Garden Gabbing By Gardes) Gadder FLOWER FJX1XG W ran across a nice little booklet (his week rut out by Ferry-Morse Seed Company. The booklet is called " Fixins flowers to Please Your Family." It's quite sensible one any of us who do not claim to be professionals can both understand and use." First it tells about gathering blooms and special treatments. We were especially interested in the latter. A very few flowers, luch as snow-on-the-mountain. Oriental poppies and others with oozing tap. rmt special treatment before the go into your bucket of water, acrf cording to the booklet. For these, take a candle and matches or a cigarette lighter, and scar the atems. Put the feared stems in water ( ircctly after treatment, and from then on. handle like any other excepting for researing any stem you shorten later; PEEK-A-BOO Its ill right U ise a tall container m the dining mm provided il it tall enough thai the (towers are above eye-level, when you are sitting at table, the booklet says. (We still like the low ones best. I Delicate flowers suck 11 eslumblaes r sweet peas da best la drlirate glass containers. Sunflowers ar tlthontas need heavy poller? a bean pat is gond. The book also lists flowers of different types sa that yan ran grow those which suit the containers you have. Yob ran gel a ropy f the booklet from Ferry-Morse Seed fa.. Mountain View, Calif. We believe there is a lucent mailing charge. THE MEMORIAL FI.OWF.R-That's what we usod to think peonies --particularly if combined wilh the old-fashioned snowball were. There ;ire a lot of folk who scorn to ajirce with us. In wandering around the emetcries Wednesday, we noted how very many peonies were used md how well they kept But most of the pennies we saw were quite a -tep away from Ihe old-tune all-red round-headed ones we used to ihmk of as peonies, and which our neighbor lady, when we were little, i ailed "pinios." If von haven't visited a poonv garden in recent years (io so. You've got a nice surprise in store I We visited two very fine ones in the Salem area this past week. : nd lound some of (he most luscious blooms. While not one of the rewer ones, we still loved Mikado, a rich red witn lone rounded petals 'irmunriing a great dome of golden staminodos.. Geisha, another i Idish one. of dear, bright red, large and tall, was just coming into ond bloom. I II lust mention a few of the olhers I liked particularly "ell Cheny Hill, deep garnet; Phillipe Rivoirc. dark, fragrant; W . ' I-:. Rlanrhcttr. very large and a brilliant red Pink doubles Kdith M. Snook, ivory tinted pink.some yellow: Klla Christiansen, dark pink, .strong Iragranee: Garden Princess, sil ' cry sell light pink: Grandifkrn. a silvery pink and rather Hat bloom: l ady Alexandra Duff, very pale blush pink; Lillian liumm. fliilly l ower of shell pink. Mane Cro'iM-. Iragrart pale kink 'one of our lavoriles1; Mons. Jule Flie. very large, light roe pink 'also a fa- on t r . Being partial to white lliraris, we found a score or mure of the ' hite peonies alim-st iur-istihle Our ' out-t:indin ' choices in luiii 'I "all O't'otlon. Judge hnwk 'a creamy while'. I.e Cygne, Fr.itui V illard. Festiv a Maxinia. Kvening Star. Klsa Sas 'with shades of piH. . nd gold, simply beaulilul1, Genevieve. Kelwav s Glorious. Mr. A B I iai'khn. iclury. W 1, liumm Japanese peonies Fire Chief, a deep red with golden red anemone (inter. Mrs Wilder Bankroll, a hnllian' red, Mnminodrs tipped y I ' w , Neon, a rove pink, with gold edged stnminode: Nippon Beauty. "M red some yellow edges on petaloides. Nippon (Jold: (iuaids pu:k y i How center. Single peomi". Sea Shell bright pink with yellow stamen v Pride ' 1 ' 'i""i":t. v-rv l:n i oale roM'-pink and gold center: Ki kapoo dark red on tall stems. Krmkled White 'looked like a paper flower'. . e; n pnu ,al- with golden stamen- j Il s . ';.l aulully hard to quit II we were to buy all tho-i e marked when we were at the gaidens, we'd need a small lortune :id a large latin (in n-e lor ; oursell Weather permitting ther,' lould be some goixl ones lor a couple of weeks yet Larkspur Still Good 1 civ;fc r v- '' up ''1: This Week In the Garden Mi Ml deal Moons at bin a Wag bads wklrk may slul earn lata Umi. CarefaOr rraMrt iced Bads traai asalras aad rasdideadraas. As asaleas aad rhadadeadraas finish aUara acatler fertiliser arer nulrh aad water la. Arald any fertiliser with lime, bane meal ar wsad ashes. Sail mast be kept arid. Add same alnralnna inlpnate Is fertilixer. ' Finish dividing and resetting primroses. Finish setting ant aaaaals far sammer klaam. Plant another groan af flad-Mi. Statesman, Salem, Ore., San., June 3, '58 (Sec. IIIV19 ' t Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Flower Mist v -j- i" $ Firefighters Get Unexpected Help i f This is an olrifashioned flower, but it still holds good ia the garden. The annual larkspur comes la many colors, growi rapidly, fills vacant spots with i lot of color and grows with little attention. These pictured here are among Ihe new giant strains, seeds of which are offered in Salem garden stores. SON GRADUATES NEW YORK i - Arthur Mac i Arthur. 18 year - old son of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. was graduated NKW YORK - -After July 1 Friday from Browning School here, in New York it's "lo. the poor " " . go on inr iim ui piuitnieu uuus New York to Make War on Pigeons pigeon Pigeon are becoming too mi- Alter that date; the city health merous. the departmept said, and department said yesterday, pigeons "too much of a nuisance." Extinguishers Fail Test of Real Blaze DEWSBl'RY. England -MiU owner John Day installed a new set of automatic fire extinguishers in his place of business and called in local police and firemen for a demonstration. Beaming proudly. Day kindled a blaze under an expensive carding t machine and stood back. j Automatic jet re supposed to squirt carbon dioxide gas on the flames. They didn't. I Day hurriedly pulled a hand operating lever to set the fire- I fighting equipment in operation. 'Again nothing happened. Day then yelled for workmen to douse the flames with buckets of water. He estimated the damage :at 300 pounds Ti. CATANIA. Sicily OP Firemen : partition and burst the vats and: ot an unexpected assist Friday ! bottles in an adjoining wine store. I I night in dealing with a fire in a! By Ihe time the firefighters ar-j ! carpentry shop. rived, the wine had almost extin-j ; The flames ate through a wooden 1 guished the blaze. QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT ISO SOUTH IIIERTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon ta J P. M.-4 P. M. to 9 P. M. Waoltdays-9 A. M. to 11 P. M. (Other Hours, Call 3-91)3 or 44336) k 4. M t , s - v J w k xk ' - J :Ni ns t f kH -r- I. FREE ESTIMATES On floor Coverings NORRIS-WALKER PAINT COMPANY 1710 f ront Phone 4 2279 ( j ack Aerial Team Coin" Super f'itriti UKBii$f THE TILLER SHOP M E Rotary Tiller Power Mowem Garden Supplier Shernin Williams Paints 1198 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-1009 Cera ii A. O. Smith PERMAGLAS The Finest in Gas Heating by Day Heating Co. "first in (ias Heating in Salem Since 1935" Free Surveys and Ettimatas 225 Division St. Ph. 3-4822 sonic WASHINGTON The Air Forces "Tliunderhirrt" team I fliers, who have thrilled millions of spectators wilh then precision flyine dcuiiuislrations. are stepping up to supersonic speed They are being equipped with North American KI00 jeS. capable of faster-than-sound speed in level flight. The new equipment will re place the suh some r'R4 aircralt which the team has used since Mi.VI in putting on 22.1 demonstrations belore spectators estimated to total more than I0.fKKl.lKKl The change-over in planes, the Air Force saio Saturday mt;ht . will he completed in lime for an air show at Homestead Air Force Base. Florida, on .lune 23 Commander of the team is Maj .lacksel Broughton of Hochcstrr. XV Those who fly with him are ('apt Billy .1 F.lhs. Dequincy. I .a Isl 1,1 Hubert I) Anderson. Tulsa, Okla : ('apt Kdwin I) I'alinnren. Winston Salem. N I', and 1st Lt William II I'ogue. Sand Springs. Okla The team narrator and spare pilot is Mai Donald J Ferris. Ta (imia. W ash The ThuiKlc rhirds recently moved from I. uke Air Force Base Ariz., lo Ncllis Air Force Base. Ncv HINfiARY WOKR1KI) VIFNNA. Austria ,f Hungary is worried about "youth un employment." Newspapers report 30.IKKI Hungarians between 14 and Ifi are idle because there are no openings at high schools or trade schools. Laws prevent their em ployment in lactones. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. sewing is believing when you sew on a WHITE rotary automatic sewing machine 1 1 u i - - i 1 1 fancy stitches-buttonholes, all without attaenments portables consoles-desk models NO DOWN PAYMENT WHITE SEWING CENTER 2ND FLOOR stoan SoJJ Invites you to another (graduation Jadiion Show Thursday Evening, June 7th, 8 P.M. YWCA Social Room " Wiioiijr funn .n.VA'S Ihntcs from Till: ILOWER ROX ( ii .idtiatioti classes from SAI.l-A! ami STAVTON (lomtticiitatcd liy Salem s own Jv t.l..ItAI)tlJ,l', Ul r h Summer Classes start inti June 2otli S weeks course, 3."). (Ml Sponsored by YWCA Phone 3-9167 of Charm & Foshion Modeling (A Finishing -School) ' I TV JTAhi- I f A Jtf'.ll VJE'll l PAYf ! YOU HOLLYWOOD BED OUTFIT Here's What You Get: Innerspring Matlren and Matching Box Springs... Six Hardwood Hollywood legs Beavliful Plastic Vpholstertd Headboard ... Choice of Colors. Only 0 0 0 $1(6)90 (J All This For the (he Low Price of JJ See This And Our Many Other Mattress Values Today Salem's Mattress Center her-Silt a New Location 990 S. Commercial St. Phone 3-4023 Open Fridays 'til 9 P.M. LOADS OF FREE PARKING SPACE R8 DfUYlIT r for your old ballpoint pen on the purchase of a new Waterman's sapphire the pen that writes with a jeweled point . Thirty -doy bi Iriol 9f will pcov wtUd point writsi tmeethsr en mar difttrtnt kiixh of oop on ony othor bollpoint ptn. InM Ha mIv STATioNiir omci wmiis PIUS DfSKt CHAKS $ 44V SIM St. nM 1-141) Mm. OraffM 1 ! -w. ' til . v. I 'N:v ''- Yv . rtlllMt CtwwM rtlti 1 74 TltM-ll 1 08 1NHI SI'S tIM. StMrlltMJ til frttt V M Tr.dl-lH I 00 SPECIAL SALE! s oi m Blue (irass riinvcr Mist i i3 1 1 II CUT OF i o in stive, rot df.i 5 00 V AM K $9 both far j nt. 9K.IH FlilVfl lllllllMHOI.Ut III MINI. IM1IIIH. S.00ALUI 3.50 luniled lime only Blue Grass Flower Mist . . . one of the lonely lasting dt lights you ran live with all day long. Spray it, splash it, plav it orr vou for coolnrsn; never he without its en ( hauled aura. Now even lhrpri-eisfxrarflywrfyiiynl..t in. I it coiik-s to you ith a rpet ial gift of Dusting Towder. i IIUIOUJLUJU mi ouiifNliMr coNfl aoxi cowman kMUol MltlCAt Ctnrt$ f AMCM ' ui iihi ikw mm HXLCUA t optrttt stm OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. 71 ' OCR S fRflnhS-SflLE MYITES YOU TO MAKE YOURSELF OVER IN 3 WEEKS learn how in a 2-hour class starting Monday, June 11 HELENA RUBENSTEIN sends three beauty specialists lo you a lesson worth i5 . . . you buy only your Paris lieauty Box at 2 . . . a 3..50 v(due! Mrs. M T. after three works of the beantv reKime she learned during Ihe Pans Beauty Course CLINIC CALENDAR Monday, June 11: 2.30 p.m.; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. June 12: 10:00 a.m.; I'30 p.m. Wednesday, June 13: 10:00 a.m.: 2:30 p.m. Friday. June 15: 2:30 p.m.; 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 16: 1000 a.m.; 2:30 p.m. No Thursday r lasses Write or phone Meier & Frank's Salem Toiletries Department (or your reservation. Mrs M T has everything she needs fur her skin rare in her I'aris lieauty Box she uses (luring the course Want a younger looking complexion? Wear a smaller size1 Do a glamorous make-up? Learn how in Helena Hubmstcin's Paris Beauty Course, using her fabulously succcessful I'aris Salon methods Knroll now! Your Paris Beauty Box ol 11 beauti tiers will he wailing for you in class. All the rest is free' A complete personal analysis, figure check up, recommendations, 3 week home course of diet, exercise, posture. French Facial Gymnastics, skin rare and make-up . . you'll be a brand-new, beau tiful you in 3 weeks! PARIS BEAUTY COURSE AUDITORIUM-SECOND FLOOR Members of Pans Beauty Class work from Indi sidui.iled Pans Beauty Box purchased in advance receive free Herbal Mask, take home 3-week lessons J 1iW';lr4iV:'!'H