Cfifly News ErrSeffo j SALEM MAN ARRESTED A Salem man wai arrested about 10: SO p. m. Friday on a charge of drunk on a public street following a minor accident earlier at South Commercial Street and Fairview Avenue, city police, said. They listed the man as Theodore Dietderich, 2442 Lee St. Quality bedding plants still available at A. Plant Greenhouses & Florist. 1298 S. 13th Open eves, and Sundays Replace downspouts & gutters. Check our low installed prices. Jtirfson's. Th. 3-4141. NOTICE For a roof that never needs re placing or (or revolutionary new asphalt shingles spc Mathis Bros., 20RI Slate. Ph. 4-6B3I. Bible School Parade Held At Woodburn SUtriman Ntwt Sfrvirr WOODBURN Ten Woodburn churches participated in a float nuraH hrp QotnrHav to nrnmnie .tinn Rihlr rhnnl which onen k. MnnH-iv First prize for the best march- ing unit was won by the Assem- ing unit was won d.v me ssem- bl? of God with a robed child- ren's choir which followed a float representing the open Bible Free Methodist Church was awarded first place for the best float Entitled "Champions for nnsi. K iiMiHum . Irom a nioie siory no iiiciuuru "fudges were Mavor T. I. Wood - u " . . man. Mrs. John Muir and .Mrs riiei-ne Stoller. Parade director was the Rev. Hubert van The Wnorihurn fire engine also annrareH in the oarade Recorded music was provided by Arthur Mills of Aurora. The parade ended at Settlemier I'ark where cnunren regiMcn-n for Bible srhool The school will heem Mondav at 9 a m at Lincoln .vnnoi mr nr i nii"uk crane. tvrimiK m n-"i ......... pickers will be held from 5pm to 8 30 p.m. and will include a "cook-out." I Baccalaureate Tonight for High Schools Baccalaureate sen ires for grad rating seniors at both North and South Salem high schools will take place toniRht al 8 o'clock at the icspective schools' auditoii 11 m North High's service will he enrtucted by the Rev Ernest T Cniilder. pastor of Jason Lee Methodist Church Or. Julian Kriser. pastor of First ConKregational Church will ;ive the baccalaureate sermon at South Salem High Dr. Brooks Moore. First Methodist pastor, will give the invocation and bene diction Commencement exercises will lake place at both school's Tues day night at R o'clock Although formal commence ment exercises helM annually un til this year at both I'arrish and Leslie junior high schools hae been dropped both schools will recognize ninth graders with "vear-enri" assemblies Monday afternoon Public elementary schinils will have their last day of classes Mnndaj Students will return Wednesday for report rards. Gov. Smith Given Degree CALDWELL. Idaho 'If The College of Idaho Saturday con ferred an honorary doctor of laws degree on one of ils former stu- dents. Gov. Elmo Smith of Ore- gon Smith also was the speaker at the college's commencement ex- ercises He was introduced by C,o. Hubert E Snivlie. another former student at the m-Iiho! Smith told the graduating class of '17 to lake advantage ol their opportunities during a tunc when they Can make a choice of what they w ant to do in hie " lie reminded the graduating class that with these opportunities come obligations including mili tary service "While onlv the men are called into sen ice " Smi'h aid. the women a l-o arc alleclrd because of their separation from men they plan to marry and the tunc of waiting bclore the Inundations of Ihe home arc laid " I ' DOWN 1MI urj mo thing f FAVtNfD IN VJHf HAIR , 0S nuiiiiiii ' NOtMNO CASXtOCt i wi ioov. ; FIRE DAMAGES CAR Carburetor backfire caused minor damage to a car operated by Herbert Sara. 925 Leslie St., Saturday afternoon, city firemen said. The automobile fire occurred about 3:10 p. m. near Berg'i downtown market, firemen re ported. For today's weather on the coast . dial Salem 2-4191. pd. adv. URL RECEIVES (IT Sharon Lewis. 8. of 1573 Oak St., was treated for a minor cut Friday evening when she caught her right foot in a bicycle wheel, Salem first aidmcn reported. France the hair stylist now at the Beauty Nook., ph. 3-6631. Eve appointments also. Hanging Baskets, fuchsias' and tuberous begonias in bloom SI. 98. Oeraniums 3 for $1. A. Plant Greenhouses & Florist. 1298 S. 13th. Open eves. It Sun. Al TOMOBII.E ITEMS TAKEN A spare tire and wheel werejlb.N, while serving aboard tne taken from her car sometime Fri-i Pacific Fleet attack carrier I'SS day. Annabelle Hermle. 1433 j Yorktown. Moflet. ward of Mr. and Trade St., told city police Friday, i Mrs. Arnold flatten. Woodburn, Also missing were a car jack, a' Ore, was promoted following suc lug wrench and a tire iron. shecessful completion of a Navy-wide said. The vehicle was parked in petty officer examination, the 500 block of North Church ; Street, police said I Fort Kull- v- ArmV Mai- F.dwin A. Nelson, son of Herbert Court Apts. (Court & Cottage) of- ,pr "own town quujt apts . from M2.50 to $56 Ph 3-7440. (adv.) i-n,lehiv (ada nalr rt,moved I nsll,h,v (,,.ia hfllr rt,mnvfA """'" "- 'j 0 manr-n tlv PrTce's son " th,rf of ,ho ratum sec a'c, ' c.r,r0 ,j,!!l,ion in ,hp Spcond Army's heaS- Dcau.y aaion. i n. j-. vav., SAI.EM (IRLS SOLOISTS Emily Gannawav. daughter of T G. Gannawav, 243 S. 45th St.. lhjJ befn ch0Sfn a,(0 solosl( for ., spring Oratorio Soiietv con- . ,al uSfa,1' ,Puacl'ic -'"'""' ! Jimp 7 lhA -hnnl has annnnnrpH 1 - - v.,r slnran, ,t I .rhpllp . nrp your furs the quality care they j , ,: ,,j " .j,. i-mo! t- D1, , ca,A w ,j' , Are you contemplating re-styling J()ur (urs-. consut Ben Wittner , at l.achelles, 1348 Kerry. adv.i H V4TVF.DT KIWANIS SPEAKER,., ui-.nn ... u- ,,.,,, u, it...... 13 v .u. .7 ' cl:''i l, ,"10 Nan m:n ,nr lur,nrr at noon Tuesday at Chuck's Steak j House. i French hair s t list now at the Beauty Nook ph 36631. Eve appointments also. Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist. 125 -N. Liberty, Salem. (Adv.l OSEA OATE CHAM.ES j The dinner meeting this week of Oregon Stale Employees As- soctation. Evergreen Chapter, will L T u. . .' ..I 1. . Nohlgren's Restaurant, instead of on Thursday night as previously n.norli.,1 Mrs C rare Peck Port- land, slale representative candi-,Pas' date, and Robert Creamer, editor III oiaie nusiniai uumiianun, On Center, will be speakers. Serra School Plans Bazaar Serra Catholic High School wi hold its annual "Eiesta Serrana a benefit bazaar on Monday. June 4. and a Spanish dinner next Sunday. June 10 The Iwaar, featuring games and prizes, will start Monday night at 7 o'clock A snack bar. featuring home made .pies, cakes, candy and hot -docs will open at 6 o'clock. The Spanish dinner will he served Sunday from noon until 4 p m. In addition to traditional Spanish food the menu also will include baked ham and other , American-style food Lending atmosphere to the dinner will he the dancing of the International Eolk Dancers Both ' the Monday bazaar and Sunday i dinner will he held at the school at 1040 N. Lancaster Rrl Umatilla IVa drop Prorrssill" BcsjillS n PKNDLETON' Processing of what is forecast as a record I'matilla pea crop has started at canneries and freezing plants. Must ol the crop will be handled with local labor, although about I.Mi Mexican nationals are sched uled to come in lhi. week MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS? If so, write t Spears Chiro practic Sanitarium and Hospital, Denver, Colo., for Testimonial Proof of results in arthritis, can cer, polio, epilepsy, rheumatic fever, mulliule sclerosis, cerebral paisy, muscular dystrophy, strok Pg heart, liver, skin, stomarh, kidney and scores- of other ail- iBrnts. wim is in she's wearing Sonotone's newest advance in hearing aids ALL AT THE EAR I So comfortable with summer dresses, beach wear or with low-cut formats. S0N0T0NE nun' W. f Dodge I Associatai 200 A l.ivesley Rlrig. Phone 3 MH.'), Silrm, Ore. Military Roundup Salem Sailor Home From Pacific Duty 8a Die., Calif.- Albert L. Barry, seaman, USN, of 932 N. Capitol St., Salem, Ore., returned here May 17 aboard the Pacific Fleet attack aircraft carrier USS Kearsarge, which recently com pleted a seven-month cruise in the Far East. Whllller, Alaska Army Pfc. Robert P. Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Caldwell, Lebanon, Ore., recently was assigned to the Military Police Detachment of the 8390th Army Unit at Port of Whit tier A 1953 graduate of Lebanon High School, Caldwell entered the Army in March 1954. His wife, Sue Ann, also lives at Lebanon. Washington, D.C. The Navy Department has announced t h e recent promotion of Lloyd K. Mof fet to gunner's mate third class, Nelson, Woodburn. Ore , recently participated in the Second Army command general s small arms ma,cnos at f ort Eustis Maj N'l ,quarters al f-ort MrartP Md ,pi entered the Army in 1930 and was. last s,a,lonfd ln Germany. Ft. Carson, Colo. Pvt. Jack! Porter. 19. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Porter of Mehama. Ore , is now receiving basic combat train- j ..l .l n.i. r- . inn wnn me mn imaniry division n,'r,v '"' ls ln 10 ' 281n 1('Ki m''nt T!e .8,,h11D'7s'on wi" f ,0 Europe this fall. Porter is a Stay ton 1'nion High graduate C A. Reitzensti-in, YN 3, is now janitor at Four Corners Klemen- on 30-day leave in Salem. Ore..'(ary School is on his way to be- with his parents. Mr and Mrs lcomjn(! a jlinlor high school math- reier Koiizensiein. .h.hi naieii ,c , Green Pr . following nine months :'cmallcs and st'cni'e instrim"r- 0f duty in Japan and the Pacific Ernest Krause. S I4lh St.. n(, serveo aDoaru ine sun cnasor , SB nnx,,r 1IP wm r(.pon na(.K Albert Rujje Succumbs to Heart Attack Albert E. Ruge. a iTZll i'l the Salem area for the past 56 year?, died Saturday at a Salem kicmtll 11a ,l-!it Ruge. who had ma.le his home with his niece. Mrs Fred (iihson ' Mngwnoo we. lor me " years, had been hospital sinre Tuedsv fnllnwini? a heart attack ' ,, . . . - .,. He was born in Berlin. Cerm- August 13. 1R70 Ur came to tnny. 'the I ruled States as a bov and settled with his family in Amenia. N H. Huge moved to Salem in ine degree I 190(1 and purchased a farm on Why the decision to change pro Wallace lioad He lived Ihrre un- (cssinns at the age of 34n til the death of his wife. Bertha, believe that 1 can obtain more alter which he went to live with satisfaction from working with his niece Ruge was a member of the Lutheran church Survivors include Mrs Ciibson Charles and another niece. Mrs I'nruh. also of Salem Euneral services will be held at 3 30 p m Mondav at the ('lough Harrick chapel, the Rev. John L. Caublr nfficiting Interment will be at Belcrest cemetery. Two Salem (iirls Reported Missing Two Salem girls failed to re turn home Irom school Friday af ternoon their mother. Delores Lee, 34") Division St. told city police Saturday The girls. I'alricia. 8. and Frances Ann l lrich. 12. were be lipved to he with their father, Ed llrich. Paleros. Wash, police said Mrs. Lee was given custody of the children following a divorce Irom l lrich. thev said. New Hearing Aid Miracle by... I ' ytt (V :4"'"' MAICO 311 STATE-SALEM Street Floor location Across From Ladd and Bush Bank Pleas seod rt information. Nam Addresi City s,al' Janitor to ' J f 1 ' 'VI-rinMMi. - ' L Jt - "0 f) P J ; m Jib'" : I ri-iry , yJiJ KOl'R CORNERS Ernest Kraute, custodian at For Corners Elementary School, mops p a classroom : following the departure of students. Krause. who has been employed al the school lor the past seven louowmg i '"" Janitor Is has been around learners currently studying toward his teacher's degree in hit off School Custodian Well on Way Toward New Teaching Career By LARRY HOBART Staff Writer, The Statesman FOl'K CORNERS A 34 year-old custodian at ine rour i orners , . , , vrnrs hai ntv oi nor.un..v to observe the life of a school teach er Now he plans to become one himself Krause. who started his tca her , training last fall, is currently j m Oil? 1 farrvins sex en hours of college- I f 10111 V 1111(1 level courses through the stale's vv Ma extension service. He has main- . . , ,, . . . lomwi a Mtw than B avrragel, Approximately $140 went into during his vear's study iwhichl"0 Y Ml As growing fund for a ' 10 K..,.r. r ,.,,u,., u-nrlci Th spring he led his Founda ''.on? " ' hl ilL'LV" f, " in lllf IlllU-ltllll V AOItl'IICUl'll The group included a numlxr of scnmil 'nrs- ,r" Krause ulans to lake extension and correspondence worn mis sum- mer and during the 1956 57 school year u u.. . ,,nir Wnann College of Education at Monmouth in the summer of 1 !. and continue there until he receives his teach- children." Krause saio "I think that I can accomplish a litle more Then, teachers have a little more prestige. I'm really doing it lor my own personal satisfaction." Runs In Family Teaching s c e m s to run in Krause's family He has three brothers who are working in edu cation. Two are teachers, Ihe third is the administrator of a junior high and elementary school sys tem. What do the teachers at Four Corners say'.' I "They have all encouraged me ! at least they didn't discourage CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors who have helped us so much through our great loss of Dae Stafford, mother and siller Their expression of sympathy anil I bought fulness will always be remembered Mrs, Dorothy Walker & Family Mrs Mae Cochran Mr. J D. Malthcws. CBSI3I2 No Dangling Cord No Bulky Bows No heavy black frames No Change in Yovr Appearance Snitch Jobs in so long inai ne nas aeeiaea io oerome one nimwn. mr mo." Krause said. "I borrow hooks! ! Irom them and they are always j w illing to help when they can It's almost like a seminar at school. A fellow can pick up a lot of point- of lull-time school attendance will ers from just watching " cost him about $12,000 in salary Krause has lived in Salem for: plus $1,000 for tuition and other the past 10 years. He and his wife. fees He plans lo commute be Carol. have two children, Janet, j tween Salem, where he owns his 8. and Secky. 2 Mrs Krause is. home, and Monmouth i.mni..,i i... ii, Laud & Bush : National Bank.' KA f ih.l'i; What dWS she think about her Benefit Adds ! w insirucuon ana inerapy swim ' P0' asJa a ' smor; ' Berg's downtown market Sime h(K) persons went through the "bruncheon" line No formal charge was made, but volunteer contributions were si.uxih, aitoimnj; 10 nicnaro Eckley. store manager I he npw nnn hpihw in- lur nt in the new YMCA wing now un- ner construction, dus Moore, general secretary, said OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. li j mm-m The of the Moguls :rr y Stewart Holbrook autograph party 2 P. M. June. 4 Book Department, Second Floor Stewart Holbrook will autograph copies of Ins two best sellers. T he Columbia and The Aqe of T he Moguls, also others of his well-known books TIIK COI.t'MHIA A crcat icleil bv our oven famous author A storv of lumlnrmi:. canning, steamboats and railroads. TIIK A i K OK TIIK MOCil'LS A rapt ival in study days when America's great fortunes were built Illustrated with 26 photographs FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Classroom - duty time. husband's teaching plans" "I'm just glad he's doing it." she said Tost ( lied Krause figures that Ihree years Krause's present salary is equal to that of a teacher with a bathe lor's degree and three years of experience, he said C.I education benefits are not paid lo World War II members of the Merchant Marine, with which Krause served Full Load Last fall Krause carried eight college - credit hours, attended classes Ihree nights a week, studied and taught his regular Sunday School class at First Evangelical I mted Brethren Church in addi tion to putting in a nine-hour day five days a week at Four Corners school. This spring Krause was forced to drop out ol his church choir be cause a night class in children's literature 111 Albany interfered with choir practice. ll s all worthwhile. Krause he- l,..,t Ik'. ln,.l.,M lr,,J l Ih. day when he'll he marking figures on the blackboard, not cleaning ' Ihcm off. M. American nvrr lovinlv limn .) of Ihe 80 March on Pilgrimage At Mt; Angel auUiaun Nws Ifrylrt MT. ANGEL About M men, women and children, led by Fath er Hilderbrand Melchoir walked the mile-long Marian pilgrimage to the Crooked Finger chapel Fri day night. Among the group were five women. Miss Dolores Hockett, Mrs. Harold Rrenden and Mrs. Victor Meissner. Mt. Angel, and Mrs. Bruno Schmidt and Miss Marie Plas. Crooked Finger, who walked the full 12 miles from Mt. Angel to the chapel. They start ed from St. Mary's church here at 2:40 p, m. and reaching the starting point of the shorter pil grimage a few minutes before the march began at 7 30 p. ai. Most of the walking pilgrims were from Crooked Finger and Mt. Angel with a few visitors add ed. The group was swelled to a hundred or more for the church service by older .people, mothers with liny children and one man in a wheel chair, who were waiting near the chapel. Father Hildebrand led the ros ary and singing of the marchers, as they walked four abreast up the highway, reaching the church before dark At the conclusion of the mass and short sermon the people, with the aid of car headlights, walked through the adjoining grove to a shrirte to the virgin Two similar pilgrimages will be . held in July, to be followed by the annual Aug 15 pilgrimage, en dorsed by Pope Pius XII, which brings thousands to the Crooked Finger hills. Lad Surrenders To Salem Pol ire A - l.Vyear-old Reedsport boy turned himself over to Salem city police Saturday after learning that he was wanted in connection with a Salem burglary , Police released the youth to the Marion County Juvenile detention unit. He is thought to be involved in the burglary of the Gideon Sloltz warehouse May 29. police said Three other youths had al ready been apprehended in con nection with the case, they said. ft. ik put k 7mMmU MILLER S DEPAHTMCNT STORE 3-1405 MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT IN THE OREGON ROOM Superb dinners in the Oregon Room starting at 95c STREET FLOOR Statesman, Salem; Ore., Parents Close Conferences At Fairview, Blind School Several hundred parenli and children were in Salem Saturday attending institute at the Salem School for the Blind and Fairview Home to discuss child-parent prob lems revolving around their handi capped children. Fifty-seven parent and 40 blind children, ranging in age from I months to I years, will complete their five-day institute at the Blind School today with talks, panel dis cussions, question-and-answer ses sions and a program. The two-day institute at Fair view Home ended Saturday with some JO parents in attendance. Emotional growth and develop ment, rehabilitation problems and the Oregon Association of Re tarded Children were suhlects of talks and discussion at Fairview Saturday. At both institutions it was stress ed the sessions were to help par ents to better understand and te meet problem as well as the children. Sessions on family life, cause of blindness, and a film on the Elk-sponsored eye clinic in Port land were on the agenda at the Blind School Saturday. Before closing this afternoon Dirths 1 COLLIER To Mr. and Mrs. William Collier. Salem Route 4. Box 700, a daughter. Saturday, June 2, at Salem Memorial Hos pital. DAVIDSON To Mr. and Mri. James Davidson, - Woodburn. a son, Saturday. June 2, at Salem Memorial Hospital. VITTONE To Mr. and Mrs. James Vittone. 485 N. 23rd St., a son. Saturday, June 2, at Salem General Hospital. SPACE NEEDED COPENHAGEN. Denmark 1 - King Frederick IX needs more library space. Librarians counted more than 100,000 volume in the Christiansborg castle llbrarv and weeded out 1.000 duplicates. These will be sold at a Copenhagen second-hand bookshop at their mar ket value. Silo OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:13 TO OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Sun., June 3, 06 (Sec. I)-3 with a program for present and former atudents at the school a talk on the growing child and panel on the benefits and problem of the annual Institute will take place. During the five-day session some 3m women member al the Lk Club Auxiliary from Salem and other town ever the Mat assisted the Blind School tUff in baby sitting for the visiting blind children and their brother and sislm. TODAY'S LUCKY faster NUMBERS 560,784 362,542 443,213 If kavt Master NMf Bit IlL - diu wua aay m ihti sanai numbers it, yea via desig nated award If ctilcct M tefart t P. M. tMlfht al Ceater aad CmnscrdaL Aajp awney Mt Udar IU W www vw a ww tpcadlag award. Pre Matter Maaey 9IU girea at all lega tions. Winnara Must Claim Award Al Cantar And Commarcial ly t t, M. 20 WINNER TIST1RDAY Orvilla Clampla t.. 2, lai 451 Salam, Oraf) Frt Balloons With Gas Purchaui MASTER frea Master Moaey Bill Givea At All Stations P. M. M, Money FAMILY FASHION SHOW Planned especially for your enjoyment and showing the latest stylet in clothing for women, fcr children and for men. See the family fashion show each Mon day evening in the unique Oregon Room. BRING THE CHILDREN They will enoy the special "Little Folks Menu'' planned especially for them and of course, the free candy favors. ENJOY THE MUSIC Featuring Ed Synng at the Hammond or gan playing light dinner music as a melodic background for your dining.