S-Scc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sun., June 3, '56 British Navy Bases On Australia ica Coasts Considered ' y AKTHOt CAVSHOM ,i LONDON tfuConstructioa of two m Naval list oa Africa's "it em seaboard and on Australia's west coast were reported under eontideratioa Saturday to Miter British Commonwealth Far East era defense lines. Authorized Informants reported a high level reappraisal of Com monwealth defense strategy in the Middle and Far East is now far advanced. It has been supervised j personally by Adm. Lord Mount batten. Britain's First Sea Lord, who toured tlx country's main Naval installations in the Pacific and India f Oceaa areas I wo months ago. ' . Mountbatten's missfc was to check the needs and the strategy of Britain's Navy against the rhanrinr nolitical background of the Middle and Far East. To Ask Withdrawal The urgency of Mountbatten's task baa beea underscored by 'events la Ceylon, where a new Na- Blind Youths Hike Across tanvon , TUCSON, Arte. lAV-Sil students at the State School for the Blind here have accomplished a feat most outdoorsmen would give their eye teetb for hiking across the treach erous Grand Canyon. Led by their hiking coach and Tucson, the boys ten their way hits the canyon at dawa last Sun day. Some U hours later they had conquered the great gorge, hiking from Hopl Point en the south rim to Bright Angel Point ea the north, a distance of U miles. : At places on the trail a single misstep might have resulted la a plunge of 1,000 feet or more. Twe members of the group are totally blind: Richard Ferguson, 17, and Raymond Mungaray, M, both of Tucson. The others, John Jsosie. U, a Navajo Indian from St Michaels: Evans Honkoinewa, II. a Hoof from Second Mesa; En- nis Sumpter, 1, of Phoenix, and Jerry .Fields, M, of Tucson, are almost completely blind". " They are believed to be the first blind persons to hike scroti the csnyoa. , - . ' ' Baad Ihoalder - : Going down the trail they keep a hand en the shoulder of ute man ahead. Thornton headed the line. Oa the way op, Thornton fastened a rope around his waist and looped it back on both sides. The boys lined up between the ropes, like horses In a trace. They grabbed the ropes with both hands and re sponded to Thornton i movements. ?Sert of TlresT ; Ferguson and Mungaray, the two totally blind boys, admitted the group Was "sort of tired" by the end of the trslL Asked whether they were able to feel the majesty of the canyon, they talked instead about the hard work getting across. ' The boys said they would like to try the trip again, but were more eager to attempt climbing the San Francisco peaks, the high est mountains in the state. Since last October they have con ditioned themselves for the trip by making a major mountain hike each month. Each day before breakfast since April, they ran a ' mile on the special guide rail track at the school. tionalist premier, Solomon Bands ranaike ha said his Common wealth government will demand Britain's withdrawal from her Naval and Air installations at Trin- comalee. ' Prime ministers of the ether Commonwealth countries mainly affected - Britain, Australia, New Zealand. South Africa and the Cen tral African Federation-will dis cuss the new strategic pattern later this month. They will be in London for a fullscale Conference of Commonwealth Premiers begin ning June 27. The other countries attending are India, Pakistan, Cey lon and Canada. Keaya Favored Favored setting now for a new East African Royal Naval Base is Kenya s ceenwater nort of Mom basa. Its Kilindini harbor wss bis enough to shelter the whole of the British East Indies Fleet World War II. Site of the projected west Aus tralian base would be at Cockburn Sound, 12 miles south of Fre- mantle. Prime Minister Robert G Menzies told newsmen in Colombo today establishment such a base is a matter that needs careful attention and costs a vast sum of money. And Australia h a s n o money to burn." Earlier In the week Defense Minister Sir Philip McBride told parliament there was no urgent need for a base there now but that the advantages were tuny appreciated. Rise of Nationalism The postwar upsurge of national ism in MidcJe and Far Eastern countries has transformed the face of the British Empire. Some coun tries which had served as safe and sure British bases now follow their owe way either inside or outside the Commonwealth. They include India, Pakistan, Burma, Palestine, Sudan, and Egypt. There are new pressures build ing op along the oastern seaboard of Africa, in parts of Arabia, in southeast Asia aad in the south China Sea. The Eden government is worried by Egypt's pledge to support Ye men and Saudi Arabia ambitions to oust British rule from Aden and the Adea protectorates. Aden is a Staging point which enables this country to dominate sa routes to the East. AMI MAI A 6 Aft II MAV Jl MAY V JUNt E AA.ru 43-J5-M M3I JU.VV AUS 1073 vaoo NA7 6579 81 STAR GAZEK By CLAY 1 POIXAN 5 K Your Doily Acrrwfy CuKf M Accvrdinf ft III Start. To dtvelop mtssoge for Sunday, read words corresponding to numbers Of your Zodiac birth sign. hpT. a oci a J- 5-72 llfc BO-SI-oS I 31 Tin 32 N ) Wn 14 liamt Ji Grow 36 Vw 37 'ratty 3S Tht ) R.gM ' tO SrWd 41 Rnuu 1 Vou'i 1 rf 4 Lack In VM ; gm 5 Cm t Amcts 10 mot 11 You 12 Own! 13 Lm 14 Dwil 15 May I Put 17 Sfng- 18 Sow 19 Your 20 Good II 01 17 74 For n Chant ?6 NiOlttlod V Con n FVwnol r siit 30 Conlxlmt 60 Bic ()Good (S)Adv: a Very , 3 M 4 Tiort 5 Study U lurk 47 You 68 AH 69 Ntw . 70 And 71 Your coano OCT 14 NOV M to37 46-Wf 6y7?80avM 4 Soil-control 7 And 43 li 44 Can 45 Onirn 46 Today 47 Bo 41 blot 49 Far 50 01 5 xh 52 Good 53 Aflo.rs 54 Todoy 55 NMdrd 56 Butin 57 SptooJ 59 Moko 59 Tolk 73 Conctmlng 74 Damaging 75 Todoy 76 Fowr 77 PIou 78 And 79 And 10 Important SI Gorf'l 12 Addd S3 Act 84 Frttdorn 85 Priwlt 86 Guidonct 87 Artnton 88 Mot!r 89 Contoctl 90 Colmly N 63 'Nrutfil SAOmAtM NOV OtC 114.16-19 281 1 U5-454 HA DK Parachute Jump From Crashing JotiEllsworth's Aide Resigns Fails to Keep Priest From Wedding 1 77 29 33r-.J k3-71 76 VsJ ASAIAWn PAN 21 'It' 19 SjtZ. 7- a.J8-39dh 164 688' 66 nscis res 20 I MAIt 21 6-1315, P3 36 54 PHILADELPHIA uB - A Phila dclphia priest who parachutcc from a jet plane hist before it crashed and -exploded tramped through the woods all night so he'd be sure to get to a wedding he was scheduled to officiate baturday. He made it although 45 minutes late. The Rev. Cornelius F, McLaugh lin, bailed to safety Friday night just before' the T33 jet trainer cracked up in a hay field, near Pine Bush, N Y, He was enroute from Sioux City, la., to Philadel phia to perform the marriage cere mony for a cousin. The pilot. Lt. Charles B. Honk, formerly of Trenton, N. J., had radioed he was running out of fuel. Then, he too, parachuted from the Sioux City, telephoned police he was okay. Mrs. Margaret O'Tormey. of sub urban Slonehurst, the chaplain's sister, said she too received a tele phone call from her brother at 5:30 a.m. (EDT; Saturday. "He first asked if we had heard anything and then assured me he was all right, except for some bruises and scratches. He said he Rubber Workers On Silent Strike CAP Slates Mock Search KLANG. Malaya Two hun dred workers on a Carey Island rubber estate decided Friday to Diane. He was shaken uo but othiT-i stP talking smiling or laughing uris- nnininrerl - I in an effort to force heir env No Rndv Fnuna 1 plovers to reinstate Father McLaughlin at first was charged men reported killed in the crash, but 'they will not even cnat with their when no body was found in the .:,.. pianc, a wiaespreaa.searcn wps in stituted. Finally, the priest a chap- had tramped through the woods all night." Father McLaughlin arranged for transportation from Stewart Air Base, Newburgh, N.Y.. to PhOa dclphia, where he arrived at 1ft 04 a.m. LDT. He went immediately to St. Alice's Catholic Church where Miss Barbara Anna Coyle, 25, was being married to Norbert Dooling, 25, of nearby Havertown. Rev. Martin J. Nolan, assistant rector of the church had started the ceremony when Father Mc Laughlin arrived at the church. He donned his vestments and took his place on the altar for the re mainder of the wedding. WASHINGTON tfl Sidnev rtanHIr nf Florence. Ore.. Fri day resigned as research assistant to Rep. Ellsworth (R-Orel to re turn to Oregon. Chandler came here four years ago, working first as a Capitol .policeman and later with ElLv worm wnne attending law school st Georgetown University. He is returning to Salem, Ore., to take a refresher law course preparatory to the state bar exam. ination next month. SHIP ORDERS PLACED 1 TOKYO - The Braiilian navy ' is helping to keep Japan's srbtp three dis- yards humming. It has placed or- The workers said;tors for two hydrographic survey i vessels costing 12.850,000 each. These are in addition to two troop i transDort careo shins, of 5.000 They claim the three men were, ,,rosg lons eacn au-eafjy deliveoed Iain stationed with Lt. Honk. at. dismissed for union activities. The;and two more of the same type to the Fighter-Interceptor Air Base at management denies this. i be delivered by January, 1957. Modern Equipment For Efficiency Easy to file . . . and just as easy to find, with this draw er full suspension file cabin et. All metal for long use. Ef ficiency to the brim. STORE 141 North Commercial EUGENE CH-A practice search mission for a downed airplane during Wiii be held bv the Civil Air Pa trol Sunday. The planes will fan out from Eugene, searching (or marker simulating the crashed aircraft. The pilots also will watch for old wreckage of planes reported m.-wng in past years but never found. il Air Patrol squadrons from Eugene, Springfield, Corvallis, Hon-ncT. The Coos Bay area and Bend will take part. "Bob" Carey Buying a car?", MY BANK PLAN MAY I SAVE YOU '100 ON FINANCING AND AUTO INSURANCE i XT" Before you buy that car, juit tfll me on the phone the total rosti of the car, the financing and the insurance. Within five minulfi I'll call you back and tell you what it will cost you to buy, finance, and insure thi same car through my Bank Plan. Chances are, for exactly the lame deal, it'll be 1 100 leu! I know it's hard to believe but it's worth a phone call, isn't it? Thin is no obligation. ff pvft ft aW year STATE FARM Agent PHONE 2-6765 HOUSING DIUVK STARTS TAIPEI, Formosa Madame Chiang Kai-Shek heads a drive lor funda to build 4,000 houses on For mosa for the neediest families of Nationalist servicemen. Each unit will have two rooms, bathroom and kitchen. Reports from Que moy and ether Nationalist off shore islands say the project has greatly boosted the troops' morale. The door to Health nd, Freedom The ChtMasi Science Kudinf Rasas la your community is maintained by your Christian Science neighbors ia gratitude fee health aad freedom found. T Aeleaae from disease, from kit Sad limitation, has com fee multitude as they have quietly pandered Bible teachinp in tna great new light of SCIENCE AMD HEALTH '' stiia A'y to ih Seriptum by Mary Baker Eddy Through thoughtful study of ' this book ths actual Science of Christ ) sstacW plain. This door to health and freedom is open for JL Science and Health may be read, ttui luwed free of charge, or purchased for 15 u Qiristian Science IIADINO IOOM . 115 N. Hiflh St. : Salem, Oregan tVtvr., .W tkvim mi Wl W ii ab twtUtUt. - - i'THi) THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP . . . AFTER ALL mm mm There are ao fixed Credit Terms la my Office. Yea tell me haw much yea can afford to pay, ad ea approval of your credit I'll qladly arrange whatever terms are matt Ceavenient For Yea. Na red tape ... no delay . . . no bank or finance company to deal with. All arrangements are made within my own offices. REMEMBER, year credit Is as feed as cash at DR. SEMLER'S. TOIL 8B-... WGQ? Iv ASK YOUR DENTIST about the new TRANSPAR ENT PAUTI Deatiret, created to help bring yea the COMFORT yea aeed, aad the IMPROVED NATURAL APPEARANCE you wont. Wear your Plates while yea pay by taking advantage of Dr. Semltr'i Liberal Credit Plan. 0303 fillflQB Cmm in and find tt H IU-Stlftf Mxti cm Msrora Hm mafuhMn of r" M "' I PI . . . la caM of taMrteiKT, Mrvica whist r wait. NO ADYANCE APPOINTMENT NEEDED Com ia any tint at your convtniinc. On t 3-day servic tor Out of - Town patients . . . difficult caws ticpted. DR. rnn l-l a I till II t I I I UUULJLJU ! a 0 J DEIITlJi V.I And Sfeff of Regisfered Oaatisft I root t na I STATE & COf.WERCIAL, SALEM WatTt-Adolph Bldg. Tfnfrtr.rx I J i : H fl III I- UiUU li I Ait JUillTUffl PARK IN ANY IOT . . . Give vs the-TICKET . . for the period vou -aroJkevtofJJoiiU . m e av . tar t mm m i m , m 111 IIIH H 4t1i mi ... f ''T.- Tee'll rtxegtilae what e soosetletiot' I PA' vtrlise this b whM yej see iMs fomm tltH' w touare daslgst AsHamatlc Bottrit I" fltt , try Pott, lawipcwti wMt GetieroJ Itectric 7.l sj Catn4 ft P -)raMad h T I'll EH () Jissnbo alao rhot Ms ym tk Jj( a tomflata sal at . W'v tocri. a 05 n4 preflN to otoke lajre yoo aot Itso 7'' greatest cookUnjsoloejtfsVve ever mum i u r i ; "Va2-t . . NOHtSOlDmCUtRS! I M ... .1 w- v . . ; - - ft i &j ' ',, : " : II . .t r u j ..-, - a-ff ., i ' '. li 1 7 1. ' . J Cvd . . "Jjr 'teaajs MM. . UTENSILS tartar! taatratlae a aaatilat a tyaa at Htd. T irs a DUTCH -WIN IT T IT'S A CASSEROLE mKDurin f rest Site k nil as s tMLUAISiuu a- I I I I I II II n II ti- a) O E J-ri f ONtYONi il - t III CUSTOMER V $te$ I UUtVNSIAIKS r! 1 HOUSEWARES i I Phone I Mllkf'i-lt Nartk llkarty I I I "" " '" Wd AutmitK II.ClfK try I A A I J ! wrtti na Dawn Pivawm rtavirtd. I I Ask 54th ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL! ! il j Housewares Dart. -i an aa L. . tmpUjU Htm y , L M snow Y I n Mm a . Op-N I JUwa J fei My Nom