brlnckley of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hammack of Salem. Great- randparents. Mr and Mrs. J A. ardner of Salem and Mrs. W Y. Brinkley of Salem and Mrs. Rose Bronaon. Vale. Ore Private grave aide services will be held Mondiv. June 4 at 10 a in. at ielcrert Me morial Park under the direction of the Vlrsil T. Golden Co. Rev. Ern est P. Goulder will officiate. Ida Otjen Late resident of SSOJ Silverton Rd June Ind. Survived by husbsnd. August H. Otjen of Sslem: daugh ter, Mrs. Vers O. Bsssett of Salem; grandson. Donald W. Basaett also of Salem; 1 brothers. Henry Feuskl of Sandy. Ore., end Jake Feuskl of Canbv. Ore Funeral announcements will he made later by the Clough Barrtrk Chapel. Kathleen Petersen lte resident of Box 204, Turner. JWe 3. Survived by hufihand. Louts Petersen, Turner. Announcement of services later by the W. T. Rlgdon Co. Dennis Pnykllla At the residence 1970 N. Church St., June J. Survived by mother, Mrs. Coranell Priybilla. Salem. An nouncement of services later by Vir gil T. Golden Co. AlVeri F. Rags At s local hospitsl. June 1, Isle resident of 100 Kingwood avenue. Survived by two nieces. Mrs Fred Gibson of Salem and Mrs. Charles IT rich also of Salem. Services will be held In the Chnpel of the Clough Bftrrlck Funeral Home Monday. June 4 at 1:30 in. Interment Belcrest Memorial Park. Rev. John C'sunle will officiate. Darwin N. Se Late resident' of 101 Lefor Dr. st the residence. June 3. Survived by wife, Sarah E-: son. Darwin R. Ser mon; sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Perk. ebe. Idaho:- one grandchild. An nouncement of services later by Vir-J tftL jr., coistesyro. i ii - mi i ..." Hi 0 IT tilt IU ',U Ml 24. River (So. Am.) 25. Pir pen 34. Garden tool IS.Land. scape 31. Palm (Asia) 34. Perform SaUrJay't Aawwat 35. Measure of 40. Mountain (Fr. 41. Halfemi 48. River (Belg.) 44. It is (con. ' traded) distance (India) 34. Metal 37. Coin (It.) 39. Genua of the Illy : - i9 ai a. 77 T "" " " is im r w I I i-l 1 Night Club9 i Name Banned -NEWARK, N. J. W-A night club was sdvised by the state Saturday that the name "Devil's ndiu" it paradoxical, irrever leniiilv anrl is illeeal An order to discontinue use of the name wss mailed about a month after the night spot, locat ed In East Paterson, bad become the "Dub Paradise -William- Howe Davis, director of the State Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, advised the cabaret in a letter "The name . . . connotes the existence and con duct of a place of evil, or sin, and of iniquity, and the use of men a name itiigiii wen De aeem ed as a 'come-on designed to lure patrons to ygur establish ment, thereto participate in for bidden revelry . . ." NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LAY A WATER MAIN A IAIN U rALI DRIVE, KLARR DRIVE Ss VIEW DRIVE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oreton. deems it neceaaary and expedient and hereby declares its Intention to construct, install, snd lay a water main aix inches In di ameter in and alone PALI DRIVE from the most north erly corner of Lot 14, Taggart's Addition, to Klarr Drlvs: snd s wster msln two Inches in diameter In and along KLARR DRIVE from Pall Drive to View Drive, and along VIEW DRIVE from Klarr Drive to La vona Drive, In the City of Salem, Oregon. In accordance with plans, specifica tions, and estimates for such wster mains approved by the Common Council May 14. ISM. and which are now on file ana may oe examineu in the office of the city recorder at the city hall, and which shall be deemed a part of this notice. The coat of laying such water mains In front of the property here inafter described will be assesaed agaimt such property, the council deeminf the same benefited by the laying of such water mains, to-wit: Lots 1. S, t. 10. 11, 13. 13. snd 14, Taggart's Subdivision. West Sslem. Polk County, Oregon; snd A parcel of land described as be ginning at the southwest corner of Lot 11, Byrklt's Subdivision. Polk County. Oregon and running east 100 feet along the south line of Lota 12 and 11. Byrklt's Subdivi sion; thence southeasterly 2 feet Barallel to the east line of View rive; thence west 100 feet to the intersection of the south line of Klarr Drive and the east line of View Drive: thence northerly along the east line of View Drive S3 feet to the point of beginning The Common Council will, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. June 11. M56. In the council chambers of the city hall, hear and consider ohlections. If any ! there be to the proposed improve ! ment. the sire of the proposed waler . main, or to the inclusion of any of said property in the benefited dis trict. Bv Order of the Common Council this 14th dav ol M.iv ISW I ALFRED Mt'NDT Cltv Recorder June 4. S. S NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LAY WATER MAIN ALONG VOS BURG AVENUE AND KENT " STREET NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City ol Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares its Intention to construct, install, and lay a water main Two inches in di ameter In snd along VOSBURG AVENUE and KENT STRF;ET. (rom the southwest cor ner of Lot . Block 3. Sunciest ile;gh!s Arlditinn to a point near Ronnie Way. in the City of Salem. Cr. rro.i. in accordant- with the plant, spei l llrntlnn. and estl. Pates lur sum water main approved hv the Com mon Council Mav 14. lilM. and which are now on file and niay he ex amined in the office of the city re corder at the city hall, snd which shall be deemed a part of this notice. The cost of laying huch water main In front of the property hereinafter described will he assessed against such -properly, the council deeming the same benefited b the laving such water main to. wit Lots 3 and . Block 2 Suncrest Hetghts Addition. Salem Polk County, Oregon: A parrel of land desrrtbed as be ginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 8. Flock 2. Sum-rest lleie.hu Addition, and runin- South 89 .71 Fast along the soi'th i:ne of Kent Street If feet: thence South ' 29' Vest 100 fct: thence North 31' West 162 feet psrallel to the south line of Kent Street, thence North 0' 28' West 100 feet to the point of beginning. The Common Council will, at 7 30 o'clock pm. June II, ISM, In the Council Chambers of the city hall, hear and consider objections. If any Inert be. to the proposed Improve ment, the sis of the proposed wster main, or to the Inclusion of any of said property In the benefited dls- trlrl- . ... Bv Order of the Common Council thla 14th day of Mav laaa a'.Fpr.n MIINDT City Recorder tune 4 3 8 NOTICE ! ROnriNO CONTRACTORS The City of Aumsvlllr Invites ea Minutes on repairing roof nf City Hall Bldg 4 X ft. Please have estimates submitted before June I. 19M Inspection may be made at anytime Contact Lee Hilhherier ee Lore- Cower In Aumsvll... ' CJ T- . Advertising Statesnsas-jMrMl Newspapers 2M N. Church ft. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. 1 Uml Wseaias "Saa scr ims I llm 3$ IS pr una I times se as Mr lint S IIitms li M SI M Mr unt I mo M uu unci. jsuivf Classified ads will M run is ootn papers to (ivt sdvertisers ths sdvanue.es o the lrmn combinrd nrcuia'iom "Wntii sa ad is ordmd thrM or six times and s Sunday ttius is iiuludtd (lor sxsmplt rrldty. Saturday Sunfliri in lowir Sunday raltf apply ntrauna nnly Tht Stalasman publlihts lun days ClaulfKd ada will start in tfta irornins Ortson Stalnman. run. cluda In Ih vnin Capital Journal - but adi will br ar crpted (or Sunday Sa(man only. Th dtadllna lor claHlflad ads is I m p m. the day bclora Duh- llratlon axrapl for Sunday nea dcadlln la i M p m Friday. Emrrianey ads and small Una da rcc-rivtd after 1 00 p m. woakdaya and until 11 noon Satudray for Sunday may ba placed In the Too Late to Clat slfy' column. Ads lor Monday papers must M In by I o m Saturday rha Stamman-Journai wl papers reserve the rihi to re- led auesuonanie aaverniina; n furtner reaervea tne right to place all adverlmni under thi oroper claFSlfication The Staiesman-Joumal Ntwt- papera awume no financial re ipontlbilily (or errori which may appear In advert laementi published in Its columna and in cases where th la paper is at fiull will reprint that part of an advertisement In which ins typographical mUuki occura A Blind' Ad an ad conuin- inf a Statesman-Journal News papers box number (or sn ad dress Is (or the protection ol the sdvtrtlaers and must there fore be anawered by letter. The Statesman-Journal Newipapera are not at liberty to divulge n rnrmatlon to the Identity o' an advertlaer uaing a 'Blind' ad THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect it readers agaimt fraud deception, or injunet Readers sre cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to (at s po sition advertised In the help ranted columns All hrlp wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THI NATURE OF THE WOhK. Sales help wsnted sdt must state If the pay is In the form of salary, commissions, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide o((ers of em ployment with pay belong to the "Help Wanted" columns. Ada in other columns wblch re quire Investment In stocks, samples, equipment or caih bond shculd be thoroughly in vesllgaed before paying out anv money Advertisers re quiring s eah investment for temple or merchandise. Mlf aids elr mutt to aperlfy In their ads vndiy report any exception to thli rule to the clamfied ad vertising managrr 300 Personal 312 Lest end Found LOST; Black It whltf long haired, stub tailed, adult male cat White feel ft throat. Nam ed "Bsby." 3-5837 sfter 1.30. FOUND; Boy's bike. Identify Si pay lor aa. iuoe nows. BROWN leather billfold, lost at Clearlake last week. Dsnlel A Newberry. Ph. 1-83M LOST Black It white terrier marked like a bulldog. Ana to "Chico" Ph. 1-Mia. 314 TrowsportoHow WANTED rider to U A June 11. a bus fare. Ph. 4-S33I. 316 Personal NOT responsible for debts of K. C. Cafe Gervais. Ore. Blanche It Charley Fuller. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. 1. 1088 N Com'l 3-4537. PSYCHIC READER MME. HAZEL Reveal's all. can help you obtain 110 one vou love, snd success in all af fairs, special reading 12. 4550 Portland Rd. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous sat S Commercial 2-21 OS 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole 3 YR OLD Gurnsey cow. Milk ing apprnx. 3 gal per day. 2,"S5 Chemawa Rd. James M.mnt. 2 purebred reg. Jersey cows. 1 freshened, other freshen soon. Reaaonable. James Ber ger. 2510 Ward Dr SEE these 10 head of good saddle horses At kid ponies. Must be sold this week. Con sider any trade. 1613 S. 25th, Airport Rd. PROFESSIONAL horseshoor Lee Hanson. 4-0724or 4-0OS3 FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also good saddle horses Boh Frsnkc. 305 N Wster St.. Silverton. Ph ism MUST sell cheap, beautiful sor rel saddlebred gelding. Ph. 3-JI93or 2-3864. Salem Meat Co locker beet Custom killing, cutting It wrap ping, trailer loaned free EXTRA good gentle Jersey milk cow, 5 vrs. old, Just fresh. 5 gal. L. Hughes. 2210 N. Church SI. Ph. J-.7719. 403 Livestock Wonted- CATTL E buyer A F Somn er. 1260 HarmonyDr Ph 4-9067 CATTLE nuvers 42flTstate t I li H. Snethen. 2-1.745, 2-4380. LIVESTOCK Duyer Claude Kd wards. -Rt 3. Box 8S9E. 4-1113. CATTLE, norses. at your farm. E C. McCandlish. Rt 2. 3-6180 404 Poultry Ofld Rabbits ' ' BRED doe rabbits, also younger slock. 4-2421. RAB I H1I KS 18c straight run ( hoire of Psrmenlers. New Hamns White Rra k ana leg horns Snertal New Hamp snd White Rock pullets 1c Par menter red rooster 6c VA1 1 FY FARM STORK Ph 4-4624 Salem Over 115,000 Mers See I ML Id Make Life ADDING MACHINES Buy ss you . rent. -All makes H'n-Tpe writers, 43f Court Ph 3S773. O-Pt.lAMtt WESTINGHOUSI - Weodre Furniture Co. 474 So Coi.-'l Ph 4-Jill CAPITOl Bedding Mattress re- r ova tors New mattresses s-aosn brJck-blociTmaso! BLOCK Si Brick Mason, also man wmlxer (or hire. 4-7M7. BRICKandblock. Work guar- snleed. Ph 4-M.U. CARPENTER' CONTRACTOR CARPKNTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions, retiming walls, cement or pumice block. Free esti mates. 36 mu. to pay. f-MW. CRANS WURR U-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand Gravel Co l-:40l DRY CLKANINO SFRVICE Foreman's Cleaners It Dyers Fur Storage; Complete Dry Clnlng Lndry Srv. Free pick up It Diver. 1070 S Com'l ph S-944S SAH Green Stamps. EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavating Grading Ph. i-mi FLOOR COVFRINliS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Division Qual ity Installations Linoleum. As phalt Ar Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimates 4-2271 TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 450 Merchandise 408 Pets FOR SALE or trade 13 gal aquarium, with all attach ments. 5520 Portland Rd 2-0557. TO GIVE away to good home, small 3-vear-otd fnale dog. does tricks. 1037 3rd St . W. Saiem. REG. SIAN1EiSE"KITTENS" For Sale. Ph. 3-8063. DACHSHUND pups. AKC reg. Excellent pets or breeding stock . Ph. 2-373. AKC Reg. sheltand sheep dogs (pupsl. 41S3 Tonl Ave. ' regTcolliiTpups Ph. 3-7876 CUTYTtTtTens to "give awayTPh! 3-OD48 after 4 p.m. FOR SALC- Puppies, all Kino Come -tee afternoons at 3355 Livingston or call 2-7S89 V.MI buy puppies any kind. YOUNG parakeets cages feeds Mlrkey's W2i S Com 1-2733 BIRD Paradise for "irds. esges Supplies 3130 Livingston 1-1142. 410 Seeds and Plants TOMATOES 30c dor, hybrids, OOc dnz., peppers, 40c. Martha Washlngtons, fuchsias lVt, evergreen azaleas 50c ea.. rhododendrons 82.23 up, vis itors welcome. L o w e r y ' s Greenhouse 2593 Chemsws ltd CHRYBANTHMUMS. over 100 newer early flowering verities. Astilbes, Delphiniums (Includ ing Bright Pink!, Geraniums, Lupines. Salem's best perin eal supply. Black's 1270 Chemsws Rd. 4-7622. MULCH Peat with mushroom fertiliser Fine for mulch. Ph. 1-0331. GERANIUMS, fuschsls. tub. be- gonias 331. Glad nulhs 3 doz. II Fuchsia bsskets 33 Mer rills Greenhouse. Brooks. 411 Lown-Gorden Equipf. HUFFY elec. lswn mowers. While they last 329 95. Ph. 3-0373. 296S Wallace Rd. 412 Fruit & Form Produce U-PICK Northwest strawber ries Onlv 1 ml. from city lim its 10c per lb. Bring your own containers. Field open from 6 am. to 8 p.m. K. It 1. Straw berry Tarm, 3795 N River Rd Turn West at Tile - Treat Drue-In. PASTEURIZED whole milk 73c Jial. Hnmnrenlred. 79c, 'i gal on 40c. Cleary Dairy, 2-3035 413 Fertilizer ROTTED Manure by sack or yd Phillips Bros. Pt. 3. Box 880. Salem. Ph. 4-.108I. ROTTED sawdust for mulching 6 yd load 115. 4 yds 110 2 yds $6. or 82 a yd or 50c sack at farm Also Beaver Oam Soil. $1 sack. 6 for 5 Phil hps Bros Rt 5 Box SfiO, Sa lem Ph. 4-3081 4.0 Merchandise 451 Mochinery ft Tools FOR SALE AC model WF trac tor, good cond. Ph. 2-6:173 2S66 Wallace Rd. HAVE severafused welders AC Si DC Call 4-7344 455 House Goods for Sale USFD Refrigerator m good uorklnK in .dilmii l:-p ire an o Iter. Call 3-5918 alter ,i.r CONSOLE radio phono 4(l 22' , u ft. i nest frecrr $240 i hairs .'l ,"(1 ea. New TV an tenna yi20 ft mal. I5. Powrr mower, fruit jars, ramp stove A many misc. items. 401 Cas cade Dr. Ph 3-408.1 NORGE Ironer, deluxe spin dry easy washer. English bicycle ph. 4-6094. MOVIN'Grmust-sell 24 cu ft" upright freezer 82!K). Ph. 4-6183 INLAID Lino . II 59 per eq yd R L Elfstrom Co 260 S Lib erty UNFINISHED "ftirnltu-e H L Stiff Furniture 175 N Hign NFW shipment of Blltwell d.u enu nets, pr sectionals: Iree lorm -ertlonalk. davenport sets Bt the price vou ran af ford to pay Glen Woodry, 1S03 N Summer USED washers 315 It up7Mod ern Appliance Center. 1141 S Commercial. Ph. 4-0353 SRS NFW modern bedroom suites Even at these low prices we take trades. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. PAINT 81 SS PAINT " i Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer , MODERN used appliances are cheaper al Salem's lowest ov erhead store Glen, Woodry, 1603 N. Summer FOR SALE. Bendin Autn wash rr deluxe, good cond Prlre,, 13b Rrndix aulo dryer, used 3 yt . goo conn r rice arsi Better price on set See at 1147 N 38th SI. Ph. 3-3SM. NFWbrasa" fire screens. S13 8S Glen Woodry, 1603 N. Summer NEW 28 "gaT 'garbage cans. 84 SS Clen Woodry, 1801 N. Summer Save time - Save money For the -Best Professional Services M OM Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! (iRADINO A DOZINO BULLDOZING" It back Ylll. 5.S0 per hour. Ph. 3-V.m. OOZING LEVELING Ph l-taM D PANTOVICH BULLDOZING, elear-ng roads, ponds. D-4, D-S rarryalL V. HuBheyPh J-J14S. BULLDOZING, grsdlng Si Land clearing Elmo W. Locker owner It operator. Ph. 1-S741. HOMKJPLANN1NG EXPERT home" building It re modeling. Phone 4-7577 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower sharpening, low prices, work guar. Ph. 4-B092. LOCKER A ICR CREAM LOCKER meat cut It wrapped, quick fnwe, 3720 Silverton Rd PAPERIN9 PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr or contract. Ph. 4-3900 Painting and paper-hanging Fre estimates Ph 3-0513 PAINTING EXPERT spray, brush painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine Free est Terms Ph Nelson 3-B493. 3-S343 PAPERING- PAINTING PAINTING r DECORATING Dirt Cheap Price 3-7552 PAINTING: Inlerlor"7irexlcrloF. Free Est. 4-0084 . 4-2828 ROTOVATING CUSTOM Rotovatlng. Ford equipment. Fields, lawn, or chards It gardens. Ph. 3-S8SS It 3-4776. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 plS &'H GREEN STAMP U I K LU I U K Y "Clip & Save for This Week's Best Buys" BAKERY Peerless Bakery 170 N Commerclsl Phone J-5704 CAMERAS Coburn Csmerss 174 N. Commerclsl Phone 2-1841 DRUGS Capital Drug Store State Ai Liberty Phone 3-3118 Chapman's Drug Store 140 Candalana Blvd Ph 4-6S73 Free Delivery Mootry's Pharmacy Hollywood Business Dlst. Kelzer Business Dist FUEL Oregon Fiel Co Sawdust snd Wood FURNITURE Ermet's Colonial Furniture 1743 S. Commercial Phone 3-4741 JEWELS Alexander's Jewelers Diamonds Watches Silverware . 3SJ Court St. 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Safes PUBLIC 10.00 A. M. SHARP WED., JUNE 6 LUNCH SERVED AT NOO LOCATED i, MILE WEST OF CATTLE 14 I. 1 Milking Shorthorn Cow 1 Milking Shorthorn Cow 6 vrs Freshened in Dec. 2. 1 Jersey Cow rs. Fresh . in Dec 3. 1 Jersey Cow 7 j rs. Just fresh. 4-5 1 Reg Hereford Cow-Calf at side 6. 1 Reg Hereford Cow To calve erwin. 7. I Reg Hereford Cow 3'. yrs. old. 90 HEAD SHEEP 90 HEAD 46 Pomney, Shrop Ewes A- I.ambj 1 Burk Sheep. 100 HEAD POULTRY 100 HEAD These are New Hampshire Reds laying good ,24 HEAD HOGS 24 HEAD 7 head registered Hampshire 1 yearling Reg. Hampshire Sows A (iilts Have nad one Roar. or more litters J 6 months old Boars eligible 2 Keg. Hampshire Gilts to to register lanow Min II head of Feeder Pigs. 1 Senior teg Hampshire Boar - 2 m FARM MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS 1 1954 Ford Tractor Jubilee Model Wagoner Heavy duly Loader It Blade. 1 2 bottom 11" plow Ford. 1 .1 iMimt Hook up Cultivator It Tiller. 1 3 point Hook up Post Hole Dinner. 1 l''4B 2 ton Chev. Truck with 195.1 motor Complete with flat bed & stock rack good rubber. 1 1943 John Dce-e Model D Hums Stove Oil Good con di'ion 1 .1 Imttnm 14" Case Plow on ,ihl 1 I" It John Deere Van Brunt Fieid Tiller u.th Poei Lilt Hood condition 1 It John Deere tandem Disc 2 L' section Spike tooth Harrow Flex Harrow 4 section Spike tnoth Harrow. 1 6' John Deere double disc Gram Drill 1 7' John Deere 5 rear mount Mower 1 10" Minneapolis Moline Suat.ier 2 111 Oliver Cnmhines-pirk up all arhnrienls 1 Sears 12" .Hammer Mil! 1 in F.7.F.F. Flo Feitilier Spreader on ruhht t 1 Field Sp-.n 21' hoon Dl'F TO St'DDFN PASSING OF MR MrKINI.EV I Vs 1! 1 BIS. PFRSE-THE ABOVE DFSCRIRED PROPERTY AND I.IVF ST()( K AT I'lHI.K Alt HON Mrs L; Ic McKinley. Owner Al.TTIONFERS NOTE TFRMS CAN BF. ARRANGED WITH CI.F.RK PRIOR TO Pl'RCHASE DON'T OVERLOOK GOOD QUALITY OF THIS BILL OF GOODS. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION PHONE ME AT SALEM 4-7.174 COL. E. L. G1LLASP1E Col. E. L. Gillaspie, Auctioneer Bank of Orepon. Clerk FOR DKTAILS, SALEM 4 7374 too Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sole I'SFD refrigerators llfljs. A- up. Al l.aue. App. l:m Slate St NFW Simmons TolHwavs 112 SS Glen Woodry. 1605 N Summer A-l Westinghouse dryer 399 30 Glen Woodry 1603 N Summer t j 12 CU FT double door 66 re frlgerator huge frozen food 'storage. 8260 30. Glen Woodry, 1803 N. Summer. C7P ROTO-VATINO ROTOVATING work evq.. week jrL I Hathaway Ph---3sa. GARDEN It lawnwork wanted with mtovator. Vincent Krem sr 2150 Lansing Ave. Ph J-31M. ROTOVATING Tilling. Howard Rolovating. gar den cultivating, lawn prepar ation by hr. or Job. J-5SS3. SAND GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1S23 McGllchrlst Crushed quarry rocks and grav el. All sues fnr roads, drive ways and parking lots. READY MIXKD CONCRETE Garden sand. hull-do7lng. shov el and dragline wurk. 3-K24S SALEM SAND AGHAVEL CO" Heady mix concrele. crushed and round (ravel, sand and top soil. 14i)3N. Front St.2-246l. VALLEY" BAND A GRAVEL CO" Crushed It round grsval Sand It conmtx 1-4003 si:pTic-sF.RVici MIKE'S Septic service Tanks cleaned D rooter cleans sewers drains Phone 3-S4SS HOWARD'S Roto-llooter, sewers, septic tanks cleaned. 3-5327 Hrnnels septie tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or 1-0774 TREE SERVICE De Rosia Tree Service Trees Shrubs. Hedges. Insured 1735 N. Liberty St. 2-S8B1 eva. TRUCKING A) HAULING WANTED to haul short"" anywhere Ph. 4-6073. log.' UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING Professional: gur. work, free est., pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-4290 LAWN SUPPLIES Hnwser Bros. 1183 S. 12th Gsrden Tractor Headquarters Leather Geods Shsfer Leather Goods 123 N. Commercial Luggage is Fine Lesther Goods PAINTS WALLPAPER Hutcheon s 162 N Commercial Phone 3-6637 RADIO I Mitchells Radio li TV ISM State St - Ph 3-7577 Installing Sales St Service SERVICE STATIONS Ratdorf'a Texaco Station 3095 Fairgrounds Ph. 1-7453 14th Ss SUtaPh. 1-S3S3 Webb 3r Anderson I Richfield) 11th 3c Mission Complete Auto Repairing TELEVISION Mitchell's Radio Sk TV. ISM State St-Ph. S-757T Installing Sales It Service 400 Agriculture 425 Auction Soles GERVAIS ON PAVED ROAD HEAD CATTLE 8 1 Reg. Hereford Heifer 2 vrs . 1 Hereford Heifer eligible I'i vrs. 10-11 2 yearling Hereford Heifers 2. 1 yearling Hereford Steer .7 1 yearling crosshred Heifer 4. 1 Heifer calf from No 3 Cow. 1 Sears Milking Machine Complete 4 Oakcs metal Hog Feeders. Several Waler Tanks 1 Manure Spreader. 1 ft' Ford Ferguson Disc 1 12' Sprocket Land Roller 1 John Deeie side delivery Hake. 1 4 wheel etension reach trailer with flat bed 1 John Deere 4 Trail Mower. 2 Swathers. 1 Johne Deere Model lln-A III" portable Rnuchage and Ham mer Mill 1 2 liore trailer 1 Rnin 1 vs neel w ,IEon 1 19. 6 Ford Guvel Truck -Dump hoist 1 elect! ic Fence unit 1 rrar end Power P.ulley for D-4 Caterpillar 1 Wheatland Plow. Approv. 1 ono ft. aluminum Iiniiation Pipe. 3 and 4 inch Wade Rain Couplers Jfl Sprinklers. 23 Bundles Cedar Shingles. 1 Cnnrrete Mixer 1 C'rattsman Fle trie Shop Welder Several Oil drums K Gss Supplv Tank S...n full of Hand A- Flectiir Tools 1 430 Merchandise 455 House Goods for Sale MODFRN loam rubber ofa H1K IK) ThH you have to .t. " -'PP:"" '"n wnooiy. 1605 N Summer S'i CV. FT Zenith refrigerator Good running condition Ph 3-6233 after 4 pm. INLAID Lino 31' SS per sq yd R U Elfstrom Co., 10 S. Liberty. 4S0 Merchandise 4SS House Goods lor Sale NEW Blltwell swing rockers, S.I3.SS; new tilt-back recllner chairs, now SAO. 30. Glen Wood ry, 1S0J N. Summer. ' DEEP FREEZE Ph. 3-S711 eves. BEFORE you buy, ahop and aave si saiem s lowest over head furniture store. Glen Woodry, 1801 N. Summer. NEW white ensm. toilet seats 33.99. Judson s, 371 N. pnij. CLOSEOUT left new gym dandy play-gym aets wgnaer. slide and 3 swings, 2SSfl. Glen Woodry, lout N. Summer Unfinished Chests, New 3 Drawers SUM S Drawers 13 95 No Phone Orders Please HOGG BROS. 24S Stats St. . INLAID Lino. II SS per sq. yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co. ass s Lib erty GAS Range, exc cond , wster hester. Ph. 4-SHJ3. BEDRM. set. 2 pc. sectional elec. appliances, mlsc I articles, I'h. 3-34:iS or see XlKl Duncan Ave EVF.NTFMP oil wall furnace, complete with 110 gal. tank Used 1 yrs. Ph. 4-4657 eve or Sun. FOR SALE modern Frigldaire elec. range, 333. 3-H6U5. DAVENPORT It chair, x!S broad loom rug. Ph. 3-3415. BF, THRIFTY Buy used furni ture at appliances, iiik THRIFTY WAY on Easy Terms at WOODRY S THRIFTY USED FUHN. 315 S Com 1 Ph. 4-.171S IF YOU need a single item or a complete household of new or Used furniture or appliances. Buv now on our ei,sr terms Woodry s Thrifty Used Furniture 513 So Com'l St Ph. 4-.7319 1 blockSo of PaperMlll 310 Dn. BUYS complete household of furniture and appliances at Salem's lowest overhead store. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer, 456 Wanted House Goods WANTED: To buv old dishes, china, glass, teapots, knick knacks White Bo)t 93. Statesman-Journal Will call be tween June 11 A 15. WANTED Used upright deep freeze. Ph.4-8822. WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn Co . 2-7472 FURNITURE Wanted. Courteous service Ph. 3-0 TOP CASH "RICE - FURNI TURE. APPLIANCES. FTC. USED MERCHANDISE MART !70 S LIBERTY PH. 4-6371 Need St Once Late model E Appliances Pay cash premium (or Hi Grsde Electric Rsngrs. Refrigerators, Automatic Washers Driers It late Model used Furniture. Ph Glen Woodry 1-3110 right Now for Pleasing Results! t i 457 Rodio and TV T.V. BARGAIN' Boueht Oct 1S55 Used 4 Mo Sell to -ettle es'ate 8183 M). 17" C. F. T V A w rouglit lion stand $l2(l.Pli S-9.'i20 NATIONAL N C 88 receiver Ph. 3-708 alter 6 -p m. 458 Building Materials 4xS ;-ln. Birch PIT . 3e ft Full I" x 10" K. D Cedar Ranch Siding 8130 00 M 4x8 Hard hoard Sl OOaht 4x8 Sheetrock ll sOsht 4x8 3S-tn. Service P 82 33 Shi 4x8 12-in. Service Ply 3 00 sht. 4x8 38-ln. Service Ply . ... 13 43 sht. "A" Grade Birch doors 7 70 es. "A" Grads Beech doors . 36 95 ea. "A" Grade Mahog. doors . . 14 55 ea. Iron Roofing 110 50 sq Garage Door Hard ware 113 50 set No charge for cutting Ply wood Free Delivery Credit gladly. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem 1-1500 500.000 KEET New. fresh-milled old ai second rowth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Sslem. 830 per thou minimum Ted Muller 3-119(1 1x3 1x4 fir V G $15 per M 50.000' No. 3 A b'r. ued Ihr 115 per M Budge timbers It planks $55 per M Cecllmg tile. 16x72 ". 20c each Reject hard board 50x100" il 75 sheet Used doors $1 It up All kinds nf used windows It sash. Low priced. AI.SO Plumbing A elecrtlcal supplies E. S. RinER I CO. li:in Pnriland Rd P'- 4 -mil I Mi No of Salem. ', Mi No. of Tole-n I'ole on 99E Open All Dav Saturday Overhead steel garage doors with hardware. 139 34 In stalled 849 30 Galvanized eve trough 12',c per . ft EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 3740 SILVERTON RD. O V 4x1 Birch 2 sidrs 40c l-'-2 wirt. roll al 4'jc e 8 in i citing Idiis $1,1 75 I'cdar -hmgles j 00. 36 (.nlv iron root g - CHEAP :i tah roof lowest prices Nails per keg $8 95 4' cast soil pipe 75c ft "t gal pipe 12c 'i"-ll i' 2c. I'j 36c 500 al steel aep tank 831 30 O 300 gal steel aep. tank $38 50 O 4" black sewer pipe 30c 34c. Door lambs, good ones. $2 75 Bldg. paper 300 sq. ft. 82 33. Fibre glass blanket insul CHEAP 4x8 plaster board (1 40. $1 60 31 85 O Ceiling tile. IHX.T2 lor sq rt S ;ik iiu.d knjr lengtn 10c O fiariige doofj sll sires cheap 0 Barh wire l rds J 9f S7 4S O O stnt- r,te oatnl fai $2 50 0 Ne indow sa.shes $2 00 0 strip crystal windows O 2Iy12 kl'chen sinks cheap Toilets W'seats Its 30 O New hath tub complete 8A3 30 Strictly Cash - U-HsuL Closed Sunders It Mondays C. G. LONG & SONS 1 MX 14. Kelier Pn. 4-5031 450 Merchandise 459 Do ir Yourself U-Fix-It-Garage Repair your own ear Phone 4-3201 tOtS (4 Com'l HOW-to-do-lt advice, planning aid, complete material sup- fily, plumbing, heating, wlr n, ses Judson s 27S N. Com'l 462 Sports Equipment HOT? LET'S SWIM Swimming pool complete llxV ONLY $1795 NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 Month To Pay Csll 3-0062 OUTBOARD MOTORS Approx. 200-fl. tiller rope. 3 h p 36 Evlnrude. 5'j h p. "56 Johnson At tank. 30 h p 56 Evlnrude It tank. H82 retail value. ins S. Cottage. 3 H. P. EVENRUDE Also It H. P Evlnrude. Ph. 4-7544. CASH paid for used guns, mod- I. ern and antique Cascade Mere. I?30 Broadway C-ll TYPE 30-.MI cal. complete reloading outfit Ph. J-62M after 4 p m. "crHIGGINSlTauie shot- fun. 45. 3-aB3l. 13 II P Evlnrude '55 Mdl. O: run few hrs. Ph. 2-1333 14 FT boat t trailer, $120. Ph. 4-.1168. SCOTT- ATWATER Sales - A Service Hlake-Craft fiberglass boats. Also used boats A motors. No cash needed rm anv purchase over $5 Shrncks. 1375 Highland. Ph. 2-1423. 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or lease, ige ware house space cement floor brick bldg., downtown. In quire H ,J Stiff Furn. 3-S183 470 For Sola, Misc. BEAN polA for sale. 1x2x8. Ph. 2-1528. I'SED Hotpoint. apt. si7e 370 50. I'sed Mdse Marl 270 S I.iber Iv. Open Fri night 'till No down pawnent loa.c I Ph. 4-6:171 1 I'SED Freezer, like new. Reg 852S 95 - now 8370 50. Good customer mav assume bal.. lerms. S. A 11. Green Stamps. Katdorf s Home A Aulo. 1420 Slate St. Ph. 3-9582. 1K6I FR1G1DA1RE Auto, wanner t3. Ph. 4-7371 . PART. furn. 1 bdrm.. good for couple. kit.87SGerthAve. 1 USED Auto Washer, exc. cond. Reg. 295 now 843 S5. terms. S. A- H. Green Stamps. Batdorf's Home St Auto. 1420 State. Ph. 3-952. 6x9 WOOL rug. good cond. 315 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Lib erty. Open Frl. night til I. No down payment (oac I 30" elec. range .V deluxe washer, damaged in shipment Reduced prues. terms S A H Green Stamps llatdnrf'l Home A Auto 14?ll State Ph. 3-D3S2. TARLE'radio. A-l. 19 95 Used Mdse, Mart 270 S Liberty. Open Fri night til 0. No down payment ma.c i COME In and see our complete selection of unfinished furni ture. I'sed Mdse Mart. 270 S Liberty. Open Trl. night til f. Ph. 4-6371. CROSLEY refrigerator wfreerer 8169.50, Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty Open Frl. night 'til 9 No down paymenf loa.c.) RUMMAGE Sale-at mv home RosedaleDisL Phl-2234. PAINT 1.8 PAINT Glen Woodry. 109 N. Summer USED oU furnace It pipes. Ph. 4-3329. COMPLETE set photography dark room equipment, eniar- ger Inc. 850. Ph. 4-9007. HOMEUTxTllght-pTant. Good condition. Ph. 4-7344. THAYER pTay pen A stroller, like new, Ph. 3-4305. FOR SALE or trade for what have you. Singer upholstering or leather sewing machine. 13 HP motor. 8150. Ph 3-5913 ' PAINT -,fl SlT PAINT Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer FOR SALE. Kenmnre DeLuxe clothes dryer, excel cond used only 3 mo. 8139. Ph. 4-.1030. FOR SALE: automatlr gas wa ter heater. 30 gal. Ph 4-0068. ALLEN hatterv quick charger Ph 2-6.173. 2WI6 Wallace Rd I'SKD TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytte's Tire Mart 2303 U. Cornl. Ph. 4-S033 JOYCE'SJilicvWoTrnV night crawlers It ted wigglers. use vending machine 1555 N. 5th. Open 24 hrs. BFV'S rummage, everyday. 473 N Cottage. Ph. 4-7300 TYPFWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs files, sup plies Roen s. 456 Court 3-6773 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH 2-4310 '49 Ton Ford with flat bed also man's bicycle. Shallow well pump wtank A connec tions. 2 wheel trailer, table saw wmotnr some grain It straw. Ph 2-H.768 eve. It Sat. GOOD coil spring. 36. 1332 Cen ter 4-3506. Top Soil : Orchard l.oam River Loan, lial 2-ITI'i Prompt Delivery Kri7er Sand A Gravel Co RICH TOP SOIL DEL. $125 A YARD PH;4-2463 CEDAR post, btn post hed K1 mitts. ' type at Perry wirt. TOP SOIL Phone J-l373:2-S301 nFrAPSoiio-r-- 7n-is 86 95 Fxrh Lvtle's Tire Mart. 472 Wonted, Misc. CASH p;ud for- anv .neri artu!?! I rs i t d f hum BARKER Ft'R.NITVRE .1791 Silverton Rd. Ph.J-0441 WANTED several thousand cordl of wood all species Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-5633 474 Miscellaneous PASTURE for cattle, spring ws ter J. D. Hartwell. Ph, 1-7263. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-HB. SERVICE IN MOST CASFS DR HARRY SEMLF.R Dentist Adolph Rlrie Sta'e A Com'l Sts SALEM nH 3-3311 7r)DIG machines easti regis Clarv 1979 Fairgrounds 1-S.TO 476 Fuel OREGON FUEL CO. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHING SAWDUST S k H GREEN STAMPS 1-6931 1017 Broadway 450 Merchandise 47 Fuel WANTED several thousand cords o." wood, sll species. Ph 3-7721 Nights 4-56.73 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST TOR MULCHING Plsnei Ends Choirs slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-1731 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST t WOOD ANDERSON'S alabwood, 1-7761 or 4-2634 Ph Spring Special Mulch Sawdust, Fertilizer Block Si Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1523 Edfewater Ph 1-4031 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan Ki to 2500 Pacific Industrial Loans IIS S Liberty Ph. 4-1103 For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO 19B0 Fairgrounds Hd. (Hollywood District) HOME OWNED -HOME OPERATED No Investigation Fees Free Parking Lot Call 2-;o;i2 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortgages 341 Chemeketa St. Ph 3-8841. COLONIAL Investment Co Real Property Loans Contracts Purchssed 687 Court 4-2283. LONG TERM LOANS (Farm and Suburban) LOW INTEREST RATES Ph. 2-3331 CI.UETT & KEN'YON REALTORS I960 Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood Dlsl PRIVATE interest. money to Ph. 2-0794. losn. 6 LOANS 150 00 to 81300 00 Buy Whst You Need Consolidate your hills. Flnsnce through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 181 S. Church St Ph. 1431 WE HAVE cash buyers for real estste contrscts snd Ind mort gages Ohmart It Calsbs. Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 2-4111 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 1-0638. 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church. Free parking In rear. Exclu sive listlnga on all types f employment. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman Bicycle routes. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or hsve their srrttten permis sion Apply at the ClrculsUon Department of the $ta teem ad journal COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY Since 1948 Specialists In Office Placements F-Tvpist 30 wm. figs. . . Open F-Fc Bkpr. Recep Open F-Off. Mgr. A'c rec-pav. 3250 F-Sec Cen off 1200 F-Steno Legal I2O0 F-Part time Gen off. II 23 hr M-Cnmm. Gen. 0(f. 3.30-11:30 1273. Best Way to the Rest Jobs 494 State. 411 Ore Bldg. 4-3351 WOMEN Steno Tvp Hi schl grad accepted 32O0 start Receptionist Bkpr. exper. 5 dav wk Open Cashirr. 5 dav wk , 30-55. Open Saleslady, good, lingerie. Open Larlv, experienced sewing. piece work Open Pastrv cook. 40-hr. week $180 start MEN Steam boiler, refrigeration, en gineer, maintenance, 30 to 43, good salary. Window displ.. 20 up. $130 start CAPITAL Capital Employment Agencv 3.74 N Winter Ph 3-0634 604 Help Wonted, Men AIRLINES nred men See mir ad under Education, 6 IS. Northwest Air College. PROGRESSIVE Southern Oregon business with growing IBM department needs an experi enced tabulating equipment operator who can wire complex hoard without diagram. Some experience as a lead man de niable. Write Box 85 Statesman-Journal giving details of experience, education, and family status. State your sal ary requirements. WANTED, ex p. painter, steady pninlnvnient for thnce who qualify. Apply 455 F.nrview or Ph i-7611 for appointment C().I.K(.K man. 21 or over, tn work during summer mos in dun house at Oak Knoll golf course. Call in per? on. EXP. service station attendant, 2 to 35. Inq. 195 S. Coml. BAKERY ROUTE $flf) per week to itart, for man who can qualify for good house to house route filue Cross health and familv plan furnished We prefer married men between 21 and 3$ years Late model ' Ion panel truck, required after training. Ph, l-.ifl.V or i-tS.T4.1 between 3 & p m onlv WN'T srrnl won! cutters AppW Capital Ttiel Co. 3900 N Riier Rd 606 Help Wonted, Lody AIRLINES need women. See our ad under education 018 North west Air Colleee. LOCAL business organization with convenient downtown of fice, excellent working condi tions & environment, desires for permanent position the services of a woman between 25 A 50, capable of acting ln general office rapacity, must he a competent stenographer, food apnenrance good tele phone voice able to handle public Hours 8 30 to 5. Mon day thru Friday S.ilarv range 12 Mm to j:i.00 depending on ojlatlfloatlons" If Interested, please give full Information on self, with background ex perience. Box 92. Statesman Journal GENERA iTnffl ctwnrkT to 24. shorthand necessary. Reming ton Rand. 157 N. Hlfh. No Ph. ealla. 600 Employment 606 Help Wonted, Letly EXPERIENCED waitress wsnted. apply In person. Nopp's Gold enPheasent, 15SN;Llbert. WANTED, womfn to live In i care for convalescent St de houss work. Mrs. John S pence, Rt. 1, Hubbard. Ph. 3-0340. COMBINATION girl; smaU cafeT neat, clean, work alone at times, swing shift, experience It references. IS to 33 years old. Ph. 4-5147 or 1-7197. 608 Pickers Wonted W. L. Peterson. Ind yr. afar shalls. Heavy nicking, trans, furn. Ph. 1-3)93 sfter 4. REG, NOW for strswberry pli k ing. Starting about June 11th. Btsns later. S ml. E. of Lan caster on Sunnyview. Albert Scharer 4-4017, PICKERS wanted from June 4 on in goose nernes, strawber ries. Bosenberrles It beans, transportation furnished with bus, lam is 1 mile east Si one mile north of Brooks. Ph. 2-6210. WANTED strawberry pickers. Marshall At Northwests, camp ers welcome. Start June 1, H. C. Whacken, Rt. 1. Box 407 l's mi. E. 4t 'i ml north ol Totem Pole. Ph. 4-1342. STRAWBERRY needed. Picking siariro. June isi. liean fields A- close in. JERRY & NITA ANDRESEN 4845 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-1973 Again with Harold Lancr For summer platoon Picking strawberries lor the Pownev Farms. Start soon. Schedule of stops: N. Com'l. Center to 17th. 17th It State. 12th At Stale. 12th & Mlsisnn High & Mission. STRAWBERRY- plckersnorth norlhwest Start June 8. 3 mi. east on Silverton, Salem high way. Rt. 1, Box 318. G. F. Haury. STR A WHERRY pickers wVnted tart Monday, June 4th. 30 A. Northwest's bus It trutlc trans R P. Barnwell 4930 No. River Road, Keirer Dlst. ph. 4-4304. NOW picking gooseberries. Mar. shall strawberries June 4. mi. W. of Brush College store. Fred Meer, Rt. 1, Box 302. Th. 2-6177. PICKERS wantednalTderback A Arrells or. Larden Rd. Strawberries, cherries Av beans. Picking slarta June 1st. Ph4-1153. STRAWBERRY Dickers register Joe Lucas. 3-5958. 1 mi. out Orchard Hgts. Rd. Good fields 3 wks steady picking. BERRY pickers-" wanted. 16 A. of Marshalls. Close In near 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3373 eve. START picking June 7th. 40 A. Northwest berries In Keirer. Bus route .Broadway. High, Market, Silverton Rd Cherry, Shady Lane It Alder. Mrs. Ken Robinson 3-8633. or 4-3451. STARTING to pTckTsolT" Nort h west berries, in Keir.er. Mon.. June 4th. Bus route will oe S Com'l . Mission. S 25tn. Center. Marion Broadwav At North River Rd Ph Mrs. Barnett. 4-3431 or 3-8633 BERRY pickers wanted starting June 2. Trans, fur. from Pen 4 Corners E. V. Hammer. Phone 2-2308. STRAWBERRY pickers wsnted. 1 ml. out Wallace Rd. Picking May 31. Ph. 4-7636. B. J. Tow ery, Rtl,Box 37. WANTED Strawberry pickers, starting June 4. Ph. 4-2988, I. Hartman 4190 Brooke Ave WANT Strawberry pickers Marl anne Afalzoff Rte. 3. Box 354. Crolssn Creek Dr. 4-1047. WANTED Pickers oh 10 seres of Northwest Irrigated berries. 1 miles West on Glen Creek Drive. Wslker It Shlpler. W. H. 4 A. P. WILLIAMSON BERRY FARM Start picking June 5. 25 acre Marshall & N.W. Steady pick ing. 2 mi, F.. of Totem Pol. Rt 2, Box 444. Ph. 4-4074 STRAWBERRY pickera wanted! Picking Fr , June lit. clean patch, good berries. Cabins, lights & wood furn. Bush & pole beans follows berries. Call Independence 3-54j4 Co bine Al Cobine Ranch. PICKERS wanted: clean irri gated berries, Marshalls V Northwests Transportation furn. Geraii. Dlst. Ph. 2-5816. eves. SCHAAD'S farm will start pick ing strawberries June 4 th. More pickers needed to har vest the excellent crop. Just North of Keizer near Clear Lake. Ph. 4-1315. STRAWBERRY- Pickers wanted; start Thursdas, Mav .list N.West berries. I block West of Kener Schl. Th. 2-0457 BF.HRY picking starts Tr, June 1 at Andresen Farm, 4990 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-2941. WANTED, strawberry plrkers. 8 acres of Marshalls, 10 ml. north of Salem. Ph. 4-3991 WANTED: Strawberry Plrkers 45 A. Northwest berries. Good crop, clean field, trans, fur nished Res at 201 S Hlfh St. Ph. 3-920.1. Eves 3-3204. STRAW'BERRYplrYeri wanted Startir.c about June 5. Beam later. Orey It Glrod Ph. 4-19SS PICKING now Ben Goldsmiths fields. Trans, furn. Ph. platoon leader. Mis. Comer 2-635.1. START-PlklniHrrl. June-lit. 10 acre clean field sood first year Marshall rood picklnf. P. E. Sanders 5H4S VanCleave Rd. 1 ml. East i, ml. S. Totem Pole, Ph. 4-13M. STRAWBERRY bean platoon, bus transportation, Insuranre, rain protection, soft drinks available Center St. North out Portland Rd 12 yrs It adul's slth children welcome. 2-1025. U-PU'K Strawberries. mi. East Keizer Sch. Gond pi k ins Marshall berries A. Goldsby. Ph. 4-H.174. ANDRESEN Farm now refls terlns strawberrr pickers. 24 A Marshalls 4990 N. Lancas ter. Ph. 4-2943. STRAWBERRY plckera wanted. Now registering for our North west Strawberries, 6 ml. North In the Clearlake dlst Fir Grove Farm. 709S Wheatland Rd Ph. 4-40S3. STRAWBERRY" pirkTrs wanted" Start picking Sat . June 2. Marshall A Northwest straw herr'cs Howard F.ggiman. Rt. r. Rn 2B.I, Silverton Ph. .'I-17'H STKAWBFBRY pickers wanted for Jams platoon Excellent puking. Ph 4-3578. E4TH 27-ACRES STRAWBERRIES R. M. LIVERLEY FARMS Located at Weathers Dusts; Go out N. River road to Keiz er, turn left & fol low Island Rd. 3 miles. -T