Their Eyes on Coming Horse Show Salem, Dallas Girls Linfield Honor Students Itatrimaa Newi lirrlet , McMINNVILLE - Shirley Page Jaeger, Salem, and Edith, Cola, Dallas, ' graduated Cum Laurie from Linfield college Sunday. They maintained grade point averages of not lew than 1.50 during their four yean of college. Both received bachelor , of arts degree. Mrs. Jaeger i the daugh ter of Mr. and Mr. H. E. Page. 322S Fisher Road, Salem. Two additional candidates for the master of education degree from Linfield were also present Annual Picnic Set June 10 Surprise Party Fetes Principal 1 Statesman Newt Servlre WILLAMIN A High School principal and Mrs. Warren W. Cook were honored this week ilh a surprise party given by the fac ulty and employees at the high school. A group of 3i were present for. the buffet supper, and a gift was presented the couple. Mr. and Mrs: Cook and thetr family will leave soon for Grants Pass, where he has a new posi tion. Statesman, Salem. Ore., Mon., June 4, '56 (Sec. II)-11 Wallet Clue to Youth Gang ItateaKa Ntwa Icrvtra SPRING VALLEY-The pioneer no-host picnic held annually in this area li alated this year at the Community Center building, on Sunday, Juno 10, starting around 11 a. m. It is hoped that as .many chil dren and families as possible of the old-timeri will tura out and also all that are interested are eardially welcome to attend. Elec tion of officer! will be held for the coming year. The past year's officers are; president. Mrs. Nellie Hammer; vice-president, Mrs. Eva Purvine; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Lois Crawford. r ) - SPOKANE Ifi - A wallet found in a sleeping bag left in an aban doned car was the opeing clue in the roundup of seven teenage boys suspected of 13 recent car thefts, police said Saturday. The wallet, owned hy a lS-year-j old suspect, was found in the trunk of a stolen car that had been left; in the woods near a park. The! first boys questioned implicated; others until finally police had six boys from the south side of Spok ane in custody here. The seventh j boy, who had been picked up in! Seattle as a runaway, will be re turned here, officers said. Twelve of the cars believed stolen by the teenag gang havt the boys coudn't remember whert they had abandoned the other ve hicle. Former Zena Man Holds High Post Stateaman Ntwa Serrlrt ZENA - Mr. Elmer Terril of Zena has just received word that his son Commander J. Terril of the Navy has been named Chair man for the mixed Armistice Com mission between Israel and Jordan. FIRE IAZES ELEYATOt CALUMET. Ok I a. Fira swept through the Farmers Grata Co. elevator at Calumet Satur day, destroying almost 50,000 bushels of wheat and causing an estimated $173,000 damage. for commencement Sunday. They were Orrell Ballantyne, Mon mouth, and Gertrude Lofgren, Amity. Commander Terril has been in the Navy since 1940 and is at pres ent stationed in Jerusalem. ' K x ,1V - .'.Mi "'"I 1,1,11 -II "'' This horse aad rldrr have tni practlctm at Ike Slate FalrtTMads (ar the torthcaming AU-Arabiaa Hre ihow. The rider la Mre. Cecil Mollcrt. Quiaaby Road, Salem. She li aa Zurf, a registered Arabiaa Stallioa which will be entered la the AU-Arabiaa (haw at Salem, Juae 21 and 24. Valley News Statesman Newt Srvic Sheridan Girl Poppy Queen Hiaietman New Servh-e '!I.LaSINA - Sherrie Cooley of Sheridan was crowned poppy queen at the meeting of the VKW Auxiliary this week. She sold the most poppies over the weekend. Runners up were Kathy Anderson, Karen Thompson of Villamina and Pat Newton and Gcraldine Hyder of Sheridan. Other girls who sold poppies were Karen Donicht, Leah Kun- dert, Ruth Dent, Judy Cole, 1 i I Vnlloy f Uriels ij Arabian Horse Show Slated For June 23 Four-H youngsters are especi ally invited to attend the Arabian Horse Show judging classes set for 9 a m. Saturday, June 23. at the State Fairgrounds, Ward W. Wells, show manager said Fri- aitleiman Nf wi Servlrt uaX- . . Performance classes will be Marquam - A house h((Wn ,hat njgnl , r2Q and attended the Butte Creek I'nion 'again at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 24. grade school graduation and pro gram. Marquam Mrs. Al Oster has re turned from Tillamook State Re bekah Assembly where she was delegate and was elected State Warden. Marquam Harold Olscn i coast Thirty-three competitive events will headline the show which is sponsored by the Arabian Horse Breeders Association of Oregon and the Salem Shrine Club of Al Kader Temple. Proceeds from the benefit show go to the Shrin ers' Crippled Childrens' hospital in Portland. Other attractions at the show 4khirn IfnnvlAr- Varan flf-vanl Karen Kauble Sharon Aase, Jan-1 f!uard has been transferred lo include an Arabian dressage el Spicer, Ros'alee Mitchell, 'judvCoeur d Alene. Idaho. The family ' mol"n'. cutting horses and the Rarhpr Sharnn UeoH I'irnI .u n ui lackamas ( ounty Mounted Posse unrner. snaron Keen. i aroi may m0ve there. Mrs. Harold 01- j,:,, , u-n. u Ford. Marcia Weber, Judv Barr, I , T. . ,h rfnn team V ells said as he re- Glcnnvs Barker. Romaine Ander- WB lc" Thursday wlth he minded the public that entries r,n k.v nirr.rifioi.1 n.( Tf.n- grandmother. Mrs. took, lor fcm- close on June lu Barker. Darlene Gustafson, whom the Auxiliary , is sponsoring for the Phil Sheridan queen contest, was Introduced at the meeting. Awards Given At Jefferson Statriman Newt Servlre JKFFERSON - The following pire. Marquam Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Paquin are Mrs. Chris Kamberg from Chinook, Montana,, and Mr. and Mrs. John Vogt, Salem. Marquam Oak Law was host esses to the Clackamas District Extension Units Monday for a pro gram and tea. County officers present were Mn. McDaweil and Mrs. Betty Voder. , Brush College Social night for Brush College grange will be fea- Wards were made at Commence-1 tured Tuesday, June 5 at ( p. m. mcnt Thursday night: iat the grange hall at Brush Col- Valedictorian, Joan Turnidge iegei acording to the grange mas with a 1 33 grade average; saluta- lcr pniHjp Peterson, lorian .lovce Chilcole. with a 1.58: . citizenship. Anne Wilson; leader- Jefferson The annual DeVaney "e unlield class ol ltff4 and has ship. Sue Daulton. Neil Spencer j picnic and basket dinner is sine-, been hold since that time. Minifie had the highest grade point aver- duled for Sunday, June 10, at De ;'s a sophomore at I.inficld. He re ge of the senior class boys. His , Vaney school. Ail lormcr residents ' ceived the unanimous vole of I he Reserved seats are already available, with Stevens & Sons Jewelers, 390 State Street, Sa lem, in charge. Salem Youth Best Orator tateiman ffewi Srrvlrt McMINNVILLE - Fred Minifie. Salem, won the class of 1894 ora torical contest at Linfield college Saturday with his oration, "A Leg To Stand On." He was given a cash award. The contest was established by average lor the lour years was are invited to attend. 1 Out of the 23 graduates in this judges. Jefferson Johnny and Shirley years senior class, eight were uicnerson oi umanoma arc con- aa 7,..ww I Villi one point average students. Their ducting revival meetings at Jeflcr- 1 IV t1MM1 ITIlll grades averaged from 1 33 to 1 DO. son Assembly of God church. The -m T , The ciRht students were Joan services arc held each evening ptc ' li"'ltlrtl1 Turnidge. Joyce Chilrote, Martha except Saturday at 7:45 p. m. T tU tUHMl Harris. Sue Daulton. Ncal Spencer. Anne Wilson Phyllis Spccht and Jefferson Glen, son of the Glen siainman s Srrvire Dclbert Krb.' Cobbs, is in Salem Memorial hos- WILLAMINA Vacation at the pital while a dislocated Hip.jnendi. W'illamina branch, U.S. Plywood, Although mighty unconitortanic, will begin on Monday, June 11, j Glenn is getting along nicely, but with the mill resuming work on I thinks it's a tough way lo begin Monday, June 25, at 8 a m j summer vacation. The vacation is about a month earlier this vear, due to the slow Jef(erson-J. ft. Green, son ol plywood market. Most of the sew, c, ,vi. r Mr. and Mrs. Charley (ireen. has 400 employes will receive two .1 KFFKRSON - Mr and Mrs. enlisted in the 1. S. Marine corps, weeks vacation. Repair and main Theodore Denson ol Pocatello. He will lake his training at San lonanro rrpws wnrlc nn th mill Families Jefferson Area Ida., are expected this week. The ,)C,0 ( ah havjng 4.,t Monday, and equipment during vacation. latter will visit relatives and friends in the Valley while Denson joins Charles lloyt ol Silverton. and others on a fishing trip into Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Knnis Hawkins of Kansas City. Mo., are here. They came west to attend their son. Knnis' graduation from Jeflerson lme frorn 1 0 3 p m hiKh school. They are tormer ,ien- erson resinems .1. R graduated this May from Jeflerson high school. Jelferaon Scleral children were given immuni.aiion shots at die school clinic Monday. The next clinic will be held Monday, June 25, in the grade school. It will con- Serviees Held For M. Z. Jones letter from Mr and Mrs C R Walts of Ventura. Calif., says that salesman Nki Srrvire DAYTON Funeral services were held Saturday from Scott's Jefferson Many families from! Funeral Chapel in McMinnvillc lor ttuy arc starting north in a ween parties in the state park at .New er so. expectini; to he home by the purl were the lollowini: lamihes: nil (iarold Morrisselle-. Gilbert lloevels, Carl Alherlsoiiv Gillierl I'letzers. Krnie I'lrtzci -. I.loyd Vincents, Hill Hares, Walter Sigmuhds. Richard Chrismans and Claude Pilchers. Jeiferson enjoyed Sunday at the ; Millard Z. Jones. 90. late of Dav coast Making up several picnic ion. Mr Jones died lav 30 In- termini was al the McMinnvillc Litter part ol June Walts formerly Iirold directed the school hands here lie fore retiring Masonic cemetery. He is survived by a sister. Lois Hewitt. Route 2. Dayton. Mr. .lone had lived in this area for many vears. Willamina (irl Scouts on Trip statesman Nri Smite WILLAMINA The younger Girl Stunts emoyed a camping lr:p last week al the Crow ell ranch Thev wire Judy Barr, April F.ndrcs, Kalhy Anderson. Karen ilii.-nt. Judv' Barber. Marcia Weber. Kar en Thompson. Sharon Reed. Carol Ford. Nancy Scott. Julia Johnson, Karen Kauble. Sharon Aase, Susie Barrett and Ginger Mauer. Mrs. C. A. Chambers, Mrs. Frank Bryant, Miss Carol Ramey and Miss McCann accompanied the girls. Willamina Pair Graduate at OS( Statrsman Newt Senile WILLAMINA-Carol Ixiuise Spic rr. Willamina, and Robert Gerald Billson ol Grand Ronde are among the 1I0S who will receive degrees at the 87th annual commencement f Oregon Stale College. June 4. Miss Spicer will receive a bach- Jefferson The Al Giirgiirich lamily fished at Lost lake last weekend, making a limit catch nf trout. It snowed on Ihem Sunday morning Willamina Danny I'ancll. n year-old sun ef Mr and Mrs. II .1 Parrett, underwent surgery nn his right leg Tuesday at Providence hospital in Portland He is recover ing satisfactorily. Wlllamlnla The walls of the City Hall were repainted this week, and j 20 foot slide and furnished all a new asphalt tile floor laid, by ' labor to move and install it. Derrold Blanchard. The work was done while the city treasurer, Mrs. Oscar Nnreen. was on vacation Playground Gets c" New Fffiiipnient NMtrtman fs grnlre WII LAMINA The Buell park was given the framework for swmss and a merry-gn-rnund. hy the Willamina grade school dis trict The equipment has already been set up by the park equip ment rommittcc. A group of men from Salem have contributed a Willamina Miss R a m n n a Thompson left this week fr Cleve land. Tenn , where she will he m ployed as linotype operator hy the White Wing Publishing House elor of science degree, and Bill son will receive a bachelor of sci- X-Ray Survey Group Selected at Willamina Statesman Nmt Srrvlie WILLAMINA-Mrs Harry Ship ley has been appointed general chairman in Willamina for the ccLnly chest X-ray survey, which will gel underway this month Her committee will include Mrs F.m- ence degree in pharmacy He will ' ery Dentel. Mrs ,l,m Shipley and atMi ik commissioned as a second .Mrs Albert Kndrrs. lieutenant in the V. S. Army med- Mrs Bill Houck will be chair ical corpi. j man for the Grand Rond area. P boped Plymouth? Rasping? Choked? Beat? jgg Try that wonderful pick-up - Mobilgas R! Peppy Plymouth"! Agile! Bright-eyed! Frisky! J . Mobilgas R does it! This entirely new grade of gasoline that sells at the price of regular gives 9 out of 10 pre-1955 Plymouths smooth, knock-free power long mileage. Why? Formula MC4 added to higher octane Mobilgas R helps keep your engine clean and peppy. Same oea for d out of 10 pre-S6 Chevy . Fords. Niaht, Dodirea, Studebakert and Hudsona. J0o)D I I ij I Mobilgas . (si rv s) II r An entirely new grade sold at the price of Regular!