Saf ety Drive On as Traffic Deaths Noted If - A" A f 7 I Ml AA . a nn I I , By UUUtY BOBAKT Sua Wrttw, Tke SUIMM ' "Slow Down and Live", aaticnal latrtjr campaign designed to U miaate th traditional summertime peak Is highway death, got ncr- vy across tb MUoa weanesaaj. Emphasis at the prop-am it m MffiMMt tram lav tworccmcM wila particular etteotioa m hatard- us nxmnt noiaUoaa, accorcunf u Cant. R. G. Howard of the Onto state police. . - . awe erawc saiej eiuciaia urn already .issued waraiasi at the . danf era at summer driving vhea traffic eonjrstioa inmate. Mar tea Foot County traffic latauuet in lh months at June. July and Aaiuet at 14 aumbered It - mn thaa tba Cvt-cwoU total to fat thit year. Three Caaaca " Three principal accident causes la tht Marioa - Polk County area luted by Howarfl foflowinj to close, pasiinx wtth insufficient clearance and failure to jive proper signal. "Our experience Indicates det Jaflely that these three violations are the cause of moat accidents." Howard said. "Tsey are committed by discourteous and Inconsiderate drivers who art wilting and anxious to take a chance and at tba tame time Jeopardize their Uvea at well at the livet at ethers. - "While police uendei can and do assign their personnel to areas at high accident frequency during peak periods at traffic and take punitive action against motorists observed violating saf driving principles,' Howard said, "we are powerless to effectively control the problem without the sincere co operation ef the motoring public." Ketervalr Deata ; , Death of Cecil Raymond Wat lint, manager of M ft If Wood working veneer plant at Idanha, whose ear plunged off the North Santiam highway Into Detroit Lake May M, brought to U the number of Marion-Polk County traffic fa talities to 1S9C- M this time last, year the count totaled II. - T -- Eight traffic deaths bave been recorded in Marion County to far thit year; during the tame period in IKS Marioa County had tevea , traffic deaths. . Polk Caaaty Deaths i Three fatal traffic accidents have occurred in Polk County in USt; for the tame period in US the county recorded six. ..i lOf th MM Marion Polk County total, tlx deaths have occurred on highways, four involved traia automobile collisions and one was ' the result of the ear In the lake. . .- Time-table of Marion and Polk counties death dealing, accident! . ran like this: - .On Jan. a Orval W. Halvorton. 8, M 1430 Park ., Salem, died at a Salem hospital atar he had Men crushed between twe ears in highway accident near afoo- - mouth. ' Chi KfOed ''"-'.. Frances Custafson, U, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gustaf- " son, 901 Lane St., Silverton, was killed Jan. W when the car in which she wu riding with three other teenagers was crushed be tween two loaded tanker trucks ear Woodburn. . A father and son were killed , Feb, is when the logging truck in which they were riding wst struck by i diesd locomotive at Marion, Fatally injured were Edward & Carlson, 48, and hit ton, William Carlson, , both of Turner. A Corvallla man. Paul W 'Im 23, died Feb. II when" hit ear skidded on an icy spot on a bridge ear tht entrance to Helmick State Part os Highway WW near Mon mouth, 'On April T a 40-year-old Central roini woman, jura, neuian raner, wu killed la a flaming bead-ea , crash on the Salem' bypass near the Boone road overcrowing. Seeoad Victim - - Two days later, May t. another victim of the crash, Ellery Mc Cain, en, Lebanon, died at a Salem hospital. " Less than a week later. April U. v young Stayton woman and her mother-in-law were fatally Injured when their automobile collided with a Southern Pacific freight train at Home road crossing five miles southeast -of Salem. Killed by tht collision were Mrs. Lois Eileen Mason. J67 Stayton. and Mrs. Wayne Mason, 69, of Nyssa, Ore. On April n a Grand Ronde youth, Dennis Harvey Ducharme 19. was killed when his car tailed off a 10-foot . embankment and landed on its top in the TamhD nveroea near Fori hiu, ore. -Cecil Raymond Watkms, 48, orownea may it when his car plunged Into Detroit Lake about 1 aiBes east of Detroit. PMl 77 (HlMOtKHOIDS) asana wwt novr emmaa dkso tiOMoiaMecotON tNyMMcaBW I M(toourca He mm as summis Tk KZTKCLCS CLEH3 ItHuaWiitaWCMrapMis PHyM VIM. MtUl.MJl awOHIMIIMp OrVXUaaJlA Dr.S) ChaaJU DRl CHAN and LAM CSLNESS NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 481 Coart ft, , lAl llLllyriiLlllUlKr ..luUlllMVAVVnnUir vv Vl f 'V' VV V'Tr I'" ,T.' v ' VV r 'V ' V r r ' HY TYIKV1V1 QUITTNG BUSINES SALE! FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Mr. . E. Shaw, after 42 years in the retail furniture business, will retire at the completion of this sale. Come into our store and stand face to face with our price tickets and see for yourself we mean business. Open . Every Night Til 9 P.M. , As this fabulous sale goes into its third week, we have taken a long look at all price tickets and have taken drastic action in whittling our prices to a new low for this weekend selling. Open every night Till 9 P.M. M Qol I l?I I RELAXER CHAIRS m 3ox Spring and Mattress HA 9 Bedroom Suite Pr. Lamps Boxspring Innerspr. Mattress Your Choice Daveno Chair 3 Tables Pr. Lamps 111 SAMSON CARD TABLE 0DSDD6 'no 000 FULL FOAM ROCKERS 19 refect II .nCvsl 1 w it: 3vfA -i 1 nEf 11.3Cu. Ft. with Freezer Chest Q .? DOUBLE OVEN RANGE 189 k5 ,v W IE." 1.1 1 II I . ' II 1 J 5i Deluxe Automatic OPEN SUNDAY 12:30 TILL 9 LOOK WHAT YOU GET! BIG ROOMY DAVENO & CHAIR 2 END TABLES WITH MAR-PROOF TOP OCCASIONAL CHAIR TWO TABLE LAMPS SOLD REG. 249.50 . . . NOW BUMPER END DAVENO CHAIR li9 NIGHT OPEN EVERY TILL 9 P.M. BW7 QDOllSiJ OPEN EVERY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. ntnu ata Sararaar I t ami I to I a m C araMar aa orta mmtr Mats r:nltitua nam aat art tU art HIT RUM ttnttn ittt H