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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1956)
Tito Visits Russia , Small Crowd At Guernsey alms' Here nV a:. --m i litL ER trie m day, ;sures Russians MOSCOW-Marshal Tito, president of Yugoslavia, addresses hit fj ioviet hosts witttin Kievsky railroad station following nta arrival mr aturday in Moscow. I no said: I am suro thtre never again will Do misunderstanding among ma arte naliom of the Socialist (Communist) camo." AP Wireohoto). lay J Cake 'Marches' in Annual Pet Parade i .- -t , .-i, j ( ." W V .., f;" ' ft 4 ' I l-iV. V," ' " 1 4 if Avfe r(7 -. V. I ""1 : V " " ";' i 'V' r '.' - "- l I f i ' ' 1 4" . , ; .1 i. A NEW YORK-Tousle-headed after Dies HOllYWOOD - Je,n Hersholt, noted an all-nighr plane rido from Hoi- Danish actor, died hero Saturday after lywood, Marilyn Monroe smiles in car at Idle- a long illness. This picture was made at his wild Airport Saturday as she arrived for a last public appearance May 16 when he was rest before going on to London to make new tendered a huge testimonial dinner by the movie with Sir Laurence Olivier. (AP Wire- By IIUJE L. MADSEN Farm Editor. The Slatema Perfect weather Saturttov for the annual Willamette Valley Guernsey show brought out a small ringside al the State Fair (rounds where 55 head of the valley's best of breed were par aded before Judge Floyd Wolherg. Wolberg is professor of dairy hus bandry at Oregon State College and also training judge. Working as associate judge Saturday was Solon Spencer. Grcsham. a soph- j omore in animal husbandry at the . college. ..With many of the youngsters in (he strawberry fields, both the 4-H and Future Farmer showings were small. In the FFA division R. David Mulkey, of Eugene, was champion showman and Dclbert Erb of Jefferson showed the top ! cow. Strong Competition Competition was stronger in the 4-H showmanship groups ith Larry Penrose. Tiqard. no strang er to the Salem showmanship rings, winning the top spot. He placed first in the senior division and won over Fonmc Lester, t'or vallis. junior show man. Seven boys and girls competed in the contest. Brownies' Farm Connie, shown by Buford Brown, was senior champion, going on to take the grand championship over Genivive My Lady, the junior champion shown hv Geor;e Forsman of Ti- Junction flly Entry The elder bull also went on to grand champion, a large two-year-old. Prairie Blum Secret Flash, owned by C V Bond & Son of Junction City. He had placed f.rst over Farwest Komulous. shown hy Buford and (Jrville Brown Junior champion was Western Oak .Jiss, owned and shown hy H 0 May nard of McMinnville, a yearling, which had won over an entry by Lester Krb. The Browns showed the best get-of-sirc. in the gel of flavor Knights l.oren. while produce of Francine at Vaquina Acres, own ed by Julia Lester, was rated tops in Produce of Dam Guernsey Offirlnl Elmer Meadows. Western lield man for the national Guernsey Club, was present to assist throughout the show, and clerks were Ted Ilobart and Urn Newell. First place winners were I'our II club classes lunior heller ea'f. Julia Lester, senior Jtcifer raH-. Bonnie Lester, junior 'earhne. George Foreenuin. senior yearlinu. George Forccmaii: cow in milk. Larry Penrosr; tfianipiim fe male. Larry Penrose on Pen Acres Sparkle Open Class: Junior heifer. ('. V Bond ft Son of Junrt imi City . sen ior heifer. Orville Brown: junior yearling heller. George Force man: senior yearling heifer. Susan Brown; two-year-old cow. Clifford Maynard. three-year-old cow. I!u ford Brown; four year old cow. Buford Brown. Fie-ye;:r-eld cow. Larry Penrose " Junior and senior bull calf. Or ville Brown; yearling bull. H. C. Maynard: hulK two years and over, C. W. Bond & Son. Three best lemales bred by ex hibitor, Buford and Orville Brown. ''u 'its! rsnn; 1 M r :' " ' fU' ' v js- A , ... -i " .'.,-,,--:. . t , . ..) . " ' . .... N l - '.'JuUJk t ' . - - '. Statesman, Salem, OreM Sun., June 3, '58 (Sec. IV)-) SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Bunnrr uD entry in Ihe Silverton Pet Parade Satarday wai this one bj the Ehrla Almolst' cMldres). (art Al:n(uist is marching at the left, with Marilyn barely discernible ia the tenter M the cake aaf Arlene pushing the cart which carries the cake. The parade was started la 1911 by the late Dr. A. J. MrCanncl. then commander of Delbert Rrrves Past at Ihe American Leflaa. His assistant then was I rank Powell, chairman of thr parade this year. International Float Wins At Silverton's Pet Parade KVAL TV, VIIF 13 irilWl Mtt: Th ttatmun tvklhlw ft tw httJl Cn amvruH umr u pntM T nw u4 tv ( nnw nftCM J tk pratntnu art tnjrr aMkwH nMttirsnMa tlun n iw mmmtt k imaaacikM lr Ik arao kmM I SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS 1PTV 8UXDATTI HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL V): 12:N mi Wide. Wide World takes viewer ea a 10-minute tow of the entire length ef the devekyuif St. Lawrence waterway from Ouluth to tha Atlantic Ocean. i;N a.nn. Meet tha Preaa will present Victor HieaeL cntsadlac labor columnist who loat his tight at the result of acid burns received ta a criminal attack. I:M auns. - TV Playhouse, starrinj Judith Evelya and Cathkea Nesbitt ia "Primary Colors'' a teacher feels a student haa ton great art talent to be wasted, and insists ia giving him needed instructions in spitt of parental opposition. , KOIN-TV SVNDAVS HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL I); M:M take viewers through the villages of ' Northera Africa to hear the ethnie musk that accompanies lite there. S:M .nn. Armchair Theatre -"Greea Promise, with Waits , Brennaa. Robert Paige, Marguerite. Chapman, and Nataba Wood. A (armer acta like a tyrant to his motherless children. 4:M jsw Telephone Time presents the story of Heinrlch Schtte maim. "The Mail Who Believed ta Fairy Tales." and consequently discovered the ruins of ancient Troy. I;te njsw C.E. Theater "O'Hoolihan and the Leprechaun" wKh. Anne Jackson, Roddy McDoweB- end E. G. Marshall. :L- 1:M jsw-Flrst Run Theatre"Earfle Squadron": with Robert Stack, Joe Hall. Eddie Albert, Evelyn Ankers. KLOR TV HIGHLIGHTS FOR SINDAY (CHANNEL U): 1:IS How Christian Science Heals "The Rewards from Christianity.' 2:M pass. Imperial Theatre "Magnificent Melody," starring Pierre Cressoy and Carta Del Poggio. The story depicts the struggle of a young composer in the midst of financial difficulties. I:M p.m. Famous Film Festival "Tight Little Island," starring Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood, Catherine Lacey and Bruce Setoo. A hilarious comedy in which the inhabitants of small Scottish Island find themselves ia predicament when the island runs 'dry' of whiskey.' lis p.ns. Coronet Theatre "The Senator Was-Indiscreet," star ring William Powell with Ella Raines and Peter Und Hayes. A comedy drama of political pandemonium. SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, VHP 17; KOLN-TV, VHF I: KLOft. VHT U motion picture industry. (AP Wirephoto). photo) en. iiw mm i wii i in i ii iu.i.ui i m m n i i m in m uhiiiii mmrmmmtmmmm i i mi ammmmmmmmmmm IK 3 i P J0 a fro I 11 111 11 ", Mrs. Otj 76, Succumbs Mrs. Ma Otjen. 5505 Silvertnn Rd.. a Inng-time resident nf Mar I ion county, died Saturday at her thonie. She was 7fi. j Mrs Otjen was bnrn at .le'fer- son, Ore . March 23. 1RWI, She married Aliens! II 01 un In l'KMl land the couple licd in the Central i Howell district fur ahmit l.i vears, then moved to the Middle Grove area With the exiciitinn ol a few years spent near Waco, Tex . Mrs Otjen lived all her life in Marion County. Survivors inilnde her husliand: a daughter, Mrs. Vere 0. Has.xctl, salem; two hrothers. Henry Fenske, Sandy. Ore . and Jake Penske, Canny. Ore.; and a' grand son, Donald W. Basselt, Salem Announcement ol services uill be made later by (Touch Bat rick funeral home. cTrrseri Ifillc Pilnt GRANTS PASS- Ore.-Jack Stout, 34, Seattle, died in the wreckage UraSn rIIIS rilOT of fhij two.p,ce p,n, wr,ich cracked up in a farmer's field 5 I 5 miles south of here late Friday. His 11 -year-old nephew, Tom Taylor, Bremerton, Wash., " 'suffered critical head injuries. (AP Wirephoto). ( a pla 7 Mil k lov Ci ni Ovlofrtim, U.I. WUfHfa vUKiAV far Diivtime atnda ' an fturst show HiuH UptttAum lupflxi Dnin in KlrtrtkAact NJW YORK-Rain is forecast Sunday in New ifngland, in Kain In IXOrinweSI plrt, of fhf WMt,rn u( uppel. Mississippi Valley, the Plains and tha north Pacific Coast. It will be warmer in Great Lakes area, the Ohio, Ten- nee and Mississippi Valleys and M.icl.dla Atlantic states. (AP Wirephoto). . . , Anni versa rv Dinner Todav Dr and Mrs Charles Durden. former residents uf Salmi, will he honored with a dinner on ilieir 4fltli wedding anniversary toddy al the C. H. Ostrin home. i.yi ('heme kela SI Or Durden. who olfictatcs at Calvary Raptist Church servile this nioining. was pastor ol the church for several year? He led Salem in 1947 to beceme field rep r.-scntalive (or. Ihe Oregon Baptivt Coinenlion The Durdens now result at Tide water near WaMport. Ore The wedding anniversarv dinner , today was arranged by 2" iTienv .hers e( the Calvary r.ptist on 'grcgalinn ' Junior Gals Suf lhall I'lanned at Woodlmni HUteMliuii NoHt Srrl(f WOODBL'RN" -Potential mem hers of the junior (iirl'j Soft hall League met for the first time Saturday afternoon at Wash ington School for a workout with ! coach William Zyp. Girls include those in Ue 7th. 1 8th, and first year high school ' next vear. The nftieia! organizational Will he held Saturday at 4 p.m st Washington School, when, if-the turnout is great enough, teams in the league will he organized and placed assigned. - Slalrsman News 8Tkf SII.VKI1TON - An international theme gave four youngsters the sweepstakes prize al the annual Silverton Pet Parade held Satur day. This float won over a close runner-up. a huge birthday cake float, depicting the 25lh annivers ary of the Silverton Pet Parade, sponsored each year by the Atner Sean Legion, assisted by the Legion Auxiliary. Taking part were 489 children, each ol whom were later guests at the Palace Theater at a malinee Saturday. An estimated crowd of efcjM- to a.uoo uned the streets from thr Cnolidge S.- McClaine Park, where the parade slarted. through the business district, to the Kugene Field school grounds whwe U was rii -handed i Through Town Frank Powell, who was assisted With the parade wee it inception, was chairman of the Saturday ccnl Members of the Legion marshaled the youngster through the downtown streets, with Chief of Police I! Ii Main, leading the parade, and other officers direct um traffic. In Ihe w inning float were Richard and Sheila Bergerson, son and daughter of the LaVern Berger sons. and Linda and Janet Weiss, daughters of the Nick Weisses. The four children, dressed to represent the I'niled States, Mexico. India and China, were riding in a float with a large world globe at their feel Three of the LTvin Almquist chil dren. Marilyn. Carl and Arlrne were in charge of the runner-up float. Jjdges of the grand pri.e were the llev (' J. Cording. Miss Han nah Olson and Jack Mclcalf. Top Winners First place prize winners in the parade were: Kntries other than pots largest and best organized group. Waldo Hills' Citizen's Rand ol l!i?L' Doll buggies. Diane Wil liams Best stunt, liohin Mood and his men deputed by Harry'Turner, Jimmy Wright, George Morrow, Damon Hrielit. and David Smed steil Best tricycle ridden hy boy, Kirk and Kevin llartman. by girl, Death Claims Carl N. Moen .ni.tii New. KTvirf SILYKHTON-Carl . Moen. a resident of Silverton for the past HI vears. died at the home of his brother, die Moen, Friday night. II- was fi.l Moen was born Aug 21. J8!)0. in Norlh Dakota Survivors include his widow, Minnie, five children. Charles of Hiintinglnn Park. I'alif : Donald. SiiVevtun Kniesi Kellogg. Idaho. M r - Dm is Him g. ( Hhassi tt, Minn . and Mr.- (loldie Adovik, Portland: two hrnthrrv Ole M"on. Siherton and Marcus Moen t'hte.ngn. Ill . three sisters, Mr ' l ira Ihlanil drand Korks. N I' . M.nha Sponstriuii. St Paul. Minn and Mrs Hilda Nel sun. Minneapolis. Minn Announcement of services will be made later hy the I'.kman Fu neral Hume Sue Ann Nelson Best decorated bicycle, ridden by girl over 10, . Mary Ann Olson; boy over 10, Mar- vin Sather: boy under 19, Tom' VanCleave; girl under 19. Karen! Kinonen. Best original costume, boy. Davey Crockett; girl,, Tresha Leonard. Best costumed couple, Wayne and Sharon Krosig. Most freckles, girl, Susan Taylor; hoy. Hichard Alexander. Reddest hair, boy, Jimmy Engemann; girl, Su san Ann Berry. ' Prt Division Children with pets: Best dressed pet. shown by Darell Paulson; best sheep entry, paraded by Donna Church; goat, lfrha Charptlloi; horseback riders. Pinehill Trail Riders; smallest pet. tboyl, Mi chael Wentwnrth; smallest pet girl', Doris Vestal; smallest ani mal; Biff Nelson; chickens, Larry Fisher; fowls other than chickens, Gail Vaughn, Bonnie Rue,. Larry Rue and Dardra Kelm, tying; larg"- cst pet other than horse, shown by hoy, Henry Sieridan; by girl. Don na Church. Best dog shown by boy, Randy Lowery; by girl, Die Wertz. Best cat shown by boy, Jerrie and Al Rogers; by girl, Carold Went worth; best rabbit shown by boy, Steven Kelly ; by girl, Mickic Weinechki. Telephone Time lh fii--W( rfranw'i r JOHN NfSSTT "Th. Man Who Believed in Fairy Tales" riC.KNI: KVAL-TV. Channel II (aunoty), (: ChrUllin 8ctnc; t:U-Huppet Bible Slortet; l:S Orl RoberU- IS:J Lignted Win dow: II : Champlonthlg BowUnf: ll:es Wldt WW Wnr.d prewnte in pii-lurri the St Lawrence Seaway from Dulutii, Minnesota, to the At lantic Ocean: 1:J0 Famous Play house; !: Sunday Matlne Theaten witn rinni nana; this la ne Life; 4:Si-K'hit On Persnn Cnn Do; 4:SJaycee Spotlight; l:S Meet the Preaa prmenti Victor Rlenel. cmia ln labor columnlat who loat Kit aiaht In a recent criminal add at tack; l:)-Roy Roaen; : It'a a Great Life; t-Mt Snv tt Com- edv Hour: l:aa City betertlve: :3 Waterfront; 8:S Loretta Young Show with Xorctta Youni In "Dickie" the itory of boy who haa the atrical and bueinea tenlua; e:le Surprlie Theatre; !: Telephone Time pretenta th diarovery of th treaturen o( ancient Troy In "Th Man Who Believed In Fairy Talei." te:3 Sundav Showtime with Joe Klrkwood (Palonka) In "Th Triple r, " - .-Jf . - . u ... . ' BOl't M:H Mil HM M:tt A KPTV1 ch'reh In H'mt ICh'rch In ITme ft. Perton C'n Do lYour Trouble t 11 KOINl KPTVIralth Today iFalth Today (ThlitaU fThlaUUf aWIWIralth Today I Faith Today (Bill Hlckok IBIU Hlckolt IS KfTV'l wid World I Wide World Wld World twtde World KOINI Lamp ta rtat lUmi to feet lAdventur lAdwntur ari ni . . a..ii. KLORI KPTViwid World KOIN Fan Halloa ULOKlTranaltlon fTeat Pattern Ltfhted Wlnd'w (Llf httd Wtnd'w iWUk WnrM rttittniili rtutlnnb I Fac Nation I Sunday News ISandiy Ntwa tctirtst'n ie'nee Pioneer Plrh. I Pioneer Plyhe. A stPTVlDr. I pock (Dr Bpock I Zoo Farad loo Parada , h rnriwii . eHu. ii M n.ue Th w it wa HuOK! Pioneer Ply ha. IPIoneer Plyhs. Ilmperlil Theat. Imcxrtal Thwt 3KPTVI Mom Opera IHorx Optra IHotm Opera iHora Optra KLOKllmprlal Theat. 'Imperial That. ilmprlal Thtat. itmperlal That F KPTVI Rer ftPi IRoy Rottrs Bt Picture iBl( Plctur 1 KOIN Armchair The. I Armchair The. Tlph'n Time (TeUpln'M Ttma KLOK upt Clreua SuprClreua Buper Clrcua 8upr ClmM KOAC 550 k.c KOAC lr Sanaa? . Seer lal KOAC Protrami" 1 J a m. Th Newt and Weather; 10:45 - oreion tut Cellege l orn meneamanl Barealaiirajta Bervlre; II: IS p.m. Sign Oft 7 tPtrpKtle Mtate lOral Roberta llr luiind a fortune, a liiaiilifnl wife and the ruins ol ancient Troy. Sunday 4:30 .M. KOIN TV Channel 6 1 VACATION Special on MOTOROLA CAR RADIOS Only $99.93 Trsnsitor Powered MITCHELL RADIO and TELEVISION SALES AND SERVICE 1880 State St. Ph. 3-7577 We Give -H" ftrera Stamps KPTY W th tm . Mwt th Pra Prtptl PiUlrXIYou ArThr lYouftr inn i tLOKlD'l Falrbanka iD't Talrbank Oral Roberta (KrTVIOreat Ut IGrtatUt IFrontler IFronUw KOINI Jack Benny Uack Benny IWhat i My Una 'Whet's My Una KLOR u Aiked tor It lU Aiked For tt iFamoua Films iFamous FUma KPTVlcomedy Hr. IComedy Hr. iComedy Hr. (Comedy Hf. ll01NlMuIUvin M Sullivan Ed Sullivan HdSuUla art n !.,. nim irmui Film tPaimnttFtlm iFamwt Fllwa 0 KPTVIcoodyr Plyhs. Oooor Plyhe Ooodyr Ptyhad fOoodyf Pryhna' 9 EOINjO f Theater J I TheaUr AW. Hlteneoea IAU HitchcoekJ KLOKlTed Mark's Hr. ITed Mark's Hf. ITed Mack's Hr. fTed Mtett'S Hr. J-IPTVI Loretta Youne ILoratts Yount IMonUCftato tMont Crirta iUirllM.OOOCh li ng BOt.DWLn U IWW MIJ unnmi mi, KLORI Coronet Theat. Coronet Ttwat iCoronet Theat, ICoronet Th t KPTVlBowUng BowUn- I Drew Peareon (Sunday (tar ,. eniui, .....m a , -. T-w.. ii Sum fkul lie Bum TmAaS. nul l III null i nrai. iiimwuwai. I '-' KLORI Coronrt Theat. (Coronet Theat. IBoundup IRoundup KPTV KLOR Sunday Star ISunday SUr (Sunday Star ISunday SUr - IChrlttophera IChrlitnphtri I Europe CrusadelEurop Crusade; SUNDAY'S RADIO KILM 1JM SOCO 14ie KOAB 1410 KOIN SO tge I IIW) FM: Megacycles - StOIM 101.1; BIX S1J; IOW IN I HOUR 0:M N:1S N;4S a-KtLM TaoiN I sow ani-n KOCO RGAI KOIN KKX AIRLINES NEED MEN and WOMEN W nttd Ktrvrioniiti, Station A 9 twit. , fit ingtr Agvntt, Steward, Radi Opera ten, Hoiteite. Cemmwnketiont, for pubtic contact potitiom. If you are II or ovor, a High School Graduate or equivalent one) have good personality, U. $ Citiien, don't mt thrt opportunity. Good talariei, rapid pro mo tie, free travel pauet, tecurity. Preliminary train ing need not interfere with prttont employ ment Entire training given in Spokane, Wash ington. --A.Rl.Nf TRAINING DIVISION- NORTHWEST AIR COLLEGE For Information Write Statesman-Journal Box '89 Name Age . . j Address iCity State 1 2 3 4; 5 KSLM KOCO KUAB KOIN KGW KFX "kl.m KOCO KCiAK . KOIN I KOW ' KKX i KSLM KOCO KG AE KOIN KC.W KEX KSI.M KOCO KOAI , KOIN 1 KiW KF.X KSI.M KOCO KC.AR KOIN K(iW KFX KSI.M KOCO M.AS SOIN KOW KKX KSI.M KOCO KCAK KOIN KOW KIX Melody Joura'y Inv to beam Radio Pulpit lam Com "Coni'v Bapttat Never Know Wain Clue Munlc Oral Roberta Bihie Studr "Bible Class Mui (or 3un Robrtii Crean Jewish Faith Srandlnav Hr yuker Hour Nwi "rwuylerian Hit Revue Muilc Feat. Muilc tor Sun ewi-Rranrh IMlod; Journ ylMuile Unv te Uarn ISalt Lake Tab. Radio Pulpit Eternal Lite meririn Lei'n d.llht k Lit Salem Acad. Back to God .4-H Club Wattle Club Txplorer Oral Roberta Bible study Nil rent Sr Willie Cluo iFor. Al. Rept. Ivtui (or Sun Bible Claat Mm tor Sun. Roberti Organ iTop ol Week Scandlnav Hr Quajui Vhriitlan" Bet. Prettmerun fit Vv iMuile Feat. IMuiic Feat. Muiir tor Sun Mtiflr for Branch Branch Church Belle (Salt Lak Tab, lltemal Ute Liht a LUe Rick t Oodf"" Mua tor Sun. Warn Club Jt. Francis , Mm tor Sua. ' U of O ForumiU ot O Foruna- Vole ol PropbtVolc ot PropSL Mui. (or Sun. iMui. (or Sun. Waffle Club Waffle Club -Look t Skie INewi Srandlnav Hr. Scandina Hr, Choien People Home Dem al'y Frank t. Irnrit Paufa'Ford . Manh Mel Sin 10 Ram. Hit Reviie Hit Review I Muilc Feat Sun Muiir for Sua. Branch Join Navy Concert Mln'tr Flrtl Method iat Flrirt Methodurt Flrat Baptial Pint Baptlat Fint daptial F'rtt Baptiat Calvary Bapt Clvar Bapt. Calvart Hint Calvarv Baot Muilc Feat Muii FesL Sun. Aftern'n 'Sun A f tern's Eternal Llht Internal Light ICithotlc Hr. iC.tnMe Hr. 4ewa-Bramh Branch Branch Branch Newi Well at Work IMmnonltea Mennnnltea World News Sun Matlne Sun Matinee Sun Matin Newi Sun Serenade Sun Seren1 Reren New Percy Faith Hr. iPercy Talth Hr. iPercy Faith Hr. iPerry Faith HrJ Niwl-Monttor Monitor Monitor Monitor Revival Hr iRevlvil Hr. (Revival Hr. fRevival Hr. - Well at Work Sun Matlne Serened News Monitor Prophecy Baieball Sun Matinee Sun Serenade Feature Monitor Hr u( Dectolnn ISun. Serenade Sun Matinee Sun Serenade IWerki Newi Monitor (Prophecy 'Sun. Serenade Sun. Matlne Sun Serened .World Attain Monitor Wish Moment Sun. Serenade Sun. Matlne Seren New (World Affaire Monitor 'Hieh Moment inaiebill Sun Matinee Sun Serenade feat tire IMonttor Hr ol Derlilon inanebatl Sun Matlne Sun Serenade iFature (Meet the Preaa (Herald of Truth Paaehall IHaaebM Teenaee Tunea Teenaee Tunea Sun Serenade Sun Serenade F.dfar Berfen iF.diir Bergen Monitor 'Monitor HI-FI Time Hi-FlTim Haw'-a'l rrenife Tunea Sun Serened iFdsar Berfen Monitor Hi-FlTim IBiseb.i: Sun Matinee Sun Serenade 'Feature 'Meet the Preaa iHerald o( Truth Baiehall reenae Tun Sun Serened iFifar Brgn IMonitor Hl-rt Tim BueMII 'RaieSill na-:! Baseball i IVeniie Tunea Teenas- Tunei Teenaie Tunea Teenaee Tun ! Publ Service Sn Morae Sundown Sere Sundown Sere.. Mutlr Hall i Muilc Hall CDS Newi 'CBS Ntwi Mon'tor Mor.itor Shirley Thomai Shirle' Thnmaa Boh Srott Rhow Rob Scott Show 'Bob Scott Show Bub Scott Show FECIAL KSI.M Baieball Itaieball Lutheran Hour KOCO Teenage Tunei Teenaee Tunei Teeniee lunei S(iS Sundown Ser Sundon Sere Sundown Sere KOIN OurMliaBrk a Our Miti Brk Two tor Money K;V N-wn-Moni'or toni(oi Monitor KFX Bob Scott Show Bob Scott Show'Bob Srott Show KSi.M Walt Wlnehell Fro-i Pure Bob fon;ldlne 6" " Teenaie Tunei Teenaie Tunea Teenue Tunea KOAC Sundown Se-e Sirn Oft. kiilS O Hara o Hai.i Cunmoke KtiW Blo In Sound Mine in Sound Amrr r.irurn m r . o. ..... It.nmb rtrti. f.n(l Sr i" fr ttour Teenaee Tune Sundown Ser. Two isr Money Monitor Bob Scott Show 2 Beef Roast Locker Wrapped Round Steak Locker Wropped SALEM MEAT CO. "3 "NO FXTRA I ( IIAKt.K FOR WRAPPING, J , FREKZI.NO" HUM Memory Room Memory Room Purron KOCO Teenaee Tune 'Teenaee Tunea Teenaei-Tunea I KOIN Master'! Mel'dy Matters Mel'dy Juke Bon Jurv f KOW Monitoi Monitor Mti Testlval KFX Mon Headline! Faith Our Time Growing Pains KSI.M Minir 'Minlc 'Music JROIN Juke B"x Jury Juke Box JurylVouni Ideas 5 KC.W 'uir Fes' ""ir relt HEX Town Mretine Tnwn Meetlnf Newi T eenaaa Tunea (lunimoae Amer. Forum Heie i lo Veta Mui r-ii Town Meetlnf Music Terndfe Tunea Juke Bo Jury Mm Feitival Growlnf Palna I Muilc Vouna Ideas rt Town Meetlnf we u r. U Ret. in niwi uiii n'M KOIN onibardo Tim Lombardo Tim w muiic rest muhc real KFX Kath Ktinlman Kjth Kuhjman ,.40' 1325 S. 25th St. KSI.M Music KOIN Sun Nite Fin KGW Rwh Reporter I KEX Final Edltioo 'Show Tunea Mui. Memor. Veil' Newa rineit Mual Peace In Valley Peace In Valley Face Nation IF ace Nation Meel Prraa 'ee' Hreea hrael Messafe Iiraet Meeeaf I Show tunea IShow Tune Church o( Air Church of Air Hr of Deciilon iHr of Decliloa , Revival Tim Revival Tim KOIN Music KOW Newi Nleitcap KKX "Ml Graham iMuile City Ceunetl Rlliy Graham IMuslc City Council ii rarann IMuslc City Cnuncft Pul Cron 1 'I