450 merchandise 458 Building Moteriols ' 4 x I Birch. 2 tides 40c 12-1 wire, roll at 4'ic. 8 in. ceiling fans $13.25 Cedar shingles $3 00. $5, $8 Galv. Iron roof'g - CHEAP 3 tad root . MWesf' prices. Nails per keg-SD 95 4' cast toil pip 75c ft 'i ! Pipe 12c V-lflc ' 1 29c. IV-3tic SflO ai. steel Sep tan 151 50 3O0 gal strcl sep tank $39 50 4" black sewer pipe 3t'c 34c Door arth roon' onis S2 75 Bidg. paper 500 sq ft till Fibre (lata blanket lnsul - CHBAl 4x8 plaster board II 40. $1 60 II 83 Ceiling tile. 19X.U. 10c sq tt Snake niu.d K-ng li ngtn. 10c Garage dorr, all stres chran Barb wire M rds 15 8.V- 17 4f. O Itside u nit camt gal $2 50 New window sasnes 12 00. W strip crystal windows 21x22 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets W 'scuts $28 50 New hath tub complete 163 50 Stnrtlv Cash - U-Haul. Closed Sundavi tt Mondays C. C. LONG & SONS 1 Ml N Kelrer - Ph. 4-5(151 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-G-arape Repair your own car Phone 4-521 iO'.J N Com'l U' iV-to-rio-it advice, planning a'd. rnmplctc rniiieri.it sup ply, plumbing, heating, mr ing. see Judson'S 2Vy N. Com'l 462 Sports Equipment c;oor 12 c v-b'.itnm phwood boa! 58' hum. $ljli 12till Neb. t.i-ka I'l. 2-'4nl I Ft m'...ri i,ll. Yellow .1 j. k I nil! o a rfl h re - Nar! in $v, l" 'i outboard motors ,". p .Vi K . I"--, rtf- . , p .! ijwin A ,."k i m p "vi K .r-u'le & ta:.K fK rct.it! '.i S t H P P FVKNRl'DF Aln 10 11 Fmiii-uiIi- pit 4-:r,m CASH na;d tor ustd euris. mud ern and antique cascade Merc l:.M0 Ilroadwav c-H Y5PF. ::n-:i reloading outlit .iltir I p tii i a 1 OH etc I'll. a-tij:,: ( HIGfil.VS 12 (a. e .'i it i. .'.-;'.;:.I7 f. I IV I' " I T-A rwAl FR Sale. X S. i' . e ' lakc-l'raf' 1 rr r-'ia.--Also used hna:- A f.i'nrs No i a-n needed o" an p u r f ii a c p over $'.'" Si'io, ks. 1375 Highland Ph 2-142:: 468 For Rent. Mite. Ii'H RLNl or le..'? .ce .aie h1 ie s--.vc C' "i PT fN or h" 'k hlf duwilown In (i re H I Still F.irn 1 i:fi 470 For Sole. Misc. 1 1 ,1 1 IS I nl.lll ( 'pOpilH II ' I l'i r mi. !5l' Pll 4 -'' il 7 P' -U I AP.I.F 1'. pi u rller .i. f I" M"h I 67 W in, he '' s n:-'i v..,l rifle M0 A' i, aii'.n v eei sin 2.i!'i 'ii. . I'e :.-;ct P: Tit pinv p' ,,w rn r-4. i,: s : p, . tiHoe r . '. e ' , . 1 S. cer o: . - ,.'!'! r , i g " IIP '. r $i '-li I", :'ir.; ,i i V. ,od '. :ii,r, "I s;M 1' Kenm, ' ".(' dtS.' rv, lived i.r.L 3 n.i 4 -I'l. id - Del tll'i F' ,11 " M l' A I I i P' .'-' ,rc r lid I 1-1. 1) TIKI.S ! !tl I K PA.ssK.NtiLR lie's lire Mart :.".r,5 ; Co jdVr'FS J.n 1 1 I'r W RI I FHS adore m chli ps cash rpgi ters o m!i c i flpo . t n , r- ' 'ps s .'1 Pees Hopn s 4'ih ( n -' :t -e, 7 ' 1'it Run C ravel TOP SOU,. PH 2 4310 CI'ARANTFFD P '-r..'ioned l'i,. " ' . - j n la , KA TITi APPLI AM 11 ( 0 i 'a M For ..n - I op .Soil , l'i R " nrd I :-i7i A (; 'or par Ff,n Sill' : 1 I .'-on,",' "j:icirToirsoiL pi:i.. Ji a v.i:d CITUR post, bean post i p",,s ail tires 6t henv '' ' I ' ' 4-a(RI T()IS()IL Pb ire ? H7', 2-S301 l! , M Fx, . -6 v .;.:'$ l.v Ti-r M., .li y " P J- ,:"(: i-.-, s .... TOP SOU f-II.I. DIRT rilOM: 2 4TP.-J 472 Wonted, Mic. LdOS WASTFD - Ion prlies paid 6-in to .Vl-ln riiamrtc- p. 8-ft. or multiples of R-'t U also buv stumpape Ji ,ik- 1 i d Lumber I'cni n.i T;r- r.t Ore Ph T'.i- er !'.2"i F' enngs prone Turt er 2502 or Saleni 2-7R26 Vs A'.TF.D a-re" 1 ;ke iri'goorl 1 nnd .1-6.1118 - - - CASH paid for anv used anu."- for fie 1., 'oe RARKKR- KrRNlTl'RK 370; Silvrrtnn R'f P' 4-114(1 U II. I. take piano for nai.l.ng awav 4-7013 SV A N'TFI) sevfral tbousano l orci of t, oori si. ve-.ics. Ph. J-7721 Nignta, 4-563. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Announces Recruitment in Oregon for ENGINEERS , DRAFTSMEN LIBRARIANS -DIETITIANS STAFF NURSES SCIENCE EDITOR SECRETARIES. LEGAL, MEDJCAL, ETC. Job I.n( atHT.j BERKELEY SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SANTA BARBARA .IOLLA DAVIS Applv Oregon Slntc Einployrrti'iil Olliccs ,!,'ne n .June .11 'NT 5 3.11 F 11 In St El GENE 710 Fr-r v St SALEM 474 Miscellaneous "AST! 'RE for r.it'le ti : J I) Hait ell spring is Ph 2-7:";. lit 'T A ! "l.Alt ltt.l' IH 2-Hli SEHVICF IN MOST C AS! S OR MARRY SF.MLFR. Dcifsl Ad'ilpi li'-iS S-l St Cn-ii'l Sts SALEM t'H 3-3.T11 ADDING machines e,ih reirls Clarv 1H71 Faircrounds 1-5: "5 476 Fuel oi:f.(;on fhf.i. co. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MI I.CH1NG SAW'DI'ST Sill GREEN STAMPS 3 Br.Mtwa A' I f II M inn tnoiK.ind t t'rrts o' ur.i.d r riet'ies I'll 3-7T21 r- ' 4- ,i;:'.3 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR Ml'LCIIlNG IMnnci F.rvl': f'.dire vLih and hlrn n.ivcl i-i-'M i '.i . ..ui .. y ' iMi :i-',;2i ( )U AY K KL L I , SAWDUST WOOD i-mn j AMU Kb! 'N S slabuuod Pll j "-77.S or 4-2654 Snrintr Special I Mu'i h S:iilits.l. Fertilizer I Bin k A- S4ah Wood I West S.ilcm Kni'l t:"5 F-igewater T'l ,7)()) Bus. ai Finance 510 Money to Loon Business Loans To S7,nnn iMIII.Y I'WMIATS o I' ui ii i-i . I!. "i lU.l.'iUiUi c i PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOAN'S . (' K- jmfr , M.l ' $1500.00 ,IC," s-j:1 Now vrii can borrow $1500 f-o-r ii- , n f.rritiire. autos t:.,i"r ! s and eq nnn er' We ,i e "pv ' idl ai 'er 2", c -v cr, .,1 to ev'e ! t s a : l." I, ' -' " r . " '" i eu. 17 S Co- 1 S Ol. R. n corporation PI I ON K :, -.Hi.1 mm V, to $j.-,no I'acinu Iii(!iist)'i;;l Loans ii pi' S t l V - 1 F MONE , aid ', St P C i CO! ' I MM I' I p ... rm',' F'lVe tKrn.ign WTI I.AVFTT'- CREDIT C'iMr NY I . ( auhi R- a ' f07 Helo Wonted CAI'I'IAI. LMPl.O MP.NT AtiKNCY P'.one 2-0C.38 I'll N Wider n i,,in. viV. Prcsb-terian church Vie n r i ng in mil F1 i--i . e I' ' , i s on all tvpes of i cent I III-. I r s nen ',i'y fit " , -.1 of Cl-r S'lti I ll.l 1 omm:;r( 1 i. 'I.ACK.MKNT A ( :!:'( 'V ' 1 'p' ; '" , ", p, , fj 1 ,, s. . , , p,. S'r.i- . j ' a . ,, ( at , i J.VI CAPITAL I'll. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS MEDICAL RECORD LIBRARIANS RESEARCH CHEMISTS PHYSICAL THERAPISTS TELEPHONE OPERATORS CLERK TYPISTS i ' Benefitl 3 WEEKS VACATION SICK LEAVE PAID HOLIDAYS RETIREMENT nd I H.:7 SW 4th Ave PORTLAND 604 Help Wonted. Men iWAN'TFD rvp palnln. stcadv I t in:''"' i.rnl for th"sr w 'in rj'i.ihfv Apnlv t5 F.i Vfi or I 1". 317614 (or appi ,nt-n n' ! l lll.l l.(.'. lii. m. i nr over. M i v :k itiiripti surnmer cms n j clu'.i house at Oak Km. II gull i I'ur.e ( .ill it, pi rsnn V. AM ip (t.i i r man, Suttlc tiiil.i i. 1.. W. Erb, Hi. 1, Box L'7 .1. Ili rsiin P:r .-.-I-', itc sl.itiim alttndalil. IV. I" Ii.q ItiS S f.i.i HAKKRY ROUTK $Hil ner week I w ho i :il qi , Mart lor n.an .il:f (or t'n d l'.'.MlP In I'liuC CP.'-.- I i lit ' and e 111 le '.tl I ' "1 ' 'i. ai n d I in- i .il We pr.-trr miii : .1 ern 21 and .. I . . 'e " n il ! ' tn'i pun i -i . :! 'I aft t - .in" :i-.V.in or l-ii.'.l.'l hc".M Iri'ik Ph n 3 . h p "i itillv W AN I SiMnl o-.d cutlv'S Applr Capital Fuel Co. 3M ' N H.ver Rd I Ai. 'DiToji tr.im;i: oer 4"i, hifh school edura- t.on fid -ii-i (vlii.'.-iljiitl but l: l'i .idjate I 1 1 . i v c 1 1 n g a ii . ! 1 1 . ..iv plus all expenses ,1 Pi':!.. inert C'l'iir pn-i'ion v f '. ooport'inl'v for' stei.dy pro'io'..,". .iimI rr,i:i' einiiluv- i i nt in aeiii- R. iv eiMni; ,ui I : i. Itlnn experli nee - ' rv in, d ."id ner-onal ri i'.i Vi Uox No 70. Slalr-:nan- Jo.irii.,1. .. I 606 Help Wonted, Lody F.XPFRlrNCED '.i.ulrf.i wanted. iplv in pr rson :.npp - Golcl in PS'iaanl. U.'iH N I.ibeit LADY lo nahv sit lor 6 yr. nlrt until seh'iol irta. m i be in Fnglevvnod ,Sst 1-17,'8 LOCAL b.i-ine-s orginiation '.' i' ri iv i ti li n '. d. .a u. .'.I n of I . e i m i pen' wolkl' t; li ndi- (n (Ics nl In n bi 'uei n ts fi ,, .-. M id.r. Si' r.i 'toll dependnn' If i- ', , f i 1 mi'.:-. .' "' b.i, l.c ,, n d los 92, Sl.,ti , (or sin, ,11 ImI.j w n i r.ti .in to In I- in ,C ' 1 ll'ioballl P! .'I'.lNAllo.N Eir:: ...t , lean. " ., 7 608 Pickers Wonted ..!vain IlaroU S'a'e M,-i .0 M's (A 1 - I II W. I'l !,!', : M 'A 1 i it 1 : Y A ., ,, c r.,i, -- ..: P . , . I" .'ed i, "g low- I , .. .'-2. (18 ' RAW PFRPY no kr-, ler R i 11'. Lox a7'j. i 'A ., , i ' .' I. . I'. ii-" I . I'"" 4!.. I? : V. I.I mi d l'i n '.,'", il j ; i j Hun (,, ., ,-i 'h", s M'l -:t)i;r i with 1 Lanjr 600 Employment 608 Pickers Wanted SCHAAD'S farm, syjll start pick irig strawberries June 4th. Mort picker needed to har vest the excellent crop. Just North of Keirer near CJear L.ke. Ph. 4-1315. STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted: start Thursday. May 31st N.West berries. 1 block Wet of Keuer Schl. Ph. 2-0457. BERRY picking .starts Prl., J'ine 1 at Andresen Farm, 4990 N. Lancaster. Ph. 4-2943. WANTED, strawberry pickers. 8 acres of Marshall. 10 ml. north of Salem. Ph 4-3991. WANTED: Strawberry Pickers 43 A. Northwest berries. Good crnn. clean field, trans fur- mshed. Heg. at 2111 S High St. Ph. 3-92U3 Evsy 3-3264. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Starting about June 5. Beans later. prevJkGirod Ph. 41-1MI PICKING now Ben Goldsmiths fields. Trans, furn. Ph. platoon leader. Mrs. Comer 2-6353. START PickingFri.-June 1st 10 ai re then field pood fi-M year Marshall good picking. P, K. Sanders 5946 VanCleave Rd. I mi. Kast ' ml. S. Totem Pole. Ph. 4-1.154 WANTED- S'rawbcrrv pickers W F Ilusch. Rt. 1 Box 2.11. 1 n i East o! Brooks l"l 4-2048 after 6 p m. to register STRAWBERRY hem platoon li' s tranpi'ilatmn. msiiranrc. r.it'i prtilcctiitn' .)l' d'uiKS available, ('enter St. N'T'h nut I'nr'land Rd 12 rs ad i'ts wtn children ucK'nue. 2-1025. I'-l'K'K Straw hemes. ml K.ist Kcicr Sch. Good pick- ine Marshall hr r r ics A. Gui'lsl) 'Ph. 4-KI74 ANIJRESF.N FVm new rcgii- i tcrmi; slrawberrv pickers 24 ; A Marshall 4MW N. Lancas lit Ph. 4-294.1. ()..K CKKST FARM W 3air"i, i'-t n.i io. un W.iltacc Tloai IIKAVY PRKINC Rrpttti r now fnr hn rn'iir ' (I ('orivirrr-i.il. N en Vlh. - ral -'hps , W S.ilc-': i'l.T t ' i" Iratlrr wants .idult.- -i i i ! ' ' ! r t n over 1! Please call HKC1S1 EHING m ki rs at Van I ( leave Farms (nr 50 A ill Marshalls it 1st. year North V. e ts Also 5a A Ho'S( ntH'I -ries & Blackberries 2-5165. nut necess.ir-' REGISTER for strawberry pick r posilion of i' e start very soon C. F, r trainee Sal- ! SI,, He- 6M0 Lardon Rd. off siivernm nwi fn. i:-sis. SPFCIAL 1 I NEEDED 1 1 St-.iwl,errv pn kcrs Fndav J.une 1 Ph 4-0R75 Allan Hahn. p lies of Clcarlakc Store W. H. & A. P. WILLIAMSON HKI'.RY KARM S'a-t picking Thur'i'av, Mav .1 2.) ai res Mar. .hall tt N W. Good pokmp 2 n ' F of lo. tem Pole Rt 2, Box 411 Ph 4-H17I RKOISTFR-fo7s.rwncrry-n..k-. trig 30 A. Nisrthwcst. Kei?cr , His R P Barnwell Ph. 4-41104 REG. Mrs. Padgetts platoon N West, berries. Trans furn Slcjiiv pick, V. Williamson faim. 3-90.V2 I 12,U WANT s'i.iwUi ( li. i:icw !)r rv pn I Ph 4- 945 'I KAWP.FHIIY p.. I SI.. 1 1 a:,o .1 .1 une 'I W.l-trd 7i;i Tr.uis F. G.iir.n. po.i.if., . l,n i II (!" I". '(I lis Pd I'd 4-11,11 S h W!'I P!iY pukers wanted. .Now reristenrg for our North west straw berries 6 n l. Norrh 1" the Clcarlakc dit Fir (,tne F.ii'ii 7195 Wheatland 111 P' 4-4'ifil STRAWBERRY pi kers wanted. S'.iri nicking Sal . .Inne 2 M.u's'i.i:! , N'ni : hwe.i s-rav -I,, i ri' s How ird Eecncm, Rt 2. P.ox 26.1. Siiverlon. Ph. 1-I79I bl HA WHERRY pickets uanleil' lor Jams platoon Excellent picking Ph 4-3578 JUNE 4TH 17 ACRKS STRAWRKRRIKS n M. I.I VKRLLY KA RMS Lotated at Weathers Dusts; Co out N. River road to Keiz- er, turn left iv. fol low Island Rd. :i 1 miles. i 610 Soles Help Wonted it;TI I'RF DFP'l ;rt rynprrirr I'l ;p'v - f ri i nlo " I . -mf nt pd - in fur ad. MANA'iKR fi'-H'irt- - ! ( Mo I'l'l IANCF Kal. -" ,0 Ai ' I , I;., 'r.c .,' N 1 ' .-le- D' 1 V si .Mill His' 'a' ' , ; a ' . I, ' - for ,i,- ,1 - 2 'i', Sec V !i il. , 11,,'e: I,,hl v I-', n " NKK1) 2 Mil Mi I.MUKS PTVi i'i ui I V I 21-21 In- r. ' 11 ,-.' s. 1 " li ,.' M ,. ,,- II, lei I i l l .4 . KMVATIONAL ! 1 1 M ,1 pialidi ('..llec Pd .'our, al I , i' , ting '., C 1 ef SAI FSMAN rue fnrp r --'ail "u , of woo!,"., a,;,,',!!'! at M ". 'o rio-.nh,,,,, A. , ;K F i',er Rnrsb s!a ni'i ! v rf .-,-n-n m ,t-i -t ' i. ' Pi'AI K tale si,.;(.s rr;. I . Co. ,, off:.. ... . !". .,"'! . ;. - , '.' tace ', ,,, t p,l V'..es'i,an-J ' '.., F'Kt (mniedlale rrrplnirni f ton mo pu.'i'K.fd com . 1 P Hull. 8 30 t., I A M. Onij. 600 Employment 1 612 Work Wanted, Men BOY wanti Job for summer. Prefers farm. Ph. 2-5595. REMODFjilNCTBuiidini o. flour. Ph. 4-8US7. PAINTING free cstrmatrs rea sonable Ph. 1-95S1 eves. CARPENTER WORK, day or coitrct I-H42 or 2-1469. CARPENTER work wantedNew or remodeling work Have power tools. Ph. 4.1858. lOU'S tree service-Spray-topping, prune, cabling. 4-28bt). NEW. building or remodeling, tst. free. 4-6340 after S 30 please TILLING Howard Roiovator Ph. 4-2823 or 2-3533. No calls Sat. please LAWN mowing ng done by week Ph. 3-56'.(5. LAWN MOWING POWFR MOWER PHONE 4-2301 EXTRA SPECIAL ! ! f NEED an addition' Remodeling? Cabinet Work. Free estimates. Big discount Expert work. Work guaranteed Rrf Go anvplare. Chris. Exltne, Ph. 2-71116. WOOD CUTTING REAS RATES PH 4-12B4. CEMENT Work Ph 4-6.U9 Side walks, patios, ret uall. pa rages, bsmls Fre eslimates HOME huildmg remorlr ling house f rami ii E or .-nv line of earpenter woik Pn 4-8275 ROTO-TII.LING PH. 4 8253 or : r18 614 Work Wonted, Laxly WU.l, baby sit afternoons & evenings. Ph. 4-9.149 CHILD Care my home $1 da 25r hr. 4-enrncrs ph. 2-11572 WASHING A.- Irnninc done in in v home 5115 Market BAP.Y si'linp wanted in rvv l.ome lave Snuln close to ni'ifiies Th. 2-ii'Mi 1710 W.i Her St EXC emlri ca-e S CuLige. Ph. avilahle 413 4-WIS CHILD ca-e. mv none hy ex perienced molher 1340 N WSn. tcr. Ph. 4-0657. MI M EOC. ItAPH I N'G tVDlng Mrs Poe. 665 N ICIh Ph 3-1641 SEWING - Dressmaking In my home, aJMypes Ph 2-9192 WANTED Ironing In my home" 1919 N 5th 2-1816 LOVING supervised child care, my home So Ph 2-3916. KXCL'LLKNT-CHILI) CARE Mv home W Salem Ph 4-HS3II WCH'I.U like to care for child ren m ii j v Nine. 4 rs. St un der Ph. 615 Situotiom Wonted GENERAL hmi-ewo-k rv Lie noi.r IU f .Ph 4-IKH17 PALM ING, paperine Free rstt- DonLucero3-5r,22 CARi'ENTFR work any uind reus 4240 Macleav Rd 4-5961 NEW lawns complete, tree est .1-8445 morn . 4-2941 Eve LAND" CLEARING D-8 "itr L C Miti'llell lh .1-5117 MOWING ',: 7ak I.e. D " MjV- si, ill. -1143 id shovel, ciane. -oe drg line 2r'-ton mobile cranes. D4. D7 cats enrrv 11 elrar ing fcl.ide Rental eonlract or unit price? SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N Front St Ph 2-2461 PAINTING Oil I 7 bean pt i. es 25 ears m Sal Ph SCHARFF I1ROTIIERS Installation Repair Sewers. Srpllc Tanks, Drain Fields, Power Ditching. liackflil. I'll 2-5568 or 3-5072 SMALL carpenter ,l"bs, gooij wi't'k, icasmiable Ph 4-1424 LIOHI crawler dozer leveling grading. 3-7042 U Kuith 617 Job Information Jin INTORMATION-IHGII PAY A'l trades Ti-e Hards So Amerti-a USA Coinpanis pai ovc-seas f.rn :f ):-e.a U 1 i'e Sci (;.,o :'.",E N,ati,'irf! 1C2H Bi .id. Newark. N J 6)8 Education Lifetime Security TKLMCRAPHKRS AM) STATION AliKNTS ki:di;d w anl lo t .1 : k to Ii) r pn !-: 'ed r- ,$ii - a - Irpr.tr' . ;4 v". uv ! .'i ..ml Mnc We Train You Tra.nme w d not upci-rce ,md LoX Stafesinan- ln.irnal AIiN '. 700 Rcnlals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board IV N: . f .1. . , co i g SI Fi-TIYf; rir HH! l.'cri,,, ..o,l !' Pi- I-,;-: Pi H ' I t ' Kit, I I"' l l.l l,l, - ' n Ia,l' I . ,:". : i I i.iV ... -I , . . 1 ' .... Ml 1 lec I . , I ' ,..1 .i ! 1.5 No Ui A - . ,,"i.c ' , in , ,, -e , I ; 1M. in i e , .can I,....! in II 4 v. .id r I, il I t , 1 1 i MIT rn- P.- .. A , bsii, t I i' ii' .- N tt (M AN on., I 'ia' v..le i, lid s' . i, !.- k in ,, J.'.'lci i ; f ,- i . ! ' . :.. , nn'i'i ' ' a- ' i ' it,- - (a. ,1.1! ' :.'l) I .,; ,'..' 4 a, 12 705 Aportments For Rent I'OK KKN'T 1 'Hi " ' -,Va'. nt ,1 - 1. ' I C H , .', ISA K '. i , II, ai' ' - .'J N ' ' i,i, 'i i l 'i I-., .11 1 ,,' BM '1 i T F f i , T r 1 1 KIM;',', "i ! i i ' .; . .: i P 'II ii UN , - ., , CI PA" 1,-ri- ccri'- p-' ,'H ir d Fi, ! J, t Hi,!). ( TO PLACE AD I'll .l-ljoll 700 Rentals 705 Aportments For Rent 1 FDRM Apt fully furn. out sideent.Ph. 3-5.123. 4-1410.y FURN. Apts.. 135 It' 145. Uttl. ities Inrl. Employed Lady only. Ph. 4-1507. SOMETHING NICE Furn. elec. heat. Bus At store. Close In. Util. furn. Reat. Ph. 3-6450 before 5.30 p m. CLEAN 1 rmrfc klU'henaftt, furn. water garbage, furn. Priv. ent It bath. North Emp. lady prcf. 2-UT63 CLOSE in nice mod turn, apt Ph. 3-84!K). except Sat AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apts. 550 N Summer I-02O8 3 I.RG. rm Apt. furn. close to Capitol bldg Ph. 4-272S or i 2-37H6 alter p m. MOD. nieelv balh. 549 N turn. apt. Pvt. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE rm . bath apf $.17 50. 1320 State Ph 3-4370. CI FAN furn. 1 & 2 rm. apts. 613 Ferry. LARGE 1 hdrm. unlurn. Apt. near downtown A; State Of fices. $40. 7411 ForryPh. 4-0015 NICE 1 hdrm Ant. furn. or uiilui n. 1177 ( , :1 SI. Fl.'RN n od S rip - Apt . 1065 Nladison :5 Pi 4 - 4 i 54 2 HM. (urn ant. Near S. Salem Hi Ph 2-79 1", 2 HM ,v h.ith (urn . close in. s:, sir oe.i. . Ph 2-61194 3 RM furn apt . prrv hath A ert. Suitable for cplni2 MHI 3RM. furn. pvt balh. util. pd.. gar. avail 1551 State. If-nt'RT Anls (Court ft Cottagel offer downtown ouiet apts. from $42 511 to $56 Ph. 3-7440 CENT lor. I sin furn. & 1 Irg, unlurn. near new S'ate bldgs. ft Univ. 2-2117 2-513 CI FAN. quiet 1 rm apt down town, lady prcf 615 Terry. SPACIOUS "UNFURNISHED 4 rm Acacia Apartment 1140 South 13th SI reel. 3-7009 CAPITOL PLAZA 1 UDR.M. UNFURN. 1165 Cliemeketa St Ph3-630 3-ROOM furn . priv bath. Near C-pitnl Hldgs 940 Mill. 7nMS (utn up. heat ft water, bus TV ant sch. 2-0910 APTS. FOR HUNT 13117 N. Com'l. NICE loonv 2nd fir. 3 rm. furn Apt. in 2 Apt . corner hse. Ill'.h .v Chenieketa. newly de. . quiet. 1 or 2 adults nice v.itd. trees, flowers. 2-6787. 280 N. llll.l. . i SPAtlOUS 3 rm. furn. Apt 2nd 1 lii in small Apt house quiet. ,, i on lilies turn 1 or 2 adults. t :ho n inth. Ph. 2-787. I I MODERN 3 rm ant. btlrm . ' rut enlr.uice. 4-591,0 CORNER Apt . 2 r us fc narn. , clean ft inv 1 1 no. Jusi rigfil I lor lone lady. Ph. 3-4.i70 j SMALL 1 l'i'. luin apt util $28 765 Marion, 2-5223 3 HM it hatii in modem vouit. tange refrig . pus uv amn 1469 Hinrs. $15 Pn 2-75:0 CLEAN 1-ini. t : "lit ap: Ground 111 ref; ii' , stove fit utilities dun pi,v tjih Pn 1-7145 3 KM. luin Apt close in. child well on e Pll 4-3661 1HM. (urn. apt Kit. util. pd Mm only 4-1020. riucSlAl. MANOR 2 niT'titii. L25 Cbemeketa Pll 3-7'54 ivi ha nice 1 Tin. furn. apt . , , nletelv pvl 1 hlks. F .of Slale bldgs $15 Ph. 2-78.10. miii rlean furn 2 ,,pt . in t bath. $.15. util -inn; COURT furn $10 wk. with util. or $111 a mo. without. 1.144 Lee I'll. 4-H!U2 - ri'RN. 3 rm priv balh ft cut jifi Adults 818 K. (Vim I fPDRM C urt apt . unfurn . la-., e ,- i c f ig . 2 bdrm. f -ii n i:"N.i lita. 5 HDRM suhiobaii apt 3205 Mondv Ave. Tn aftrr 5 p m 2-'9'il FURN '-' ", . S. $718 Util turn. 7;: So h i1- SCENIC view 1 hdrm. unfurn. i oiirt Apt . ranee. refrig 2-:9f Q'lPT 1 or 2 hdrm furn. rnt niges all util furn , large Own. rrason 2597 Portland Rd )- 1 in e 1 nil lurn ant. il arlv 201 Mission. Ph. 3-7870 LARGE Ist-flr clean film apt. fiien'acc auto. heal. near ( anil,. I AduKs 2-4505: 2-5272 A I ' large as a home, t space 2 beds. :i adults, reas 2-71,1! l, dm. furn aid , F'lt! I IK NT 1 M'., K'l .III'! v..: tin Store room Call P in 1 r u ri'K-rii.'l intr, N 4th Ph :i-fln2 NICK clean :i rm ground iipl well fir 2 rm apt. Ph Also 1 706 Duplexes I U! I 1 I Hu Hh bus 17 a Tr in Pre-, n an AMI I)U UI I'l. FX 2 hdi-.s . 2-1,1 f.r P ,r' v ! on ri i t"e nt', ROOM u Pu Im 'f"i Pat ifi ferrv 1' ! , ,. f!, S Front. f i n . e. I'l N 707 Houses For Rent 512 2 Pcli Ki ii A Mi ( II. AIT I ! AC. N "ii1, -' Ren .1- Ar him f 1 1 1 . Ki A'T l. S KVI' I I PIU'V r -.,,k rffhk; i-i rii: ,! c-.-i-r,!-. -7 a '. I 'H! 1 HA--'.! RH !!P. ... r''RN fit, r-' " ii'iint run-: I .. hi l I ' M l: ts', . ':m H'KN p i s si:, ; i I Ml li STHKI'T KKAIn : 7 1H I mi,. 4-WII F.ve 2 7i'l.' Pill! I ( "l ' C lin in!'!-, " (l house No Parace l'i 7 ! i ' .roll1 Ininiclia'r i ovsr'su,, Ph ::-6inn HDRM t" i", , rah, i I', NF'V $: : hd-n PI 2.2(1.' N't'lson's Rentals ( ,n II' t e IN 1-H'. : i' lilt ' pn 4-: 2 HUH M IT UN . J.-tl I'll :;"''I7 j 1 I li!:" 1 " ' v . ' I fi'l I r. v i .'( '' '." : ,"00 Rentali 707 House For Rent TRAILER apace 1:0 per mo. No pets. Ph. 2-UU, 1740 Ox- ford. 1 BDRM. houses, range at refrlg" furn. Salvador Apt. 2-341. 205 E Miller. I BDRM. unfurn. house. Call 2-a52flafter I or week ends. SMALL clean unfurn. hous. 45 per mo. Ph. 3-3793. 1 BDRM. house partially furrt. stova St refng. rtreolac. oil heal, basem't garage. Couplt junlyJSouth.. 65.2-94 SMALL 2 hdrm. house, partlv turn . $55. Ph. 2-7K06 after :30 p in. 4 BDRM. house near shopping rtr. No pets. Ph 3-394!) i BDKM house all furn 6tn St. Ph. 3-9367. 15' CLOSE in-at 1385 No 5th bdim. unfurn. house, lg lot It garage. $411 Owner, 934 N. Cottage 2-8537 2 RDRM. house, utilitv rm.. elec neat. $65. 865 Cattcrlin Ph. 2-7476. 1 HDRM house on Jems St Full basement, wood lurnace. Ohmart Calaba. Rltrs. Ph. 2-4115. 477 Court SI NICE 1 bdrm. house stove A tellie furn Inquiie 1520 Trade. Pn 4-6.181 HOUSE for rent. Close In $.10 I'll 3-5191 ALMOST new small 2 bdrm house, beautiful view elec. heat. Inside util . allien ga rare $62 50 mo. Inquire eves. 900 Cascade Dr or ph. 2-4(144 Davs 4-3482 1 RDRM house, furnished. 4i.50. unfurn. $37 50 Nice North district Ph. 3-478L CLEAN unfurn. l'i bdrm. It gar. $45. W. Salem 3-7987. 2 RDRM . partly furn. Close in. Ph. 3-7495 or 3-4132. 2 RDRM. house TV antenna, fenced yard. $75 Also 1 hdrm. duplex, laii-'e rms.. $45 W Sa lem Ph. 4-4930 4 RM HOUSE 2hdrni large Util suburban, south, all elec unlurn. Ph 2-2125 CI FAN modern 2 hdrm. house. gar 780 W. Madrona. Ph 2-2749 CLEAN 1 hdrm-coita-gT-lights, water, part furn. $30 1231 th St. NEW 1 bdrm. house, lots of . closet space, stove, refrlc. ga rage, 'ome util lnq. 1905 No 191 h St. 707-O Furnished Houset 3 RM FURN house, yard fenced 1965 Highway Ave. 2-6018. H. R MOD Exc location. View frpl Gar 2-1227 l l'iDHM furn house with gar age Ph 2-1241 WALKING rilstSoT-! bdrm furn house 2-8758. HDRM house completely lio 'i. inc. water ft garbage. 550 No pets:. 2-8883, 1740 Ox ford 2 BDHM furn. house, washer f. drver. Cal 4j:08o after 9. FURN 2 BR home, full bsm't. good oil furnace, garage, nice yd. $75 Ph. 3-4370. FURN 1 bdrm. nearly new. an tenna, auto, washer 8c dryer 147 N. 18th. CLEAN Close 4-1014 furn. 1 m. Call bdrm. aftrr house 6 p in 710 Wanted lo Rent Hset WANTED to rent Executive needs :i or 4 0U. home. July 1st. Prelcr Candalaria dist Might ennsider other location. Call Kiggins C V. Kent A Co., Rltr. Ph. 4-2293 YOUNG couple desires 2 hdrm. modern or unusual home by July 1st Ph. 3-7181. IS IT POSSIBLE? For a reliable businessman A family to find a clean, modern 2 nr 3 bdrm. home. furn. or unfurn. in a nice location in Salem or suburban. Conven ient (o grade school or school bus. Would like to rent a home wc can he proud of. Refer ences available. Please Ph 4-U7R2 or 4-3557. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS apace 16x32'. avail able June 1st. In Wallace Rd Shopping Center. $60. Ph. 3-74.12 ft 3-5077. BUSINESS spot with house, icafei. Bowers Motel. 3535 S Coml OFFICE or desk space reason able to permanent tenant in modern bldg. with elevator A, lamtnr service Pll 3-6733. FOR lease 820 sq ft floor space Good business location at 2.115 Fairgrounds Rd Pn 3-3031 or 2-R862. 2-BII49 DOWN own office space, store rms & warehouse 3-4114 718 Convalescent Homes EI DFRFST Nursing Home Pri vate rooms available. 2630 N Church. 2-9616 'f - n i t a r. r roNvsi rsrfNI MOYIF. 2.-i2 N Cottage J-7020 f80 Moving & Storogo LESTER DeLAPP LVOV VAN LINKS LOCAL OR NATION WIPK Moving & Storage I'll M7M1 OR 3-49fi l0 M A I LOU I .R Movin-r and Storapo FVK.L OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFK.R L.irrtH'r Transfer & Slnrane C' n.et moving service Also agent., for IIFKIN'S Nation wide Movers Ph .1.1131 LOW COST storage H L Stiff Furni'iir Co 3-9185 KIIO Heal I hL.Ic 801 Business Opportun. iti-srAURAvr a! ,1 (l-.l-.g g' well estalillstied ., bll-iliess. 111- a,r Oiiil $al"l t i .," n V agent, r 2:il No lllgn I r 2-'lR48 or Valuab'e Business fil'I'iiRTl NITY a ' , a! r 3-in-l Hot k I n ' an ring the world na' .'ma 1' v advertised J House , "flee Bakeis ',.,'r lendir.eaf Tea " :t he lain,-' tellable. a 'in, e,e rie.ire and ao i to ,,.i n a permanent -i: of .talue 1, isine-s ,-ai he one, a'ed tr im I (-, e in' -pure or f'lil ! ft ",o ,i!', tracing Po ns , b' nned a"d equ o 1 ! .i , , n npe-atmn hv I ,, , , , 'e ii ii v ah:, in, , lo , n t, C 1' e ,!'..e-il nse,ee id 1 i '-:,l a'l in .," e ,,f I li Sp '1 2 i f .1 C J',c s' .,'. , , i'p tn h.-:. irnp ( I , ,n be finsnird. tor fur'ier iitfor'nation write g,'. iSie oe and addrcs to Box IttO. ei,n,an-JaurnaL 800 Real Estate 801 fuiineit Opportun. WILL sacraifioc due to lllnesa small business in downtown Salem;J,h.ficr 11 jun. 2-li0 VALUABLE FRANCHISE TOPS IN CHOCOLATE SPONSORED AND BACKED BY LOCAL CIVIC CLUB Reliable man to own and man ase highly paying HLRSHLY I'HODUC'IS DISTRIBUTION direct irom factory to over fifty established retail outlets' Pail or tull time to start. tVaiOO to S45u0 cash required now, tnerealter company as sists financing up to SJO.OOO. Age not Important. Person se lected will ao ho selling, needs no expenence, but must have cat. good character reference and pass Civic Club approval. Income that should net SU$ to $150 weeklv starts at one This DEGRESSION PROOr business backed by millions in advertising For interview write fully to Box 1, States-man-Journal this" beatsTaTob A dandy suburban grocery and gas station, complete with store building, living quarters, stock, fixtures, and 2 gaa pumps. Ideal for couple Own er will accept small acreage or home in Salem as down pa menl NORTHWKST LAND CO. Realtors Ph 1P312 Eve. 1-1294 1748 Center St . Sslem FOR SALE or trsdV, a grocery market doing about . $7,000 business per month in good location. plenty of parking space available. Statcnnan- Juurnal Box 90 FREE LOW WHOLESALE CAT ALOG. Extra Money, Full, Spare time Postcard brings details. H COHON tt SONS. Dept. OW. 1069 utlca Ave, Brooklyn. N. Y FREE BOOK! FREESr.RVICE! 2.000 businesses, farms, income firoperties for sale Write V. S. leport. Box 1141. Washington. D C SNAPPY valley-town "theater hldg . equipment, business do ing writ. Will take 4 or $ bed room home as down payment. Alden Bowes A Co . Ph 4-3333. ee. 2-0422 RESTAURANT for sale"or leaae. well equipped Seals 30 Ph Dallas MA 3-4134. EXTRA nice duplex. Leslie school disc, large rooms, oil forced air heat 2 years old. I7MI Davidson ph. 2-1033. CAFEfor saia or lease Seats 63. Downtown Salem Best of equip A location. Box 4. Statesman-Journal. FOR lcase Maj'or Oil Co.. Serv ice Statinn located in Canby. (lie Financial assistance trt qualified operator Call BUI Rest. Portland CA 3-31M or AT 2-1004. SMALL cafe for sale or trade 4-7280 eves. MODERN 7 unit Salem Motel and home, sell or consider trade for small Ant. houae close In, owner 2-7130. FOR SALE 3 chair barber shop T.M. Tatman 315 State St. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-In restaurant with heavy traffic count. Some equipment furn. Box 63. Statesman-Journal. 802 Business Proporty VALUABLE PRQPIBTTf I A large building it 2 lots, cen trally located, a good business site Ph. 2-8640 or 2-4434. 806 Houses For Salt CLEAN 6 yr. old 2 bdrm. subur ban home, hdwd firs, venltian blinds, nice shrubs. $7,250 38.15 Monroe Ph. 4-5344. BY OWNER: Spacious 3 bdrm. home, Ig living rm.. beautiful Int. excellent location. Near school bus store. Appraised al $10 632 Full prlc $8,500. Ph. 2-7803 BY OWNER. Lablah Village 1 R R home. imm. possession. $3,300 Onlv $293 down, bal $35 .nontblv. Take car in trade. Ph 4-3469 or 3-8841. 2-RURM. Suburban home. North Easl. plastered, hdwd firs, inside util 5 yrs old. Will 10 C. I See and make offer. Ph 2-1484 PORTLAND Home. S. E . 3 bdrm . Ig liv rm.. oil fur nace, patio, att garage Will sell or trade equity for Salem prnpertv. Ph 4-1683 Sunday June 3rd - 2 5 P. M. Out South Lihertv to SUNNY SI OPE ACRES. Ready to move into new 3 bdrm . party room. fireplace, mahogany paneling and finish. Crosley metal Kitchen Paved Sts , curbs cltv water, lawn plant ed C, I 's-SHOO down, plus closine cost Frank Tullius will show. The Homesellers C. D McCargar Rltr 792 No High St Phone 4-4441 $9,9(K) At 20M Vaughn Af A 4 bdrm Mmne. 2 up 2 flow n Owner rt'oving a soon t srhrxil out ii'r interfst on rrwirtKaRt? 0LAF TIIONSTAD. RLTR. Ill N Capital Ph 3-7903 tl.Mi lhiwn $m a Mnnlh (iooll 2 In,!!, nolISC JU.t South of Salcn. $3150 K A McCiLAL'KLIN, RLTR. ,'l.'l.- N lllgn 2-8811. 3-8612 S.MAI.I, 2 rm house, garage, lot 80x133. price $1750. Small dou n pavmcnt or trade. Ph 4-7.VI4 HY OWNER $10 250 "Nearly Hew :i bdrm lurch kitchen, attach plastered garage Large util 1 1 v nue sard 3 hlks to Sa lem Heights tirade sch. Ph. .! -17 1 OPEN llnt'NK bouse $12a00 Pn 4-.14j9 New 3 hdrm 2495 F.dgewood SFI I. cj ui t v nice 3 hdrm home I vr o! I fireplace, w w ca near MiKinlev S, hi Ph. 4-7f24 HY 11WNF.H Kricr 2 bdrm. cir dilating firepla-e, ww car peting Ph 2-8117 i BLOCKS FROM STVINCW4T - ,') bedrm hse , h w fits fire place, D 1 "i full hastn't nice v,i,rl firi.(KiOiK) 5 A('RFS. dose in Willi good 2 hdrm hse . unfinished up. (airs 1.0 VXl 00 LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE 12.' S High Ph 2-4048 BY HVILDFR NF.W 5 hdrtTi nome nai S Siilfm in honi K pirk 2-7071 ((iTH-rr 1 l-atl f-r d"n (i.i , 'ft 'in omt bdim hr mv i. lap o- t9 2'JI choo.e I o si 11 7Y,'7 oloi. 3 ill inne I'll 4- JOt. HUTCHISON REALTOR Let u. solve vour nnmf leeds To Pay Sell of RentCall Ph 4-5743 11.1! Edgewatel Ph 4-7874 2710 So r omm'l BY OWNER $1 500 dn total prli e $12liO0 7 new 1 ndrm pomes Included are I'j baths plsvroom birch kit wdln.na a-ea '-,,nt rm w'frpl all devfl firs t A oil heal did gar w patio in! .; B2't3P e'tv wafer loans are on bou.es move rigM in Houses a-e 1 h'k out ef cltv limits Sort" 712a I'ayfletd Place A WiMlre D-l'.e Sea any time rb 2 093.1 .1 P.DIC.t f,,r -aie acreage ,.,!if in Keier (lis or Irade f,r srna'l llai ', K V,! wth Ph. 2-5873. 753 Evans . god well. i Ave. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., 800 Real Estate 806 Housoj For Solo SUN. JUNE 3rd 2 to 5 P.M. . GO OUT MARKET ST. 0 0 ST. TO SAVAGE RD. WATCH FOR SIGNS . tJrtremeljr well planned and restriexed area Ixeellent quality home . Liberal financing City severs Paved tt Curtsed Sts Near Hoover School Shopping Center to be built Be sure to see this ' ' AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 322 N Church St. ' 805 MANBRIN DR. SUN. JUNE 3rd 2 to 5 P.M. GO OUT N. RIVER RD. TO MANBRIN DR. TURN LEFT. NEW CONTEMPORARY HOME Center entry hall. Hdwd w.ieled family room. 1 bdrm. 1 fleas. places bricked to celling Custom built, n, baths. Oodles fat builtlns. Eating area in kitchen. Inside utility Lots el formica tile arid corlnn This hous la quality. Ownfr has completely fenced back yard and will put in lawn. Plilo. Paved street. Sidewalk. Curbs. Manbrln water and sewer.Tlrsp and cof nlces Included at the terrifically reduced price. To see Is fat buy. FULL PRICE $15,950 WALT JONES WILL SHOW AI Isaak & Co., Realtors 322 N. Church St. OPEN HOUSE ' . SUNDAY, JUNE 3RD 2 TO 5 P.M." 730 Ben Vista Owner transferred mutt, sell their tovaljr komt. Beautiful tree covered lot with sprinkling system. 1.800 sq ft, I bdrm tt mot den w.th raised hesrth fireplace, large din. rm.. food wail to wall carpet, bath and one-half, well Insulated. Please stop In Sunday afternoon and let m show ii you this fin home. MRS RICHtVRDSON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1?0 S. LIBERTY ST. PR. 1-2471 venlngg Sunday call Salesmen Mr. Richardson 4-WM J. E. U 3-5113 H. K. Layman 1-SlM Walt Socololaky 1-433 Ron Hudktri 412 Just close your eye and visualise) this lovely hilltop home. The -,uo niunq lire normal acope. for na ha blended Into this home every modern convenience but etiU held the welcome warmth found only by the use of natural wood. The apaelous hvmg room has corner- Swedish flreptaca. Dlnlng room with sliding glass panel opening ont paua. Early American kitchen with cleverly hooded barbecue looata Into th charming paneled family room tht defies deecrtp lion . . . you'll open your oyes heie. Two of th bedroom are ti x 14 th master bedroom Is 14 18. has th private . hath you've always dreamed of owning The mat) who buy this will be placing his family in th hem of their dream. It s brand new, -you can move right in, and It's under t20.Og. For appointment call Jun Maaon, Eve. t Sua. I-tML . SLIGHTLY $16,500 Lovely Northeast hood. neighbor- Three large bedrooms wlth walk. in closets. Rosy-brown carpeting, wall-to-wall, tn living and dining rooms. Unusual kitchen with sink In bar separating work area from dining space. Ray Mason will show you GARDEN Cozy one bedroom home on den in. lots of berries. Only $5JO0. with small down payment. Call Mr. Vlcary Eves, tt Sun. 4-tOet. JOHN DAY DAM HOT SPOT , Just recently lia milllen dollar project. W have a Jg-room hotel, restaurant, and tavern tn on build ing neat th dam site Construction ts brick. UK. and cement. Restaurant seats 70. All outside rooms, hot at cold.water, and phones. AM rms. with adjoining hatha Room on property lor 15 house trailers. Perfect aet-up for cocktail lounge. Come in and let us glv you the fact about thta opportunity. Call Fred Klang Eves, tt Sun. 3-322. REALTORS 367 N High St. O o OPEN HOUSE o o SUNDAY 2 5 P. M. 383 Boone Road JUST EAST OF L1RERTY SCHOOL NEW NEW NEW Shsidv nak tree khadrs this , .,we Kea. uith i , t . . i room Luxurious til hair. inci rxtra 1 1 bath brgf double jarafft, .s-parate dlnlnjf roorr bu hv thr door Ynu ihouid . this valur ffir onlv IU - fl.-rll Alden Bowes & Co. Ph 4-3393 Eve. 2-0422 TODAY S HKST BUY Willamette River fiontage. beau tiful 2 bdim imn.acu la'.e hone, swimming pool, (loatlns dock cruiser depth. Illy khhI, landscaped, view 57lti aiit-s. all inipioved. 2 mi f i on new) State Hospital site $19(100 1 tem.s (le.tiiii K Co. It It ra , Ph New aerg 4781 or 8102 ON THF river, owner is trans I modern 2 bdrm home on 'j A 2825 No Run Rd I HALF ACRE HOME at V0 OPEN CREEK Road1 $.i:.lHI 2'K It to WALLACE RD I SI 1T.I.FR. Rltt . 7R5 Fiige- ! water Ph 2-VS57 or 4-3782 BUY my equity in Manhrir Gardens home 3 hdrms . or 2 hdrms and den. F A. tieat. frpl and patio $1,150 dn . $11 -850 6:15 Manbnn DrPh. 42453 MR OWNEH C.len wixiorv will pay top price for tout furn i aon'Unres Ph 1.8110 "OWNER TRANSFERRED 2 !(1H: in. od home ire toner j lot. near So Salem High $10. , 500 Ph. 2-H835 ENC.LEWOOD-DISTRICT Prise ! h) 1.150 Pearl St 4 Bdrnis . ! J Laths pn 4.270.1. mKf otlel ' r RM cabin or Ab.qua R M no N. E of Salfm Good fisi.liig $2 000 Sllveiton J-bJJt BY ownlr. 3 twrm pome f l't.: 12, June 3, 06 (Sec. 800 Real Eitate 806 Houmi For Solo Ph. 4-33U of 3-7l)( T Ph. 4-3JU ei a-7tJ E SUBURBAN Doubl plumbing. Beautifully landscaped with evergreen hedge. Covered barbecu boua. French door open tram dial Ing room onto anothtr patM. Hoover school district. through, 2-PS41 Eves, 4k Sun. SPOT acre 020' street frontage). Gar- was appropriated to Start this Phone 4-0331. M33S $300 DN , partly furn Almoet new 2 bdrm. home. 4-1734. 2825 Sunrise Ave., Candalertt E TODAY 1 P. M. TO S A beautiful boma designed tl satisfy the most exacting. OPEN TO OrFERS by builder IloskT toliTschools" i A t x .i v 1 1 ve . iTiodfrii 3-hlrm ho, i.e. full bsmt . wparty ion,n. hdwd. firs, fireplace, dble plumb . numerous Dullt ins ft storage space Must be; seen inside to appreciate Welt kept yard and shrubs, fruit trees 80s IPO corner lot Cltv bus service. $13,950. See at Kill) Elecirle Ave. Will.-sell $1900 eauity in 2 hdrm home for $Sflfl nr trade for U, ton. LWB truck Ph. 4-8244 $8023 GARDEN IN. Fine hue No for small family. Possible 3 bdrms on contract. $i,j mo You name down pynit. See to appreciate. Ph. 3-74SVI iio,a Tnia will go fast at this price. Owner leaving tow n CHOICE BUY This ne.s- boine. built bv GENE tt DEAN ANllERSON. has every single thing vou could ssk for lis HUGE, with 13x20 living room with raised hearth Urge family room with ranihstyl fireplace a big bin. kltcnen with nook L, batns. doub.e gsiage. paved it i ee( with curbs All for $14 There s not a house in tow n to beat It Eva ' CoTdova S'epbenson 4-4149 Office 4 7977 ,j Realtor n. high pu. m