:3-(Sec III) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 3, '50 U.S. Analysts Say Inflation Past Its Peak By WILLIAM 0. TAB , WASHINGTON (IMvernment analysts Saturday expressed be lief the "sharp edge of inflatioa hat been blunted.'' This doesn't mean, one econo mist stressed, that any (eaeral do clina in business and the economy ' b under way, Nor does it mean. he added, that the threat of tafia-1 tioa has entirely disappeared. ' It does mean, be added, that; Inevitable adjustments arc taking' place that were to be expected ; after the booming business of 1SSS. which carried over into tbs early ; months of this year. j And, this economist said, there, Is no reason for pessimism overj certain downward trends that may j well prove to bo temporary. Gen erally, he said, the outlook b for ! a continued high level economy but j - at rates In the Immediate future ' below those of recent booming I months. This may extend into the third quarter of the year but with ! a recovery anticipated in the last months of KM. . Bright Side i Ob the bright side these factors wen aoted: The continued high level of con-' stntction activity at a C billion v dollar annual rate, especially in ' commercial and industrial lines ; Expected expenditures of SS bil ' lioe dollars or more this year hv business in exoandinf its slants and equipment: -Hich personal income, at an an- nual rat. of near SIS billion dol i - tart; ' High government spending, in cluding the usual cleanup In pay ments as the fiscal year draws to a dose June SO; r i A ris. in farm product prices to levels even with last year; a firm ing up in used car markets. Downward Side On the downward side, analysts noticed especially the rise in man ufacturers' inventories which had . a book value of 4t 00,000,000 at the end of Antil or about five hil-1 lioa higher than a year ago. One j said this wis disturbing because! II MiiM bail Ia m liMMlAiwn in nrA. ' duction in some lines U the in - crease continued. Other Declines noted were the decrease 4 new automobile sales - from a year ago, a cut in produc tion of copper and some other metals, the recent general down ; ward trend On stock exchanges and sales declines in many lines in Tfemt work I (i si" i ------ ------ .i . mem ra otevi One analyst expressed belief that - ttuara mav ha a litvlin in twt orders. Many firms placed orders earlier in the year to assure them- selves of materials and in advance of a possible steel pries rise fol- lowing the nrosent wage talks. - Recently, too, there has been a tightening of the money supply and some administration sources have criticised the Federal Reserve Board for raising Its discount rate, the rat. at which It lends to banks. - "Provider. Has v Oiv.n Us Hop." i it '(Author 'l iwrnt btlow) . .- i Thert it now no reason why you should fear any possill illness. Modern me dicint can give torn, relief for any ailment, and in most cases has the knowledge to affect a cur.. Most Important is the fact that Physicians aro daily earning more about how to pr.v.nt sickness. There is, Hop.," that In our time, se rious diseases will occur only to those who neglect yisiting their Physician for regular check-ups. If you will consult him at the first sign of any illness, ho csn help you to get well quick er. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONI 44334-150 S. Liberty St. 3-9123-310 Court St. 34157-2440 Croar St. WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver at 12:30 end 4:00 daily without extra charge. A great many people entrust ui with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we Compound yours? Remember: At 151 South Liberty Street we are nrt pared to supply your Drug More aeeas Z4 hours a day, Nigni ana day, ' We are ope at this sddress dally from :W A.M. uatil U:M P.M. 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