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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1956)
! 12-(Sec. II) Statesman, COO Real Ertate 834 Houses For Sole ". .YOU CAM STILL GET A 100 G. I. LOAN FOR A . ' LIMITED TIME ONLY Homes Open for Inspection Sunday, Jun 3rd ;. 2-5 ?.M. Kothlu Down. 1300 ckxinf costs, monthly payments approximately 7S per month in cludlnf tu ft Insurance. New subdivision, paved streets ft curbs, city water, near ' , KDOOU., " ' ; 5 ' Drive Out Ubtr load to Hegel Gtrdtnt Sign on Left til MlllR 11 OFFICE 4-7844 ' Ipi t Large lot 3 bedrooms Wide paved street Ample biiilt-ins 1,200 sq. ft floor space Large wardrobes Attached garage Radiant electric heat t Insulated walls Hardwood floors 4510 State St . WALNUT PARK tlM famll kHH. Thai ,torr home to Immaeulata throughout , There as a fuu basement, large IMrif iwra. J0I1 dlnlnf room, iwnwra, bath down, J bedrooms (i balk . up. Large Cape Cod stylo. SU MO. Kvo.I Marjorit fanning 4-WMl Office -iJ. Realtor ISO N. HIGH PH. 4-7977 Y OWNER t Mm. house iri irf . IIt. rm. din. m. Mich kit fireplace hdwij. On, F. A. heat. attcb. nr. , lot tOxIM Incited N. X. lubuibaa $.008 Ph. 4-77.- Garden Lovers Mlet t bdm. homo, SS'ilW tot, kitchen with formica counter . tops, teraa living rm., tiled . bath, loU of levari It shrubs, tlao tract. Urn fardan tpot already planted, upatairt un . finished. For mora details call . 4-m Prieo $4,154, TOR SALE; tqattr In feed S rm. houaa, 11 rap act, dlihwather It feed gtrade. Ph. MOM. BEFORE YOU BUY1 at tht Beer homat tn Belvedere Oardena. East on D St. to . North SStfc. fat salt eaehatlvo- cv.e&co. REALTORS 454 H. Church Ph. 4-an BY BUILDER NEW spacious 8 bdrm, Engle wood Dist. To quality. 8-7071. I MALL dn paymt or ctr. TV, boat, plana, or what have yeut Balance tt 87$ mo. I bdrm house, ' unfinished up atairt. full burnt. F. A. ta dual furnace. Irg lot, between McKtnMjr ti new Ml uenvrn 4-8704. K)R BALE tt trade, modem"! bdrm heme with upturn A attached garage la Aumevllle Will trade equity for trailer Bout. K. c. weuenneut. ton SALE 8 bdrm. full baam't new furnace, creek lot. Close to Capitol shopping center, at school. Ph. 8-fMI. 1 BDIU1 house en large lot. email dn. payment Ph, 4-2004, ER Wantt tn offer on this splendid homo, located ta pavement at It n jewen. urge living rm with heetolator (IrtDltot. BR., kit. es dinette, tile bath. attached garage, will make ; term. Call Waller. ED BYRKIT k CO. !SM Broadway Phont 1-8497 -1 BEDROOM Cleee to Albany on . U acre (quipped for chickens '. Jk cow. $4,500, $1,000 down balance) m contract Write to A. F. Kruynlk, RL 8 Bos 42(7, Aipeny. wi. NEW HOME - $12,950 i Bard to boat Thhi home hat 3 ' bedroom, touole garage, l'i bathe, wurtmld tile bath, Wren bit.hM with formic drain- ' . hrk nook, dining room, good utility room, patio. CctteJ South. 8ulH bf Oene fierteL Eve.f ohn V 45Dol ' 8-T84J. Office -7TJ. M MoTrison pww ei w . - '' ftttltor n ' Salem, Ore., Sun., June 800 Real Estate Ml HouMt Fw SoU 2460 STATE ST. HOME 3-6062 OR 2-1509 "See! Ooipre! ! If ALL THIS FOR ONLY 111,500 $700 Down (no loan costs) $70 Month See Today at 45th St. Out State St. Progressive Builders 1-5 SUNDAY 2435 CLAUDE Cosy, well arranged, I year old, two bedroom home loada of storage apace, hardwood floors, patln with barbecue Owner leaving for Washington. Will Ible dowa payment To too In I-SML Salem Properties REALTORS HI N. High St ONE YEAR OLD 1-bedrm. home 1.500 tq. ft. l'i baths, fireplace, I car garage. In West Salem. Price IU.7S0.00. WIU trade for t good 1-bedrm. home around $10,000 00. Call Mr Keene. eve. S-W74. BEGINNERS LUCK. $750 00 down, very attractive 1 bed rm. home only t rrs. old. Just like new, ri. W. floors, Inside utll. Well worth the asking price it eoty terms. St.utt 00. Call Edna Morgan, evt. 4-8038. KENT'S MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. RUT & CO. REALTORS 4M N Church FOUR BEDROOM HOME Teacher has taken new position and wished to dispose of her neat En glewood home lmmedl tttly. Convenient kitch en' with large bkfst. nook. 8 bdrma. down, utility room with space for stor age, att. garage. Cood deep tot would be safe lace for children to play. LXX OHMART Priced at $11,000 with possible easy terms. See Adrlenne Sercombe. IDEAL SHEEP. STOCK AND GRASS FARM 138 ACRES 10$ acres cultivated, mostly seeded to gras all sheep tight fence. flood remodeled 4-bdrm. home with dble. plumb., forced air urnace. ample storage space. Large barn, sheep shed, chick en house. Dandy variety ftmll) fruit At berries Al) stock and equip. Incl , about 100 head ewea & lambs, 4 head cattle, poultry, J tractors and all attachements. Real value here for $36,500. Terms available. Call Henry Torvend. LIKE A PARK I This lovely 1-bdrm. home ii In immaculate shape and the grounds art truly like t park. You will love this cozy suburban home tt only $9400. Call Don Doughton now. MORNINGSIDE Wall built 1-hdrm. home on corner lot. There is I 2-car garage, lawn aV shrubs. P, seta plumbing very nice plan with lots of natural wood finish, brick trim on outside wall-to-wall carpeting Is included tn price of $15,500. A really nice tpot for the family. Ask for Louis Lorena. CREEK PROPERTY Just listed thlt I acrea creek property with small home, well located, not many properties like this available, luts of Dtetlbllltlea here. Call Ralph Maddy for more Information. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL US 477 COURT IT. Ivt. Adrlenne Sercombe 4-S081, Henry Torvend 3-3632. Don Doughton 4-1414. Louis Loreni 1-5590. Ralph Maddy 1-34SB. f ONI OP THE BEST KEPT FARMS IN THE VALLEY 58 arret with 38 cultivated. Very only I years old. 1 bams. 1 pump, alto spring. Located It buy it $18.50. Call Fred INCOME PROPERTY A REAL tore combined with a good-slied Doing a wonderful business Trailer cars full all the Cement store bldg M0 sq and equipment, $21,400. Call Mr. Kicks. 00 YOU WANT A SMALLER HOUCE? Neat 1-bdrm.- home. . weis-aralll a nic lot. $M50 Living room, separate din ing room, furnace, hdwd, floors, wttthemrtpped and In sulated. Cood attached garage. 1 years old. Owntrt would trade tor a 1-bdrm. Call lira. Graham. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE Slit STATE IT. Ph. i-IMl Ivt, eilU: Vandervort 4-7401; . I Hicaji hsh wrtnara s-i'vs. 3, '56 800 Real Estate 0 HoMwe For Sal Phone 4-8844 sacrifice tt $4,990 with flex advance, call Hay Mason a Phone 4-0331. 2-1533 EXCELLENT BUY. new 1 bed rm. home, lovely family rm extra nice dble. fireplace, dble. plumbing, birch kit., elect, dishwasher, 1.410 sq ft Price $14.45000 wS!.3O0.00 down. Immediate possession. Call Mr. Klggins, eve. 4-5494. HI-QUALITY, 2 bedims. Spac lous living rm. wclrculator fireplace, sep. dining rm.. workshop & big lot. Onlv 4 yrs. old At built to last Price $13,500.00 wsome terms. Call Stearns Cushlng. eve. 1-5048. Phone 4-22D3 RUDY CALABA Phone 8-41H 2-4116. 5-4117 nice ranch type 3-bdrm. home chicken houses, good well and lust 9 miles from Salem. This Doerfler. MONEY MAKER Fine grocery trailer park. Well-equipped. You cen look over tne books time and very little overhead. tt. floor pace, til store fixtures Todd 1-1731; Doerfler 1-J7S4; ft igltS 800 Real Estate 80& Houmi For Sol SUNDAY 192 EAST A CLARENCE WOLF BARGAIN. ALWAYS a good buy by this builder. Located on an ) generous bedrooms, a large family room with hemlock paneling, fireplace and sliding glass doors, full bath with ceramic tile, utility with ty garage. ONLY $14,900 Jed Morrison, Realtor Ko N. HIGH 318 N. Church BEAUTIFUL i-bdrm., plm den lame living room. 18x.T2-ft port, covered patio, fireplace Utility room, only su.ww. All for Mri. Lemm. Eva. 3-7194. SUBURBAN EAST Attractive arte paneled llvlnf room with 1 extra larfe bdrms. Nice eml-family room combined . Dble garage. T A oil furnace, I1, plumb., good well, large Int. Nice lawn. Ask for ((Bar ney Baumgartner Eve 4-4788. $7,000 BUYS nice J-bdrm. home, floori. large kitchen witn plenty or Dtiin-ins uuiuy room plus enclosed paneled porch. Extra large lot. tool house. Good buy. Ask for Mr. Cheatham. Eve. 4-9845. mi bcst euys 322 N. CHURCH ST. PH. SEE THIS Excellent home Large llv. rm Dinette Kitchen. Oil heat Hdwd. firs. Alt garage. Near school. Bus at door. Large lot Onlv 2 years old. In excellent condition Pull price $9950. Call N. G. "Dan" Isaak. Eve. Ph. 4-9953. MARKET ST. HOME Top quality home Close In. Large rooms. 1'2 sets plump ing Fireplace. Full basement Oil heat 2 car garage Youngs town kitchen. Beautiful yard Sprinkler svstem. It's vours at I14.9SO Call Mr. Crawford Eve Ph. 4-SO20. PEASANT DAYS Ahead of you In this lovely home. Sep. dining room Fire place. Oil heat. Hdwd. firs Att. garage Good location. At the low of $0200. Call Mr Sword today. Eve. Ph. 2-8048 GARAGE. Over 709 sej.- K, of floor space on 30XUIU lot nign irarnc lo cation. Full list of equipment lneluded to operate auto re pair garage Full price. In cluding land, building and equip, onlv 111 son Terms Call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph 2-7104. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO . AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-5020. 4-7832. 3-4423. 3-8048. 4-9131. 4-9553 If no answer, Dial 4-2248 RAWLINS MORTGAGE LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION 5 OR 8'i PLENTY SHADE TREES 2 bdrm. home 83 x 110 lot You'll like this cozy spot on the hill. West Salem. Full price $4 450 00. For app't call Dale Rayburn. DO YOU DESIRE A VERY NEAT BUILT FOR A HOME? Sub E . lust off Market street Plas tered walls, good exterior with both attached garage and car port F A. oil heat. Nice fenced-in back yd. Price only $8. 950 U0. To see call R E. Gillespie Eve. 4-0944. BDRM.. basment. frpl . oil furn Beautiful yd Lovely garden. already planted Priced at 8.4OO00. Terms. 10 see can tnei Rawlins. Eve ph. 3-423S. WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Very attractive J bdrm home neat as a pin, readv to move In. wood neighborhood of attractive homes, near school and bus Nice yard with lovely big oak tree Price $9 950 00. Let us show you today. Call Dean Klarr Eve. S-7090. 4 UNIT MOTEL AND 3 BEDROOM 2 singles. 1 acre of ground, plenty of room for expansion Owner might take good 3 bdrm home In trade Priced to see only $22,500 00. Call Henry Rund to see. Eve 4-1720. RAWLINS REALTY 605 CHEMEKFTA STREET Office Phone 4-l73 RIG HOUSE-SMALL LOT These are hard to find, par ticularly In a 2 bdrm home, liv rm 20 x 21 with fire place, din. rm.. kitchen util ity room, lovely bath with tub A shower stall Ideal for work ing couple If this is what you have been searching for CALL J E LAW NEW GLENN HAMILTON HOME Lot f x 1103 bdrm drvwall. oak floors, liv. tm . din rm , kitchen nook, ga rage (singlet. Mav go G. I. Price $12 250 CALL RALPH BRUCE OWNER LEAVING SALEM Give pos. in .1 days Nice 2 lge bdrm home, fireplace basmt with nil heal phis small rm Deep grounds run ning back tn river Lots ,.f flowers A shrubbery, variety of fruit A nuts Small green house A workshop $1 500 to $2 000 down, balance on con tract Price now I10.5O0 CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PH 2 2471 Evenings A Sundav rail Salesnirn J. E. Law 3-5113 Ron Huriklns Walt Socolofskv .1-8IU5 SUBURBAN. I", acre home $-' 000 You'll love the view A i bedroom home, farage. barn and chicken house. Fruit and ' hade treea. I INCOME $i:.500 Clost In apart ments that show til',- gross I Income. Only $2,000 down will handle. ; I 114.750 EAST SIDE 3 large bed- 1 rooma in 3 yr old ranch style home Large living room with fireplace Full dining room Breakfast nook Double ga- i rage. Near school, bus and all convenience. $1(1 000 One of Salem's finer, re modeled homes. East 2 full tiled bat hi 25x30 living room. Full dintng room Basement. FOUR BEDROOMS Sprinkler system Wonderful shade trees Would trade for Port land property. 1 ACRES'. Black ioil 1.O0fl f High well drained Near school and all city conveni- I ernes. 1 CLYDE REALTOR I High Strut 4-JS5I or 4-7711 Horns phones: frail J-7JS0. Mrs. freeman 4-S1S4 154 800 Real Estate 806 Housot For Solo J TO I P.M. BROWNING 07x110 lot, this new home has bath, big plastered double PHONE 4-7977 'Realtors) Ph. 3-9236 home. Located Suburban South. dole plumb. Garage plui car California style, split level home. fireplace and picture windows kitchen with nook, large utility & close to State Hospital, hdwd WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 4-3311 OR 3-7820 NEW BEAUTY 3 bdrms. plus lovely family room. Brkfst. nk. Fireplace l'i baths. F. A. nil heat. Insul Hdwd. firs. Among fine new homes. Lge lot. Priced at $13. 800 Call Walt Jonea. Eve. Ph. 4-7832. UNBELIEVABLE Owner offering this home at the low of $4500. Lge. llv rm Kitchen. Oil heat Near High land School. Good terma Call Mr. Sword. Eve. Ph. 1-8048. SHEEP & STOCK RANCH 300 acres with 110 acres In crops. Several good springs Verv good 7 room home. Ex cellent barn on concrete. Ma cine shed Hog hse. Feed mill Milk machine. Priced at S3 - ono. Consider swap for Income prop Eve. roperty. Call Mr. Crawford. Ph. 4-5020. TOP RESTAURANT Well located In good Willamette Valley town. Popular - truck stop. Open 24 hrs. t day. Lge private room for special parties. Large parking area off street. Shows excellent net in come. Full price only $7000 plus stock. Call Mr. Wood cock Eve. Ph. 2-7108 REALTY 1 BDRM. HOUSE THAT WAS HOME 4 unit are doubles ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT-Neat and attractive two bdrm. home Convenient school lo cation. Extra lot adiacent to house included Price $11,500. CALL H K. LAYMON INDIVIDUALITY IN SUBURB AN LUXURY-You very sel dom see a home in as lovelv a setting as this home Tt is on two beautifully wooded acres at edge of Citv Limits south .1 hdrm. ranch tvpr home Modern perimeter heating G E range and refrigerator. Washer, dryer, and dishwash er are Included Fine swim ming pool CALL MBS RICHARDSON BUSINESS SITE -Close In on State St Good 4 hrlrni . ; hath home suitable as tental or offices 8.000 sq ft l(.l Alley at rear Idea! for clinic. CALL RON HUDKINS .1-8712 Mrs. Richardson 4-8086 H K Laymnn 2-5193 SUBURBAN. $1fVrO Beautiful 4 bedroom home with douhle plumbing, basement wth rec reation room and douhle ga rage. Fireplace. Wall to wall carpeting Drapes 1 , Acre Secluded yard A lot of home in At condition RO ACRES. $13,000 Only 1? miles from Salem Good soil Spring fed irrigation pond. Stock it with fish Old 3 bedroom home. Inside bath Wired for range " deep well. $4,000 cash down or will trade for Salem prop erty. A 500. 3 BEDROOMS Close in Newly remodeled Knotty pine An ideal small home on an Al rental BEAN FARM 21 acres -near N S.i nt tarn. Irrigation equip ment Included. Worth see ing $10000. $2,000 rash down 3 ACRES SUBURBAN. $12000 Just 'j mile from school and shopping dist. Roomy 3 bed room home pandv fireplace Black soil A big assortment of fruit and shade trees PRALL 800 Real Estate 806 House For Solo MODERN S bdrm. Top condi tion. IA. Variety fruit, close in, room for children, o pony or to build. Priced for quick sai.v Ph. Woodburn 1-413 BARGAIN "i acre tract, at S. city llmita. eoty. small home. fine garden, garage apt.. Im- med. poet. $5450. Term. trade, what hive you 1-BDRM. home, Inglewood Dtst. Hdwd. floors, fireplace, car port, nice lawn shrubbery. $3,950. Low down payment. B. M. MASON, RLTR. 341 Chemeketa Ph. J-SS41 4-J448. 3-3M2 I HKStUDS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. A CHARMING HOME: has 3 bdrma.. fireplace. Inside util ity wired for appliances, land scaping it beautiful, the in terior artistically decorated Convenient to Capital shop ping. State house At schools Englewood Dtst Price SIOUX) with terms. Call Faye Seal, eve. 4-534 NEW REDUCED PRICE: Owner anxious to sell 'this lovely old er 3 bdrm. home near S. High Lge. 'living rm. with ww carpet, dining room, 2 baths, full basement. F A. heat dble. garage, beautiful corner lot. Bus by door Will sell on contract Onlv $. 950 Call Martha Thiesen. eve 3-5497. 702 No. High St. Phone 4-4441 SUBURBAN Nearly '2 acre with 3 bdrms living room with fireplace kitchen, dinette, large laundrv room, paved street, good well, good lawn. Lots of room to garden Located East on Mun kers street In very good neighborhood Close to school and bus. $12,200 with terms. $500 DOWN Completely redecorated inside and out. Z norma . living room and dininn room, kitchen with kits of builtms. laundry room, oversized rarafe with ihop vpace Located North on Hifhway Ave $8,000. Abrams & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING ln..,NM Real EstWte Mortgage Loans Of. 3-9il7r Eves. 2-4709 or 3-7384 807 Apf's. Court! for Sole BY Owner- 8 unit Apt. house, each with bath, 5 furnished Good rental dist Z blocks from Capitol. 4 blocks from center of busines district. Ph 3-7383. 808 Lor For Sole EXTRA Irg . choice view lot. on paved st. Ph. 3-3962. HILL side lot with firs A oaks Ph. 2-2927 LARGE lot wonderful E. view of city A- Mt for oayiigru bsm t home. citv water, streets, sewers in. Reas. Ph 2-4569. "VVESTRIDGE ADDITION Large lots, wide streets, scenic Reas Wallace Rd 3-B8.15. bTeAUtTfUL landscaped 3 bdrm home IX'18 so ft Fireplace & Irg inside utll . exception ally nice floor plan. S12.i(l() Ph 4-71189 "belvederegardens Choice residential lots, commu nity water, wide paved streets, curbs, construction financing available for builders. C. V. Kent & Co. REALTORS 454 N. Church Ph. 4-1233 MAKE offer on mv equity La- hish Village, balance due in cludes street assessments. Ph 4-5270. 4 LOTS in Rest Lawn Gardens $175 ea. E. B Smith Ph. 3-9301 3 A.S0UTH PHONE 4-6213 ON Crolsan creek, 'j A lots, all vear creek. 3 mi. from city ctr. Ph. 4-2940. 810 Forms For Sole li ACRE NORTH 11 000 down. $55 00 pr month This is a nice looking pl.rf with 1 bedrooms with possible 3rd bedroom, chicken house, family fruit trees, big irnrage Out of town owner has re ducexl the price. Going at $6. 950 Alden Bowes A Co . real tors. Ph, 4-3.153. eve. 2-0422. " 1500 DOWN 5 ACRES 20 minutes West Large older house, Newer Barn, 2 car garage Good well $7MI0. E. A. McGLAlTLIV RLTR 335 N Hieh 2-861 1 3-fifil2 B40 ACRES Stork ranch. 150 acres cultivated along fine stream haisnce ' pasture. Estimated lj million; ft fir timber A wonderful! set-up for sheep or cattle. Lo cated on highway 9 miles from large tow n Well improved. 2 1 verv nice modern homes. 3 good bam "ill" large poultry j house, etc Will considei sot -tiade in Salem arr-M Pi ice only $50.000 00 $20 000 00 down NORTHWKST LAND CO Ph 3-9312 Realtor Eve 2-1 294 1748 Center St . Salem GOOD ranrh for Nutria 20A view. temp, house. Oak A- fir timber. 100 ft well, new lum ber rV plumbing for new hse inc 15600. $800 dn Will trade J Banks, llj mi. So. Clover dale Srh . Turner. ISflflKS BEST BUyS TOP FARM VAU'K 1 2r4 plus acrrs. Mostly Willam ette silt On pavement Fa' Gram and hay crops includ ed Clean modern 4-bdrm home Good well. Family fruit. 2 chicken houses Ma chine shed. Good set of ma chinery available Excellent value ' a $1,1,500 Call Mr Crawford Eve Ph 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 322 N Church Ph 4-3311 or 3-7820 40 ACRE trass pasture, close In Will lease Ph 2-0077. 812 Exch. Real Estate 2 ACRE tract, best of land 4 hdrm. country home spacious clean, targe living A dining rooms, utility room. barn. $7950. Trade for Salem prop erty 1 ACRF.S In the rttv limits, city water, trees, plated 19250 Terms, trade, take mortgages, contract 4-UNIT apt house nicflv furn . low operating cost, automa tic laundry facility, garages. food surroundings. $14,500 rade for mtfs., contracts, farm land B M. MASON. RLTR. $41 Chemeketa Ph . 3-1841 4-M:JikJj4l FOR SAI.t or trade (or house nr lot. 1S54 Ford Victoria. 2S15 Silverton lid. Ph. S-O03S. 850 Automotive 852 Ud Con For Sole AT 1 NO DOWN PAYMENT 0. A. C. '52 DODGE 4 DR. $f3 Heater, white walls, clean. 51 PACKARD J DR. $395 Radio, heater. Ultramatic. clean. '51 STl'DE. 4 DR. V-8 $.15 Radio, heater, auto drive '51 CHEV. 4 DR. $595 Radio, heater. Powerghde 50 FORD V-8 2-DR $J93 Heater, seat covers, clean. 50 MERCURY 4 DR. Heater, overdrive. 50 LINCOLN 4 DR $395 $495 Ve. v Radio, hea'er clean. hydra. 15 MORE CARS IN STOCK ALL MAKES AND MODELS OPEN EVES. & ALL DAY SUNDAY Umkt - BARGAIN CENTER OF SALEM Silverton Rd and Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-9114 1951 KAISER Deluxe. 4 dr' Ex cellent cond. Radio. Heater. Ph2-4057 1535 Norway 1956 MERCURY" MontclairSport Sedan, 4 900 miles will take trade. 1080 North Summer St 1918 PONTIAC 2-dr Torpedo, radio, heater, excellent buy at$150.By owner. Ph. 4-9740 IiThevT: 2-dr7Extranicerwill take small trade. Ph. 2-4097 1535 Norway. 1953 STLrDBAKER T7 u77 Berrv grower special witi flatbed leadv to go 995 terms. 2S40 Portland Rd '51 Mercury 2-door Monterey Merc-o-matlc. Real nice. $695 Can he financed. See at 4240 Sunnyvlew. LATE '52 Hudson Commander. exc rond. Ph. J-7U0. 33 FORD Rdstr '51 Oldrmtr white walls. Ph. 2-7679. '54 Ford 6. 26.000 tftSS: 155 Vtsta Ph actual 4-7W4U.. 31 MODEL-A Victoria Best offer over $100 Ph. 4-S294 4975 Rickman. FOR-SALE nr trade 1H51 De Soto convert, new lop A A-l 1!I52 Buii k i H T I, also 1953 Indian motorcvele Nn down payment Call 2-1123 or 4-646.i I949CHRYSLER Windsor 4-dr . very clean. Bv owner Ph 4-9740 1954 PONTIAC 4 dr sdn Chief, tain "8". excel, cond. SUM Ph 4-940.1 54 OLDS Super 88 4 dr Power equip 4490 Silverton Rd POST Auto Sales 54 CADILLAC CPF,. $3595 All the? extras, like new. 06 BUCK SPECIAL 4 DR. $339.) Hardtop. 1.000 miles, radio. beater, power steering and brakes 55 BUCK i ROADMASTKR $25!5 Sdn . loaded with all power equipment radio, heater dynaflow 15 000 miles 54 MKRCTRY HARDTOP $179.1 Radio, heater "55 CHEV 210 SDN. $lW V-R. rad:n heater power ' gltd' 5 brand new General white wait tires, this is pi , one owner 13 0O0 miles car '51 CADILLAC fi2' SDN $1695 ' Radio, heater, nydra.matic. i power windows, and seat. This fir has onlv been ; driven .10.000 miles bv a Portland l.idy. same as new. 34 OLDS '88 SDN. $1895 " Hydramatlr. new tires. 53 nrnsoN hornet ; SDN $:"",, Fullv equipped. 52 OLDS fW' HOLIDAY $1405; f p . radio, beater. A hv- ' dramatic. 51 RUCK St 'PER Hardtop, radm heate dvnaflow. beautiful maroon with white top v vasii ramri yn STA S'a'ion waron radio er 51 (HRYSLLR WINDSOR $7!l.i heat- $oTi Clb. Cpe . reallv sharp one equipped f wner car Full' wn.issiA One owner lot ff ernnnm- ' leal transportation f"r trm , low price. 54 FORI) 'j PICKl'P TON $1095 POST AUTO SALES OPKN EVES. TILL 8 P. M 1105 SO 12TH PH 4 6231 MOLL MOTORS CHRYSLER ' PLYMOUTH Tip Top Used Cars Silvrrton. Ore Ph. 3-5191 for Courteous Ad laker Assistance Phooe. 4-6811 8.0 Automotive ' 852 Used Con For Sole THE 1 WITH '49 FORD CONVERT. CPE. Radio, heater, new custom interior. 8225 motor. As-Is Specials 50 OLDS "98" $150 Clb sdn , heater, hydra , good motor. 48 OLDS "98" 4 DR Radio healer, hydra, motor. $110 good Trucks '49 CHEV. 2 TON $995 Power take-off. two-speed axle. I2-ply tires, clean. '46 CHHV. l'j-TON 4-speed, metal bed. $495 heater 55 LINCOLN CAPRI coupe, full power, all-leather Interior one owner, and It is priced to sell! '55 MERCURY HARDTOP radio, heater and overdrive, tnappy red & white, priced right! , . 54 MERCURY SEDAN one owner, fully equipped, real buy! 53 MERCURY HARDTOP radio, heater, overdrive, red uith white top. rann' to go at a reasonable price' Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 493 N Com I Ph 3-3012 'THE CAR MAKES GOOD OR WE DO" STATE OF OREGON Thurs. 1 P.M. June 7 SALEM State Fairgrounds 60 Carit & Trucks 1946 54 models. 31 passenger cars, 8 pickups, 17 trucks dump, flatbed, stake hndy & 1 with tank 3 se dan deliveries, 1 courier wagon. Vehicles on Displav,: STATE FAIRGROUNDS, 8 a m 5 p m , June 5. 6. 7 Successful bidders shall deposit 1C"". of total hid. LATE MODEL t'SKD CARS Hiphost Prices Paid ELSNER MOTORS 3:.2 N. High Salem 1953 MERC convert , radio A heater, continental kit. $1,275 Ph 2-5558 '51 C'AD hard top coupe Excel cond. low mileage one drier Ph. 3-3S49 '49 CAD 62,'-4-dr.Mustsell. 645 2-1259 MD Chevrolet Cadillac NEW tt USED Union 4 Commercial Ph 3-3175 LOOK A '37 Chev coupe with reb.nlt engine hot extra tenders, hood, front end and transmission Just Ihe thine, for a vounR fellow to work with $5(1. S-e at 695 N 17th or call 4-837.1 ' 19.11 FORD A coupe Verv rood shape $75 Also 1948 Bulck for equity in later model. 2-6764 55 fhev V-fl St a Wgn $2350 Rjdin heater, powers tide. turn signals. windshield washers, white side walls. 8.700 miles Not a year old I.ikp new 54 Chev 4-Dr Sdn $1,195 Radio, heater powerslide. turn signals. 2-tone blue 5t Plv 2-dr sdn. $1095 Radio, heater. 22 000 miles Reallv sharp 53 Ply Convert Radio, heater. Hvdra new top ( Sh nip) 53 Olds, Super flfl sdn $1095 drive. 11195 Radio, heater, hvd Kicnalx. white side vails rone '5.T Hillman Minx sdn $j.0 All leather upholstery, Pays for itself on gas savings M P(y Savov Sta Wgn $1350 Radio. heater. overdrive. white side walls, air foam cushions, verv low mileage 72 Ford V-B Clb $795 Radio, heater. overdrive. turn signals. 2-tone Sharp 49 Plv Special Deluxe dn $350 Radio heater, original paint. Verv n!ce 40 Dodge 1-ton paHel $199 2-Wheel all metal trailer $85 2 '49 Fordi. 6 Oldi . Z Chev. Clb.. '42 Chev idn . 41 Chev See Then Great Buys Soon At DEWEY'S MM Market Ph. 3-4061 lirtet 830 Automotive 852 Used Core For Sole Ml I E I asi mm YES! We want to make some of you lucky people happy. Come in and test drive any car on our lot. TERMSl Where you want them! U. S. NAT. BANK, 1ST NAT BANK. GENERAL MOTORS. The deal is as good ts your 0 nancing. "88 OLDS 4 DOOR SDN RADIO, HEATER. HYDRA.MAT1C, NEW PAINT. REAL SHARP. $1,995. 1954 88' OLDS HOLIDAY CPF. MARINE BLUE AND WHITE WITH FULL EQUIPMENT. $2,245. 1954 MERCl'RY SUN VALLEY HARDTOP. FULL EQUIPMENT AND FULL POWER. A REAL NICE SPORT CAR, YOURS rO $: 095. 1955 FORD FAIRLANE 4 DR. RADIO. HEATER ONLY 9 800 MILES, A TOP NOTCH CAR. 1954 OI. DS ER '98 4 DR. SEDAN RUNS LIKE A DREAM. FULL POW ONE COLOR. THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED. 13 3S. We Have Many Others to Choose From REMEMBER! If it comes from LODER'S IT'S GOOD S2 D 461 No. High Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Cars Commercial A Chemeketa Ph4-57ll si CROSLEY Station Wagon Radio, heater A- all extras rl con. 48'iS Swegle Fnari Chevrolet Stat. Wgn. COST NEW . $.11.18 00 YOU SAVE $ 71! 00 THIS WEEK EN D S passenger V-R, $2,719 00 power pack, tinted slats. power brakes. white wall tires .radio healer. tu-tone paint and like new. SEE IT! BANK TERMS AYNBEE MOTORS 540 Union Ph 2-0703 Nile Ph 3-.H5.1. 4-7517 $59 & UP 40 CHRYSI. Cpe $ 25 dn $ 50 4 NASH Sdn 47 CHEV Sdn 47 KAISER Sdn 4 CHEV CI Cpe ! 2?!n ? J? $ 49 dn $ 99 ! $ 59 dn $129 4 CHEV Aero ( 7dn $219 49 HUDSON CI C $ 89 dn 2I9 4H Pl.YWTH Sdn. $109 dn $219 49 KORD Clb. Cpe $119 dn $.129 50 CHEV. Coach $169 dn $499 51 BUICK Riv Cp $249 dn. $749 35 INT'L Pickup $ 59 .17 DODGE Pickup $ 79 42 INT L Pickup S159 .19 CMC Pickup $79dn. $199 41 CHEV Pickup $109 dn 1:29 52 CMC Pickup $219 dn $749 No Down Payment On Approved Credit AYNBEE MOTORS 540 Union Ph 2-0703 Nile Ph 3-125.1. 4-7587 1953 MERCURY Monterey sta tion w'tn . overdrive 4r heat er. 9 passenger, clean, will trade .1862 Harvey St B53 Auto Ports & Repoirs REASONABLE meth lahor Valves ground 1095 S I2tn Ph 4-0773 1950 BUICK Special 4-door one owner. Fullv equipped Ex cellent condition 2864 Brooks Si after 5 p m. or all day Sunday. 854 Trucks, Trail, for sole FOR SALE. 1949 DodKe panel, ai.crl tires good brakes. ood cond $.150 3274 Jack St. 54 FORD la.noo mi. , T 6 Excel mnd $1145. Ph. 2-5806 BUS FOR SALE 28 PASSENGER; GOOD PH. 4-5280 I', TON Ford truck, good cond $265 320 So Lancaster Dr OLD-Chevplckiip. $150 Call alter 4 pm 4-7521 FLATBED with graill box. 13 ft Call 4-5822. 356 Wonted, Cars, Trcki WE'RE PAYI TOP CASH For Clean I'sed Csrsl Paid ror or Not Bob & Bill's I'std Union & High SIS B58 Motorcycles TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1040 Indian 30 50 Twin l!i4l Indian 45 I94B Chief US 194B Harley No rash needed on anv chae over $25 Shrock s. Highland Ph 2-1423 $ q5 $125 $ 95 $125 pur 1375 B60 Auto Miscellaneous PARTS for '44 Mercury. Phone 3-M37 962 House Trailers BARGAIN! 33 ft . 2 bdrm trail er Exel cond $1,400 Lana Lane. 1940 Lana Ave. 45 FTrELCAR-2 BDRM. LANA LANE 1940 LANA AVE DREAMHOME 41' SLPS. ? LANA LANE l&W LANA AVE "ROLLAHOME DLX 35 ft" LANA MNE 1940 LANA AVE. CD) D)D) ill 850 Automotive 852 Used Care For Sole 1954 FORD-O-.MATIC $1,993. Ph. 2-7973 862 House T rollers SEE the new 44 ft front bdrm. FLAMINGO. 'Jack Jill" hdrm in rear Priced to sell. I.ana Lane. 1040 l.ana Ave. 20 FT ROADLINKR Barfain' 1940 I.ana Ave 1950 .15 2 bdrm sliehlly "used on Western Mennonlte School campus 10 miles North o( Salen. on Wallace Rd Rt 1. Rn: 626 Exceptional buy TRADE equity in 2 bdrm noma for trailer house Ph. 2-8375 llTrr FACTORY" huiff trailer house. $400 Ph. 2-116. TRADE your late model car or pick-up for equity In '56, 40 ft 2 bdrm. trailer. 4-5198 f 94 9 M A R V I L LE ho u se 1 1 a 1 1 e r, 16 ft MOO Ph. 2-0135 TRADE equity 27' Pan 48Mnd new tires lieged for 2 small cf'tldren Need 33 or cash Ph. 4-0773 FOR SALE 27 trailer, sleeps Ptld Rd 7lmm hnusa 4. $995 2.WT TRAILER spara for rent-Res. 2597 Portland Rd SPECIAL 1955 MODEL trailer $2995 42-ft J-bdrm. JAYHAWK TRAILER SALKS f-io Portland Rd Ph. 3-S04S VACATION size trailer housea fni sale or rent. See Earl Malm. 4O30 Silverton Rd 4-71J7 1951. 25 FT metal trailer house; bath Plnh interior $.150 down. Ph. 4-2217 ask for Baker PLAY Shuffleboard at Salem'a New Center Street Trailer Court Trailer Spaces svsilabla 4153 Center St. 12 FT. metal trailer house, exe. condition, reas. 170 W Brown ing Eve or week ends. 36' 1951 Spnrtanette trailer home, like new. never hern pulled Bv owner Ph. 4-9740. TKAXrrT)VVL(J JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES $640 Portland Rd. Ph j-sr43 1953. 35 ft t bdrm. Richardson trailer bse , 1 party owner No trades. $2195. Ph. 2-4304. 5085 Ptld Rd FIR CREST Trailer Park under new management restricted spaces for rent 3910 N River Rd Ph2-313 TRADE equity in 3-bdrm mod. nome tor iale model trailer house Ph 4-42SS afle' i p m. BARGAIN-21' trailer $!)5 Lana Lane. 1940 Lana Ave TERRY -and SIESTA Travel Trailers SEE THE REST SEE the BEST AT BH, the Lot TRAILER SALES :fi40 Portland Rd Ph 2-A043 i Fiee Delivery Shop around be tore you buy. ! It double our business I jo Yrs. Salem Location SILVER LAKE house trailer. 24 foot. Range Heater, Frigidaire. $!fl5 Your own terms E A McGLAl'FI.IN 333 N High 2-WI11 3-ill B64 Heovy Equipment CONTRACTOR SALE Loraine Moto-crane, RO-ft. boom, perfert cond New line H rubber Crane accessories, skips, brick tongs spreader bar. etc. Chevrolet A- senl for boom carrier. CMC 6x4 wwench K A-frame Chev rolet panel mechanics truck. GMC 4x4 flat bed. as grease tt oil truck Van trailer, dual wheels. 20-ft for tools H warehouse Warehouse tent. 15x30-ft Euqip. can be seen at 1143 "If). Ltnraster Dr Sa il m Ph 2-9597 any lima. Priced right lor liquidation